Dylan Turner Personal Trainer | Sport & recreation
Dylan Turner Personal Trainer
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25.01.2022 5 Reasons why NATURAL LIFTERS should choose to stay lean over the colder seasons... 1) You look sexy as hell all year round! Who doesn't want that?!... 2) You build muscle at a more optimal rate! There is a certain point where increasing your total calorie intake leads to greater fat gain than muscle. Work with a coach to figure out your optimal calorie intake that keeps you around 12% Body Fat 3) You can eat MORE carbs without gaining fat! Leaner people are more effective at storing carbohydrates in their muscle and liver as apposed to storing it as body fat...but remember you have to earn your carbs first! 4) Its easier to get absolutely SHREDDED! The leaner you are, the less fat cells you have i.e the easier it is to drop that last bit of body fat for an up and coming photo shoot 5) You create better habits! Extreme approaches like "Bulking" diets often lead to bad eating habits (eating out regularly) and terrible food choices (low nutrition, high calorie options) There you have it...No excuses for keeping that winter blanket on now #teamshredded #staylean #wintershredz
24.01.2022 This is why i LOVE what i do.... @shredded_strength We utilise the 'Kaizen Principle' (small incremental improvements week to week) along side intelligent, personalised programing and the results speak for themselves! Client Anthony Williams' progress has been off the charts!... Below exercise: Barbell Bench Press with Chains We hit a PB for 6 reps on his 4th working set and man it was smoooth Small victories like these make me so dam proud to be a coach and to be able to help legends like Anthony Williams achieve their goals! ~ Programming by @shredded_strength director Marty Williams
23.01.2022 The 4 Pillars of Body Transformation Here are my 4 steadfast rules to abide by if you truly want an incredible body transformation... NUMBER 1:... Its 100% training AND 100% nutrition! If you truly want those rock hard, chiseled abs or vascular arms you can't half ass your training or nutrition, you need 100% commitment to both! Which leads me to number 2 & 3... NUMBER 2: Keep track of the food you eat! Whether you use IIFYM, structured meals plans or just simple portion sizes, make sure that by the end of the day/week that you have a fairly accurate idea of the amount of calories you consumed and remember, everyone has a different metabolic rate + lifestyle so your calorie requirement should be specifically suited to you and your goal! NUMBER 3: Follow a well structured training plan and do it with purpose! There is a huge difference between going to the gym and doing a couple of random exercises you saw in a magazine compared to following personalised & periodised programs. It gives your training purpose and allows for continual long term progression. Which leads me to number 4... NUMBER 4: Apply progressive overload to your training! This is gradual progression during your training in one form or another. It doesn't always have to be an increase in weight. It can vary from tempo, reps, time under tension(TUT), execution, mind-muscle connection, range of motion etc. But the important thing is, you're continually striving for progress! . . . In a nut shell, all 4 of these pillars work synergistically towards a successful body transformation. If one is missing, your dream of having that sculpted physique will come crashing down. But if you let me help you build these 4 crutial pillars, l can assure you, that dream physique will become a reality! Contact me at: [email protected] Or @dylanturnerpersonaltrainer #teamshredded #bodytransformation
22.01.2022 7 Training Tips to turn those baby calves into full grown BULLS! 1) Train them like you would any lagging body part That means...... Prioritise them at the start of the week and the start of the workout Train them more frequently (more than once a week!) Train them with adequate volume (more than one or two sets at the end of your leg workout!) Work on your ability to contract them under load (mind-muscle connection) 2) Vary your rep range The calves are made up of a mix of fast and slow twitch fibres. This means they need a mix of heavy low reps and light high reps in order to stimulate all of the muscle fibres 3) Train them with a full range of motion (Individual Dependent) Use controlled pauses at the very ends of the range to fully lengthen and shorten the muscles while maintaining tension 4) Use an appropriate load for the corresponding rep range In layman's terms, leave your ego at the door... no one really cares how much you can calf raise 5) Use a variety of intensification techniques and angles For example: 1 1/2 Reps, Loaded Stretching, Straight Leg Calf Raises, Bent Knee Calf Raises etc. 6) Do more myofacial release work Having some sort of release work done like gua sha, cupping or remedial massage may help to lengthen the facia and make room for more muscle development 7) Last but not least...SUCK IT UP! Training calves with the right amount of intensity and intention can be extremely painful but the same goes for any other muscle group. So don't back out after the first set... Remember no pain, no gain! Credit to client and @shredded_strength member Anthony Williams for the juicy calves and Shredded Director Marty Williams for the programming and awesome knowledge bombs on training calves #teamshredded #calves2Bulls
22.01.2022 Hell yeah to that! Who's ready to slay the week!? #teamshredded #monslay
21.01.2022 What does the inside of your fridge look like If you're struggling to achieve the results you've always wanted but can't figure out why, it might be time to take a deeper look inside your fridge and seriously ask yourself if the foods inside are helping you reach your goals or dragging you down to muffin top topia If its loaded with man-made containers plastered with "LOW FAT" i.e. "HIGH SUGAR" labels or gallons of Milk filled with lactose and unwanted hormones, to ever...y jam known to man plus the loaves of bread to go with it, its probably not serving yours goal very well My Golden rule is to always have more GREEN/VIBRANT Colours (Vegetables and Fruit) than WHITE/BROWN Colours (Milk, Bread, Margarine etc) So in other words eat the foods that NATURE has provided us and not the ones tampered with by man and commercialised for nothing more than to fill the pockets of large chain corporation owners who don't really give a dam about your health #teamshredded #livefoods #eatyourveggieskids #ineedabiggerfridge
20.01.2022 The main man Andrew Priolo putting in work this dreary WA-Day Just under 4 months to go until his racing season begins and he's absolutely killing it! We're working on getting Andy to his lightest and leanest weight yet with twice the endurance so he'll be a force to reckon with on the track! ... Keep up the stellar work mate! #teamshredded #sprintcars #puttinginwork
19.01.2022 Chicken Zoodle Pasta! Super simple! Super fast!... Nutritious & delicious! Prep this bad boy up in bulk on a Sunday and your dinner will be sorted for the rest of the week! Here's what i used (bulk ingredients)... 6 x Cooked Chicken Thighs 3 to 4 Zucchinis 1 x Large red capsicum 2 x Small yellow capsicums 4 x Field muschrooms Recipe... Pan fry your chicken thighs with a bit of ghee and mixed herbs and store them in a glass container. Wash and chop all of your vegetables and place them in Zip Lock bags. Store all of the prepped ingredients in the fridge and when dinner time comes, simply grab a handful of each along with 1 to 2 sliced chicken thighs and heat it up in a pan on the stove! Add basil & pesto paste + salt to taste And Enjoy! #teamshredded
19.01.2022 4 Simple rules to beat the flu! In light of the recent flu epidemic that seems to be going around, here are 4 simple rules to help get you back to 110%! By the way, you'll notice that these rules should already be in place for everyday life ... 1) Stay Hydrated! I know i sound like a broken record but staying well hydrated when sick helps with... Fever control Prevention of nausea and vomiting Clearing away of mucus 2) Nourish Yourself! Have 1.5 to 2 cups of Vegetables per meal and add in the natural cold killers like... Garlic Ginger Lemons Tumeric 3) Rest + De-stress This means NO TRAINING, getting as much good quality sleep as possible and using a variety of de-stressing methods like... Magnesium baths Meditation Grateful Logs + Brain Dumps 4) Supplement As we all know, the amount of stressors we are exposed to in todays day and age (without factoring in colds or flu) are far greater than what they used to be. Combine it with poor dietary habits and it results in a deficiency of certain key nutrients that our bodies require to function at an optimal level, let alone fight off a virus! This is where supplements come in to play like... Zinc Magnesium Vit D3 Selenium Omega 3 Fish Oil So there you have it! If you can manage to stay on top of these 4 rules, you can kiss colds and flu goodbye for good #teamshredded #beattheflu #naturalhealth
19.01.2022 The Winter Elixir If you're coming down with the sniffles and feeling run down this winter then give this little defusion a shot! It'll light a fire in you like no other!... Ingredients: 1 x Whole Lemon 3 x Cloves of crushed Garlic 1 x Tablespoon Whole Cloves 1 x Tablespoon Caraway Seeds 1 x Tablespoon Fennel Seeds 1 x Tablespoon Anise Seeds A fair piece of ginger sliced into coins A few sprigs of Thyme A few sprigs of Orregano Bring a pot of water(+/- 2 Litres) to the boil, switch it off and then add all your ingredients. Let the ingredients sit and defuse for a few hours...the longer the better When you've had enough of waiting simply strain the defusion into a large jug/flask and enjoy! Here are some of the health benefits across the board of ingredients... Aids Digestion Treats Fever Lowers Inflammation Boosts Immune System Antibacterial Antifungal Antispasmodic Antitussive Plus a whole lot more! Even if you aren't sick, i highly recommend incorporating it into your week to keep colds and flu at bay while reaping all the health benefits that come with it! #teamshredded #beatthemanflu #naturalhealth @ Dylan Turner Personal Trainer
19.01.2022 This picture sums up exactly what you can expect at a Sunday class @shredded_strength... Ball busting hard work that leaves you absolutely drenched in sweat but always keeps you coming back for more with the hopes that next Sunday will get a little easier, but it never does...you just get STRONGER! Join us this Sunday for another killer class and start the following week off with a BANG ... #teamshredded #myweekstartsonsunday
19.01.2022 Are you looking to... Increase MUSCLE MASS Boost RECOVERY between sessions... Improve your PERFORMANCE + ENERGY during training Then you've got to get your hands on one of these bad boys... TRILOGY NUTRITIONAL SUPPLEMENTS - BCAA Capsules I've been using it consistently over the past month and couldn't believe the difference it made to my recovery! And the best part about it...no artificial flavours or sweeteners! Which means it doesn't leave a rank after taste in your mouth like every other powder based BCAA product I don't use a hell of alot of supplements but this one has definitely made it to my list of essentials during a muscle building phase Get yours using the link below https://shredded.com.au/product/bcaa-capsules/ And use the discount code - 'dylanshredded' to get 10% off! For more information on how and when to use the product, send a direct message to @dylanturnerpersonaltrainer #teamshredded #trilogynutrition
18.01.2022 Pure Nutritious and Bloody Delicious! This is by far my favourite post-workout to date! You won't find a better whey protein than Trilogy Nutrition - PURE NZ WPI... And heres why... From grass fed cows that live on NZ pastures High in protein Gluten free Soy free No artificial colours or flavours No transfats No synthetics or added fillers Extremely low in Lactose Extremely low in sugar Try it with a serve of organic coconut water (If you've earned your carbs) to replace the electrolytes used up during training and you've got yourself one nutritious & delicious post workout! Grab a bag by clicking on the link below: shredded.com.au/product/wpi-natural-vanilla-protein- And don't forget to use the discount code: 'dylandhredded' to get 10% off on checkout #teamshredded #pure #natural #deelicious
17.01.2022 Tuesday Thoughts What does being in your best possible shape, health and performance mean to you? Does it mean... ... Boosting self confidence/ image? Performing at an elite level within your sport? Being able to play outdoors for hours with the kids? Having more energy for general day activities? Or something deeper? What ever it is, figure out what it means to you and hold onto it! Remind yourself every single day what it means and how amazing it will feel once you've achieved it! Once you've got that down packed, i promise you'll always make it a priority in your life #teamshredded #makeitmeansomething
16.01.2022 ATTENTION NATURAL LIFTERS OF PERTH If youre looking to build the physique youve always wanted without having to resort to performance enhancing drugs, then I have put a training package together specifically for you! PREREQUISITES:... Male between 20-30 years old Have a keen desire to build muscle NATURALLY! Will commit to training at least 4 days per week! Will commit to following a specific training and nutrition plan for a minimum of 12 weeks! Do you know what the difference in training, nutrition and supplementation should be for the NATURAL vs the ENHANCED lifter Let me show you 12 Week Package Details: 60min Consultation 12 Weeks of Programming tailored specifically to your physique requirements 12 Week Nutrition Program specifically tailored to the different phases of your training program 2 x Personal Training Sessions per week A personalised supplement schedule to optimise Health, Performance and Recovery 3 x 15min Check Ins + Skinfolds Continued support via email, text and phone call throughout the 12-week period All the thinking and calculations have already been done for you. All you have to do, is put in the work! For more information, contact me today by leaving a comment below or emailing me at: [email protected]
16.01.2022 Water and your Performance How important is it to maintain a constant state of hydration?... Well considering the average adult human body is 50-65% water, I'd say its pretty dam important! How does dehydration affect performance? ... Reduction in blood volume Low blood pressure Decrease in VO2 Max Decreased work capacity in fatiguing exercises Decreased sweat rate Increased core temperature Increased sensation of fatigue Increased rate of muscle glycogen use Earlier onset of fatigue in prolonged exercise How much is the right amount of water to drink? There are a few different methods to calculate the exact amount of water you should consume on a daily basis but in my personal opinion, just drink water as often as you can! Dehydration is far more common and alot easier to come by than overhydration, so drink up! Your body and performance will thank you for it! Following up from this post, I'll explain how an imbalance of electrolytes stemming from things such as dehydration, poor diet choices and poor gut health can affect your performance! Stay tuned... #teamshredded #stayhydrated Image credits to: wisemovement.be
15.01.2022 Current training phase - Extended sets (8, 8, 16) Intended goal of the training phase - Muscle Hypertrophy (Growth) Sample workout(Hamstrings): ... A1: BB Deadlift 4 sets @ 8 reps A2: Lying Leg Curls 4 sets @ 8 reps A3: Kettlebell Swings 4 sets @ 16 reps Personal Feedback - Absolutely brutal! What is your current training goal Is your program helping you achieve it Are you even on a program and if so, is it personalised to your needs/wants Is your nutrition well matched to your current training phase How are you measuring the effectiveness of your training and nutrition If you're struggling to answer most of the above questions you're probably not achieving the results you desire! At Shredded Strength Institute we pride ourselves in creating the best plan possible, to take you from where you are, to where you dream of being! No more guess work! Just results! Send me a DM or email me at [email protected] if you're serious about getting results! #teamshredded #noguesswork #justresults
15.01.2022 Fat loss is pretty NEAT! Non-Exercise Ativity Thermogenesis or NEAT is the energy used for everything we do other than sleeping and exercising Walking to the bus stop or going for a stroll in the park are a few examples ... Research has shown that calories burned from NEAT can reach up to 2000 per day dependent on the individuals lifestyle! That could very well be the difference in holding on to that last bit of stubborn body fat and reaching your desired physique If you live a pretty sedentary life (sitting for more than 10 hours a day despite going to the gym) which most of us are guilty of when you do the math, then you should consider implementating lifestyle changes that will increase your daily/weekly NEAT! Here are 4 simple ways to do so... Start taking the stairs You don't have to do Jacobs Ladder to qualify for this, just choose the stairs over the elevator whenever possible Go for more short walks Break up every hour you spend sitting with a 5 minute walk Choose to stand more often Using a standing desk at work is a great way to burn more energy throughout the day Do your own errands and chores Mow the lawn, do the gardening and walk to the shops If you combine these activities with a personalised training and nutrition plan, you'll most certainly be well on your way to dropping that unwanted body fat and bringing those long lost abs out of hibernation Until next time! #teamshredded #doyourNEATkids
15.01.2022 The Bitter Sweet 5 Reason why you should incorporate Pomegranates into your nutritional plan during an intense training phase 1) An impressive nutrient profile... Its loaded with fiber, Vit C, Vit K, Folate & Potassium! 2) Contains powerful antioxidants Numerous health benefits! 3) May assist with Fat Loss Punicic acid found in Pomegranates is a type of Conjugated Linoleic Acid -> Linked to many scientific studies on fat loss 4) Potent Anti-inflammatory Largely mediated by its powerful antioxidant properties 5) May improve exercise performance Pomegranates are loaded with dietary nitrates. This means more blood flow, i.e. better muscle pumps and a greater delay in the onset of muscular fatigue, i.e. more reps baby! However, be sure to use the entire centre of the pomegranate to reap all of its benefits and get a lovely bitter sweet punch! P.S... They taste great in salads! #teamshredded #pomegranates4performance
15.01.2022 What a pleasure catching up with this Shredded Rig @calvincombrinck yesterday! I put him through a killer shoulders and arms session from one of the epic standardised hypertrophy programs available @shredded_strength and he took it like an absolute champ! Super stoked to be working with you again mate!... Mens Physique here we come! #teamshredded #letsgrow @ Shredded Strength Institute
15.01.2022 RESULTS RESULTS RESULTS At Shredded Health and Performance YOUR results are our passion! No matter what your goal or training experience, we believe that YOU can achieve anything you put your mind to and we will do all we can to ensure that you leave our premises feeling...... Happier Healthier And more confident than ever! Don't waste any more time and money on gym memberships that aren't putting YOUR results first and join the TEAM at Shredded Health and Performance...Perth's BEST training facility! #teamshredded #results Take a look inside...
15.01.2022 ATTTENTION ALL FITNESS ENTHUSIAST If you have a body and you can move...then you are an ATHLETE! And if you want to become:... Fitter Faster Stronger Leaner More Muscular Then 'The Ultimate Athlete Program' is for YOU! Don't waste anymore time following the same old programs that aren't getting you any closer to achieving your goals and click the link below to see how our program will transform YOU into the Ultimate Athlete in only 18 weeks! For more information on the program send me a direct message @dylanturnerpersonaltrainer or contact me via email at: [email protected] #teamshredded #theultimateathlete Click the link below https://shredded.com.au/our-services/the-ultimate-athlete/
13.01.2022 Improve your digestion with 7 simple steps... 1) Sit down to eat 2) Say grace ... 3) Put your phone away 4) Eat slowly 5) Chew more 6) Avoid ice cold drinks during your meal 7) Avoid high intensity exercise shortly after you've eaten #teamshredded
10.01.2022 Do you want to grow muscle?? Then CHILL OUT! Constant high cortisol levels in the body from chronic stress is the natural lifters number 1 enemy when it comes to building muscle! Here are 5 tips to help you quickly lower your stress levels throughout the day...... Recognise when you are stressed ~ This is the first step to managing your stress and is especially important for mums, business owners and even students who have a jam packed schedule ~ Tune into your body (mindfulness) ~ Notice how your body is feeling at this very moment. Is your heart beating faster than normal? Are you taking shorter shallower breaths? Are the muscles in your upper back and neck tight?~ Take 5-10 deep breaths into your belly (not your chest) and begin to relax one muscle at a time, from your head, down to your toes Tune into your environment ~ Soften and widen your gaze. Begin to notice everything around you...colours, sounds and smells but dont focus on anyone in particular~ Continue with your prior activities but be consciously aware of your current relaxed state and if at anytime you find yourself stressed again, recognise it and begin from the top! This simple routine only takes a few minutes but makes a world of difference! Give it a shot the next time you're feeling stressed! P.s. your partner will thank you for it too #teamshredded #chillout
09.01.2022 Tonights dessert provided to you by yours truly The best dam vegan chocolate mousse you've never had! And all you need is 2 Ingredients!... Trilogy Vegan Plant Protein (Chocolate) Co-Yo Coconut Yoghurt (Natural) Optional extras... Paleo Granola Blue Berries & Raspberries Recipe (No brainer) Add as much yoghurt as your heart desires and your marcos alow you then 1 to 2 scoops of Vegan protein. A bit of elbow grease and voila...You've got yourself one dam tasty, guilt free dessert! Pick up a bag of Trilogy Vegan Protein from the link below: shredded.com.au//100-natural-vegan-plant-protein-powder-c/ And use the discount code: 'dylandhredded' to get 10% off on checkout You can thank me later #teamshredded #vegangainz #damdelicious @ Dylan Turner Personal Trainer
08.01.2022 My Favourite "Weekend" Post Workout Meal thats scientifically proven to go straight to the biceps ~ Banana Pancakes with Mixed Berries and Maple Syrup ~ Ingredients:... 2 x whole eggs 1 x ripe banana 1 x scoop Trilogy Nutrition Pure NZ WPI(vanilla) 1 x scoop ATP Science Gutright 1/2 cup Gluten Free Mueslie 1 x small handful of fresh blueberries 1 x small handful of fresh raspberries A sprinkle of cinnamon A sprinkle of Canadian maple syrup ~ Recipe: Its pretty straight forward...Cut up a banana into small pieces and place it in a medium sized bowl. Mash up the banana with a fork until it becomes a liquid consistency. In a separate bowl, beat 2 eggs until they are slightly aerated. Add the eggs to the banana as well as 1 scoop of WPI and Gutright. Mix it all together and voila you have your batter! All you need next is a hot pan and a little bit of grass fed butter and I'm sure you can figure out the rest on your own ~ Make sure you use the best quality ingredients like Trilogy Nutrition New Zealand Grass Fed WPI and ATP Science Gutright for some super nutritious Pancakes! ~ Use my code 'dylanshredded' to get 10% off of these products when you shop @shredded_strength ~ Enjoy! #teamshredded #anabolicpancakes #straighttothebiceps See more
06.01.2022 Saturday Night Motivation When your clients are more jacked than you are, you know its time to step up your game! But on a serious note, i could not be more proud of this guy and all of my other clients for that matter!... They are my daily motivation to get out of bed every single morning and go to work with the biggest smile on my face, even at 5:30am in the morning They are a reminder that if they can give 110% effort during their training and total dedication to their nutrition, then i sure as hell can too! And if they can achieve their greatest goals, then nothing can stop me from achieving mine! And the same goes for YOU! Be the change you wish to see in the world - Mahatma Gandhi #teamshredded #energyattracts #smashinggoals
06.01.2022 Another day at the office for Mr Andrew Priolo But instead of pushing overpriced pencils around, he's flipping oversized tires and making it look like a bag of feathers! Keep up the great work mate!... Conditioning game is on
05.01.2022 Zambreros - 0 Dylan's cravings satisfied with a much healthier alternative - Here's a quick tip to keep your winter warmer cravings in check...... The next time you feel the urge to devour a truck load of calories in the form of your preferred takeaway food (In my case, Zambreros) stop and ask yourself what it is exactly you're craving from those foods and whether or not you can replace it with a healthier alternative. Majority of the time, you probably can, you just have to use your imagination! Here's my healthy alternative to a Zambreros Burrito: Large Collard Green (Blanched) Saurekraut (Tumeric + Beetroot) Organic Beef Mince (Cooked) Biodynamic white rice Chipotle sauce (Gluten + Dairy free) This green burrito was super scrumptious and the best part about it....absolutely GUILT FREE! And If you don't have the imagination...well that's what the internets for #teamshredded #useyourimagination #burritogainz
05.01.2022 Variety is the spice of life...Nutritionally speaking of course! Fruit and vegetables, much like us, are all created differently, each having their own unique benefits to our health! One of the most noticeable differences is in their colour...... RED High Levels of lycopene (Powerful antioxidant linked to studies in reducing the risk of cancer) Offers protection agains heart disease High levels of flavonoids (Anti-inflammatory properties) ORANGE High levels of carotenoids (Converted to Vit A in the body) High levels of Vit C Improves immune function Protects vision Promotes skin & bone health PURPLE High levels of anthocyanins Promotes cardiovascular health Reduces the risk of cancer Promotes eye health Promotes urinary tract health GREEN Contain a wide range of phytochemicals Anti-cancer properties Natural sources of folate High in Vit K, Pottasium & Omega 3 Fatty Acids WHITE High levels of flavonoids (A type of photochemical) Helps keep free-radical damage in check As you can see, eating a wide variety of fruits and vegetables is exceptionally important to our health! So don't get stuck on eating the same ones day in and day out. Not only will you be missing out on a wide range of phytochemicals and essential nutrients but your compliance to your nutritional plan will take a pretty big hit too! Having an open minded coach that doesn't restrict you to certain food groups but instead, works WITH you to create a well balanced nutrition plan, will set you up for long term health and success! Contact me @dylanturnerpersonaltrainer or [email protected] for more in depth nutritional guidance! #teamshredded #variety
05.01.2022 Electrolytes Hydration Performance As you know from my previous post, staying hydrated is pretty dam important for performance, general health and wellbeing, but just as important, is the maintenance of a balanced intake of Electrolytes Here are the 4 Main Electrolytes along with their roles in relation to exercise and the best natural sources you can get them from...... SODIUM Roles: Helps facilitate communication between nerves Regulates the amount of fluid in and around cells (Plays a vital role in hydration) Prevention of cramping Best sources: Pink Himalayan Rock Salt Sea Salt POTASSIUM Roles: Maintain cellular function Maintain heart health Decrease fatigue during exercise Best sources: Potatoes Bananas Raw carrots MAGNESIUM Roles: Synthesis of protein, carbohydrate and lipid Maintaining the balance of Electrolytes Control of neuromuscular coordination Involved in over 300 enzymatic reactions! Best sources: Dark leafy greens Avocados Nuts and seeds CALCIUM Roles: Maintenance of bone health Transmission of nerve impulses Enables muscle contraction Best sources: Collard greens Broccoli Bok Choy Remember, most electrolytes are lost in sweat and urine so for the average person who doesn't train, eating a well balanced diet will probably suffice, HOWEVER, if you're following a strict training program you will most likely be losing more electrolytes than your diet provides. This is were supplementation comes in handy! SYNERPLEX Electrolytes is one of the best in the business! It provides a 2:1 ratio of potassium over sodium (ideal in today's world) along with a balance of bicarbonates and chlorides! So until next time...train hard, train smart, eat a well balanced diet filled with a variety of the foods above, drink water as often as you can throughout the day and take good quality electrolytes for those extra sweaty workouts #teamshredded #electrolytes #hydration #performance
05.01.2022 We've all made mistakes... Maybe you treated yourself to a few too many calories over the weekend Skipped out on your interval day to spend a bit more time in bed ... Didn't bother meal prepping because you didn't have the time or energy to do so IT'S OK! We're only human and it's natural for us to "fall off the wagon" once in a while. The important thing is, we don't let these mistakes become HABITS! How do we do that? By looking at the ROOT cause Ask yourself these questions... What was the reason for overeating? Was i craving certain sugary foods? Was i exceptionally hungry leading into the weekend? Can i avoid this craving/hunger through better management of nutrition throughout the week? What were my stress levels like the previous week? How many hours of sleep did i get each night last week? Am i feeling better/energized after my workouts or more stressed and tired? Have i set a clear goal and do i have an action plan to help me achieve that goal i.e. help me to stay on track and motivated There are multiple reasons why we make the mistakes we do but its important that we take time to stop and self analyse to find the root cause of these mistakes and create better solutions to prevent them from becoming habits! I hope this puts things into perspective Happy Monday Fit Fam! #teamshredded #selfanalysis #rootcause
05.01.2022 Don't let a little wind and rain keep you from earning the physique you've always wanted! Its still Tuesday... You still have a workout to complete...... And you still have goals to chase... So put on your coat, get into your cosy air conditioned car, drive your ass to gym and get it done! #teamshredded #toughlove #strongmind #strongbody
03.01.2022 The King of the Bench Client and Shredded Health & Performance member Anthony Williams demonstrating perfect execution of the Sling Shot Bench Press for 4 reps at 100kg! Here are some of the benefits you'll get out of using a Sling Shot when Bench Pressing...... Improves Bench Press Mechanics (When strength is the main goal) Improves lock out power Transfers more load onto the triceps (Great for bringing up lagging triceps) Helps with training around injuries (In particular, pec tears) Can increase your 1 rep max by 10-15%! Unregulates the Central Nervous System due to the increase in maximal loads Provides moderate support at the bottom of the press However, the applications of the Sling Shot don't only stop at the bench press... For more information on how to correctly apply the Sling Shot to your training or other strength techniques for that matter, send a direct message to: @dylanturnerpersonaltrainer OR email me at: [email protected] #teamshredded #kingofthebench
03.01.2022 Meal Prep 101 There's no such thing as..."I don't have time for breakfast" It takes 5 minutes to prep a smoothie! Better yet, do it the night before or even bettter yet, prep them in zip lock bags for a few days at a time (Brilliant idea i got off of Shredded Director Marty Williams)... Don't have a blender? No problem...scrambled eggs are just as quick! Cook it in some coconut oil and throw in a handful of spinach and you're good to go Don't have time to eat? No problem...Go to bed 30min earlier and wake up 30min earlier! The point I'm trying to get at is, everyone should have time for breakfast if your health and well being is your priority! #teamshredded #breakfastofchampions #priorities
02.01.2022 A little bit of Bread & Butter on this Fine Friday Here's a Chest and Biceps combo for all the lads looking to fill out their shirts this weekend A1 - Low Inclince DB Chest Press Semi-Suppinated Grip, 8 to 10 reps (Focus on squeezing the upper chest fibres right from the bottom of the press)... A2 - Flat DB Chest Press Neutral Grip, 4 to 6 reps (Keep constant tension on the chest for the entire set) A3 - Standing E-Z Bar Bicep Curl, 6 to 8 reps (Lower the weight down for a 4 second count while keeping constant tension on the biceps) Try and last as many rounds as possible before you lose the quality of contraction and controlled eccentric in each rep Enjoy the burn! #teamshredded #chest&biceps #bread&butter
02.01.2022 Monday Thoughts Be aware of the power of repeated actions, of our habits and what they can do TO us or FOR us! Put the power back in your hands and start creating habits that will work FOR you and your dreams! ... #teamshredded