Eagling's Martial Arts & Fitness in Hobart, Tasmania | Sport & recreation
Eagling's Martial Arts & Fitness
Locality: Hobart, Tasmania
Phone: +61 417 389 959
Address: Moonah 7009 Hobart, TAS, Australia
Website: http://www.eaglingstaekwondo.com/
Likes: 638
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25.01.2022 Merry Christmas to our Taekwondo family. Angela and I hope you have a wonderful day with your family and friends.
22.01.2022 Good news finally. The State Govt will move to stage two easing of restrictions as of this Friday, 5th June. This will give us the opportunity to resume classes next week at Moonah and Kingston at a limit of 20 students per class. We are excited to get back to live training next week starting Tuesday 9th June 2020 (as Monday is public holiday).... Angela and I would like to thank our students who have remained engaged with ZOOM classes during this time. We really appreciate the support you have shown us through this difficult period. Class timetable will be as follows: Monday (Moonah) (starting from 15th June due to the public holiday on the 8th June Taekwondo General Class: 6.30pm to 8.00pm Tuesday (Kingston) Taekwondo General Class: 6.30pm to 8.00pm Wednesday (Moonah) Taekwondo General Class: 6.30pm to 8.00pm Thursday (Moonah) Taekwondo Black Belt Class: 5.30pm to 6.30pm Hapkido General Class: 6.30pm to 8.00pm Hapkido Black Belt Class: 8.00pm to 8.30pm Once we resume training in this capacity our online ZOOM classes will be paused for the time being. Due to this early return, our Term 2 Fees have been adjusted accordingly and are as follows based on 4 weeks remaining for the Term 2 - reduced fees: Basic: $65.00 Premium $105.00 Platinum $135.00 In order to accommodate all our students we would appreciate it, if you are a current member and would like to return to live classes, complete the survey below to indicate your attendance so we can manage our classes within the current State Govt Guidelines on restricted numbers of students for classes. Currently this will be a Max of 20 students per class. The survey is very simple and takes less than a minute to complete. In the name field of the survey please include all names of members that will be attending with you (from the same family). Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions. Please complete the survey by 5pm on Thursday 4th June so we can finalise arrangements for next week. https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/PFM8595
22.01.2022 We have just been advised that restrictions for the Moonah Community Centre have eased and we can now take up to 50 students per class. We won’t have to take bookings any more for classes at Moonah and if you have been waiting to start training again it is now ok to resume Our COVID SAFE safety plan will remain in place as well as the additional measures we currently have in place at the club for the safety of our students... Please let us know if you have any questions
21.01.2022 Term three has concluded with club gradings. Congratulations to all our students who graded this term, particularly our black belt candidates who all passed their exams with outstanding performances. Well done, we are extremely proud of the commitment you have made to achieve your goals.
21.01.2022 Hi Everyone If you are hook in on to online classes, including tonight, Zoom now requires a password to hook in as part it’s new security upgrade. You will need the meeting code which we have sent out to all students who have engaged in the online classes.... I have set the password to DETKD Make sure you use capitals. The new upgrade also requires the administrator to enter everyone into the meeting individually. You will get a screen that says wait until you are admitted, if you get that screen just stay online and we will admit you.
21.01.2022 TIME to TRAIN Training commences on Monday 1st February. Cant wait to get back on the floor and see all our students again after the summer break. Class schedule remains the same for all clubs. Our 2021 Club Training and events calendar is available on our website. We are taking new members so if you are interested in starting drop us a line or hit the website to send us a message and we will get you started. Covid measures will remain in place for the moment. So, temp checking on arrival and hand sanitizer will be mandatory. Don't forget for the safety of everyone don't come to training if you are sick or have Covid related symptoms. Angela and I look forward to seeing you at training next week.
20.01.2022 BACK TO TRAINING Hi everyone, Finally we resume training tonight at the Moonah club. Thanks to all our members for their support in resuming training.... We are at capacity for Monday and Wednesday nights. Students who have booked in have been contacted, had their booking confirmed and supplied with club guidelines on the resumption of training. Just a reminder. At this stage you do need to book in to come to training. If you turn up without a booking, unfortunately, you will not be allowed to train. If you haven’t contacted us to resume training and want to please email or message us. We look forward to seeing everyone tonight
19.01.2022 Hi Everyone Don’t forget NO training tonight due to Easter Monday. We hope you all had a great Easter
18.01.2022 Online classes start tonight at 6.30. We will start with a short orientation session to make sure everyone is set up ready to go. Once everyone is ok we will start the session. We will see how we go time-wise, the intention is to run to about 40 mins tonight. We can extend if needed. Please make sure you have a safe training area to work in where you can’t contact anything around you. We will talk more about this in the Orientation session.... If you want to join in tonight you can. Just message me or send an email through and I will send you the information on how to hook in.
17.01.2022 Hi Everyone, Term two starts tonight at 6m with online classes. Angela and I have decided that online classes for term two will be free. ... It’s a way we can give back to our students through this difficult period. We hope you are enjoying the online format and we will undertake to provide a rounded program for term 2.
17.01.2022 Hi Everyone Our online classes are starting on Monday night. For students that want to join in email us ([email protected]) or message us through the FB page with your email address and we will send you information on how to hook in.
17.01.2022 Hi Everyone, Don’t forget we are on school holiday break for the next two weeks, so no training. Enjoy the break and stay safe
16.01.2022 Happy new year to all our members and their families, stay safe
15.01.2022 Hi Everyone, Our online classes are going really well and we are really pleased that so many students have engaged to keep their progress moving forward. We have decided that classes will continue through the school holidays. ... Class times are as follows: Monday 6.00 6.25 Taekwondo Beginners Class 6.30pm till 7.15, this is a general Taekwondo class for everyone. Tuesday 6.00pm to 7.00pm Taekwondo Black Belt Training Wednesday Taekwondo Technical Grading Work. We will release the schedule for this on Tuesday afternoon. Please make sure you email or message us if you want to book in a session. Sessions are 25 mins long. Thursday Hapkido general training 6.00pm to 6.45pm Hapkido Black Belt Trainng 6.45 to 7.30. If you haven’t engaged in the online classes yet but want to get started please call, PM us or email us and we will get you started. If you want to get started as a beginner we are taking new students into our online sessions. Drop us a PM, email or give us a call and we will get you started.
14.01.2022 Hi Everyone In the interests of stopping the spread of Coronavirus we support downloading the new voluntary app, COVIDSafe. We believe our health experts that this will help in the early re-opening of many services because it will help our medical professionals control the spread of this disease.... We encourage you to download the app for the holistic benefit it will provide to society. I have included info and a link below. ........................................................................ This app is recommended by the Chief Medical Officer and will help keep you, your family, and your community safe. Downloading COVIDSafe will mean that you know quickly if you’ve been in contact with someone who has tested positive for the virus. We need as many Australians as possible to download the app. The more people who download COVIDSafe will mean that we can control the spread of the virus and start easing some of the restrictions we have had to put in place. Information through the app will only be accessible to state and territory health officials. Any other access or use will be a criminal offence. The app will only keep contact information for 21 days. Once the pandemic is over, and the app is no longer need, the app and all its data will be deleted permanently. No virus, no app. Download the app at: https://covidsafe.gov.au https://www.covidsafe.gov.au/
10.01.2022 Meet Dale Eagling, Founder of Taekwondo in Tasmania. In 2015 he was posthumouly inducted into the OFFICIAL TAEKWONDO HALL OF FAME . ABOUT DALE EAG...LING: Mr. Dale Eagling founded Taekwondo in Tasmania in 1971. He has also been internationally recognised as a pioneer of Australian Taekwondo, laying the foundations for Olympic accreditation and the future for Taekwondo Australia's organisational structure. Dale Eagling travelled extensively throughout Australia to assist with establishing Taekwondo, ensuring correct development with a strong emphasis on Taekwondo ethics and philosophy. There were 87 Taekwondo schools throughout Australia of which Mr. Eagling was the Master Instructor. Dale Eagling was a founding member, and Vice President of the Australian Taekwondo Association contributing greatly to the early development of the organisation. He was the Team Manager of the Australian Team competing in Seoul Korea for the 2nd World Taekwondo Championships in 1975 and, was later awarded a ‘Special Citation’ from the World Taekwondo Federation for outstanding service and contribution to the development of Taekwondo in Australia. Since 1971 Dale Eagling instructed over 25,000 Tasmanians in Taekwondo. On a special visit to Australia in 1976, 9th Dan Grand Master and, Secretary General of the World Taekwondo Federation, Mr Lee Chong Woo, reported to the Mercury Newspaper in Hobart that Dale Eagling’s Taekwondo Clubs, per capita of population, held the largest number of Taekwondo students in the world. This was later featured in Korean and leading martial arts magazines worldwide. Prior to his passing in 1994, Dale Eagling held the rank of 6th Dan from the Kuk Ki Won, equally the highest ranked Australian. Mr. Eagling trained regularly in Korea under leading WTF Masters and was highly respected for his enthusiasm and ability to reach the highest technical standards. It has been more than 21 years since Dale passed away. His legacy in Taekwondo philosophy, ethics and training curriculum is still apparent, through to the highest echelons of Taekwondo Australia. Hugh Eagling
09.01.2022 Hi everyone, We have completed our first week of online training. We had some small glitches but on the whole we had a great week. Ang and I really enjoyed seeing everyone and we had a ball conducting the classes. Thank you for our parents who gave us some great feedback. ... We are committed to staying engaged with our students through this tough time for us all. If you want to hook into the classes just send us a message or an email and we will make sure you get the details to hook in. These are hard times for everyone, many of us are struggling, have lost their jobs and are uncertain about what life will throw at us in the coming months. Life if significantly different for us than it was a week ago. Angela and I are committed to do our best to keep our students with us through this extremely difficult period. Train hard, stay focused and look to the future when things return to normality. Yours in Taekwondo Hugh And Angela
09.01.2022 Happy Mother’s Day to all our Mum’s out there. We hope you have a great day.
09.01.2022 COVID SAFE SAFETY PLAN The club is required to have in place a covid safe safety plan in order to be able to resume training at our halls. Our plan is available to down load on our website. The link to our plan is below. Please visit the website https://www.eaglingstaekwondo.com/ and make yourself familiar with the requirements of the plan.... When we resume next week we will be operating a little differently than we used to. We are committed to making sure we keep our training as safe as possible for our members so please work with us to ensure we adhere to the new requirements when we resume next week. https://f465456a-6b6e-44ff-92a8-38c816a98abc.filesusr.com/
08.01.2022 RESUMING TRAINING AT MOONAH Good Morning. We have a great response for members coming back to training, we really appreciate the support you have shown.... We are now at the 20 person capacity for Taekwondo classes at Moonah on Monday and Wednesday nights and cannot take anymore bookings for those classes at this stage. I will email out a confirmation list of students who have booked in directly to them. If you haven’t booked in and want to go on a cancellation list please email or PM us. I will be sending emails out to class participants regarding requirements and changes we will have to do at this stage to meet the requirements on the State Govt and keep our members safe. Thanks again for your support. Hopefully it will not be too long before the next stage of lifting of restrictions. Hugh
08.01.2022 Time to train.. Term 4 resumes tonight. Our COVID Safety Plan will still be in place. So, doors will open 10 mins prior to training, temperatures will be taken on entry and hand sanitizer on entry and exit. We look forward to seeing you all back on the training floor for the last term of the year... For the safety of all our members please do not come to training if you are sick or feeling unwell. See you at training
08.01.2022 Our first online class went very well. The online format allowed for a great level on interaction. Well done to all students who participated. Next session will be Wednesday night. It will be a technical session for all coloured belt levels. I will set a timetable today for hook in times for each level, based on the students taking online lessons. I will circulate that to those students by email. Thursday’s session will be our Black Belt technical session from 6pm to 7pm. Bl...ackbelt Hapkido session will follow that from 7pm to 8pm. We are in the process of setting up a Hapkido training session for all students. I will be contacting all class members to outline what the format will be If you want to get involved in the online program please send us a message or an email and we will get you started
07.01.2022 Hi Everyone, There will be an online black belt training session tonight from 6pm to 7pm. Session will be open to hook into at 5.55pm. If you are one of our students working toward a grading you are welcome to join this session. ... If you haven’t contacted us to join in the online program already just send us a message or an email and we will send you the hook in details for ZOOM.
07.01.2022 RESUMPTION OF TRAINING AT KINGSTON We have been advised by the Kingborough Sports Centre that they won’t be ready for us to resume training until Tuesday the 16th June. So unfortunately we will not be able to go back next week as planned. Instead we will run an online Zoom class for the Kingston students from 6.00 to 6.30 on Tuesday the 9th June.... Training for next week will still resume at Moonah as planned on Wednesday and Thursday. We have had a great response from our students and all classes are now nearly at capacity of 20 students per class. If you haven’t let us know you are coming back yet you need to complete the survey to secure your place in classes. You won’t be able to just turn up on the training night as we CANNOT take more than 20 per class at this stage. If you have any queries please let us know.
04.01.2022 Hi Everyone Phase 3 restrictions are now in place for Tassie. So we can resume contact training as of tonight. If you are training tonight please bring your sparring gear with you.... To be clear we are committed to provide a safe training environment for our members so we are still following our COVID safety plan and the measures we have in place at the club will remain in place. Doors will be open 10mins prior to a lesson starting, the taking of temperatures will still be required and hand sanitiser requirements are to remain. Please remember, for the health and safety of everyone at the club please do not come to training us you are sick or feeling unwell.
02.01.2022 2020 is wrapped up. We held gradings on Wednesday and Thursday night this week. Taekwondo and Hapkido Black Belts graded on Thursday night. There were some great performances and congratulations to everyone who successfully passed their exams. Congratulations to Robert Muir who won the Dale Eagling Memorial scholarship for 2021, Adriana Carnevale who won senior player of the year and Natalie Laugher who won junior player of the year. This year has been extremely hard with COVID-19 playing havoc with our classes. Angela and I would like to thank all the club members and parents who supported the club throughout the year. We hope you have a great Christmas and a safe New Year with your families and we look forward to training resuming on the 1st February 2021.
01.01.2022 Time to train.. Term 3 resumes tomorrow night. Can’t wait to get back on the floor again. Our COVID Safety Plan will still be in place. So, doors will open 10 mins prior to training, temperatures will be taken on entry and hand sanitizer on entry and exit. For the safety of all our members please do not come to training if you are sick or feeling unwell.... See you at training
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