St Stephen's Children's Centre in Bellevue Hill, New South Wales, Australia | Education
St Stephen's Children's Centre
Locality: Bellevue Hill, New South Wales, Australia
Phone: +61 2 9389 3235
Address: 1 Bellevue Park Road 2023 Bellevue Hill, NSW, Australia
Likes: 92
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25.01.2022 The Preschool Children in the Lilly Pilly Room worked together this week to create this wonderful rocket ship to fly to Mars. The children have been exploring space as a learning interest and it is fantastic to see this displayed in their creative craft work.
25.01.2022 Open Ended Creative Play This Christmas tree outline was created with masking tape on the ground in our classroom. A range of different natural and recycled materials were introduced to the Jacaranda Preschool children to encourage them to get creative and decorate the tree. ... This return to play activity can be added to and expanded on over time
24.01.2022 Introducing our new logo! Our new logo reflects the values and philosophies of our centre instilling a love for nature in our children by supporting their natural growth in a healthy sustainable environment. We respect the natural urge in children to want to discover and grow, and we support this through our planned play based program.
24.01.2022 Happy Fathers Day to all our wonderful Dads We hope you all have a lovely day. The children in the Jacaranda room have worked hard over the last few weeks creating beautiful socks, cards, paintings and wrapping paper for you all
22.01.2022 As a learning extension from science week the Jacaranda Preschool children participated in a creative craft learning project together. The children have been exploring the song The Yellow Submarineby the Beatles. Linking in with sustainable practice the children used a large cardboard box and recycled yellow envelopes to create their own submarine. ... Firstly the children explored shapes. Taking turns the children traced a large plate to create circle windows. This supported teamwork, explored early maths skills and logical thinking. The children worked together cutting the envelopes into different shapes supporting fine motor skills, hand eye coordination and safe cutting skills. The children followed on to paint and paste their shapes onto the box. The submarine was used in the childrens imaginative play. The children also used their new submarine as a prop while singing the song. This learning project supported the children to work together creating their own learning materials and resources in a learning through play environment.
21.01.2022 We’re Going On A Bear Hunt The children have been exploring lots of books during book week. A classroom favourite was explored as a hands on sensory learning experience. ... The children linked the elements of the story to natural resources and materials. This experience supported the children to bring the story to life, explore their senses and get messy!
20.01.2022 Pine Cones & Rubber Bands This activity supports fine motor skills, hand eye coordination, builds on hand and wrist strength, explores colours and supports sustainable practice by creating materials with natural resources This activity was introduced to the Jacaranda preschool children. The children covered the pine cones with the rubber bands by stretching and placing them on. When all the bands are were on the pine cones the children removed them. This is an excellent prewriting skill activity to prepare and support the children for writing at primary school
19.01.2022 Continuing our learning of sustainability and caring for our environment through planting.
19.01.2022 Excursion Day The Jacaranda children had a fantastic morning today on our excursion to Bellevue Hill Public School Library. The children returned the books we borrowed last week to the librarian and we collected some new books to explore this week at preschool.
19.01.2022 Our weekly library visits are extending as the children are requesting to explore the park on the way back. The attraction is using the binoculars to do some sightseeing at the top of the hill!
19.01.2022 Amazing incursion today! Brock taught us about his indigenous culture. We particularly loved learning a long necked turtle dance, guessing animals played on the didgeridoo and learning words in his native language.
18.01.2022 Calling all parents past and present! We would love for you to help us collect as many stickers as we can. When your shopping at Woolworths dont forget to ask them for your stickers. We have a box outside the Kitchen that you can put them in or if your driving past just pop them in our letter box and we will do the rest. Dont forget to get family and friends collecting too! The more stickers we collect the more free resources we can claim...
18.01.2022 The children had a visit today from Kaleidoscope Science This workshop explored Movement & Gravity, Electricity, Magnetism, Light, Colour and Sound through hands on learning STEM experiences. Today’s workshops is an extension from science week creating new learning opportunities, revisiting interests and extending on the children’s existing knowledge. We can’t wait to incorporate some exciting new learning experiments into our program. ... Thank you Mitch for a wonderful morning learning, exploring and discovering Science through play
17.01.2022 We open tomorrow to start 2018. Dont forget our doors now open at 8am. We look forward to seeing everyone after the break!
17.01.2022 Congratulations Nicole! You are now an Australian Citizen... Nicole has been the chef at our centre for the past 6.5 years and we are thrilled that we helped her achieve this dream!
17.01.2022 Look who came to visit us this week! Congratulations Kate, Elsie is just perfect and we were thrilled to meet her
16.01.2022 This week a natural letter table was introduced to the children in the Jacaranda room. The letter table supports the children to explore early literacy and writing skills using natural resources. The aim of the letter table is to encourage the children to spell out their name exploring upper and lower case letters. The children are encouraged to trace the letters in their name using the pebbles. This creative learning experience introduces the children to letters in a lear...ning through play environment. The activity supports the children to focus, their hand eye coordination and their creative thinking skills. This experience encourages learning extensions for the children such as different creative ways to explore the letters in their name. The children can use other natural materials in different environments. For example using sand or sticks in their outdoor learning or home environment. The children have enjoyed exploring this new creative play activity at preschool. See more
15.01.2022 This week is National Science Week. The theme of National Science Week 2020 is Deep Blue - innovations for the future of our oceans. Implementing this theme into the childrens program the preschool children in the Jacaranda room explored a range of different STEM experiments and play based learning science experiences over the week. ... What is STEM? STEM is an approach to learning and development that integrates the areas of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. Through STEM children learn and explore - * Asking Questions * Teamwork * Critical Thinking * Problem Solving * Decision Making * Calculated Risks * Test Solutions * Discover New Ways of Completing Tasks * Make Predictions * Build Connections - Between Their Learning & The World * Expand On Their Existing Knowledge * Create New Opportunities For Learning Interests, Extensions & Projects
15.01.2022 The children in the pre school room have a real interest in bees at the moment. Bees have 2 stomachs and hairy eyeballs! Theses are 2 favourite facts. We are also excited to see there is a Bee Awareness Day at Rose Bay Community Gardens coming up.
15.01.2022 Last week the "Garden Explorers" came to our Centre to continue to extend the childrens interest in gardening. They helped us create new edible gardens that the children now need to take responsibility for. Each plant was introduced to the children and they were encouraged to touch, feel and taste the variety of plants going into the garden. The children were excited to see this week that the purple carrot seeds we planted are already sprouting!
14.01.2022 The children in the Jacaranda Preschool room have been exploring eggs and chickens as a learning project. Building on their learning interest clay, egg shells and wooden hammers were introduced to the children. These materials supported the children to explore their creativity, fine motor skills, hand eye coordination, wrist and hand strengthening, pincer grasp, colours, shapes, language development and expand on their chicken learning project together.... The children used the hammers to smash the egg shells, created their own colourful eggs with clay and decorated the clay eggs with the tiny shell pieces. They look awesome! The children have enjoyed this creative learning extension stemming from their chicken learning interest.
14.01.2022 Cooking is a favourite experience at the centre. We made some damper to go with the honey one of the children brought in from their grandfathers personal hives. All the way from Tasmania! Yum!
13.01.2022 St Stephens Childrens Centre is now enrolling for 2019. Are you are looking for a childcare centre that takes pride in its outdoor area, encourages endless interaction in the natural environment, has educators that have been employed at the centre for over 10 years??? Then come and visit us, we would love to show you around.
11.01.2022 Enrolling now for 2018, give us a call to make a time so we can show you around.
10.01.2022 Following on from the children’s letters they wrote and posted to Rose Bay Police station - Senior Constable Dani visited us at preschool. Senior Constable Dani was delighted the children connected with her through mail and she delivered a wonderful talk exploring the people who help and protect us in our local community. Dani supported the children to created positive relationships with police in our local community and identify how we can ask for help when needed. ... Thank you so much Senior Constable Dani, all the Teachers and children absolutely loved your visit with us today.
09.01.2022 Today our new chickens arrived at preschool. Their arrival created lots of excitement with both the Rainbow and Jacaranda children. The children have been exploring chickens, sustainable practice and their natural environments as on going learning projects over the last few months. This week the children ensured the chickens new living area was set up and ready with the correct supplies such as water, straw and feed. The children have displayed nurturing skills and ...taken on the responsibility of caring for their new pets. The children have been researching together suitable food that they can save as scraps at lunch time for the chickens to eat. The children have also been discussing names for the chickens at group time and sharing their ideas with one another. There is also a name idea sheet at the sign in desks in both rooms for parents to contribute name ideas too. Next week the children will follow on with selecting their favourite names and we will have a vote to decide. The chickens have already created such happiness with the children See more
08.01.2022 Dental Health Week 2020 The preschoolers in the Jacaranda room have been exploring Dental Health Week. The children were invited to participate in sensory fine motor skilled activities - cleaning stones - representing teeth and using foam - representing toothpaste. ... Linking in with sustainable practice the children used recycled plastic bottles to create their own learning equipment. The children painted the bottles white and transformed them into large teeth. The children used these materials to practice their flossing skills with wool, removing play dough from the teeth. Incorporating dental health into the childrens creative and imaginative play, toothbrushes were used in the painting area to create splattered effect images and a wooden dental tool kit was used on the play dough table. Linking in with early numeracy and literacy skills the children documented their daily teeth brushing each morning on their arrival to preschool. The children placed a stone into the Yes or No box on our question table. At group time the children counted the stones and created a number chart over the week. One of the children brought in Dental Tools used by their Grandad who is a dentist in their sharing bag. This group time sparked many discussions between the children as they shared their existing knowledge and expanded on their learning. The children have explored Dental Health week in a learning through play environment supporting new learning projects, follow on opportunities and expanded on their existing knowledge. Over the coming weeks we will incorporate the childrens new learning interests that sparked from Dental Health Week into our program .
07.01.2022 Celebrating NAIDOC Week This week both the Rainbow and Jacaranda children have been Celebrating and Exploring NAIDOC Week. Pictured below are some of the children’s learning interest projects.
05.01.2022 Supporting childrens feelings. This week in the Jacaranda preschool room we have introduced a worry hand plaque. The worry plaque encourages the children to place their hand on the plaque if they are worried about anything. The plaque turns red when touched and then changes to green when the fairies have taken the worry away. This stemmed from our fairy garden learning interest. ... Now the fairies can take our worries away from us at preschool using our new magical plaque.
04.01.2022 New opening time. In 2018 we will be opening at 8am.
01.01.2022 Transport The children in the Jacaranda room have shown interest in transport this week. The Lilly Pilly children have also been exploring transport as an ongoing learning project. Extending on their interest all the children in the Rainbow, Jacaranda and Lilly Pilly room were invited to participate in an open ended transport experience in their outdoor learning environment together. This experience supported the children to explore, discover and learn through play. Following on indoors the children were invited to explore a hands on sensory transport experience using trucks and mud.
01.01.2022 The children in both the Jacaranda and Lilly Pilly room have been exploring The Seasons as ongoing learning projects. Today while in their outdoor learning environment all the children were invited to participate in a creative art experience extending on this interest - linking in with the weather. Mirrors, blue paint and cotton were supplied to the children to encourage them to explore the clouds in the sky and create their own version. The Rainbow room also joined this learning experience too. How fantastic does their art and craft work look.
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