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Early Years Training & Consultancy 91839 in Dural, New South Wales, Australia | Education

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Early Years Training & Consultancy 91839

Locality: Dural, New South Wales, Australia

Phone: +61 408 974 629

Address: Old Northern Rd 2158 Dural, NSW, Australia


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25.01.2022 ? Come join me for this great info-packed webinar on 22nd October For more information or to book your place please head to this link ... OR comment, DM or email me [email protected] #earlyyearstraining #theories #piaget #gardner #brainfry #childdevelopment #keeplearning #lovemyjob #booknow

24.01.2022 ! PLUS take 15% OFF when you book & pay BEFORE 31st December - use discount code EL15 at the checkout! (Link in event below) This 6 part info-packed series is designed for the Educational Leader, building upon knowledge & confidence over a 4 month period. We will explore mentoring, communication, reflective practice, the curriculum, A&R and self-care. Participants will receive ongoing support throughout the se...ries along with tools to support them in their role. Places are limited so that each sessions becomes relevant and customised for the group. For more information or to secure your place head to the event below Cheers, Kirsty :)

24.01.2022 I think these are wonderful things to say to a child experiencing any overwhelming emotion #earlyyearstraining #bethecalm #resilience #wellbeing #safespace #earlychildhood

23.01.2022 Don't miss this great webinar where we look at the importance of quality engagement to support supervision! You can book your place TODAY via online or feel free to DM or email me for more information [email protected] ... If you can't join at this time no problemo.... you can purchase the recorded version Hope to "see" you there (via Zoom)~ Kirsty

22.01.2022 I really dislike feeling stressed or overwhelmed? How about you? Here are some great tips that help me and might help you to reduce that feeling ... * Exercise .... vigorous exercise releases endorphins and makes us feel great * Get outside.... Vitamin D is great for increasing positive feelings * Reach out to those that actually help... these are family, friends, coworkers who support you... your superheros!! ... not those who suck the energy from you!! * Stay hydrated... drink water.. and more water... this keeps you feeling energised rather than dehydrated which can result in headaches and tiredness * Breath deeply... stand tall and breath right into the bottom of your lungs and fill your brain with oxygen * Turn off devices especially an hour before bed * Get to bed like a Grandma! Sleep is important... have an early night * Start your day with an awesome breakfast.... food triggers our hormones and mood so starting with a super healthy and delish breaky is great.. like eggs, avo & spinach, porridge & berries smoothie or my fave is chia porridge with seeds, greek yoghurt, berries and coconut oil * Know what you CAN control... move on from what you cannot * Put it in perspective... think about what is amazing in your life * and LAUGH... laughter is a brilliant way to reduce stress and tension and nothing better than a good belly laugh Love you to share what works for you!! Take care, Kirsty

22.01.2022 Need some inspiration for your learning spaces and how you present children's work? Don't miss this webinar on 14th April! For information about this head to event below Remember to use discount code EDUCATOR3 at the checkout when you book 3+ educators ... Or feel free to email me directly to discuss your needs [email protected]

20.01.2022 New NQS Guidance for Exceeding Themes #earlyyearstraining #acecqa #stayuptodate

19.01.2022 Tonight it's all about Reflective Practice with the Toongabbie Children's Early Learning Centre team! A great way to engage in team PD from the workplace and home! #earlyyearstraining #reflectivepractice #keeplearning #criticalreflection

19.01.2022 It's always lovely to receive wonderful feedback... but what's even better is when new learning occurs! Thank you Appleseed ELC If you would like to discuss possible PD for your team please feel free to DM or email me [email protected] ... #earlyyearstraining #educatorpd #keeplearning #teampd #lovemyjob

18.01.2022 Are you aware of the types of services I provide? I am an RTO (91839) specialising in the delivery of Certificate III and Diploma in Early Childhood Education and Care via distance education & traineeships. I deliver professional development to early childhood educators via online live & recorded webinars as well as in-house PD... I provide consultancy & mentoring services where I can support an individual or team. Early Childhood Education is my passion and has been my career for over 20 years... it's all I do... and I still love it If you would like to find out more head to my website or feel free to email me to discuss your needs [email protected] Regards, Kirsty

18.01.2022 2020 has definitely been the YEAR OF UNCERTAINTY!! This can create many mixed emotions... anxiety, stress, fear, overwhelmed and even gratitude! Here are some things ... and by no means is this exhaustive.... we can do or share with others when we are feeling a little 'meh' ... For me gratitude, exercise outside (self-care) & focusing on what I can control really helps!! What helps you? #earlyyearstraining #selfcare #gratitude #familytime #friends #theoutdoors #feelingmeh #sunshine #talkaboutit #uncertainty

18.01.2022 Daylight savings is getting close and for some infants and toddlers this can be a big change to routines especially sleep! This article might be helpful for families who like or need to keep to their routine

17.01.2022 FRIDAY VIBES Tag that educator that feels like sunshine for you! Surrounding ourselves with positive, motivating and energising people is great for the soul! #earlyyearstraining #sunshine #happyfriday #positivevibes

17.01.2022 Last night was all about refreshing our knowledge on child protection with the Baulkham Hills Early Learning Centre team. Refreshing your knowledge and understanding about your role as a mandatory reporter, legislation, indicators, ethical dilemmas as well as how we can suppor the rights of the child is not only a requirement, but extremely important and empowering. To be confident with this knowledge supports us as educators to be advocates for young children ... #earlyyearstraining #childprotection #childrensrights #advocate #keeplearning #knowyourresponsibility #earlychildhood #mrg

17.01.2022 Happy Weekend!

16.01.2022 It's that time of year ... time to audit policies and practices & reflect on quality improvements.... so why not do it with a coffee, outside and enjoy the sunshine! #reflectivepractice #qualityimprovement #earlyyearstraining #caffeine #sunshine #outdidemakesitbetter

15.01.2022 ... ! If you'd like to know more... including strategies for educators and casuals, what quality looks like plus identifying those "supervision mishaps" join me on Thursday 8th October @ 6.30pm EST. If you are unable to join at that time, that's OK as you can purchase the recorded version :)... To book your place click on the link below or feel free to email me [email protected] Hope you can join me - Kirsty :) #earlyyearstraining #keeplearning #supervision #engagededucators #bepresent #compliance #earlychildhood #onlinepd #bookyourplace #lovemyjob

15.01.2022 Wow this is fascinating! Nature is truly amazing

14.01.2022 ' " " Who loves Clay? I absolutely loooove clay! ... It is a completely open-ended, flexible and engaging material. I also love clay as your relationship with this material changes over time as you start to understand its properties, you start to become more sophisticated with your strategies and more confident with risk-taking and trying new things! This is a brilliant material for children... it allows children to engage deeply, to test their theories, to adapt and change, to refine their ideas & skills, to be creative and flexible in their thinking. However we must give children time! Time to engage and build a relationship with this material, to understand and test it ... time to re-visit, time to share ideas. I see clay not as "an experience" but as a "space"... a clay design space where children can visit and re-visit throughout the course of their day and week How do you support "clay work" or similar types of creative expression in your service? Love you to share ideas and /or images Kirsty :)

14.01.2022 ? Have a sticky-beak via this link for a list of my current sessions. These can be purchased as a recorded session and viewed at any time or scheduled live for your team!... Cheers, Kirsty :) #earlyyearstraining #childdevelopment #keeplearning #onlinelearning #earlychildhoodeducation #lovemyjob #earlychildhooddevelopment

13.01.2022 Today it's all about marking assessments... and after last night's PD session about "well-being" ... what better way than sitting outside!! How are you nurturing your well-being today? #earlyyearstraining #outdooroffice #marking #sunshine #freshair #vitd #wellbeing #lovemyjob #workingandwellbeing

13.01.2022 Did you know each month I post a FREE Template / Tool / Resource for you to download and customise for your centre? If you have missed this you can now access all "Monthly Offerings" at this link

13.01.2022 Thank you Wiggles & Giggles team for so many great discussions tonight... all about children's behaviour and the challenges experienced #earlyyearstraining #behaviour #resilience #perspective #earlychildhood #lovemyjob

12.01.2022 WORDS DO MATTER!! Our words and how we say them send messages to children, role model calm and nurture self-regulation #earlyyearstraining #earlychildhood #wordsmatter #selfregulation #showcalm

11.01.2022 - $ ! - ! Start 2021 compliant! This is a great time to complete CHCPRT001 Identify and respond to children and young people at risk. ... It's so easy... all you need to do is: 1. Register via the link below 2. You will receive the webinar, instructions and assessment via email 3. I am available 6 days/ week to assist you 4. View the webinar at your leisure 5. Complete the assessment and email or post for marking 6. Once competent your Statement of Attainment will be emailed and posted to you Feel free to contact me if you have any questions- [email protected]

10.01.2022 This makes a lot of sense.... with the inconsistency in texture and taste of fruit and veg PLUS the fact that children have DOUBLE the taste buds we do with a whopping 10,000+.... it doesn't surprise me some children stick with what's consistent! So how do we celebrate these inconsistencies so that tasting new foods is enjoyable? Let's start with relaxed, social and engaged meal times ... #earlyyearstraining #earlychildhood #nutrition #newfoods #curiosity #makemealsfun

09.01.2022 Stocking up the art supplies for my "Creative Arts & Brain Development" workshop! Looking forward to kicking off 2021 with this session with the Waves ELC team!! An inspiring hands on PD session exploring how meaningful & engaging creative arts experiences support children's development and well-being.... Interested in this for your team? Feel free to DM me or email [email protected] #earlyyearstraining #educatorpd #creativearts #braindevelopment #wellbeing #lovemyjob

08.01.2022 ? Have you considered Tetragonula? These beautiful tiny Australian native stingless bees are mesmerising to watch as they bring pollen and resin back to their hive! ... Just watching ours return with their legs covered in goodness

08.01.2022 ' Loose Parts play is such a wonderfully open-ended creative approach we need to embrace. Here's a few reasons why;... Enables children to explore, re-explore, build, design and re-design. It encourages children to test their ideas and theories about how things come together. It nurtures risk taking and resilience and children explore many ways of using and creating with materials It supports collaboration of ideas as children observe others or work together It's focus is on the process of thinking and doing, rather than end product Provides opportunity to have conversations about recycling, the environment and nature Here are some examples. Please feel free to comment or share yours , :)

07.01.2022 ' " " Connecting with nature always makes me feel amazing! ... Children love being outside, exploring and touching the amazing treasure nature has to offer. I love these nature weavings, not just because it means time outside but more so as it opens up conversations about the colours, patterns, textures, smells of nature. It is never ending, forever changing and evolving, offering children long lasting, open-ended authentic deep engagement with materials. Children are able to explore, test, take risks, collaborate, problem-solve, discover and discover again. It supports awareness and appreciation of our environment and it's complexity. And... it's free Love you to comment or share ways you have explored nature with children Cheers, Kirsty :)

06.01.2022 100% Advocate for the importance of the early years and the importance of play, discovery and just being! #earlyyearstraining #earlychildhood #letchildrenbechildren #resilience #being #theearlyyears #1000hoursoutside

05.01.2022 - $ ! - ! Start 2021 compliant! This is a great time to complete the Child Protection refresher! ... It's so easy... all you need to do is: 1. Register via the link below 2. You will receive the webinar and instructions via email 3. I am available 6 days/ week to assist you 4. View the webinar at your leisure 5. Complete a short online survey 6. Your certificate of participation will be emailed to you Feel free to contact me if you have any questions- [email protected]

04.01.2022 A great article regarding the Transition to School for children in 2021 and how a growth mindset & resilience is extremely important now more than ever!

04.01.2022 Ready to plan your Team's PD for the rest of the year? June onwards is now available!! Feel free to DM or email me to discuss your needs ... [email protected] Chat soon, Kirsty #earlyyearstraining #educatorpd #keeplearning #lovemyjob #earlychildhood

02.01.2022 A great article looking at the importance of creativity & imagination. It actually got me thinking maybe we, as educators have lost the ability to think and be creative. Maybe we fear it, fear getting it wrong, not knowing where to begin... feelings that have been influenced by our own childhood & teen experiences. Maybe, one of the keys to understanding the importance and value of imaginative & creative play, over an academic educator driven curriculum, is that we too need t...o play, imagine & create.... and not just with the children... but in our own everyday lives. Just a thought? What do you think? Kirsty :)

01.01.2022 , it & ! Now is a great time to plan your own or your team's PD to finish 2020 on a positive note... or think about how you wish to start 2021!... I have many PD options available such as; :) Live online sessions for your team - DM or email me for information on these such as topics, dates, costs etc :) Book into scheduled live webinars - take 10% off for 3+ educators :) Prefer to access a recorded webinar in your own leisure? Sure thing! Take a look at what is on offer :) Maybe you prefer in-house PD for your team? If that is the case feel free to DM or email me to discuss this option! E: [email protected] I look forward to chatting with you about your PD needs , :)

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