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Earofoils | Businesses

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25.01.2022 As it starts to get colder in the northern hemisphere here are ten expert-backed tips for Winter Cycling And don't forget rule 4 and covering your ears

24.01.2022 The Annual Winter Cycling Congress is on next year in Finland. Earofoils are designed to help enjoy riding year round, especially in the cold. Maybe time to visit Finland!

22.01.2022 New Earofoils production prototypes just finished. Exciting to see professional builds. #earofoilscomingsoon #weeeeeeeeexcitingtosee

22.01.2022 Woolie Mammoths - Earofoils thickest and warmest! #nomorecoldears #aussiesheepskin

22.01.2022 This week we are launching on Kickstarter!! Hopefully blue skys ahead.

19.01.2022 Cold is ok, windy cold... well that’s just nasty. Eight degree windchill! Eek. Earofoils reduce windchill to stop your ears getting cold. #windchillbites #justcold #penguinshappy

18.01.2022 Cycling in the cold, may be on the way out for those in Australia as spring rolls around but these tips apply anywhere in the world. Tip 1 - Invest In Quality Winter Kit Tip 2 - Stay Motivated Tip 3 - Get Out When You Can... Tip 4- Train Overseas, without Leaving Home Tip 5 - Harden up... (or see rule #1 and buy some earofoils!)

17.01.2022 Testing out the new Earofoils mesh prototype on the weekend. Great for the slightly warmer days. #meshiscool #prototypetesting

14.01.2022 Earofoils have now launched on Kickstarter! Share with your friends and any riders you know! And help us reach our target.

12.01.2022 Scooter lurve in Adelaide today, where is was cool and miserable... great thing about Earofoils is they fit on these helmets and can be easily put on or taken off. So you can use them anywhere! #nevertoooldforescooters #funandstilltransport @ridebeam #nomorecoldears

12.01.2022 Exciting news Earofoils fans, very exciting to say the new production prototypes have arrived!! Got to say the woolie mammoths are even more woolie than I imagined! Am also chuffed to have the guys at Triple B Industries on board to make them. #uggbootsforyourears #Australianmade #kickstarterherewego

11.01.2022 Cold this weekend? Yes it is and here is why... 1 m of the cold white fluffy stuff up the mountains. This means the wind is a killer out on the bike. #windchillminusten

11.01.2022 Great little article about riding in the cold - especially the bit on protecting the little ones. UK has a similar temperature range to Australia, so much applies. The only thing the article misses is ear covers! @earofoils #comingtoUKsoon #dontmentionthecricket

11.01.2022 Looking to the next stage of development. Getting manufacturing patterns made and talking with manufacturers. #earofoilscomingsoon #creatingtakestime

11.01.2022 Winter Cycling Congress! Who knew? We think it might be time for a trip to Finland. #wcc2020 #betterpackmyearofoils

10.01.2022 Sage advice for riders who will soon face cooling temperatures in the northern hemisphere. We think Rune 4 Don't ignore your extremities like your ears is very important

09.01.2022 Earofoils protection for your ears in the cold! Find out more and show your support at

06.01.2022 Market research in London today visiting some local cycling stores. Certainly some interest - as noted by others, they won’t be for everyone. Not surprising everyone loved the Woolie Mammoths. #cyclinguk #earofoilsinuk

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