Earth & Ocean Fit in Perth, Western Australia | Medical and health
Earth & Ocean Fit
Locality: Perth, Western Australia
Phone: +61 408 496 534
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25.01.2022 There’s still lots of ways to exercise and stay fit during this crazy time. Sometimes you’ve just got to use what you have! #health #surffitness #ocean #freedom #freediving #kitesurfing #sup #wellness #holistichealth #movement #functionalexercise
24.01.2022 SHOWING MY TENDER SIDE Just been for a paddle and the muscles around my shoulder are feeling a bit tender. It’s amazingly how much tension you can release through these muscles with a tennis ball. Can’t wait to host my Shoulder Workshop next week where we’ll dive into more strength and stretching exercises to help keep the shoulders healthy. #shoulderworkout #healthylife#surfstrength #functionaltraining #surfingnerds #holistichealth #freediving #oceanfitness #shoulderexercise #shoulderrehab
24.01.2022 You know you’re having a good day when you get to hang out with these guys! #oceanfitness #freediving #exercise #healthylifestyle #breathe #chek #surfing #nature
24.01.2022 If you want your training to have a high carryover to your sport you need to train the right movements patterns as well as speed of movement. This is advanced training. You MUST first use a training program that’s designed to balance any strength and flexibility imbalances you have before doing this type of training or you’re likely to injure yourself before you get to see any benefits. Here’s Phil using a fast speed wood chop movement that’ll help him hit the ball further out on the golf course. It’s the same with Surfing or any other sport. #golf #surfexercises #ocean #fitnessmotivation #healthylifestyle #stretch #sport #exercise #freediving @peak_body
22.01.2022 Hey guys. Hope everyone’s staying safe and keeping healthy. Keep moving! #health #fitnessmotivation #surfing #beachlife #positive #livelife #freediving #ocean #strength #movement #stretch #exercise
22.01.2022 If you surf, SUP, kiteboard, ski paddle or do any sport or activity where the surface you’re on is moving, you need to activate those same reflexes in your training in order for your hard working in the gym to have a carryover to your sport/ activity outside the gym. Make sure you have the strength, stability and movement required first then work your way up to these more advanced exercises and feel the benefits when you’re out on the water, ski field, hiking trail or whatever it is you love to do. MOVE WELL, BE STRONG, LIVE LIFE!!! #surf #freediving #fitnessmotivation #healthy #ocean #strong #livelife
22.01.2022 It’s amazing how well you can train people in their own home with minimal equipment via Skype. These guys are based in Melbourne and I’m in Perth. They hadn’t been doing much training for a while except for running so we’ve been working a lot on correcting posture and stability. We’ve now moved onto a strength phase to add muscle but still with a lot of emphasise on movement and functional strength. We’re not training like bodybuilders so we still don’t need much equipment. ...A few kettlebells, Swiss balls, dumbbells, a medicine ball and a foam roller. You can train very effectively for surfing like this too even if you have a shoulder niggle or a sore back. Contact me today and I can help you get fit, strong and pain free so you can do more of the things you love! #chekinstitute #surf #movement #strength #functionaltraining #healthylifestyle #ocean #freedivespearfishing #exercise #tone See more
22.01.2022 Great day out in the ocean chasing those tasty crayfish critters. Stay Earth And Ocean Fit so you can do more of the things you live for! MOVE WELL, BE STRONG, LIVE LIFE #freediving #surfingwa #waves #life #healthy #ocean #fit #strong #golf #exercise
21.01.2022 Doing it outdoors. There’s still heaps of stuff you can do to stay fit and strong at the moment. Some of the best e exercises can be done using just your body weight or with kettlebells. Try doing a front squat with kettlebells, a dumbell or a barbell for 3x12 or 4x10 reps to strengthen and increase/ tone muscle particularly in the legs. #fitnessmotivation #surfing#exercise #ocean #health #workout
20.01.2022 FREEDIVE TIME Grateful to spend the whole day out here yesterday. Sure beats sitting in traffic on the freeway. Stay fit and get outside. MOVE WELL, BE STRONG, LIVE LIFE! #oceanlife #nature #outdoors #functionaltraining #surfing #healthretreats #apnea #spearfishing #golfexercises #exercise #australia #stretch #mobility
19.01.2022 Make sure you work your way up to the Sports Specific Phase in your training program. It’s a common mistake to do these exercises to soon and if you do you’re more likely to injure yourself before you even get on the track, field or in the ocean. Here’s an example of a sports specific exercise I’m using with a client of mine who’s an in-line hockey player. Dave had some pretty serious back issues so it was important that we didn’t skip the base conditioning phase of training.... address any strength and flexibility imbalances first for better postural alignment and stability then start to load the body up with more weight using exercises that are most suited to your training goalsthen you can get into the fun stuff using exercises that are specific to your sport. #fitnessmotivation #strong #surfing #waves #outdoors #live #healthyeating #sport #exercise See more
19.01.2022 Marc came to me to help him build functional muscle for surfing bigger waves. We’re using the Chek Press here with the goal of increasing upper body size as well as endurance. This exercise does both. It hits the shoulders hard and requires a lot of scapula stability which is always a good thing for a surfer. Try 3-4 sets of 12-15 reps. This will help build shoulder muscle and endurance so you can become a paddling machine and be more confident to paddle out in those bigger days. Charge!!! #surf #waves #ocean #freedive #spearfishing #golf #outdoor #fit #health #live
18.01.2022 Don’t forget to get some rotation in your training and for more info on how to get functional strength and movement go to #ocean #fitnessmotivation #healthy #stretch #movement #surf #paddleboard #golf #kiteboarding #freediving
18.01.2022 Sometime s it’s nice to have some fun with your training. If you can do a horse stance on the ground with good form then doing it on a Swiss Ball is a great progression that’ll strengthen your core, glutes and shoulders as well as develop the reflexes needed for a lot of sports. #fit #health #sea #paddle #freediving #surfing #spearfishing #stretch #movement #chekinstitute
17.01.2022 Get the most out of your training. A chest press on Swiss ball will hit a lot more muscles than using a bench or machine! #fitnessmotivation #health #beach #surfer #functionaltraining #movement #stretch #ocean #freedive#hike#life
17.01.2022 Used this as a bit of a fun warmup before our session the other day. This is a great exercises to build strength as well as train the reflexes used in surfing. #surf#ocean#fit #health #functionalmovement #gym #life
14.01.2022 This is one of my favourite mobility exercises. A lot of people these days are flat through their lower back, hunched in their mid/upper back and have forward head posture. This exercise works well before a workout to help realign the spine, release tight abdominals and create better posture before loading the body.relax and roll back with your arms overhead until you feel a good amount of extension through your back and hold for 5 secondsmake sure your head stays in contact with the ballroll forward slightly and release the stretch for 5 seconds repeat 5-10 times#surf #oceanfitness #healthylifestyle #stretch #movement #golf
14.01.2022 SHOULDER WORKSHOP: MID BACK MOBILITY EXERCISE ON FOAM ROLLER. Having good mobility in your mid back can help a lot to prevent as well as rehabilitate some shoulder injuries. Place the foam roller just below the shoulder blades. Breathe out as you lean back and breathe in on the way up for about 10 reps. #shoulderworkout #posture #functionaltraining #surfing #oceanlife #correctiveexercise #holistic #breathe #stretch #fitness
13.01.2022 Simple but effective! Getting the stabiliser muscles firing before the workout. Train smart and keep it functional. Don’t be a gym monkey and follow the crowd. Go to for the full blog. #paulchek #fit #functionaltraining #healthylifestyle #oceanfitness #movement #surfinglife #live
12.01.2022 To any women out there who are on the spiritual path you may be interested in this. This retreat’s run by a good friend of mine and I believe it would be a fantastic opportunity if this is something you’re into. Check it out at #spiritual #women #health#meditate #yoga#life #blessed #dance
11.01.2022 Don’t forget to use exercises in the gym that’ll help you do the things you love to do outside of the gym better. Phil’s planning to surf more over the summer so we use the Bosu Squat in his program to work on the type of reflexes he’ll need when surfing. MOVE WELL, BE STRONG, LIVE LIFE! #surf #fitnessmotivation #movement #live #strong #healthy #ocean #golf #outdoors
11.01.2022 The Turkish Get Up ticks a lot of boxes and is a great full body exercise to get the body strong. I’ve put it into Dave’s Program to help prepare him for the big knocks he’s going to dish out and receive during the Ice Hockey season. #icehockey #snow #outdoors #healthy #strong #sport #exercise
10.01.2022 Thanks a lot to all the crew who came along to my Shoulder Workshop this week and I hope you all got a lot out of it. Don’t worry if you can’t remember all the exercises we went through as I’ll be posting all of them up over the next couple of weeks. If you missed the workshop I’ll be running it again soon so stay tuned. #shoulderworkout #surfstrong #oceanfitness #healthylifestyle #golfstrengthandconditioning #functionalexercises #freediving #healthretreats #holistichealth #stretching #mobility
10.01.2022 First Sambo stoke! Whether it’s wrestling big fish, getting fit for an upcoming surf trip, getting ready for that dream hike or rehabbing a funky shoulder, doing the right type of training in the gym will help a lot. I can develop an Exercise Program that’s specifically designed to help you achieve your goals so you can do more of the things you love to do better. MOVE WELL, BE STRONG, LIVE LIFE!!! #fit #health #freediving #surfing #hike #outdoors #fish #running #movement #stretch #ocean #paddle
10.01.2022 Doing it Outdoors. It’s hard to do too much upper back training and a single arm row is one of the very best. A strong upper back can help to correct bad posture and get you paddling stronger. TIP: Do a chest stretch before you train upper back. This will help you to activate your upper back muscles so you get the most out of your training! #surfexercises #sea #strong #exercise #stretching #movement #health #freediving #ocean #fit @peak_body
09.01.2022 Feeling nice and grounded after an epic hike along this beautiful coastline. It’s amazing how much more you can see by walking a good trail. I’ve been driving along this coastline for years on my way to surf breaks, wineries and breweries but missing some of its best hidden gems. Sometimes it’s worth putting your iPhone down and getting out of your comfort zone. You just might find yourself around a campfire under the stars meeting new people and loving life! #hike #westaustralia #fit #nature #surf #margaretriver #healthretreats #outdoors #exercise #ocean #stretch #breathe #nature
09.01.2022 SHOULDER WORKSHOP. SIDE LYING MID BACK ROTATIONS. This is a mobility exercise I use to get more movement through the mid back. This can help to correct the hunch back posture which often contributes to shoulder injuries. Relax and breathe out on the way back and in on the way forward. Do 10-15 reps each side. #correctiveexercise #shoulderworkout #shoulderinjuries #posture #surfstrength #healthylifestyle #functionaltraining #golfstrengthandconditioning #freedivespearfishing #fitness
09.01.2022 Taking it to the next level! Thought I’d challenge Courtney a bit more today by getting her to do Bulgarians with a decreased base of support. Knowing when to progress an exercise is an important part of any good program and will help you to bust through training plateaus, get better results and adds flavour to your training so you don’t get bored. #healthylifestyle #fitnessmotivation #outdoors #health #gym #beach #movement
09.01.2022 3 Tips To Get You Healthy! #surf #fit #strong #health #live #movement #ocean
09.01.2022 What stage of training are you in? This is important to know because it’ll affect which exercises you should or shouldn’t be doing. What could be the best Exercise Program for one person could be the worst one for another person. Fiona’s got a bad back at the moments so I’m using non axial loading exercises in her program to avoid loading her spine and making her injury worse. Courtney’s in pretty good shape and we’ve got her to a point in her training where she’s ready to d...o more sports specific stuff such as the single leg pike on Swiss ball shown in this video. One of the fastest ways to injure yourself is to go straight to the advanced stuff without doing the required strength and stability training first and if you’re injured you may need to change your Program accordingly. MOVE WELL, BE STRONG, LIVE LIFE!!! #healthy #fitnessmotivation #beachlife #movement #surfing #paddleboarding #swimming #running #ocean See more
08.01.2022 This guy’s a pleasure to train. At 64 yrs old he’s in better condition than a lot of guys half his age. Don’t use your age as an excuse to not train. It’s true what they say; use it or lose it. MOVE WELL, BE STRONG, LIVE LIFE! #fitness #healthylifestyle #strengthtraining #strengthandconditioning #surfing #golf #paddleboarding #ocean#freediving
07.01.2022 Feeling the Stoke. I was lucky enough to go for a dive and a surf on Friday. Stay fit and strong by training properly. Be in it for the long run and make it a lifestyle choice to be healthy. Find a goal that motivates you to train. If I can surf longer, dive deeper or keep up with my kids I’m happy and that’s what I train for. What’s your reason? #ocean #mobility #movement #strong #surf #outdoors #life
07.01.2022 You need to keep your shoulders strong if you want to keep surfing and/or play golf into middle and old age. Golf Courses are full of ex surfers who can’t paddle anymore because their shoulders hurt too much so they give up surfing. Then they take up golf and destroy their poor shoulders even more. A lot of the time this is AVOIDABLE! This exercise will strengthen and add stability to your shoulders to help them withstand the stress of paddling and of swinging a golf club. use a light resistance band or a cable machine (don’t go heavy!)make sure you externally rotate your arm 10 degrees before horizontal to avoid impingement do 2-3 sets of 8-10 reps each side at the end of your workout MOVE WELL, BE STRONG, LIVE LIFE#surf #health #golf #ocean #breathe #live #outdoors #fitnessmotivation #strong #movement
07.01.2022 TIGHT HIPS??? Move better and avoid injury with this awesome stretch! #fit #health #surf #ocean #swim #paddleboarding #run #hike #golf #strengthtraining #bike
05.01.2022 My moment in the spotlight doing one of my favourite exercises at the moment The Reverse Woodchop. TRAINERS NOTE: if you’re locked up in your mid back make sure you do the right stretches and mobs to get adequate movement through this area before doing this exercise or you’ll beat up your shoulders. MOVE WELL, BE STRONG, LIVE LIFE #strength #health #watersports #ocean #breathe #freediving #outdoors #movement
05.01.2022 No matter what you’re doing you need your body to be able to meet the demands of the environment you’re in. This is especially true in the ocean. Sitting on machines in a gym will not help you. You need to use exercises that strengthen your smaller stabilising muscles or you will break! #fit #strong #healthylifestyle #beach #surfing #ocean #fitballworkout #muscle
05.01.2022 I’m proud of this girl she’s come along way. This exercise is a lot harder than it looks. Well done Court! EXERCISE TIPS: keep your back neutral with your head in line with your spine tuck your pelvis under (don’t let your bum come up) don’t round your lower back when you bring your leg in. #chekinstitute #oceanfitness #movement #healthylifestyle #surf #freediving #strengthandconditioning #functionaltraining
05.01.2022 GET SOME ROTATION IN YOUR TRAINING It doesn’t really matter how much you can deadlift, if you don’t have adequate movement and strength in the rotational plane of motion you’ll break out in the water. It’s only a matter of when!TRAINERS TIP: put rotational exercises at the start of your training session when you’re fresh. #surfing #outdoors #beachlife #exercise #movement #functionalfitness #chek
04.01.2022 The Tax Collector! #ocean #fit #health #exercise #freedive #surfing #exercise #breathe #spearfishing #kayaking #holistichealth #chek
03.01.2022 If you want to be strong enough to meet the demands of your work or sports environment you need to be strong in 3 planes of motion. I find most people are quite weak in the frontal plane and I use this exercise a lot to help correct this imbalance. keep your body in line (don’t lean forward or back)try 2-3 sets of 10-12 reps each sideif you have a weaker side then only do that side or do an extra set on that side until this imbalance is corrected do at or near the end of your workout. #fit #health #strong #surf #golf #movement #stretch #ocean
02.01.2022 New Vid out: GET MORE WAVES With These 5 Exercises! Hope this inspires you to get Surf Fit. ...
01.01.2022 Most people in the gym do a lot of work on their big muscles but not enough work on their smaller muscles which stabilise the body. This will = injuries. The Horse Stance is a great exercise that’ll help strengthen those smaller stabilising muscles. #ocean #surf#health#fit#strong #movement #stretch #mobilityexercises #beach #health #life @peak_body
01.01.2022 I love doing Bulgarians because they’re are a great exercise for building leg strength and muscle + core strength and you don’t need a lot of weight. There’s also less loading through the spine compared to a heavy squat so if you have any back issues going on or your back’s just sore and tight this can be a great exercise to put into your program. do the right stretches and mobility exercises particularly for your hips and legs before doing this exercise don’t let your knee cave intry 15, 12, 10 and 8 reps increasing the weight each set if you can. #surf #strength #health #sea #holistic #muscle #live #train #exercise
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