Earthshine Village | Spa
Earthshine Village
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24.01.2022 It’s been a little while since I’ve shared some of the titles in the Earthshine Village Library (available for you to borrow in between visits). Don’t they look pretty sitting on the mantelpiece in clinic? It’s rare to have all three of these available at once. One is about to leave this week (and another WAS about to walk out the door last week - but isn’t required anymore). These titles are all on the Fertility Awareness Method (FAM). A great way to optimize the timing ...of unprotected sex for conception (and when not to if you’re not looking to conceive)!!! Using this method can help you learn how to pin point ovulation (and identify if you are actually ovulating). This is done by taking your temperature each morning on waking and combines symptoms like cervical mucous and cervical position to create a larger picture. Tracking your cycle in this way can be a great diagnostic tool too and is so much more accurate than replying on an app that uses date from previous cycles to predict ovulation, relying only on an app can mean you miss your fertility window all together. Discovering FAM was one of the gifts from my own fertility journeys. The Fifth Vital Sign - Lisa Hendrickson Jack* The Garden of Fertility - Katie Singer Taking Charge of Your Fertility - Toni Weschler Please let me know if you want me to bring one of these to your next appointments. I believe every girl/woman should know this knowledge. *Lisa Hendrickson Jack has an awesome podcast called Fertility Friday with hundreds of episodes on so many topics. Her book even mentions Arvigo Therapy and has multiple episodes with Arvigo Therapists - including the amazing Rosita Arvigo - the bridge between therapists like me and the traditional Maya healers from whom many of the techniques I use originate.
23.01.2022 Did you know I can also provide Pregnancy and postnatal massage? I’ve just upgraded my qualifications in both through @PregnancyMassageAustralia, Australia’s leading educators for perinatal massage. I’ve used Arvigo Therapy to support my clients from 6 weeks postpartum, now I can support you within days of birthing! It’s been a passion of mine to support women through their childbearing years for a long time. In my early twenties I was a student midwife. Adding thes...e services has helped complete my spectrum of support for all the phases of a women’s life. I’ve even been able to use some of those expensive medical textbooks I bought for uni. As a student midwife I attended many hospital shifts as a type of work experience. I was also honoured to support many women as follow throughs attending antenatal and postnatal appointments as well as being invited into many women’s birthing journeys. I’ve been so honoured to be at the birth of 4 of my nieces and nephews and another couple of my closest fiends births. I’m still a self confessed birth nerd. I’ve been collecting books all things pregnancy, birth and postpartum since then (how scary for my 20 year old boyfriend at the time - although obviously not too scary he’s now my husband and father of my kids!) - these are available for you to borrow in between your appointments. I’ll share some of these very soon... Home visits available for both pregnancy and postnatal massage. Mondays, Wednesday afternoons and alternate Fridays. (This is especially popular for postnatal treatments). Contact me to book home visits. Clinic appointments available Wednesday mornings and alternate Saturdays.
22.01.2022 Sending love and blessings to you on this day. Fathers Day is happy for many, but it’s also sometimes a reminder of an absence or loss. An absence of being a father or being recognised as a father, despite how much they wish they were. An absence of your own father or father figure, or maybe an absence of the relationship and everything in between. Sometimes it’s both happy and sad and that’s ok too. So whatever today is for you - hugs and love!
18.01.2022 #rainbowbabyday - 22 August - so technically this is an American thing - but any chance to celebrate the rainbow after the storm is fine by me! Proof there is light after the darkness and it’s never looked so cheeky... Appropriately dressed This is a rare moment when Violet wears something that remotely matches - I have zero say in her outfit choices anymore... Usually her clash game is strong! Look our world, this girl knows what she wants. (1) Earth side (yesterday) and womb side (2) @ Westbourne Park
15.01.2022 Appointment available this Wednesday 8:00am in clinic at Frewville. Get in touch to make it yours. Next appointment not available until 16th December Loyal and New Clients welcome.... Women’s health Period Problems Endo/PCOS Support Conception Preparation Fertility Support (natural & IVF) Pregnancy/Postnatal Massage Scar Tissue Release Home visits - a couple of spots left for November available - contact me to book.
14.01.2022 Stay safe lovelies! A quick (post kids in bed) little walk down the street to capture these amazing annual blooms. see you in 6 days!... I’m still here so please reach out for a chat if you need and remember: You shine even when there is no light
14.01.2022 There’s a heaviness at the moment... adulting feels so damn hard right now... So. Up. Hill. Please know that you’re not the only one feeling this. It’s been a big theme in almost everyone I’ve spoken to these last few weeks. People are pretty good at wearing the ‘I’ve got my shit together mask’. 2020 has been a BIG year and it’s only August! I remember so vividly my journeys of #TTC, my endo was at its worst, pain was constant and it felt so permanent. My pregnancies wer...en’t without a few hiccups either. Then the second time the pain wasn’t an issue, physically. Having conquered those mountains I can tell you it’s oh so worth it. Life is beautiful and breathtaking... mostly. Don’t get me wrong - it’s not a breeze. I have been forever changed through it though. I am stronger but somehow softer too. Now I get to hold your hand, (metaphorically - because social distancing ) while you scale your mountain. What an honour. Do you know how courageous and strong you are?! You’re doing it! It might not feel like it, but even baby steps move us forward. It truely won’t feel like this forever, I promise. Spring is in the air though... What better a time to prepare for rebirth and new beginnings?! Bring on those breath taking moments. Please reach out (DM/email/text/phone) if you’d like some support on your journey from a place of deep knowing.
11.01.2022 I share some of my stories with you - not because I’m special, I’m really not. I share them with you because you ask how I came to do this work. I share them with you because I have lived through the dark and loneliness of reproductive pain and dysfunction. I’ve stumbled through the blur of postnatal periods and parent from the filter of after infertility and loss. In the midst of all this I discovered a burning passion to somehow help women going through similar experi...ences - where they feel alone and broken. Oh how I remember that feeling... I wasn’t really sure how, where, or with what/how I would do that for a good while... like years. What I knew was that I would be open with you about my struggles, so you wouldn’t feel alone. Not enough people talk about their shit (and everyone’s got it!!!). I share them with you because I have triumphed and I remember wandering if I ever would. I share them with you because it gives you hope. I share them with you because you share yours with me and we are equal. Together we are Earthshine Village. I know one day you will share your story and it will illuminate someone else’s journey, becoming their survival guide. The village expands. For support along your journey send a DM/PM.
10.01.2022 S P R I N G After a loooooong cold wet winter Spring can feel like that new beginning you’ve been craving. I always feel so ready for spring and this year is no exception. Then it arrives... bringing windy days and a sniffle of hay fever. Perhaps a reminder that the idea of new beginnings and the reality of them are different. New beginnings mean being courageous and courage means being vulnerable. Trying something new, a new approach, a new therapy, asking ...for help from someone new... can be scary, messy even. It doesn’t always mean you’ll get it right. That messy middle bit is where the magic happens. It’s where you learn the reality of failing isn’t as scary as you’ve made it out to be in your head. It’s where you learn to pick yourself up, dust yourself off and have another go. It’s where you learn how strong and resilient you truely are. (But you might not see it for a while). Nevertheless, today was a lovely taste of sunshine which felt oh so warm, even though I’m not sure it even reached 20 degrees. Yet in a few months a 20 degree day will be mild. Perhaps a lesson on perspective...? Maybe another day. I love being part of your new beginnings, messy middle and all. I feel so honoured to help illuminate your journey and watch you grow.
10.01.2022 Wowzers! What a crazy couple of days?! How are you?? I’m excited (although you may not be able to tell behind my mask) to hold space for you again. ... You’re in luck! 2 vacancies this week! Back doing home visits and in clinic! Monday midday/arvo (Home visit) (NOW BOOKED) Wednesday 8:00am (Clinic) (Next clinic vacancy is 16th Dec) Massage Therapy to illuminate your journey: Women’s health Period Problems Endo/PCOS Support Pregnancy/Postnatal Massage Scar Tissue Release
09.01.2022 WOW! Great photo of the main event - Ovulation - of the menstrual cycle. Accompanied by some fascinating facts. All my babies () have come from ovulation from my right ovary. I can feel ovulation - can you?
09.01.2022 A big Happy Father’s Day to this guy! Getting to this moment, pictured, was a long time in the making... Simon has been my rock throughout my journey: being diagnosed with endometriosis, two years of fertility challenges before conceiving Harvey, a risky abdominal surgery during my pregnancy with Harvey, then another fertility journey; two miscarriages, supporting me and all my anxieties during pregnancy after loss and then this photo. Meeting Violet for the first time-and awe. Not to mention his unwavering support for me to pursue my passion and life’s work to illuminate your journeys through what has become Earthshine Village. We can conquer anything! So glad our kids have him as a dad.
08.01.2022 R U OK? On this journey of womanhood there are many hurdles which may throw you... tipping you closer from OK to not OK. We talk about some of this stuff in clinic - it’s often why you come to me for support: living in chronic pain, waiting for answers (and help!) about your pain, trying not to let your past trauma wreck your future, cycle after cycle without that positive you dream of, losing another pregnancy, trying to (but being too afraid to) find joy in your after loss, trying to recover from physical and mental trauma of birthing your baby, feeling lost and alone on your mothering journey, and so much more. How about the pace of modern life and feeling so overwhelmed ALL. THE. TIME?! This is a picture of me during my pregnancy after loss - (Not OK and seeing a perinatal psychologist!) Notice my short hair. Almost all of you will know me with long hair, usually a mum bun and blunt fringe. When I found out I was pregnant again, third time in 13 months, the next day I organised to cut off ALL my hair. It felt like completely the only option, something I had control over, as if cutting off the previous 12 months and starting over... I look back now at photos during my pregnancy, Violet’s birth and most of her first year and I don’t look like me. I’m pretty open about my struggles (endometriosis, fertility challenges, miscarriages, anxiety in general, but no doubt added to by parenting after infertility and loss to name a few) both on here and in person because they make me human. I know everyone has struggles and when we don’t talk about them shame breeds and we just isolate those who need support the most. There is no shame in needing help/support when life feels hard. I know if someone you loved felt they could rely on you to talk something over with when they felt heavy and not OK you would feel honoured. Please give them the same courtesy. Sometimes an empathetic ear is all we need, sometimes we need more than that. GPs can hook you up with 10 subsidised visits to a councillor/psychologist each year. Then there’s phone services like: Lifeline 13 11 14 Beyond Blue 1300 22 4636 PANDA 1300 726 306 I heard on the radio today that Beyond Blue relieved the most calls in its history this Tuesday. We are clearly not OK. But I think we are getting better about admitting it and seeking help... at least I hope so. Sending you all love and strength on your journeys. As always, I am here, phone, text, DM, PM, email and in clinic. You shine even when there is no light
07.01.2022 A week designed to promote the health of women. Many health challenges/problems/diseases are unique to women or much more common in those with biologically female anatomy. Yet, there is still a big lag in appropriate health care for women. Women’s problems are still frequently fobbed off. Especially in relation to those that cause pain; period pain, pelvic pain, pain with sex, discomforts/dysfunction with pregnancy and postnatally etc. This occurs even in conditions/challen...ges/diseases which aren’t unique to being biologically female! For a long time women were excluded from research trials because of our pesky fluctuating hormones and it was assumed data from men could be easily applied to women, who were after all just small men. The purpose of this week is for you to check in with yourself. How are you - physically, emotionally, spiritually? What do you need? Who do you need to support you? (Try someone else if you aren’t being taken seriously.) Did Covid cause something to be postponed that now maybe needs attention? Rebook that appointment. You know your mind and body better than anyone, trust your gut if it tells you something’s off and it’s ok to ask for help! My inbox is always open to help support you.
04.01.2022 FREE Tomorrow Night Zoom Q&A with Dr Susan Evans - a leading expert Gynecologist and Pain Specialist. How great it is to see programs like this for young petiole - no doubt helping them to seek answers to their pain.
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