Earth Song Wellness Centre Snowy Mountains in Cooma, New South Wales | Gift shop
Earth Song Wellness Centre Snowy Mountains
Locality: Cooma, New South Wales
Phone: +61 2 6452 5209
Address: 95-99 Commissioner St 2630 Cooma, NSW, Australia
Likes: 1529
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24.01.2022 Been on holidays and forgot to get your 2021 diaries? We have a small stock of calendars and diaries left, including the very popular astrological moon and planting guide. But be quick they won’t last long. ... #earthsongwellnesscentre #somuchtolovecooma #shoplocal #supportlocal #2021diariesandcalendars #betteryear #backtowork
24.01.2022 so do I put these stunning green amethyst hearts, with the green crystals, the amethyst’s or the hearts? I’m betting it won’t matter as these guys are going to find forever homes As soon as the hit any shelves. Green amethyst not only shares the properties that amethyst does, but I will also assist you to express personal emotions and will help link the heart with the crown chakras.... might need these my self . #earthsongwellnesscentre #somuchtolovecooma #shoplocal #supportlocal #greenamethyst #lovecrysyals #crystalbabies
23.01.2022 Need a little magic going back to work? These gorgeous coffee cups by Lisa Parker will brighten up your desk and make your lunch room coffee taste even better. $22.95 each but be quick we only have four left. ... we are back to normal hours. Mondays 9am till 3pm Tuesday - Friday 9am till 5pm Saturday from 10 am till 2pm And yes we can take payments over the phone and post, just in case you can’t fly in store #earthsongwellnesscentre #somuchtolovecooma #shoplocal #supportlocal #coffeeismagic #backtowork #lovecats #loveowls
21.01.2022 Don’t forget we have this wonderful event happening today. Free lunchtime presentation starts at 12.30 upstairs here at Earth song. If you would like to find out if there are any free consultation times left please ring Gilly on the number provided. But be quick as she has had a lot of interest. ... #earthsongwellnesscentre #somuchtolovecooma #worldflowertherepyday #naturalhealth #naturalhealing #timeforyou
20.01.2022 All set up for our free talk today celebrating world flower therapy day we will be exploring first light flower essences of New Zealand with beautiful Gilly from @healingnature 12:30 - 1:30
19.01.2022 Dusting the bookshelf today and flipped to a poem from Bush Mother reflections of motherhood in verse, which was written by a monaro local and beautiful friend of Earth song Lee Taylor- Friend. Blurred lines Why do we love? Why do we hate?... Why do we chastise, yell, berate?? Why do we win? Why do we lose? Why do we castigate, Scream,abuse?? Why do we treat Our children this way? Morals and ethics Blurred lines turn to grey... Why can’t kids just Learn and play and have fun? ‘Win at all costs’ It’s a bleak loaded gun... Note from the author: I wrote this after observing a junior sporting coach who had a habit of yelling and swearing at the young players. I am a firm believer that there are more appropriate and positive ways to get the best out of our children and that we all need to encourage good sportsmanship and respect well said Lee and what a beautiful poem. Lee has a number of books published and are available here at Earth song. #earthsongwellnesscentre #shoplocal #supportlocal #somuchtolovecooma #localauthors #leetyalorfriend #creativewriting #beautifulwords #healeithwords
19.01.2022 This came up in our last cuppa and chat meet up Earth Song Wellness Centre Snowy Mountains Please share and join if your called to
18.01.2022 THIS WEEKEND join the beautiful Gini Eagle with this experiential workshop Followed by Earth Songs monthly social catch up and cuppa. (If you have tarot cards bring them along this month well be having a play) If you have Ginis book already bring it along and get it signed
17.01.2022 Just in time for the upcoming Breast Cancer Awareness month we have new stocks of the ever popular Bra Crystals What are bra crystals ( not an official term) you ask? . ... They are what I call, a range of beautiful and flat crystals that are the perfect size to be carried skin to skin in your bra. Yes ladies, we all do it. and if you don’t, you know you want to. And something else we should all do next month for BC month....get your boobs checked. We all have our belief system around dis-ease, causes and prevention, western medicine versus natural alternatives but seriously, a quick personal check every month,a yearly check by your doctor or even the dreaded mammogram is not going to kill you, but it just might help save your life. Pop in and see our new crystal Tuesday to Friday until 5pm and 10 am till 2pm on Saturdays. #earthsongwellnesscentre #shoplocal #supportlocal #somuchtolovecooma #breastcancerawarenessmonth #braceystals #lovecrystals #naturalhealth #livelong #livehappy #livehealthy
17.01.2022 Instead of a grid this week I’m just going to introduce you to this Beautiful boy. This Australian starry jasper has pyrite running through him and he radiates the most beautiful healing earthy energy. As well as healing,Starry jasper is also a really grounding and Protective stone perfect for spiritual work.... Now for those of you that follow us, you will know I have a habit of talking to and naming crystals. I kept getting Earth for this one, which in the first language is Nangun Wruk (our earth). I would love to learn the correct pronunciation, so if someone knows pop in and visit us here at Earthsong. And yes he is even more stunning in person Opening hours: Monday - 10am till 3pm Tues - Friday - 9am till 5pm Saturday - 10am till 2pm #earthsongwellnesscentre #somuchtolovecooma #shoplocal #supportlocal #ourearth #starryjasper #cleverplanet #lovecrystals #crystalmahic #healwithcrystal
16.01.2022 The exact moment you regret being naughty all year and you are left wondering if Santa takes bribes!!!!!!!!! #earthsongwellnesscentre #somuchtolovecooma #shoplocal #supportlocal #santascoming #amethystmagic #crystalmagic #lovecrystals
14.01.2022 Magic Make a wish Believe in miracles Magic surrounds you... They whisper in your ear: make a wish and believe it is already so. Believe in us. Believe in magic. Now and always. Today I felt the need for us to get Back in touch with our inner child so today’s card comes from my favourite oracle of the unicorns deck by Cordelia Francesca Brabbs. School holidays can be stressful, trying to juggle work and kids and the pressure both time wise and financial,to keep them occupied ever second of the day. But do we really have to? Have we lost the magic of the simple things which cost us imagination not money. Like going on a bear hunt down at the park, or looking for fairies in your own garden. The joy of just sitting back and watching kids create a magic flying machine with a few old boxes. Writing this I had a memory flash up of my son dressed as a pirate, sitting in a wheel burrow fishing, before digging up my backyard to bury treasure. ( my jewellery box) Those moments are gone so quickly as our kids grow up so fast. And the worst part as they get older, we adults lose the reason to bring magic into our lives through them. But you are never to old to believe in magic. Run under the sprinkler, colour in, watch cartoons, camp out under the stars. Create things but most of all create memories that will get you through the days you have to adult. #earthsongwellnesscentre #shoplocal #supportlocal #shopcooma #dontgrowup #believeinmagic #innerchild #havesomefun
14.01.2022 Spending the day outside in the sunshine and fresh air? Don’t forget the sunscreen. Eco by Sonya Driver not only have amazing,natural and chemical free tanning products but also healthy natural and chemical free sunscreen and outdoor spray. (As well as skincare ).... Leave the chemicals behind this year and improve your health while still looking after your skin. And cause we want everyone to make easy little steps to go chemical free this year, I have *3 each of the sunscreen and outdoor spray at an amazing 30% off the normal retail price. * after the first three are sold price will go back to the normal retail price. So be quick grab a healthy bargain and check out the rest of the range. #earthsongwellnesscentre #shoplocal #supportlocal #ecotank ecotan #ecobysonyadriver #chemicalfree #healthyskin #naturalbeauty
12.01.2022 Dusting the bookshelf today and flipped to a poem from Bush Mother reflections of motherhood in verse, which was written by a monaro local and beautiful friend of Earth song Lee Taylor- Friend. Blurred lines Why do we live? Why do we hate?... Why do we chastise, yell, berate?? Why do we win? Why do we lose? Why do we castigate, Scream,abuse?? Why do we treat Our children this way? Morals and ethics Blurred lines turn to grey... Why can’t kids just Learn and play and have fun? ‘Win at all costs’ It’s a bleak loaded gun... Note from the author: I wrote this after observing a junior sporting coach who had a habit of yelling and swearing at the young players. I am a firm believer that there are more appropriate and positive ways to get the best out of our children and that we all need to encourage good sportsmanship and respect well said Lee and what a beautiful poem. Lee has a number of books published and are available here at Earth song. #earthsongwellnesscentre #shoplocal #supportlocal #somuchtolovecooma #localauthors #leetyalorfriend #creativewriting #beautifulwords #healeithwords
10.01.2022 Who needs board games when you have crystals? Even more fun, go for a nature walk and find you own playing pieces. And don’t forget, we are back from our Easter break and working hard.... Now, who’s turn is it ? #earthsongwellnesscentre #shoplocal #supportlocal #shopcooma #crystalgames #holidayfun #innerchild #havesomefun
09.01.2022 School holidays are here So I’ll be chilling with my little kiddlets. our little gift shop will be CLOSED Monday 28th September &... Monday 5th October But you can still pop in and see our beautiful Tracy OPEN TUESDAY-FRIDAYS 9-5 SATURDAYS 10-2 Holiday blessings to you all With Love and gratitude Trish #schoolholidayfun #familytime #holidayhours #springweather #shoplocal #supportlocal #supportfamilybusiness #smallbusinesssmatter #helpsmallbusinesssurvive
07.01.2022 Catching up with family over Easter? We have everything you need to get you through. Vegan and gluten free Easter eggs... Sage Incense really big selenite All the holiday essentials We are open till 5pm today. We will be taking a short break over Easter and will reopen on Tuesday the 6th to get ready for an exciting reopening.. Ps if you work and struggle to get here by 5, give me a ring and we can organise for it to be ready for you #earthsongwellnesscentre #shoplocal #supportlocal #shopcooma #easter #holidayessentials #holidaysurvivalguide
06.01.2022 On tomorrow night If your coming could you please message me so I can get numbers as we are limited atm with covid and I know some of you beautiful souls might be traveling from surrounds and don’t want there not to be enough space Blessings )0( Trish
06.01.2022 Don’t you love it when the beautiful angels and universe send you messages on the first day back of work. 1:11 on the 11/1 Thankyou angels
05.01.2022 Get your Christmas shopping started at Earthsong. 25% off store wide *** Laybuys welcome today only ... ** 25% discount does not apply to already items reduced. We are open till 5pm today o pop in and get your Christmas shopping started at Earthsong wellness centre. #earthsongwellnesscentre #somuchtolovecooma #shoplocal #supportlocal #blackfriday #christmasshopping
04.01.2022 We are back. So packed up the Christmas decorations and did a quick grid to send you all love and peace. We often think when the clock strikes 12 on New Year’s Eve, everything will change and like Cinderella we wake up and can get a bit deflated that things feel or seem the same. ... Things are changing, things are shifting and everything is happening the way it is for a reason. So rest, recover and shine your magic at everyone and everything that crosses your path, cause when we all raise our energies, it makes a huge difference to the world. Now we are back to normal ( well normalish ) Open Mondays from 9 till 3 Tuesdays to Fridays from 9till 5 And Saturday from 10 till 2 So pop in and reenergise you’re batteries. #Earthsongwellnesscentre #somuchtolovecooma #shoplocal #supportlocal #shine #rise
04.01.2022 Want to know if chemical free, plant based makeup feels as good as it sounds? Well now is the perfect time to find out, with 30% off all INIKA Organic gift sets and discontinued colours. Offer until sold out... #earthsongwellnesscentre #shoplocal #supportlocal #shopcooma #inika #veganfriendly #chemicalfree #animalfriendly
03.01.2022 The gift shop is open The gift shop is only closed on the Mondays of the school holidays. All other days we are open as normal. Tuesday to Friday from 9am till 5pm Saturdays from 10am till 2pm ... Very simple grid for us today inspired by the nurturing sunlight and bees . centre pieces are glorious Citrine pendants, surrounded by Orange Calcite hearts bumble bee jasper Citrine points And if you are out gardening in this beautiful sunlight don’t forget to plant some bee friendly plants. #earthsongwellnesscentre #shoplocal #supportlocal #somuchtolovecooma #savethebees #savetheplanet #enjoyingspeing #enjoyingsunlight
02.01.2022 Give the gift of chemical free, natural beauty this Christmas. Earthsong stocks amazing beauty products that are plant based and chemical free such as INIKA. And with 25% off store wide today, it’s the perfect time to try it.... #earthsongwellnesscentre #somuchtolovecooma #shoplocal #supportlocal #christmas2020 #chemicalfree #naturalbeauty #plantbased #inika
01.01.2022 it’s a proven fact that you can’t dust the oracle card shelf without pulling a card (or two ) I found this cool set called The Lunar Nomad Oracle by Shaheen Miro. Now these ones feel a bit more traditional then some, which gives the pictures a really old worldly feel. ... We were gifted Sun . Key words: success, good health, vitality, electricity, warmth, victory summer, invention, ideas, thinking. The sun represents the solar self, which is the left brained analytical mind that uses logic to comprehend life and experience. The solar self believes in all that can be seen, touched and quantified. Now why would a bunch of fairy, dragon and other mythical creature and crystal lovers want to receive this card? Cause sometimes we need this side of our brain to help us get to where our heart wants us to get to. The healing arts can fall within the realm of the sun when it relates to understanding the science and systems of the body, disease and therefore healing. So does understanding the four seasons help us to grow plants and food to nurture our bodies. When our hearts get in the way sometimes you need to look at the analytical facts and then use a step 1, step 2 etc approach. Taking emotion out and being scientific can lead us to the solution or to create and realise what our dreams have invented. The moon works with the sun, each have there place and are needed for survival. As all things finding the perfect balance ( like the moon and sun have since the beginning of time) is key. Tracy #earthsongwellnesscentre #shoplocal #supportlocal #somuchtolovecoome #traditional #sunandmoon #balance #aplaceforscience
01.01.2022 Beautiful new range of incense has flown in to Earthsong. The Angel Range which includes: angel of love angel of light... angel of cleansing angel guide angel of power Guardian Angel We also have our beautiful The mothers india range back in stock as well as their new cone variety packs. And if you are after Backflow cones we have now got in stock the wonderful tribal soul Backflow cones. #earthsongwellnesscentre somuchtolovecooma #shoplocal #supportlocal #incensecentral #loveyoursurroundings #scenttherepy
01.01.2022 Do you love wearing crystal jewellery but have trouble picking just one necklace? We have the perfect solution. The little silver spirals let you change your crystals to suit any mood or colour that you need.... All you do is pop in the swirl through the donut and magically you have a new necklace. Lots of new crystal donuts have arrived. so pop in and see them for your self at Earthsong wellness centre. Open till 5pm Tuesday to Friday and Saturdays from 10am to 2pm. #earthsongwellnesscentre #shoplocal #supportlocal #somuchtolovecooma #crystaldonuts #lovecrystals #lovedonuts #changetourlook
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