Earthworker Co-op Hunter Region | Community organisation
Earthworker Co-op Hunter Region
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25.01.2022 Time is running out to donate to #GiveTanks... We want to install as many solar hot water systems as possible for our friends at Aboriginal Housing Victoria. So if you havent already supported our campaign to crowdfund renewable energy tech for low income households, now is the time to do it!
25.01.2022 Our #GiveTanks video is now LIVE! Catch up with all things Earthworker Co-operative & see Eurekas Future Workers Co-operative
25.01.2022 Earthworker Energy Manufacturing Cooperative is Australia's first worker-owned factory. Producing solar hot water systems in Gippsland, it is the pilot project ...of Earthworker Cooperative, a member group of Friends of the Earth Australia. The two-pronged approach these folks have taken not only provides an alternative to gas-powered hot water systems, it also helps to ensure a just transition for communities significantly impacted by the shift from fossil fuels to renewable energy. Read more about our COVID-19 Blueprint for Climate Justice here >>
23.01.2022 Were working to make practical contributions to climate action, fair work, social equality, and justice & economic self-determination (treaty work) for Aboriginal People. Check out our new video about the first installation of solar hot water with our friends at Aboriginal Housing Victoria, made possible by contributions to our Give Tanks crowdfund so far. Please share! If you havent chipped-in yet, you still can:
22.01.2022 If youre in or around Newcastle, come and see this new inspiring film thats all about how people power worked in the Northern Rivers when the Bentley blockade successfully stopped Metgascos CSG project. Its time to harness that community power again for Santos Narrabri gas project. You can sign your Environmental Impact Statement submission on the night.
19.01.2022 "This incipient energy revolution, which is part of the rise of the so-called sharing economy, where people and organisations circumvent established commercial models by pooling resources to produce, consume and trade goods and services, will soon start putting pressure on property developers because people will be attracted to lower costs, increased reliability, zero pollution and a sense of community achievement and empowerment."
19.01.2022 Chuffed to have installed our first crowdfunded solar hot water system on an Aboriginal Housing Victoria property yesterday. If you would like to see more Earthworker solar hot water systems installed on Aboriginal Housing Victoria properties, make sure you #GiveTanks!
18.01.2022 Three generations of Garys family worked at the Port Augusta coal station. Now, Gary wants to be part of building a new future for Port Augusta with solar ther...mal creating clean jobs and on-demand clean power. Any day now SA Premier Jay Weatherill could decide whether to back #solar4ptaugusta by committing to buying power from a plant in Port Augusta. Every $100 will air this ad once, can you help us put Garys powerful message to Jay at this critical moment on prime time TV this week?
17.01.2022 Earthworker Energy Manufacturing Cooperative is Australias first worker-owned factory. Producing solar hot water systems in Gippsland, it is the pilot project ...of Earthworker Cooperative, a member group of Friends of the Earth Australia. The two-pronged approach these folks have taken not only provides an alternative to gas-powered hot water systems, it also helps to ensure a just transition for communities significantly impacted by the shift from fossil fuels to renewable energy. Read more about our COVID-19 Blueprint for Climate Justice here >>
17.01.2022 South Australia is at a crossroads. 24 hour on-demand solar thermal, not gas, will create jobs for workers formerly employed in coal power while partnering perfectly with SAs fleet of wind farms.
17.01.2022 Earthworkers join the big union rally in Melbourne yesterday
16.01.2022 ACT leading the charge towards 100% renewables in Australia. Australias Capital Territory has committed to becoming 100% powered by renewable energy by 2020. Here is hoping other Australian states and territories quickly follow ACTs lead in the transition to renewable energy.
15.01.2022 Solidarity with our brothers and sisters in Bangladesh, who have been bravely resisting the construction of a coal fired power plant in the face of police repre...ssion. Bangladesh will be one of the worst affected countries from rising sea levels as a result of climate change. Local people are opposed to the power plants because they fear the resulting pollution would damage the environment and force them from their homes. "Four Dead, Dozens Wounded and Thousands Face Charges After Bangladesh Police Open Fire on Protest Against Coal Power Plants In the Chittagong district of Bangladesh, thousands of villagers held what they described as a peaceful protest over multiple days at the construction site of twin coal-fired power plants. The plants, costing $2.4 billion, are backed by Chinese companies and the project had just commenced leveling farmland to prepare for construction. Police opened fire on the villagers on Monday, claiming the protesters had injured 11 officers. Four protesters were killed, with dozens more wounded. According to the district Police Chief, charges have been filed against 3,200 protesters although, incredibly, only 57 individuals have actually been named in the cases. Today, "hundreds of villagers" regrouped at the construction site to demand justice for the four killed on Monday, and relatives of two victims have filed cases against the police." -- via Michael ONeil, for Trade Unions for Energy Democracy #TUED
15.01.2022 Would be great to see these WattGrid solar batteries being installed right across the country! AllGrid started out by addressing the needs of remote indigenous communities to go off-grid, taking leadership on the need for energy transition and indigenous employment. Supporting energy transition for indigenous communities is something we are serious about. #GiveTanks is already funding the installation of solar hot water systems on Aboriginal Housing Victoria properties:
14.01.2022 Check-out this inspiring flickr album of highlights images from todays event. More to come. For now, thank you so much to everyone who made today the huge success it was. #breakfree2016 #keepitintheground2016
12.01.2022 "If and when it goes ahead in Port Augusta itll be a clone of what you see here...politics and money still stand in the way". SolarReserves world leading sola...r thermal plant has come online a few hours north of Las Vegas and they want to build it in Port Augusta! After years of campaigning by our community solar thermal is closer than ever before, now is the time to push it over the line. With the SA Government stepping up as a buyer of 100% low-carbon energy & the Federal Government having the Australian Renewable Energy Agency to projects like this with political leadership we can get this done. Watch and share this incredible story that Nine News aired across Australia last night and join the campaign to call on Jay Weatherill & Greg Hunt MP to make it happen:
12.01.2022 Sharyn is a big supporter of earthworker and helped organise a meeting in Singleton a couple years back. Rock on Sharyn!
11.01.2022 "The work of creating more democratic workplaces and economies is already underway." Here's a piece co-written by Earthworker secretary, Dan, on why worker ownership should be a central plank to rebuild more sustainable, equal and resilient post-COVID-19 economies. Earthworker isn't just waiting for revolution, the "agenda isn’t to simply smash capitalism but build something better".... #democracy #COVID19Aus #crisis #cooperatives See more
10.01.2022 It was wonderful to open the factory doors yesterday, to welcome a big crowd with Minister Lily DAmbrosio MP, and to host the official launch of the Community ...Power Hub Latrobe Valley - a project which, like ours, aims to assist communities to take charge (and ownership) of their own energy transition. Were proud that the Earthworker Energy Manufacturing Cooperative is LIVE - manufacturing premium quality solar hot water products in a democratic worker-run factory in the Latrobe Valley! Were also glad to be part of the Community Power Hubs first project, the Gippy Bulk Buy of solar PV and our Made in Morwell solar hot water systems. Take part to lower your power bills, carbon pollution & support growing dignified livelihoods in the Latrobe Valley: Its great to see Latrobe City Council, Baw Baw Shire Council & Wellington Shire Councils cooperating to support the bulk buy along with Gippsland Climate Change Network, Yarra Energy Foundation & Sustainability Victoria As many of you know, its been years of persistence, hard work & enduring support from within the trade union & environment movements, and from thousands of community members across the country, to get the Earthworker Energy factory to this point. Thank you for your belief and investment. Thanks also to the Lord Mayors Charitable Foundation for their funding support. Its been people power thats got us this far, and it will be people power that allows us to grow! If youre a Gippslander, check out the Gippy Bulk Buy. Check out the new Earthworker Energy Manufacturing Cooperative website: And stay tuned for more announcements about the range of Made in Morwell solar hot water products available!
10.01.2022 " group of workers has taken the task of creating new jobs into their own hands. The Earthworker Cooperative has been around for about 20 years, but since the closure of the Hazelwood power station in 2016 the group has taken steps to realising its dream a worker-owned factory in the industrial town of Morwell." The Earthworker Co-op is embodying solutions not only to a transition from fossil fuels, but a transition to a more just society. Earthworker is owned by its ...members, and so decisions are made based on the needs of their members and not maximizing profits for absent shareholders. You can read more on Earthworkers website >> #climatecrisis #justtransition #latrobevalley
10.01.2022 Australian unions call for just transition from coal-generated electricity
10.01.2022 "The work of creating more democratic workplaces and economies is already underway." Heres a piece co-written by Earthworker secretary, Dan, on why worker ownership should be a central plank to rebuild more sustainable, equal and resilient post-COVID-19 economies. Earthworker isnt just waiting for revolution, the "agenda isnt to simply smash capitalism but build something better".... #democracy #COVID19Aus #crisis #cooperatives See more
08.01.2022 This is what caused South Australia to black out. Those are transmission towers. When they blow over like this they can no longer transmit electricity. They d...ont care whether the electricity they can no longer transmit was generated by wind, coal, sunlight or rubbing sticks together. South Australias commitment to renewables had *nothing* to do with last nights outage. Usually we wouldnt point this out so forcefully, but the *Prime Minister* today came out and blamed renewable energy for this. Hes wrong. Stay safe, SA, and spare a thought for the people working hard in atrocious conditions to get the power back on.
08.01.2022 Today Earthworkers express our solidarity with the Latrobe Valley community, which will lose hundreds of jobs from March next year due to the announced closure ...of Hazelwood Power Station. Hazelwoods closure is inevitable, necessary, and has been expected for over a decade, but this is still hard news for a community already struggling with high unemployment. Our thoughts are with those now facing an uncertain future. The tragedy is not that an old, inefficient and dirty power station will close; the tragedy is that successive governments at all levels have failed to prepare for the inevitable. The Latrobe Valley has powered Victoria for almost 100 years. The community now deserves support to ensure a #justtransition. There is an urgent need for more diverse and sustainable livelihoods in the Latrobe Valley livelihoods rooted in and owned by the communities in which they exist. Communities should be at the forefront of deciding what a clean and just future looks like. Earthworkers mission to establish worker and community-owned cooperatives in sustainability-focused industries is an important step in this direction. Through sustained community support, we now have the factory machinery, intellectual property, skills, know-how and desire to establish our first cooperative factory in the Latrobe Valley manufacturing household renewable energy technology, and providing dignified employment opportunities. Were asking the the Victorian Government to help kick-start this cooperative factory by committing to install locally made solar hot water systems and battery storage technology in public housing. Please add your voice to the call here: Today we stand in solidarity with Hazelwood workers and their unions - the CFMEU and GTLC - in demanding support for retraining and/or finding other employment within the region. We demand that Hazelwoods owners, Engie, take full responsibility for employing local workers to fully rehabilitate their mine and power station in line with community needs and wishes. We call on governments at all levels to support initiatives for new diverse, dignified and sustainable livelihoods in the Latrobe Valley. And we continue, as we have for years, to forge practical steps to meet our needs in enterprises and economies that are sustainable, democratic and fair.
08.01.2022 I worked for fossil fuels but I support student strikers Tommy-John Herbert September 18, 2019 4:20pm Im a proud member of the Maritime Union of Australia (MUA), and have spent most of my working life in the maritime industry. Like many of my workmates, I have been inspired by the high school students leading strikes across the world, calling for urgent action in the face of a climate catastrophe....Continue reading
04.01.2022 David Pope, The Canberra Times Trumble Card
03.01.2022 "Its easy, then, to understand why the local government was so excited by a 700 million pound investmentalmost $900 millionthat was going to rejuvenate their suffering downtown by bringing national chains to a giant new shopping mall in the center of the city. Seen as the only game in town, it was devastating when the deal completely fell apart in 2011. But thanks in large part to Preston City Councilor Matthew Brown, the city seized the opportunity to take a different ...path. Brown had been inspired by something he had learned about on the other side of Atlanticinnovative work in Cleveland, Ohio, with the Evergreen Cooperatives, a network of worker-owned businesses designed to create living wage jobs by localizing the purchasing power of anchor institutions like the cities large nonprofit hospitals and universities, including the world-famous Cleveland Clinic." See more
01.01.2022 An excellent analysis of the coal industry and prospects for transition in the Hunter Valley by Lock the Gates Steve Phillips. "Weve interviewed about 400 people in one of the most mining-dependent population centres of the Hunter, and the results have been illuminating. Of our respondents in Muswellbrook, one third of residents believe that the coal-mining industry has done more harm than good to our region. About 45% of people believe that the spread of coal-mining in our... region has gone far enough, and that no further coal mines or mine expansions should be approved. These results are remarkable, given were talking about Muswellbrook, where residents live in the heart of the Hunter coal industry and who, in large numbers, rely on the industry for employment. But the most remarkable figure comes in the responses to our third survey question, which asks, Do we need a plan for a post-coal economy in the Hunter? 9 out of 10 people in Muswellbrook think we do."
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