East Coast Building Biology in Tintenbar, New South Wales | Medical and health
East Coast Building Biology
Locality: Tintenbar, New South Wales
Phone: +61 418 187 058
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25.01.2022 Glass is the safer choice!
25.01.2022 NO 5G in the Byron Shire !!! 3 times on the front cover of the ECHO https://www.echo.net.au/volumes/35/ Council's fence sitting prolongs decision concerning children's safety.
24.01.2022 Zoom call tonight!
24.01.2022 More at https://ehtrust.org/why-are-doctors-concerned-about-the-he/
23.01.2022 His Belief is strong - nothing will shake it. Science? Just not relevant. :D Psychology Professor, Rodney Croft of the Australian Centre for Electromagnetic Bioeffects Research (ACEBR)
21.01.2022 WHAT WOULD WE SEE IF WE COULD SEE 5G WAVES... I often think that if we were able to see electromagnetic waves, we would be much more attentive to them and to th...eir action. Unfortunately, people pay attention mainly to the threats they see. Many people see polluted air in cities and are aware of this danger. But because they do not see EM waves, most people do not see the danger of their influence. So I think if we can make microwaves and radio waves visible, people will wake up. ----------------------------- A very interesting comment by Vivian Keller from ''Victims of Wireless Technology Registry'' group : "Unfortunately, I do see it. It blinds me. I live in a room that is heavily shielded and there are certain frequencies where I can see the texts and words as they bounce through the air. The colors in the sky are orange/purple, pink/brown colors and I can even see cell phone towers with my eyes blindfolded. They are white spots in black. The rainbow is never clean anymore, it has brownish colored bands around it. Some cameras actually can pick up the weird colors." See more
19.01.2022 Pesticides are also killing off birds, bees, butterflies, marine life, and affecting the health of our pets and families.
19.01.2022 Want to know why people are so concerned about the 5G rollout that’s underway right now in Australia and around the world? This little animation explains why. I...f this concerns you please sign and share the petition to help stop the Australia wide 5G rollout until we have truly independent, impartial testing to prove it is safe https://www.bit.ly/stop5gaus Mr. Victor (Vic) Leach App. Physics (RMIT), MSc (Melbourne. Uni) has worked as a radiation health physicist and atmospheric scientist for the past 40 years including for the Australian Radiation Laboratory (now ARPANSA) and is a member of ORSAA the Oceania Radiofrequency Scientific Advisory Association. These are his comments on ARPANSA- ARPANSA has ignored a large evidence base that challenges their position. The scientific evidence we have collated, presented and made publicly available demonstrates that there are biological/health effects occurring at exposures well below the ARPANSA standard. Therefore, ARPANSA’s claim that there is no substantiated evidence that RF exposure at levels below the limits of the ARPANSA Standard causes harm to humans is misleading. A risk management approach should be adopted urgently for RF-EMR with ALARA as the mainstay of this plan. Wireless technology is not risk-free as implied by ARPANSA’s claim of no established evidence of harm. Australians need to be informed of the risks so that they can make informed decisions when it comes to the use of wireless technology, particularly with regards to more vulnerable groups such as children. Bottom line is ARPANSA, the regulatory body who are supposed to keep us safe, are receiving money from the Telcos and are unfit to do their job. More info on ARPANSA and their corruption at http://www.getafreshstart.com.au//arpansa-are-unfit-to-pr/ The evidence that radio frequency (rf) radiation is harmful to life forms a literature base of well over 10,000 peer reviewed studies. Especially when you look at the studies that AREN’T funded by industry. Many say that non-ionising radiation doesn’t harm humans. That this technology will just heat our skin a little bit and that this isn’t dangerous. This is an outdated hypothesis and completely ignores current science which shows there are many non-thermal, biological effects associated with non-ionising radiation, the kind of radiation 5G technology will emit from small cells as well as large towers, right outside your house, schools and shops 24/7. Want to understand the effects of non-ionising radiation? Check out this 90 page book written by Martin L. Pall, PhD and Professor Emeritus of Biochemistry and Basic Medical Sciences at Washington State University https://peaceinspace.blogs.com//5g-emf-hazards--dr-martin- Effects include increased cancer risk, cellular stress, increase in harmful free radicals, genetic damages, structural and functional changes of the reproductive system, learning and memory deficits, neurological disorders, and negative impacts on general well-being in humans. Damage goes well beyond the human race, as there is growing evidence of harmful effects to both plants and animals. Particularly concerning is the damage to insects such as bees. Check out a large number of peer reviewed research articles here https://ehtrust.org/scientific-research-on-5g-and-health/ https://bioinitiative.org/ 4000 studies http://justproveit.net/studies 1168 studies https://www.powerwatch.org.uk/science/studies.asp 1,032 studies Plus this study which cost $25 million by the U.S. National Toxicology Program (NTP) clearly show that biological impacts occur at non-thermal exposures like those that take place from cell phones today. https://ehtrust.org/cell-phone-radiofrequency-radiation-st/ Regulators are deliberately excluding the scientific evidence of harm. Stakeholders are the ones funding the research and saying it is safe. This was part of a Senate Inquiry in Australia It was contended that the telecommunications industry will try to influence research into electromagnetic emissions to show that there are no ill effects from its technology: If you are a researcher doing research that is being funded by industry, if you are coming up with results that are not what the company wants to hear, you will not get further funding. But if you give results that look good you tend to get further funding. So there is very much a bias to slant your research towards the person who is providing the funding. Some submissions have claimed that industry cover-ups and interference in the publication of research results, and selection bias in the choice of studies to be funded, are reasons for the failure to replicate many studies that have shown a relationship between EMR and biological and health effects. All we are asking for is truly INDEPENDENT, totally impartial studies testing for biological safety BEFORE rolling out 5G. We do not want to be experimented on. Please sign and share the petition https://www.bit.ly/stop5gaus Voiceover Dean Elliott. Massive thanks to Sam and Dean from Interlude Media and our incredible animator Blake.
17.01.2022 The reality is also that there is a high level of concern regarding possible effects. The best approach to adopt therefore is a precautionary one. And this is the key issue for union members and health and safety reps: Should their health be put at potential risk by waiting for proof of harm beyond all reasonable doubt, before preventative action is taken; or should action be taken as a precaution before any conclusive evidence is found to prevent any potential harm? https://www.ohsrep.org.au/phone_towers
17.01.2022 https://secretingredientsmovie.com/
17.01.2022 What is Radiation ? What are EMF (electromagnetic frequencies) or EMR (electromagnetic radiation) ? What is the difference between ionising and non ionising rad...iation ? And between natural and non natural radiation ? TOMORROW NIGHT we have our second educational Zoom talk with EMF / EMR specialists Kara Kieley and Senri Oiso. They will be covering RFNSA / ACMA of tower locations and much more ! Join in via our Zoom link in the bio and check out our Facebook page and event for more information. There will be plenty of time for questions ! Look forward to meeting you . . . #emf #emr #radiation #technology #safetechnology #buildingbiology #safehomes See more
15.01.2022 'SMART' is not 'green' or 'safe' "5G energy consumption is an environmental problem that’s being overlooked, some experts say". Prevention is better than cure...rethink Smart and SAY NO TO 5G
15.01.2022 From over 10 years ago. For obvious reasons we'd NEVER see this kind of Truth leaked in MSM these days. Source: https://www.slideshare.net/nehakumar01/radiation-slow-death
15.01.2022 Chemical Free Community - products & services
14.01.2022 https://iowaclimate.org//the-critics-of-smart-meters-were/
13.01.2022 L A P T O P __ G R O U N D I N G __ ISSUES Sadly, many people are exposed needlessly to elevated electric fields and magnetic fields from insufferably poor gro...unding. Not your fault, but not having that 3rd wire in AC cords, actually does COST you, and yours their health and wellbeing. The hidden issues as an electrical engineer, that I’ve dealt with all too often, are: 1) Always use a 3-prong grounded router, which having PoE easily powers Ethernet adapters and cuts in half the otherwise demanding 2 cables to tethered users (smartphones, tablets, and/or laptops). If you’ve upgraded to Power over Ethernet router [see example on link ( A.) below], then there’s no need for item 3a). Yet, Item 3b) may or may not be necessary or useful (see item 4). See NOTE at end about charging laptops. 2) Ground loops from 2-prong laptop chargers (most of them) typically generate extreme magnetic fields, and/ or electric fields (from imbalanced currents racing chaotically in circles). See graphic for 2-wire situation. See NOTE#2, if have 3-prong charger. 3) Without grounding from AC wiring, you can augment both (a) Ethernet cabling and (b) USB cabling with specialized adapters that do that. Usually ~ $20 or so, because of labor costs on a one to one garage business operation. 4) Measure and test everything before and after, to prove you’re either making progress or the reverse. Usually, Ethernet cables and other cabling are best grounded at only one end, yet sometimes it’s better to ground both ends. Testing is the decision maker. 5) Be patient as this is literally RF MAGIC, and you’ve got a free pass to the magic castle. 6) Always choose cat7 Ethernet cabling for guaranteed shielding and grounding, as many versions of cat6 have none. A D V I C E It’s also never possible to decide in advance what’ll work or not, because there’s too often too many variables at play. So an empirical approach (not theoretical) is deemed indispensable. Try the cheapest and simplest mitigation initially, but test if it works before being satisfied. R E F S ( A. ) PoE router grounding example: https://www.amazon.com/NETGEAR-Gigabit-Etherne//B01MRO4M73 ( B. ) PoE Explanation: https://kb.netgear.com/209/What-is-PoE-Power-over-Ethernet ( C. ) Ethernet grounding adapter example (if unable to have PoE): Ethernet Grounding Adapter Kit for Laptops and Routers/Switches https://www.amazon.com/NETGEAR-Gigabit-Etherne//B07WTXHSXC ( D. ) USB grounding example: https://www.electrahealth.com/Premium-USB-Grounding-Adapter N O T E #1 Using PoE Ethernet will not recharge your laptop, as those are completely separate issues, to easily powering USB adapters. N O T E #2 If your laptop has 3-prong charger, you still may need adapter(s) because of other issues. A D D E N D U M _ A D V A N C E D Basic wiring includes power and/or data: 1- Rats nest point-to-point, and better dressed versions that look smooth and regular. When single ended, the grounding is elsewhere not carried along in the bundle. 2- Twisted pair (TP), either single ended and carrying ground (return path) along, or differential (current loop for noisy environments) with push/pull canceling most noise susceptibilities. 3- Shielded jacketed TPs (SJTP), have separate shields for each pair and often an overall shield for a bundle of SJTPs, like Ethernet cat7 uses. Personally, my choice is to always wire in grounding shields initially, and then test to verify if better connected or not. Far easier to snip out a connection later, than add it running new wire. Yes, GROUNDING in real conditions, gets messy quickly as it’s situation dependent, with at least 4 likely mitigation possibilities: 1- Grounding shield without any connections to ground. 2- one end to ground 3- the other end to ground 4- both ends to ground ONLY through testing can you know what works best to eliminate grounding loops. One EMF mitigation expert uses insulating plastic sheeting pieces on inside edge of cat7 Ethernet’s RJ45 connections, to remove grounding at one end. When you’ve got TVs having Ethernet as well as laptops and desktops it’s complicated. Not just choosing adapters 3b or 3a, or both. There’s so so many configuration permutations that debugging can take hours, days, or weeks, attempting to isolate one best set of details. G A L I L E O _ S P A C R A F T _ SHIELDING I watched untold hundreds thousands of dollars of Galileo spacecraft wiring harnessing be stripped away and trashed, when test data from Voyager spacecraft said exactly how bad the internal lightning strikes were, when orbiting near Jupiter’s IO. So they added dozens of additional grounding (concentric and nested shields) pathways, from every piece of metal to every other one. That moon Io’s volcanos spew out huge clouds of ionized gasses, filling a toroidal volume immersed in intense Jovian magnetic fields. That’s an electric dynamo with million amp currents circulating across perhaps a million miles in circumference orbit about Jupiter. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Luckily our living rooms are not so hostile of environments as Jupiter is, but with unlimited wireless 24/7 from all directions along with unknown house VAC wiring errors it’s often impossible to unwind things without expensive EMF consultants.
11.01.2022 When our children ask what did you do in 2020? What will you say? It only takes 5-10 people working in a group to be effective in opposing the technocratic totalitarian governance we are being subjected to right now. Start local, find your tribe, build trust, engage your local journalists, radio stations, councillors, influencers, artists, musicians and most importantly your community. Download your Strategy Kit to get started - Link in WeAreNotSAM Instagram Bio. ... Tag your friends to this account to get the bigger conversations happening. Reach our to your friends and family who may be suffering under tyrannical dictatorship (Melbourne Australia is suffering) and send them your support. Donate generously to the @ecsfr , @childrenshealthdefence and @environmentalhealthtrust Rise up against the tyranny with educated and informed reason. Civil disobedience is needed. Thank you @no5gaustralia for this excellent post! #technocracy #msmlies #realitychecked #julianassange #freedomofspeech #surveillancestate #melbourne #lockdown #iso #curfew #politicalmemes #wearenotsam See more
10.01.2022 Mould remediation done correctly can help indoor air quality in a home. Here is some information on how this process is down step by step. if you like a pdf of this document email us on [email protected]
08.01.2022 SMART METERS: information will be shared in a partnership between New Zealand utility company Vector and Amazon Web Services. "This is our private lives. When do I come home? When do I leave? What do I have at my home? Who do I live with? This is all visible in that data."
07.01.2022 Well done @afends for making the truth fashionable. We see you! #afends #wearenotsam #truthbetold
07.01.2022 Australia has the highest rate of cancer in the world (out of 185 countries). https://gco.iarc.fr/today/online-analysis-map We also refuse to talk about the hea...lth risks of many environmental health hazards that are filling our living, working and school environments . Why aren't we talking about the elephant in the room? Why are people not being told about the risks? We all want the same end result, let's join in unity to make it happen See more
07.01.2022 "Not in our backyard!" That's the desperate plea from angry families who say 3 million tonnes of toxic soil is about to be dumped near their homes and schools. #9ACA
05.01.2022 Remember these ELF fields emit from your cell phone as well.
04.01.2022 Robert F. Kennedy, Jr spoke to over 1.5 million people on the streets of Berlin, Germany, August 29, 2020 and to millions more watching online. He talked abou...t government control by fear and spoke out against totalitarianism. He said the government and those with the greatest wealth and control have done a terrible job on public health and will shift us all to 5G and a cashless society. He said that 5G is being pushed on us as a good thing but it will be used for surveillance and data harvesting. Mr. Kennedy added that the COVID 19 pandemic is a crisis of convenience that is destroying the middle class, impoverishing us all, and it is making the powerful elite even more powerful. He closed with the message that we must protect our fellow man, our vulnerable children and our freedoms and democracy! I was also very inspired to hear Senta Depuydt, Officer of the New CHD-Europe Chapter, where in her Berlin Rally Speech, she gave the world a powerful message. Humanity can not and will no longer be ruled by a model based on threat and control. Right here, right now, we can all refuse this. Right here, right now, we can change the ‘narrative’. We can create ‘OUR new normal’. We keep hearing the words ‘Solidarity’, compassion and equal rights in the mouths of politicians who try to separate and divide us. People who order fines, isolation, experiment on our health and restrict all our freedoms. Those people are not philanthropists. They ask us to believe in a new religion called ‘the scientific consensus’, a fabricated dogma used by a corrupt cast called ‘experts’ who serve no other than their own interest. Tracking and tracing are the tools of this inquisition. We know where this ultimately lead us to: Isolation, punishment and slavery. All of you here have come to show your true courage, your true solidarity, your true humanity, all of you individually and collectively are peacefully manifesting your sovereignty. This is the time to rise up for humanity. Are you ready to inspire others with your actions? What will be your legacy?
03.01.2022 Share EHT's invaluable content on #5G and please support EHT's lawsuit against the FCC. We are counting on you! https://ehtrust.org/eht-takes-the-fcc-to-court/
02.01.2022 While ARPANSA continues to advise "no evidence of harm". "Russia is following other countries around the world that have taken action to reduce the use of Wi-Fi... in schools and protect the health of children. In 2013, Israel became the first country in the world to adopt limitations on the use of Wi-Fi in schools. It banned Wi-Fi in kindergartens and limited the use of Wi-Fi in elementary schools. Wi-Fi is allowed for three hours per week in the first and second grade and six hours per week for the third grade. It must be turned off at all other times. In 2017." https://zero5g.com//russian-government-recommends-bannin/ See more
01.01.2022 Cheryl Mead, building biologist, joins us tonight September 24 at 7pm AEST to discuss the science and art of creating a healthy home and work environment. In h...er live interview with Molly Knight she will cover: - mould/biotoxins in water-damaged buildings, including the biological effects of living or working in a water-damaged building - how to identify if your home or work place is making you sick
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