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Eastern Climate Action Melbourne


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25.01.2022 Today we delivered our open letter to AGL - Australia's biggest climate polluter. Along with 11 health organisations and hundreds of health professionals we ca...lled on the company to replace coal with renewables to protect health Sign our open letter here!

22.01.2022 Here's a quiz from Peter.... ECAM Climate Quiz 1. What is a greenhouse gas? A a gas emitted by plants in a greenhouse.... B Creates holes in the ozone layer. C A gas which traps heat in the earth’s atmosphere. Answer C 2. What is the most potent greenhouse gas? A Carbon Dioxide. B Methane C Nitrous Oxide D Water vapour. Answer B 3. What is the present level of carbon dioxide in the earth’s atmosphere in parts per million? A 412 B 382 C 452 Answer A 4. What does IPCC stand for? A International Pandemic Co-ordination Committee B International Pacific Climate Council C International- Governmental panel on Climate change Answer C 5. What is carbon sequestration? A Reducing the greenhouse gas emitted in an industrial process. B Storing greenhouse gas underground. C Capturing gas leakage from Fracking. Answer B 6. What is meant by the terms blue and green hydrogen? A Whether the energy source to produce hydrogen is from methane or clean energy B Denotes whether the gas is transported in a liquid or gas state C Describes whether hydrogen is pure or made into ammonia. Answer A 7. When was the first world climate conference held in Geneva? A 1985 B 1979 C 1990 Answer B 8. What is the difference between Climate and weather? A These words are often confused B Weather is day to day and climate is long term C Day to day changes in the weather distract people from awareness of climate change D All above Answer B 8. Which 2 cities from the list below has not hosted a world climate conference? A Davos B Paris C Copenhagen D Beijing E Washington DC F Kyoto G Durban Answer D and E 9. Which government set up ARENA (Australian Renewable Energy Agency) and the Renewable Energy Finance Corporation? A the Howard government B The Rudd government C The Gillard Government D The Turnbull government Answer C 10. Which of the following sectors of Australia’s economy contribute the most, and least, to Australia’s greenhouse gas emissions: A Industrial processes B Transport C Waste D Electricity E Agriculture F Land clearing Answer: D,F 11. What is a carbon budget? A The amount spent on renewables each year in the Federal budget B The amount spent by all governments per year on renewables C The amount of greenhouse gas which the world can produce before reaching 2 degrees increase in temperature. Answer C 12 Greenland is closest in size to which Australian state? A Tasmania B NSW C West Australia Answer C 13 What is the average depth of the ice on the Greenland ice shelf? A .5 1 km B 1 km 2 km C 2 km 3 km Answer C 14 If Greenland ice melted how much would sea levels rise? A Up to 7 m B up to 5 m C up to 3 m D up to 1 m Answer A 15 Which of these statements are true? A The world’s ocean has absorbed over 90% of the Co2 emitted since the industrial revolution. B Excess Co2 makes sea water acidic C Acidic sea water attacks coral, shells and calcium D All above. Answer D

21.01.2022 Time for another update! Every so often I publish a map of what I call the "forward looking fast charging coverage of Australia". Effectively: 1) Shows all exis...ting, in build and effectively "locked in" fast charger locations which are coming in the next ~12 months or so. 2) Doesn't include AC charging 3) Doesn't include Tesla superchargers Orange = 350 kW; Black = 50 kW This time I've included Grey which generally means locations with less confidence (either in exact location, longer timeline, or lower speed) - or some combination of all of the above. Most of these grey dots are from: - The Central Victorian Greenhouse Alliance announcement a couple of months ago (successful tenderer hasn't been announced - could be changes) - This weeks South Australian Government announcement (a map was provided but we don't know if locations marked are precise or not). It's a great general guide as to "what sort of places will I easily be able to travel to in an EV in the near future". It's probably *not* a good guide for "where should I go in my EV on my trip this month". See more

21.01.2022 Have you noticed our new clothing and e-waste drop-off trailers parked in Whitehorse? Time to recycle your household items at: Nunawading Community Hub, 96-...106 Springvale Rd, Nunawading Sportlink Vermont South, 2 Hanover Rd, Vermont South Accepted items: Clothes, shoes, handbags in a clean and reusable condition Small electrical items with a cord (laptop, mobile phones radio, hair dryer, hair straightener/curler, kettle, toaster, electrical tools, air fryer, electric blanket, sewing machine, blender, food processer etc.). Residents can drop off as many items as needed. Please ensure items are bagged. Learn more: Should there be any issues or illegal dumping please call the 24-hour hotline on 1300 687 261.

18.01.2022 A huge shout out to the 107 businesses and organisations that supported the Climate Change Bill in this joint letter, calling on all Members of Federal Parliame...nt to adopt the Climate Change Bill. The letter has been signed by organisations including Unilever Atlassian The Body Shop KeepCup Oxfam Patagonia ClimateWorks Australia WWF-Australia 1 Million Women The Climate Council Smart Energy Council Clean Energy Council and the Australian Medical Association. Every sector of the Australian community is calling on the Government to adopt sensible bipartisan long term policy on climate. Unity on such an important health, environmental and economic threat is so important right now! Climate Act Now #environment #auspol

17.01.2022 As part of our Climate & Recovery Initiative, Centre for Policy Development and ClimateWorks are hosting a public forum on 23 November. The event will feature A...PRA Executive Board Member Geoff Summerhayes, ClimateWorks Australia CEO Anna Skarbek, and AustralianSuper Chair Don Russell, a former Australian Ambassador to the United States as they discuss climate change, the COVID-19 recovery and the road ahead. Register: See more

17.01.2022 A chance to meet your State MPs and hear them answer our questions on the year that was and on climate and the environment.

16.01.2022 Please Use Humanitix to register for the ECAM Webinar

15.01.2022 We need to ensure our containers end up in the right place That's why Victoria is introducing a container deposit scheme. And right now, you can have your say to help us get it right:

14.01.2022 Victoria will be home to Australia’s largest lithium-ion battery A high-tech 300 MW Tesla battery will be installed just outside of Geelong to improve the re...liability of Victoria’s power supply in the face of increasingly hot summers and ageing coal-fired generators The project is expected to deliver benefits to all Victorians by reducing the risk of unscheduled load shedding and lowering electricity prices. It will also create over 80 jobs during the construction and 6 ongoing jobs Find out more at:

10.01.2022 Are you a renter or landlord interested in learning more about solar rebates for rental properties? Join our webinar on Tuesday 17 November from 6.00pm 7.00p...m to find out how the Solar Homes Program can help you take control of your energy bills or improve your rental property while building a cleaner, renewable future. Email [email protected] to register your interest.

09.01.2022 You’re invited to the online launch of a bold new campaign to stop public funding for multi-billion dollar gas corporations. At the online launch, we'll share t...he campaign plan to stop the subsidies, unpack why gas is so dangerous, and explore the bright, clean energy future we can create instead. You can be part of the movement to stop Scott Morrison and Angus Taylor handing out billions of dollars of public money to prop up a dying, risky & climate-wrecking industry. Sign up now!

09.01.2022 A poem from Peter... Is there anyone out there who can lead us all towards the future? Since we all descended from the trees... And walked upon our legs and knees We mostly lived in caves and clans And learnt to use our brains and hands The strongest always became the chief Whether good or bad life was brief Have things changed in this modern world Where clannism is still unfurled When power and ego the driving force Corruption nepotism are of course Moving us to a climate brink Where short term and staying in power is all they think Lacking is a long-term view Lobby groups and profits skew What should be done to keep our planet rare Healthy land, sea and air We should use this Covid crisis to change our ways If our grand children are to have future days There are some sparks of hope around Although our leader’s heads are in the ground New Zealand is a country where The leader is clever and very fair A mother still with babe in arms She exudes hope good sense and calms And shows that leaders can Put in place a long-term plan Jacinta Adern, we hope that you Can inspire world leaders to a better view. Joe Biden gives the world a lighthouse of hope But Trump has withdrawls as power was his dope And the young are standing up to have their say Let’s hope they don’t do things our way Optimism, hope and scientific truth Will prevale with the resilience of youth.

09.01.2022 Congratulations to President Elect Joe Biden! And congratulations to US for having used the power of our vote to create an opportunity for meaningful progress o...n climate going forward. Biden's victory ushers in a new era of global cooperation, allowing us to begin to repair the damage that was done by Donald Trump over the past four years both to domestic climate efforts and to our reputation on the world stage. But make no mistake. The sobering reality is that even if every country meets their commitments under the Paris agreement (and many, including the U.S. and EU are currently falling at least a bit short), that gets us less than half way to where we need to be, i.e. on a path to limiting warming below 2C (let alone the more stringent 1.5C many are now calling for). So Paris is a good starting point, but we need to go well beyond Paris now to achieve the reductions that are necessary. Biden has a clear mandate generally (he is only the 4th challenger in 100 years to defeat an incumbent president seeking a second elected term) and on climate change specifically (which he made central to his campaign). He has put forward a bold climate plan with ambitious targets for reducing carbon emissions and support for both regulatory and market-driven policy measures. There is real opportunity for meaningful climate legislation but it will require some degree of compromise with the likelihood of a roughly 50/50 split Senate and some conservative Democrats who are resistant to the more progressive versions of climate legislation that have been proposed. Though my new book (The #NewClimateWar) went to press this summer, it anticipated where we’d likely be at this point: Given an even modestly favorable shift in political winds, one could envision [a bold climate bill] passing the House and moving on to the Senate with a half-dozen or more moderate conservatives crossing the aisle, joining with Senate Democrats to pass the bill within the next year or two. ( In short, I’m cautiously optimistic that we’ll see meaningful action here in the U.S. and a reassertion of global leadership on climate. But we'll have our work set out for us. Let's plan to hit the ground running!

03.01.2022 I just introduced the two Climate Change Bills seconded by Helen Haines MP and Rebekha Sharkie MP. It’s time Australia legislated net zero by 2050 and that’s e...xactly what these Bills do. As the US election showed, facts and truth matter. Our emissions are rising under the current climate policies. It’s time to improve them and join our trading partners with a commitment to net zero by 2050. To watch my first speech click here: The speeches may be over, but the journey has just begun! Climate Act Now #auspol

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