Eastern Shore Psychology in Rosny Park, Tasmania | Medical and health
Eastern Shore Psychology
Locality: Rosny Park, Tasmania
Phone: +61 3 6240 5442
Address: 9/2 Bayfield St 7018 Rosny Park, TAS, Australia
Website: http://www.easternshorepsychology.com
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25.01.2022 Are you your own worst enemy? I've been stuck in a cycle of self sabotage, without even realising lately. Sometimes, you just need someone else to call you out on it, as our unhealthy habits can be a a very unconscious cycle @lorraineremarks Often, we can be calling into our lives, the very things we don't want. Poor relationships, as we give too much of ourselves, no time, as we give too much of ourselves to others, poor lifestyle choices, as we intrinsically feel unworthy, ...not resting, despite exhausted, because it feels unnatural. What are you noticing you need more of? What do you keep saying to yourself? What do you need more of or who/ what do you need to say no to? Make a list Create some affirmations - a positive statement that says something powerful about who you can be e.g "I say yes to myself" "I am worthy of rest" "I listen to what my body needs" "I live life by my rules" or whatever resonates with you. If you feel blocked/triggered by it, ask yourself why and write about it. Practice these every day and go about setting yourself some small achievable goals for the next week, to prioritise looking after yourself #selfbetrayal #selfhealing #selfcareeveryday #selfcare
23.01.2022 Dear Mama, I don’t remember if our house was big or small or if we rented or owned. I don’t remember if you had a fancy car, or if we had to take the bus.... I don’t remember if the house was clean and tidy or if it was covered in washing piles and scattered toys. I don’t remember if my pram was new or second hand or if I had the latest new toy or designer clothes. I don’t remember if you were dressed up or if your face was bare, it always looked perfect to me. I don’t remember if you had a lot of money or whether you lived pay check to pay check. I don’t remember if we went out every day or went on expensive holidays. I don’t remember how sometimes you got angry or cried or had to walk out of the room to take a breath. I don’t remember a schedule, a checklist or any expectations other than just you. What I do remember is feeling safe. I remember your comfort and how you kept me warm. I remember your face above me when I cried for you. I remember you would feed me when I was hungry, or tired or in pain. I remember your smell and how it would send me off to sleep, sometimes at 2:00am, then again at 4:00am. I remember your smile, it was the first reason I smiled. I remember how you played with me and got down on the ground with me, before I could get up. I remember you taught me about love before anything else and how it was my constant. I remember knowing it was the only thing I ever really needed and you gave that to me, I never had to work for it, I relaxed in it. Thank you for teaching me that love has no limits, that it’s unconditional and honest. This is what I will remember Mama. Thank you for giving me the best memories of all. ............................................... Beautiful Words: @jessurlichs_writer from her poetry book, ‘From One Mom to a Mother’ and incredible image by @vida_images #raisedgood
21.01.2022 When we feel good, we engage in behaviours that makes us feel good, tackle new tasks or challenges and spend time with people whose company we enjoy. But when we start to feel low or often for Mums, the opportunities to do any of the above are just time limited and less accessible. This can eventually lead to mood dips, the less we do, the less we do that makes us feel good. Engaging in pleasurable activities, feeling challenged and connecting with our friends or loved ones,... helps us to release feel good hormones, like serotonin and oxytocin. But when depressed, we can't be bothered doing any of the above. It's like a negative spiral or negative feedback loop. To help boost the mood, we can help by reversing the feedback loop. Start to incorporate very small things that help bring pleasure/connection or achievement (even though the mind might say, I can't be bothered, that won't help). Regularly engage in one small task - 10 minutes in the garden each day (feel a small sense of peace), 10 minutes of flicking through a magazine, a cup of tea, texting a friend, organising a coffee date, doing your nails, booking a massage. So, start doing small things, feel slightly better, feel a bit more motivate to do more things and then do even more, and so on. This is basic behavioural psychology, which is a good first step when you feel depressed. What's one small regular, pleasurable thing you can do?
20.01.2022 Absolutely - it's not the behaviour itself, it's what's underneath the behaviour. It's much easier for kids to engage in challenging behaviour or express their emotions in behaviour, than for them to have the emotional intelligence to say how they feel, when they're upset. Nor do they have the impulse control when they're under pressure. Heck, how do you go, as an adult in articulating your every emotional need when you're -sad, angry etc? Do you say? "I'm fine"... "Nothing's wrong" "It's all good" "You as%%hole!" And eat chocolate, drink wine, stop exercising, blame others, slam doors, withdraw, focus on other peoples needs or generally squish down your feelings? You're not perfect and neither are kids. It takes practice.. Repetition Reminders about what coping strategies to use instead. Fulfilling the unmet need Looking at what's underneath the behaviour - Hungry, tired, connection seeking, transitions, separation anxiety, too much time away from Mum or Dad, overwhelmed, too busy/stimulated. And keep in touch with me by signing up at the Eastern Shore Psychology website for more parenting tips, plus your 2 free mp3s! Next launch of Your Ultimate Online Guide to Keeping Sane for Parents online coming soon!
20.01.2022 I love this analogy for therapy
20.01.2022 It's not someone else's responsibility to make you happy. It's yours. Creating happiness is a choice to make it so.
20.01.2022 When should you seek professional support for postnatal depression/anxiety/trauma? Here are some suggestions. But really whenever you feel like you need it, is a good rule of thumb. There's no such thing as being too cautious in seeking help. Reach out, talk, seek support and don't wait to hit rock bottom #pandaweek
19.01.2022 I was very very excited and proud of my dear friend and business buddy Allison Wells - Psyche Mental Health Centre Psyche Mental Health Centre take this next step in her practice venture last night Allison decided to leave Eastern Shore Psychology in Feb 2020 and buy the Hobart branch of Dr Tess Crawley the Crawley Clinic. I was sad to see her go, but also pretty excited to see what was in store. Allison had done so much work for Eastern Shore Psychology and was a massive ...cheerleader and advisor for me. It completely made sense for her to launch into her own practice and really, I couldn't have been prouder and more excited for her. Since she has left, our business relationship and support for each other has only grown stronger. I'm bloody proud of where she's come from, her days in the government system, stifled by bureaucracy (and self doubt) and now no longer stifled by anything (well maybe imposter syndrome sometimes #dontweall). I'm super excited to continue to be working together, collaborating and supporting each other. And very very excited by some of things we have in store together for next year. Bloody love the new sign and name too, I nearly wept when I saw the unveiling of the sign (but I didn't 'cos I'm not a public weeper ) So here's #cheers, to Allison, her amazing team, the new name and logo, and most importantly, smashing down the barriers to seeking help in our community.
19.01.2022 Who's been the least impressive version of themselves? I did reorganise our cupboard with all our containers in it this morning, but that's about it for my level of productivity, since Xmas day
19.01.2022 Some of my wonderful team members at my practice, Eastern Shore Psychology. I'm so lucky to guide this dedicated team and to step into work every day. Are you interested in joining us? We see a wide range of adult clients all over Hobart and I also see clients all over Australia via Zoom too.... I'd love some help to manage our referrals and particularly someone who has an interest (or desire to learn more) in the perinatal field. Or do you have an interest in supervising clinicians? I'd love to invite someone more senior along, who is keen to pursue supervision and other areas of specialty practice. We have a lovely, warm and inviting space in a central location in Rosny. Competitive packages and a supportive team. Share or tag anyone you know who might be interested! Contact me today #hobartpsychology #psychologyaustralia #psychologypractice #mentalhealthhobart #hobartbusiness #tasmania #hobart
18.01.2022 Trick or Treating! Love It? Or a Stupid American Tradition? - https://mailchi.mp/f1f/trick-or-treating-love-it-or-hate-it
17.01.2022 https://theconfidentmom.com//childs-love-language-joleen-/ Kids tanks are often well empty by the end of the year, as are the parents!!! Check out the ways that children will seek your love through asking you to play with them, needing more cuddles, asking you to find their toys, saying I love you. "A lot of childhood misbehavior is an attempt to get more time with mom or dad. It can get to the point for this child where even negative attention seems better than no attentio...n. Examples include: Quality conversations that show direct and positive eye contact, cooking something together as a snack, asking specific open ended questions about your child’s day, setting a date with your child to do something special they have been talking about." What do you think your child's love language might be?
17.01.2022 I'm about a 5 What rating are you? Allison Wells - The Crawley Clinic Hobart a new SUDS scale for EMDR?
17.01.2022 Just about to record Module 5 of Your Ultimate Online Guide to Keeping Sane for Parents Today's topic is Identity Shift! Next week, to finish off is Beyond Conflict in your partnership (or coparenting if separated). Next launch of the program starts Oct 4
17.01.2022 Anyone else have Mondayitis yet?
16.01.2022 Pretty sure my Border is saying this tonight Who else has put the tree up? Tree went up at Eastern Shore Psychology 2 weeks ago!
16.01.2022 The way use language is incredibly powerful and influences how we feel. All feelings change and work on creating a little distance between you and your thoughts. "I'm having the feeling of sadness. Or "I'm sad, at this moment."
16.01.2022 How you experience events in your life, are influenced by how you feel about yourself and the world around you. We become what we repeatedly tell ourselves. When you find yourself feeling an uncomfortable emotion, be curious about where this comes from. When you've felt this before and particularly in your early years. Our early experiences shape our belief systems and our belief systems are the glasses we put on to view every life experience.
16.01.2022 NEW PSYCHOLOGIST ALERT We are so excited to announce that after completing her final placement with us and helping out with admin for the past few months, the wonderful Rhylee has received her registration and is now taking new clients! Rhylee will begin seeing clients as of the first week of April! ___________________________________________... Rhylee is a registered psychologist working with us two days a week. Rhylee aims to create a collaborative and open approach to therapy. She has experience in both individual and group based therapy, utilising therapeutic approaches such as Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy and Mindfulness based therapy. She is interested in working with clients experiencing depressed mood, stress, anxiety, sleep difficulties, MAIB and workers compensation. Rhylee see's clients over the age of 18.
15.01.2022 I love this from @thespiritualpath Learn to be curious about other people and why they respond or behave the way they do. What is it about them that made them say/do that? Not what is it about you. ... There's no need to own other's feelings or behaviours. Own your own feelings and behaviours and focus on what you can personally control. Let go of the rest. See more
14.01.2022 Loads to be grateful for over the past 12 months. I love this time of year to reflect, grow and set goals (whether they're reached or not) for the new year. I listened to @tonyrobbins podcast last night about saying goodbye to 2020 - and creating rituals around bringing in the new year. Here's what I took from it... - What were your accomplishments?... - What were your magic moments? - What were your challenges and what did you learn? And to "trade your expectations for your appreciation." I've started making a list of the great moments for 2020 with my fam and business wise. Business wise - We've seen lots of dogs come into the office, including my old boy Hobbes, make an appearance as therapy dog We've welcomed Alex, Richard, Samantha, and Sarah as new psychologists, plus Rhylee as our provisional psychologist @rhyleemeetsdogs who will be coming on board AS SOON AS SHE'S REGISTERED (hint hint UTAS and AHPRA). Angela Vincent - Natural State Hypnosis - Hobart Tasmania @naturalstatehypnosis A wonderful vision board workshop with Ange, which didn't necessarily go to plan but was fun and still very relevant!! A very heavy and exhausting period through #iso and providing psychology to a community who needed it and continues to need it more than ever. Realisation more than ever, that I'm useless to others if I don't slow down and look after myself. My 2nd book launch and my book being sold in Fullers bookshop. Fun radio interviews @abchobart ABC Hobart Jimmy & Nath The ups and downs of managing a busy private practice. The amazing support i receive from Allison Wells - Psyche Mental Health Centre @structuredwithserena and my hubby @andyroo.mac to make sure the business keeps helping the community in the best way possible And countless opportunities to help so many people face seemingly insurmountable challenge, that they can keep going, seek meaning, purpose and thrive, instead of suffer. And thank goodness my puppy Candy survived eating a bottle of Nurofen. Truly the best gift I received for the final day of the year
13.01.2022 I actually created this post the other day, thinking of loved ones I've lost and also a blog I read, about all the lasts our children do. And then on the way home from our trip up the north of Tasmania, we were diverted off the main highway, because there was a 3 fatality car crash - father and daughter instantly killed, 7yo son in critical condition and their aunty also killed. Life can be over, just like that. My kids also learned a bit of this lesson too, as we drove a gr...avelly road and drove for an extra hr. The extra hr was a pretty ratty drive home, for my 4yo, a fair bit of yelling and attempts to hit her sister. But, I was grateful for the safe drive home and that I got to listen to them argue. Grateful for a later bed time and hearing no from my 4yo. I cuddled them tighter, because one day, there will be no arguments in the car. One day, there will be no more cuddles 20x a day. So I'll lap them up and embrace the challenges and try to remind myself of this quote on a regular basis #griefandloss
13.01.2022 What a year we've had. What were your magic moments, challenges and what did you learn? @tonyrobbins The year ahead of us is what we make it.
12.01.2022 I just love seeing the results from Ange's clients. And I saw the difference here - first hand Ange Angela Vincent - Natural State Hypnosis - Hobart Tasmania works out of Eastern Shore Psychology. Did you know hypnosis can help for skin conditions. This lady has been to all manner of specialists... the power of the mind is a wonderful thing indeed
07.01.2022 Mum guilt is something most Mums I know or see in therapy, experience and I do too!! It's an insidious and mostly, completely unnecessary beast Ask yourself, the next time you want to take a yoga class, the next time you want to take a nap or sleep in, the next time you don't feel like catching up with family, the next time you want to do nothing: "Have I breached a legal, moral or ethical code?" I imagine your answer will be NO OF COURSE NOT.... Then, go forth and do what you need to, to fulfil your unmet need (or fill your cup). See more
07.01.2022 Who's feeling like this today?
07.01.2022 We're officially on leave until Monday 4th January. Please leave messages/emails or website contacts and we'll respond in the week starting Mon 4th January (be gentle with us, there may be many messages to respond to). For urgent support, please reach out to crisis support: - Lifeline: 13 11 44 or their text messaging service 0477 13 11 14 (an important option,as many people don't want to talk on the phone)... - Mental Health Helpline - 1800 332 388 for immediate crisis response
06.01.2022 Crying. We could learn a thing or two from babies and children about the importance of crying. Crying is an expression of sadness. It's a release of stress. ... Crying doesn't mean you don't have resilience. Crying releases stress and literally our tears hold stress hormones in them. Better out than in. I love it when people cry in session. No Need for apologies. Some of my greatest transformations in personal growth have arisen from tears. Don't get me wrong, I'm a suppressor of tears, myself. I'm not comfortable with it, but I know it does me damn good. In my EMDR sessions, it's a profound site to see people hold on, fight with and then finally succumb to tears and see their immense release and eventually self compassion on the other side. Tears are not bad. They're your messenger. They're telling you something you don't want to admit. Something you've been hiding, suppressing or avoiding. We could learn from our children, they cry. They weep openly. They're not indoctrinated enough by society to tell them to repress every feeling unless it's happiness. So cry when you need to, don't fight those tears. Your brain and your body will be better off
06.01.2022 Exactly. Together we are stronger. Lift each other up, not bring each other down #happyinternationalwomensday #internationalwomensday #march8 #feminism #girlpower
04.01.2022 Saturday walk today. Walking is always a good idea for a mental health boost - especially if it includes the ocean! What did you do today for your mental health?
03.01.2022 I'm seeing a lot of this the last couple of weeks. I think this year has led to most people approaching burnout. The year has finally caught up with this. Now that the end is in sight, our bodies and minds are perhaps telling us, it's actually all been too much to process. To keep going as we normally would. Are you feeling this way? If you're finding yourself shattered with fatigue, emotional, irritable, not able to cope with what you usually would, critical of others or yourself, headaches or other physical signs of discomfort, you're beyond the point of needing a break! So, take a break. Rest. To be productive, you need to take your foot off the accelerator foot a while. Hoping you get to take some time off over the festive period! What are you doing to look after yourself?
02.01.2022 The many faces of self care - it's not all bubble baths and manicures, but they are good! Self is learning to look after yourself, prioritise your needs and learning to accept yourself just the way you are. Taking time out regularly, just for you, doing something you love, whatever that is, is an important step for your mental health everyday
01.01.2022 Your mental health reminder on World Mental Health Day for 2020. Christ. What a year it's been.... A true test for the mental health of many. I can't emphasise enough, that acknowledging you need some support, help, an ear - is a sign of strength, honesty and authenticity. Let's give up the idea of everything being fine. Thinking you need to be everything to everyone. Thinking that you should never struggle. What a load of rubbish. You wouldn't think it of anyone else, so why on earth think it for yourself? Give yourself a break. Reach out. Call a friend. Call a help line. Seek professional help. For goodness sake, look after yourself, you only get one life
01.01.2022 Eating disorders are a very misunderstood mental health issue. Many people, including mental health professionals, struggle to understand, what's underneath restrictive eating, extreme focus on weight and binge/purge cycles and other compensatory behaviours. There's so much that sits under the surface, that drives these superficial behaviours, which fulfils those unmet needs (in a very sabotaging way). Eating disorders are very commonly not obvious and just as insidious for those who are at "healthy" weights or higher BMIs Be kind to those you think may have an eating disorder. Don't make reference to their image or their eating behaviours, but do make yourself available to support them, by just being there and encouraging professional support.
01.01.2022 I love this... Take moments to not get caught up in the hype. Focus on being present.... Practice gratitude for whatever you can in this crazy year and support whoever you can (including yourself)
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