Eastern Suburbs Local Child Care & Services Directory in Sutherland, New South Wales, Australia | Public & government service
Eastern Suburbs Local Child Care & Services Directory
Locality: Sutherland, New South Wales, Australia
Phone: +61 403 187 292
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25.01.2022 THANK YOU ACTIVE KIDS GROUP A massive thank you to all of the Active Kids Group centres that took part in a collection for our end of year project. Thanks also... to all the generous families who donated fabulous items for our large luxury filled drawstring toiletry bags. Every donation was terrific and all will be used. We only just managed to squeeze everything into the car - your generosity was amazing. The centres who contributed were: Woollahra Cottage AKG City AKG Newtown Vaucluse Cottage AKG Moorepark AKG Ermington AKG Narwre Rhondas Cottage AKG Homebush Thanks everyone and especially to Kelly OBrien for organising the collection and also to Teghan at Rhondas Cottage for storing and sorting all the donations - such a big help to us.
24.01.2022 The Caterpillars at Rose Bay have been exploring animals as part of Science week. As an experiement, the children collected their favourite animals and decided to freeze them to see what would happen!
22.01.2022 From the 19th to the 24th of October we celebrated #bookweek at #StoryHouse Alexandria. We tried something a little different this year and invited our parents... to read a stories to the children via #ZOOM. We were very appreciative of all the parents who volunteered their time, the children loved listening to stories on a laptop in their classroom! Throughout the week we celebrated in a variety of other ways. Some children brought in their favourite #books to share, others dressed up as characters from stories, some showed and read books to their friends and some children even made bookmarks and created books with their drawings.
20.01.2022 Welcome to Morning Star Christian Childcare Centre at Rosebery. Our centre is founded on Christian values which will be evident in our interactions, the educational program and in our celebrations. We provide a Christ-centred, child-focussed and play-based educational and care program. Everyone is welcome as we share the love of Jesus.... A play-based learning approach means that your child will learn and develop their skills at their own pace and through their own interests. We believe that children lean and develop most effectively through their play and social interactions. Therefore, our programming is based on play and interest-based learning. We are inspired by the Montessori educational approach. We provide and environment of activities and materials which your child can use at their own pace to build their self-confidence and self-discipline. Nutritious meals will be prepared in our kitchen. They are provided every day to ensure every child has healthy meals to give them energy to explore, learn and grow. We have an open door policy, so feel free to visit anytime, to chat with our team and see how your child learns in our loving learning environment. We are licensed to care for 30 children from 0 6 years old. We open 7am-6pm, Monday to Friday, 49 weeks a year. Contact us for more information: https://www.facebook.com/morningstarchristianchildcare/ 3 Harcourt Parade, Rosebery NSW 2018 Ph: 02 9697 0708, 0434 286 639 www.morningstarchildcare.com.au
20.01.2022 This week in problem solving Miss Lowry did a colour changing science experiment with the boys and girls! They learnt about primary and secondary colours and di...d a sensory finger painting rainbow activity. #somewhereovertherainbow #platinumpreschoolrandwick #problemsolving #inquiry #experimentation #visuallearning See more
19.01.2022 To say this year has been challenging is an understatement! Today (and everyday) we want to check in on all of you and ask R U OK?. Its OK not to be OK. We a...re here to support you in whatever way we can. Its important that we all look after ourselves and each other. Together weve got this! R U OK Day #toyboxmascot #toyboxpartners #ruokday2020 See more
19.01.2022 #toyboxexplorers The rain didn’t keep our Mascot team inside this week Instead they took the opportunity to explore the wet weather and everything that came with it! #toyboxmascot #toyboxexplorers #wetweather #nosuchthingasbadweather #muddypuddles
18.01.2022 This morning our Senior children helped to plant some indigenous bush tucker into our garden, while the Junior room children watered our vegetables and herbs th...at we are using in our meals. Spring is here and it was lovely to see the children help in our garden. #spring2020 #gardening #indigenousplants See more
18.01.2022 Guess whos back... Spreading positive vibes around the ! CousinSkeether
17.01.2022 Kindyhub https://emarketer.seventhvision.com.au//reports/viewCampai
17.01.2022 Have you found it difficult to find speech therapists in these uncertain times? We got you! We have speech therapists available NOW for an online consultation! Contact details below! #Koorana #KooranaOnline #speechpathology
17.01.2022 Science Week Experiments
17.01.2022 Spring is in the air! And a little warmth with our fire pit in full swing this afternoon with some ukulele playing!
16.01.2022 Welcome to Story House Early Learning Alexandria Story House Early Learning is proud to offer childcare and preschool to the local families of Alexandria. Open from 7am to 6pm Monday to Friday, our childcare service offers comprehensive early education and care in a state of the art facility for children up to 6 years of age. Our aim is to provide a secure and happy environment where children can develop their intellectual, social, emotional, physical, and language skills i...n order to become competent and confident individuals. And, for you to feel safe knowing that your child is receiving the best possible care. For children preparing for primary school, we offer our Advantage Preschool Program. Helping your child with all aspect of school readiness including a personalised workbook based on NSW Foundation Handwriting syllabus. Throughout the year children participate in local excursions as well as dance and sports classes. Nutritious, healthy meals are provided. Your children will flourish within this service that acknowledges current curriculum trends within a safe community setting. Contact us for more information: 4b Huntley St, Alexandria NSW 2015 Ph: 02 8004 7445 www.shel.edu.au/story-house-alexandria
16.01.2022 Truer words never spoken! We love fostering creative thinking in all our classes, knowing it's helping build the problem-solvers of the future . . . #helenogr...ady #actcreatecommunicate #ogradydrama #futureready #kidsdrama #communitysupport #youth #dramarocks #ogradydramaaustralia #dramaeducation #lifeskills #creativity #actingclassesforkids See more
15.01.2022 Over the past two days we have had Fotek School Portraits join us and take our school photos. Thanks for being so amazing and getting our best smiles!
15.01.2022 some natural based experiences provided to the children to support and enhance fine motor, creativity, cognitive and imagination through exploring natural elements
15.01.2022 Last week our Gumnuts took a dive through the Great Barrier Reef. We are very proud of our country and all the beauty it offers us. We make sure to focus o...n its wonders throughout the year. This topic was explored through sensory play, arts and crafts, group time discussions and even some home stories about holidays #letthemplay #play #childhoodunplugged #learningthroughplay #playbasedlearning #childledlearning #followthechild #everydayplayhacks #playmatters #toddleractivities #letthembelittle #diyplay #playideas #playallday #sensoryplay #activitiesforkids #activitiesfortoddlers #freeplay #openendedplay #childcare #earlylearning #daycare #southcoogee #earlyyears @ Janes Place Childcare South Coogee
15.01.2022 G O I N G G R E E N As a part of the Greening our City Premiers Priority, our Mascot Service are working with Bunnings towards helping plant one million t...rees to provide more shade, cleaner air and more beautiful places to live! The Premiers Priority is to plant one million trees in Greater Sydney by 2022 and AKG is proud to be part of this initiative
15.01.2022 ‘From an innovation perspective, I think Kindyhub are killing it.’ From Jae Fraser Little Scholars Founder Check out how Kindyhub has helped Little Scholars excel over the last 6 years - https://bit.ly/3jp9GB0
15.01.2022 Welcome to Story House Early Learning Mascot Story House Early Learning is proud to offer childcare and preschool to the local families of Mascot. Open from 7am to 6pm Monday to Friday, our childcare service offers comprehensive early education and care in a state of the art facility for children up to 6 years of age. Our aim is to provide a secure and happy environment where children can develop their intellectual, social, emotional, physical, and language skills in order ...to become competent and confident individuals. And, for you to feel safe knowing that your child is receiving the best possible care. Throughout the year children participate in local excursions as well as dance and sports classes. Nutritious, healthy meals are provided. Your children will flourish within this service that acknowledges current curriculum trends within a safe community setting. Contact us for more information: Suite 2.11, 247 Coward Street, Mascot NSW 2020 Ph: (02) 9693 2243 www.shel.edu.au/story-house-mascot
14.01.2022 Once again another year has almost vanished and educators throughout the world are last minute thinking What can we do for a Christmas present this year!!!? ... If you are anything like myself I get fatigued at the thought of the same old gifts. I really want to do something meaningful, yet cost effective. It becomes difficult to think and plan different presents based on this, especially when some families don’t celebrate Christmas.. How can I involve a child in gift making so they are still included but do it with a purpose for the child and their family This all changed the year my service introduced Kindyhub .. why? Find out on our latest blog -> https://www.kindyhub.com.au/merry-photogenic-christmas/
12.01.2022 G O I N G G R E E N As a part of the Greening our City Premier's Priority, our Mascot Service are working with Bunnings towards helping plant one million t...rees to provide more shade, cleaner air and more beautiful places to live! The Premiers Priority is to plant one million trees in Greater Sydney by 2022 and AKG is proud to be part of this initiative
11.01.2022 NATIONAL CHILD PROTECTION WEEK 6 12 September 2020 is National Child Protection Week, this year celebrating 30 years of the theme Putting children first.... Active Kids Group run a 6 week Protective behaviours program called All Children Being Safe (ACBS) for our little learners across each of our services, educating children on safe and unsafe issues, how to keep safe, what to do in the event they feel unsafe, safe places and people, and the importance of always feeling safe in every area of their lives. This is done through a series of books, songs, conversations and activities. The program allows children to explore what it is to feel safe, promotes awareness about where children can go and who they can talk to if they feel unsafe and recognises that adults are responsible for every childs safety. A core message of the ACBS program is that communities need to work together to keep children safe. Every child has the right to feel safe
11.01.2022 Happy Fathers Day AMS Dads!! Thanks for everything you do! Have a great day.
11.01.2022 In a year when many of us have faced challenges were more likely than ever to hear No, Im not OK. This is why the team at Little Bees Rosebery particated fo...r a second year and not only had a day of awareness and Sharing the new handy resources, but also had a centre wide fundraiser with everyone getting involved. Learn how to listen, help them find support and better ways to manage the load, and how to check in and stay connected at www.ruok.org.au
11.01.2022 What a fun week we had, celebrating #Halloween. The #costumes coming from home helped to develop the children’s sense of #belonging as they were able to share a... part of their home life and interests with their class. The costumes also sparked lots of conversations and imaginative play throughout the week. The experiences set up by educators harnessed the children’s creativity in a variety of ways. Platypus one painted spiders, spider webs and a pumpkin head box. Platypus two made Halloween cookies, paper plate spiders and pumpkins and had a dress up dance party. Koala’s used their photos to make mummies and used cotton tips to make skeletons. Kangaroos made skeletons using vegetables, a cardboard skeleton and pumpkin scones. Lizards made paper plate monsters, balloon ghosts and had dress up dance parties with glow sticks! It was also amazing to see the foyer come alive through the collaboration of the children and educators working together to decorate it.
10.01.2022 Yesterday we had our last leadership meeting for the year. After lots of productive and interesting discussion the leadership team then got creative! We made so...me beautiful floral wreaths lead by our resident flower expert and HR manager Mem Nastevski. Learning a new skill and getting in touch with our creative sides was a great chance to challenge ourselves at something a bit outside the box. As Brené Brown says " We want to show up, we want to learn and we want to inspire." A lovely way to wrap up an exciting and productive year for the Wonderschool leadership team. See more
10.01.2022 Spring Fling #crazyhairday #dressupday #earlyyears #earlychildhood #earlychildhoodeducation #aeekids #alexandriaearlyeducation
08.01.2022 Our Champs have a Spring in their step Today at Lane Cove we had plenty of smiles as we planted strawberries with a little help from our local resident lan...dscaper, Lachlan. Part of our attributes is to allow children to become lifelong learners and show compassion we simply can not wait until we have our very own strawberries to share! #experiencemindchamps #factoryforsuccess #10valuesofamindchampion
08.01.2022 Welcome to St Spyridon College The St Spyridon College Kinder Minus One Leading Edge Centre prepares young children to enter formal schooling with confidence and success. The St Spyridon College Leading Edge Centre is a place where children relate to adults who know them well and who work together to develop best responses to their interests, needs, hopes and potentials.... In all children there is a treasure within. Every child is capable and powerful; every child is driven to explore their world with curiosity and a formidable sense of wonder. Our Kinder Minus One staff, will work together with other staff of the College, to create an environment for children-and with children, that develops their natural attributes and builds their sense of identity, belonging and self-worth. 80 Gardeners Road, Kingsford NSW Ph: 9311 3340 www.stspyridon.nsw.edu.au
08.01.2022 We took part in an egg hatching program and loved every minute. The children learned all about ducks and chickens and how to best care for them. The children ...were involved in every stage. This lead to other literary experiences and learning about other life cycles. Not all of the chickens hatched so the children also had a thoughtful memorial . At the end of our two week program all of our chickens and ducks found loving homes! See more
07.01.2022 O U R B I G B L U E O C E A N The Caterpillars and senior butterflies at World Square are learning about the ocean this month. Miss Ngan collected lots... of "hidden treasures" on the beach on her day off for their activity so the children could have a touch and feel sensory learning experience See more
07.01.2022 Book Week Highlights #bookweek #bookweek2020 #dressups #kidsofinstagram #aeekids #alexandriaearlyeducation #theearlyyears #earlyeducation
07.01.2022 Drama Education is the safest place to explore real-world situations where your kids can learn both sides to a story and evaluate it with thought and clarity. T...his creates young adults prepared for their futures, no matter what life throws at them . . . #helenogrady #actcreatecommunicate #ogradydrama #futureready #kidsdrama #communitysupport #youth #dramarocks #ogradydramaaustralia #dramaeducation #lifeskills #creativity #actingclassesforkids See more
07.01.2022 Our little ones are watching and learning all the time. And that includes the smallest acts we do for our environment. Nows a good time to start teaching them how to care for our Earth! #CleanUpTheWorldWeekend
06.01.2022 Guess who's back... Spreading positive vibes around the ! CousinSkeether
06.01.2022 A lot of parents worry about Online Education making kids feel disconnected and losing focus - that's why we designed Inter-ACT Online so carefully, making sure... that there are so many opportunities to keep our students CONNECTED and CREATIVE . . . #helenogrady #actcreatecommunicate #ogradydrama #futureready #kidsdrama #communitysupport #youth #dramarocks #ogradydramaaustralia #dramaeducation #lifeskills #creativity #actingclassesforkids See more
06.01.2022 "Unless we are willing to encourage our children to reconnect with and appreciate the natural world, we cant expect them to help protect and care for it." - D...avid Suzuki Today at Wonderschool Throsby the children were able to have a close encounter with nature. Andy from Mulligans Flat Woodland Sanctuary came to talk to us about the amazing nature reserve right in our own backyard, and he bought along some lizards and spiders which are commonly found there. The children and educators had a great time interacting with the animals and learning about the role this special sanctuary plays in protecting our wildlife.
05.01.2022 Smyla Dental Australia is a Group of passionate and caring Dental professionals who are experienced in Children Dentistry. Our Program is proudly sponsored and supported by Colgate and NSW Health. Our Program is Free to all Childcares, Early Learning Centre, Preschools and Schools. Our services include:... - a fun & interactive session for kids to learn skills and knowledge about Oral Health, - Q&A opportunity for teachers and parents and - preliminary check-up for kids. Each attendee will also receive a gift pack from Colgate which includes various oral health goodies. To book a visit, call 1300 978 818 or 0423 487 005 and speak with Bond or Peggy. www.smyla.com.au
05.01.2022 Happy Early Childhood Educators Day to all our Skilful, Passionate and dedicated Stepping Stones Staff your Hard work and Effort does not go unnoticed. Enjoy a ...special day on us wether it be a few a special brunch, a yummy lunch, sweet treats or your staff room makeover. #earlyeducatorsday #thankyou See more
04.01.2022 We have a new security system in place. It is important we have a visual of each person entering our centre. We have upgraded our boom gate and installed a new ...buzzer entry system. We are also working with ACEQA regarding mandatory QR code’s for check in. Thank you to all our families and community who are always supportive and understanding during these times. Have a great day See more
03.01.2022 KATA Judging Workshop tonight Thank you Sensei Alexandra Karnasopoulos
02.01.2022 Happy Educators Day to our amazing team of dedicated and inspiring educators. You are all appreciated so much. Have a great day - enjoy your massages! #educatorsday #appreciation
02.01.2022 This week in Move and Groove, the children have been discussing a lot about feelings and emotional regulation. This week they have enjoyed exploring different f...acial expressions, such as sad, happy, surprised, grumpy and stressed. The children were asked to draw different emotions and then tell others why they drew the expression. For example, This boy is sad because somebody has hurt him," some children said. We then put our problem solving thinking caps on to find a solution to how to make the boy feel happier. The children also had fun taking part in a Superhero Role Play today. The children were first given pictures of a situation (e.g. a sad child sitting alone). They then made up their own story and took turns to be a superhero who came to solve the problems with their super cape and mask on, asking, Are you ok? R U OK Day #preschool #ece #earlyyearseducation #education #earlyyearsideas #emotionalhealth #emotionregulation #clovelly #everlearn
01.01.2022 On the 30th of August, Alex Spencer celebrates 10 years working with Nichola and the team. Alex is our operations manager, creative director, communications man...ager, IT manager, HR administrator, fix-it guy and, anything-related-to-Centrelink Guru. Alexs dedication and enthusiasm for early childhood education and everything IT is an integral part of the success of Everlearn and we could not do without him. Alex has a friendly and approachable personality, along with his big smile and a great sense of humour we cant decide if his best talent is ferret catching on the playground or building dolls houses. Both of which we appreciate very much!! We all enjoy working with Alex as we are sure he enjoys every moment of being the only male amongst 45 women!! Congratulations on such a milestone Alex!!! Thank you for all you do. #preschool #ece #earlychildhoodeducation #education #thankyou #earlychildhood
01.01.2022 Today is #InternationalLiteracyDay! "The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places youll go." - Dr Seuss Int...ernational Literacy Day 2020 focuses on Literacy teaching and learning in the COVID-19 crisis and beyond, especially on the role of educators and changing pedagogies. The theme highlights literacy learning in a lifelong learning perspective, and therefore, mainly focuses on youth and adults. Literacy is a big part of our day here at Everlearn. Not only do the educators read books and explore early literacy concepts but there are books all around for the children to read and explore independently and in groups. #preschool #ece #earlyyearseducation #education #literacy #earlychildhoodeducation #earlyliteracy #read #reading #literacymatters #literature
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