Mint Nutrition in Alexandra Hills, Queensland | Nutritionist
Mint Nutrition
Locality: Alexandra Hills, Queensland
Phone: +61 435 236 780
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25.01.2022 The idea behind food supplements, also known as dietary or nutritional supplements, is to deliver nutrients that may not be consumed in sufficient quantities to maintain a healthy body. The vast majority of people can get all the vitamins, minerals, amino acids, fatty acids and macronutrients through a balanced diet. However there are some situations that adding a supplement is warranted, some medical and genetic conditions will leave a person deficient of some critical nutrients. Have a chat with a nutrition professional to get the low down on what's needed, how often and in what dose to keep you healthy, you may be surprised at how easy it is to get all you need from your diet.. #mintnutrition #healthyeating #vitaminsandminerals
24.01.2022 Coffee, have you ever considered this leisurely luxurious beverage as a plant-based nutrition source? Many studies have been conducted on the health benefits of this popular beverage. Incidence of heat-related illness and lower incidences of metabolic illnesses have been observed in those who habitually drink coffee. Why is this? Well the exact mechanism is still unclear but the effects are observed, despite no direct correlation being identified (Kolb, Kempf & Martin, 2020).... So the hunt on the "why" is still underway, but what is known is that coffee contains antioxidants. Antioxidants are known metabolites that will have a protective effect in our bodies to help protect against cellular damage, whilst not as high in concentration as fruit that contains high amounts of Vitamin C. It seems likely culprit of the health benefits is polyphenols, these compounds are also found in fruits, vegetables and teas. So whilst there is a lot of unknown mechanics of why coffee is good for you it appears that daily doses of this beverage will give you some health benefits, so drink up and enjoy a coffee in the morning sun. Image Source: healthifyme Ref: Health Effects of Coffee: Mechanism Unraveled? Hubert Kolb, Kerstin Kempf, and Stephan Martin, 2020, Nutrients.
24.01.2022 Academia Alert..! The new findings from a recent study undertaken by the university I attend. LaTrobe have found a link with good quality Australian Olive oils and a reduction in systolic blood pressure. More work is being done to understand the mechanisms behind this phenomenon, but it does show that being of Mediterranean descent is not necessarily the only reason for longevity.
24.01.2022 Best before and Use by dates, what you need to understand and how to interpret them. Many foods when incorrectly stored will deteriorate and even begin to grow bacteria or moulds if not stored at the correct temperature, foods that will spoil after a certain date or have a set shelf life will use the "Use By Date" method. Such foods are usually fresh foods like prepared salads, fish and meats. Consuming the product after the Use by date will increase your risk of illness (foo...d poisoning). Foods that have been processed and packaged with a "Best Before Date" are focusing on the quality of the food around a certain date. Eating these foods after the best before date will not make you ill, it will simply not taste or smell the same. Furthermore, foods after the best before will also lose some nutritional qualities as they deteriorate. Legally foods sold within Australia must display the best before, use by or baked-on dates, however, there are some exceptions. Individually packaged products like ice creams need not have a date added or products that have a best before the date that would extend beyond two years from the date of manufacture. And finally, food is not too sold or given away one the use-by date has passed, foods can be sold once the best before date has passed but generally at a reduced price. Food safety is important and will be a focus next week but for now, have a look through your pantry and see how much of your food is actually in date. Image Source: Lifehacker See more
24.01.2022 Fibre, Fibre and more Fibre.. We are always told to eat more fibre to keep us regular, but what does this actually mean in dietary terms? Fibre is found in many foods that we already consume readilly, vegetables, fruits, grains, legumes and nuts all add fibre to our diet, ensure we have enough will keep our gut health in optimal shape. - The average Male (70-80 kg) will need ~38g/day. - The average Female (65-75 kg) will need ~28g/day. We have 3 types of Fibre in our diet: So...luble Fibre that dissolves in water and forms a gel in the intestines and assists with digestion. Insoluble Fibre that absorbs water and also adds bulk to your stool, and finally Resistant Starch, this resists digestive enzymes and juices and will pass through to the large intestine and become food for gut microbes that in turn produce substances that promote a healthy gut. Having enough fibre will ensure that when its time to go things go smoothly and not cause discomfort. So eat plenty of fruits and veggies with other goodie like nuts and pulses to keep your gut healthy. #healthylifestyle #healthandwellness #mintnutrition #healthygut See more
24.01.2022 The power of Green leafy vegetables is a force you need in your daily life. Green leafy vegetables contain a lot of health benefits, firstly they are packed with nutrients essential to human health and secondly they contain dietary fibre to help keep your gut biome happy and contented. Here are just a few benefits of eating greens: - Contains fibre (100g gives approx 8-10% daily requirement) - Contains virtually no fats (although fats are still needed) - High in Vitamin A... - High in Vitamin C - Some contain good amounts of Iron and magnesium - Contains low amounts of sodium - Cheap and easy to prepare - Large variety to choose form all year round - Helps keep your gut environment healthy - High nutrient density (lots of goodness per 100g) Image DietZones
24.01.2022 Cilantro/Coriander/Chinese Parsley.. Whatever you choose to call it there seems to be a love it or hate it approach. Used in many Asian dishes to provide a vibrant flavour and freshness Coriander is a very versatile herb. The whole plant can be eaten, and if we are too technical coriander refers to the seeds and cilantro the delicate and fragrant leaves. Available all year round in Australia and complements many dishes that contain chilli, onions and lemongrass. So do you love it or hate it ...
24.01.2022 What's for lunch today? Quinoa Mediterranean salad sound good? Quinoa is a grain that has an excellent amino acid profile and is packed full of goodness as well as being high in fibre. Mix in some Mediterranean inspired salad items and you have a lush and healthy lunch. A great recipe can found at The Kitchn:
23.01.2022 Trip back in time... Long before I took up Sports and Nutrition I was a beekeeper in Southeast QLD. Bees are an important part of our ecosystem, without them, crop yields would be significantly reduced. One such crop that many beekeepers assist with is Almonds and macadamias, without pollinating services these trees would have very low yields. Managed hives are on the rise and urban beekeeping is a great way to give back to nature. At my peak "The Brisbane Bee Man" operated 34 hives that produced approx 1 ton of sweet fresh honey. Urban agriculture at its finest.
23.01.2022 Looking for a tasty and wholesome lunch box filer? These Mediterranean Tuna Wraps are just lush, and the recipe serves 4 so family lunch is sorted!
22.01.2022 Whats for lunch today? Quinoa Mediterranean salad sound good? Quinoa is a grain that has an excellent amino acid profile and is packed full of goodness as well as being high in fibre. Mix in some Mediterranean inspired salad items and you have a lush and healthy lunch. A great recipe can found at The Kitchn:
21.01.2022 Thinking of being creative this weekend and love Vietnamese food? Well, you can create the classic French-influenced Vietnamese Bahn Mi. Full of flavours and character this dish is easily created form store-bought items if you have an Asian supermarket near you then this will be an even easier dish to create. The great thing with the Bahn Mi is that you can swap out between chicken, pork, beef or go full veggies the choice is yours!! A great recipe for Bahn Mi can be found here: #healthyeating #bahnmi #mintnutrition
21.01.2022 Keeping Hydrated during exercise is as important as pre and post nutrition, for our bodies to be able to perform optimally it needs the correct fuel. Coming into the warmer months we should be especially aware of the dangers of dehydration, not only during exercise but in every day activities. The average 70 kg human will need approx 2 L of fluids on a normal day, this can increase to 3 or 4 during exercise in extreme conditions. #stayhydrated
20.01.2022 Non dairy milk alternatives are a great addition to our cuisine here in Australia, but what the deal with them as there seems to be so many on our shelves now? Non dairy alternatives allow for more choice when it comes to selecting a product that closely resembles the nutrition profile of cows milk. The main difference is that the alternate milks are plant based and are not derived from animals, they also do not contain lactose. Cows milk has one edge over plant milk in that is a great source of Calcium in the diet. Shifting to milk alternative is simple but you should know the milk will not taste like cows milk, soy for example has a very distinct taste. They come in sweetened and unsweetened versions so be aware that the sweetened versions will contain added calories. Plant milks also can be fortified with added benefits to improve the nutrition profile, they also dont contain cholesterol being they are plant based. Some common alternate are: - Almond milk - Soy milk - Cashew milk - Coconut milk - Hemp milk - Rice milk - Oat milk However be prepared in some cases to pay a bit more for these milks, some like almond and soy can be bought fresh from the fridge, but most will be found in tetra packs on the shelf. Alternative milks can be used in many cooking applications just as cows milk can be, some recipe's will need to be tweaked to allow for the texture and consistency of the milk. Image: Food & Wine Magazine #milkalternative #mintnutrition #lactosefree #lactoseintolerance #healthyeating
20.01.2022 Have a great weekend and those fathers out there enjoy Fathers Day, sit back and enjoy being waited on.. Just ensure its good wholesome wholefoods with a dose of laughter and happiness...
19.01.2022 Lunchtime ideas for Wednesday, It's halfway through the week and you may be looking some inspiration to keep you on point. Here is a slightly different lunch idea that may use some of the food items in your pantry. This will work with any wheat biscuit type of food, and you could just as easily change the topping to suit your needs. Whole grain Ryevita or Vitawheats work best. #healthyfood #healthyeating
19.01.2022 Variety is the Spice of life they say! How often do you try new foods? is your diet varied enough? Many foods contain the same nutritional benefits and simply swapping on for another to add some variety to our diet will ensure meal times do just become a chore. Food is more than just fuel for our muscles and organs it can hold a deeper connection to happiness and the feeling of being content. We should enjoy what we eat and not become stuck cooking the same foods over and ove...r. With 5 food groups, the possibilities are endless, a few simple tricks to help ensure you have variety in your diet is to think about swapping out one food for another, for example, add asparagus or kohlrabi to your dish. We tend to fall into routines that can become stale and boring over time, this can be especially prominent in our diet, a useful tool that has been used to highlight this is the Diet Variety Score (DVS). The score is worked on the number of different foods consumed over a set period, typically 3-4 days. Higher scores will indicate a higher variety in an individuals diet. So as an exercise think back over the last 4 days and recall how many different foods you ate as well as how many you ate multiple times. Hopefully, this will inspire you to look at something new, maybe shop in a different shop, many ethnic shops offer cuisines from different cultures. Image Source: Diet234 See more
19.01.2022 Trying to lose weight, gain weight or just change what you eat? Whatever dietary intake method you are using its important to note that a diet should be sustainable and also enjoyable, those diets with an expiry date are doomed to fail from the outset. A successful conversion to a new diet will incorporate the motivation to change, the ability to try new foods and cuisines and most importantly the ability to live with your new diet. Restricting food groups that you enjoy wit...hout a valid medical reason is setting you up to fail. If you enjoy cake then eat it, just not every day. Everything we do requires balance, so if you take one thing into a new diet its the word "Balance", using this rule and some sound nutrition advice you can be on the track to a healthy diet in no time, being healthy need not be a chore. Image: The Conversation
18.01.2022 Like Zucchini?? Have a spiralizer tucked away in the back of your kitchen cupboard? Seems like a great time to make zucchini noodles and give that kitchen tool some use. Zucchini noodles go great with garlic and parmesan cheese for a simple and quick dish. Zucchini is part of the squash family and is packed full of goodness, a serve of zucchini will provide ~40% of your daily vitamin A requirement, also zucchinis are a great source of manganese. So what are you waiting for, get creative this Friday #healthyfood #healthyeating #zuchinni #mintnutrition #veganfood Image: Jessica Gavin (how to make Zucchini Noodles)
18.01.2022 After attending the live event from Australian Almonds, I can say that some surprising facts were presented. The myth of Almond orchards being very water hungry can be put to rest, Australian orchards have very stringent water management plans in place to ensure the trees are watered optimally and save 1000s of litres of water each season. Storing your Almonds in the pantry is also not the best method of storage! It turns out storing the nuts in an airtight container and in the fridge will extend the shelf life to 6 months.. Almonds are such a versatile food and can added to many dishes to add nutritional value. #almonds Image Source: Australian Almonds
17.01.2022 What makes a good diet? whenever I am asked this I always get a heap of statements from stating eat this and not that to stay healthy. Simply put the best diet is one that allows all foods and does not omit any food group for invalid reasons. So eat well, keep hydrated and ensure you stay active. Try and aim to have plenty of colourful fruits and vegetables during the week, but the odd slice of cake will not be the end.. Be happy not restricted
17.01.2022 When it comes to oil, not all oils are equal, recent studies have shown that Australian Olive Oil is more superior than European Olive Oils, this is great news for Australian olive oil producers and also users of olive oil. It should be no surprise that olive oil is a healthier oil, being high in mono and polyunsaturated fatty acids. But what about the plethora of nut oils that adorn our supermarket shelves? Nut oils and other varients also contain good amounts of healthy fat...s with the added bonus of each having there own subtle flavour to add a uniqueness to any dish. As with all oils note that fats will yield the most energy per gram, for example, a 15 ml serve of olive oil will provide 510Kj (approx 120 cal) of energy to a meal. Oils are also a great source of Vitamin E, an important vitamin that provides many health benefits as it is needed in many biological applications of the body. Just remember to avoid the oils that are high in saturated fats, you cant avoid saturated fats and your body does still need and use them, just not in high quantities. So enjoy some olive oil on your salad this summer and if you feel adventurous maybe try some avocado oil to macadamia oil. Image: Times of India
16.01.2022 Coconut flour, high in protein, fibre and lower in carbohydrates than other flours this naturally gluten free flour is great substitute for traditional flour. So why not nip on down to your local supermarket and grab a bag of this specialty flour. Take a trip over to eating bird food and check out the fluffy coconut pancake recipe they have. Pancakes are great with berries and if you need a sweet treat try maple syrup or a drizzle of honey, after all its the weekend and we need energy to get through all the activities we have planned.. #coconutflour #mintnutrition #healthyeating
16.01.2022 Does the country of origin of a specific food sway your decision to purchase it? Perhaps a better question is do you know the origin of the food you are eating? Under Australian consumer laws foods must have the information of where there were made or imported from, but what about your local market? These foods are clearly made in Australia and locally produced, with social media and the internet we can find out a lot about our local produce. The food in the super markets on ...the other hand will be required to display some information on the ingredients as well as where the product came from as well as where the ingredients came from. So next time you are shopping have a look at the packaging and see if you can see the Australian symbol. You will be surprised at how much of Australias food is imported from far flung destinations. Image Source: Packaging News See more
14.01.2022 When it come to what foods to eat a good focus point is "quality over Quantity", whilst we need to ensure we fuel to match our lifestyle, we should be aware of what we are eating to meet our energy needs. At different stages of our lives our body will require specific nutrients for development and maintenance, growing children for instance and those in high endurance sports will need a diet that supports the lifestyle. Thinking about what your food contains is just as important as how much of a food you consume. Sure a chocolate bar may taste nice but it lacks important nutrients, a bowl of fruits and nuts will give an equivalent calorific boost but be full of nutrients. #healthyfood #healthyeating #mintnutrition Image source: Braise Yourself
13.01.2022 It's fair to say we have all heard of the campaign about eating 5 fruits and vegetable serves a day? What would 5 serves look like incorporated into your daily dietary intake? Breakfast could see a banana or some fresh berries added you your oats or whole-grain bread, lunch can include a variety of salad items such as tomatoes, peppers, avocado or cucumber, these can be eaten in many ways (wraps, open sandwiches, salads ect). Dinner is a great time to incorporate vegetables t...o accompany your main food, or perhaps you would prefer to eat a panache of vegetables? However, you like your fruits and vegetables getting in 5 portions is not as hard as you would think. Do you enjoy a mid-morning snack?? why not try a cup of fresh blueberries or raspberries for that natural sweet hit. Image source: Candi Rash, Pintrest #healthyeating #eatfruitsandveggies #mintutrition #fruitsalad See more
13.01.2022 I was asked at work today what an aspiring Nutrition profession eats for dinner? I told them its not as exciting as you may seem but when I told them and even showed them they said it looked "too healthy". Healthy it was, but too healthy?? is that a thing...? Anyway, here it is this is a normal main meal for me, vegetables, some salad items with salmon and spinach, cooked up with garlic and pepper, no added salt either. #healthyeating
12.01.2022 Eat a Rainbow is a term many have heard, but what does this actually mean? Fruits and vegetables come in an array of natural colours, fruits and vegetables all contain important nutrients but some contain compounds unique to them. Purple produce is one such food that is unique in that the compound that gives it the purple hue also plays an antioxidative role within the body. Anthocyanins are found in many fruits and vegetables, one food that contains them in copious amounts is the Purple carrot. These trendy new breed of carrot are not that easy to find and you would be best advised to look at your local farmers market. Many other foods have anthocyanins in, so if purple carrots are not available, eggplants, beetroots, red cabbage and pomegranates all contain anthocyanins.
11.01.2022 Spice up your life, using spices in your dish is the simplest way to add good natural colour and flavour to any food dish. Delicate flavours like cumin and vibrant colours like turmeric are quite popular in modern restaurants, but what about some of the least known spices? Fennel seeds will add a fragrant flavour to a red meat dish and fish alike, tarragon has a very unique and strong flavour and aroma that will give fish an liquorice hint with a slight peppery aftertaste. A favourite of mine that is added to black coffee in Finland, Israel & Turkey is Cardamon pods, this spice will give any dish a deep aromatic flavour and aroma. Eating is much more than just taste and sustenance, the aroma and visual aspects of your dish are all important to wanting to eat the food. Image Source: gigawattspices
10.01.2022 Kohlrabi... An interesting vegetable that is becoming popular sometimes called the German turnip it is from the same family as the Brussel Sprout. Can be eaten either raw or cooked and is packed with goodness. Especially high in vitamin C with appreciable amounts of Vitamin B6, potassium and Magnesium. As this vegetable is cruciferous and not a root vegetable it often can be found with its leave still attached, these too are edible and can be eaten cooked or raw. Sliced u through a salad is a great way to enjoy this quirky vegetable. As pictured you may be lucky enough to find the purple version that has the additional benefits of high amounts of antioxidants in the purple skin. #healthyfood #healthyeating #veggiefood
10.01.2022 Spring is upon us, many of us will be feeling the effects of a long and frustrating Winter, 2020 has presented many challenges and remaining focused on health and wellbeing may have been a challenge. But few simple and small tricks will help keep you motivated and feeling good as we begin a New week: 1. Stay active, keep moving, think about a walk outdoors in the sun, exercise will help you stay feeling happy, recommended to aim for a minimum of 30 mins a day to support a hea...lthy life style 2. Eat plenty of fruits, as Spring is here and Summer not far off we are never short of fresh fruits, remember fruits not only help with hydration but they also contain Vitamin C an important antioxidant in health. 3. Drink plenty of water and stay hydrated, for much the Springtime will be the start of the hotter months, ensuring that the majority of your fluids comes from water is essential to maintain a healthy body. Image Source: The Fabletics Blog See more
10.01.2022 If regular cows' milk gives you digestive discomfort then a2 Milk may be an option. a2 Milk is pure and natural cows' milk that contains only the A2 protein. a2 Milk is backed by scientific research and may be able to help you reach your dairy intake comfortably.
09.01.2022 Hello and welcome to Mint Nutrition Qld, Mint is Redland based small business specialising in human nutrition and the aspects of promoting and supporting healthy eating habits. if you would like to be emailed a weekly recipe idea then please flick through an email and I will add you to the list, alternatively you can view and download from this page. Any questions please just send a direct message or email me through this page. Whatever your nutrition query is it all starts with a conversation so feel free to ask me anytime or make an appointment with me. Thanks and stay healthy
09.01.2022 Lunch idea for Tuesday, we are told to eat a rainbow and for good reason. Vegetables are packed full of vitamins and minerals as well as being a great source of fibre and macronutrients, for those who may be on a low carbohydrate diet veggies are a great way to fill you up. Give this Rainbow salad a try and enjoy the health benefits of vegetables today. #veggies #eathealthyfoods4life #healthyliving
09.01.2022 The weekend is here and so is the opportunity to venture out and enjoy the great outside. Not only is a sunny day good for ensuring your Vitamin D levels are topped up but is a good way to support your local businesses. Those living in the Redlands have a plethora of establishments to visit and enjoy good tucker, one of interest that supports a good cause is The Bush Pantry at the Capalaba Indigiscapes centre. Plenty of small trails to navigate and great plant store to get native plants for a great price of $2.50 each. Just ensure you stop by the Bush Cafe and try some local bush foods like the Tropical seasonal fruit bowl or the Bushmans Grilled Beef burger and Foccacia.. What ever your fancy Indigiscapes is a nice relaxing place to destress. Image Source: Shop a Docket
09.01.2022 Whats for lunch today? If you are stuck for ideas but want to stay on eth healthy side of the fence then you can go wrong with this Mexican three bean salad, a great meal on its own or a base for you to add and modify to tailor to your personal taste. Legumes are packed full of goodness and in some circles seen as a superfood in their own right, legumes can also make up part of your 5 a day. #healthyfood #healthyeating #mintnutrition #legumes
08.01.2022 Good health and nutrition need not cost a lot. A bit of planning and preparation and you can create simple yet delicious dishes no matter what type of eater you are. Shopping local and using fruit and veg shops over large chain supermarkets is always a cheaper option. Your local butcher will almost always beat the local supermarket too, so set a small amount of time aside to have a look at what you have in the area. Remember the large supermarkets spend millions on marketing to get you to spend money.. Nutrition need not cost a fortune or the earth.
08.01.2022 Fast facts... Mackerel is fish that is often overlooked when it comes to selecting a fish to dine on, but you should give important fish a second look. It is high in Omega-3 fatty acids and many other important nutrients such as Vitamin D, Cobolamin, Vitamin B6 and magnesium. Mackerel is a versatile fish and can be added to many foods to support a well balanced diet. Image Source: The Daily Meal
07.01.2022 Post workout nutrition is just as important as the workout itself, what ever your sport of choice the body will use vital materials to fuel and repair the body both during and after a workout or sporting event. Simply playing a sport is not enough to be a leader in that sport, it takes dedication and time but most importantly it takes fuel to power the body to success.#mintnutrition Source: Chris Fonda, Performance nutrition
07.01.2022 Ingredients panels, do you understand them? Are you concerned whats in a product? When looking at the ingredients section of a food product several things are important to know, first is the ingredients are listed in amount of each of each ingredients from largest portion to the smallest. In our example the product is made of 80% pork, the second thing to notice is that sugar will have many different names and is not simply listed as sugar. Dextrose, fructose, honey, lactose,... maple syrup and malt/maltose are all sugars added to the product. Other things to look for are salt as this too can be in several forms, sodium, celery salt, garlic salt, MSG, Nitrate & abscorbate are also other names salt can be found under. Probably the biggest thing to take home is that the more ingredients the more processed the food is, whole foods like fruits, vegetables, whole grains and legumes will have no added ingredients they are simply natural and hense called whole foods. For a healthy diet these are a better choice over the ultra processed high sugar/salt processed alternatives. Many other intricate laws are involved in ensuring your foods ingredient panel is as accurate as possible but the best way to ensure you know what you are eating is make it yourself. #healthyeating See more
06.01.2022 How often do you look at the nutrition panel on a food package? Do you know what you are looking at, and how to understand what is being displayed? This week we shall delve into the depths of food compliance and nutrition labelling of commercial products. For now the eat for heath site has a great info graphic on what you will see on a NIP (Nutrition information panel). The first take home here is that the panel will always have a Per 100g column, this is important as it al...lows you to standardise all food values as the serves sizing will be different for each food item depending on its energy density (ingredients). Understanding what a serve is too is important as quite often we eat my measuring by hand and sight, we literally eat with our eyes. For instance a serve of cereal is usually around the 40-60g without accounting for the milk to be added. The average teenager can consume up to 4-5 servings in one go so the energy coming in is actually 5-5 x the serving value. So pick up your favourite food and have a look at its NIP, did you see anything surprising? Image Source: See more
06.01.2022 Happy Fathers day to all the hard working fathers out there. Enjoy your day of being pampered and served upon by your kids.. Image Source:
05.01.2022 Its fair to say we have all heard of the campaign about eating 5 fruits and vegetable serves a day? What would 5 serves look like incorporated into your daily dietary intake? Breakfast could see a banana or some fresh berries added you your oats or whole-grain bread, lunch can include a variety of salad items such as tomatoes, peppers, avocado or cucumber, these can be eaten in many ways (wraps, open sandwiches, salads ect). Dinner is a great time to incorporate vegetables t...o accompany your main food, or perhaps you would prefer to eat a panache of vegetables? However, you like your fruits and vegetables getting in 5 portions is not as hard as you would think. Do you enjoy a mid-morning snack?? why not try a cup of fresh blueberries or raspberries for that natural sweet hit. Image source: Candi Rash, Pintrest #healthyeating #eatfruitsandveggies #mintutrition #fruitsalad See more
03.01.2022 With uncertain times its easy to become unstuck financially. Good nutrition need not cost you a second mortgage, for there is a food group that is not only good for your body, but good for your wallet too. Vegetables really do give you some "bang for your buck" when it comes to planning your weekly meals and keeping your finances in order. Shop local and dont be afraid to look at the discount section, many veggies simply look sad and will be perfectly happy in a soup or roasted up to make a salad or base for a sauce.. The cost of one steak could buy you several days supply of fresh and nutritious vegetables. #veggies #health #finance
03.01.2022 Does plant based mean you must cut out all animal products? This question comes up frequently when talking food and diet, the devils in the detail here the word "based" is what is important. Obviously if you are a vegan being on a total plant based diet is par for the course. But for those confused about what the term means it can be confusing, to be plant based means that the majority or 80% of your diet is made up from non animal products. The rest can made up with either... meat, fish, dairy or other animal products, studies have shown that pant based diets have a variety of health benefits as well as environmental and ethical benefits. How you choose to fuel our body is entirely up to you but ensuring that the bulk of the nutrients are derived from fruits and vegetables will put you on the right track. See more
03.01.2022 Sunday mornings are for many a day of leisure and relaxation, it also presents an opportunity to grab some healthy and nutritious food items form your local market. Many of these local markets support and give local producers a platform to earn a wage whilst providing good quality food. The bonus of shopping at a local farmers market is the food is fresher and has not had to be stored and transported across the country. Whilst the fruits and veggies at your local super market are still of a very good quality they dont hold the same status of a shopping basket filled with locally procured food items. So jump out of bed and head to your local Sunday Market today and see what you can grab... Image Source: Cannon Logistics
02.01.2022 Australia is unique in that the country is so large that it is able to have differing local climate, indeed whilst Tasmania is in the throws of Winter Darwin will be warm and humid. The unique position of Australia allows agriculture to provide a huge variety of fruits and vegetables all year round, not only to Australians but to the rest of the world. Still, there are some fresh foods that do have a specific season, fruits such as Mangos and Tamarillos are a Spring/Summer fruit, very few vegetables are restricted with beans being the only vegetable to be a Summer food. So take a moment and have a look at your local greengrocer and see whats new this week. Try adding some mango to your spring salad you will not regret it. Try this salad: #healthyeating #mintnutrition #mango
01.01.2022 What is and what is not found on the Nutrition Panel? In Australia and New Zealand we have the FSANZ or Food Standards Australia & New Zealand agency that monitors and ensures compliance and safety in food produced for human consumption. The agency is responsible for ensuring all foods entering Australia are compliant with our food laws as well as ensuring the end user has the correct information available to them. FSANZ has a set of Codes and standards that all food must mee...t prior to being sold commercially, there are some exceptions and all the codes can be found online and viewed at any time. Standard 1.2 concerns food labelling and what should be added to a Nutrition panel, foods must be clearly labelled and and risks such such as allergies must be clearly stated on the package. Interestingly the naming of food is also covered here and is quite complex and worth a read, you will then see why coco-pops is marketed the way it is. So if you have a spare 10 mins head over to the FSANZ site and have a look through the codes and see if come across any strange rules regarding the sale and production of food items in Australia. Image Source: FSANZ See more
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