Eating in Mind | Education
Eating in Mind
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25.01.2022 In recent years, I have realised that MINDSET is everything! If you’re not in the right frame of mind, the BEST meal plan and the BEST exercise program won’t achieve anything because you are unlikely to follow it. It all starts with a decision and believing that you CAN achieve your goal. Pay attention to your self talk. For me, writing a meal plan, macro plan or treatment protocol is the easy part. ... Keeping you on track and accountable is where we find the real work is. Start with the right frame of mind and you will be unstoppable. : : : : #thenaturaledge #nutrition #nutritioncoach #functionalnutrition #healthfirst #mindset #mindsetmatters #medicalmedium #integrativehealth #integrativenutritionhealthcoach #fitness #foodfit #immunesupport #antiinflammatorydiet #bloodsugarbalance #womenshealth #positivevibes See more
25.01.2022 It’s F R I D A Y Are you prepared for weekend meals that are #nutrientdense and full of #antioxidants #bioflavanoids #dietaryfat #leanprotein and keep your body charged and feeling good? Weekends are made to relax and recharge. Having some fruit and vegetables handy are a great way to practice balance and increase your nutrient intake while still allowing weekend treats. : :... : : #wholefooddiet #wholefoods #nutrientdense #nutrientboost #vitaminc #antiinflammatorydiet #hydration #fitfood #eatrealfood #metabolicsyndrome #insulinresistance #nutrition #nutritioncoach #sydney #naturalmedicine #integrativemedicine #integrativenutrition See more
24.01.2022 M I X E D B E A N S A L A D While I love soaking and cooking my own beans, chickpeas and lentils most of the time, some days there just isn’t enough time! Presenting the 15min dinner! We had this mixed bean salad with grilled Barramundi tonight. Choose your protein and dinner is done in a flash. For the salad I used tinned black beans, chickpeas, red kidney beans and pinto beans (4 tins), half a bunch of celery stalks diced, 4 tomorrow’s diced, apple cider vinegar, ...salt, olive oil. : : : #mumlife #dinnerinaflash #nutrition #vegetarianrecipes #eatyourgreens #beansalad #nutritientdense #wholefoods #dietaryfiber #nutrition #nutritioncoach #eatyourveggies #healthfirst #antiinflammatorydiet See more
23.01.2022 Weight loss is only one measure when it comes to nutrition. When changing your diet, consider other points beyond what you see on the scale. If you fail to see these other points, you may dismiss signals that your body is telling you as it heals. Weight loss can be a side effect to creating health. This is something that I see often when I start working with clients that are ready to make lifelong changes that will serve their health, and are open to the journey of and listening to their bodies. Education along with changes to give you the skills to succeed. Currently taking appointments with my kickstart package starting mid January. Go to : : : : #functionalmedicine #functionalnutrition #foodismedicine #glycemicindex #nutrition #microbiome #eatwell #adhdawareness #brainfood #healthcare #gutbrainaxis #chronicdisease #foodcoma #mumlife #sydney #northernbeaches #northshoremums See more
23.01.2022 Try to settle some of the symptoms of 2020 with a balanced and nutritious diet.
23.01.2022 Many people want to get better but don’t realise all of the things that are working together to make them sick. Food is a huge part of this, but so is exercise, sleep, the people in your life, the way you let them treat you, meditation, and supporting different parts of the body like the liver, gut and the HPA axis. I work with you to help find the root cause, and lay out a treatment protocol and plan to help get you back on track and live your best life. : :... : : #smallsteps #health #guthealth #liverhealth #hormonalimbalance #hormonalhealth #wholefoods #plantbased #mediterraneandiet #aminoacids #protein #crossfit #clinicalnutrition #nutritionaltherapy #northshoremums #postpartum #mentalhealth #exercise #mumlife #metabolicsyndrome See more
21.01.2022 This is such an important story as it says so much about how we approach healthcare.
21.01.2022 S E E D L O A F The one thing you should bake this week and eat at breakfast, lunch and dinner! Gluten free, vegan, nutrient dense and full of good fats and fibre to keep you feeling satisfied. We use this to make sandwiches, toast, for a little snack, just about everything. I’m sharing some of the steps on my stories today. ... Recipe can be found on the blog : : : : : #seedloaf #nutrientdense #guthealth #health2021 #fitfood #fiberfueled #nutritioncoach #nutritiontips #clinicalnutritionist #bloodsugar #glycemicindex #instafood #goodfat #hearthealth #psyllium #homebaked #familyfood #mumlife #healthykidsfood #weightlossjourney #healthjourney #functionalmedicine #functionalnutrition #sydneyfood See more
20.01.2022 I’m going to be honest.... I don’t like low carbohydrate diets. They cut out way too much of the good stuff like fibre, minerals, vitamins and antioxidants. Carbs give us the energy we need to exercise, and for our brains to function. There is a way to eat carbs, get all of your fibre and nutrient requirements, and still follow a healthy eating plan! If you are unsure of where to start or are wanting to reset your digestive system and nutritional intake get in touch for su...pport. : : : : : #nutritionist #nutritioncoaching #womenshealth #fitfood #carbohydrates #protein #fitbody #healthymindhealthybody #weekendvibes #fruit #smoothies #sydney #northshoremums #glutenfree #guthealth #supportlocal See more
19.01.2022 A bit of grey hair and some overgrown eyebrows Now that I’ve got your attention..... here’s what I want everyone to know about health: Eating to improve your health and nourish your cells involves a very different mindset than eating for the sole purpose of losing weight, which can sometimes happen at the expense of your health. ... Here are some key points to consider: use nutrition to create health first and foremost avoid the pursue of weight loss at the expense of your health what works for others may not work for you you don’t have to be a perfect eater to get benefits seek out trusted sources, you’ll get the best results working with a practitioner : : : : #healthyeating #functionalnutrition #mealplan #foodismedicine #bloodsugarbalance #insulinresistance #prediabetes #plantbased #protein #guthealth #digestion #healthjourney #nutrition #nutritioncoach #nutritionist #sydney #global #greyhairdontcare
19.01.2022 A brand new study adds to the ever growing data demonstrating the importance of nutritional psychology. What we eat, how much we move and how we choose to manage stress all have an impact on depression and anxiety. Want to feel better? Then fuel better. You can read the study here :... : : : #nutrition #rootcause #diseaseprevention #nourishyourbody #nourishyoursoul #nourishyourmind #bodycomposition #mumlife #wholefoods #sevanmatossian #crossfit #12rounds #anytimefitness #fitfood #foodmood #gutbrainaxis #mentalhealth #selfcare #selflove #clinicalnutritionist #sydney See more
17.01.2022 D I G E S T I V E H E A L T H Digestion is everything. It’s how your body processes food It’s how your body absorbs nutrients It’s what keeps you healthy... It’s how you keep fuelled Signs of digestive issues include Reflux Bad breath Food Intolerance Irritable Bowel Syndrome Constipation Weight Fluctuations Bloating You don’t need to live with these symptoms. Moreover, it’s important to restore health to the digestive system to avoid long term nutritional deficiencies, foster a healthy gut microbiome and reduce systemic inflammation. Online consults available this week. : : : : #guthealth #digestion #weightlossjourney #digestivehealth #mentalhealth #immunehealth #metabolicsydrome #allergies #foodintolerance #wholefoods #nutrition #nutritioncoach #northshoremums #bloodsugarbalance #antiinflammatorydiet See more
16.01.2022 Biomedical science is validating ancient healing modalities
16.01.2022 M O N D A Y Have you set your intentions for this week? When it comes to food, there are no ‘good’ foods or ‘bad’ foods. Know what works for you and what works for your body because everyone is different. Take the time to consider how you feel, train, sleep, your mood even after certain foods. ... Give your body and mind the nourishment it needs. : : : : : : #nutrition #clinicalnutrition #liverhealth #detox #gutbrainaxis #metabolichealth #mitochondria #pokebowl #nourishyourbody See more
15.01.2022 If you love ice cream as much as I do then you’ll appreciate this post! BANANA NICE CREAM Yes, it’s not the same as the real deal but a good alternative if you are looking for that cold, smooth and silky decadence! Frozen bananas, cacao powder, nut butter and a small dash of maple syrup (optional). Tip: you will need to use a high powered mixer for this. ... : : : : #nicecream #icecream #icecreamlover #nutrition #wholefoods #chocolate #chocolateicecream #healthyalternatives #healthfirst #sweetcravings #nutrientdense See more
11.01.2022 Excess sugar, stress, alcohol, refined grains etc can all contribute to shifts in our micro biome resulting in gut dysbiosis. Some other dysbiosis symptoms include bloating, constipation, ibs, skin issues. It is so important to feed yourself with nutrient dense, fibre rich foods to help prevent memory impairment, prevent brain fog, anxiety and depression. It is not about being perfect, just about doing your best. :... : : : #nutrition #fitness #health #guthealth #mentalhealth #gutbrainconnection #healthyfood #healthylifestyle #medicalmedium #fiberfueled #dysbiosis #nutritionist #2021goals #healthyliving #exercise #realfood #bodybuilding #womenshealth #metabolichealth #sydney #fuelyourbody See more
11.01.2022 It’s the journey we have to be grateful for, no matter our final goal. The process and the journey brings you success. Don’t dismiss it. Some days are good. Some days aren’t so great. We learn and we grow. : : :... : #positivevibes #setthetone #innervoice #positivity #selftalkmatters #nutrition #nutritioncoach #nutritionist #healthjourney #fitnessjourney #lifestylechanges #wholefoods #sydney See more
11.01.2022 Happy International Day of the Girl Child I am so blessed to have my 4 girls (hubby is a lucky man ) and this day resonates so much for to recognise just how amazing girls are. Celebrate girls, raise their voices, and encourage them to learn about their physiology and be proud of their bodies. I imagine a future where girls have equal support, science and research to support them. ... : : : : #motherofgirls #internationaldayofthegirl #playlikeagirl #strongwomen #womenliftingwomen #shecan See more
11.01.2022 Up to 90% of your serotonin production happens in the digestive tract. Healthy neurotransmitter production depends on healthy bacteria and healthy bacteria depend on nutritious foods! How can you feed a healthy gut? Through optimal nutrition intake!... This is so key if you are bloated, anxious, constipated, brain fogged, and so many more symptoms that can manifest outside of the GI tract! As the research is unfolding, it appears that having a healthy gut may be critical for feeling your best and decreasing risk of disease. The 100 trillion microbes living inside your gut microbiome are super receptive to optimal nutrition and lifestyle choices and less optimal choices. : : : : #guthealth #celiacdisease #sibo #functionalnutrition #inflammation #nutrition #wholefoods #glutenfree #integrativenutrition #eatgoodfeelgood #immunehealth #exercise #familymeals #anxiety #northshoremums #eattherainbow
10.01.2022 ANTI - INFLAMMATORY DIET If you are experiencing pain or inflammation try some of these tips: Incorporate some anti-inflammatory foods like oily fish, ginger, berries and try to reduce sugars and simple carbs like white bread and white pasta - opt for wholegrains. Stress #hormones and poor #sleep can make inflammation worse, reduce #stress as much as possible and try to get quality sleep. Anti-inflammatory supplements may be right for you as they can be a nice way support #lifestyle changes to help reduce inflammation. I only prescribe quality practitioner only supplements. : : : #lifestyletips #nutrition #naturalmedicine #antiinflammatorydiet #reducestress #sleep #mood #wholefoods #mediterraneandiet See more
10.01.2022 D I G E S T I O N B A S I C S No matter how perfect your diet is, if your digestion isn’t working properly, not only won’t you be able to absorb all the nutrients you think you’re feeding yourself, but you’ll be setting yourself up for a host of digestive issues such as heartburn, dysbiosis, IBS, inflammation. You are what you digest. As a Nutritionist we have a few tools to help digestion along for clients but always encourage the processes listed on the blog. Check out latest blog post for more information. Link to website in bio also. : : : : #digestion #healthylifestyle #malabsorption #microbiome #naturopathicmedicine #parasympathetic #digestivehealth #digestiveenzymes #nutrition #nutritioncoach #nutritionist See more
09.01.2022 IMMUNE SUPPORT Are you supporting your body’s essential systems? Illness occurs when something is out of whack or a pathogen is introduced. We all know that the most important ways to keep our bodies strong is to eat well, drink water, sleep enough, reduce stress and exercise, but few of us actually follow these recommendations. I am definitely not perfect, but the no brainer for me is to eat right (most of the time!). ... Eating a range of vegetables, fruits, whole grains, nuts and seeds and quality protein can be the best defence for not getting sick. Think of your nutrient dense vegetables as the hero of your dish The immune system encompasses the entire body but did you know that 70% of it resides in the gut? If you require further immune support, then probiotics, Vitamin C, Vitamin D and Zinc are all key players. The immune system is a complex system that requires a variety of different nutrients to work optimally. Always check with your health care provider on supplementing. See more
08.01.2022 Last nights dinner became today’s lunch! Teriyaki salmon, roasted sweet potato and some raw veggies Leftovers are perfect to throw together a healthy whole-food lunch. : :... : #essentialfattyacids #dietaryfiber #eattherainbow #healthyfood #nutrition #glutenfree #antiinflammatory #pegan #bloodsugardiet #phytonutrients #antioxidants #nourishyourbody #medicalmedium #naturopathicmedicine #integrativehealth See more
08.01.2022 No surprises here... but when will the food giants stop?
08.01.2022 I get a lot of questions regarding pre & post workout nutrition and what the right foods are to fuel and then to recover. The goal is pretty simple. To feel well fuelled, to feel like you are able to perform well during a workout and to eat in a way that supports recovery and optimises muscle-building. Try to eat 60-90mins before a workout. If training early in the morning, it’s ok to be fasted, but make sure to get in a large protein/carb dinner the night before. Pre-work...out - try to eat a high protein and carbohydrate meal with little to no fat and fibre. Fibre and fat are slow to digest and you want the food that you eat before a workout to be digested and out of your gut when you start exercise. Post-workout - a well rounded protein and carb meal with (a small amount of fat is ok here). If you are unable to eat a meal post-workout then a protein shake with adequate carbohydrates is ok too. Carbohydrates are necessary for recovery and to replenish muscle glycogen. : : : : #nutrition #nutritioncoach #healthyfood #healthylifestyle #musclebuilding #thenaturaledge #postworkout #preworkout #wholefoods #carbohydrates #protein #proteinshake #trueprotein #exercise #12rounds #weightlifting #nutritionist See more
08.01.2022 Weekend REST & RECOVERY SLICE I know it’s not the weekend yet, but a girl can dream right? And, it gives you ample time to grab the few ingredients you need to make this sweet potato based tray of sweet goodness to help you rest and recover after a big week ... For me, the weekends are for recharging and recovering from the demands of the week. Many of us lead busy lives with fitting in exercise either before or after a day’s full of work, as well as running a busy household. I am dedicating this slice to my fellow gym-going, inspirational superhumans who are consistently performing at their peak and living their best lives. Because sometimes, you just need a good cuppa and a slice of this gorgeous sweet potato, apple and blueberry cake to recover and recharge for the week ahead. Making this slice on a Sunday when everyone is home is highly recommended (and also means you must share) you’ve been warned! Recipe can be found on the blog : : : #nutrientdense #recovery #nutrition #wholefoods #athletefood #thenaturaledge #nutritioncoach #integrativenutrition #integrativehealth #antiinflammatorydiet #healthfirst #fitfood #immunesupport #sydney #everydayathlete #womenshealth #crossfit #crossfitfeelgood
08.01.2022 Lots of popular diets, like the ketogenic diet, were created for radical health interventions for patients that need to lose weight for surgery or other means. These diets were not created for athletes focussed on performance and they certainly were not created as a sustainable way of living a healthy lifestyle. They have been pulled into mainstream for people to make money. There will be some cases of short term success, but maintaining the results will be hard work. Fin...ding a way of eating that is sustainable, fits into your lifestyle, supports your hormones, doesn’t rule out entire food groups, allows flexibility to enjoy life and supports your health is possible. Let’s get you off the diet roller coaster and support you to live your best life. 1:1 consultations available by appt. Tag someone that needs to hear this. : : #wholefoods #eatforhealth #eatinginmind #mentalhealth #aminoacids #sportsnutrition #femaleathlete #everydayathlete #northshoremums #performancenutrition #ketodiet #ketogenicdiet #sustainablediet #eatrealfood #faddiets #metabolicsyndrome #type2diabetes #weightlossjourney #healthylifestyle #carbohydrates #protein #runnerslife #weightliftingwomen #crossfithealth #crossfit #wednesday #digestivehealth See more
07.01.2022 What’s for dinner tonight? My kids have asked for loaded sweet potatoes and I am the happiest Mamma as it is one of the easiest and nutrient dense meals to make! Sweet potatoes are rich in an antioxidant called beta carotene, which is very effective at raising blood levels of vitamin A, particularly in children. Sweet potatoes are nutritious, high in fibre, very filling, and delicious. They can be eaten boiled, baked, steamed, or fried. ... We’re baking our and then the kids get to fill them with a selection of toppings! : : : #familydinners #familymeals #nutritionforkids #eatmorefibre #clinicalnutritionist #mumlife #whatsfordinnertonight
06.01.2022 In a world of instant gratification the one thing we cannot turn around instantly is our health. Making lots of small great changes can reset the path that your body takes for the future. : : :... #healthylifestyle #healthyfood #mindsetmatters #mindsetshift #nutrition #nutritioncoach #nutritionist #health #fitness #sydney #familyhealth #mumlife #northshoremums #wholefoods #naturopathicmedicine See more
05.01.2022 Food amazes me on a daily basis. We have the ability to feed our cells, improve functionality, and create health each time we eat. And healthcare starts in your fridge, not necessarily your doctor’s office. Food is personal and each and every one of us have different preferences. Our bodies have the ability to process all foods and no food should be out of bounds (except in the case of allergies and intolerances). However, some foods speak to our cells a bit better so the choices that serve health more often is definitely a better choice! : : : : #foodishealth #eathealthy #eatfreshfood #glutenfree #lactose #salicylatesensitivity #nutrition #clinicalnutritionist #health #fitness #fitfood #weightlifting #exerciseismedicine #sydney #northshoremums See more
05.01.2022 Stress and confusion come from being busy. Peace and clarity come from slowing down. Breathe. : :... : : #stressless #health #lifestyle See more
04.01.2022 Flip the mindset... Health is greater than fad diets Health is greater than weighing yourself daily Health is greater than masking symptoms with medication Do you eat for your health? ... : : : : #foodismedicine #metabolichealth #nutrition #nutritionist #bloodsugarbalance #digestion #digestivehealth #guthealing #liverhealth #mentalhealth #foodchoices #eatyourveggies #functionalnutrition #weightlossjourney #weightloss #microbiome #nutrientabsorption See more
03.01.2022 Who agrees.... : : : :... #selfcare #mindset #nutrition #balanceddiet #balancedlifestyle #chocolate #chocolatecake #chocolatefudge #chocolatelovers #darkchocolatelover #cacao #magnesiumrich #therapeuticcacao #thesweetlife See more
03.01.2022 S E L F C A R E S U N D A Y What is self care to you? Is it getting through that pile of admin you have been avoiding? Is it developing a regular sleep routine? Or, spending quality time with the kids? ... Is it allowing yourself an hour to read? For me, self care Sunday started with this sweet potato, spinach, mushroom, and feta frittata. Go gentle today : : : : #eatwell #sleepwell #selfcaresunday #nutrition #clinicalnutritionist #sydneyeats #exercise #restday #breathework #relax # See more
02.01.2022 A huge thank you to everyone that has supported me this year. I’m having a little break and back in clinic for 1:1 consultations January 19. I’ll still be active online and able to answer questions, and make appts. Don’t forget to eat your vegetables.... :... : : #nutritionist #clinicalnutrition #sydney See more
02.01.2022 D I E T R E S E T A huge part of Food and Nutrition coaching is providing recipes and meal ideas that fit into your busy lifestyle and goals. Whether it is Habit Transformation, building Lean Muscle, Fat Loss, or Metabolic Repair, I will provide you with recipes and meal ideas that fit your lifestyle and your goals while working with you to keep you accountable and on track. A protocol made for you, for what your body needs, to kick your goals, and to achieve your... optimal health. Because we are not one size fits all : : : : #nutrition #nutritioncoach #micronutrients #eattherainbow #nutrientdense #springreset #dietreset #wholefoods #metabolichealth #guthealth #microbiota #pcos #antiinflammatorydiet #bloodsugarbalance See more
01.01.2022 How much water have you had today? Drinking enough water each day is crucial for many reasons: to regulate body temperature, keep joints lubricated, prevent infections, deliver nutrients to cells, and keep organs functioning properly. Remember - herbal teas also count toward your water intake - so get sipping! ... : : : : : #hydration #hydratewell #challengeaccepted #drinkwater #stayhydrated #healthydrinks #healthymum #mumlife #wholefoods #nutrition #healthfirst #integrativenutrition #nutritioncoach #liverhealth #antiinflammatorydiet #bloodsugarbalance #holistichealth #dailyritual #exercise #fitness See more