Eating Disorders Queensland in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia | Non-profit organisation
Eating Disorders Queensland
Locality: Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
Phone: +61 7 3844 6055
Address: 51 Edmondstone Street, South Brisbane 4101 Brisbane, QLD, Australia
Likes: 1543
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25.01.2022 If you are seeking support for a loved one who is currently living with an eating disorder, or who you are worried may be, we have several support options available for you. Our Carer Help Kit is an online resource that provides information, treatment options, and resources to help you to support your loved one. Visit Shared Table Meal Support Training is another online option, that provides you with the skills and confidence to ...provide meal support to your loved one in the home environment. You can find this training via the Carer Help Kit site. Finally, you can contact EDQ directly on 07 3844 6055 and schedule a coaching session with one of our experienced Carer Coaches. You can also ask us about our other support options for Carers/Loved Ones, including a monthly group event. #carers #keysupport #familyandfriends #eatingdisorder #recoveryispossible #recoverywarriors #hope #hereforyou
25.01.2022 Weight stigma, or negative attitudes towards and beliefs about others based on their weight, is very common in todays society. We can see this stigma in anti-obesity campaigns, in the categorising of food as "good" or "bad", and in the judgement placed upon those in larger bodies - including by health professionals. Being fat is not inherently bad. Being thin is not inherently healthy. We at EDQ work hard to ensure that we are not holding or perpetuating internalised fat phobia - both during BIEDAW, and all throughout the year. #feminism #fatpositive #socialjustice #eatingdisorderrecovery #intersectionality #BIEDAW #againstfatphobia
24.01.2022 Don't forget - change doesn't happen overnight! Recovery takes time, effort, and support. . . . .... . . . . . #EatingDisorderRecovery #RecoveryIsPossible #support #Community See more
24.01.2022 If youre just joining us, welcome to Body Image and Eating Disorder Awareness Week! This year we have collaborated with @thebutterflyfoundation, @edfaustralia, @eatingdisordersvictoria, and @bridgesedassociationwa to discuss body image. We are aiming to #ChangeTheDialogue and have a conversation! If you would like to join us, please tag us or use the #BIEDAW2020 hashtag. #BIEDAW #changethedialogue #nowrongwaytohaveabody #eatingdisorderawareness #eatingdisorderrecovery #recoveryispossible
23.01.2022 When your loved one or friend is upset, it can feel like the best option is to reassure them. Unfortunately, this can commonly take the form of fatphobia. Its important that we take care not to use these phrases. Weight stigma (or fatphobia) starts at a young age, and can remain in place throughout our whole life. It leads to poor self esteem, eating disorders, and other long-term and serious health impacts. Bodies are diverse, and being fat is nothing to be afraid of.
23.01.2022 EDQ General Manager, Belinda Chelius discusses Exercise and Eating Disorders with Exercise Physiologist Alanah Dobinson. This is part two of Belindas chat with Alanah; please see Episode 4 for part one. "Its in our best interest to flourish, not just survive." - Alanah Dobinson ... The Safe Exercise at Every Stage Guideline are accessible at The website includes resources that are helpful for practitioners and those on the treatment team. Download the accompanying e-page for this here: Episodes one, two, three and four are also available on the EDQ website. #eatingdisordersqueensland #vodcast #exerciseandeatingdisorders #recoverywarriors
23.01.2022 Heres Karen and Lisa with some of the beautiful sculptures that Lisa created for todays Reconnect Event! Swipe for a closer look at the figures - Lisa sculpted these from paper clay. We love using Reconnect events to guide clients in creating art that showcases a whole range of bodies, in a number of different mediums. #BIEDAW #bodydiversity #arttherapy #bodyimage #reconnect #diverse #bodydysmorphia #eatingdisordersqueensland #recoverywarrior
22.01.2022 Theres been a lot of discussion in the media lately citing high BMI as a risk factor for COVID-19. A recent UK study of the COVID-19 cases in critical care units found that in fact, BMI is NOT a risk factor for admission to intensive care units with COVID-19. Thank you to @drjoshuawolrich for all the work you are doing to fight weight stigma and #ChangeTheDialogue surrounding obesity and COVID-19. #media #fakenews #socialjustice #weightstigma #againstfatphobia #bodyimage #eatingdisorderawareness #BIEDAW2020 #BIEDAW #NoWrongWayToHaveABody #RecoveryIsPossible #recoverywarriors
22.01.2022 If bodies are diverse (and largely determined by genetics!), and body ideals follow trends....then why do we hold ourselves responsible for changing our bodies to suit those trends? Our bodies are not problems. #BIEDAW #bodyacceptance #bodydiversity #BIEDAW2020 #feminism #socialjustice #awareness #changethedialogue #eatingdisorderrecovery #eatingdisorderawareness #recoveryispossible
22.01.2022 Young carers* are invited to join our friends at Arafmi Ltd at New Farm Park on Sat, 10 October for an afternoon of soccer and art! This is a great opportunity for young carers to take some time away from their caring role and relax with other young carers. * What is a young carer? A young carer is defined as anyone caring for a loved one who is up to 25 years old.*
21.01.2022 #Repost @florrie.flourishes with @make_repost Hey, hi, hello. Yeah I’m talking to you.... I’m proud of proud of you for Challenging yourself over Easter. I’m proud of you for eating well, I’m proud of you for eating past fullness, I’m proud of you for fighting your thoughts. But please, whatever you do, don’t restrict over the next few days/weeks to make up for it. Today happened, it was Easter, you joined in with the chocolate eggs, you ate more than normal, That’s fine. Repeat after me: Easter eggs (and all other food!) don’t need earning or burning!!! Your Eating disorder is the enemy here, and diet culture, but definitely not your body. Gaining weight is a good thing, it’s giving your body a chance to heal (yes it’s necessary even if you are at a HeAlthY WeIgHt) So please don’t try to fight it. Giving in now and letting you ED, diet culture, and this fucked up society win won’t get you anywhere. It won’t make you happier, it won’t make your life more enjoyable, and it won’t make you a better person! #edrecovery #eatingdisorderawareness #eatingdisorderrecovery #edrecoveryjourney #edrecoverywarrior #eatittobeatit #fucktheed #dietplan #dietfood #healthyfood #healthyeating
21.01.2022 The NEDC has been working in partnership with the Australian Institute of Sport (AIS) for over two years to help the high performance sport system support the prevention and early identification of disordered eating, and promote timely intervention. This week marks the launch of a dedicated website, position statement and supporting resources. Discover more at Thanky you to both @nedc_australia and @theais_ for this much-needed work and collaborat...ion! #athletetraining #disorderedeating #sports #intervention #training
21.01.2022 There are lots of Instagram accounts, or YouTube channels of people with lived experience of eating disorder recovery, and these accounts can be so helpful for those who are either recovering from an eating disorder, or supporting their loved one to do so. We would like to highlight that although many of the people who are vocal about having recovered from an eating disorder are stereotypically "thin" or "average size", this is by no means the only type of recovered body. A...n important part of recovery can be letting go of the idea that you can control your weight and what your body looks like. Theres no wrong way to have a body. You may gain weight during or after recovery - and thats okay. #weightstigma #BIEDAW #nowrongwaytohaveabody #BIEDAW2020 #fatphobia #eatingdisorderrecovery #eatingdisorderawareness #bodyimage #socialjustice #feminism
20.01.2022 Sharing some great news from our friends at InsideOut today! Supporting a loved one through an eating disorder can be tough. That’s why InsideOut has developed a new online program to equip parents, siblings and friends with the tools to best support their loved ones. ... Over five-modules you will learn: - Different treatment options - How to provide support around mealtimes - Communication skills - Strategies for avoiding and responding to conflict - The signs of burnout and how to respond - Ways of finding meaning and purpose For a limited time, InsideOut is offering 3 months free access. If at any time you feel distressed, you can call the Butterfly National Helpline 1800 33 4673 . . . . . . . #Resources #CarerSupport #Family #SupportED #InsideOut
20.01.2022 The Australian Institute of Sport (AIS) has acknowledged the lack of awareness in disordered eating among high-performance athletes. The AISs Chief Medical Officer Dr David Hughes said there are fears athletes could be at an increased risk of developing the crippling mental illness. The AIS has developed a position statement aimed at helping all sports and codes address the seriousness and prevalence of the disease in Australias most promising sports men and women. The join...t position statement by the AIS and NEDC will provide a toolkit for sporting organisations to better understand the signs and symptoms and improve their position to help athletes. Dr David Hughes said the recommendation is for each sport to develop its own sport-specific disordered eating policy. Dr David Hughes said as well as providing educational resources, the AIS wants all medical professionals and coaching staff to recognise tackling eating disorders in athletes was a collaborative effort. The now UAE-based Paralympian Jessica Smith says, "Food and what youre eating is just the tip of the iceberg, theres so many underlying issues that need to be addressed first."
19.01.2022 And most of the time, they're not about the way someone's body looks, or even food! Eating Disorders are a complex mental illness that can cause severe physical health issues, and they need to be taken very seriously. #eatingdisorderawareness #eatingdisorderrecovery #treatment #recoveryispossible #earlyinterventioniskey #bodyimage #noticethesigns
19.01.2022 Places are available in our Recovery Warriors Group next Friday. This group will help participants to understand and respond to their emotions - a skill that is very helpful both during and beyond recovery! If you would like to attend, please contact [email protected] . . . .... . . . . #RecoveryWarriors #Psychoeducation #eatingdisordersrecovery #RecoveryIsPossible #AcceptanceandCommitmentTherapy See more
19.01.2022 BREAKING: The Greater Brisbane lockdown lifts at 12 noon today and a number of temporary safety measures will remain in place for all of Queensland. The restrictions will be in place for two weeks until 12 noon on Thursday 15 April 2021: You must continue to carry a mask with you whenever you leave home, and wear it in indoor venues Hospitality venues can open for seated eating and drinking only, and no dancing is allowed Private gatherings are restricted to 30 people Businesses can re-open with one person per 2m Outdoor events can go ahead with a COVID-safe plan, but masks must be worn if social distancing isn’t possible Church services will be allowed 100% occupancy with ticketed or allocated seating or adhering to the one per 2m rule Restrictions on aged care, hospitals, disability care and correctional facilities will apply with no personal visitors allowed during this period. Thanks to the hard work of Queenslanders, Easter is good to go. I want to thank everyone who has contributed to this mighty team effort. The remaining restrictions are about protecting Queenslanders against further transmission of COVID-19. Stay safe, Queensland. #covid19
18.01.2022 Eating Disorders Qld has also experienced a surge in demand since March, with an increase in contacts of roughly 54%.
18.01.2022 Accepting the changes that occur to our bodies over time can be difficult, but is also a key factor in improving body image or recovering from an eating disorder. Bodies change and fluctuate constantly - based on food and water consumption, but also based on hormone levels, age, exercise, stress, health, lifestyle, and numerous other factors. Try as we might, there is simply no stopping time, and no way to stop our bodies from changing accordingly. #bodyimage #BIEDAW2020 #eatingdisorderawareness #eatingdisorderrecovery #bodieschangeandthatsokay #recoverywarriors #socialjustice #weightstigma #againstfatphobia #eating
17.01.2022 Today is #RUOKDAY, an annual day of action and a reminder that every day is a day to start a conversation. This years theme, Theres more to say after RUOK?, focuses on building confidence so people know how to keep the conversation going with someone who is struggling. Given eating disorders are serious mental illnesses, weve come together with @theButterflyFoundation, @edfaustralia and @eatingdisordersvictoria to give you some tips on how to approach someone you care about if you think they may be experiencing an #eatingdisorder. Remember, you dont have to fix the problem, but speaking to them could make a world of difference. #RUOKDAY
17.01.2022 We know this has been a difficult week with increased media coverage around grief & loss, for many in the eating disorder community in Queensland. We acknowledge this can be particularly hard for family members and carers. We wanted to share this poignant quote from a fellow member of the Carer community, Judy Krasna, who sadly lost her daughter earlier this year. You can view Judys letter to the community in its entirety at For those who are not familiar, F.E.A.S.T is a global support and education community of and for parents of those with eating disorders, based in the USA. They have some fantastic resources available including a forum, blog, and phone support. #grief #loss #eatingdisorder #eatingdisorderrecovery #recoveryispossible #hope #recoverywarriors #support
17.01.2022 What are the other parts that make up who you are? How can you make more space for those other parts of you in your life? #BIEDAW #awareness #socialjustice #innerself #outerself #personality #creativity #nurtureyourself #bodyimage #eatingdisorderrecovery #changethedialogue
15.01.2022 Thank you for joining us for Body Image and Eating Disorder Awareness Week 2020. We hope that our posts and activities helped to start conversations, raise awareness, and #ChangeTheDialogue. We will continue discussing these issues throughout the year, and invite you to discuss them with us. If you have any feedback on #BIEDAW2020, please feel free to send it to [email protected]. We take all feedback on board and appreciate your time. #bodyimageawareness #enddietculture #socialjustice #feminism #weighstigma #fatphobia #healthateverysize #HAES #bodyacceptance
14.01.2022 (CW: Suicide & Eating Disorders) Today is #WorldSuicidePreventionDay. Studies have shown that suicide is 31 times more likely for those experiencing an eating disorder, as well as higher rates of self harm. If you are struggling with your eating disorder and experiencing suicidal thoughts please know that you are not alone. Reach out for urgent support via Lifeline on 13 11 14. If you have a loved one who youre concerned about, you can help them by showing your support, h...aving a conversation, and assisting them in accessing assistance. You are not alone. Support Services: @lifelineaustralia 13 11 14 @kidshelplineau 1800 51 1800 @reachout_aus @saneaustralia Sane Help Centre 1800 187 263 Suicide Call Back Service 1300 659 467 1800 184 527
14.01.2022 Heres Board Chair Karen and General Manager Belinda with our BIEDAW Papier-mch sculpture Frankie. Can you believe Frankie has now been with us for an entire year?! Swipe for some making of photos and a throwback to last years #BIEDAW event in King George Square. #BIEDAW2020 #throwback #sculpture #papermache #genderdiversity #NoWrongWayToHaveABody #bodyimage #eatingdisorderrecovery #recoveryispossible #eatingdisorderawareness #RecoveryWarriors Communify Queensland
13.01.2022 @mission_aust conducts an annual survey of 15-19yr olds across the country, providing some great insight into the current issues that young people are thinking about. Over the last few years, mental health and body image have consistently been in the top 3 concerns. "Lately I have been very hard on myself, whether it’s my body image (even though I have been trying so hard), or thinking I’m not good enough and I need to work harder. (F, 15, QLD)" #bodyimage #bodyimageawareness #youngpeople #youthsurveys #missionaustralia #eatingdisorders #earlypreventioniskey #support
13.01.2022 Dont forget to keep an eye out for our #BIEDAW banners if youre in Brisbane! You can spot them on both the Story Bridge (outbound) and on the ICB (Milton). #NoWrongWayToHaveABody #ChangeTheDialogue #StartAConversation #eatingdisorderawareness #bodyimage #diversity #socialjustice #feminism #eatingdisorderrecovery #recoveryispossible #recoverywarriors
12.01.2022 Body ideals shift over time and between cultures - just like fashion does. While we may not be consciously aware of it, we can absorb these body ideals and attempt to fit ourselves into that model. Taking on an external perspective of our own physical bodies - seeing ourselves as we think others do - can also lead to increased shame, anxiety, and body checking. #changethedialogue #beautystandards #idealbodies #trending #eatingdisorderawareness #eatingdisorderrecovery #nowrongwaytohaveabody #feminism #socialjustice #biedaw #biedaw2020
11.01.2022 Based on the CHO's recommendations this morning, we will return to the office from Tuesday 12/01. During this week, telehealth appointments are our preference, but let us know if you would prefer to come for an in-person appointment and we can accomodate that. All practitioners and staff will now be wearing masks, and we also recommend that clients wear masks if possible. We will also be maintaining our high levels of handwashing and premise cleaning, and will request that all clients wash their hands upon arriving at EDQ. We ask that if you have any cold or flu symptoms, you do not attend in-person appointments. If you have any questions at all, feel free to ask us for clarification! #COVID19 #Brisbane #Lockdown #publichealth
11.01.2022 Body Image and Eating Disorder Awareness Week 2020 Lived Experience Speaker Laura shares her thoughts on body image. #ChangeTheDialogue
10.01.2022 #Repost @break.binge.eating with @make_repost We know that weight loss diets can increase the risk for an eating disorder or disordered eating behaviours, but why is it that this only occurs for some people? The answer seems to lie in the type of diet someone follows. ... Diets that are extreme, rigid, and strict are those that are most strongly linked to an eating disorder. By this, I mean that the person has dozens of different and extreme food rules they try to follow, and any deviation from these rules is considered not acceptable. So, if someone diets in this fashion, how then can this promote an eating disorder? There seems to be three key reasons. 1. Intense hunger: Dieting in this way brings about unusual levels of hunger. The physiological signals hijack the conscious brain, which is expressed through preoccupations with food and eating. Eventually, these signals supersede the desire to restrict, making one vulnerable to binge. 2.Abstinence volitation: This phenomena occurs after you break one of your food rules. It is the interpretation that you’re a failure, and that you might as well go all out now and binge on all your favourite foods while you’ve got the chance. 3. Disinhibition: Severe dieters use up most of their cognitive capacity on trying to stick to their food rules. Whenever you experience or consume something that briefly takes over this cognitive space (e.g., drugs, alcohol, mood shifts), there isn’t much willpower left to stick to the diet and people find themselves giving into the cravings. This is why it’s so easy to binge after a big night on booze. Interested in learning more about severe dieting and eating disorders? If so, be sure to visit my new article on this topic at this link #breakbingeeating #eatingpsychology #eatingdisorderhelp #edawareness #eatingdisorderawareness #eatingdisordersupport #antidietproject #dietculture #nondietapproach #bodyacceptance #fuckdietculture #healthynothungry
10.01.2022 Love this gorgeous artwork and reminder from @sar.ra__. Make sure to check in with your loved ones, friends, colleagues, and neighbours. Check our stories for ideas on how you can have this conversation, or other ways to show you care. #ruokday #support #hereforyou #checkingin #mentalhealth #suicideprevention #eatingdisorders
09.01.2022 We are excited to announce our next Reconnect event is coming up at the end of this month! We have invited a speaker with lived experience to join us and share their story at this event - stay tuned for more details! Please note this is an in-person event so RSVPs are essential so that we can ensure appropriate space for social distancing. .... . . . . . . . #Connect #Community #Reconnect #RecoveryStories #LivedExperience
07.01.2022 You cannot make a diagnosis based on appearance. People of all sizes can have eating disorders, and all eating disorders can be severe and life-threatening. Judging the health of a person, or the severity of their eating disorder, based on weight, means that people can feel like they "arent sick enough" to seek or deserve treatment. We need to move away from a weight-based diagnosis, and provide support to all people who are engaging in disordered eating behaviour, no matter what their physical appearance may be. #weightstigma #awareness #BIEDAW #eatingdisorderrecovery #recoveryispossible #NoWrongWayToHaveABody #Changethedialogue #socialjustice #feminism
07.01.2022 Body Image and Eating Disorder Awareness Week 2020 Peer Mentor Mandy shares her thoughts on body image. #ChangeTheDialogue
05.01.2022 Have you seen this amazing artwork created for the Commission by Ailsa Walsh - Aboriginal Visual Artist Harmony Through Songlines represents the empowerment Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people find when facing hardship. Learn more:
05.01.2022 Have you registered for our next Laughter Yoga session on Sunday 27 September at 11 am? This session is for carers only and will be delivered by Heather Joys Laughter Yoga Happydemic via Zoom. Register here
05.01.2022 Stories like this are why we are so supportive of the recent National Eating Disorders Association (NEDA) and Australian Institute of Sport collaboration to combat eating disorders in sport. You can view their newly developed toolkits for both community sport, and high performance sport, here:
02.01.2022 Final call for the 10 week therapeutic group which will be commencing on Tuesday the 13th of October and held online. ***SPACES FILLING FAST*** Please contact EDQ as soon as possible to arrange your intake appointment.... The 10 week therapeutic group may be for you if you were interested in: - Being part of a safe and supportive environment - Share and learn in a community setting - Explore the underlying reasons of the eating issues - Develop better understandings of feelings, needs, relationships and communication - Explore the influence of body image, gender roles and culture. The 10 week therapeutic group is open to people of all genders from the age of 16. #grouptherapy #therapeuticgroup #eatingdisorderrecovery #recoveryispossible #recoverywarriors #recoveryjourney
01.01.2022 Fantastic news - telehealth sessions have enabled our Medicare clients to continue their treatment throughout COVID-19, without the extra stress of travelling to and from appointments for those who are immunocompromised.
01.01.2022 This is to anyone who has lost a loved one - know we can sit with each other, validating pain, loss and grief #griefandloss #eatingdisorders
01.01.2022 Today: a reminder to take up space in whatever way, shape or blob that looks like for you. Also sharing a tiny piece from a talk I gave this week: What does it ...mean to take up space when some of our bodies and beings don't fit within the definitions of this heteronormative, ableist, capitalistic, patriarchal, racist, casteist, anti-fat world? Maybe it's not about the answers but about making space for questions; about asking and learning from each other with openness. Maybe it's about centering each other's needs while building relationships based in reciprocity, softness and consent. Maybe it's about dreaming and building the just, queer, feminist realities we want. See more
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