Eat Soul Food | Food wholesaler
Eat Soul Food
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25.01.2022 C U R R Y R O A S T E DC H I C K P E A S 1 can of chickpeas 400gm rinsed 2 tspns of liquid coconut oil or melted 1 Tbspn mild curry powder... 1/4 tsp sea salt 1/4 tsp pepper 1 tspn Powdered Tumeric Mix together in a bowl and roast for 30min on 180 C Fantastic snack or addition to salad or veggies
22.01.2022 Yum this is the carrot salad I shared earlier on my page with activated flavoured seeds which tasted amazing for lunch! For a quicker version for the salad I used powdered garlic in the lemon vinaigrette The seeds were soaked overnight in water to activate, then rinsed, then soaked in cumin, smoked paprika, tamari, onion and garlic powder. Once they had soaked in the flavour for a few hrs I drained them and put in the dehydrator overnight. Soaking the seeds help to make them easier to digest and access the nutrients it also makes them taste amazing Great addition for most salads!
21.01.2022 G R O U N D I N G When lockdown loomed in NZ March 2020 I used grounding as one of a few techniques to help with the anxiety of the unknown. We were in the middle of moving countries from Aus to NZ, selling our house, my pets still lived in Aus with their flights that got cancelled and my partner was still working in Aus - our plans were totally thrown out and we were about to be separated for how long?- We had no idea. It took me about 2 weeks to get on top of that awful feeling and grounding was definitely a part of being able to do that. Such a simple technique that really helps you become present in the moment helping to settle that uneasy feeling, let it go and reconnect
21.01.2022 We love dehydrated kale chips especially my 3.5yr old! So we r whipping some up for his kindy lunches next week All u need to add is some olive oil and sea salt to keep it nice and basic. We also added hemp seeds We r making our secret recipe here with our special secret sauce Our fav dehydrator to use is the Excalibur #rawfood #dehydratedfoods #plantbased #eatsoulfood
19.01.2022 W E E K E N D R E A D Y Activated nuts Activated flavoured seed clusters Activated flax crackers ... Dehydrated Kale Chips Raw Carrot Cake See more
19.01.2022 M A S S A G E Y O U R K A L E There’s nothing worse than a dry bit of chewy bitter kale in your salad Actually there’s far worst things but it’s still not the greatest but did you know if u massage with a bit of oil and salt it completely changes your kale! I use sea salt and fractionated coconut oil It’s softer so nicer to chew and the flavour is less bitter. A quick simple tip that will transform your kale and make it more palatable ... A quick easy dressing I love on kale for a small 2 serve salad : (because no tahini is created the same depending on how runny & bitter it is I will hav options. Dressing: 2 Tbspn Tahini Juice of 1 lemon 1/2-1tspn of smoked paprika 1tspn of maple syrup or rice malt syrup if it’s bitter Add water to get the consistency u want!
16.01.2022 Hav u tried glasses that block the blue and green light from screens which affect your sleep when exposed to them? I’m studying and do a lot on my phone/ iPad and laptop especially in the evening after my sons gone to bed. I noticed since I started to do this every evening I would go to bed exhausted but feeling really restless and awake with often rubbish sleeps. I thought it was mayb stress but one day I spoke to a friend on a video call who was wearing these. I asked what they were for and he explained and he also said they were gr8. I thought I’d give them a try. I’ve had mine for a couple of weeks and I definitely notice a difference with how I’m feeling and my sleep has improved. There are so many on the market and many are probably good , this just happened to b the brand he had bought and recommended so I got it. It’s definitely worth considering if cutting out screen time in the evening is not an option but your still wanting to get some quality zzzzs See more
15.01.2022 In the warmer months I live on lots of smoothies and salads but when winter rolls round I need a few more meals that hav some heat Here is a fantastic winter carrot salad that ticks all the boxes and tastes good
14.01.2022 S E L FL O V E A wonderful and timely reminder of self love and how it can really shape your life for the better. I recently did a course that helped clear some beliefs and behaviours that didn’t serve my highest gd anymore. I stepped into loving myself more which has been mirrored back to me and made me feel so full and satisfied at a very deep level. Such an important factor to consider and work on when looking to improve our health on a holistic level
09.01.2022 We must condition each other to find the beauty everyday This is something that helps keep my vibes high With our eyes opening to a lot of darkness in the world it’s important to focus also on the amazing miracles that surround us every day, beautiful words and a timely reminder thanks Zach Bush
09.01.2022 C R E A M Y K A L E S A L A D A recipe to make your kale taste delicious by disguising that bitter taste Ingredients:... Place the following in your storage container 3 packed cups of greens ( I used mostly kale, bit of lettuce, bit of silver beet, parsley and mint- just whatever was is in the garden!) Chop finely then place in container and massage your kale with a dash of oil and pinch of sea salt Chop all greens finely 1/2 cup of activated and dehydrated seeds 1 peeled and grated carrot Dressing: 1/4 cup tahini (runny) 1/2 Tbspn of Rice Malt Syrup 1 tspn smoked paprika 1 tspn hemo seeds Juice if 1/2 a lemon I use this as a side salad and also to fill my wraps. I make this salad up and it gives me six serves which I hav for lunch and dinner
07.01.2022 W O W ! If your a fan of raw treats you hav to follow Amy Levin She is the queen of making the most intricate raw/ plantbased desserts I really admire the detail and presentation of her creations
06.01.2022 R E C I P E S4R A WD E S S E R T S Amy Levin is friggin amazing with her creations and she’s sharing a free ebook of some of her recipes Give her a like and a follow, her work is absolutely stunning, so creative and delicious- I’ll b making some of these ones for sure
05.01.2022 S M O O T H I EC O M B O It was just one of those nights where I wasn’t hungry to eat a dinner so I made a smoothie to sip on instead and it was too gd not to share: 1 scoop salted caramel prana on protein 1 tablespoon of raglan raspberry and lime coconut yoghurt... Handful of spinach 1/4 tspn of spirulina 1/4 cup of frozen cherries 2 tsp s of hemp seeds 1.5 cup of coconut water Pinch of vit c powder Juice of 1 lemon E N J O Y
04.01.2022 Our thoughts and our words are so powerful - they really shape our reality so it’s super important to focus on what’s going to serve you in a positive way I was told recently at a wonderful DNA ThetaHealing course ran by Lisa Lister here in New Plymouth (highly recommend) that if u accidentally let slip something that doesn’t serve your highest good u say CANCEL, CLEAR, DELETE to stop it manifesting. I’ve used this a few times when I start to notice the negative self talk in my head I say it to myself and then turn it around by saying something positive to myself - in my head and sometimes out loud because I like talking to myself
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