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25.01.2022 Hip Thrust for increasing speed and acceleration! The hip thrust is a glute exercise designed to improve your strength, speed and power through hip extension. The action of this muscle is to extend the hip and to pull the leg behind the body, therefore, if it is underdeveloped, your strength, speed and power are all compromised. The glute muscles are one of the most powerful muscles in the body which is why it is so important to teach and learn optimal hip extension as these ...are the same muscles that fire up during the first strides of a sprint acceleration, particularly the initial 10 steps. Whereas in comparison to back squats, which targets your quads, hamstrings and calves, these are the muscles needed to help power a vertical jump. So, if you’re looking to increase your speed, hip thrust are far more effective. Exercises such as leg presses and squats don’t maximise hip extension due to the lack of range of movement as most will only squat to parallel or even less. This means we aren’t fully engaging our glutes and should look to add hip thrusts into our programs, especially if your goal is to increase speed or acceleration or even to just get stronger. Improving your hip thrust will also help improve your squats and deadlifts strength as well as improve your 20m sprint times. When performing the hip thrust be aware that you don’t hyperextend your lower back and that you maintain a neutral spine as well as being aware of your foot position: 1. Too close = Quadriceps 2. Too far = Hamstrings 3. Vertical shins = Glutes Your glutes are a strong muscle so make sure you are lifting heavy!

25.01.2022 Mechanics of kicking a soccer ball. This technique takes strength and stability from left hip; in particular the glute muscles. Furthermore, the core muscles also need to counteract the force and speed to allow for a stable base for the hip to move through powerfully. The muscles of the lateral sling system (glutes and adductors of the stance leg, contralateral QL and obliques) work together stabilise and elevate the pelvis to allow for the opposite leg to swing through. ... As the kicking leg swings back up, energy is generated. This movement begins with the contraction of the gluteus maximus and hamstring muscles causing hip extension and knee flexion (concentric contraction). Then finally, there is a transition stage between backwards deceleration, into a rapid acceleration in opposite direction (hip flexion and knee extension of the swing leg). The iliopsoas and quadriceps use the stored energy from the swing back to swing the leg through and kick the ball. It is important that between the foot- ground contact of the support leg and the foot- ball contact that the pelvis remains very stable. You don’t want your pelvis to be collapsing, otherwise it’ll take away the efficiency of the kick. There is a need to train; flexion and extension, movement control, acceleration & decleration, strength & balance (stability / single leg). And that is just for 1 small part of the game- kicking a ball. There is always something to work on. To get better at. To improve #ecadvantage #personaltraining #mitise #strengthandconditioning #soccerskills #noexcuses #trainhard #personaltrainer #health #lifestyle #love #sport #strong #development #football #1on1 #soccerdrills #soccergame #fitness #ballmastery #sklz #nbfootball #newbalance

25.01.2022 Romanian Deadlift (RDL) Hip hinge movement that eccentrically loads the hamstring, is a great strength exercise for the posterior chain- hamstring, glutes and back (erector spinae, lats). The function of the hamstrings are to flex the knee and extend the hips. Therefore, we need to ensure that we are training it through knee bending and hip extension exercises.... Strengthening the hamstrings eccentrically can reduce the risk of soft tissue hamstring injuries and ACL ruptures. Shins vertical (knees not shifting forward) Soft knees- bent 20 degrees Lats engaged (shoulders down and back) Core engaged Keep the bar close to the body Control movement eccentrically Keep a neutral spine Squeeze glutes at top (prevent back extension)

25.01.2022 @ECAdvantage (Part 3/3) In 2017 long before we had heard of Coronavirus I returned from a tournament in China with the Young Matilda’s with an unknown virus that put me out of action for several months, including missing the entire W-League season. Springing back from the virus, I knew there was the upcoming Asian Cup (World Cup qualifiers) being held the following year in Nanjing China. It was a great tournament not only for myself but also the team. At the time, Allen S...tajic (Matildas Coach 2017) announced I was one of the best players there which of course was an extremely exciting moment for me. I believe it was my performance at this tournament along with the following W-League season that I received a call up to the National Team. I remember receiving the phone call from Staj, who told me don’t pack your bag for the camp pack your bag for Portugal. My dream of becoming a Matilda was fulfilled at the Algarve Cup in Portugal where I was subbed on in the 70th minute. The years of hard work, sacrifice and hours of travelling had paid off. I became the 200th woman to play for Australia and I couldn’t have been more thrilled. Unfortunately my elation was short lived and a few minutes into my debut, as I was heading to goal I rolled an ankle and unfortunately had to be subbed off shortly afterSport can be cruel at times! SO WHY @ecadvantage? I have completed certificates 3 and 4 in Fitness, Paul Chek courses and studied for my ASCA certificate (strength and conditioning) @ecadvantage is a Player Development Program where I conduct skill-based clinics. Either small group or 1 on 1 settings, as well as personal training in the gym to help athletes become the best they can be. I feel that it is vitally important for young players to have the opportunity to learn and develop the technical skills to help them achieve success. There is currently such a gap in female soccer in both the development of skill and also the importance of gym work especially at the grassroots level. At @ecadvantage it is my intention to offer skill based programs to share my knowledge and experience that I have gained training and playing at the highest level.

23.01.2022 Working on hopping and landing mechanics through the single leg hop. What am I looking for? A strong knee (no inward movement), good landing (no wobble or falling), how the ankle controls the movement of the knee and hip, the action of the contralateral leg- the knee drive during the swing through and rotation upon landing, and also how the kinetic chain of the ankle, knee and hip absorb force (through slight flexion at these joints). The gym is a safe and controlled enviro...nment where you are able to practice and perfect these movements, so when it comes to game day you are strong and stable in an unpredictable environment. Still got a little bit of work to do #ecadvantage #personaltraining #strengthandconditioning #soccerskills #personaltrainer #development #football #1on1 #soccerdrills #soccergame #fitness #ballmastery #sklz #nbfootball #newbalance

23.01.2022 BE YOUR BEST. Come join the team at EC Advantage to achieve your goals. 1:1 Personal Training... OR 1:1 Soccer Skills Coaching If you know someone that may be interested tag them below. For more info check out the website Link in bio. DM or email if you’re interested in booking in a session. #ecadvantage #sportspecificstrengthtraining #femalescanlifttoo #beyourbest2021 #firsttouchandpassing #soccertrainingcamp #personaltraining #mitise #strengthandconditioning #soccerskills #trainhard #personaltrainer #development #football #1on1 #soccerdrills #soccergame #ballmastery #nbfootball #newbalance #adelaideunited #wleague #sportspecifictraining #traininsaneorstaythesame #girlsplaysoccertoo #girlsplaysoccer

23.01.2022 It’s not always about lifting heavy weights. It’s about focusing on movement control and re- establishing a neural connection between mind and muscle. Strength > Rehab ... @mitisephysio #ecadvantage #personaltraining #mitise #strengthandconditioning #soccerskills #noexcuses #trainhard #personaltrainer #health #lifestyle #love #sport #strong #development #football #1on1 #soccerdrills #soccergame #fitness #ballmastery #sklz #nbfootball #newbalance

22.01.2022 The Pallof press is a great anti rotational exercise that targets the core and helps with spinal stability through the core musculature, stabilising the lumbar spine and pelvis. Being able to resist rotational forces is essential for contact sports. If you take a hit and are forced to rotate, are you able to stabilise yourself? Core function, specifically stabilisation and control is position specific, meaning the neuromuscular recruitment will be altered by changing the pl...ane your body moves in. I consider this exercise a base. Once she has learnt how to stabilise and control the rotation in this position, we will progress it to a split stance and then into more dynamic movements, which will have a higher carry over effect to sporting situations! #ecadvantage #personaltraining #mitise #strengthandconditioning #soccerskills #noexcuses #trainhard #personaltrainer #health #lifestyle #love #sport #strong #development #football #1on1 #soccerdrills #soccergame #fitness #ballmastery #sklz #nbfootball #newbalance

21.01.2022 Want to make it to the next level? 1. Do the basics well 2. Repetition... * Great players are not made by doing the bare minimum. They do extras! * Seek someone who is going to help you. To push you. To invest in you.

20.01.2022 SPECIAL 3 for 2 DEAL Get in contact for details!

19.01.2022 Back in action tonight with Salisbury Inter Soccer Club. South Australia is one of the first states to bring back football! Get around Round 3 fixture tonight against Football South Australia @6:15pm VALO Football Centre

18.01.2022 Big thanks to Cumberland United Football Club for having me out at their holiday clinic today, I really enjoyed working with the girls and I hope they gained something from the session. If you’re interested in 1:1 or group sessions on field work, check out our website below. #ecadvantage #personaltraining #strengthandconditioning #soccerskills #personaltrainer #development #football #1on1 #soccerdrills #soccergame #fitness #ballmastery #sklz #nbfootball #newbalance @ Women's Memorial Playing Fields

18.01.2022 Exercise Prescription Prescribed exercise: Split Squat Same movement. Multiple variations. Different physical adaptations.... Manipulating this movement will create different adaptations to the targeted muscle due to the biomechanical differences in joint angles, levers and loading. As a coach, it is important to understand WHY you are prescribing specific exercises to your clientele and ensure they are specific to their goals so they can get the most out of their training! This comes through having a sound knowledge and understanding of biomechanics and kinesiology. When manipulating the demands of the split squat, we can focus on two major areas: relative torso angle and relative shin angle. By making these changes, it will have a direct effect on joint range of motion and muscle activation. Photo 1: Neutral / Quad & Glutes (Forward shin, forward torso) Photo 2: Quad dominant (Forward shin, vertical torso) Photo 3: Quad dominant (Vertical shin, vertical torso) Photo 4: Glute dominant (Vertical shin, forward torso)

18.01.2022 Thank you to Kevin Holohan and @fulhamUnited under 15 girls team for having me! These young Fulham girls, which I had the pleasure of training, were very focused and willing to try new skills. There is no better time for these girls, at such a young age, to work on their ball control and skills. Through repetition and continuously challenging themselves these girls will see immense improvement. I believe there is a lack of attention to skill based and technical trainings in... the women’s game. So in today’s session we focused on ball mastery, changing direction with the ball and 1v1 moves. For more info, check out my website. #ecadvantage #personaltraining #strengthandconditioning #soccerskills #personaltrainer #development #football #1on1 #soccerdrills #soccergame #fitness #ballmastery #sklz #nbfootball #newbalance

16.01.2022 A masterclass from City Another hat-trick for Cote Rojas Vital win for Fulham A stalemate between NTC and Uni ... Catch all the drama from a busy Friday night from VALO Football Centre in the WNPL.

15.01.2022 So why don’t we want to land like this? This landing position is also known as a valgus collapse and is a position that places a lot of shear force throughout the knee joint and places the medial ligaments of the knee under a lot of stress. As her body weight is not central, this places a lot of force and rotation through the knee joint which is a prerequisite for a serious knee injury e.g. ACL tear. ... Why did Zoe land like this? Valgus collapse is where there is a lack of femoral control and results in excessive hip adduction and internal rotation when hips are flexed. Looking at her ankle joint; overall it looks fine, the ankle was able to stabilise upon landing and is in a good forward-facing position with the knee straight above. The issue is from the knee joint to the hip. If you look closely at the picture you can see Zoe’s iliotibial band (IT band), is at full contraction. The reduced glute activation throughout this hopping movement is what leads her knee to collapsing inwards. The glute muscles are responsible for controlling her hip- knee joint and as you can see here, majority of the force is being absorbed between the ankle - knee joint and minimal amounts in the glute muscles, just not enough to absorb the force and control the knee in an ideal position, creating stress on the IT band. Why do we test single leg hopping? This landing position can come up within milliseconds during games or training without you even knowing it. Here in a controlled environment we are testing how she would naturally land and absorb force and to access what her compensatory patterns are. During game play not only do you need to absorb force, but you also need to be able to resist external forces such as an opponent. If Zoe were to land like this during a game, a knock from the side is all it takes to cause serious injury. What will we need to do to fix this? A lot of strength work! Particularly for the glutes and lower limbs (calves, quads, hamstrings). Also, lots of single leg glute-controlled movements and oblique strength work and also add exercises with a knee drive to help shift her weight around, especially for the contralateral hip.

15.01.2022 A little bit about why I started @ECAdvantage (Part 2/3) I was in year 5 when I was dropped for the first time from a team. I had been selected for the SAPSASA State School girls, I even got to try on my tracksuit but then I received an email stating that myself and @AlexChidiac had been dropped because we were too small! Although I was disappointed I persevered to get better. Fast forward 3 years later in year 8, I was only 13 years old when I was selected for the Secondary... School’s state U19 team to travel to Townsville. From there I was selected in the Australian schoolgirls team and toured Brazil and Argentina the following year. Without a doubt this was the most exciting moment of my career! Only 2 other girls from the SA team were selected, one being @JennaMcCormick! This opportunity helped me grow as a player, challenge myself and improve on and off the pitch. Later that year I also represented SA in the under 15’s where we won Gold in our group at Nationals. Furthering from this experience I was selected for NTC challenge. My performance at these events saw me sign my first contract with @AdelaideUnited for the 2013/14 season, making me the youngest ever at just 15 to be signed. I scored my first @W-League goal that season becoming the 2nd youngest player (to @SamKerr) to score. This was a moment I will never forget due to the pure excitement I felt and support from my teammates. I was fortunate to represent Australia with the Young Matildas travelling to Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh, Myanmar, Palembang and Nanjing China (twice). However, all these teams came with a lot of sacrifice, not only from myself but from my family as well. I was fortunate to have the support of my family especially my parents who took turns driving me to games and trainings from Port Pirie to Adelaide. This 4 hour round trip was not only exhausting for myself but also my family, but it was well worth it.

15.01.2022 Session Availabilities. 1 on 1 coaching available now!! Working with Brea (pictured above) on her individualised program catering for her specific strength and conditioning needs. I write these specific individual programs for every client so you can have one too!!... Times available: Mon- Fri : mornings Mon- Fri : afternoons / evenings until 5pm Get in touch!! [email protected] #ecadvantage #personaltraining #mitise #strengthandconditioning #soccerskills #noexcuses #trainhard #personaltrainer #health #lifestyle #love #sport #strong #development #football #1on1 #soccerdrills #soccergame #fitness #ballmastery #sklz #nbfootball #newbalance

13.01.2022 INDIVIDUALISED PROGRAM An individualised exercise program can help you achieve your goal! Learn proper movement patterns ... Correct technique Improve performance Injury rehabilitation The aim is to continually improve the quality and standard of training we provide clients. Assessment session If you’re not assessing... you’re guessing. Assess; - Basic movement patterns - Core coordination and strength - Mobility - Previous / current injuries This allows for; - Reducing the risk of injury - Increasing performance - A more individualised program allows you to get the most out of your training #ecadvantage #personaltraining #strengthandconditioning #soccerskills #personaltrainer #development #football #1on1 #soccerdrills #soccergame #fitness #ballmastery #sklz #nbfootball #newbalance

13.01.2022 My Own Strength Training I was 13 years old when I started strength training using my own body weight exercises at home. I had just attended a 3 day soccer academy camp with Jeff Napier who then provided us with a home program. When I was 15 years old I signed my first professional contract with Adelaide United and began working 1:1 with an S&C coach for my running technique, flexibility/ mobility and hamstring strength, as I was told at the time, I have no hamstrings and... no glutes. Also at 15, I was invited to attend a Young Matilda’s camp at the AIS where during that time away we were required to do team gym sessions to build our strength. It was from here that I placed greater importance on strength training and began balancing my time to train strength as well as soccer. When I had graduated year 12, at 18 years old, I started my first properly structured strength training program with Josh Smith at Mitise. I improved immensely and it showed on the pitch. Today, I still to do structured gym training to keep my body physically ready to compete and train, as well as to keep me injury free. I know what is required physically to play at a high level and the importance of building strength and power to be strong enough to compete against elite opposition, so I am glad I had created a base level when I was much younger as that had helped me become ready and made the adaption easier. I now wish for all young female athletes to understand the importance of undertaking structured gym programming to better prepare themselves to compete and remain injury free!

13.01.2022 Zoë Amelia. Probably the most dedicated 14 year old I’ve seen. The amount of hours and extra practices she has put in is unreal! Fortunately, it is now beginnin...g to pay off after achieving her goal of being selected in the Adelaide City FC Reserves team. I’ve being working with Zoë for around 2 years, spending a lot of time working in the gym, improving coordination, flexibility, correcting techniques and touching on strength work. Whilst also recently spending time focussing on soccer skill work. It has been a pleasure teaching and watching Zoë develop the skills and moves I was taught growing up. We have seen massive improvements in her ball mastery, 1 on 1 moves and shooting, especially with her left foot! This is only going to give her the confidence to perform at her best on the field and I cannot wait to watch her smash it this season! ECAdvantage

12.01.2022 Here we have @_.emgale._ performing the lateral step up. After an assessment session we noticed the need to strengthen Emily’s glutes, in particular her glute medius, which was the cause for her knee collapsing inward during medial and lateral hoping movements. So why perform the lateral step up instead of the traditional step up? This exercise is more specific to her needs as it recruits the muscles that are needed for her to stabilise the knee joint. ... For now, Emily will be focusing strongly on her glute strength as well as obliques to stabilise and control her knee and contralateral hip. #ecadvantage #personaltraining #strengthandconditioning #soccerskills #personaltrainer #development #football #1on1 #soccerdrills #soccergame #fitness #ballmastery #sklz #nbfootball #newbalance

11.01.2022 TECHNIQUE Technique takes precedence over strength. Remove the weight to focus on technique first. ... Lifting heavy weights with bad technique is doing you more bad than good. #ecadvantage #personaltraining #mitise #strengthandconditioning #soccerskills #noexcuses #trainhard #personaltrainer #health #lifestyle #love #sport #strong #development #football #1on1 #soccerdrills #soccergame #fitness #ballmastery #sklz #nbfootball #newbalance

10.01.2022 Details Matter. Here we are developing ankle, knee and hip ideal alignment during various single leg focused exercises. The exercise provides kinaesthetic feedback to Zoe so she is aware of where her knee should be and how it feels in that position. When you have been repeatedly performing a specific movement for many years, that movement pattern becomes engrained in your neuromuscular system and becomes a natural motoring pattern recruitment process.... It takes 5,000 repetitions to break a bad habit of movement, and 300 to create a new one! A movement you have been doing your whole life, won’t be solved in just a few hours of training. Improving your alignment and your recruitment process will in turn improve your strength, stability, your ability to absorb and generate power and thus, enhance your overall sports performance. #ecadvantage #personaltraining #mitise #strengthandconditioning #soccerskills #noexcuses #trainhard #personaltrainer #health #lifestyle #love #sport #strong #development #football #1on1 #soccerdrills #soccergame #fitness #ballmastery #sklz #nbfootball #newbalance

10.01.2022 Core Assessment The function of the abdominal musculature plays a major role in the stabilisation of the spine and therefore prevention of spinal injury. -... The ability to stabilise your spine against both intrinsic and extrinsic forces will determine how fast the spine wears out and determine the likelihood of injury. - As humans, we have a centrally generated motor pattern, meaning we initiate movement from the inside out to the extremities. If your deep stabiliser muscles (transverse) don’t work, you are unable to effectively stabilise any limb. - So, as the core muscles activate milliseconds before any limb movement, it is important to assess the core function of the individual and what they are able capable of. This will prevent them from injury and allow you to create a workout program specifically for them! - #ecadvantage #personaltraining #strengthandconditioning #soccerskills #personaltrainer #development #football #1on1 #soccerdrills #soccergame #fitness #ballmastery #sklz #nbfootball #newbalance

10.01.2022 Isolate then integrate. There are a lot of variations of the cable wood chop exercise but here with @_.emgale._ we are purely focusing on the rotation and movement from the core, particularly the oblique musculature. We have created an isolated wood chop pattern here that targets the obliques and core muscles before we begin to integrate the lower and upper extremities into the movement. ... We have established that Em needs to strengthen her oblique muscles and this is a great exercise to do so, before we create a more coordinated and functional movement. As all movement begins with the core firing first, it’s important that we ensure all sections of it are functioning properly! #ecadvantage #personaltraining #strengthandconditioning #soccerskills #personaltrainer #development #football #1on1 #soccerdrills #soccergame #fitness #ballmastery #sklz #nbfootball #newbalance

06.01.2022 Lower Limb Weight Shift & Lower Limb Internal Rotation Left leg- weight shifts to right This weight shift is due to muscular imbalances on her left leg between the overactive / tight calf, hamstring and glute medius muscles with the underactive / weak muscles of the adductors and hip flexors.... These imbalances on the left, along with imbalances on her right side with the overactive adductors and hip flexors with underactive / weak glute medius muscles, is what causes an asymmetrical weight shift to her right. If left unaddressed, can lead to groin, hamstring and quad strains. Strengthen the weak muscles and stretch the overactive muscles. Right leg- internal rotation The internal rotation of the right tibia (shinbone) can be seen by looking at the placement of the patella in relation to the ankle and hip. This is due to weakness in the outer hip musculature particularly the tensor fasciae latae (TFL) and the glute medius muscles. As the ankle / foot is stable and is facing forward, the weak muscles of the hip causes the knee to collapse inward and the tibia to internally rotate. This internal rotation creates a lot of strain on the medial ligaments of the knee and can potentially lead to serious injuries. For now, there will be a heavy focus on strengthening the musculature of hip and working on neuromuscular control.

05.01.2022 Empowering ALL female athletes to be the best they can be, regardless of age, sport or experience through strength and conditioning. @evphotographysa ... #ecadvantage #personaltraining #mitise #strengthandconditioning #soccerskills #noexcuses #trainhard #personaltrainer #health #lifestyle #love #sport #strong #development #football #1on1 #soccerdrills #soccergame #fitness #ballmastery #sklz #nbfootball #newbalance

05.01.2022 A little bit about why I started @ecadvantage (Part 1/3) When I was just 7 years old, I pulled on my first pair of boots to play for my school, St Marks college in the under 8s. At the time I was the only girl playing for the school and one of only a few in the competition. I immediately fell in love with the game and spent all of my time playing and practising, often in the backyard with my brothers. At age 9, although too young to be selected for the Port Pirie U12 repres...entative team; I ended up being able to play in U13 boys team with my brother as they were short. Not only was I the youngest but also the only female in the entire competition and where I was first recognised by @FFSA. From there I progressed, and in year 4 I was able to represent Port Pirie at SAPSASA. This was an incredibly exciting moment for me as it was the first time I played in an all girls team!! I was fortunate enough to represent South Australia at Nationals after my identification at STIC when I was 12 allowing me to enhance my skills. Furthering my experience I began playing for the @NorthernDemons U13 A’s boys competition before playing for @AdelaideUniveristy U15 girls. Through my experience of playing with boys I became stronger, faster and more resilient which has helped shape me as the player I am today.

04.01.2022 BRAND NEW EC ADVANTAGE TOPS!!!! These versatile tees are perfect for gym, soccer or any sporting needs. DM for more details #ecadvantage #personaltraining #mitise #strengthandconditioning #soccerskills #noexcuses #trainhard #personaltrainer #health #lifestyle #love #sport #strong #development #football #1on1 #soccerdrills #soccergame #fitness #ballmastery #sklz #nbfootball #newbalance

04.01.2022 HOPE TO SEE YOU ALL THERE Final home game of the season Sunday 3:35pm Kick Off at Coopers Stadium! ... Be a part of history #ecadvantage #sportspecificstrengthtraining #femalescanlifttoo #beyourbest2021 #firsttouchandpassing #soccertrainingcamp #personaltraining #mitise #strengthandconditioning #soccerskills #trainhard #personaltrainer #development #football #1on1 #soccerdrills #soccergame #ballmastery #nbfootball #newbalance #adelaideunited #wleague #sportspecifictraining #traininsaneorstaythesame #girlsplaysoccertoo #girlsplaysoccer

03.01.2022 Practice pays off! See website for details. #ecadvantage #personaltraining #mitise #strengthandconditioning #soccerskills ... #noexcuses #trainhard #personaltrainer #health #lifestyle #love #sport #strong #development #football #1on1 #soccerdrills #soccergame #fitness #ballmastery #sklz #nbfootball #newbalance See more

03.01.2022 Dynamic core stability and movement. This exercise requires the front and back muscles of the core / trunk to work together while holding ideal alignment. It requires both the anterior and posterior muscle slings to function in synergy to improve strength, posture and stability. This movement focuses also on the small intricate muscles that are often neglected during big lifts.... The dow rod on the back has 3 points of contact; head, thoracic spine, sacrum. This gives visual feedback to the trainer and kinaesthetic feedback to the client performing the movement so both can determine if ideal alignment is being kept. 1. Try to maintain a neutral spine by activating the core muscles. 2. Keep hips level and don’t rotate pelvis. 3. Trainer holds rod between fingers and in contact with clients back so they can feel when they lose contraction of TA during movement. #ecadvantage #personaltraining #mitise #strengthandconditioning #soccerskills #noexcuses #trainhard #personaltrainer #health #lifestyle #love #sport #strong #development #football #1on1 #soccerdrills #soccergame #fitness #ballmastery #sklz #nbfootball #newbalance

03.01.2022 Youth Development. Here we have young soccer player Ollie going through a variation of jumping and landing exercises while incorporating the soccer ball at the end. As Ollie is only 8 years old and his body is still growing we are avoiding all weighted exercises you’d typically get in a gym setting, and focusing on improving coordination, balance and stability, movement patterns and jumping and landing techniques. ... This drill shown above will help him develop coordination and a better understanding of how his body moves, while also strengthening his muscles and bones due to the continuous impact on landing and extension work to take off again. #ecadvantage #personaltraining #mitise #strengthandconditioning #soccerskills #noexcuses #trainhard #personaltrainer #health #lifestyle #love #sport #strong #development #football #1on1 #soccerdrills #soccergame #fitness #ballmastery #sklz #nbfootball #newbalance

02.01.2022 GLUTE ACTIVATION The glute musculature is one of the strongest and most powerful muscles in the body. The videos above show some glute activation exercises I use and have my clientele use before sessions. Activating your glutes properly is important because if your glutes are inactive you compensate and use other muscles such as your lower back, hamstrings and quads when performing big lifts. This leads to a higher injury risk and decreased performance as the incorrect muscle...s are being used. The glute muscles play a pivotal role in stabilising the lower limbs, especially in dynamic situations eg. Sport. Their functions include hip extension (pulling leg back, hip abduction (lifting leg to side), hip external rotation (turning foot outward) and posterior pelvic tilt (tucking pelvis under). As they play a vital role in numerous movements, having inactive glutes prior to a session or game will lead to overcompensation of the incorrect and weaker muscle groups, leading to injuries to your knee, lower back and hamstrings as well as a poor performance. Muscle activation drills are designed to prepare your nervous system and to stimulate the necessary muscles that will be used, as well as increase your overall neuromuscular efficiency (mind- muscle connection). The idea is centred around learning to isolate and engage a particular muscle which allows for less compensation as other muscles are not working at the same time and may even inhibit overactive muscles. Next workout focus on where you feel the exercise. If you aren’t feeling it where you should be, I suggest performing a few activation drills with light resistance prior to working out. Vid 1. Banded lateral side steps= engages the glute medius muscle responsible for externally rotating the hip & femur (thigh) and preventing the knee from collapsing inward during any movement pattern. For more content and the full post head over to my Instagram page @ecadvantage

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