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School of Design Thinking

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25.01.2022 Join our free webinar on September 17th at 5 pm and make digital transformation a priority for your business! Take the time to rethink your business and yourself. Make your registration:

25.01.2022 Is it possible to shift from human centred design to life centred design? We discuss this and more in our interview with Bruce Mau about his most recent book, M24, a book about how to change everything. The book lays out 24 principles for designing massive change in our lives and work. Read the following are excerpts of the interview on our blog here - Art by Reinaldo Lee (@_tunalee) #humancentreddesign #innovation

22.01.2022 Desired, the podcast is back! Each month our CDO Juliana Proserpio will present conversations that empower people to become a better designer and innovation leader. In this episode we speak with designer Tom Klinkowstein about the connection between the personal stories from our past and the stories we create for our futures. Is Your Past Predicting Your Future? Listen here:... #podcast #episode #desired #explore #future #original #manifestation #innovation

22.01.2022 We are able to create the future, because we are all designers. Every human being is a designer. What makes us human is our ability to create change intentionally. With that in mind, we should be asking if the changes the pandemic has brought into our lives are desirable? And if not, how do we make changes to create a more desirable outcome? Learn how you can design a desirable future on our blog - #design #future #createchange

21.01.2022 Society is currently undergoing a massive change. Business offerings are shifting, and customer expectations are changing. And this has created an opportunity to design services in new ways. Now the potential is there to not only design new services but to help with the ongoing process of transforming our society. Learn more about designing services here: #servicedesign #change #transforming #society #newservices

21.01.2022 Changes have been the new normal this year. We are using feedback from our audience to provide more useful content and information on the topics you care about. From now onwards we will have two newsletters per month and will be making some content changes. To help us create more content that is relevant to your work and design practice please fill out our survey below! Share Your Thoughts - #feedback #newsletters #content #designpractice

20.01.2022 What is design doing? How will it produce the revenue streams of the future? Design doing is where all of the dreaming and creations of the thinking process become pragmatic and useful. It is the dedication to the craft and the drive to keep moving when obstacles arise that transforms a design project into something exceptional. And a good designer into a great one! Read more on our blog: #designdoing #designthinking #designproject #futuredesign #designingdesirablefutures

20.01.2022 When thinking about creating a value for customers there are many ways to achieve that value. The following are six ways to think about the exchange of value between a business and customer or clients. 1. Newness: is there a completely new set of needs emerging? It is possible that customers previously did not even realise they had this need until recently. 2. Performance: improving the performance of existing products and services. ... 3. Customisation: is it possible to meet the specific needs of customers individually. 4. Price: it is possible to create a new or innovate pricing model that lowers costs 5. accessibility: enabling a wide audience to have access to products and services. 6. convenience: products and services that can be made more flexible according to the interests of the customer. Learn more on our blog: #design #valueproposition #valuepropositiondesign #businessmodelcanvas #businessmodel #designvalue

19.01.2022 Want to start speculating about the future? Futurist Amy Webb has identified 11 sources of disruption or macro change that organisations should look out for when speculating about the future. Webb has developed a process called the Future Forces Theory. She has constructed a framework based on weak signals as sources of disruption. Download this resource here: #disruption #weaksignals #createfutures #desirablefutures #trends #socialtrends #futurescenario #macrochange

19.01.2022 Embracing Empathy: how newsrooms can become future fit This month we speak with Sheena Bhalla from the Google News Initiative, an initiative from Google who is fostering sustainable futures for news and media organisations. This conversation explores how design thinking and digital products can not only create new revenue models for the rapidly changing world of journalism, but also create a renewed sense of purpose in the role that journalism plays in our daily lives. Listen... desired podcast episode 3 on spotify: #empathy #podcast #designthinking #digitalproducts #journalism #desired

18.01.2022 How we imagine the future is very powerful, because it influences the way the future develops. If we find ourselves living in undesirable circumstances, it is because there was not enough speculation of what the future could be. We believe we must actively design desirable futures, otherwise one will be imposed on us. We explore how to design a future on our blog - ... #designthefuture #futuredesign #designdesirablefutures

18.01.2022 When planning the next steps in an organisation’s innovation journey, it is important to understand where it sits in terms of the overall design maturity. We invite you to take our quick Design Maturity Assessment questionnaire to help you understand where you currently sit, and what the next steps are to move forward. Take Our Assessment Here - #designmaturity #assessment

17.01.2022 The pandemic generated new insights into the needs of companies and their ability to adapt to adversity. New trends were born and personal relationships were completely changed. In a short period of time, a lot has changed. And that is why you also need to change and adapt to the "new world" that we are in. If you have an urgent need to transform your business, participate in our free webinar How to accelerate and launch your digital product in 10 weeks which will take plac...e on 17th September at 5 pm! Sign up at the link: See you there!

16.01.2022 We as a global society are journeying into the unknown. We implore you, do not waste this precious time. Now is the time to do the hard work, to take action. Take the opportunity to challenge your absolute truths, test the new, digitise everything that can be digitised, discontinue what should be discontinued and reinvent yourself. Do Not Waste The Crisis! Download our eBook: The Role of Innovation During A Pandemic - #covid19 #pandemic #innovation #quarantine

16.01.2022 Johnson and Johnson Brazil approached Echos Brazil to help them create a better experience for patients with Multiple Myeloma. They wanted to help nurses manage the ongoing treatment of a very complicated disease and they were losing the war. Can design thinking help solve complex problems within Brazils health care system? Yes it can! Learn how we went into battle, read more on our blog: #complexproblems #designthinking #healthcare

16.01.2022 Just as there are many different possible versions of the future, there are different ways to create scenarios. These methods share the same steps regardless of the level of complexity of the organisation or governments or the desired timeline to move towards the new vision of the future. Download our process sheet for the steps to creating scenarios for the future - #versionsofthefuture #futurescenarios #futurevision #planningthefuture #designfutures

16.01.2022 Getting buy-in from the broader organisation and management can be difficult during times of uncertainty, so how do designers achieve that critical Yes? The answer lies in creating the conditions for a company to say yes more often, to trying new things and experimenting. This is where design leadership can save the day. Want to learn more about Design Leadership, read more on our blog - #designleadership

15.01.2022 It's today! We have an appointment with you at 5 pm in our free webinar How to accelerate and launch your digital product in 10 weeks to address the digital evolution of companies in this period of crisis. Don't miss this opportunity to get new ideas and tools that can help your business thrive.... There's still time to sign up for free! Access the link and participate: See you later!

15.01.2022 As designers our skills are needed now more than ever. We are continuing our work of innovation and design thinking experiences, design sprints, desirable futures design and digital product design virtually during the Covid-19 quarantine period. To start a conversation about how we can help your organisation please reach out today. Co-Create With Us: #quarantine #conversation #collaborate #covid19

15.01.2022 This month we speak with Felix Lee, an entrepreneur, innovator, designer and the co-founder of the Amazing Design People List. On top of all of this Felix is also completing his military service in Singapore, his home country. In our interview we focus on his latest non-profit venture, ADPList or Amazing Design People List. A site that matches designers all over the world with mentors and possible job opportunities. Felix deep dives into why he started this project in response to the COVID-19 pandemic and what he has learned from it. Listen here on Spotify: #designpeoplelist #design #innovation #APAC #covid19

14.01.2022 Its pretty special when the network collaborates with your business spontaneously, right? Last week we were surprised by our alumni Reinaldo Lee. He created beautiful visual facilitation about Mathias Jacobsen's episode at our Desired podcast. Listen here on Spotify: #visualdesign #mindmap #visualthinking #visualfacilitation

14.01.2022 Future Scenario planning is powerful when there is no true or knowable answer about the future. The goal with future scenario planning is clarification of what would be a better future is the goal, not to create prophecies. Learn more on our blog: #futurescenario #planning #betterfuture #createdesirablefutures #planningthefuture #designfutures #buildyourfuture... Illustration by Stefany Andrade, visual designer at Echos

13.01.2022 Want to learn how to launch a digital product and take part in building the new normal? We share our tops five tips to help you create a product that delights your users. We focus on creating products that are not just necessary but have the power to transform industries and create new ways of doing business. Read our key learnings on our blog: #digitalproduct #powertotransform #business

13.01.2022 Design leadership is a 12 week program for those who want to continue to develop their leadership skills. Learn directly from top innovation and design leaders. If you're a designer and consider yourself a system changer, then don’t wait because - designed is leadership! Request an invite! #designleadership #leadershipskills #designleaders #masterclasses #leadershipprogram

12.01.2022 We are conducting a global survey to identify the world’s best leaders in design across different regions, as defined by other leaders in the field. We would like to invite our audience to nominate design leaders in your area and around the world. This survey should take between 5 to 10 minutes to complete, we look forward to receiving your response! Take The Survey Here - ... #globalsurvey #designleaders

12.01.2022 How can I predict the future? is the most common question we get in the opening sessions of the Designing Desirable Futures experience. Our answer to that question and approach is that we cannot predict the future. Instead we should imagine the type of future we want to live in and start building the road to get there. Read more on our blog - #DesignDesirableFutures #Future

11.01.2022 There are many design thinkers working for big tech and in advertising. Which means the best minds of our generation are thinking about how to get people to click on ads. That's a really provoking thought. Rather than clicking on ads what if we got all those creative people to make something meaningful? Is humanity the only technology that matters? Learn how you can contribute on our blog - #design #designthinking #humanity #technology

10.01.2022 Our podcast guest Susie Robinson is the Executive Director of a major research centre in plant sciences, the Australian Plant Phenomics Facilities. Prior to returning to Australia, Susie was part of the team that developed Double Diamond, a design process model popularised by the British Design Council in 2005. In this interview Juliana Proserpio and Susie talk about the development of the model and the use of innovation practices in the Australian government. Listen here - #innovationpractices #inovation #creativity #designinnovation #podcast

09.01.2022 Being innovative isnt about learning new skills and moving on. Innovation requires a whole new mindset. Our accelerator participants experienced design thinking methodologies and emerged with a changed perspective on tackling problems. Dive into the biggest highlights and insights from our Google New Initiative Accelerator program here

09.01.2022 Listen: Bruce Mau - 24 Principles for designing massive change. This month we are excited to announce our interview with Bruce Mau one of the most influential designers of our day. He has over 30 years of design innovation experience, has collaborated with leading organisations, heads of state and renowned artists. Bruce has recently published, M24, a book illustrating his 24 principles of design. Bruce goes into details on some of these principles in this episode and how the...y will help us design massive change in our lives and work. Listen on Spotify - #massivechange

08.01.2022 Can we apply the same principles we use to design products, services and business to our own lives? Can we explore multiple possibilities of different desirable futures for our future selves? Join us in this simple exercise to plan three different versions of your next five years! ... #futurescenarios #desirablefutures

08.01.2022 Imagining new positive futures can feel difficult right now, however, it isnt impossible. When we speak with clients about designing desirable futures, we create multiple possible future scenarios to work towards. The following are components of the process we use to design multiple desired futures. Read more on our blog - #designingdesirablefutures #desiredfutures #positivefutures

08.01.2022 Do you need to transform your business to thrive in the post-pandemic world? Being able to innovate and reinvent yourself is fundamental to making your company survive the adversities and prosper in an uncertain moment. With that in mind, we invite you to participate in our free webinar How to accelerate and launch your digital product in 10 weeks that will take place on 17th September at 5 pm to discuss the digital transformation of your business and help you to leverage y...our company in this moment of crisis. Register Here: See you there!

08.01.2022 There is a name for the economic changes we are experiencing. The Board of Innovation coined the term the Low Touch Economy. This applies to the expanded timeline on restrictions such as limited gatherings, travel, health and hygiene requirements. Our communities, including ourselves, are developing new habits and behaviours that will stay. In the low touch economy, things that cannot become 100% digital will be touch-free, and those who can will operate 100% digitally. more about designing new revenue for the new economy: #economicchanges #lowtoucheconomy #designingnewrevenue #neweconomy

07.01.2022 In the coming weeks we will be launching a new learning experience! We are working with a group of leading design practitioners who will be running a range of masterclasses and workshops. Details will be released soon, in the meantime learn more about what it means to be a design leader and sign up for more information to be released soon! Learn more in the link: #leadingdesign #masterclasses #workshops #designleader #learningexperience

06.01.2022 Our co-founder and Chief Design Officer Juliana Proserpio recently shared her knowledge at two events last week. At The Future Of Now she challenged a group of designers to imagine the future of travel and then engaged in an interactive session to co-create a desirable future for the industry. She also had the honor of being included in The Global Design Thinking Network Conference on a panel to discuss Responsible Innovation in Times of Uncertainty. Juliana shared some int...eresting trends from organisations that are emerging due to the global crises. She explained how these challenges within an organisational environment can be used in a positive way to restructure and deconstruct as a coping mechanism and design a new desirable future. Learn more about the Global Design Thinking Network Conference Here - #humancentereddesign #innovation #globalcrises

06.01.2022 The Business Model Canvas is a visual tool that entrepreneurs or multidisciplinary teams use to quickly define and communicate a new business idea or concept. We explain how to get the best results possible when using this process by focusing on the intersection of two core components, the value proposition and customer segments. Learn more on our blog - #businessmodelcanvas #newbusiness #valueproposition #businessdesign

06.01.2022 How does radical collaboration transform online learning? This May we launched Design Thinking Online for the Brazilian market. We are seeing amazing results, some expected and some surprising. With many businesses and industries launching online learning products, we felt inspired to share our findings so far. Read more in our blog and sign up to be notified of the release: #designthinkingonline #onlinelearningexperience

06.01.2022 The Business Model Canvas is structured in nine main blocks that cover the main components of creating a new product or service. The business model canvas creates a clear process for the development of new businesses and provides structures that lead to innovative new solutions. Learn more on our blog: #design #businessdesign #businessmodelcanvas #designprocess #designmethods #newbusiness #valueproposition #valuepropositiondesign #valuepropositioncanvas

06.01.2022 Our long held dream of becoming a globally distributed, radically digital and streamline company has now come true. We are now the company we have always longed to be and we invite you to join us in celebrating our first steps forward in our new normal. Learn about our own digital transformation with new products and services on our blog - #newechos #newbusiness #digitaltransformation

06.01.2022 After undercovering relationship between the value proposition and the customer segments it is time to move forward with the rest of the business model canvas. At Echos we have a process of evaluation looking for the overlap between being technically feasible, financially viable and what is desirable for a business. Learn more on our blog: #design #valueproposition #valuepropositiondesign #businessmodelcanvas #businessmodel #designvalue #problemsolutionfit #innovation

05.01.2022 Confused about where to start when solving problems? Lateral thinking is absolutely critical to innovation and design thinking processes. Brainstorming is one of the key rituals we use to help people expand their minds and to begin the strategic work of solving problems. We share our seven rules for brainstorming sessions to find new ideas and outcomes for teams. Learn our 7 rules on our blog - #rulesofbrainstorming #brainstorming #designthinking #innovation #creativity #solvingproblems

05.01.2022 Meet the Digital Product Launch, a 10-week online sprint to help organisations create new revenue streams for their business. Each participating organisation will launch a completely new and innovative offering in only ten weeks. Learn more or sign up here: #digital #digitalproduct #digitalproductlaunch #onlinesprint #sprint #business #innovation #experience

05.01.2022 Welcome to the rise of the DEO, or the Design Executive Officer. For individuals who currently hold the roles of team champion, product owner, lead product designer or other lead design roles are well placed to join the C-suite of the future. We have identified the specific skill sets necessary for developing design leadership and moving design into the C-suite, read more on our blog: #designleader #csuite #designleadership

05.01.2022 Have you observed flaws in #futuredesign that have lead us to unwanted systems? How do we design desirable futures and influence ecosystems from a systemic perspective? Join us on August 13th 11am (AEST) / 12th 6pm (PST) to hear from Juliana Proserpio Co-Founder and Chief Design Officer of Echos - Innovation Lab. Juliana will talk about ECHOS' philosophy and methods to design preferred futures and how to practice #speculativedesign. Register for this FREE event here: https:...// Thank you to our partners More Space For Light

04.01.2022 This month we speak with Mathias Jakobsen on the power of thinking clearly as a skill that every designer needs to have. Currently a consultant based in Copenhagen, he has lived in NY and built Think Clearly, as a consulting firm working with Google, Bloomberg, Holstee and later evolved to become a media brand with tools and content around learning, teaching, facilitation and creativity. Mathias explains that in order to think well, we must first be able to see. We explore ...what it means to apply the power of observation to our lives, our work and our ability to design new futures. Listen here on Spotify: #podcast #learning #teaching #facilitation #creativity

04.01.2022 Advice for students and young founders looking to develop social ventures on how they can use design thinking to identify challenges within their communities, with Juliana Proserpio (founder and CDO at Echos) on Finding Impact Andy Narracott podcast host and founder of Finding Impact asks why social entrepreneurs need to have creative confidence for re-imagining how the world can be, and how design thinking aids in developing creative confidence. Listen the podcast: #podcast #creativeconfidence #designthinking #findingimpact

03.01.2022 A well-executed design sprint provides a valuable sneak peek into the future, after the launch of a new product. Rather than launching a fully resolved product, the process creates a shortcut to a well-designed prototype. This gives customers the opportunity to provide feedback on the mocked-up version of the solution that doesnt exist yet. This month we are sharing our top lessons learned on how to run a successful design sprint. Read our top lessons on our blog - #designsprint #designthinking

03.01.2022 There are two systemic shifts happening in the world of businesses right now influencing service design. One is that all business activity is occurring online and second is most teams are working remotely. Combine these two variables together and it creates the perfect conditions for creating innovative new services for less cost. Read more on our blog - #servicedesign #digital #workingremotely

02.01.2022 I am so thankful I participated in the design thinking experience course. It has introduced me to a new mindset and knowledge that will help me change the way I approach my own business and my client projects. The toolkit provided to us is very helpful and a great reference tool for the future. This was a great and valuable experience I would highly recommend to anyone that is searching for a new way of working (no matter what work they do) and a new mindset. I left the course feeling inspired and ready to start practicing design thinking in my own business. Maria Stavrakis Made You Look, Creative Director #testimonial #quote #clientquotes

01.01.2022 Which new job roles will emerge in an audience-centric media organisation? Become future-fit and read about the new role descriptions and ways of working for a user-centric workflow. Visit our Google News Initiative Design Accelerator playbook and understand how to structure your teams for the future, today #gnidesignaccelerator #googlenewsinitiative #google #echos #splicemedia #news #APAC #designthinking #designsprint

01.01.2022 Transform your business in record time and create a digital product to overcome the crisis! Participate in the webinar "How to accelerate and launch your digital product in 10 weeks" that will take place on 17th September at 5 pm. Register here:

01.01.2022 The Google News Initiative Design Accelerator Playbook in New Languages! We recently worked with a diverse range of Media organisations across the APAC region to deliver a design accelerator program with Google. We are proud to share our learnings from designing this experience in 3 new languages: Mandarin, Japanese and Bahasa. English and Portuguese versions are also available! Mandarin playbook: Japanese playbook: Bahasa playbook: English playbook: Portuguese playbook: #google #media #googlenewsinitiative #mandarin #japanese #bahasa

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