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Echuca Massage Clinic in Echuca, Victoria | Physical therapist

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Echuca Massage Clinic

Locality: Echuca, Victoria

Phone: +61 418 310 040

Address: 258 Eyre St, Elm Tree Farm 3564 Echuca, VIC, Australia


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25.01.2022 Watch the walls of Standley Chasm glow bright orange at midday Photo: Standley Chasm - Angkerle in Visit Central Australia

25.01.2022 Do you dream about swimming with dolphins? Luxury World Traveler

25.01.2022 After rain, Central Australia comes alive with a colourful assortment of native flowers. This photo was taken at Palm Valley, located in Finke Gorge National... Park 150kms from Alice Springs. This is the only place in Central Australia that you can see the prolific Central Australian Cabbage Palm. Image by Joel Durbridge Artscape. See more

25.01.2022 Great place to visit


24.01.2022 St Columba Falls is hands down one of Tassie's most amazing waterfalls! And it is just as magical in person as it is in this photo! A not so little hidden ge...m on the East Coast. Thanks to @oconnor.fotografika for this photo who says "This shot looks unreal, but this is exactly as we saw it and shows nature's beauty" . . . . #eastcoasttasmania #stcolumbafalls #waterfall #beyondtheicons #eastcoastshines #tasmania #discovertasmania #seeaustralia #australia #coast #ocean #photography #trip #holiday #getaway #beach #paradise #adventure #travel #goplayoutside #letsgosomewhere #keepitwild #lonelyplanet #passionpassport #explorewildly #finditliveit #exploremore #natgeo #TassieStyle #ig_australia

23.01.2022 Good Morning! Check out these colours at Entrance Point in Broome, WA : Margaret Wovodich via ABC Kimberley

22.01.2022 Fire-tailed Sunbird. Photographer: Sujoy Mondal.

22.01.2022 A temporary, heartwarming antidote to the seething cauldron of hatred and violence that currently envelops us.

21.01.2022 WOW WOW WOW Broken Hill photographer Jacob Vlatko has done it again capturing his first lightning shot. He watched the storm roll in last night and coul...d see the Mundi Mundi Plains, so decided to take the chance. We're so glad you did! Vlatko's Photography

20.01.2022 So picture this. It’s 1932 and Australia is in the grip of the Great Depression. One in three workers are unemployed. Decrepit shanty towns hug the outskirts of... the big cities. A scrawny rabbit caught in a trap will feed a family for a week. Country roads are filled with broken men walking from one farmhouse to another seeking menial jobs and food. On the outskirts of the South Gippsland town of Leongatha, an injured farmer lies in bed unable to walk or work. World War I hero Captain Leo Tennyson Gwyther is in hospital with a broken leg and the family farm is in danger of falling into ruins. Up steps his son, nine-year-old Lennie. With the help of his pony Ginger Mick, Lennie ploughs the farm’s 24 paddocks and keeps the place running until his father can get back on his feet. How to reward him? Lennie has been obsessively following one of the biggest engineering feats of the era the construction of the Sydney Harbour Bridge. He wants to attend its opening. With great reluctance, his parents agree he can go. So Lennie saddles up Ginger Mick, packs a toothbrush, pyjamas, spare clothes and a water bottle into a sack, and begins the 1000+ kilometre trek to Sydney. Alone. That’s right. A nine-year-old boy riding a pony from the deep south of Victoria to the biggest and roughest city in the nation. Told you it was a different era. No social media. No mobile phones. But even then it doesn’t take long before word begins to spread about a boy, his horse and their epic trek. The entire population of small country towns gather on their outskirts to welcome his arrival. He survives bushfires, is attacked by a vagabond and endures rain and cold, biting winds. When he reaches Canberra he is welcomed by Prime Minister Joseph Lyons, who invites him into Parliament House for tea. When he finally arrives in Sydney, more than 10,000 people line the streets to greet him. He is besieged by autograph hunters. He becomes a key part of the official parade at the bridge’s opening. He and Ginger Mick are invited to make a starring appearance at the Royal Show. Even Donald Bradman, the biggest celebrity of the Depression era, requests a meeting and gives him a signed cricket bat. A letter writer to The Sydney Morning Herald at the time gushes that just such an example as provided by a child of nine summers, Lennie Gwyther was, and is, needed to raise the spirit of our people and to fire our youth and others to do things not to talk only. The sturdy pioneer spirit is not dead let it be remembered that this little lad, when his father was in hospital, cultivated the farm a mere child. When Lennie leaves Sydney for home a month later, he has become one of the most famous figures in a country craving uplifting news. Large crowds wave handkerchiefs. Women weep and shout goodbye. According to The Sun newspaper, Lennie, being a casual Australian, swung into the saddle and called ‘Toodleloo!’. He finally arrives home to a tumultuous reaction in Leongatha. He returns to school and soon life for Lennie and the country returns to normal. These days you can find a bronze statue in Leongatha commemorating Lennie and Ginger Mick. But Australia has largely forgotten his remarkable feat and how he inspired a struggling nation. Never taught about him in school? Never heard of him before? Spread the word. We need to remember and celebrate Lennie Gwyther and his courageous journey. It's a great story. God knows we need these stories now, more than ever. Stolen from Garry Linnell's article in The New Daily

20.01.2022 HAPPY SUNDAY Remember this awesome pic from earlier in the year ? Photographer Matt B waited hours for the perfect moment to create this magical sunrise sho...t at Lake Bonney in South Australia We think it paid off What do you reckon ? #BestOf2020 : @mmarrky via Instagram #abcmyphoto

19.01.2022 Tasmanian giant freshwater crayfish - There are records of specimens reaching more than five kilograms in weight and over 80cm in length, although 2 to 3kg is n...ow considered large. The spiny Tasmanian Giant Freshwater Lobster is blue to brown in colour and is only found in northern Tasmania, in rivers and creeks that flow into Bass Strait. See more

18.01.2022 On August 24th, 1914, a veterinarian with the Canadian Army preparing to deploy to France during the First World War recorded a rather odd purchase in his diary...: "Left Port Arthur, 7am, On train, bought bear, $20." Lieutenant Harry Colebourn (left photo) named the live black bear cub "Winnipeg" after the Canadian city, and took her with him to England. Winnipeg was a charming mascot who kept the troops entertained, but when it came time to cross the channel to France, Colebourn knew the war was no place for his bear. He borrowed a car and drove Winnipeg to London, where he gave the bear to the zoo, and there she lived out the rest of her life. Winnipeg was a huge hit with the visitors, and was so docile that the zoo staff even allowed visitors to enter her pen with her. One such visitor was a young boy named Christopher Milne (middle photo), who became so enamoured of the bear that he immediately changed the name of his own stuffed teddy bear (right photo) from "Edward" to "Winnipeg", or "Winnie" for short. Christopher's father, himself a veteran of the First World War, began recording the imaginary adventures his son was having with his stuffed bear, and sent them off to the publisher. If you look carefully in the upper window in the background of the middle photo, you can see that Winnipeg and Christopher are being watched by the boy's parents: his mother, Daphne Milne, and his father, author of the Winnie-the-Pooh stories, Alan Alexander Milne. (For the true story of Christopher Robin, tune in later today.....)

18.01.2022 Now, THIS is living! With an endless array of epic landscapes and otherworldly wonders to explore, @thisislivin_barry_ (on IG) made her way to Australia's West and experienced Bell Gorge in all its glory. This stunning waterfall lies within The Kimberley's rugged Wunaamin Miliwundi Ranges Conservation Park. Stay a little while at the nearby campgrounds as you #wanderoutyonder and catch this ancient formation during wet season. You'll be treated with a cascading waterfall perfect for a refreshing swim after you've explored the surrounding pristine wilderness . See more

18.01.2022 A camera is better than a rifle.

17.01.2022 HYDROGEN PEROXIDE FOR COLDS AND FLU! ( Use 3% peroxide in the ears for flu or colds. This was sent to in an email. Following, Dr. Mercol...a comments on how to best apply this health tip for Colds & Flu. >My family and I have had a relatively flu/cold free winter! We have been exposed to a serious flu in our area, but have managed to dodge it. Here are some specifics: My 6-year-old son had kept me up during one night with coughing and sneezing. By noon the next day he had a fever. I then remembered recently reading in your newsletter about using three drops of peroxide in each ear for 10 minutes. You should have seen his face when I told him I was going to put peroxide in his ears! He was nervous, but soon settled down. It bubbled a lot in both ears. I did only one treatment in each ear, and from then on, his fever went away and his symptoms were reduced to the sniffles. That night he slept well, as did mom. The cold did not return! Next came myself. About a week later I felt like my head was in a "fog", a familiar fog that is a sure sign I am going to get sick with a bad cold or flu. I used the peroxide treatment in each ear and went to bed about an hour early. The next morning I felt fantastic! Not a trace of illness. Again about a week after I had felt something coming on, my husband started feeling "ugh". I told him about the peroxide and he looked at me skeptically. But he tried it. And it worked! He works for the school district in the bus shop and is around the drivers (who are around all those kids passing germs about) frequently. At the same time my 10-year-old son who is rarely sick said he didn’t feel well. I wasn’t sure if he was saying that because he felt left out (the peroxide treatment aroused his interest), or if he really was coming down with something. So, I gave him a treatment, not seeing that any harm would come of it. He had strong bubbling on one side. He soon felt better and did not become ill. The peroxide has been used a few other times on all of us with almost amazing results. There was a different result in one case, which had to do with myself. It had been a couple of weeks from my first use of the peroxide on myself. I came home from our local library book sale, which was held in the basement. I quickly became ill, as if allergic to something in the basement, of which this was my first time down there. By the next morning I had a full-fledged cold and felt awful. I tried the peroxide. Although I had to repeat the peroxide treatment about every 4 hours, the peroxide alone relieved my symptoms! I was a bit tired, but other than that, no sneezing, coughing, fever, etc. After about 4 hours I would feel pressure building in my head (especially the ears) and I would begin to get quite cranky. Then I would use the peroxide again and be much better. The peroxide allowed me to maintain my schedule of homeschooling the boys and doing my chores. It worked better than anything I have tried over the years and had no side affects! A few notes: the peroxide feels like ice when it is dropped into the ear! It usually did not sting. The hardest thing for me to get used to was the tickling of the bubbles! Thank you again for the information on peroxide for flus and colds. This wife and mom has had many peaceful nights thanks to you! Thank you also for ALL the fantastic information that you pass along in your newsletter. If it weren't for you, how would we know of these things?!? Last fall I started using EFT and am very pleased with the results and that I have such a useful tool for others and myself. I learned of it through you. You have made a difference in many lives. By Dr. Joseph Mercola You probably know that I don't advise over-the-counter medications in general, but the hydrogen peroxide treatment referred to by Wendy Frye in the above email she sent to me is surprisingly effective against upper respiratory infections. Many patients at my Natural Health Center have had remarkable results in curing colds and flu within 12 to 14 hours when administering a few drops of three percent hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) into each ear. You will hear some bubbling, which is completely normal, and possibly feel a slight stinging sensation. Wait until the bubbling and stinging subside (usually 5 to 10 minutes), then drain onto a tissue and repeat with the other ear. A bottle of hydrogen peroxide in 3 percent solution is available at any drug store for a couple of dollars or less. This seems to be effective about 80 percent of the time, especially if done when your symptoms first appear. In 1928, Richard Simmons, M.D. hypothesized that colds and flu viruses enter through your ear canal, as opposed to your nose and throat. But his findings were dismissed by the medical community. Then in 1938, German researchers had great success using hydrogen peroxide for treating colds and the flu. But their data has been ignored for over 60 years. Of course, the best way to treat a cold is to not get one in the first place. And the key to preventing colds is to keep your immune system strong and healthy. Prevention of Colds is the Key Cold viruses are all around you, living on your computer keyboard, coffee mugs, door handles and other objects for hours, so coming into contact with them is part of daily living. However, the key to remember is that just being exposed to a cold virus does not mean you'll catch a cold. If your immune system is operating at its peak, it should actually be quite easy for you to fend off those viruses without getting sick. On the other hand, if your immune system is impaired, they'll easily take hold in your body. The major reasons your immune system becomes weakened andyou come down with a cold are: Eating too much sugar and too many grains Not getting enough rest Inadequately managing your stress Inadequate exercise Vitamin D deficiency Vitamin D Deficiency: A Major Risk Factor for "Catching" a Cold It's estimated that the average U.S. adult typically has two to four colds each year, while children may have up to 12. One reason for the widespread prevalence may be that vitamin D deficiency is incredibly common in the United States, especially during the winter months when cold (and flu) viruses are at their peak. Research has confirmed that "catching" colds and flu may actually be a symptom of an underlying vitamin D deficiency. The research is quite clear: less than optimal vitamin D levels will significantly impair your immune response and make you far more susceptible to contracting colds, influenza, and other respiratory infections.Vitamin D is an amazingly effective antimicrobial agent, producing 200 to 300 different antimicrobial peptides in your body that kill bacteria, viruses and fungi. The best source for vitamin D is direct sun exposure. But for many of us, this just isn't practical during the winter. The next best option to sunlight is the use of a safe indoor tanning device. If neither natural nor artificial sunlight is an option, then using oral vitamin D3 supplements is your best bet. If you wish to take an oral vitamin D3 supplement, follow my dose recommendations, based on the latest scientific research.The only way to establish that you are taking your optimal dose is to get your blood tested. Ideally, you'll want to maintain a vitamin D level of 50-70 ng/ml year-round. For an in-depth explanation of everything you need to know about vitamin D, please refer to my FREE one-hour vitamin D lecture found here: How You Can Get Well Faster Most uncomplicated colds last between eight and nine days, but about 25 percent last two weeks, and 5-10 percent last three weeks. Even the most stubborn colds will typically resolve in a few weeks' time. This is actually one of the ways you can distinguish a cold from allergiesa cold will last, at most, a few weeks, but allergy symptoms can last all season. A slight fever will actually help you to feel better sooner. Cold viruses cannot reproduce at higher body temperatures. Therefore, popping over-the-counter cold remedies or fever reducers is counterproductive to recovering quickly. In fact, as long as your temperature remains below 102 degrees Fahrenheit (38.9 degrees Celsius), there is no need to lower it. Avoid taking over-the-counter painkillers as well as they tend to suppress your body’s natural antibody production. One of the most effective ways to prevent spread of infection is to practice good hand washing techniques, without overdoing it. Over washing can lead to cracked skin, which is counterproductive. Use plain soap and water, not antibacterial cleansers, which can lead to resistant bacteria, or superbugs. For specific dietary strategies, including natural supplements, for cold prevention and treatment, refer to my comprehensive article about combating colds and flu. When Should You Call Your Physician? Remember that antibiotics are completely ineffective against cold and flu viruses, so avoid themthey will do more harm than good. Sinus, ear and lung infections (bronchitis and pneumonia) on the other hand are examples of bacterial infections that DO respond to antibiotics. If you develop any of the following symptoms, these are signs you may be suffering from a bacterial infection rather than a cold virus, and you should call your physician's office: Fever over 102 degrees Fahrenheit (38.9 degrees Celsius) Ear pain Pain around your eyes, especially with a green nasal discharge Shortness of breath or a persistent uncontrollable cough Persistently coughing up green and yellow sputum Generally speaking, if you have a cold, medical care is not necessary. Rest and attention to the lifestyle factors noted above will help you to recover quickly and, if you stick to them, will significantly reduce your chances of catching another one anytime soon. SOURCE ARTICLE: Dave Sommers Share Tag Like <3 Comment Repost

16.01.2022 The Connie Sue Highway is on my to do list but just haven't got there yet. This gorgeous picture is by @_wanderingaus It's Outback Traveller Wednesday where we feature your images. For a chance to feature tag @traveloutbackaustralia in your image.

14.01.2022 How magical is this?! This is the Devils Cauldron waterfall near Lees Paddocks in Tasmania. : Bjorn Baklien

14.01.2022 Crash dive of a Kingfisher. The photographer took the perfect picture of a diving kingfisher after six years and 720,000 shots to get it right. Photo: @Mario Cea Sanchez

13.01.2022 Crawler lightning is the ultimate high-voltage light show, with vast, spectacular discharges branching out across the sky. It is a constant feature in thunders...torms but our view of is often obscured by clouds or rain you need a fairly good line of sight to view crawler lightning. You're most likely to see crawler lightning if the thunderstorm has a very large anvil that has hung back while the storm has moved away. Anvil crawlers can either occur independently completely within the cloud, or in connection with a cloud-to-ground discharge, as is the case with this image captured by Will Eades Photography off the coast of Port Macquarie, New South Wales, last weekend. Want to learn more about lightning?

13.01.2022 Unbelievably best shot of Storm... Supercell near Leoti, Kansas, USA More information: Photographer by @markokorosecnet

13.01.2022 a baby Platypus , you're welcome.

12.01.2022 PHOTO OF THE DAY. Photographer Mario Cea Sanchez took the perfect picture of a diving kingfisher after six years and 720,000 shots to get it right. Vangelis.

12.01.2022 Like father, like (5) sons! These keen young fellas jumped at the chance to crutch lambs before market on their family farm in south-west NSW. They're used to ...practising on their teddies, so this is a bit of a step up! Their dad Joel, who's also a shearer, watched on closely and gave them some pointers. : Harriet Jones

12.01.2022 Another beautiful spot captured by a talented local photographer. Lake Burrumbeet glowing below a pink sky is just stunning. : Creswick based @janithgram

11.01.2022 125 year-old tree bursts back into bloom Just before Christmas each year this ancient Bundaberg poinciana tree bursts into a vivid red bloom. When the Drape...r family moved into the Targo Street home in September, the tree looked like it was on its last legs and then a few months later it exploded with bright red flowers. They had no idea they had become part of a celebrated Bundaberg annual tradition. See more

09.01.2022 "It's amazing how insignificant you feel when staring out into the universe " @dylan.dehaas (IG) snapped this otherworldly photo on a recent #WanderOutYonder a...long the Coral Coast Highway. There's something truly special when you're surrounded by peace and quiet, and the only light source is the Milky Way sparkling above you in the night sky Australia's Coral Coast, Western Australia,

09.01.2022 What a sad sight. This is New South Wales before and after the Black Summer bushfires. Satellites have revealed, for the first time, the scale of the destruct...ion and the entirety of the aftermath in one image. The NSW Government is using the photos to help prepare for the upcoming bushfire season. Read more:

09.01.2022 Find local Australian seafood @

08.01.2022 You’ll have to watch this twice.

08.01.2022 Wow! What spiritual and soulful place Uluu-Kata Tjua National Park is. Mother nature put on a show in Central Australia for nature photographer Ingo Öland... recently. "I feel blessed getting the chance to witness this rare and special display at Uluru and I am proud I was able to capture this unique moment. It is still as magical to me as it was that moment," he said. Ingooeland / #ABCmyphoto Via ABC Alice Springs.

08.01.2022 40 years ago, Sir David Attenborough had a very famous encounter with a family of mountain gorillas... #ExtinctionTheFacts BBC

08.01.2022 I've lived here twice over the years. Ormiston Gorge in the West MacDonnell Ranges is only 130km out of Alice Springs and has superb views and plenty of opportu...nity to hike. You can even camp just a couple of hundred metres from this waterhole. : @wilmo_photo It's Outback Traveller Saturday where we feature your images For a chance to feature tag @traveloutbackaustralia in your image.

07.01.2022 It's one of the #EpicPilbara's better-kept - but no less spectacular - secrets. Popular with locals, as well as visitors who don't mind getting off the beaten... track, Carawine Gorge out of Marble Bar is perfect for camping, swimming or fishing in its crystal clear water, or just sitting back and admiring the abundant bird life. Tick it off your Pilbara Bucket List #NWBucketList #WanderoutYonder #HolidayHereThisYear Western Australia

06.01.2022 Awesome Tree Tunnels! Please Plant trees Plant hope Help us to Plant Trees ... #WeDontDeserveThisPlanet

05.01.2022 This is Lajamanu about 500kms from Katherine. From the tropics to the desert we've got it all in the NT Have you explored much of the Territory lately? ... Cecelia Rezina via Weather Obsessed

05.01.2022 Hot springs straight outta heaven! Photo: looktheworldintheeye/via IG at Bitter Springs in Tourism Top End


04.01.2022 How to use your phone without damaging your posture. Poor posture is becoming the scourge of the early 21st century. A person who is constantly in a position can seriously damage their spine. Because of our constant use of smartphones and other handheld gadgets, many people can spend as much as four hours a day in an unnatural and damaging position. The following is invaluable advice for all of us! Research has shown that a person's posture can influence their emotional outlook. An individual suffering from clinical depression often assumes a pose that has been dubbed the Upper Crossed Syndrome. In the past, it was predominantly the elderly who sought medical help for back problems, but now doctors are witnessing this particular problem "grow younger." Main features of the Upper Crossed Syndrome is a stretched-out neck, sunken shoulders, arms drawn into the torso. Assuming the correct posture all the time can lead to an increase in productivity at work and a higher resistance to stress. Five simple things that can help reduce the risk of back problems: 1. Periodically move your head from side to side slowly, stretching your muscles. 2. Massage is great for your shoulders, the side muscles in your neck, and the area between your shoulder blades. 3. Stand in a doorway, stretch out your arms, and bend your thorax. This will help relax the muscles that become fixed in one position for a long time when using a smartphone. 4. If you use your phone for more than ten minutes, press your chin to your neck and squeeze together your shoulder blades. Repeat this exercise several times, holding the position for ten seconds. 5. Every time you use a smartphone, remember that the correct posture can help you avoid many health problems in the future. Illustrated by Yekaterina Ragozina for Bright Side

04.01.2022 The Perth Hills are bursting with colour at the moment. Local photographer Nathan Dobbie took this brilliant shot at sunset on Tuesday. " I love the diversi...ty of flora up here. The main two wildflowers seen here are Verticordia (yellow) and Calytrix (pink/purple), with a few others mixed in," he said. Nature By Nathan

04.01.2022 For the Texas Quote of the Day, something VERY special from Traces of Texas reader Steve Eberhart: "In November 1957, my Dad was killed in the line of duty in t...he U.S. Army in Hawaii. At the time, our family was living in my Mom's hometown of Macon, Georgia. My Mom, Annie Ruth, gathered everyone and traveled to Texas to bury my Dad in his hometown of Muenster, Texas. As she had done on occasions before, sometimes for a year or more at a time, she stayed with my Dad's sister, Elvira Flusche and her family in Lindsay, Texas. There was a wait for the body to arrive from Hawaii and the funeral was finally held in early December. In the days and weeks after his death, my Mom dealt not only with his death, relocation to Texas, the funeral, dealing with the Army over benefits and insurance issues and such. With the funeral behind them and 2 weeks to go until Christmas, Annie Ruth and Elvira realized the insurance and benefits would not likely arrive before Christmas and with essentially no money left after traveling and the funeral, they did not know how they were going to make Christmas happen for the 7 children of Annie Ruth and Bill's. Elvira convinced Annie Ruth to go to the local bank, The First State Bank in nearby Gainesville, and get a small, short term loan which she could pay back once the benefits arrived hopefully in a few weeks. She agreed and they drove to the bank. Annie Ruth went in to see the local banker, Claude Jones. She explained the situation of having just lost her husband, an Army man, their shortage of funds, the insurance and benefits which should be forthcoming and their immediate need to provide for Christmas for her 7 children. Mr. Jones listened and finally said, "let me look at this a little further and we will get back to you". With that Annie Ruth left the office and joined Elvira in the lobby of the bank. As they walked out of the bank, Annie Ruth was in tears telling Elvira that he said he would get back to her, which she apparently assumed was a "no" to her request. Upset, the two of them returned to Elvira's farm home north of Lindsay where they agreed they would just have to do the best they could and things would be better next Christmas. For Annie Ruth it was almost too much to handle, she had lost her husband, she had no job, no income or money, she had 7 children to raise ranging from age 3 months (me) to 10 years and now had literally nothing for them for Christmas. A few hours later that afternoon, a large station wagon car pulled up to the farmhouse yard. Annie Ruth and Elvira went out to the front porch to see who arrived. The man stepped out of the car and they noticed it was the man from the bank, Mr. Claude Jones. The back of the car was full of toys, clothes, food items, essentially everything needed for Christmas. Unsure of what was going on, Annie Ruth asked him, "Mr. Jones, what is this?" He stepped over to her, hugged her and said, "Mrs. Eberhart, you're not going to need a loan and you're not going to need to worry about Christmas, it's all taken care of." This is a true story, and THAT, was our first Christmas in Texas in December, 1957. I never knew of this story as a child but was told of it a few years ago. I checked it out and it is all true. I also found out Mr. Jones was as generous to many others around the Cooke County community over the years. I never met Mr. Jones, but I sure wish I had." THANK YOU, STEVE! This made my heart go to a very happy place!

02.01.2022 The countdown to warmer weather is on...but one thing that's making us feel cosy is this spectacular Renmark sunrise. How do you keep warm on winter days? : Jan Lawlor

01.01.2022 Ever seen one of these before? It's Crotalaria cunninghamii, known as the 'green bird' flower. It's native to Central Australia, easy to germinate and will gr...ow well in most temperate to hot climates. Our friends at Gardening Australia posted about this 'native knockout' earlier this year. What a beauty! : Davey Jones

01.01.2022 What a shot!! Derby turning it on big time. An unreal capture by (via IG) #thekimberleyaustralia

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