Violets with Patina in Tyabb, Victoria | Personal blog
Violets with Patina
Locality: Tyabb, Victoria
Address: 93 Mornington Tyabb Road 3913 Tyabb, VIC, Australia
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25.01.2022 EASTER just around the corner, and Violets Garden Brocante's little space is ready to go, now I need to get my skates on and put extra treasures on our big space! Always something to do Opening hours @vintageshed Thursday 10am to 5pm Friday Closed Sat & Sun 10am to 5pm ... Monday11am to 3pm See more
25.01.2022 Hope everyone is having a good week. I have been busy sorting and cleaning stock, for one day when my business opens again. I see everyone is baking the most delicious food, you are all putting me to shame
25.01.2022 The Sun is up the sky is blue, well for a minute anyway, I hope Mothers Day is special for you. Sharing pretty pink cyclamen in my garden, for all the Mums and those with Mums and for the ones that are no longer with us
25.01.2022 Today was just perfect had a wonderful relaxing day with friends, tomorrow I will be working @vintageshed so if you are popping in please come and say hello. Julesx
23.01.2022 Is it Me? In the last week I have seen people going a bit crazy. Shops are opening, people are shopping, social distancing is slipping. Supermarkets are no longer spraying the trolleys like they were, lots of people are out and about, what has changed, it has me a bit mystified. We still have the virus sitting in the wings, and yes the numbers are low but the situation is still very fragile. In Victoria we do have the sternest lockdown, and our premier will review that on May... 11 but I certainly don't think he is going to announce a free for all, slow release is the key. But from what I have seen over the past few days is so many people have decided for themselves they are no longer in lockdown. My 83 year old Mother rang me last night and said she tried to go to her local supermarket and there were so many people in a hurry, she had two people bump into her, she was so distressed she came home without her shopping. So I want to know what has changed? See more
23.01.2022 Our Weather is just Weird! Driving to work yesteday I looked around and saw fog everywhere, hello it's Summer we don't usually get fog until late Autumn. Photo of farmlands on #morningtonpeninsula.
22.01.2022 The love of gardening is a seed once sown that never dies. Gertrude Jekyl. Once upon a time I found this old bird bath top, and I brought it home, for years it sat lonely, but then I got a bright idea to make a little succulent garden, it's starting to come along nicely, although I do notice a little creature of the night has had a nibble Every chance I get I am going to make a new creative garden piece. Happy Wednesday
22.01.2022 Phew, finally I get to sit down and have dinner. It's been a big day full of emotions. We packed up my husband's business, removed all stock and expensive equipment. Not sure whether we will come back, I guess it depends on how long this terrible interruption to our lives goes on. It is very daunting to face no income coming in and the uncertainty makes me feel very uncomfortable. Nobody knows what will happen, except that for a lot of Australians life will be very different.... Maybe it will show us that it's kindness and helping people that matters most. Certainly it will be a quieter life for a while, and I think I will like that, providing that myself, my family and my friends stay healthy. The hardest thing for me will be the isolation, yes I have lots of projects to keep me occupied, but I will miss my family terribly, and I will worry, I am a born worry wort, and that I can't see my friends who are a very big part of my life. I am no different than anyone else, this is probably the reality for most Australians and I find that incredibly sad. At least there is Instagram and we have family groups where we can all stay in touch, that's the advantage of the modern world. My hope for you all is that you stay safe and well and I will enjoy your stories and posts. Take care everyone xxx #inthistogether See more
21.01.2022 The last of the climbing Roses in the garden. All the Autumn flowers in the garden have come early, our weather has definitely changed it's feeling like Autumn weather!
21.01.2022 Good Nesting Day! As I look out the window with my cuppa in my hand, I see droplets on the trees and gray skies, it will be an indoor day today! But I am getting used to matching my jobs with the weather now. I spent yesterday afternoon in the garden trimming and replanting. Happy Rainy Day.
20.01.2022 The Sea was pretty wild yesterday, this is in the bay and not the surf beach. And the rains came and they haven't stopped since, looks like a good day to stay home and do chores. Have a good Wednesday everyone. x
19.01.2022 Hope the Sun comes out today! The house is a bit dark this morning. I feel the need to get outside in the sunshine. Have a peaceful day everyone.
19.01.2022 Little Bromeliad how sweet you are! I can't wait to get back in my garden but there are a few more days finishing the move out of my husband's business and then I will look forward to pottering around the garden.
18.01.2022 Virtual Lunches......Are The Best! In this time of isolation yesterday I had lunch with my family. What a incredible time we had, we all made lunch and then talked to each other, over a wonderful home made meal. It made a very lonely time something special.! We laughed drank wine, although my brother and sister in New Zealand are having a hard time getting wine at the moment, I feel bad about that it was a great afternoon, Thank you guys. Love you. xxx I highly recommend this Insta friends, to keep in touch. This was our set up, we tried to make it special with candles and a set table. @ Bittern, Victoria
18.01.2022 Another World.... inside my Garden Shed, I have filled it full of garden treasures, not sure if there is enough room to actually pot plants now
18.01.2022 Perfect Sunday, it's raining it's pouring a hey guess what my old man is snoring We got woken up super early by our dog Louie this morning, he fancied breakfast early I think. So hubby (Joe) brought a cups of tea back to bed and now he is sound asleep again But I must admit it's a kind of snuggle in day today, no gardening for us, think we light the fire and make scones. I hope everyone has a lovely snuggly Sunday today.
18.01.2022 Rain, rain everywhere! I just looked at the forecast here on the Mornington Peninsula and it looks like we are going to get a lot of rain in the next few days. My garden will love it, me not so much so it will be indoor jobs for me. I will light the fire, already lit the candles. Happy Rainy Wednesday for everyone on the east coast, and to the lovely people OS enjoy your spring weather
17.01.2022 Home is where my heart is at the moment. And a very heavy heart it is too, these last few weeks have been so stressful, I can't even begin to tell you. I wake up every morning trembling, and somehow I pull myself together and get on with it! So many people are showing signs of cracking, in my world, anyway! This horrible disease has stripped away our defences, and made us vulnerable, it's the uncertainty of the future, and it's throwing at us, all sorts of issues, it's seems... to me that everyday there is a new problem to face and solve, I am not sure how much more of this I can take, meltdown after meltdown, my family my friends. Sorry for the horrid post but I saw a man sitting in Centerlink yesterday with his head in his hands I wanted to go to him and help him but of course I couldn't help, and then I realised the enormity of this thing, it's not just the disease but the pressure it is putting on us. Please take care of yourselves See more
16.01.2022 Growing your own food is so wonderful! As part of the 'Year of change making our lives better', one of the first things we have done is make time to put in a kitchen garden. We started with one garden bed and a now we are up to 4 with a fifth one being started. I am a bit of a salad freak so it has been lovely to harvest lettuce, cucumbers, radishes and roquette. And the best thing is that I have found a use for all those cast iron bed ends which I collected over the years, now they are being put to good use for the climbing plants. Have a great weekend xxx
15.01.2022 Life in the Laundry! Violets @vintageshed Open Thursday to Sunday 10am to 5pm and Monday 11am to 3pm.
15.01.2022 Stormy Weather Ahead. With the last week being very challenging, I have been reflecting on the human condition, not such a good prospect if we don't stop to think about others. I think it's disgraceful the behaviour of some people, hoarding everything for themselves, particularly when I see an elderly person in the supermarket distressed because they can't get supplies. What would it be like if we have a real emergency or this situation gets worse in our Country? Would we share what we have or would it become a horrible scramble with no compassion? Just a thought!
14.01.2022 I have a goal! For years I have had a little Studio, I have tried and tried to get it into some sort of order, but I must admit it got the better of me, I move things around and around, but I didn't get anywhere, every time I would go in the door and look at the devastation I would sigh and leave. It holds 10 years of Collecting treasures and it has always been the dumping ground, for my business. What to do? Well my daughter came up with an idea! She said you have to take it out and then bring it back in! Sounds so simple, but where to put it finally a friend has come to the rescue and I have somewhere to put it while I organise the infrastructure and then I will bring it back. And once it's sorted I will be going online. I have set myself a timeline of September, so wish me luckI will be posting my progress on This page of course
14.01.2022 I grew up with a piano, my mother was a Singer, but sadly I never mastered it, I just didn't have the gift. But everytime I see an old piano I always have the urge to touch it's keys to hear those beautiful notes. Although this one is a tad out of tune now But I love it's Patina.
13.01.2022 Now that we are isolating we are enjoying more time on our Verandah, its so lovely to have our breakfasts and lunches out here, we quite happy being home, but missing family and our friends. I hope you are coping okay
12.01.2022 Kind of a wild day out there today. Happy Sunday everyone.
12.01.2022 Yesterday was a good Day. I finally got @violetswithpatina new Garden Brocante Stall finished just in time for Easter. Big Yay! With thanks to my daughter Shakira Visual Merchandiser extraordinaire @ Violets with Patina
11.01.2022 Here we go again, this is so hard. We will be temporarily closed until Thursday February 18th. I understand and fully support the stage 4 Lockdown here in Melbourne, but as a business owner it's very frustrating. In the meantime I will photograph lots of treasures coming to our Little Shop @vintageshed Stay Safe everyone
11.01.2022 Today was all about sorting stock for Violets @vintageshed we are opening Thursday and I will be doing a huge restock and remerch.
11.01.2022 I have a lot of nests I have collected over the years. After the breeding season is over and the little birdies have flown the nest, I find them all around the yard. Most I leave in the trees, thinking that they might be used again, but I never see them do that. I promise I didn't steal the eggs, these are fake ones
11.01.2022 We have sun Yay! Beautiful and calm on the bay. Wish I was the same inside, we have made decisions based on our long term vulnerability. But lots of people I have been speaking too are thinking this will be over in six to 8 weeks, I am wondering what your thoughts are about how long we will be in Iso? It's interesting to see how people perceive our predicament, I am a long term thinker, I don't see how things can be back to normal while this is around, maybe they will ease restrictions slowly, but I think think we will have restrictions for quite a while yet. I think here in a Australia we are lucky, with our shutdown, my heart goes out to Europe and the US they are suffering so badly from this horrendous thing in our lives. I am looking for a distraction so I am starting to take photos again, to give my mind a break.
10.01.2022 This week is going to be a busy one, the roof in Violets Studio is done! Thanks to my hubby I need to find lighting and start to move infrastructure in, but first I have to take out the treasures, so I can get the shelving etc in, yes it's that bad but after losing my little shop due to this horrid Rona, I am starting to feel a little positive about going on line lots of work to do yet though. ( pic of the window in my previous little shop.)
09.01.2022 Busy like a Bee I Haven't Posted for days, on Monday I found out my little shop at the Vintage Shed was opening again, so it was all hands on deck, with the last week of closing my husband's business and having to get Violets little shop up and running again, life has been totally chaotic!
08.01.2022 Good Morning everyone Little bit of early morning light to brighten your day. Now we are back to a grey old day. I swear we are in winter this morning. Happy Day to All.
08.01.2022 Garden Reflections. I love Autumn, with it's soft beautiful colours, the season is never long enough. Have a fabulous Day. x
07.01.2022 No words today, too tired! Happy Sunday. xxx
07.01.2022 Good Morning Monday, so tired from working 4 days straight, must be getting old I had a lovely walk down the lane this morning to blow the cobwebs away and found some lovely dried gumnuts, nature's decor. I am always looking for natures gifts , a feather here a seed pod there, it's a lovely past time and distracting from worries. I hope Monday is good to you
06.01.2022 Open tomorrow Easter Monday from 11am to 3pm. Last day of the Hols, hope it's a good one for you
06.01.2022 Exciting news...Arriving soon Violets will have a lovely little Garden Brocante space! (Just across from Violets Little Shop. We (Joe and I) have been busy getting lots of yummy garden pieces together and potting plants in the Garden shed! Even though it's only big enough for one personto make lovely indoor plants in delicious antique silverware and quirky vintage pots. What fun
06.01.2022 My day today! No work no pay, but hey I've got sunshine and am working out my book keeping for my business, I couldn't find a better office. #tryingtokeepbusy
05.01.2022 Violets @vintageshed Will be open again tomorrow and Sunday 10am to 5pm and Monday 11am 3pm
05.01.2022 Breathe Deeply. Taking one day at a time, a few days ago, every thing was just too much! Finally I was able to spend a day in my garden, there is an endless amount of work to be done, it gave me a bit of perspective and helped me Calm my thoughts, and enjoy the nature in my garden.
04.01.2022 My Potting Shed is right next to our newish kitchen garden, until the last few months this area was an eyesore, I am so glad we made the effort to clean it up and use all those delicious antique gardening pieces I have been collecting for years.
04.01.2022 Love is all you Need! Happy photo for today, have an amazing day precious people.
04.01.2022 Our reality has changed, I am staying home, only venturing out to get food and visit the Doctor. So I have taken a break from reality and had a bit of a rearrange this afternoon. Hope everyone had a good day xxx
04.01.2022 New Day Dawning, ethereal peaceful light on the bay, before the rains came. Taking comfort from Nature on this Easter Saturday. I hope your Saturday is peaceful and calm.
02.01.2022 Why can't I sleep! Last night was the worst nights sleep I have had for the last week, every hour I kept looking at my clock, and I have so much to do today, the Universe's little Joke, those that have a big day tomorrow must not sleep tonight Anyway cup of tea in hand I am enjoying the morning light in my Garden, before I get on with my day. xxx #ipreview via
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