EcoGlitz crystal glitters in Byron Bay, New South Wales | Beauty
EcoGlitz crystal glitters
Locality: Byron Bay, New South Wales
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25.01.2022 End Street Sleeping - not with tough parking laws but affordable housing. It is a crisis here right now, in particular middle aged women are sleeping and living in their cars. We're at the end of 'End Street Sleeping Collaboration Connections week' and finished the yearly survey of homeless people about their lives and needs. 'no fixed abode' is a locally produced book that gives a voice and face to the many homeless people in the Byron Shire. Available at the @byronc...ommunitycentre #localissues #byronshire #homelessnessawareness #homelessness #roughsleeper #byronbaycommunity #byronbayevents #byronbaystyle #madeinbyron #madeinbyronbay #northernrivers #visitbyronbay #byronbaybeach #byronbaybeauty #byronbayhinterland #byronbayevents #byronbaycreatives #byronbay #nofixedabode #nofixedaddress
23.01.2022 Your Saturday night out on the town of Byron Bay is about to get a whole lot more dazzling! Come find your way to Dr. EcoGlitz' stall at our beloved Twilight Market for a splash of glittery night make-up! Lucinda Light has a knack for accentuating your best facial feature and lighting up your face in preparation for a sparkly night out at Byrons best venues.... Face imprints and glitter make -up starts at $5! Our markets this weekend are in Murwillumbah Sat 9-2pm, Byron Twilight market Sat 4-9 pm and in Bangalow Sunday 8-3 pm. We've got a whole lot of Christmas specials for you. @lucindaslight @byron_markets @makersandfindersmarket @bangalowhotel #buylocal #byronbaymarkets #byronbaystyle #byrontwilightmarket #ethicalbeauty #goodvibesbeauty #handcraftedwithlove #locallymade #madebyme #madeinbyron #madeinbyronbay #northernriversmarkets #visitbyronbay #makersofinstagram #byronbaybeach #byronbaybeauty #byronbayhinterland #byronbayevents #byronbaycreatives #byronbayvegan #ecoglitter #biodegradableglitter #plasticfreeglitter #bangalowcreatives #bangalow #bangalowmarkets #bangalowmarket #murwillumbah #murwillumbahmarkets #makersmarket
19.01.2022 Friday Fun times trapped in a bubble Go on a virtual expedition to the #Galapagos with @dr.sylviaearle and her nonprofit @missionblue ! Learn from the brilliant scientists including #HerDeepness and the Mission Blue team. This is an organization to get involved with for preserving and protecting our oceans and we need YOUR help! Photo by @kipevansphoto #MissionBlueMonday #Oceanconservation #MissionBlue #NoBlueNoGreen #HopeSpots #SylviaEarle #OceanStories #HopeSpotExpeditionGalapagos #MBGalapagosExpedition
18.01.2022 Why does EcoGlitz choose organic ingredients in its formulation? Organic cosmetics .. 1. .. add less toxins in your body... Your body absorbs what you put on your skin. Toxic chemicals and mineral oils used commonly in cosmetics have been found to accumulate in human body tissue and might cause health issues. Certified-organic ingredients are grown without the use of pesticides, herbicides, synthetic fertilizers, genetically modified organisms and other chemicals. With organic cosmetics, you can be sure your body absorbs only natural ingredients that aren't harmful. 2. .. are safer for your skin People with sensitive skin will know how easily irritated it is, and products with chemical ingredients often leave skin feeling dry, red and sore. Natural products are kinder to your skin. 3. .. stop premature ageing Organic cosmetics contain more nourishing antioxidant ingredients and less free radicals which protects the skin from ageing. The stringent and moisturizing properties of EcoGlitz will help in tightening the skin and maintaining its hydrated condition. 4. .. help to abolish animal testing Organic products don't need to be tested on animals because natural ingredients are safe and harmless and r known for their incredible benefits for the skin.. and 5. organic farming is better for the environment By being less dependent on oil-based fertilisers and pesticides, organic farming methods offer a practical model for climate-friendly production and does not harm flaura and fauna, in particular bees. This method of farming stores higher levels of carbon in the soil. EcoGlitz is made from cosmetic-grade crystals, food-grade preservatives and certified-organic Australian raw-pressed plant ingredients. EcoGlitz is good for your skin & good for the ocean #organicawarenessmonth #allsparkleeverything #sustainablemakeupbrands See more
17.01.2022 Sustainable forestry - an oxymoron? Daisugi is a sustainable Japanese forestry technique which produces timber without any need to kill trees! Like a giant bonsai, cedar trees are pruned heavily to produce 'shoots' that become perfectly uniform, straight and completely knot free timber. Harvesting takes 20 years and old 'tree stock' can grow up to a hundred shoots at a time. EcoGlitz is made only from sustainable ingredients: certified-organic raw-pressed Australian ...plant ingredients synthetic cosmetic-grade crystals and food grade preservatives EcoGlitz is good for your skin & good for the ocean Credit: @wrathofgnon on Twitter #treehugging #daisugi
17.01.2022 How does your consumption affect the oceans? Learn how to protect our oceans through more conscious consumer decisions. Did you know that biodegradable glitter needs to be put into the compost under certain conditions to actually break down? Once they reached the ocean, biodegradable plastics are unable to degrade and will cause the same problems for marine life (and humans) as microplastics. Unlike biodegradable glitters, EcoGlitz is made with certified organic raw pla...nt ingredients and crystals so doesn't need to be composted. EcoGlitz is safe to wear on sensitive parts like lips and eyes. It lasts for the whole night, washes off easily with water, leaving no trace. Good for your skin, good for the ocean #sylviaearlequote Mission Blue #MissionBlueMonday See more
17.01.2022 Sustainable production is doing more and better with less: Non-polluting Conserving of energy and natural resources Economically viable Safe and healthful for workers, communities, and consumers... Socially and creatively rewarding for all working peop We choose the most sustainable and eco-conscious suppliers and our own production is done by hand. Handmade products offer higher quality and more attention to detail and they are green. Work done by hand takes less energy than a mass production assembly line, which makes it more environmentally sustainable. EcoGlitz is good for your skin & good for the ocean #sustainablebrand #handcraftedwithlove
15.01.2022 Organic cosmetics are not only safer for your skin but support farming that is better for the environment. By being less dependent on oil-based fertilisers and pesticides, organic farming methods offer a practical model for climate-friendly sustainable production and does not harm flaura and fauna, in particular bees. This method of farming stores higher levels of carbon in the soil. EcoGlitz is made from cosmetic-grade crystals, food-grade preservatives and certifie...d-organic Australian raw-pressed plant ingredients. EcoGlitz is good for your skin & good for the ocean Shop here #sustainablebrand #organicfarming #endangeredspecies #organiccosmetic #organiccosmetics #crystalglitter #plasticfreeglitter #ecofriendlyglitter #veganbeautyproduct #ecoglitter #biodegradableglitter #ecobeauty #ecoconscious #ecofriendlybeauty #ecofriendlycosmetics #ecofriendlyfun #ecofriendlygifts #ecofriendlylifestyle #ecofriendlyliving #ecofriendlyproduct #ecofriendlyproducts #ecoliving #ecolivingandgifts #goodvibesbeauty #greenbeautybabes #greenbeautycommunity #greenbeautyproduct #greencosmetics #sustainabilityissexy #saveouroceans See more
14.01.2022 Do you love to dance? Need energy for your active life? A plant-based diet can easily provide complete protein, increases metabolism so keeps you slim and each vegan spares 30 animal lives a year. Finally, veganism can solve world hunger!... During World Vegan Month, try just a few new meals. Many supermarkets now offer vegan meals that are easy to prepare. @sylvie_guillem.official_fp #dance #danceaddict #dancelove #worldwidedancing #dancelife #worldofdance #sylvie_guillem #etoiledeparis #WorldVeganMonth #sustainablebeautyproducts #beautywithaconscience #ecogift #ethicalproducts #vegancosmetic #theresnoplanetb #vegansociety #beautywithoutcruelty #vegangifts #veganproduct #veganbrand #saveourocean #crueltyfreelife #savemotherearth #ethicalbeauty #veganbeautyproducts #nottestedonanimals #veganproducts #crueltyfreecosmetics #saveouroceans #vegancosmetics
12.01.2022 Will you be in Nimbin this Sunday? . Then find us at the Nimbin market or get your jar of EcoGlitz any day at the Nimbin Happy High Herbs! On Saturday after the surf or a swim, come find your way to Dr. EcoGlitz' stall at our Byron Twilight Market for a splash of glittery night make-up!... Or get your own sparkly treasure jar. We've got a whole lot of Christmas specials for you. We'll be in front of the Rails Hotel at the Byron Twilight market Sat 4-9 pm. @byron_markets @nimbinfarmersmarket @happy_high_herbs_nimbin #buylocal #byronbaymarkets #byronbaystyle #byrontwilightmarket #handcraftedwithlove #locallymade #madebyme #madeinbyron #madeinbyronbay #northernriversmarkets #visitbyronbay #makersofinstagram #byronbaybeach #byronbayhinterland #byronbayevents #byronbaycreatives #byronbayvegan #ecoglitter #biodegradableglitter #plasticfreeglitter #nimbincreatives #nimbin #nimbinmarkets #nimbinlifestyle
10.01.2022 Will we see you at a market this weekend? Byron Bay is a hub for talented creatives, and there is no better place to discover the region's artisans than at the colourful community markets. The iconic Byron Bay markets are back after a long pause and are all covid-safe now. We will be not at one but at 2 markets this weekend: Byron Bay Beachside on Saturday and Bangalow on Sunday. They are among the most beautiful locations in the Byron Bay region. Bring your bathers and s...urfboard; the weather will be great! #byronbaymarkets #byronbaylifestyle See more
09.01.2022 Bring your board to the Byron Bay market today With a North Easterly wind and no rain the surf will be good! After your surf stroll over the market and sparkle bright and responsibly! EcoGlitz is a certified organic cream filled with coloured quartz crystals. When these crystals reach the ocean it's like merely adding sand. No need to biodegrade EcoGlitz in a compost. ... EcoGlitz is good for your skin & good for the ocean #buylocal #byronbaymarkets
08.01.2022 Veganism is great for the environment Factory farming contributes significantly to deforestation, greenhouse gas emissions, pollution and water shortages. During World Vegan Month, try amazing new meals! There are more than 20,000 kinds of edible plants in the world. Believe it or not, prepared with the right spices and side dishes, these plant-based meals are delicious and satisfying.... #WorldVeganMonth #stayhealthystayhappy #veganbeautyproduct #vegancleanbeauty #vegancosmetics #veganmakeup #veganglitter #sustainablebeautyproducts #beautywithaconscience #oceanawareness #ecogift #vegancosmetic #vegansociety #cleanwaterforall #beautywithoutcruelty #vegangifts #veganproduct #veganbrand #saveourocean #crueltyfreelife #savemotherearth #ecotips #savethenature #ethicalbeauty #veganbeautyproducts #nottestedonanimals #veganproducts #crueltyfreecosmetics #saveouroceans #vegancosmetics
08.01.2022 Why is EcoGlitz Diamond our bestseller? Apply thinly for a delicate shimmer nearly invisible but it looks as if there were real diamonds spread all over you and glitz when you move. A delicate glittery touch for a wedding make up.... EcoGlitz Diamond is in our series of the Supersparkles which give you that very special sparkle. good for your skin & good for the ocean #supersparkles #diamondsareagirlsbestfriend
07.01.2022 Did you know that rough diamonds .. often have a slightly misshapen octahedral form? It's difficult to imagine anything misshaped on this most precious gemstone. But natural diamonds were formed under extreme conditions over 1 billion years ago: at depths between 150 and 250 kilometres in the Earth's mantle under high pressure and temperature, carbon-containing fluids dissolved other minerals and replaced them with diamonds that were then carried to the surface in volcan...ic eruptions. Phhhew, quite a process to get born to sparkle! I promise, it's much easier to sparkle by just spreading a thin layer of EcoGlitz Diamond onto your skin. Plus, they stay on until you wash them off with water. Use a delicate layer or apply thickly as metallic glitter for a night out. EcoGlitz is good for your skin & good for the ocean #crystalmagic #diamondlover
06.01.2022 These are our Supersparkles as special edition for Organic Awareness Month! In September we're celebrating certified organic products: non GM, biodiversity friendly, sustainably sourced, socially responsible, grown free from synthetic pesticides or herbicides. As a once-off, these 3mL vials are available @santosorganics in Mullumbimby and always at our market stall. Today we are at the Bangalow market. ... EcoGlitz is made from cosmetic grade crystals, food grade preservatives and certified organic Australian raw-pressed plant ingredients. good for your skin & good for the ocean Shop here See more
02.01.2022 Why do we need Cassowaries? Today is World Cassowary Day to help safe the species - only 4000 left! Habitat loss, cars and dogs continue to kill this spectacular large, flightless bird with dinosaur-like feet. Cassowaries are critical to the survival of the rainforest because only they can spread the seeds of some unique rainforest trees. By protecting their home, we also protect the homes of many other unique and endangered animals like Tree Kangaroos, Spectacled Foxes and Mahogany Gliders; and extremely ancient plant families found nowhere else on Earth. #Cassowaries
01.01.2022 Any last minute plans tonight? Just add a few Supersparkles for a glamorous look. Use a delicate layer of EcoGlitz Diamond or apply thickly as metallic glitter for a night out. EcoGlitz is good for your skin & good for the ocean ... #cleanmakeup #naturalbeauty
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