The Eco-Hamlet Greenmount | Community
The Eco-Hamlet Greenmount
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25.01.2022 Thrilled to have our first official visitors yesterday from potential future eco-hamleters! It was wonderful to share with real live people what we are hoping to create and trying to get the balance right between having enough information to make sense for people and at the same time being open enough for new possibilities and ideas to emerge.
23.01.2022 Thought it was time to provide a bit of an update on the Eco Hamlet project! We have been busy trying to finalise a concept design for the block which hit a bit of a snag when we learned that the Shire of Mundaring had adopted an updated set of bushfire regulations. Of course we want to make sure that we are safe from fire but have been challenged to figure out how to create an intimate and beautiful living space when we need to have enough road for a fire truck to turn around. Sid is hopefully working some magic with the site plan which we'll share as soon as we have it updated.
22.01.2022 Very excited to be profiled on and article in Domain. Its great that alternative and international communities are getting featured in the mainstream media. Thanks Ray Sparvel for your interest!
21.01.2022 Who wants to live here?
21.01.2022 had quite an odd few days. We had some wonderful big red gums and white gums on the property that we always know would need to come down but our neighbours were becoming quite distressed about the effect on their properties so we have them taken down this weekend. So sad to say goodbye to these beautiful trees but delighted with the gratitude and happiness of our lovely neighbours. Also.. neighbours on the other side are tree loppers and a wonderful family group so we had a great day with the whole family on site as the trees came down. So early steps as this is where our new drive will go and piles of wood and mulch that I'm sure will come in handy at some point/
19.01.2022 Loving looking at small living spaces at the moment
19.01.2022 More cool tech!
18.01.2022 A gentle reminder that The EcoHamlet Greenmount will have the first of 4 open to view's tomorrow: Sunday 31st July 11.00am - 12pm. Please feel free to drop in for a look around and a chat. We'd love to see you, find out what you are interested in and let you know what opportunities are to co-design this pocket of sustainable living.
18.01.2022 Just mailing out our first newsletter - and looks like we have a final concept design.
17.01.2022 Haven't posted for a while but hopefully those of you who have been supporting our little project will be delighted to know that we have secured sub-division approval and development approval so can move into the next stage of development. The final design looks quite a bit different to where we started and we've been leanring a lot along the way about working with the flow of regulations and the limitations of the space itself. Thrilled to have approval though and with the a...mazing work of Sid Thoo, our intrepid architect and Tony Watson who has been a planning hero. I'll post some pictures of the current concept design which are also now on the website. Hopefully we can host our first community meeting in the next month or so as we finalise costings for the subdivision work and can let everyone who has shown an interest know a ballpark cost. Thanks for staying with us!! See more
15.01.2022 This man wants to train people to build houses. Surprise he's building them from reused recycled plastic bottles. (via NowThis)
15.01.2022 Love this time of year - early spring in WA is perfect and the block looks all green and sparkly
13.01.2022 Japan has more electric car charging sites than gas stations. Have you subscribed?
12.01.2022 Best wishes for 2015 everyone and thanks for following our little development! We have recently had Tony Watson from MWUrban add his wonderful planning "nous" to our little team and it feels like we are making some important leaps forward. We've had two successful meetings with Shire of Mundaring which have resulted in even more adjustments to the site plan but they are making lots of good noises that we hope will lead to a smooth approval process. The most recent site has 6 dwellings, 5 of which can be either 2 or 3 bed properties and one of which will be a 1 - 2 bed smaller dwelling. We've had to make these changes to meet the planning requirement to ensure each dwelling had a minimum of 350sqm parcel of land - rather than share the land. Although this isn't what we initially hoped to do we have maintained "common land" in the centre of block and hope we can do more sharing with land that is legally owned by individual dwellings. It will also make it much easier for securing mortgages so probably a good outcome for everyone. We will hopefully have planning application ready soon and should have a decision in March! Fingers crossed We are conscious that a number of you are waiting for information about probable costs for buying and I promise that as son as the development application is done I will get to work on putting indicative costs together based on the application. Although this stage has taken longer than we had throughout - our intention is to do as much of the work up front as we can so that the approval is as smooth as possible. Thanks for sticking with us and look forward to a celebration early in 2015 See more
11.01.2022 Whoever said eco-living wasn't stylish never saw this house
10.01.2022 Meet the world's first village that can completely sustain itself, from food supply to electricity. (via NowThis)
09.01.2022 Los mejores jardines verticales Sociedad Argentina de Horticultura Desde 1936 al Servicio de la Comunidad
08.01.2022 would love to create a little corner of colour on the planet - just for inspiration
07.01.2022 Looking forward to the day when we can have bathroom walls like this!
06.01.2022 Very excited to be featured in an article on Domain this month. Its wonderful that more intentional and cooperative living options are being profiled in the mainstream media - Thanks ray
03.01.2022 Expressions of Interest Hi everyone, thanks for liking our project and for spreading the word. We really appreciate it. We are going to be hosting Open to Views over the next four weeks and taking expressions of interest. At the end of this period we will set up a meeting with anyone who has expressed interest to meet together with the architect and builder to get their questions answered and hopefully move to the stage of committing to buy!!!. Please keep sharing with anyon...e who you think might be interested in living in a small sustainable community and we'd love to see you at one of the open events on: Sunday 31 July 11.00 - 12.00 Sunday 7 August 11.00 - 12.00 Sunday 14 August 11.00 - 12.00 Sunday 21 August 11.00 - 12.00
02.01.2022 "Borrowed" from HeartMath's Global Coherence Initiative A Food Forest! What a unique idea...