Ecological Society of Australia | Non-profit organisation
Ecological Society of Australia
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25.01.2022 What's on at #ESAus20 today? Morning: - Keynote Presentation: Belinda Medlyn from @westernsydneyu... Lunch: - Workshop: Sci-what?! How to communicate your science effectively (Euan Ritchie from @DeakinUniversity and Jenny Martin from @SciMelb) - Workshop: ecoEd, training for next generation researchers and practitioners in ecological and environmental problem solving (Elisa Bayraktarov from @griffithuniversity) Evening: - Online Trivia Presentation highlights: - How will climate change affect stingless bee population dynamics and crop pollination potential? (Mark Hall from @westernsydneyu) - Current state of Antarctic biodiversity monitoring (Shae Jones from @uow) For the full program, visit #scicomm #ecoed #onlinetrivia #climatechange #stinglessbees #croppollination #antarctic #biodiversitymonitoring #westernsydneyuni #deakin #unimelb #griffith #uow
24.01.2022 What's on at #ESAus20 today? Morning: - Keynote Presentation: Next Generation Ecologist Award Winner (Laura Brannelly from @fvasunimelb)... Lunch: - Workshop: Early Career Ecology, How do you write a job application during a pandemic? (Steph Courtney-Jones from @TheAustralianNationalUniversity and Leanda Mason from @curtinuniversity) - Workshop: Sharing your data through TERN data infrastructure (Siddeswara Guru from @EcoTERN and Jenny Mahuika from @uniofqld) Evening: - Barbara Rice Memorial Poster Session Presentation highlights: - Wallabies and wildfire: How fauna and fire interact to shape coastal vegetation communities (Matthew Chard from ANU) - The future of frogs: predicting the impacts of a changing climate on Australian anurans (Jarrod Sopniewski from @TheAustralianNationalUniversity) For the full program, visit #nextgenecologist #earlycareerecologist #tsx #frogs #unimelb #anu #curtin #ecotern #uniqld #uqscience
23.01.2022 What's on at #ESAus20 today? Morning: - President's address (Bek Christensen from @QUTBrisbane) - Indigenous Keynote Presentation (Vanessa Cavanagh from @UOW)... Lunch: - Postgrad session - Diversity of ESA networking session - Workshop: Teaching ecology in unusual times Evening: - AGM - Queer Mixer Presentation highlights: - Economic value of parks via mental health benefits (Ali Chauvenet from @griffithuniversity) - Explorations of the plant virosphere (Jonathon Mifsud from @MQBiology) For the full program, visit #indigenouskeynote #postgrad #queermixer #mentalhealth #plantvirus #qut #uow #griffith #mqbiology
23.01.2022 Me remembering that Daylight Savings ends tonight... : Harrison Warne #ecologyaus #ecolsocaus #soldiercrab #byebyelongdays
21.01.2022 For the past three years, hundreds of Tasmanian ’NatureTrackers' of all ages have scattered widely across the state to survey for the endangered wedge-tailed eagle in @BookendTrust's annual ‘Where? Where? Wedgie!’ survey. Are conservation efforts working? With population monitoring, it tends to be a long game to detect any changes," says Bookend Trust citizen science coordinator Dr Clare Hawkins, but we’ve demonstrated that our method is effective, and that there hasn’t bee...n an extreme change in population size during the monitoring period." Guided by the project’s social science research, the focus now is to retain and increase volunteer numbers, to help get informative results as swiftly as possible. Clare is currently running a crowd-funder (, and inviting more nature-lovers to take part in next May’s ‘Where? Where? Wedgie!’ survey by signing up to You can listen to Clare talk more about the project at #ESAus20 register at For more on 'Where? Where? Wedgie!' visit : 1) Kawinwit Kittipalawattanapol 2) David Hamilton #esa2020 #ecolsocaus #ecologyaus #WhereWhereWedgie #bookendtrust #wedgetailedeagle #naturetrackers @NatureTrackers1 #threatenedspeciesthursday
19.01.2022 Looking for some reading material for the Easter long weekend? You're in luck! The latest edition of the ESA Bulletin is now out... - Landscape restoration and wildlife monitoring in Victoria - Farm scale natural capital accounting - Challenges and opportunities for pollination in agricultural landscapes... - Developing a frog monitoring method for environmental watering of billabongs And more! Available to read through the ESA website - : Alex Maisey #esabulletin #landscaperestoration #wildlifemonitoring #naturalcapitalaccounting #pollination #frogmonitoring
18.01.2022 At the 2020 ESA AGM last night we were very pleased to welcome some new faces to our Board for 2020/21 and to retain some familiar ones! Many thanks also to outgoing ECE Director Leanda Mason for all your hard work.
17.01.2022 We're going on a scavenger hunt, we're going to find some fun ones! Want to join our virtual scavenger hunt? Take photos of the items listed at and post them on Twitter, Instagram (publicly viewable account) or Facebook with the hashtag #FindESAus20. The top point-scorer will win an amazing prize from @WildlifeDrones!... The top 3 point-scorers will receive a year of ESA membership and an ESA prize pack if they attend ESA2021. *All usernames in scoreboard updates are Twitter handles unless otherwise indicated* #ESAus20
16.01.2022 "A renewed passion to share not just the science, but the animals, plants and ecosystems that drive (and hopefully benefit) from the science." - Kristian Bell @kris_bell_nature_photography Need any more reason to enter this year's 'Ecology in Action' photo comp? Entries open until Sunday November 22 - #ecologyinaction #ecologyinisolation #naturephotography #photocomp #ecolsocaus #ecologyaus
15.01.2022 Five days until ESA2020 starts! Why will the ESA conference will be awesome this year? The registration fee is much much lower than normal but the program is still packed full of symposia, keynote addresses, workshops, networking and social events, and awards announcements. Still need to register? Visit ... #ESAus20 #ecolsocaus #ecologyaus #paperbarkwriter @paperbark1
14.01.2022 Thanks to Euan Martin Ritchie for the birthday wishes! If you're lucky enough to have secured a spot, don't forget Euan's lunchtime workshop today - "Sci-what?! How to communicate your science effectively." #happybirthdayesa #ESAus20 #scicomm
14.01.2022 It's NAIDOC Week! This year's theme 'Always Was, Always Will Be' recognises that First Nations people have occupied and cared for Australia for tens of thousands of years. This unbroken connection to country gives Indigenous Australians an unparalleled depth of knowledge about our natural world and the plants and animals that share it. We are honoured to be able to showcase this expertise in our Indigenous Ecological Knowledge symposium, held each year as part of the ESA Co...nference. This year marks the tenth anniversary of the Indigenous Ecological Knowledge symposium - we invite you to join us for this event by registering at Find out more about #NAIDOCWeek at #esa2020 #ESAus20 #ecolsocaus #ecologyaus #naidoc2020 @naidoc
14.01.2022 It's sooooooooo close! Some very creative entries for #FindESAus20 coming in Keep them up - plenty of time left yet! Scavenger hunt items listed here: The top point-scorer will win an amazing prize from @WildlifeDrones!... The top 3 point-scorers will receive a year of ESA membership and an ESA prize pack if they attend ESA2021. *The scores below taken up until midday today* *All usernames in scoreboard updates are Twitter handles unless otherwise indicated* #ESAus20
13.01.2022 Only a few hours left to vote for the #BestoftheDecade nature photo! Competition closes midnight tonight! Visit to cast your vote. Five categories to vote in. Thank you Nature's Textures - Alan Kwok Photography for this wonderful video reflecting on the past ten years of the competition and for all your hard work behind the scenes.
12.01.2022 "I first joined the Society about 40 years ago and during that time I’ve been to more ESA conferences than I can remember. They’re great scientific and social occasions." ESA Past President Carla Catterall. We hope you're enjoying the science and socialising on this first day of #ESAus20! #ecolsocaus #ecologyaus #esa2020
11.01.2022 It's #AustralianPollinatorWeek! Insects (including bees, butterflies, moths, flies, and beetles) are well known as excellent #pollinators, but did you know that birds, bats and other vertebrates also help pollination? These species are essential drivers of #biodiversity, with nearly 90% of wild flowering plant species and 75% of global food crops relying on animal pollinators. However, wild insect numbers have declined drastically in recent decades, mainly from habitat loss,... climate change, pesticides and pathogens. In Australia, a lack of information on the state of #invertebrate populations makes it difficult to measure and manage changes in their numbers and diversity. Citizen science projects like those associated with Australian Pollinator Week are essential to addressing this knowledge gap. You can find out more (including how to get involved) at Much of our news is dominated by species losses but occasionally, one reappears. This happened with one of Australia’s rarest bees, an #endemic plasterer bee known as the Rottnest bee or Douglas’s broad-headed bee (Hesperocolletes douglasi). Officially listed as ‘presumed extinct’ under the Western Australian Wildlife Conservation Act, a single female specimen was found in 2015 in banksia woodland at Pinjar, in Perth’s northern suburbs. Subsequent efforts to find another specimen were unsuccessful, suggesting that the species is extremely rare, inhabits an as-yet-undiscovered ecological niche, or is easily misidentified for other native bee species. While historically rare anyway, H. douglasi has not been helped by land clearing and more frequent fire events. Managing these threats would improve the conservation outlook not just for H. douglasi, but for other rare and #threatened species that inhabit similar niches. If you’re looking for something to do this @AustralianPollinatorWeek, perhaps keep an eye out for this elusive bee? Image: @i_dr_nik @wamuseum #ecolsocaus #ecologyaus #threatenedspeciesthursday #westernaustralia #nativebee
10.01.2022 Have you voted in ESA's 'Best of the Decade' photo competition yet? Visit to view, AND VOTE FOR, some of Australia's best nature photography! These photos are past place winners in the ‘Best Portfolio’ category. Competition open to all, closes midnight 2 December. ... Aaron Greenville, @richardwylie1017, @moth_nut, @charlesdavisphotography, @kris_bell_nature_photography, @njephotos #ecologyinaction #bestofthedecade #ecologyaus #ecolsocaus #naturephotography
10.01.2022 OPPORTUNITY: The ESA is recruiting a new editor for the Bulletin - the ESA's online magazine! The new editor will be responsible for leading the Bulletin working group, and developing the themes and content layout for the magazine (published quarterly). This is a volunteer position consisting of approximately 3 days work per month and would suit someone with an interest in science communication and publishing, however no prior experience is necessary. A training period of app...roximately 3-6 months would be provided. If interested, please contact Bulletin editor Marie Dade ([email protected]) with a brief description of why you are interested in this position. #ecolsocaus #ecologyaus #esabulletin #ScienceCommunication
07.01.2022 Wondering what's happening at #ESAus20 today? Hop on over to Twitter and search for @EcolSocAus or the conference hashtag for our live tweets from the sessions.
06.01.2022 One of the best things about the ESA Conference are the conversations in the corridors, over lunch or in the bar. ESA2020 may be online this year but that doesn't mean we can't still have a chinwag! If you're keen for a chat, how about hosting a Chinwag? Set up a Zoom meeting and send the link, topic, and preferred time or day to [email protected] and we'll advertise it in the conference program. Don Driscoll will be hosting a Chinwag about Academic Freedom and Science Su...ppression on Tuesday at 1pm - just find the link on the website and join in! What would you like to Chinwag about? You can add your own event to the list now! To register for the conference, visit #ESAus20 #ESAChinwag #ecolsocaus #ecologyaus #academicchatter #sciencesuppression #academicfreedom
06.01.2022 When you're trying to snaffle the last of the #Easter chocolate and the kids catch you... : Rachel Kneubuhler #freeze #havetheyseenme #ecolsocaus #ecologyaus
05.01.2022 Four days until ESA2020 starts! Why will the ESA conference will be awesome this year? The keynote speakers are the cream of Australia's ecological crop. Vanessa Cavanagh, Prof. Belinda Medlyn, Dr Laura Brannelly (Next Gen Ecologist Award Winner), A/Prof Diana Fisher (AERA Award Winner), and Drs Yung En Chee and Rhys Coleman (Ecological Impact Award Winners). Still need to register? Visit ... #ESAus20 #ecolsocaus #ecologyaus #paperbarkwriter @paperbark1
05.01.2022 It's #AustralianPollinatorWeek! This image, titled 'EYE witnessing nocturnal pollination' won the 'Outstanding in the Field' category in the 2018 ESA 'Ecology in Action' photo competition. Photographer Lisa Evans says "papaya flowers are pretty quiet during the day but just after dusk it is a different story, with hawk moths (Sphingidae) whizzing between flowers as they feed on nectar."... If you have a photo of an Australian pollinator, why not enter it in this years ESA photo comp? Entries close Sunday Nov 22. Or, vote for your favourite in our 'Best of the Decade' competition! #ecologyinisolation #ecologyinaction #naturephotography #photocomp #ecologyaus #ecolsocaus
04.01.2022 If you're looking for even more reasons to join our conference, listen to @DonADriscoll's memorable conference experience... This year, if you happen to have itchy legs like Don, you can listen to the presentations from a soothing calamine bath! How will you be making the most of this years virtual conference? Tell us in the comments Registrations open - #esa2020 #ESAus20 #ecolsocaus #ecologyaus
03.01.2022 Don't miss your chance to vote for the best nature photo of the decade! Competition closes midnight TONIGHT! #ecologyinaction #bestofthedecade #naturephotography... Sophie Cross
03.01.2022 The April edition of Austral Ecology is now out! For the batty among us, this edition is a treat - Effectiveness of bat boxes for bat conservation and insect suppression in a Western Australian urban riverine reserve - Landscape monitoring reveals initial trends in occupancy and activity of bats in multipleuse forests... - Hunting practices of feral pigs (Sus scrofa) and predation by vampire bats (Desmodus rotundus) as a potential route of rabies in the Brazilian Pantanal Full text is available for ESA members through our website - : Hayley Anderson. At sunset each evening thousands of flying foxes, or black fruit bats, depart Lily Creek to feed, sometimes in the Kununurra orchards at night. The flying foxes are ecologically important to the agricultural industry in the area as they are the main pollinators of the fruit trees, one of the main industries after the Ord River Scheme ensured the availability of water for irrigation. #australecology #wileyecology #bats #flyingfoxes #westernaustralia #kununurra #ordriver #batconservation #batecology
01.01.2022 The 2021 Wiley Next Generation Ecologist Award is now open! This $3,000 grant can be applied to a research project or a professional development opportunity and is open until 30 May. For more information, or to apply, visit: : Christine Weldrick and Ruth Eriksen #southernocean #pteropod #earlycareerecologist #nextgenecologist #wiley #EcolSocAus #EcologyAus
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