Eco Organiser | Motivational speaker
Eco Organiser
Phone: +61 448 877 902
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25.01.2022 What do you think Essential kitchen item Fad product leaning towards clutter Any electrical items like this can be recycled through your local council, or ask your local kitchen library if you can donate unwanted kitchen items for people to borrow. ... #reducereuserecycle #mindfulconsumption #ewaste #rethink #beresponsible
25.01.2022 Struggle to resist the "buy one get one free" yet worried about what all this stuff is doing to the planet? Everything we buy comes with a carbon footprint, with panic buying on the increase discover how to reduce FOMOS and reduce waste. #fomos #reduce #carbonfootprint #sustainablechristmas #ecoorganiselife #The10Rs
25.01.2022 Whose itching to declutter? Check out our guide to sustainably declutter your home. #sustainable #responsible #declutter
25.01.2022 The week has flown and the time has come to head home. Wonderful spending time with my mother, she is my inspiration to live simply so others can simply live. Turning 80 soon she still composts, produces her own food, vegetarian, preserves, makes marmalade and jams, almost zero waste, powers her home by the sun and strong advocate for our planet. ... A few years back she visited the Arctic and Antarctic Circles, her reason was I want to see them before it’s too late People ask me where do I get my passion to protect our planet, the answers is my Mum. #ourplanet #ourresponsibility #simplylife #homegardening #lovemymum #ClimateChange
24.01.2022 Ever heard of a carbon footprint calculator? Feel like starting the a fresh? Less stuff, waste and do good for your planet sounds like a refreshing way to start 2021. ... See how much CO2 you could save with the ABCTV Carbon Counter. Through a few small lifestyle changes we can make a world of difference #carbonfootprint #reducereuserecycle #rethink #mindfulconsumption #ecoorganise
23.01.2022 All that extra food for Christmas comes with extra packaging, and so much can be recycled right. Check the labels, you will be amazed what you can recycle. #recycleright
23.01.2022 Ever wondered what you can do with old baths? A couple of old baths have been repurposed into a worm farm and garden beds for the asparagus. With the worm farm in need of a roof it was off to the local tip shop to see what I could find to make it from. What I found were sheets of laminex pulled out of an old kitchen. ... Cut to size and edges covered with a protective tape, the worms won’t drown in the next downpour. Things that are thrown away are repurposed to grow food and produce worm castings to feed the plants. #repurposed #wormfarm #rescuedfromlandfill
23.01.2022 Catch me this Thursday at #Queensland University. Working along the lines of a course run at #yaleuniversity I am presenting The 10R's with my own interpretation to #declutter #destress #donate #webinar #The10Rs #RecycleRight #speaker
23.01.2022 You asked for it and it's OUT NOW! Super excited that our ebook version is out now to help you ethically declutter your home in 30 days. Available via this link #outnow #ebook #declutter #ethicallydeclutter #lesswaste
22.01.2022 Can’t cross boarders yet but looking forward to speaking at @TheUniversityQueensland
21.01.2022 Looking for that gift that helps reduce clutter and waste in your life? "I have a changed mindset about the clutter in my life and, upon reflection, am looking forward to getting stuck into shifting it." Anne In her second book Tanya helps you identify your clutter and how to ethically declutter to rid your life of clutter.... She will challenge you to rethink your consumption habits and stop clutter entering your home and life. Joining you on this journey are The 10R’s to reduce clutter, create space in your life and help protect our environment. Though small lifestyle changes, you can reduce clutter and do good for the planet. Order your copy here #giftideas #christmas #sustainable #wasteless #declutter #ethical #book
21.01.2022 Wonderful news out of Switzerland. The people have voted, demanding that companies take responsibility for the waste they produce and the human rights of workers making their products. #humanrights #corporateresponsibility #ourplanet Chantal Imbach
20.01.2022 Sustainable- Waste Free Christmas Tips - Eco Organiser -
20.01.2022 #hik_cup pops up in #choosetoreuse #responsiblecafes #reusereducerecycle #coffeelover @responsiblecafes ... @responsiblecafes
19.01.2022 Join me and learn how to ethically declutter and simplify life at this Thursday at #QueenslandUniversity
18.01.2022 Dark skies didn’t delay this road trip. First stop @thetenmile in #holbrook for a brilliant coffee in my #hik_cup before heading to Sydney. Day 1 ... #roadtrip #sydneyaustralia #sydneyoperahouse #repurpose #refusesingleuse #kirribilli #lizard
18.01.2022 Struggle to eat all that Christmas food, what about the packaging trying work out what is recyclable and what goes to landfill? Problem solved with this new labeling system. Drop the cup in the recycle bin Scrunch the foil and throw it in the recycle bin Chuck lid in the landfill bin.... Job done, time for some more pudding! #recycleright #wasteless See more
18.01.2022 Yes paper can be recycled, but why not try repurposing or wrapping gifts in reusable products. Tea towels and bees wax wraps come in beautiful designs and can be reused. Picture books that cannot be donated make for bespoke wrapping.... There are so many ways we can wrap we just need to open our minds to a sustainable future. #sustainable #Christmastips #reuse #repurpose #reducewaste See more
17.01.2022 E Waste: Want to recycle old mobile phone, TV, computers, video games and printers but don't know where or how? Check out Eco Organiser Useful Links- E Waste #recycle #ewaste #ecoorganise #The10Rs #ethicallydeclutter
17.01.2022 This young mans advice is start solving problems that bother you not bad advice. What bothers you about the state of our environment, let’s solve it together. #OurPlanetChallenge
17.01.2022 I think its fair to say that 2020 will go down in history as one of the most stressful for our generation, living in a constant haze, for many it’s been and continues to be a living hell, draining our health services, emotions, finances, testing our communities and friendships. A few declutter tips to lift our head and heart out of the Covid haze is just want we need. ethicallydeclutter #covid #tips #motivate #wellbeing
17.01.2022 Fashion: Want to recycle and don't know where to start? Don't despair we have found a sustainable way to recycle your designer labels and help people in need. Country Road has joined forces with Australian Red Cross and come up with Fashion Trade. Check out this blog.... #fashiontrade #sustainablefashion #responsible #The10Rs #ecoorganiselife #recycle Country Road Australian Red Cross Platinum Cre8ive
16.01.2022 Catch me on ABC Radio in Adelaide this Friday around 1.30pm local time, talking about how to have a sustainable Christmas and reduce waste. #media #radio #author #sustainable #christmastips #reducewaste
15.01.2022 Sharing my special place with the Rosellas before we share this space with someone new. A pot of tea, trees, bird song and big open sky, what more could you ask for? #morningbliss #potoftea #birdsong #specialmoments #specialplace #sayinggoodbye
15.01.2022 Recycling right has just become easier, check your labels before you chuck it. #recycleright #checkitbeforeyouchuckit #ecoorganiselife #wastenot
15.01.2022 Need to recycle all the Christmas clutter? Check out the Eco Organiser Useful Links, over 100 ways to responsibly dispose of unwanted stuff #recycleright #wasteless
14.01.2022 With Covid-19 dominating our world there are many things we should not take for granted.In this time of self isolation why not take this opportunity to spend time (not money) and rethink things we should never take for granted, or check out our list of 50 things we should never take for granted. Wishing everyone a safe 2021, a year filled with special moments not stuff, a year when society and our planet start to heal. #happynewyear #covidfreeyear #2021 #healourplanet #simpl...y life
14.01.2022 We may have reduced our carbon emissions during this pandemic and a green recovery discussed by several world leaders is one way to come back green. #climatechange #actnow
13.01.2022 The booking link is open to my Christmas webinar. Book now!
12.01.2022 SHOES! Want to recycle right, but don’t know where or how to start? To make recycling easier check out Eco Organiser Useful Links. With over 100 ways to recycle and responsibly dispose of unwanted stuff, eco organising your home has just become a lot easier. Here’s just one of our useful links- Shoes... Shoes for planet earth provide recycled running shoes to those in need around the world #recycleright #reducereuserecycle #ecoorganiselife #The10Rs #wastenot #wastecoach
12.01.2022 Check me today at #Queensland University presenting 12-1pm (QLD Australia) at the Be Green, Be Kind, Be Giving Campaign #motivationalspeaker #wasteeducation #wastecoach #The10Rs #Australia #reducereuserecycle
11.01.2022 With Christmas comes lots of wrapping and packaging. The goods news a lot can be recycled. Check your local council, government or authority to find out what goes in the recycle bin and what goes to landfill. Placing non recyclables in the recycling bin can contaminate a truck load of the good stuff we can recycle. For any of those other things such as e waste, mobile phones, clothes & shoes you want to recycle, check out Eco Organiser Useful Links, there's over 100 ways to ...responsibly donate or recycle unwanted stuff. #sustainable #christmastips
11.01.2022 Want to declutter before Xmas? Order your copy now and get organised for Christmas. #getorganised #ethicallydeclutter #giftidea
11.01.2022 Catch me today at #Frankston library from 11am (Melb Australia) for tips to enjoy a sustainable, waste free Christmas. #wastefree #sustainablechristmas #webinar #ethciallydeclutter #speaker
10.01.2022 One of the best ways to approach a sustainable Christmas is to rethink your local community. Buying locally grown produce supports local produces and comes with fewer food miles. Small local business are always the first to donate money to the local footy team, help with fundraisers that support our communities. When we shop local we keep money in our communities, building stronger, prosperous and happy communities and that rewards us all.... #sustainable #Christmastips #thinkactlocal #foodmiles
10.01.2022 Who is the person that has everything, I mean everything and they still can’t find what they want, so they buy more! My new book is the perfect beginners guide to ethically declutter your home in 30 days. Learn... Identify your clutter. How to ethically declutter. How to rid your life of clutter. Sort, ethically declutter and eco organise your home I will be honest, we will hallenge you to rethink your consumption habits to stop the viscous clutter spiral. Joining us on this journey are the faithful The 10R’s Our eco-friendly organising system that helps reduce clutter, create space in your life and help protect our environment. Rethink 2. Responsible 3. Refuse 4. Repurpose 5. Reorganise Repair 7. Reduce 8. Reuse 9. Recycle 10. Reward Though small lifestyle changes, you can reduce clutter and do good for the planet. For many clutter robs them of time, space and limits their ability to live the life they want. In my second book I sets out daily eco friendly tasks to help you regain control over your time and space in 30 days. To order your copy and ethically declutter in time for Christmas, click on the link #ethicallydeclutter #reducewaste #savetime #savemoney #reducereuserecycle #The10Rs
10.01.2022 Want to recycle your designer labels and help people in need and reduce waste? Australian fashion icon Country Road are taking a sustainable approach to reduce the company’s environmental footprint, by partnering with the Red Cross. Find out how you can turn our clutter into opportunities for people in need and reduce our carbon footprint.... Country Road Platinum Cre8ive #reducereuserecycle #wastecoach #actonclimate #sustainablefashion #ethicaldeclutter #give4good #designerlabel
10.01.2022 More tips from the vault to eco organise your home. Did you know you can recycle cooking oil into bio fuel, used to run vehicles? #recycle #ecoorganise
09.01.2022 Want to give a reusable cup for Christmas but want to go plastic free? Why not make one, it’s easy and we’ll show how to make an organic Christmas card and wrap your gift using what you have in your home. Fill it with some yummy treats and you have the perfect Christmas gift. At Eco Organiser we call it the #hik_cup. To make a hik cup all you need to do is check your cupboards and recycle bin, guaranteed you will have everything you need.... Here’s what you need 1 empty jar 4-5 elastic bands Elastic bands found around vegetables work fine Paper bag such as mushroom bag, simply turn it inside out if it’s printed Leaves from a tree I have used big leaves from my avocado tree Marking pen to write your message See for further instructions to make a hik cup, organic Christmas card and how wrap your sustainable gift. Why buy another plastic cup when you can make your own reusable cup from the things we normally throw away? #hik_cup #sustainablechristmas #reducereuserecycle #plasticfree #wastefreeliving #wastecoach
09.01.2022 BOOKS! Want to recycle right, but don't know where or how to start? To make recycling easier check out Eco Organiser Useful Links. With over 100 ways to recycle and responsibly dispose of unwanted stuff, eco organising your home has just become a lot easier. Here's just one of our useful links-... Brotherhood Books- online bookstore, buy or donate quality books #recycleright #reducereuserecycle #ecoorganiselife #The10Rs #wastenot #wastecoach
09.01.2022 Two copies of my book heading off to Hobsons Bay City Library, all ready for those that want to #ethicallydeclutter in 2021. Merry Christmas #books #declutter #getorganised #christmas2020
09.01.2022 Want a sustainable Christmas but don't know what that means? It doesn't mean going without the things you love or buying solar panels! Through small lifestyle changes an a little planning such as buying only what you need is one way to enjoy a sustainable Christmas, that saves time, money and reduces waste. ... #wastefree #sustainable #christmastips #ecoorganiselife #savemoney
09.01.2022 It's a bit brutal...sorry! When we stop buying stuff that doesn't add value to our lives we start to reduce our carbon footprint and push back Earth Overshoot Day. #sustainable #Christmastips #carbonfootrprint #earthovershootday
08.01.2022 Smart businesses think green. #GreenRecovery #ClimateActionNow
08.01.2022 Sometimes it’s worth getting out of bed to greet the day. Covid19 has thrown us for a 6, but are you ready to rush back to your lifestyle pre covid? My husband and I are definitely not going back, rather we’re creating positive changes and simplify our lives even more. ... Decluttering our life to allow space for special moments and experiences to fill our life rather than filling our time with deadlines, stuff and worry. Letting go of stuff that is not relevant not only saves time and money it also reduces our impact on the planet. I declare this the year to give up crap What have you decided to give up to simplify life ? #dawn #sunrise #mountaintop #spacetothink #clearmind #giveupcrap
08.01.2022 Did you know the top 3 new years resolutions are Get Fit Lose Weight Get Organised... I think they are in the wrong order, it should be get organised first, I mean how can you get fit and lose weight if you have not got your home and heart in order. It's easy to say "I want to get organised" a little harder to maintain order if you have not taken the deep dive into WHY you want to declutter and organise your life. As we are only days away from 2021 a year we are all hoping for zero cases of Covid19 and we start to see life return to some normality, can I suggest you invest a little time to think about why you want to create change in your life. #createtime #positivechange #rethink #declutter #get organised
07.01.2022 The borders are open so we can hit the road. That's exactly what I am doing this week and before I head off the car is clutter free. #car #openborders #openroad #reduceweight #carbonfootprint #travellight
07.01.2022 BRAS! Want to recycle right, but don’t know where or how to start? To make recycling easier check out Eco Organiser Useful Links. With over 100 ways to recycle and responsibly dispose of unwanted stuff, eco organising your home has just become a lot easier. Here’s just one of our useful links- Uplift... For women in disadvantaged communities a bra is often unobtainable or affordable #recycleright #reducereuserecycle #ecoorganiselife #The10Rs #wastenot #wastecoach
07.01.2022 HOUSEHOLD STUFF! Want to recycle right, but don't know where or how to start? To make recycling easier check out Eco Organiser Useful Links. With over 100 ways to recycle and responsibly dispose of unwanted stuff, eco organising your home has just become a lot easier. Here's just one of our useful links-... GIVIT-give good household items for good causes #recycleright #reducereuserecycle #ecoorganiselife #The10Rs #wastenot #wastecoach
07.01.2022 I thought is was time to reintroduce myself and tell you what drives me each and everyday. My passion is to reduce waste (of all kinds) and reduce my impact on the planet. Hi, my name is Tanya Lewis aka The Eco Organiser I live by a simple philosophy borrowed from Gandhi ... Live simply, so others can simply live I created Eco Organiser after realising her passion was helping people reduce waste, organise their time and space- and to do it in an environmentally responsible way. Over the past few years over 8000+ people from the bush to UK, USA and Sydney Opera House have attended my interactive workshops , webinars & retreats, demonstrating how easy it is to ethically declutter, reduce waste, save time, money and help protect the planet. I am so proud of the The Eco Organiser community, as they have helped divert an estimated 42 950 kg of stuff from landfill, simply by following The 10R's and utilsing the Eco Organiser Useful links page on my website. You see we help you find good homes for unwanted stuff. Author of STUFF OFF! and Ethically Declutter Your Home in 30 Days, Founder of The10R’s Planet Ark Ambassador, Sustainable Interior Designer, reasonable gardener and home cook, I believe being eco organised does not cost the earth. #wastecoach #motivationalspeaker #ecoorganiser #ethicallydeclutter #ourplanet #reducewaste #actnow #mindfulconsumption #The10Rs #author #sustainableinteriordesigner #responsible
06.01.2022 Enjoy sparkling water but don't how to recycle the gas cylinder? Take your empty Soda Stream cylinder to Woolworths, Big W, JB Home, Officeworks, or Harvey Norman and collect a full cylinder from the shelf to receive a discount. Watch the video to learn how easy it is to swap on the shelf in-store.:// #recycleright #reducereuserecycle #returntostore #ecoorganiselife #wastenot
05.01.2022 More tips from the vault to help you eco organise your home. #reduce #reuse #refill
05.01.2022 More tips from the vault to help you eco organise your home. #reduce #reuse #compost
05.01.2022 MEDICINES! Want to recycle right, but don’t know where or how to start? To make recycling easier check out Eco Organiser Useful Links. With over 100 ways to recycle and responsibly dispose of unwanted stuff, eco organising your home has just become a lot easier. Here’s just one of our useful links- The Return Unwanted Medicines- a free and convenient way to dispose of unwanted and expired household medicines by returning them to their local pharmacy... #recycleright #reducereuserecycle #ecoorganiselife #The10Rs #wastenot #wastecoach
05.01.2022 I was just asked a question. What can I do with old pillows? Well it depends- natural fibres and feather pillows can be composted. Synthetic/man-made must go to landfill or ask your local textile recycling company if they will take them. ... For more ways to responsibly dispose of unwanted items check #RecycleRight #responsible #ecoorganise
04.01.2022 Want to reduce food waste this Christmas and not sure how to go about it? With a little planning you can reduce food waste, save money and host a sustainable Christmas. #sustainable #Christmastips
04.01.2022 Have you ever wondered what your life would be like without clutter? Want to declutter but don’t how to start? Want to find good homes for your wanted stuff and don’t know where to start looking? The solution is right here in my second book Ethically Declutter your Home in 30 Days ... A beginners guide to ethically declutter and reduce waste at home. Includes tips to help you eco organise your home to save time, money with strategies to help rethink your lifestyle to move towards a sustainable way of living without buying more stuff. Order your copy today and start living clutter free. Eco Organiser has helped over 8000 people ethically declutter and reduce waste and in the process helped find good homes for over 42 950kg of unwanted stuff. Would you like to find good homes for your unwanted stuff? #clutterfree #declutter #ethical #wastefreeliving #nationalrecyclingweek #book #sustainableliving
04.01.2022 World Aids Day. No rainbow just a rainbow of colour. #worldaidsday
04.01.2022 I know it's Boxing Day sales and things are cheaper, but have you ever thought about how much water it takes to make 1 pair of jeans? Try a mental check, ask yourself Do I need them? Do I have similar?... Saying no to stuff that does not add value to our lives, makes the world of difference. #mindfulconsumption #rethink #The10Rs #ourplanet
03.01.2022 New lawn mower Around 50 years old, it’s still younger than our ride on mower. Built to last, this little beauty cuts beautifully, making our broadleaf lawn look like a bowling green. #righttorepair #builttolast #lawnmower #vintagelawnmower
03.01.2022 From the highest mountain to the depths of our oceans, plastic pollution has no limits. As we head into a time of high consumption, choosing Christmas gifts made from recycled materials, repurposed or repaired items help reduce our environmental impact. Who’s up for a plastic free Christmas?... #plasticfreechristmas #plasticpollution #reduceplastic
02.01.2022 #worldtoiletday2020 makes you grateful of what we have
02.01.2022 Bulk fill shopping is a great way to reduce wasteful packaging. To find a store near you check out our Useful Links page for the Bulk Fill Directory #reducewaste #plasticfree #ecoroganiselife #The10Rs
01.01.2022 Designer Labels: Want to recycle designer labels but don't know where or how? Find out how you can turn your unwanted designer labels into opportunities for people in need. #designerlabel #fashion #sustainable #countryroad #redcross
01.01.2022 Two copies heading to Richmond Tweed Regional Library in NSW. To order your copy in time for Xmas #ethicaldeclutter #howto #library #richmondtweed #ecoorganiselife #reducereuserecycle #The10Rs
01.01.2022 Good morning 2021! Wishing Mother Earth a safe and healing year. Wishing for a Covid19 free year... Wishing good health and happiness to all #2021 #goodmorning
01.01.2022 First recycled bread tags!!!!! #circulareconomy #recycle
01.01.2022 PAINT! Want to recycle right, but don’t know where or how to start? To make recycling easier check out Eco Organiser Useful Links. With over 100 ways to recycle and responsibly dispose of unwanted stuff, eco organising your home has just become a lot easier. Here’s just one of our useful links- Paint... Recycle unwanted paint and packaging #recycleright #reducereuserecycle #ecoorganiselife #The10Rs #wastenot #wastecoach
01.01.2022 When do you harvest garlic? Garlic tells@you when they are ready for the picking. When the tops start to die off they are ready. Late Spring to early summer is the optimum time to harvest garlic. ... #garlic #homegrown #chemicalfree #gardening #sustainableliving #livesimplysoothersmaysimplylive #selfsufficient #harvest
01.01.2022 Do you worry and stress about hosting the perfect Christmas? After a year of fires, floods and covid19 do we need to add more layers of stress to our lives when it comes to Christmas? Isn't it time to cut ourselves some flake, rather spend time and reflect on what is truly important-health-happiness-loved ones.... I don't know of anyone lying on their deathbed saying "I wish I go to the pre Christmas sales" they are more likely to say "I wish I had more time to spend with the people I love" Without being all doom and gloom, when we rethink our current Christmas behaviors, drop the guilt and excess we not only save time and money we reduce our carbon footprint and that rewards us all. #sustainable #christmastips