Edge of Possibilities. | Business consultant
Edge of Possibilities.
Phone: 0439598944
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25.01.2022 I had a terrific time working with some very passionate professionals at Glenvale School Narara and Glenvale School The Entrance North Campus this week. Glenvale School - SSP Both teams explored what they love about the work they do and identified specific strategies to support and inspire one another in the term ahead. Such a privilege to connect with exceptional teams.... Many thanks Sarah Turnbull. #lifelonglearning #education #inspire #exceptional #values #excellence #standards #expectations #emotionalintelligence #empathy #wellbeing #culture #collaboration #team #success #professionallearning #professionaldevelopment #strongleadership #professionalcollaboration
23.01.2022 Always fun catching up with @saltydesignstudios to talk #branding #selfawareness #leadership #opportunities #bni
23.01.2022 Pumped for another early start at #BuildYourBrand with @deangraziosi @tonyrobbins @russellbrunson and 24000 other passionate people from around the world. #lifelonglearning #personaldevelopment #tribe #leadership #leadfromwithin #sharpenthesword #24hoursintheday
22.01.2022 Connecting with nature is one of my daily rituals I love most. When I am out listening to the birds and watching the sky change colour before the sun comes up, my mind is taken over by the natural beauty. When we are present in nature we appreciate that we are part of something much bigger than ourselves. It’s both humbling and grounding. Any daily routine or ritual that takes us out of the clutter in our own head and connects us with nature is time well spent.... It gives us a break from thinking about our responsibilities and whether we are worthy and let’s us bask in something amazing. You are so worth the few moments it takes each day to bask in a bit of self care. Those around you will appreciate you for it too. #wellbeing #selfcare #leadfromwithin #leadership #emotionalintelligence #eq #leadershipcoaching #leadershipdevelopment #personalgrowth #standards #success #results #rituals
21.01.2022 Lead with the intention to inspire others toward their greatness. #leadership #emotionalintelligence #inspire #standards #expectations #showtheway #leadershipdevelopment #leadershipcoaching #getacoach #starttoday #leadfromwithin #edgeofpossibilities #giversgain
21.01.2022 Who is your go to Office Equipment Specialist? We are looking for a top local business to give our referrals to and we are INTERVIEWING NOW!!!! We have an opportunity for expressions of interest next Wednesday morning. If you know anyone you would highly recommend please pass me their details or share mine with them so we can connect.
21.01.2022 What a terrific opportunity today to join over 150 Australian business owners and Ivan Misner in Australia’s biggest #bni meeting. BNI Australia With Kristan Hartup Jacqueline Williams Liz Parker #giversgain #lifelonglearning #relationships #positiveandsupportiveattitude #networking #inspire #success #solutions #results #accountability #whatwefocusoniswhatweget #connection
19.01.2022 Yesterday I had the absolute pleasure of dining with a room full of incredibly inspiring women and men at Maitland Business Chamber #maitlandwib luncheon. The speakers were all brilliant. Massive thanks to Tanya Wilks for sharing parts of her story so openly and candidly When women are brave enough to share what’s closest to their heart, no matter how uncomfortable this can be, we feel so much more connected as humans. Thanks also to Meryl Swanson MP for sharing openly an...d honestly about the realities of life as a political figure. Our egos prefer to share the parts of us that look sparkly and polished, it’s only when we share the real and raw that others truly connect with us. That’s where we truly inspire and empower others. Thank you to all the members of Maitland Business Chamber for a terrific event and Sarah Marco Innerworks Business Solutions and Bec Rose SJH Communications for your beautiful company. See more
18.01.2022 Only 5% of people reach the level of success and total fulfilment they hope for. Success is 80% psychology and 10%strategy. Tony Robbins. It’s what we make things mean that creates the difference.... Next Wednesday at breakfast I will be sharing the secret to closing the gap between where we are and where we want to be. Message me if you would like to join us via zoom or in person in Newcastle 6.45am til 8.30am. #success #results #fulfilment #emotionalintelligence #personalgrowth #leadershipcoaching #leadfromwithin #mindset #wellbeing
18.01.2022 We see that which we are. Our natural way is to look for evidence of what we have been thinking about and focusing on. Have you ever noticed that when we are frustrated with ourselves about something, we see the same thing in someone else . We can make that mean we are normal or we can make it mean that someone else is worse than us so we feel better about ourselves.... If life is going well for us because we are striving towards what we want our life to be about, we tend to see the good in others and find evidence of that. As we work hard to wrap up a challenging year, and prepare to spend time with loved ones, let’s reflect on what we are noticing in others and broaden our awareness of ourselves. #leadfromwithin #selfawareness #emotionalintelligence #wellbeing #leadershipdevelopment #leadershipcoaching #edgeofpossibilities
18.01.2022 I felt like a kid in a candy store with Tim Graham ELK Designs Newcastle today There are so many incredible options to compliment their beautiful designs. I was blown away by Tim’s knowledge of all the qualities of the building materials. A very talented team of Architects.
17.01.2022 Feels so good to get back into face to face networking again. #bni #networking #business #referrals #relationships #marketing
17.01.2022 Why is it that some people thrive and others find themselves stuck? Some people seem to find opportunities in every situation where others find obstacles. What is the difference between them? People who find success are focused on helping others get what they want while being super clear about what they want for themselves. They constantly take massive action helping and championing others, while also working toward their own goals.... They still feel the fear they may not be good enough, BUT they keep their focus on helping those around them grow, while taking responsibility for their own growth. When we sit in the fear of not being good enough, we often feel sorry for ourselves and stay stuck in the same headspace getting the same results. Waiting for someone to rescue us. I love this quote I head @drivanmisner say we need to take off our bib and put on our apron if we want to get results. To me this means, rather than sitting in one spot waiting for someone to feed us or rescue us, it’s up to us to roll up our sleeves and look around at who we can positively influence and champion by showing the way and cheering them along. When we help and inspire others we ignite our own spirit and feel our mojo rise. This mojo drives us to constantly grow and thrive. If you are feeling a little stuck in your head at the moment, I’m here to help you out. #leadfromwithin #growth #personalgrowth #leadershipdevelopment #inspire #thrive #results #success #wellbeing #challenge
15.01.2022 Just a reminder, it’s all up to us. #mindset #responsibility #resilience #leadfromwithin #leadershipdevelopment #leadershipcoaching #emotionalintelligence #eq #selfawareness
15.01.2022 Fear is what stops us from taking the action we need to take to get to where we want to be. Fear of making that call, fear of having that conversation, fear of asking for what we need.... What if what we trained ourselves to believe is fear, those butterflies in our tummy, is something else entirely. Imagine the possibilities we can explore if we decide to make that feeling mean we are excited about the action we are about to take. Time to reframe what we make those feelings mean and reach our and grab the results we deserve. #selfawareness #emotionalintelligence #eq #leadfromwithin #results #success #leadership #feelthefearanddoitanyway #leadershipcoach #edgeofpossibilities
13.01.2022 Our ego can stop us moving forward. When we focus with the intention of finding evidence of being right, we miss the opportunity to broaden our understanding and see things from other perspectives. Our attempts to give off the impression we are smarter or have greater expertise, just leave us looking like a giant Wally. Signs we are being a Wally:... We focus on what’s wrong with what the other person is saying. When they are talking we are thinking about what we will say next. We are giving more information than we are asking them for. We have the last word. When we walk away we are thinking about how right we are rather than what we just learned about them and ourselves. If you are ticking a few of these examples, perhaps it’s time to look within and start some coaching. #selfawareness #leadfromwithin #emotionalintelligence #leadershipdevelopment #leadershipcoaching #ego #leadership #personalgrowth #edgeofpossibilities
12.01.2022 Who do you care about who would love to know the # 1 secret HAPPY and SUCCESSFUL people practice daily???? Next Wednesday 14th April I will be sharing the secret at my Business breakfast and I would love to share it with as many people as possible.... It’s 6.45am til 8.30am in Merewether. The venue fee is $28 This is suitable for anyone who wants more happiness and success in their life. Let me know if you would like to come along and I will register you. Registrations close Monday 12th at midday. Liz 0439598944 [email protected] If you are a business owner bring your business cards because there will be some brilliant contacts in the room. #success #business #happiness #leadership #unstuck #freedom #leadfromwithin #leadershipcoaching #results #lifestooshort #connection #newcastle #newy
12.01.2022 Huge thanks to all of my incredible clients, beautiful networking family and my professional network tribe for helping make 2020 a mind blowing success for Edge of Possibilities. Congratulations you you all on your remarkable achievements this year. It’s such a privilege to work with so many people who are taking full responsibility for their results in life and maintain their focus on the opportunities in the obstacles. Have a relaxing Christmas connecting with those ...you care about in whatever way you can and remember to celebrate everything you have achieved in spite of the challenges 2020 has thrown our way. #success #leadfromwithin #edgeofpossibilities #leadershipdevelopment #celebrate #results #bestself #reflect #opportunities #mindset #connection #clarity #certainty #leadershipcoaching
12.01.2022 Our vision can be clouded by our ego Our ego has the ability to make or break us. When it’s over inflated we miss seeing how we impact others because we are focusing on ourselves. When it’s under inflated we miss seeing our own potential because we constantly compare ourselves to others.... In both scenarios our lack of self awareness prevents us from seeing our full potential. When we work on continuously building our self awareness and emotional intelligence we have the best opportunity to see what we are fully capable of. Leaders who continuously work on strengthening their own self awareness are able to inspire their team members to fully tap in to their potential and their teams experience higher levels of success. When you are ready to take your leadership to the next level, I’m here to help through my 6 session High Performance Exceptional Leader Coaching Program. Book a discovery session today Website link in bio https://edgeofpossibilities.com.au/ #ego #emotionalintelligence #leadership #selfawareness #leadfromwithin #inspire #results #success #values #standards #expectations #certainty #challenge #connection #respect
11.01.2022 What’s your mindset today? Did you make this mean opportunities are nowhere or opportunities are now here? Wherever our head is at determines what we see and what we miss. #opportunities #mindset #success #leadershipcoaching #wellbeing #leadfromwithin #edgeofpossibilities #beliefs #expectations
11.01.2022 What we focus on is what we get. When we confidently focus our energy on what we want to achieve, we get those results. #mindset is everything. When we fell stuck, our mindset is the one thing we have the power to change. It’s the one thing that will get us to where we want to be.... It is simple, it’s just not always easy. This is where coaching is invaluable #leadfromwithin #edgeofpossibilities #success #selfawareness #emotionalintelligence #eq #results #goals #positivemindset #leadershipcoaching #leadershipdevelopment #leadership See more
10.01.2022 #mindset #leadfromwithin #ownit #leadershipcoaching #wellbeing... #unstuck #success #fulfilment #happiness #wellbeing #life #stepup #opportunity #imworthit See more
10.01.2022 Couldn’t drive past this terrific street art in Sunnyside without grabbing a pic and sharing one of his awesome quotes. In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity. We have the ability to reframe our thinking on anything at anytime. When we are finding something challenging it’s because there is a lesson in it for us to try a different approach and learn something about how we think and what we make things mean. I hope you see opportunities for personal growth and expansi...on of your perspectives in any challenges you face today. Have a super day. #jordanluckyartist #streetart #einstein #newcastle #opportunities #leadership #attitude #mindset #selfawareness #emotionalintelligence #personalgrowth #standards #beliefs #attitude #lifelonglearning
07.01.2022 The days we wake up and decide are going to be awesome, always are. I’m here if you need a little help shifting your mindset. #mindset #expectations #habits #attitude #selfawareness #emotionalintelligence #wellbeing #excellence #whysettleforless #edgeofpossibilities #makethemostofit #choice #responsibility #results #noexcuses #life #love #happiness #joy #connection
07.01.2022 When our tribe or team all share the same WHY, it’s easy to inspire them to action. Sometimes we can become frustrated when others move off course a bit and loose their focus. The key is to maintain our passion and lead the way with enthusiasm and encouragement. Stop managing and start LEADING. Champion others and build them up.... Check in to reinforce the WHY and reset what it means for them to achieve it. Show them you believe in them and their abilities. Encourage their ideas and progress. We all loose our mojo from time to time. That’s ok. Be the one who inspired others to find it again. #leadership #emotionalintelligence #inspire #teams #success #results #passion #WHY #focus #inspirationalleadership #bestself #edgeofpossibilities See more
06.01.2022 It was great to connect with everyone Newcastle Business Club members Event on Thursday night.
05.01.2022 What we focus on is what we get, at the exclusion of everything else. If we want things to change, it’s up to us to inspire change by focusing on how to inspire rather than focusing on what’s frustrating us. #leadership #leadromwithin #mindset #success #focus #emotionalintelligence #wellbeing #lleadershipdevelopment #leadershipcoaching #edgeofpossibilities
05.01.2022 When we are stuck in our own head our limiting beliefs prevent us from see all the options before us. Coaches help us clear the fog and see what’s possible. Contact me to see how I can help you. #getacoach #leadershipcoach #leadership #results #exceptional #wellbeing #bestself #leadfromwithin #leadershipdevelopment #personalgrowth
04.01.2022 Whether we think we can or we think we can’t, we are right. Teams who thrive and achieve amazing results are led by people who are brave enough to dare to encourage their teams to explore the possibilities and vulnerable enough to know their team members have greater expertise than they do in many areas. Exceptional Leaders continuously strive to open their minds to learn from people around them. Their expertise is in understanding themselves and championing others.... Great quote by Dr Mark Goulston #leadership #teams #emotionalintelligence #vulnerability #thrive #results #expert #beliefs #mindset #expectations #champion #edge #creativity #criticalthinking
04.01.2022 Our destiny is shaped by our perception of reality. Our perception is based on what we focus on and think about. Make time to visualise what you want every day. Sit for a few moments in how it feels when you achieve it, what does it look like and who are you being to have achieved it? What are the values you are living? What are the actions you have been taking? Then start incorporating those actions and values into your daily routines.... What we think about regularly we become. #leadfromwithin #success #results #emotionalintelligence #mindset #wellbeing #leadershipcoaching #leadershipdevelopment #leadership #goals
04.01.2022 Are you being an anchor or an engine? Check yourself. We can’t lead and inspire when we are focusing on what’s out of our control. #leadfromwithin #leadershipcoaching #leadershipdevelopment #mindset #inspire #success #results #team #lead #wellbeing #whoareyoubeing #edgeofpossibilities
03.01.2022 Sometimes our fear of dealing with something stops us from taking action. The problem is that our inaction just gives the thing space to grow. Suddenly the problem is out of control. Why do we do this to ourselves? Setting healthy boundaries can be challenging. Being clear about our expectations and having difficult conversations can be tough.... The toughest conversations we avoid the most are the conversations we need to have with ourselves. These are the conversations where we explore our own thoughts and feelings and acknowledge exactly what is going on in our head and heart. Challenging? Yes. Worth it? Definitely. I love supporting my clients to work through these tough conversations because at the other side we find the beautiful gift in vulnerability . This is where we truly lead ourselves and inspire others. #leadfromwithin #wellbeing #selfawareness #emotionalintelligence #bestself #vulnerability #difficultconversations #feelings #emotions #leadershipcoach #leadership #boundaries #youareworthit #personalgrowth #personaldevelopment #eq
03.01.2022 A beautiful start to the week where we say goodbye to 2020 and celebrate ourselves for our incredible resilience and flexibility.
03.01.2022 Having clarity about what we want to achieve and building daily habits towards achieving this allows us to have a sense of achievement. Happy people have clarity and direction. They make their goal their first priority and then fit everything else around it. It’s like putting the big important rocks in your bucket first, then the pebbles, then the sand, then the water. Not only does everything fit, but the most important things stay the highest priority.... When we feel like we are making headway on what’s important to us, we have more energy to serve everyone else. #balance #achievement #reduceoverwhelm #results #success #achievement #leadfromeithin #leadershipdevelopment #edgeofpossibilities
03.01.2022 I was reminded of this in a podcast I was listening to today. However we choose to show up will influence the people around us. The way we carry ourselves, the words we choose and the energy we bring. We attract what we become.... In leadership we lead the culture through the attitude we show up with, so why not show up with the attitude you would love your team to bring for one another. #attitude #mindset #physiology #psychology #inspire #leadership #leadfromwithin #culture #success #results #leadershipdevelopment #edgeofpossibilities #emotionalintelligence #wellbeing #energy
02.01.2022 Leaders are you tired of people interrupting you throughout the day? Feel like you never get enough done? It’s so frustrating when this happens. The best way to prevent interruptions from your team is to spend a little time establishing trust by ensuring they feel seen, heard and appreciated.... When we make this a priority they have greater confidence and clarity to get on with their tasks and we have uninterrupted time to get important things done. #leadership #trust #appreciation #emotionalintelligence #standards #expectations #leadershipdevelopment #results #success #thrive #team
01.01.2022 Rushing to get through the in tray over the next few days won’t guarantee a restful Christmas break. In fact, the more we push ourselves, the more likely we are to fall in a heap by Thursday night and be in no state to enjoy the festivities. Slow down and maintain a healthy balance until you stand up from your desk for the last time. Your team will appreciate a calmer you and your loved ones will love your company even more. You will complete the outstanding tasks more effect...ively when you are well rested and have a fresh perspective. #selfcare #wellbeing #leadfromwithin #emotionalintelligence #selfawareness #harmony #productive #smarternotharder #leadership #inspire #showtheway
01.01.2022 Celebrate like crazy tonight. You deserve it. 2021 is going to be your best year ever.
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