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EFL in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia | Mental health service

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Locality: Brisbane, Queensland, Australia

Phone: +61 405 308 344

Address: 51 McGinn Rd, Ferny Grove 4061 Brisbane, QLD, Australia


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24.01.2022 Very grateful for those who supported our 'Pack a bag for homeless' project. So far over 40 backpacks with food and sanitary items have been delivered. It has been an amazing experience. Next drop off is coming up if anyone would like to donate. We are reaching those who cannot be located by organisations like Micha project due to locations they are in or mental health issues. So, you are helping the most vulnerable. Thank you from the bottom of my heat. Keep well.

24.01.2022 Do we actually have the power to chose peace over anxiety?

24.01.2022 It takes more than two people to build a relationship and at least two people to maintain it. It only takes one person to end a relationship. However, the outcome of a broken relationship can impact generations to come. All relationships can reach a breaking point on some days, but, most of them are worth saving.... Is yours worth saving? See more

24.01.2022 How to stop automatic thoughts from leading to anxiety. **Step 1-Become aware of your feelings Staying mindful is powerful but comes with practice. Being aware of our feelings at any given time and be aware of our usual response to them. (think intentionally) For example: notice how you respond when you are worried or fearful of something (do the first thing come to your mind, freeze or try to avoid the whole things?) And if you realised later on you did something without thi...nking, ask yourself what feelings or what belief led me to do that? Check for any evidence to see if your thoughts were true, ( eg; "everything is going wrong" and is it really true?) testing your subconscious thoughts can help to see the whole picture. Because fear has a way of magnifying the worst so that we would act to survive. Each time you stop and test your thoughts you will see possibilities, hope, open doors that were hidden by fear. This is one way to notice and manage emotions rather than been driven by them and change the existing narrative of life. It WILL become easier each time you practice. **Step 2- Clam(manage) your feelings Once we are aware of the emotions, we can choose to take control of it. This action varies for different people. I personally find praying and meditating on a relevant scripture(a principle of acting thoughtfully) helps me to calm down and feeling empowered. This is due to my personal experience, for me, my hope lies within my faith and it has changed the way I used to act. This may be different for you. However, the best way to neurologically clear our bloodstream of cortisol within a little as one minute is to breathe intentionally. So that we can we can start thinking consciously. It is important to breathe gently through your nose in order to calm the nerves. Keeping in mind, fast breathing through the mouth can lead to a panic attack. Follow the breading exercise below to firstly calm yourself. Then evaluate your thinking, What believes are controlling your feelings and are they true? Take care and God bless.

23.01.2022 I know it is not a happy Sunday for everyone due to many circumstances. Those who have been affected in many ways and are doing it tough, thinking of you with love. However, I encourage you to focus on anything good that you are seeing. there are lots of good things happening in the midst of all this. And look into your heart. Hope is in us. There is a spirit of love around us, sadly fear has a way of preventing us from seeing it. if you cannot see it anywhere, search your heart, The love and compassion within you are is more powerful than what is out there, that's where hope begins. If you are struggling today, pick up the phone. I am at the other end of it. I will listen. you are not alone. We will get through this together. Have a blessed day.

22.01.2022 Every day is a gift and an opportunity. Remember, it's ok to be the one receiving help, You give others the opportunity to reach out, they benefit as much as you in the long run. stay connected, Take care Kindness is contagious.

22.01.2022 Most of us believe fresh air and fresh food promote better health and that people can become unhealthy as the victims of processed and stale food. But without fresh thinking, our overall wellbeing can suffer the most. Whilst learning from our past and disappointments we can CHOOSE not to revisit or stay there, by letting our thoughts generate from the past for the rest of our lives. ... Each day is a blessing, what was done and said only has the power if we choose to turn on the thinking which takes us back. Fresh thoughts mean we overcome the old. thoughts from the past in some cases can cause infectious and debilitating symptoms. All kinds of thoughts are been served or thrown at us daily, we don't have to keep them all. Because what we think is how we feel. We CHOOSE not to eat stale food, not to wear tatty, discard scruffy clothing, we CHOOSE to repair and renew our rundown homes. Yet we can subconsciously carry on with over-processed, unclean, scruffy and negative thinking that can be toxic to our health can be contagious. Study shows 90% of the time we rethink negative thoughts and longer we keep them more they impact the way we feel. So lets make it balanced healthy living. Make a conscious decision to check our thoughts daily discard unhelpful ones. Also, help those who need encouragement along the way. Our thinking shapes our attitude, our attitude determines our values. Let's make the most of today, take in charge of our thinking before thoughts controls who we are. Be transformed by renewing of your mind.

21.01.2022 Thank you for your questions and well wishes. I trust you are all keeping well. I thought I will pick a question each week to answer. and share a few thoughts. ********This week's popular question... How can being kind help my immune system? Research has shown our emotions play a crucial role in regulating immune systems, and that negative emotions and stress can adversely affect the immune system. However, positive emotions derived from social interaction have been proven to change our neural pathways improving mental and physical health. ( social interaction can be virtual, it is the emotions that act as a change agent) Studies have revealed that acts of kindness release Endorphins (our boy's natural pain killer). Evidence also shows during thoughtfulness brain produce neurotransmitters( immune-boosting hormones) that give us a sense of joy and well-being. How appropriate and necessary is this phenomenon to the world right now. Being thoughtful and kindness seems to be the way to go. The amazing thing about kindness is benefits are twofold. We reap the benefits as we make a difference in someone elses life by default. It is a win-win situation. And it never stops, there is divine power in kindness. it doesn't have to be materialistic things. an encouragement, smile, empathy anything that going to make someone else feel better is an act of kindness. Please take care and stay well If you like to read more check out the link. ( unfortunately, it is not working on mobile currently) "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.[a] 31 The second is this: Love your neighbour as yourself.[b] There is no commandment greater than these.

20.01.2022 Do you know anyone locally who may be alone or could benefit from a kind gesture this Christmas? Please let us know before 22nd. Please note: we do not have the capacity to reach outside of local/outside of the 15-minute radius, however, can reach out to other support networks. Volunteers are welcome :) Thank you

20.01.2022 Despite of the social distancing, so blessed that we can continue to move forward this way. Look forward to a great evening. #Understanding #Love #Support #Restoration

20.01.2022 According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Survey of Disability, Ageing and Carers (SDAC), almost 10 % of the population in Australia have been diagnosed with autistic spectrum disorder (ADSD) These number represents precious little daughters and sons/sister and brothers. No one wants to be labelled. Diagnosis is given to people so that they can receive the appropriate care and support they need. This is not a label so that we can ostracize them from the communit...y. Some of us may struggle to try to understand others, children with ASD can struggle every day to understand their own emotions, struggle with reading facial expression, body language. Nothing seems normal to some of them. life is a struggle. They are not missing behaving, they are trying to survive/ live through the anxiety of over-functioning sensitivity of what most of us take for granted (smell, touch, sound, and taste) We need to educate our children and help them understand what life is like for a child with ADSD, teach them to be empathetic, kind, and supportive. Tell them the real ‘cool kids’ are: Caring Optimistic Oppose bulling Learning from mistakes

19.01.2022 Thank you for those of you who supported our pack a bag homeless project. It has been an amazing experience and feels very grateful. Every bit helps. With everyone's help so far over 40 backpacks been delivered with food and sanitary essentials. A wonderful team effort. Thank you, Aren Healy, for being our amazing distributor. We are grateful for organisations like Micha Project, unfortunately, they are unable to reach everyone due to location and accessibility. Our aim is to reach the most vulnerable. Thank you, Aren Healy,our wonderful volunteer who does an amazing job of distributing the bags. Thank you all and take care.

18.01.2022 Reminder to self

18.01.2022 We celebrate you on this father's day and You are not only a blessing to your children but a blessing to the community. We celebrate you For all those Dad's who feels alone today, and for sons and daughters who will not see their Dads, God bless you. May you know the love of The heavenly Father.

17.01.2022 Time to stop punishing yourself for someone else's wrongdoing. Forgiving is not an easy thing to do, but living with unforgiveness can be much worse.

17.01.2022 Open your heart and mind before opening your mouth.

17.01.2022 We can't take back what we said by using more words. Only our actions can restore the impact.

17.01.2022 Suppressed emotions have a way of coming out sooner or later and this can result in young people looking for a way to numb their feelings. This can lead to unhealthy coping skills such as substance abuse and behavioural issues withdrawal as well as result in anxiety and depression. Helping young children to express feelings in a healthy way can help them to be emotionally resilient adults and overcome lifes challenges constructively. lookout for our next workshop on 'Next generations Mums and dads'

16.01.2022 Six useful ways to maintain peace at home during the peak of stress. High levels of stress can easily impact any kind of relationships. Taking some time to reflect and resetting your frame of mind at the end of the day can help start each day well. However, ending our day well requires some specific tools we can use at specific times. These are typically helpful habits we need to form that we can apply without much effort. It certainly will take so efforts at first, but the benefits will out way your efforts. Take care. Stay well.

15.01.2022 Global mental health week. Take care of yourself and don't forget, asking for help is a strength.

15.01.2022 #Faith#hope#Joyfulheartis medicine to the body. Sometimes we need medication that helps reorganise chemicals to function well, but not without side-effects. Psychological therapy helps us to reorganise our thoughts, feelings with the side-effects of ability to feel joy again. People seem to have a God-given capacity to help others. It's so powerful.

14.01.2022 This weeks Q & A session. Thank you for your questions.

14.01.2022 Who do you listen to the MOST? We can ignore what others say, but cant scape ourselves, Train yourself to turn off damaging self-talk. Beset free from anxiety and prevent depression. the power is within you. ...

13.01.2022 Hope is not out there, it is in us. TOGETHER we will get through this love you all. "hope does not put us to shame, because God's love has been poured into our hearts"

13.01.2022 Used BACKPACKS wanted. Do you have a small backpack you no longer need? We are looking for clean backpacks in working order to put non-perishable food for the homeless community. Please pm me if you can help. Thank you Can pick up from: The Gap, Keppra, and West Ashgrove

13.01.2022 From anxiety to hope. Going forward together. #love #kindness #patience #empathy.

13.01.2022 Your thoughts don't own you, you have the authority over your thoughts. When the thoughts are allowed to take over, one can feel emotionally debilitated. The good news is you have the power within you to take back the power. When you start to believe this you will switch on power to rewire your mind. Not easy but also not impossible. Give it go. because you deserve to know. Be free from unwanted thoughts. Practice gratitude each day.... Look for evidence to see if the negative thoughts about you are actually true. Take time to process your thoughts before you act. Shere your thoughts with trusted people. Compare your thoughts with your values See more

12.01.2022 Building hope in the midst of a storm

12.01.2022 TECHNICAL ERROR It has been extremely busy since we started online services during COVID. I have not been on FB much at all lately. Only quickly checking the messages here. I have been pointed out that every podcast on this page is overridden by the Christmas message. ... While Peter is working on it, I am leaving the links as they are. So if you click on a podcast link with any topic you are going to hear the Christmas message until it is sorted. Apologies for any confusion frustration this may have caused. Thank you.

12.01.2022 Anger is one letter away from Danger. It is a natural emotion that thas a purpose. Like anything in life, understanding what it is and learning how to use/manage it, we can prevent it from turning in to danger,

11.01.2022 Don't let the stigma stop you getting the help you deserve. You are worth more than you know.

09.01.2022 Be transformed by renewing of your mind.

09.01.2022 Let's fight the anxiety with gratefulness. Think about 3 things you can be grateful each day. Get the kids involved. I am blessed I can see, I can hear and can keep I touch with you this way.

09.01.2022 How do I stop going over and over negative thoughts? This is a question that has come up a lot lately. I felt to share it here today. Firstly I want to say, it is NOT because you are a negative person, because you are weak or you are self-centred. Don't let anyone label you. We all struggle with some thoughts every now and then. Thoughts are powerful if we dont get hold of them, they will certainly get hold of us. The good thing is we have been given the ability to take charg...e of them. It's a little bit like driving. We see hazards on the road, some are there to guide us others just happen to be there. We notice them, but avoid them, and keep our focus on the road. If we focus on the hazard we can end up driving into it, or we can even go off the road. So in order to avoid hazardous thoughts from driving us off the rails, we must notice them first, this means not denying that they're there, remember they could be there to guide us such as anxious thoughts about something we shouldn't do. Recognising the purpose of thoughts is important, so you don't end up labelling yourself as "I am anxious" or " I am an anxious person" instead of saying, I experience anxious thoughts sometimes. If we try to fight thoughts by focussing on them too much. we will end up being driven by them, So rather than fighting them, learn to shift your mind and refocus. Our mind is not very productive at doing two things at the same time. Just like when you are driving, notice the thought and think, what is the purpose of this thought? Is it a detour or is it telling me something is head? If it does not serve any good purpose simply decide to focus on something that's more important or pleasant. Tell yourself I am not going to give in to this thought. Take a detour. Focus on where you were headed before you noticed the thought. This is not an easy thing to do, so I personally pray and I know it works for me. Here are a few simple ways to ground your mind by using your senses. Once you practice this you will be able to cognitively practice the above. Notice 3 objects around you, notice their colour, shape, and what they are made of. Notice what you can hear at the time, feel the ground under your feet. Notice what you can smell. Hold something, your keys or anything else at hand, focus on how they are feeling in your hand. You can even eat or drink something, and think of the taste in your mind. Like driving, we might hit the curb a few times at first, but after a while, it becomes second nature. We are habitual creatures, most of our life is about forming and breaking habits. So, shifting our focus is far more effective than denying and trying to fight thoughts. One of the best ways is to learn to focus on the present moment. Learn more: "Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own"

08.01.2022 Dont tell little boys they shouldnt cry, instead tell them it is brave to show their feeling, encourage them to talk about their emotions. One day they will become strong men who not only able to show their own feelings but have an understanding of others, loving husbands, wonderful fathers, and remarkable leaders.

08.01.2022 Accepting I am not always right was liberating and humbling Thank you YYY87.6FM for the opportunity to stay in touch with our community.

08.01.2022 If you are struggling with past trauma, you are already a survivor, but your emotional brain will only recognise it when you start believing it. Be kind to yourself, get help and recognise the strength that got you this far. Hope is a decision away.

07.01.2022 Anxiety and depression is not an imagination, it's a real battle. The good news is you can overcome it with help. Dont bury it. Seek help and find the best way to get rid of it in the way most suited for your needs. You are not alone, you are not a label, you are a precious and important part of this world. Right now you may not feel this way, seek help and start seeing who you truly are, it is worth the ...effort. ( See below for cost-free help available) Epidemiological data tell us which health issues are the most common. 100% accurate data are hard to ascertain. this is the closes we have according to the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare and ABS Studies. In 2003, mental illnesses were among the ten leading causes of disease burden in Australia, accounting for 13% of the total burden of disease. One in ten people (10.4%) had depression or feelings of depression, an increase from 8.9% in 2014-15. Below are the proportions of according to 2003 findings. Sadly these figures are higher in most recent surveys. All these areas we need to get help early. However, anxiety and depression often go unattended, because we hope they will go away. Or too had to talk about it. We all feel anxious at times and even a sense of depression isn't abnormal, but if it is ongoing and left unattended can make it ten times harder to deal with. The best thing we can do is get help early. Beyond Blue 1300 22 4636 Lifeline: 13 11 14 Butterfly foundation: 1800 33 4673 Equipped for Life: 0405 308 344 [email protected] (online or phone support available)

06.01.2022 Kindness has a boomerang effect. it always returns, like a boomerang. especially, when you practice it without any expectations at all. It is an act of grace, grace doesn't have to be deserved, it is a gift, it is a favour with no expectancy attached. But here is the thing, it is like the law of gravity. no one can change it, Those who practice kindness will always benefit from it by default. (" Gravity: The most important part about this is not only that objects pull on eac...h other, but that two objects attract each other with a force that is proportional to the product of their masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them.") The world is forced to stop and care, It's time to reflect, appreciate, evaluate and focus on what matters the most. Kindness and unity is our antidote. This is an opportunity for us to come together and discover our strengths as a community. Appreciate what we have and share what we can. today is the day to start, we dont know what tomorrow brings.

06.01.2022 Celebrating Love.

06.01.2022 Only 3 days to go and 6 places left! Book your spot if you like to learn what is stopping you from being your true self, and take control over anxiety and low mood, prevent from falling into the trap of depression. Start to feel confident, appreciated, valued and loved again. Discover your purpose restart your life. ****What this is not: ... *Trap to sell you something *A blanket approach that sounds great but doesn't apply to everyone *Advertising gimmick *Another self-help program that too hard to find motivation after a few days. *****What this is about: It is about preventing depression and anxiety from destroying the precious lives of beautiful people who find it is too hard to explain because it seems no one understands what you are going through. It is a moment of my time specially put aside for you, to help you to discover and switch on the power within you, in order to change what is happening in your head that is impacting how you feel in your heart. ****Why? Because I wasn't always where I am today, I truly am blessed to able to offer you the blessing I have found, I dont pretend to fully understand what you are going through, but, I feel your pain and want to share what I have seen in very powerful and effective. I have discovered evidence-based, scientifically explained, biblically sound, practical simple way of helping others to overcome emotional trauma. Because what I know and what I continue to learn is useless if I cannot make a difference in anyone else's life. ****What you will do Learn how neural plasticity and intentional thinking can help you to restructure what is going on in your, mind and brain. *Learn few skills of self-awareness in the context of utilising learning memory. (a simple but powerful way of managing your thoughts before they become strong emotions that can be debilitating in the long run) *I will apply cognitive restructuring skills aligned with neural plasticity. In another word, together we will work on how to turn off and on the thought processors rather than letting thoughts from taking over. We will learn to activate specific parts of the brain, Yes you have the power to do this. you will be surprised to see how simple yet so p[owerful. Hope to see you or hear from you. Your life is worth so much more than a moment of my time, I will be there for you if you chose to join me. Sincerely Indrani Professional Member of the Australian Counselling Association. FYI

05.01.2022 Suppressed anger may not be as recognisable, but can be displayed as antisocial or unpleasant behaviour, i.e. sarcasm or apathy. Although we do not even realise it others will see external displays as intention behaviour. And we may never realise what happens internally as a result of suppressed anger.

04.01.2022 Thank you YYY FM Radio for the opportunity to stay in touch with our local community. Stay tuned for our weekly program (broadcasted 7 days a week) We will be sharing helpful information and tips to help social and emotional well being, including relationship, parenting, personal and professional predicaments of everyday life.

04.01.2022 It's not over! 'Discover your self-worth' Practical workshop still on at 7pm tonight. Apologies for the mistake on time, Thank you for those who have massaged me :) Unfortunately FB will say the event is overdue to the time. The zoom session is at 7pm tonight. ****For those of you from Japan please remember, it's 6pm your time. ... please check your messages for the link details. Thank you and talk soon. P.S 2 places left

03.01.2022 Our internal language has the power to shape our external world and who we become.

03.01.2022 Stay close from distance

02.01.2022 Is anyone going to Margate area before Christmas? If you are able to deliver a hamper to a family at a designated meeting place please let me know. Thank you in advance.

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