EFM Health Clubs Torrensville in Torrensville | Sport & recreation
EFM Health Clubs Torrensville
Locality: Torrensville
Phone: +61 437 742 021
Address: 1/53 Ashwin Parade, Torrensville 5031 Torrensville, SA, Australia
Website: http://www.efm.net.au/club/torrensville
Likes: 552
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25.01.2022 Thursday 8th April Hang Clean 6 x 3reps... For Time 5 Rounds 8 Deadlifts 6 Hang Cleans 4 STOH Into... 50/35 Cals Echo *start with and every 2min 25 Double Unders or 60 Single Skips #efmfit
25.01.2022 Home Workout 29 15min EMOM 1st min - 20 Walking Lunges 2nd min - 40 Mtn. Climbers... 3rd min - 15 Squats Thrusters Let me know how you went in the comments and send through any videos of yourself hitting this workout. #efmfit
25.01.2022 Home Workout 33 15-12-9-6-3 Odd Object Thrusters Burpees over Object... Let me know how you went in the comments and send through any videos of yourself hitting this workout. #efmfit
24.01.2022 Wednesday 24th March STOH 7 x 2reps... In Pairs 1000m Echo (swap every 20sec) 16 Synchro Deadlifts 12 Synchro Box Jumps 8 Synchro Burpees 500m Row (swap every 30sec) 12 Synchro Deadlifts 9 Synchro Box Jumps 6 Synchro Burpees 1000m Echo (swap every 20sec) 8 Synchro Deadlifts 6 Synchro Box Jumps 4 Synchro Burpees 500m Row (swap every 30sec) 4 Synchro Deadlifts 3 Synchro Box Jumps 2 Synchro Burpees #efmfit
23.01.2022 On Friday’s we do cardio #efmfit
22.01.2022 Here at EFM we cater for all ages and abilities.
22.01.2022 Wednesday 7th April E2MOM 40% of Max Strict Pull-ups... 24min AMRAP In Pairs - swap every 30sec 10-20-30-40 etc. Cals Row Wall Balls Plate GTOH Single DB Box Step-ups 3 Rounds 20sec L-Side Brace 10sec Rest 20sec R-Side Brace 10sec Rest 20sec Hollow Hold 40sec Rest #efmfit
21.01.2022 Winter is here...time to bring out the ski’s #efmfit
21.01.2022 Home Workout 46 Buy In: 800m Run 5 Rounds 16 Air Squats... 12 Sit-ups 8 Push-ups 4 Burpees Buy Out: 800m Run Let me know how you went in the comments and send through any videos of yourself hitting this workout. #efmfit
21.01.2022 Home Workout 50 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 Single Leg Squats Push-ups... Let me know how you went in the comments and send through any videos of yourself hitting this workout. #efmfit
20.01.2022 Home Workout 35 3 x 1000m Run Rest 5min between each... Let me know your times in the comments and send through an videos of yourself getting it done. #efmfit
20.01.2022 Winter is here...time to bring out the skis #efmfit
18.01.2022 Home Workout 42 100 Plyo. Lunges *start with and EMOM complete... 100m Run... Let me know how your legs were feeling after this burner in the comments and send through any videos of yourself hitting this workout. #efmfit
18.01.2022 Home Workout 37 16min AMRAP 5 Burpees 20 Double Unders or Line Jumps... 10 Odd Object Push Press 20 Double Unders or Line Jumps 15 Sit-ups 20 Double Unders or Line Jumps Let me know how you went in the comments and send through any videos of yourelf hitting this workout. #efmfit
17.01.2022 Few eyes on the clock counting down the seconds till the burn is over. #efmfit
16.01.2022 Home Workout 44 18-15-12-9-6-3 Odd Object Push Press *after each set completet...... 20 Odd Object Jump Overs Let me know what kind of object you used in the comments and send through any videos of yourself hitting this workout. #efmfit
16.01.2022 Friday 26th March 4 Rounds 1 Block Run 16/12 Cals Echo... 20/15 Cals Row 1:1 Rest #efmfit
15.01.2022 Home Workout 40 For Time 250m Run 2min Rest... 500m Run 2min Rest 750m Run 2min Rest 1000m Run 2min Rest 750m Run 2min Rest 500m Run 2min Rest 250m Run Let me know how you went in the comments amd send through any videos of yourself hitting this workout. #efmfit
15.01.2022 Home Workout 39 30 Deadbuge (1 every 2sec) 1min Rest 20 Deadbugs (1 every 3sec)... 1min Rest 15 Deadbugs (1 every 4sec) 1min Rest 12 Deadbugs (1 every 5sec) 1min Rest 10 Deadbugs (1 every 6sec) Let me know in the comments how your abs are feeling after this one and snd through any videos of yourself completing this workout. #efmfit
15.01.2022 Easter Friday 2nd April Teams of 3 2 Rounds 1000m Row... 1000m Ski 2500m Echo Start with and every 6min Follow the leader 10 Wall Balls 8 DB Hang Clean & Jerk 6 Pull-ups 4 Burpees #efmfit
13.01.2022 Home Workout 28 4 Rounds 10 Push-ups Max bottom of a push-up hold... 10 Odd object squats Max squat hold 10 V-ups or V-tucks Max hollow hold Rest 90sec between rounds Let me know how you went in the comments and send through any videos of yourself hitting this workout. #efmfit
13.01.2022 Home Workout 30 5 x 400m Run Rest 3min between each... *aim to keep them all consistent Let me know your fastest and slowest times in the comments so I can see how consistent you kept it and send through any videos of yourself running. #efmfit
12.01.2022 Home Workout 34 4 Sets 10 Rear Foot Elevated Split Squats (e/s) -... 4 Sets 15 Odd Object Squats - 4 Sets 20 Plyo. Lunges *Rest 90sec between sets Let me know how your legs felt in the comments and send through any videos of yourself hitting this leg burner. #efmfit
12.01.2022 Gym's are back, which means so are our incredible members!
11.01.2022 Saturday 30th January Teams of 3 - 3 Rounds... 48 Wall Balls 24 Deadlifts 12 DB Single Arm Devils Press 6 Rope Climbs Into... 2000m Row Into... 3 Rounds 48 Push-ups 24 Front Squats 12 STOH 6 Synchro Burpees #efmfit
11.01.2022 Home Workout 48 20min EMOM 1st Min: 10-15 Dips 2nd Min: 10-15 Odd Object Squats... 3rd Min: 10-15 Odd Object Push Press 4th Min: 10-15 V-ups or V-tucks Let me know how you went and what object you used in the comments and send through any videos of yourself hitting this EMOM. #efmfit
11.01.2022 Home Workout 32 90sec L-Sit 3min Hollow Hold 4min 30sec Plank... *Rest as needed between efforts **Aim is to try and complete each of these holds in as few sets as possible Let me know how many sets it took to complete the workout in the comments and send through any videos of yourself hitting this workout #efmfit
11.01.2022 There has never been a better time to focus on your health! #efmfit
10.01.2022 On Fridays we do cardio #efmfit
10.01.2022 Home Workout 49 4 Rounds 20 Russian Twists 30sec Left Side Brace... 30sec Right Side Brace 2min Rest Let me know how you went in the comments and send through any videos of yourself hitting this ab burner. #efmfit
09.01.2022 Monday 29th March Halting Deadlift 6 x 3reps *control each rep slowly to the ground... E5MOM x4 500m Row *aim to increase pace each round #efmfit
08.01.2022 Saturday 27th March Teams of 3 Start with and every 7min... 10/8 Cals Row (each)... 6/5 Cals Echo (each) In remaining time... 2 Rounds 60 BB Thrusters 60 T2B or 90 HKR 60 DB Box Step-ups 60 Push-ups 60 Hang Power Cleans 60 Burpees #efmfit
08.01.2022 Here at EFM Torrensville we are a community of people working together to achieve awesome results.
08.01.2022 Wednesday 27th January 4 Sets 10 DB Chest Press 90sec rest... 8 BB Back Squats 90sec rest 3 Rounds with a partner (You go, I go) - 1 Corner Run - 150/125m Row - 300/250m Echo 10 DB Single Arm Thrusters (5 e/s) - 1 Corner Run - 150/125m Row - 300/250m Echo 10 DB Alt. Snatch - 1 Corner Run - 150/125m Row - 300/250m Echo 10 Single DB Box Step-ups - *1st round running, 2nd round Row, 3rd round Echo #efmfit
07.01.2022 The community here at EFM Torrensville gives you support and encouragement without judgement. Plus you feel so much better for each workout.
06.01.2022 WERE BACK BABY #efmfit
06.01.2022 Tuesday 6th April Bench Press 5 x 5reps... 5 x 2min AMRAP/3min Rest 4 Rounds 7/5 Cals Echo 5 Thrusters 5 Burpees Into... 4 Rounds 7/5 Cals Ski 7 Hang Power Cleans 7 T2B or HKR #efmfit
06.01.2022 Monday 25th January E2MOM - 32min 1st 2min: 9 Deadlifts... 6 Hang Power Cleans 3 STOH 2nd 2min: 5 Pull-ups 10 Push-ups 15 Air Squats 3rd 2min: 10/8 Cals Ski 8/6 Cals Echo 4th 2min: Rest 3 Rounds 20sec Hollow Hold 10sec Rest 20sec L-Side Brace 10sec Rest 20sec R-Side Brace 40sec Rest #efmfit
05.01.2022 Home Workout 36 E2MOM - 10min 45sec Wall Sit 10 Odd Object Squats... Let me know how you went in the comments and send through any videos of yourself hitting this workout. #efmfit
05.01.2022 Thursday 25th March Rope Climb - Technique E2MOM x 5... 1 Rope Climb 1 Corner Run 10m DB Walking Lunges E4MOM x 4 250m Ski *slowest round counts #efmfit
04.01.2022 Home Workout 41 Tabata (20sec On/10sec Off - 4min) A. Push-ups B. Sit-ups... C. Air Squats Let me know how many reps of each exercise you completed in the comments and send through any videos of yourself hitting this workout. #efmfit
04.01.2022 Home Workout 31 For Time 15 Burpees 30 Sit-ups... 45 Air Squats 600m Run 120 Double Unders or Line Jumps 600m Run 45 Air Squats 30 Sit-ups 15 Burpees Let me know how you went in the comments and send through any videos of yourself hitting this workout. #efmfit
04.01.2022 Home Workout 43 Max Plank 5min Rest Max Plank... Let me know how you went in the comments and send through any videos of yourself hitting this workout. #efmfit
03.01.2022 Thursday 28th January 8min Cap 5 Round 10/8 Cals Ski... 5-1 Clean & Jerk -2min rest- 8min Cap 5 Rounds 8/6 Cals Echo 10-2 Pull-ups -2min rest- 8min Cap 5 Rounds 1 Corner Run 15m-3m DB Walking Lunges -2min rest- 8min Cap 5 Rounds 6 Lateral Burpees Over Bar 20-4 Sit-ups #efmfit
03.01.2022 Home Workout 38 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 Tuck Jumps 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10... Push-ups Let me know in the comments what was worse the tuck jumps or the push-ups and send through any videos of yourself hitting this workout. #efmfit
03.01.2022 Friday 29th January Cardio - Teams of 3 - Start with and every 2 min complete...... 200m Run In remaining time... 40-32-24-16-8 Cals Row Cals Ski Cals Echo - 1st person - 200m Run 2nd person - Working on Row, Ski, Echo 3rd person - Rest *Rotate every 2min #efmfit
01.01.2022 Home Workout 47 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 Odd Object GTOH after each round complete...... 10m Walking Lunges Let me know what object you used and how you went in the comments. Plus send through any videos of yourself hitting this workout. #efmfit
01.01.2022 Home Workout 45 15min Max Distance Run... Let me know how far you ran in the comments and send through any videos of yourself completing your run. #efmfit
01.01.2022 We are more than just a club. We are family.
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