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Eka Earth Yoga Mildura in Mildura, Victoria | Alternative & holistic health service

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Eka Earth Yoga Mildura

Locality: Mildura, Victoria

Phone: +61 421 854 484

Address: 69 Cureton Avenue 3500 Mildura, VIC, Australia


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24.01.2022 I love my body. No it isn’t perfect at all, by I adore it anyway. My body is my temple. And when I feel great about myself, it shows. When I feel beautiful, my skin glows, and when I feel anxious or depressed, my belly lets me know. When I wear it out, my face reflects my exhaustion, and when I drink champagne, my eyes twinkle, and my smile can light up a city block. The temple is the place where a Goddess worships herself, her physical beauty, her inner self. It is where she... appreciates all that she is without apology, guilt or regrets. It is where she does her inner work, and her outer body reflects her inner beauty. Self-worship, is at the core of spiritual success. It is that one missing piece, that has been deleted from religious texts. When a woman worships herself first, all things fall into place. The love for the self grows, the respect for the self becomes of utmost importance, emotional independence and inner strength guide her to her true self. This is the exact reason that witches were burned at the stake, that goddess worship fell, and was replaced by a patriarchy. If women only knew that they are the center of the universe, that they are that which is to be worshiped, that they are, in fact, God, how powerful could we be? A woman of self-worth, grace and love, has a temple admired by all. ~ Jane Berryman ~ #loveyourbody #lovebodybuilding #bodyhealthgroup #templebody #bodyisatemple #loveyoga #yogalover #fitandcurvy #curvywoman #curvyhealthyhappy #yogaislove #yoga_fitness_lovers #yogaeveryday #yogaeveryday #ashtangayoga #ashtangavinyasa #bujapidasana #bujapidsana #bujapidhdasana #mildurayoga #yogamildura

24.01.2022 Yoga @ 9am tomorrow for beginners with Irina and Mia. Book here:

24.01.2022 separateness does not exist Eastern spiritual traditions have always claimed that our world is Maya, illusionary. What they meant by this is that; there is only the unity at the fundamental level of existence, the unity of Brahman.... This is how ether physics is best described: Our universe is multi dimensional and it is made of one substance and one substance only! This substance is called ether and it is a vibrating fluid-like energy permeating the physical vacuum. #separatenessisanillusion #separatenessisillusion #yogaphilosophy #yogaphilosophie #philosophyyoga #sutras #yogascience #loveyoga #yogawisdom #yogawisdomoftheday #ether #yoga_fitness_lovers #ashtangalove #ashtangaintermediateseries #ashtangavinyasa #intermediateashtanga #loveyogalife #fitwomanphysique

18.01.2022 These two beautiful dedicated teachers are teaching classes between Xmas and New Year. Most classes are running as usual. Go to our website / to view and book classes casually or monthly. Namaste

17.01.2022 The Reality Consists Only of Now, the Present Moment. It has Nothing to do with the Past and Nothing to do with the Future. It is so Concentrated in this Moment that if You can be in this Moment, All that You are Seeking and Searching will be Fulfilled. This Moment is the Door to the Divine. ~ Osho / Shree Rajneesh (1931 - 1990) ... #osho #oshoquotes #yogapractice #yogateacher #yogateachertraining #yogaeverydamnday #yogainspiration #yogateacher #yogameme #aloyogachallenges #yogagram #ekaearthyogashram #ekaearthyogamildura See more

16.01.2022 Equilibrium is Yoga. The attainment of the knowledge of the Self through purity of heart obtained by doing actions without expectations of fruits is success (Siddhi). Failure is the non-... attainment of knowledge by doing actions with expectation of fruit. Yoga sutras. Commentary by Sivananda. #sivananda #sivanandayoga #yogasutras #yogasutras #yogaphilosophy #philosophyyoga #sutrasyogapatanjali #ekaearthyoga #ekaearthyogaashram #ekaearthyogamildura #mildurayoga #yogamildura

15.01.2022 #sirshasana HEAD STAND Stimulates and invigorates brain function Cures eye diseases and vision Improves concentration Remedy for hypertension ... Improves heart health Opens crown chakra Strengthens core Remedy for sexual disorders **variations offered for beginner level practitioners ** #sírshásana #sirsasanavariation #headstand #headstandpractice #yogapractice #yogainspiration #yogateacher #yogaposes #yogaroutine #yogalifestlye #ekaearthyoga #ekaearthyogamildura #milduraliving #mildurayoga #yogamildura

13.01.2022 Russell @pphamric & I @mitchvann122 Will be teaching beginners Hatha yoga! Tomorrow morning @heba_anand Beautiful studio 9am! See you all on the Mat ... Namaste! Irina Bigge - Aerial Yoga & Yoga #yoga #yogainspiration #yogi #hathayoga #asana #pranayama #breathe #yogaformen #innerpeace #innerstrength #heartopener #vrikshasana #treeoflife #lawofpolarity #resonate #mindfullness #meditation See more

13.01.2022 Yoga Sutras teach us that ~ By practising the various steps of Yoga, impurities are destroyed and spiritual illumination arises, which develops into awareness of Reality. #sutrasyoga #yogasutras #yogaphilosophy #philosophyyoga #yogalove #loveyoga #yogadaily #dailyyoga #dailyinspiration #fitcurvy #curvywoman #ashtangayoga #ashtangafit #ashtangalove #ashtangavinyasa #loveyoga #yogaeverydamnday #yogainspiration #yogamasters

13.01.2022 Dear students - Today’s Ashtanga class is 7pm Namaste Dear students - Today’s Ashtanga class is 7pm Namaste

12.01.2022 Make priority for your health.... get on the mat tomorrow with Mitch . Book here:

10.01.2022 You are loved just for being who you are, just for existing. You don’t have to do anything to earn it. Your shortcomings, your lack of self-esteem, physical perfection, or social and economic success none of that matters. No one can take this love away from you, and it will always be here. Ram Dass #ramdass #ramdassquotes #ekaearthyoga #ekaearthyogamildura #beyourself #beyourownkindofbeautiful #beyourselfalways #loveyourself #loveyourselfquotes

08.01.2022 In mindfulness one is not only restful and happy, but alert and awake. Meditation is not evasion; it is a serene encounter with reality. Thich Nhat Hanh

07.01.2022 Teaching of yoga

07.01.2022 Reasons why you should incorporate yoga into your life in 2021: - Yoga promotes peace, health and well-being - Yoga allows you to gracefully let go of what no longer serves a purpose in your life - Yoga helps you establish and nurture your connection with your self, enhancing self love and confidence ... - Yoga dispels illusions by helping you discover your inner light ! - Yoga gives you ample amount of self confidence so that you can speak your truth - Yoga enhances self awareness so that your focus will be on positive situations that promote healthy thoughts , relationships and connections - Yoga helps you wake up from the illusions of this physical world and its limitations - Yoga is beyond right or wrong therefore promotes freedom - Yoga allows you to dispel previously self limiting or self destructive ideas of yourself . - Yoga liberates you from the prison of your own mind - Yoga empowers you to the point where you become the chooser not the beggar . - Yoga gives you purpose, direction and way of life you never thought was possible if you had previously lost some hope - Yoga gives you positive energy and beings in like minded, strong, positive people into your life - Yoga liberates our ‘sleeping ‘ consciousness from the identity - entrapped in the ego . - Yoga is the path of self-realisation ! When you realise your eternal Self, you have the truth and when you have the truth, you have attained a high level of freedom for your self. Why not incorporate yoga in your life starting now? Come practice with me this year and experience the difference yoga makes . This year there will be ample sessions and workshops for everyone. I will be running philosophy of yoga sessions for those who would like to explore and delve deep into the philosophy behind the physical practice of Asanas . Much love and see you all in class and on the mat . Heba #ekaearthyogamildura #ekaearthyoga

04.01.2022 You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You are able to say to yourself, ‘I have lived ...through this horror. I can take the next thing that comes along.’ You must do the thing you think you cannot do. - Eleanor Roosevelt See more

03.01.2022 3rd year in a row Very grateful for our dear students, teachers, helpers and local community as well as our international affiliates, supporters and social media followers for the love and support we have received over the past 5 years and continue to. We extend our love and gratitude to all of you and look forward to more growth and expansion.... Namaste Love and light Eka Earth Yoga team #ekaearthyoga #mildurayoga #milduraliving #milduralife #milduraevents #yogamildura #ekaearthyogamildura #ekaearthyogashram

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