Elders in Cowra, New South Wales, Australia | Agricultural service
Locality: Cowra, New South Wales, Australia
Phone: +61 2 6349 8300
Address: 42 Young Road 2794 Cowra, NSW, Australia
Website: http://www.elders.com.au
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25.01.2022 On display at Elders Cowra we now have the Ecrotek Beekeeping Supplies. Our display includes a few different items such as the ready to go painted box, different types of frames, a feeder and a bottom board. If you are interested in bees drop in and check it out! ! #keepingahead #backyardsorfarms #honey #buzzingbees
25.01.2022 Elders Cowra will be closed Saturday the 3rd and Monday the 5th of October due to the long weekend!! We will be back to normal trading hours on Tuesday the 6th.. Enjoy your break. #longweekend #october #EldersInYourCorner #tradinghours
25.01.2022 Elders in your community! Elders Cowra kindly donated a box of hand sanitiser to the Cowra Information and Neighbourhood Centre - CINC. #EldersInYourCorner #supportingthecommunity #hygiene
25.01.2022 Happy Australia Day ! ! Just a reminder that we will be closed on Monday the 27th of January due to the public holiday. We will be back on Tuesday the 28th from 8am.. Enjoy your long weekend ! ! ... #longweekend #elderscowra #aussieday #enjoy See more
23.01.2022 Our latest Seasons Magazine is now live Autumn really is the start of the season, our latest magazine is packed full of information from specialists across the industry. Read for the latest industry info!
23.01.2022 ** End Of Financial Year Savings Catalogue ** 18th May - 30th June 2020 #elderscatalogue #EOFY #promo #savings
22.01.2022 Tru-Test Group Australia Advanced user Training - 27/11/2019 Topics covered will assist users to fully utilise the Tru-Test data management system. There are only 12 positions available for the first workshop, so please RSVP before the 22/11/2019 to secure your spot. ... #firstinbestdressed #trainingday #workshop #managementsystem See more
22.01.2022 THE 2021 CALENDAR COMPETITION IS NOW OPEN ! ! ! Have you got what it takes, please enter your photos via the following link. https://eldersrural.com.au/about-us/calendar-competition/... #photocomp #2021calendar #eldersrural #pleaseenter
22.01.2022 Ewe Management discussion with Gordon Refshauge and Dave Trengove ! ! Thursday 19th September 2019 7:30am Breakfast for an 8am start @ Elders Cowra... Please RSVP by Wednesday the 18th to Elders Cowra on 0263498300 Remember to bring a chair! !... #prejoining #localexperts #5topics #heartotalk #elders See more
22.01.2022 NOVEMBER SPECIAL ! ! Speedrite S150 Portable Solar (with battery) Energizer - Powers up to 2km BONUS Speedrite Extreme Tape 400m when you purchase the S150. **While stock lasts**... #trutest #special #greatdeal #elders #electricfence #springdeal See more
22.01.2022 Angry Anderson, is coming to Cowra for a Men's only event held at the Cowra Rugby Club... Thursday 19th December @ 6:30pm Cowra Rugby Club Tickets: $10 each, available at our front desk or Kilby's Heating and Cooling. #cowrashirecouncil #communitiesindrought #cowraeagles #supportthisevent
21.01.2022 Talk to Elders Cowra about all your livestock handling/weighing and livestock production advice! ! Drop in store and check out the demo Electric Prattley Industries Ltd Auto Drafter and the Tru-Test Group Australia XR5000... #trutest #sheepweighing #autodrafter #instorenow
20.01.2022 When you notice a change, no matter how small. Trust the signs, Trust your gut & Ask R U OK? A conversation could change a life. #checkin #askthequestion #ruokday #itsoknottobeok #elders
20.01.2022 PROMO ! ! If you are shearing over the next 4 months drop in store and pre-order 12 + drums of Bayer Viper to receive a FREE Genesis Powerdoser.. #viper #shearingtime #beorganised #preordernow
19.01.2022 Rural Bank Prepare for EOFY with a Farm Management Deposit. With Rural Bank’s fixed and variable rate Farm Management Deposits (FMD), you can set aside pre-tax income from your profitable years to use in your not-so-good years. T&Cs apply. https://eldersrural.com.au/finservices/fmd-fmd-offset/ #ruralbank #FMD #EOFY
18.01.2022 COVID19 UPDATE: As of Monday the 23rd of March Elders Rural Services have given a National directive that all staff that can work from home do so. Therefore Peter Watt, David Trengove, Mitch Dwyer and Nick McNamara will be working remotely. Jimmy, Nicole, Luke and Jess will continue as normal, due to this we would appreciate you calling, texting or emailing through your requirements in advance so we can have them ready for you. #covid19 #updatingclients #preorder #eldersrural
17.01.2022 This years PLUSE CHECK field day has come around again!! On Monday 19th August 2019 @ 10am If you are a current pluse grower or thinking of growing pluses in the future this event is a MUST ATTEND. This year ADAMA Australia will have their herbicide matrix on display.... Look forward to seeing everyone there! #GRDC #EldersAgvice #Farmingforthefuture #NSWDPI #Plusefieldday #Nevertoooldtolearnnewtricks
17.01.2022 This morning we had a great turn out to our Ewe Management - Pre Joining Workshop. We would like to thank Gordon Refshauge for fitting us into his busy schedule, we are sure the farmers and reps enjoyed it. Great work by our LPA David Trengove for organising this event. #infosession #questionsandanswers #ewemanagement #elders #fertbay
17.01.2022 TRIAL DAY Hobby Yards Tuesday 1st October 2019 10:30am - 12noon BBQ Lunch provided... *Please RSVP to your local Elders Agronomist or your local Elders Branch* #NVT #varieties #handson #industryexperts #eldersevent #farmingsystem See more
16.01.2022 Elders Cowra would like to inform you that we have revised our opening hours to 8am 5pm Monday to Friday and 8:30am 11:30am Saturday for the summer. This will start Monday the 4th of November 2019 and continue into the New Year. Any urgent requirements or enquires please contact Jimmy Montgomery on 0417 370 138. #openinghours #summerchange #summeronly #elderscowra
15.01.2022 With all these storm clouds about, we have had 108mm in the rain gauge so far this week have you been under some of these storm clouds? Let us know in the comments below where you are & how much rain you have had this week to go into the draw to win yourself a FREE RAIN GAUGE to measure this seasons rainfall
14.01.2022 Elders Cowra and Virbac are bringing you Dr. Gordon Refshauge, David Trengove and Emily Fowler to discuss the importance of ewe management pre-joining. Wednesday 19th August 2020 7:30am - 9:30am Elders Cowra ... *Breakfast Included RSVP: Elders Cowra, 02 63498300 to secure your spot ** Due to the current environment RSVP is essential, a maximum of 20 can attend this event. ** #Virbac #intergrateOvastim #EldersInYourCorner #infomorning #PleaseRSVP
14.01.2022 CHECK OUT OUR DISPLAY NOW! ! Thank you to the students at Cowra Public School for adding to our bee box display. Drop in and read the very persuasive and creative letters to the farmers.. #bees #CPS #beeboxes #ecrotech #honey
14.01.2022 WIN, WIN, WIN **Entries close this week, 30/09/2019** Purchase any pack of Cydectin Long Acting Injection for Cattle and go into the draw to win. #virbacaustralia #BBQ #weberbabyQ #competition #elders
13.01.2022 REWARDS IN FARM SUPPLIES! ! Prepay with Elders before 30th June and receive a 4.5% per annum reward on future Farm Supplies purchases, contact your local Farm Supplies representative to find out more. T&Cs apply. https://eldersrural.com.au/farm-supplies/pre-payment-program #prepayment #EOFY #farmsupplies #rewards
13.01.2022 Make sure you check out our Autumn Catalogue for some great deals
13.01.2022 We hope you all have a wonderful weekend
13.01.2022 GRDC Greenethorpe Farming System Field Day ! ! 14th October 2020 @ Iandra Castle Entrance: Tyagong Hall Road, Greenethorpe Time: 9:30am - 11am, 12 - 1:30pm & 2pm - 3:30pm **BOOKING ESSENTIAL**... To register please follow the link, https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/grdc-greenethorpe-farming-s #EldersInYourCorner #fieldday #farmingsystem #GRDC See more
12.01.2022 The staff at Elders Cowra would like to wish you all a Merry Christmas and a safe and Happy New Year! ! ! Christmas Trading Hours, please take note as there are a few changes.. #santaiscoming #2020justaroundthecorner #merrychristmas #tradinghours
12.01.2022 Canowindra Spring Field Day Friday 18th October Starting at 9am Please see the map for directions to the different trial sites. Remember to RSVP by the 16th to Col McMaster for catering purposes.... #NSWDPI #GRDC #Pulseagronomy #Summercovercrops #Speakers See more
12.01.2022 The team at Elders Cowra would like to wish Luke a HAPPY 30TH BIRTHDAY ! ! #birthday #icecreamcake #morningtea
12.01.2022 Back by popular demand! ! ! Tru-Test Group Australia Advanced user Training - 10/12/2019 Topics covered will assist users to fully utilise the Tru-Test data management system. There are only 12 positions available for this workshop, so please RSVP before the 6/12/2019 to secure your spot. ... #remembertorsvp #trainingday #workshop #advanced #2ndworkshop See more
11.01.2022 Elders Cowra will be CLOSED tomorrow, Saturday the 25th of April for ANZAC Day. We will re-open with normal trading hours on Monday the 27th of April at 7:30am. #ANZAC2020 #Lestweforget #tradinghours #remember
11.01.2022 Looking to fine tune your Sheep Classing skills? Be sure to come along to the Elders Rural Services Yass Sheep Classing Workshop places are limited so get in early!
11.01.2022 Recent Spring rainfall = Summer forage oppotunities Contact your local Elders Cowra team to discuss all options, such as: - Jap Millet - Forage Sorghum... - Cow Peas - Corn ** Remember to get grain protection orders in for the chance to win a $400 Weed Seed resistance test kit. #EldersInYourCorner #summerforage #rainfall #eldersagronomy
11.01.2022 Get Set & Save with Elders Lock in your crop protection requirements with Elders in March to receive BONUS Eftpos cards OR a store credit speak to someone in store today!
10.01.2022 You are invited to join our profit-growing sheep webinar, weaning to drive reproduction and feed efficiency! ! Wednesday 22nd July @ 1pm ... #bayergrow #onlinewebinar #weaning #profitgrowing
09.01.2022 Luke had some hands on farm experience today vaccinating cattle. A big thanks to Rohan McKay for allowing this to happen. #lukethefarmer #cattlework #elderscowra #gettingoutandabout
09.01.2022 Not to late to grab yourself one a local snap by one of our own
08.01.2022 WARATAH REWARDS BUY - EARN POINTS - REDEEM PRIZES ** Limited Time Only ** #fencingpromo #rewardsprogram #waratahfencing
07.01.2022 LIFT THE BAR ON WEANER PROFITABILITY Thursday, 23rd April 7:30 pm Register Here: https://register.gotowebinar.com/regist/5558308761281310733... Elders Cowra and Virbac Australia Primary Producer invite you to our webinar focussing on improving the profitability and performance of your weaners. Guest speakers Rob Inglis and Dr Matt Ball will discuss the latest industry research and findings in weaner health and productivity as well as best practices for weaning cattle. *** Farmers in attendance will receive a $20 Coles Voucher with every Cattle LA 500ml purchased until the end of June with Elders.*** #weanerprofitability #virbac #infosession #guestspeakers #elderscowra
07.01.2022 CSIRO Farming Systems Field Walk Thursday 3rd October Iandra Castle 9:30am - 12noon Morning Tea and Lunch provided... RSVP to your local branch or Rod Kershaw- 0429455409 #NSWDPI #GRDC #wheatandcanola #legumes #graze #yield See more
06.01.2022 Rural Bank Prepare for EOFY with a Farm Management Deposit. With Rural Banks fixed and variable rate Farm Management Deposits (FMD), you can set aside pre-tax income from your profitable years to use in your not-so-good years. T&Cs apply. https://eldersrural.com.au/finservices/fmd-fmd-offset/ #ruralbank #FMD #EOFY
04.01.2022 HAPPY FRIDAY! With a bumper harvest just around the corner, grain protection has never been more important! If you are planning on storing grain on farm this season contact the team at Elders Cowra to discuss options to best suit your needs. ** If you place an order for grain protection products before the 15th of November 2020 you will go in the draw to win a Weed Seed Resistance Test Kit valued at over $400!!! **... *Full Terms and Conditions available on request from Elders Cowra #EldersInYourCorner #grainprotection #harvest2020 #storage #winnerwinnerchickendinner
03.01.2022 Elders Cowra Easter Trading Hours: Friday 10/04 - CLOSED Saturday 11/04 - CLOSED Sunday 12/04 - CLOSED Monday 13/04 - CLOSED... **For any urgent requirements please call or text Jimmy Montgomery on 0417 370 138. Enjoy a safe and relaxing break ! !
03.01.2022 OPENING HOURS, effective as of Monday 23rd March: Monday to Friday - 7:30am to 5pm Saturday - 8:30am to 12noon Sunday - Closed ... #updatehours #eldersrural #opening
02.01.2022 Check out the Spring Catalogue ONLINE! ! You have until the 25th of September to get your hands on some great deals. #elderscowra #EldersInYourCorner #bargins #springpromo
02.01.2022 WIN $10,000 towards your next FAMILY HOLIDAY . . . All you need to do is purchase $500 of Tama Australia Crop Packaging products in 1 transaction and fill in the online form before the 29th of November! ! #farmgrowsolutions #familyholidays #croppackaging #tama
01.01.2022 Front page of the Cowra Guardian, Agronomist Peter Watt. #goodasitgets #rainfall #croppingseason #elderscowra #inyourcorner
01.01.2022 Elders Cowra Agronomists Peter Watt and Mitch Dwyer have been busy trialling all the new pre emergent products coming onto the market soon. Stay tuned for more infomation on trial walks and data #eldersrural #eldersagronomy #preemergentherbicides #EldersInYourCorner
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