Elements of Life in Avalon, New South Wales, Australia | Mental health service
Elements of Life
Locality: Avalon, New South Wales, Australia
Phone: +61 2 9918 0320
Address: 16 Old Barrenjoey Road 2107 Avalon, NSW, Australia
Website: http://www.elementsoflifeavalon.com.au
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25.01.2022 This from a beautiful man yesterday. Miracles are happening, tingles going through my entire body. Tears coming to my eyes because this is so profound. Everything we’ve been working on, came to fruition.... I was so lost, in kill mode. Now I am totally unafraid. I had thought initially, I should see a man. I was wrong. I have presence. I feel enlightened. So comfortable inside myself. Thankyou I hear this often around the 5th session. As much as his gratitude is focused on me, I know simply that he had suffered enough and was ready to change. That’s all there is to it.
24.01.2022 Cancelation Monday 29th at 11.00. First in, less stressed. Only availability next week.
24.01.2022 With a little help from my friends, The first Immersion Session for Men, Will be held in Sacred Space.... Our focus will be Letting Go of all not Divinely Designed. Limited places available. The offering will be ongoing monthly. All men must have begun or completed the Work. Only eight. This incredible image will be available...
23.01.2022 Powerful Wednesday place just came up for you. Tomorrow 9:30. First in, less stressed.
23.01.2022 Over this past year I have had the privilege of sitting with some extraordinary beings. In fact over all the years of my practice many have embodied the Work so completely they have become my best publicity. In readiness for 2021 I will be offering 10 places for training to become a practitioner/facilitator for The Elements of Life.... This most sacred work begins with a five day intensive training in my home. The apprenticeship then begins and continues for a year. The purest Energy of The Work draws to itself a profoundly unique and individual path. Upon completion an accreditation and business model will be provided. An area, of your own choosing will be allocated to practice. You will have access to me as you grow into your role. It must be your Purpose and Passion. These Lifeskills, as many of you know are profound and life changing when practiced consistently. As you are reading this, you will know if it is to you I am speaking. I have come to realise the power of these tools are ready consciously to be shared and absorbed now. Should you feel drawn to contact me, please feel free. Readiness is imperative. Deepening is assured. Reward for energy well spent is promised. Peace and Love to you all xxx
23.01.2022 Thankyou. This has been, without a doubt my busiest and deepest week in practice for 30 years. Every single soul making their way down my path may have felt heavier on approach. As they each learn to Let Go of everything that is not divinely designed for them an incredible lightness in their being is accessible.... For many, it is the first time that they have ever felt a pathway to peace. Each morning I look so forward to holding this sacred space as I witness their unburdening. Life is in fact easier when more simply lived. This is my work. Only one spot available. Thursday 11 at 11. Feels auspicious.
21.01.2022 Our Work together is clear. A mindful, chosen moment toward joy. All of us have an emotional component. These feelings are a window to our souls yearning.... This Energy in motion, has traditionally been labeled feminine. Men have often disallowed, suppressed or felt ashamed of this integral part of their being. We move now, more easily to, a Loving Allowance. When I began practice, men would often say, I just don’t know how I feel. It has been many years since I found this the norm. Our Blueprint presents Seven Sacred opportunities to establish foundational clarity. There are only four Truth Tellers. There are only four skills necessary to align with them. All of our Work leads consistently to one conclusion. It is so simple, yet not always easy to accept. Every single client says, if only I had known... However, it is only when one has suffered enough, that they are ready to change. Then it becomes my business. Are you ready? This week totally booked. Wednesday following, two spots. Looking so forward xxx
21.01.2022 Anyone Can Be winter holiday Playshop. Mindfulness, Meditation with an equal measure of shake it off. Watching and hearing Indigo work is transcendent. Purpose and Passion Contribution and Service ... Mother Loving Next Generation of Me Anyone can Be See more
20.01.2022 Fully booked this week. Thankyou for supporting the Work. Such a privilege to walk with you all on your journey. It’s a long and winding road.... We are now able to approach Life with tools, which when applied daily, always work. I truly Love being able to say that. Please have a mindful, peaceful and restorative day. Let Go of that not Divinely Designed for you. Tune In to only what is. Practice being all you are and wish to be. Use Money, Time, Energy and Love to be free. Peace is a choice.
20.01.2022 Spot now available for you this Thursday 9.30. Finest connection.
19.01.2022 Two cancelations this week Tuesday and Wednesday at 9.30. Otherwise 10 day wait. First in, Less stressed.
19.01.2022 The Truth will, actually, set you free. Your truth belongs to no other, nor is dependent upon another to feel or lean into. It is actually a sacred birthright.... All that is necessary are these questions. If I feel deeply, what would I say? If I feel deeply, what would I change? If I feel deeply, what would I choose? These are impactful questions with quite clear answers. The only thing then is to sculpt a life aligned with your answers. This may feel tricky or overwhelming. If this is the case, please allow me to help. The Elements of Life assist you to navigate and negotiate your life from a place of clarity and power. Are you ready? Peace xxx
18.01.2022 Very honoured to be included within this group of powerful women. The possibilities abound as we begin to create a more inclusive new world. Contribution and Service.
16.01.2022 The essence of Elements of Life has recently been captured. I have been working with an Alchemist. The olfactory system is truly one we may count on. Yin and Yang has found balance. Earthing is activated.... A truly uplifting yet grounding synergy. My Practitioner/Facilitators shall be ordained into a life of Contribution and Service with it. Every component exquisitely and organically sourced. Conscious collection. Feeling Blessed.
16.01.2022 When we arrive into Life we are gifted a body. What if, at the sapling centre of every single cell in that body, it already knows precisely and exactly what you came for. Only a few weeks until the initiates begin their apprenticeship. I have told each of them that it is not they who have chosen the work, but actually, the Work that has chosen them.... It has seemingly taken on a Life of it’s very own through people aligned with finding a more Simply Sacred System. Tuning in through the body, listening to the messages it sends and taking action with a Loving Allowance. Your Love Language has already been chosen. It speaks authentically and truthfully, whether you choose to listen or not. When you listen you are well, contented and flowing. When you don’t feel deserving of such simplicity, you will ignore, block or medicate. And yes, it really is that simple. Do you feel worthy? Are you deserving? Are you loveable completely as you are? Of course, the answer is, yes. You just haven’t told your self yet. Looking forward to whenever you feel ready. Peace xxx
15.01.2022 As humanity’s only chance of survival moves us, ever so gently, to release the grip of capitalism and control, we are left with the sure realisation, Contribution and Service is the only natural way forward. Many, if not most of my clients have already sensed the essence of what I have based my practice on for 30 years. Now, more than ever fundamental community and familial ethics and values are being etched anew.... Everything we thought we were and would become is being questioned. Our motivations are now completely defining us. What an extraordinary Time to be alive. As we Let Go of all that simply does not work anymore, We can only Tune In to what does. Practicing all we are Divinely Designed to be is simple yet still somehow, not easy. Learning connection through Hypnotic is key. Choose your partner, let’s dance. We are in for one heaven of a ride. Life Skills to Navigate and Negotiate available here. Fully booked this week, however next awaits. Peace xxx
15.01.2022 First in, less stressed. Find out what you came for.
15.01.2022 Rarely these days do I post midweek, however, I am working mostly with men, and women who really need to hear this. Your superpower, actually, is accessed mainly by what you do not do. Those of you who have been with me this week know precisely what I speak of. These seem to be very important times to define your selves. Please Let Go.... Tune In, you all know by now how to do this. And finally practice who you are and wish to be. These are extraordinary times. Please allow, you are allowed.
14.01.2022 Wow Elementals. Thankyou for your support of my fresh new Spiritual Directorship work. I am, in one way blown away by your readiness, and in another recognise and acknowledge, that of course we are all ready to grow together. The work however, never ceases to amaze me.... And that is a good thing. A very good thing. See more
12.01.2022 Many of us have encountered a deep state within ourselves recently. My purpose and passion is working with these people. These are incredibly powerful Times of change.... The way we value Money is about to realign. Our Energy will become way more authentic. And finally, we shall value Love above all else. We have chosen well.
12.01.2022 This from one of my Soul Sisters. Highly recommended.
11.01.2022 These are extraordinary times. This man has been my guru for my entire professional life. I have had the privilege of meeting him. I had forgotten how entirely aligned we are until today. It is not my practice to recommend anything, as I have always known that that which is Divinely Designed for you finds its way there.... This is simply an offering. Many of you will recognise much of myself within. Please enjoy xxx
11.01.2022 Let there be light. Please join me as you find your beautiful self.
09.01.2022 This one phrase absolutely sums up the Work. We may waste Money, Time, Energy and Love searching for that which we may never find. Contentment, calm and clarity reside, snuggled softly within each and every fibre of your being.... We move together only toward this, by unfolding the layers of paper selves, arrival is assured. These times call upon us to remember all we are and wish to be. Such a delight.
09.01.2022 Before, and then after the Work. This is my promise to you.
08.01.2022 I have just had the privilege of holding a deeply Sacred Space for my inaugural Men on Monday Immersion group. These men have completed the Work and felt the need for consistency and an ongoing practice. The power of a small exchange was significant.... The understanding of shared challenges. The deepening of the vow and commitment to self, Soul, psyche and cells. An incredibly beautiful representation of all it can mean to stand in your power, as a man. And from that sturdy trusted place, to explore, experience and express more ease in day to day Life. Thankyou to each one of you. I feel truly blessed. Looking so forward to March 15. 9.00-11.00 $250 A few spots remaining if you feel ready. Peace is my promise x
08.01.2022 The Elements of Life Works process has led literally thousands of people now toward Tuning in. This session allows one the grace and dignity of choice within all matters. Your feelings ultimately are your choice.... This past week the clients speak to the fact that they have never experienced such a deep sense of peace. That is ultimately The Work. Three spots available next week to begin. Are you ready?
08.01.2022 Feeling to send a gentle shoutout to my protégé, Indigo Hunt@anyonecanbe. Truly inspired results as you continue your Contribution and Service with the next generation of us. Elements of Lifeskills for children. Sacred Space Holding is an extraordinary gift.... Thankyou for all that you bring and all that you are. Bookings available now. 4-14.
07.01.2022 What is power? Where does it come from? Is it ours to choose or is it chosen for us? In my professional life the most profound work I do is assisting clients to move completely and entirely into their power.... Recognising that one acquiesces between seemingly elusive glimpses of this and the complete handing over of it, only to blame another as they feel lonely, isolated, unloved and uncared for. We seem so easily able to grasp the power of nature. Her ability to create and destroy is somehow acceptable. That we could be that, in human form, a little more difficult to integrate. Yet, the power of love, of fear, of anger are all felt. So often discarded as insignificant. Each cell in your body, has residing reliably at its centre, a sapling, a matter remembering precisely what you came for. Over the course of a life, opportunities and challenges, profound punctuators and perfectly placed people, open doorways to your remembering that. This includes the ones you incarnated through. You are, in fact, powerful, beyond measure. Each one of you holds a chord of the universe, meaning, one song. If you do not play it, it is left unplayed. The song is incomplete, left wanting and waiting. Those who choose Elements of Life are no longer content with a life half lived, explored, experienced and expressed. The groundswell is growing. One hundred Practitioner/Facilitators wil be trained worldwide. Ten have been chosen and begin their initiation April 1st. Thirty years to the day, this work was born. A year long apprenticeship follows. Each will bring their beautiful cells, souls and psyches. And so it begins. That day I lay this body of work at their feet. The next thirty years will be a blessing to behold.
07.01.2022 Our work together will, always, begin with aligning your life to your sense of worthiness and values. These are the Profound Punctuators that will determine and dictate precisely how one navigates and negotiates their journey home to themselves. It is this relationship to the cells, soul, psyche and ultimately self that one projects onto others.... There is a map, a Blueprint. It is infallible, it always works. I awoke this morn to three private messages of Gratitude, Awareness and Unconditional Love. I have been truly blessed to breathe life into these Elements. Please reach out if you feel to join us. Only You will know when you have suffered enough and are ready to change. And change is assured. A movement toward all that you are and wish to be.
06.01.2022 There is a lot to say about simplicity. This may feel like a contradiction, however, it is actually the essence of everything. When we over complicate, we overwhelm. And it is that simple.... At the heart of everything is Peace, and Peace sits quietly within you, simply waiting. My symbol for three decades has never changed and it never will. Although the Work has definitely deepened with me. At the core of each exquisite individual part of life who sits before me, there is something that they have each shared. There is a very simple flow of life force, when accessed reveals every answer to every question you may have ever had. The answer is no one else’s. It is really that simple. Peace.
06.01.2022 This beautiful week. Please consider this for the next generation of you.
05.01.2022 This is what we came for. There is nothing learned from smooth sailing. As we acknowledge, assimilate and accept the tools to assist as we traverse, navigate and negotiate our chosen journey, Life becomes.... The path is clear once we Let Go of all we are not. Tune In to ALL we are. Practice daily, our Perfect Self Expression. And Connect eternally through Hypnotic. Only one session remaining next week. Are you with me?
04.01.2022 The moments in my practice where I am moved to tears are numerous. Being with ones in loss and grief, and assisting as they navigate and negotiate that path, of course. However, the truly heartbreaking times, and they are numerous, are when the person sitting before me realises that they have never felt unconditionally loved.... Almost every song, poem and play is created or built around understanding this often elusive construct. Therefore we are wired to seek it out? No. Love actually is the stuff of the universe. It is precisely where we came from, and it is where we shall all return. Nothing is not Love, or a way toward it by experiencing contrast, thereby discerning for ourselves. When Love is explored, experienced and expressed, there is always peace and healing. My clients pay me to love them back to themselves. It is simple and sacred. Therapy means change. It is not complicated, it is powerful. Every moment is a celebration of this heavenly essence. It sits in the sapling cell of every incarnation. It is never not there. As we walk around in circles and suppose, the secret sits in the centre and knows. Today, and all of the days, I wish you Love xxx
04.01.2022 Cancelation just came up for this Friday at 11.00. First in, less stressed.
03.01.2022 Over this past little while, as my vision for the Work expands and broadens, something quite remarkable has happened. Our practice focuses so much on Contribution and Service, and so the Energy pillar has manifested some extraordinary and incredible souls wishing to support this growth. You know who you are, you know what you bring, and be sure within your selves this would not be happening without you. Our world needs only to reconcile itself with Seven Sacred things.... Our practice only needs to encompass four skills. It is Simple, sometimes not easy, work. Arrival, if practiced, is guaranteed. To the foundational members already signed up, you are the ones holding the beginning of this movement. There is Time, as others feel called. Everything is in perfect Time. There will now be three facilitator training courses next year. Retreats will be offered. Groups have asked to begin. For this I am so Grateful xxx
03.01.2022 There is simply something that happens when one is Grateful. Something just shifts on a cellular level. Your body, is the barometer of your feelings. These feelings, are not only always right, they also link you directly to your right path.... My Work allows you to connect to the gratitude of all you are, have been, and wish to be. As I sat with one today, whose father has passed, the final words they shared resonated deeply into his cells. Transformation happened. For this we are so grateful. Thankyou for those already signed up for practioner/ facilitator training next year. To those of you contemplating readiness, Thankyou. For the other 14 who are moving that way. There is no rush, it is a sacred calling. And you will know...
03.01.2022 For this Work I am so grateful.
02.01.2022 Over this past month, my practice has touched often upon the truth that, YOUR WORD IS YOUR WAND. Of course, this begins with the essential and connecting Elements of Life breath, then rests within the sure realisation that within circumstance, often out of our control, resides the sacred nature of our word. It is our second superpower.... When travelled through our feelings, our words hold such power. As we Let Go of the superfluous ones, Tune In to the majesty of our pure mind, our practice becomes only Perfect Self Expression. This is what we came for. I have a Thursday morning spot for you x Peace.
01.01.2022 Well, well, well, what an incredible response to my offering. I am deeply immersed in preparation for your Sacred experience with the Essential Work. What a privilege and an honour to have an opportunity to share, show and shine light on my life’s work with you all. Along with the essence of practice, there will also be a philosophy opened to you, answering many questions our journey brings. No philosophers stone shall be left unturned.... Meeting times available for you. Contribution and Service like no other awaits. Welcome Home.
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