Elevate Me Kinesiology in Cheltenham, Victoria | Medical and health
Elevate Me Kinesiology
Locality: Cheltenham, Victoria
Phone: +61 402 448 898
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25.01.2022 This stunning bark offers protection from the harsh cruelties of the world; while within there is an intricate system and energetic flow. Trees renew from within and there is sacred wisdom for humankind in this. Our healing and renewal also occurs from within. We can mask our discomfort with distractions such as alcohol, food, shopping , gambling etc. But unless we acknowledge our emotions, they will keep reoccurring and can cause disharmony within the body . Kinesiology sessions offer a safe space to release repressed emotions. Book in with me to experience a shift . Im available Tuesdays and Thursdays. #energyhealing #kinesiology #presentmoment #protection #selflove #energywork #transformation #shift #mentalhealth #emotions #connection #awareness #calmyourmind #gratitude #alignment #allowyourselftofeel #surrender #flow
25.01.2022 I took this photo on Christmas day 2018. There were many blurry shots before this one , but somehow everything aligned and I ended up with a crystal clear image of this beautiful on some parsley in my mums garden. This is a bit like life really- you try something and when it works out it catapults you high above the clouds . But when things dont work out, its easy to feel deflated and lose confidence. The key as we know , is to dust yourself off and keep trying. Somet...imes we feel stuck and we dont know why. Often it can be because of our subconscious mind which is like a hard drive where our memories, belief systems and behaviour patterns are stored. In a Kinesiology session , we access the subconscious mind using muscle reflex testing and specific questioning to identify energy imbalances. By clearing these imbalances, energy flow is restored in the body, which promotes physical, emotional and spiritual health. Why not make the most out of your life this brand new year? If youre curious to find out how kinesiology can help you ,contact me for more information #energyhealing #kinesiology #melbournekinesiology #practitioner #selflove #wellbeing #shiftingenergy #feelbetter #selflove #transformation #courage #hope #growth #selfawareness #subconsciousmind #reachforthestars #guidance #selfresponsibility #connection #spirituality #lovelife #challengeyourself #growthmindset #createyourreality #heal #release #ladybug #nature #inwiththenew See more
24.01.2022 Feeling a little under the weather today , so Im enjoying some afternoon sun with my furry companion. Even though you may want to keep goi ng, your body says no . So Show yourself enough love and care to slow down , rest and recover. #selflove #selfcare #rest #recovery #heal #energyhealing #sunshine #listentoyourbody #soul #consciousness #presentmoment #intune #kinesiology #joy #slowdown #burmesecats
23.01.2022 As I walked past this bright little pop of colour, I felt joy. Just a little flower that used all its might to push past boundaries and inspire others along the way too. When was the last time you pushed past your boundaries and tried something new ? Maybe a dance class , yoga, a new exercise regime, traveling to a new destination, or even a change of career? The possibilities are endless! However, sometimes our everyday routines and chores can leave us feeling stuck and ...less than joyous. In a Kinesiology session, we can explore habitual patterns and self limiting beliefs that may keep you feeling stuck . Through Kinesiology, you can start to experience a new perspective on life and set yourself on a path of more freedom and joy #popofcolour #joy #selflove #selfawareness #selfbelief #perspective #energyhealing #melbournekinesiology #transformation #alignment #connection #love #emotionalhealthmatters #mentalhealth #gratitude #holistichealth #mindfulness #liveyourbestlife #abundance #soulwork #kinesiology See more
22.01.2022 I saw this post recently and it reminded me to once again stop and acknowledge the present moment . I finally picked up my Diploma in Kinesiology this week, after more than two and half years of study , which was something that seemed so distant during my studies. Yet here I am today, fully qualified as a Kinesiologist . So, Im taking the time today to appreciate my achievements and to remind you all to do the same right as you are now . Having said that , if you have a ...goal you would like to achieve , a Kinesiology session may be just what you need to uncover what may be holding you back ! Im available Mondays and Thursdays for sessions contact me if you would like to know more #presentmoment #purpose #meaningfulconnection #energyhealing #healingenergy #heartspace #diploma #goalsetting #inspiration #clinicspace #practitioner #achieveyourdreams #kinesiology #emotionalhealth #gratitude #reflection #soulwork #growth #selflove #heal #rootcause @ Cheltenham, Victoria
22.01.2022 Divine Intervention You may feel frustrated because something stalls or comes to a standstill. Progress seems painfully slow. Yet this is a blessing- it is divine intervention at work. When the timing is in perfect harmony all will come to fruition. From "Healing Energy Cards" by Toni Carmine Salerno and the crystal "Galena" -a grounding and balancing stone helping to transmute negative energy to uplifting energy #divineintervention #thirdeyeawakening #shiftingenergy #wingsuplifted #healing #seekthetruth #paradigmshift #quiet #silence #open #receive #surrender #courage #acceptance #awareness #kinesiologist #energyhealer #ancestralhealing #intention #listen #payattention #theuniversehasyourback #newbeginnings #grace #gratitude #selflove #resonance #heartspace #shiftingenergy #messagesfromtheuniverse #melbournekinesiology
21.01.2022 If you need a safe space to release, shift and emerge with a new perspective, Kinesiology can help . Even though our sessions are online for now , we still create an ambience together. #gratitude #warmth #connection #soulsong #kinesiology #energyhealing #shiftingenergy #heal #soulwork #magnetic #prosperity #create #alchemise #newparadigm #possibilities #higherfrequencies
21.01.2022 We always hear about the importance of expressing gratuitude , but did you know that you can positively impact those around you by simply tuning in to the feeling of gratitude in your heart ? The heart’s magnetic field, which is the strongest rhythmic field produced by the human body, not only envelops every cell of the body, but also extends out in all directions into the space around us. The heart’s magnetic field can be measured several feet away from the body by sensitive... magnetometers. (Source: heart math.org) In other words, when you express and feel gratitude, you radiate an energy , which not only benefits you, but also those you come into contact with And the more we express gratitude, the more we find to be grateful for Even more reasons to make gratuitude a daily practice Today, I was very grateful to have an hour alone in my home after many months of everyone being home 24/7 If you are having trouble tuning into gratitude , which is understandable and ok , you might need a little Kinesiology tune up. DM if this resonates to find out more #kinesiology #energyhealing #practitioner #healingenergy #shiftingenergy #heartspace #soulsong #melbournekinesiology #intuitivehealing #gratitude #warmth #connection #higherfrequencies #newparadigm #possibilities #presentmoment #integration #creation #prosperity #electromagneticfrequencies #heartresonance #emotionalhealth #mentalhealth #wellbeing
19.01.2022 I havent spent this much time with my son since before he went to school. Yes we butt heads , yes he can be disagreeable , yes I miss my own time and am exhausted, but what a gift this has been. An opportunity to re connect . What are some of the positives to come out of this time for you? #connection #family #love #parenting #payattention #surrender #heartspace #heartopener #awareness #kinesiology #practitioner #shiftingenergy #energyhealing #thirdeyeawakening #speaklife #naturesheals #tunein #middlepath #peacewithin #emotionalhealth
19.01.2022 https://www.facebook.com/347117121603/posts/10155484158251604/
18.01.2022 Be mindful of your thoughts , show love and kindness to yourself Regram @tinybuddhaofficial #forgiveyourself #heal #selflove #energyhealing #gratitude
17.01.2022 Followed my nose today during lunch and it led me to these beauties #rosespirit #plantwisdom #spirituality #connection #lovevibration #healingenergy #selflove #energywork #gratitude #flow #innerguidance #kinesiologymelbourne #kinesiology #shift #growth
17.01.2022 My cats love being in my treatment room whether Im studying or seeing a client . (Only if ok with the client of course! ) They love energy work and are so in tune. Its been 2.5 years since I started this course and yes Im still going . On top of 24 weekend unit classes , we have had 15 Home Study Units , 50 hours of supervised clinic hours and 150 mentored hours. Its been intense and less than easy at times to persevere. But now as Im approaching the end , I know its... been well worth it and I have a rewarding career ahead of me . Having regular balances myself definitely kept me going too . So when you chose to see a PKP Kinesiologist, you can rest assured that you are in good hands . Weve put in the hours and are ready to facilitate your healing and growth #pkpkinesiology #icpkp #kinesiologyconnection #energyhealing #kinesiology #selflove #selfcare #gratitude #reflection #awareness #empowerment #transformation #alignment #connection #rewardingwork #loveyourwork #discipline #perseverance #diolomaofkinesiology @ Cheltenham, Victoria See more
17.01.2022 Is the path that you are walking aligned with your soul ? Does it make you feel alive and on purpose ? Many of us go through life in robot mode , performing tasks, ticking off to do lists and seeking pleasure externally . It takes courage and strength to sit still and listen to what you may be avoiding or need to address. A Kinesiology session can help unlock your soul, so that you can embody your true self and live with presence and ignition. Contact me if this resonates... with you My clinic days are Mon, Thu and opening soon at a new location on Saturday afternoons. Stay tuned Photo credit @onesoul_yoga #kinesiologymelbourne #healingenergy #energyhealing #shiftingenergy #balance #soulwork #presence #alignment #emotionalhealth #release #headspace #igniteyoursoul #mindyourthoughts #livetrue #coherence #joy #connection #practitioner #facilitator #awareness #vibrationalmedicine #vulnerability #couragetobeseen #selflove #healingvibes #gratitude #melbournekinesiology See more
16.01.2022 Some awareness for your day We often go about our days on automatic pilot . Try pausing for a moment and setting an intention; it can make the world of difference to your day #consciousliving #awareness #energyhealing #presentmoment #selfawareness #selfhealing #selflove #energywork #transformation #release #emotions #melbournekinesiology
16.01.2022 Sometimes, you are travelling along fine, your days are easy and kind. Then out of the blue, something happens and you feel triggered. Old emotions , behaviour patterns and beliefs start to resurface. There are many reasons that this occurs, but I have often found, it is because healing from pain or trauma occurs in stages. It may be beliefs that your subconscious has stored from your childhood , or an emotion from a recent argument that gets stored in your body causin...g disharmony. Your body, mind and soul are all interconnected and you are a living wonder. You CAN return to a state of joy, peace and equilibrium, with the right tools, conditions and sometimes a little help from a facilitator. This is where Kinesiology can help. In Kinesiology, we use muscle testing (a biofeedback system) to tap into the subconscious, to assess where your body may be holding onto stress on a emotional, mental, chemical, physical or spiritual level. We can then ascertain what you need, to return to a state of health and equilibrium and create a fresh new state to be If this resonates, reach out for a free 15 minute phone consult , to connect and chat more #energyhealing #shiftingenergy #kinesiology #heartspace #joy #connection #freedom #facilitator #empowerment #emotionalhealth #mentalhealth #softness #wellbeing #alchemise #newparadigm #gratitude #limitlesspossibilities #creation #integration #healingenergy #prosperity #presentmoment #integration #subconscious #triggers #intuitivehealing #waterelement #melbournekinesiology #creation
15.01.2022 Vibrancy and Clarity Moments of clarity in everyday life. A reminder to evaluate where you are placing your focus, time and energy. ... Is it in alignment with your soul? A good measure of alignment is how you feel in the moment. Does it make your heart feel free, clear and vibrant ? Or the opposite? It may be time to take those steps you are being guided to #vibrationalhealing #vibrancy #clarity #coherence #gratitude #connection #kinesiology #energyhealing #wellbeing #shiftingenergy #guidance #innerstillness #higherperspectives #message #possibilities #presentmoment #alignment #listen #integration #useyourvoice #throatchakra #intuitivehealing #creation
15.01.2022 Healing from pain and suffering occurs in stages. Often we think we are done with a particular trigger, pattern or belief, only to have it resurface. This indicates that there is further healing required. Sometimes its the shadow aspects of our personalities that we have denied, but have persisted and urge to be seen, acknowledged and released. We may not have had the capacity to deal with the pain when it first occurred and therefore, we turn to habitual ways of managing... pain and suffering. It can be less than easy to identify and understand our triggers, but this process helps us heal and learn how to cope and respond better. Kinesiology also works wonders for this. Contact me if you are interested in learning more about yourself . #selfacceptance #healing #selflove #gratitude #shadowwork #youareenough #mentalhealth #kinesiology #energyhealing #heartspace #alchemy #transformation #release #surrender #consciousness #selfawareness #presentmoment #gratitude #colourfulfeathers See more
13.01.2022 Ive had this book of 365 daily meditations for many years now as you can tell by its well loved cover . It is a book by Eileen Caddy , which gives simple daily insights , based on love, joy and gratitude. Its perennial and I often find through the years I receive different messages from the same passage. Todays guidance resonated with me , it may also with you . Its such a great little book to have by your bed or in your bookcase, to refer to whenever you need. Its still available online . Wishing you all a peaceful day #gratitude #presentmoment #energyhealing #spirituality #melbournekinesiology #kinesiology #selflove #selfcare #love #uplifting #soulwork #reassurance #nurturing #mentalhealth #keepgoing @ Cheltenham, Victoria
13.01.2022 How is your heart today? Are you saying Im ok when you are really not ? Maybe you are used to functioning this way, because it feels like its too much to bear. Maybe you have been hurt and find it hard to be vulnerable, or as a male you were taught not to show emotion ? I feel that now, more than ever we need human connection and understanding. Tell someone how you really are, write in a journal or let nature hold you. Suppressed emotions can create all kinds of havoc... in the body, which is also why so many find Kinesiology helpful, in creating a positive shift. #kinesiology #heartopener #healingenergy #heartspace #connection #understanding #peacewithin #allabouttheheart #softness #soulwork #practitioner #presentmoment #express #release #awareness #emotionalhealth #mentalhealth #perspective #purpose #meaningfulconnections #mensemotions
12.01.2022 Leading up to Greek Easter this week , I thought it the perfect opportunity to encourage my family to go meat free for a week . Its less than easy to find meals that we all enjoy as I dont like meat, so I have mostly have just cooked to suit the needs of my family. This led to me neglecting myself , often snacking on nuts, chocolate ( & rum ) , rather than eating a nourishing meal . Recently I was hospitalized with diverticulitis, (inflammation of the gut) and I was... forced to reassess everything in my life. This included my relationship with food and denying myself the nourishment I needed to replenish my body, mind and soul. Anyway !! Im happy to report that both my children and myself enjoyed the stuffed mushrooms that I made above for lunch . My son ( who can live on pasta and whitebread) even had two !! #nutrition #healyourgut #nourishment #nourishyoursoul #peace #foodasmedicine #selfcare #selflove #energyhealing #kinesiology #calmwithin #familymeals #love #mentalhealth #selfawareness #reassess #selfhealing #consciousness #heartspace #authenticity #presentmoment #releaseyourpain #forgiveness #wellbeing #gratitude #growth See more
12.01.2022 Are you looking for ways to increase your self care ? Why not consider Kinesiology ? Time just for you, to help you realign, have more clarity and live with greater ease DM me for a free 15 minute ph consult to find out more #kinesiologymelbourne #kinesiology #practitioner #selfcare #energyhealing #selflove #presentmoment #selfawareness #alignment #heartspace #heal #release #shift #gratitude #createalifeyoulove #evolve #grow #bekindtoyourself #fillyourcup #clinicspace #peacefulvibes #holdingspace
12.01.2022 I have completed all my contact hours for my Diploma in Kinesiology, but I still have some home studies and unit theory to complete . I remember feeling overwhelmed by the amount of time it was going to take to complete the course about two years ago. I also remember reading a quote that said something like "Dont worry about the time it will take, the time will pass anyway". And it is so true . I can 100% vouch for this when I was contemplating returning to study and a car...eer change . Im not saying its easy but it definitely has been worth it even just for my own personal growth . A Kinesiology session can help you achieve your goals and bring awareness to what may be holding you back. Book a session with me to experience a shift #selfhealing #energyhealing #wellbeing #goals #growth #transformation #melbournekinesiology #kinesiology #release #empowered #shift #achieveyourdreams See more
11.01.2022 My clinic space- feeling fresh and warm today ready for some healing . So what is Kinesiology ? Kinesiology is a non invasive modality, which uses muscle reflex testing and specific questioning to access the subconscious mind. Our subconscious mind is like a hard drive, where memories, belief systems and behaviour patterns are stored. Kinesiology can help detect and clear energy blockages using natural healing methods to help you achieve optimum levels of health and wellbe...ing. My clinic days are M & Thu contact me to book in, if there are areas of your life you would like clarity on or to shift some old energy that is no longer serving you #kinesiologymelbourne #emotionalhealth #energyhealing #shiftingenergy #facilitator #practitioner #presentmoment #selfawareness #energywork #gratitude #love #emotionalhealthmatters #wellbeing #selflove #selfcare #heartspace #consciousness #authenticity #connection #purpose #servicetoothers See more
10.01.2022 Remember to find moments throughout your day to reclaim your peace and calm. I find it less than easy to meditate sitting down, but can automatically switch off in nature . Find what works for you and practice often. Once you know that space it becomes easier to return , regardless of external circumstances. #grace #pelicans #sunset #bayside #quietmoments #innerpeace #everythingisenergy #heartspace #meditationinmotion #kinesiologymelbourne #presence #resonance #calmthemind #peacewithin #selflove #healingenergy #frequency #real
09.01.2022 Even though there is so much going on externally , there is always a solace you can find within. This is what the last few months have taught me. I can't control what's going on "out there", but I can find comfort and learn about me, when I turn within. And at times I have found sadness, anger, anxiety, despair and loneliness, but I have learnt to allow it all. Slowly you begin to trust yourself more and become comfortable with the uncomfortable. There are so many practic...es to help you find solace within. I love to practice breathwork , yoga and being out in nature. I also have an abundance of tools, I have learnt through Kinesiology, that I use daily to help shift my energy, as well having sessions with other therapists. It's ok to feel like you're on a roller-coaster right now and I wanted to share my experience in case it helped another soul too. Of course I'm also available for Kinesiology sessions, which are back to online for now. Book via the link in my bio or contact me direct for a suitable time. Artist: Elena Khomoutova #gratitude #warmth #connection #soulsong #soulcleanse #innerstillness #higherfrequencies #lightcodes #intuitivehealing #authenticity #spaceholder #heartspace #healingenergy #shiftingenergy #heal #soulwork #seeds #selfcare #presentmoment #create #mentalhealth #kinesiology #energyhealing #softness #newparadigm
09.01.2022 Remember to find moments throughout your day to reclaim your peace and calm. I find it less than easy to meditate sitting down, but can automatically switch off in nature . Find what works for you and practice often. Once you know that space it becomes easier to return , regardless of external circumstances. #grace #pelicans #sunset #bayside #quietmoments #innerpeace #everythingisenergy #heartspace #meditationinmotion #kinesiologymelbourne #presence #resonance #calmthemind #peacewithin #selflove #healingenergy #frequency #real #slowdown #showupforyourself
08.01.2022 Its the little things that matter right ? A small gesture to can make a huge difference to someones day. Take the time to connect with someone today @groundskeeper3192 #anythingchocolateisgood #mindfulness #littlethings #connection #mentalhealth #sunshine #energyhealing #emotionalintelligence #allowyourselftofeel #selflove #presentmoment #selfawareness #gratitude #kinesiology #holistichealth
06.01.2022 Your heart must become a sea of love. Your mind must become a river of detachment. Sri Chimnoy #rewrite #enlightenment #vibration #vibrationalhealing #innerpeace #void #stillness #detachment #create #limitless #action #consciousness #connection #energyhealing #kinesiologymelbourne #heartspace #intuitivehealing
06.01.2022 On my morning walk , I felt grateful as I normally do . But I also felt restricted which I have never felt before. Im not going to express my opinion on what is happening and I respect that we are all processing and understanding this in our own way . What I do know and will express is that we all have an energetic body as well as a physical body . What we emit can benefit everyone at this time. So I chose love and peace as I looked out into the bay . Im also very exc...ited to announce that I am now moving my sessions online . Everything is energy Energy is not limited to space and time. How many times have you thought of someone and they contacted you or crossed your path in some way ? The same applies to an energy healing session; we dont need to be in the same room for you to receive the benefits. I will, as always, be a conduit for healing energy , that will help you process what you need to . From my heart to yours. Im available on Mondays and Thursdays for sessions, so if you would like to shift whatever is going on for you, contact me #practitioner #healingenergy #shiftingenergy #kinesiology #melbourne #onlinehealing #kinesiologymelbourne #healingenergy #energyhealing #shiftingenergy #balance #soulwork #presence #alignment #emotionalhealth #release #headspace #igniteyoursoul #mindyourthoughts #livetrue #coherence #joy #connection #practitioner #facilitator #awareness #vibrationalmedicine #vulnerability #couragetobeseen #selflove #healingvibes #heartspace See more
05.01.2022 Ive been feeling a little agitated and irritable lately . I live very close to a major shopping centre here in Melbourne and the energy is quite frenetic at this time of year . Realizing that I had very little time left , I too headed out today to join the crowds for some festive shopping. Its not my favourite thing to do at all , but today I met some beautiful souls. The shop assistants took the time to have real conversations with me , even though they had long days a...head of them and worked tirelessly during this season . One fellow shopper delighted me with her relaxed attitide and said if she didnt get around to everyone, she would draw pictures in their cards of her intended gift and an I.O.U!! What a great way to make Christmas more about love and humour and less about stress and time constraint . It made me realise that we were all in it together and just trying to make our way through. And I had no reason to feel agitated after all . #connection #lifeperspective #energyhealing #presentmoment #findingmeaning #christmas #love #wellbeing #realpeople #kinesiology #calmwithin #centered #heartspace #heal See more
04.01.2022 The bright luscious green leaves of renewal . Not too long ago (as you will notice from the second pic), this tree shed its leaves and laid bare for some time. This is a natural cycle and happens to humans too . Sometimes you chose to let go, other times life takes charge and pulls the rug from under your feet . Although it can be uncomfortable during the bare season , this is the perfect time to look within and discover what is beneath your attachments . You can learn ...to validate yourself internally and not associate your worth with jobs, friends, lovers, material possessions, etc. The key is to tune into your own guidance , surrender and flow with life . From this place , you will feel a sense of renewal and can create the life you desire. Contact me for a Kinesiology session to help you with this #energyhealing #kinesiology #melbournekinesiology #selfawareness #empowerment #love #emotionalhealthmatters #mentalhealth #gratitude #holistichealth #selflove #surrender #flow #natureheals #learnfromnature #transformation #release #lettinggo #connection #completeness @ Cheltenham, Victoria
02.01.2022 I needed to breathe today so I took myself off to the forest....I found many people had the same idea . Its a privelege to be surrounded by these ancient beauties and be blessed with their healing energies . We breathe in what they breathe out and that alone should be enough to consider them sacred and protected . Yet in the Arrarat region , home to the #Djapwurrung people , it saddens me to know some of these sacred beauties who are up to 800 years old , are under t...hreat by the Government for a $42 million Western Highway Project . It happens all over the world for corporate greed or to make life more convenient for humans , but once gone they cannot be restored or rebuilt . #saveourtrees #forestlove #natureheals #selfcare #selflove #breathe #recentre #gratitude #consciousness #presentmoment #heartspace #connection #everythingisenergy #energyhealing @ Melbourne, Victoria, Australia See more
02.01.2022 Great song and powerful message . Stop and think whats driving your decisions and direction in life . Try choosing what scares you most, take a chance, speak up.. Tune into your heart-even if you fail or things dont work out.....your growth alone is worth it ! #roadlesstraveled #wellbeing #unknown #messageinmusic #energyhealing #kinesiology #fear #love #innerguidance #trustinyourpath #shift #createthelifeofyourdreams #heartspace #truth
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