Elevate Paediatrics | Chiropractor
Elevate Paediatrics
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25.01.2022 Often, toddlers cannot be reasoned with or persuaded and can be extremely draining for the chiropractor. However, frequently toddlers can be extremely cooperative, very responsive and an absolute joy to have in your practice.... Your favourite 3 year old patient who was an angel at last weeks appointment, told you they loved you and held your hand the whole adjustment... may be a complete nightmare the next week, scream the whole time and try and bite you. You just don’t kn...ow what you’re going to walk into Thus, with toddlers, there are no hard and fast rules - what works beautifully with one child may not work with the next child (or even the same child the following week). They key to successfully managing a toddler in practice is to be flexible in terms of both your examination and your adjustment. In ‘Module 1: Paediatric Initial Consultation’ before he dives into the examination and adjustment of the child, Dr Glenn discusses dealing with difficult behaviour and gaining the child’s confidence. Two key factors of being a paediatric chiropractor Elevate your Confidence #elevatepaediatrics #elevatepediatrics #paediatrics #pediatrics #chiropractic #chiropractor #chiropracticforkids #chiropracticadjustment #chiropracticstudent
24.01.2022 What a special way to end a working week Never underestimate the impact you have on a child’s whole family when you focus your compassion, energy and care on the child in front of you. You may not know what the family is truly going through when they first present to your clinic... so stay present, focus on your intention and make sure EVERY visit is the ‘MOST IMPORTANT VISIT’. Although this may be just another appointment for you... it could be the most important thing to ...happen to that family and child for the week. Chiropractic for kids... so much more than just an adjustment Elevate your passion In ‘Module 4: Paediatric Special Appointments... to achieve better clinical outcomes’ Dr Glenn provides the essential elements of a successful ‘Most Important Visit’ #elevatepaediatrics #elevatepediatrics #paediatrics #pediatrics #chiropractic #chiropractor #chiropaeds #chiropracticstudent
22.01.2022 Pictures from patients during lockdown in Melbourne This little one hates her tummy time! From the get go this beautiful little girl wasn’t a tummy time fan but we’ve encouraged lots of different ways so she enjoys it just a little bit more Other ways we encourage tummy time:... - on the parents lap - parent laying on their back with their knees at a 90 degree angle with bub resting on their knees - with a rolled up towel (like above) - rolling on the fit ball Elevate your Confidence #elevatepaediatrics #elevatepediatrics #chirostudent #chiropractic #chiropractor #paediatricchiro #tummytime
21.01.2022 The least expensive education is to learn from the mistakes of others That is, we believe that the best way to learn is from other people’s experiences and knowledge through education, advice, mentoring and coaching. Now what does this mean?... observe Chiros and then observe more chiros ask for advice, ask questions. Ask ask ask! DON’T REINVENT THE WHEEL! New Grads and students .... Chiropractors all around the world have been through exactly what you’re going through right now. Don’t think you’re in this alone and have to build and create your empire from scratch. Don’t reinvent the wheel.... find the information, scripts, advice and steps that others have used that is proven to lead to success. LEARN FROM OUR MISTAKES! Take our workshops and presentation for example... The structure of our chiropractic presentations and workshops have worked for ourselves and others for many years in countless clinics throughout Australia and around the world. So it would make sense for you to follow the advice on structuring that we detail in ‘Elevate your Reach’ to fast track your results. While our presentations may vary in terms of content, they are always very similar in their structure, whether we are talking to our patients, nurses, medical doctors or teachers. The e-books within Elevate your reach will give you an understanding of the structure (and script) we employ and the reasoning behind this Elevate your practice #elevatepaediatrics #elevatepediatrics #paediatrics #pediatrics #chiropracticforkids #chiropracticstudent #chiropracticstudents #chiropracticseminar #chiropracticseminars #chiropracticworkshop See more
21.01.2022 Costumes and funky socks for their adjustments today Both these beautiful children LOVE being adjusted. They say it makes them feel calm, makes them stop being grumpy and helps them run fast. How adorable is that?? Elevate your passion ... #elevatepaediatrics #paediatrics #pediatrics #elevatepediatrics #chiropractic #chiro #chiropracticstudent #chiropaeds #chiropracticforkids
21.01.2022 FINALLY Head to the link in our bio for access to our recent 2020 Webinars! We will continue to provide you LIVE webinars every 4-6 weeks but for now, if you missed out, go check out our previous ones. What’s the catch? The page requires a password. So just message us on Instagram or Facebook and we will provide you that password. Easy as that!... LINK IN BIO - ‘Elevate Webinar Recordings’ Elevate your knowledge
19.01.2022 Years of university can sometimes chip away at your true passion. It can sometimes lead you to simply ticking the boxes, getting through the year, and forgetting why you started this course in the first place. Life can get busy, it can get difficult so spend some time reminding yourself of why you’re doing what you’re doing. Our tip today is simple find your passion Write down in a journal, the same journal at the start of each year: ... Why do you want to be a Chiropractor? What do you love about Chiropractic? What do you want to accomplish this year? This may change year to year. However, this is something that should be done every year. Your passion may change, but knowing where you are going and where you’ve come from is going to make you a better Chiropractor in the future. Elevate your passion #elevatepaediatrics #elevatepediatrics #chiropracticstudent #chiropracticforkids #chiropracticpediatrics See more
18.01.2022 Remember Samantha? At 7 months old she presented to our clinic with plagiocephaly and was unable to sit, roll or crawl. She also had a retained ATNR, Moro reflex, Spinal Galant reflex and rooting reflex. Her mum was told she would grow out of her head shape and it wouldn’t impact her development..... Samantha responded amazing to chiropractic care, as you would have seen in our previous posts.... (Go check them out if you missed them) She was in for her adjustment today, and we thought we’d share how well she’s going! 10 months old... 3 months of care... and look at her now! Nailing the classic look back at the camera pose Check out our story to see a little video of the angel too. Ps. She’s eczema free now too Do you know how to handle a child who presents with Plagiocephaly? How about checking for retained primitive reflexes? Do you know the impact retained reflexes can have on a child? Elevate your knowledge #elevatepaediatrics #elevatepaediatrics #pediatrics #paediatrics #plagiocephaly #chiropracticforkids #chiropracticstudent #chiropractor #chiropractic
18.01.2022 Did you know? Absence of muscle spindle reflexes is a much more important finding than hyperreflexia in the newborn. A normal newborn can have hyper-reflexia and still be normal if their tone is normal For accuracy during the examination, tone must be assessed in the alert but not over-aroused infant ... In Module 1: The Paediatric Initial consultation, the full examination of infant, toddler and older child is discussed. Elevate your knowledge #elevatepaediatrics #elevatepediatrics #chiropracticforkids #chiropracticstudent #chiropractor #chiropractic
17.01.2022 The littlest feet make the biggest footprints in our hearts Did seeing children in practice brighten up your day today? The days seem to fly for us when we have an appointment book full of the littlest ones with the biggest smiles ... How great is our job? We seem to be leaving work with more energy than when we arrived. Elevate your passion #elevatepaediatrics #elevatepediatrics #paediatrics #pediatrics #chiropracticforkids #chiropracticstudent #chiropracticstudents #chiro #chiropractic #chiropractor #chiropracticforbabies
15.01.2022 Handy Hint A child complaining about a stitch when running or who is always out of breath when exercising?? Make sure you examine the Psoas muscle...... Dysfunction of the psoas muscle in children (and adults) can cause restriction of the diaphragm leading to the feeling of a stitch or shallow breathing In older children, there may be indications of psoas involvement, but no indication of a positive psoas sign this may be due to BILATERAL psoas involvement. These children tend to present with back stiffness which is worse after prolonged sitting, non-specific lower back discomfort (rather than pain), as well as a tendency to resist standing up straight (the parents will frequently complain that they are always trying to get the child to ‘stand up straight’). It is important to differentiate between a mildly contracted psoas linked with bio mechanical dysfunction, and a psoas contraction due to underlying visceral dysfunction. Does the child have a positive psoas sign WITH abdominal pain?! Remember to consider the possibility of a/an... - inflamed appendix - kidney stone - inflamed ureter - inflamed diaphragm You want to be each family’s go to for health concerns and be there as their PRIMARY health practitioner...so elevate your knowledge on the simple signs and symptoms in children and always rule out more sinister issues first In Module 2: adjustment of the child... Glenn Maginness discusses in a seperate e-books both ‘The Adjusting of the upper and lower limb’ and ‘Visceral Adjusting’ Elevate your Knowledge #elevatepaediatrics #elevatepediatrics #paediatrics #pediatrics #chiropractic #chiropracticforkids #chiro #chiropracticcare
15.01.2022 Chiropractic for Kids... it just makes sense Elevate your Passion #chiropracticforkids #chiropracticstudents #chiropracticstudent #chiropractic #chiropractor #elevatepediatrics #elevatepaediatrics
14.01.2022 Chiropractic ... make a difference Elevate your passion #elevatepaediatrics #elevatepediatrics #paediatrics #pediatrics #chiropractic #chiropractor #chiro #chiropracticstudent #chiroforkids #chiropaeds
14.01.2022 Preparation is key The most important element of a successful chiropractic presentation is being well prepared. The truly successful talks are always those that have been planned and are executed with precision We understand some chiropractors prefer to go into a presentation with a prepared script, preferring instead to improvise. These chiros will often justify this approach by saying that they feel giving a talk which is a script prepared by someone else, makes t...he presentation dull and mechanical, or that it does not fit their needs, or perhaps that no two presentations should be alike. These are all very worthy explanations. However, our belief is that a quality, well prepared presentation is invaluable if used intelligently. The chiropractor who is well prepared is not vague, does not ramble and can forestall questions by answering them before they are asked. Learning a presentation thouroughly does not necessarily make for a mechanical presentation. Every actor presents the words of another. If they make the part theirs by thinking about it until the ideas are their own, they will give a realistic performance. If the actor merely learns the words and repeats them without feeling, they sound like nothing more than a parrot and so it is with YOUR chiropractic presentation. Never let your presentation become stale. Make your talk as fresh, as vital, as if everytime you deliver it, it is for the first time In addition, your presentation must be well organised, logical, attract and hold the audience’s members attention, answer their questions, address their objections and arouse their desire to learn more about chiropractic. Step by step, it must lead the audience members to the point where the only logical thing for them to do is book their family in for a chiropractic assessment. In the E-book holding a successful chiropractic presentation within elevate your reach we go through the basic structure of our chiropractic presentation which has proven successful over many years to countless groups and individuals throughout the community. Elevate your Confidence
11.01.2022 It is just cosmetic and has no impact on development... Unfortunately, this is commonly said in reference to plagiocepahly (flat head). Samantha presented to me (Dr Hayley) with a posterior flat head at 7 months of age. Her mother believed that development was slow, especially compared to where her older daughter was at the same age. She had been advised that Samantha’s head shape was fine, and that she would grow out of the flatness. ... At 7 months old, Samantha could not sit, roll and favoured turning her head to the right side. From birth she had struggled to latch, had attachment issues, mild reflux and was a very poor sleeper. Samantha screamed every time she was put in her car seat and she also suffered with eczema and rashes on her chin, cheeks and chest and had poor attachment when breast feeding. At 7 months old Samantha had a present; Moro reflex ATNR reflex Spinal Galant reflex Rooting reflex Over the following 6 weeks I treated Samantha twice a week and this included adjustments, cranial adjustments and exercises After her first treatment Samantha did not cry in her car seat on the way home. Samantha began rolling after 3 adjustments and begun to enjoy tummy time. Attachment and feeding improved and she began sitting by herself after 2 weeks of care. 6 weeks on she is crawling, all reflexes have integrated and her head shape has dramatically changed since commencing care. Our aim overall when it comes to plagiocephaly is not to just change the head shape of the child but it is to make sure the cranial and spinal systems are working correctly and that a child’s development is on track Children do not just grow out of a flat head. And unfortunately a flat head, has the potential to impact a child’s life. Do you know how to manage Plagiocephaly correctly? This is covered in Module 3 Management of Childhood Conditions Unit 1. Elevate your knowledge #elevatepaediatrics #elevatepediatrics #chiropractic #chiropracticforkids #plagiocephaly #plagio #craniosacraltherapy
10.01.2022 Chiropractic for kids... more than just an adjustment Elevate Paediatrics... a program based on more than just the adjustment Check out our two 100% online programs ... Offering you a comprehensive and convenient way to be absolutely certain you are giving children the best possible care Our programs are so much more than a technique seminar Through both programs, you’ll share the knowledge of a chiropractor who has worked with children for more than 30 years and begin to broaden your expertise in the assessment and adjustment of infants, toddlers and older children BUT ALSO it will elevate your confidence in communication and management of chiropractic for kids. We want to help you extend your skills at the same time as transforming your practice and elevating your reach to impact more children’s lives. Elevate your Practice Link in our bio for more information #elevatepaediatrics #elevatepediatrics #paediatrics #pediatrics #chiropractic #chiro #chiropractor #chiropracticcare
09.01.2022 Some midweek reflection for you What type of patients are you and your clinic attracting? Where is your focus when you adjust? Why do you want to see children and families? And are you getting that passion across to your patients?... Are you 100% present with all your patients? And if not, how can you change that? Why did you become a chiropractor ... and why are you interested in paediatrics? Sit down and reflect on these. For chiropractors, this will ensure you turn up to practice tomorrow more certain and passionate about what you do and why. For students, this will help you stay motivated, driven and passionate to get you through your studies. Elevate your Passion #elevatepaediatrics #elevatepediatrics #chiropractic #chiropractor #chiropracticadjustment #chirostudent #chiro #chiropracticforkids
09.01.2022 Dear Parents The far-reaching benefits of breastfeeding for a child are well documented. When looking at the research that addresses the link between bottle-feeding and ear infections, it quickly becomes evident that breastfeeding may play a significant role in decreasing the chances of children developing ear infections ... What other steps can parents take? Natural ear drops Attention to diet; (did you know? Research suggests food needs to be eliminated for at least 4 months to determine there has been a positive clinical outcome) In an infant who is being breastfed, it is important therefore that the mother similarily restricts her deit. Probiotics: There is evidence that suggests that ‘good bacteria’ in the diegestive system are important for overall human health and may help prevent child hoos infections, including ear infections. In module 3: Management of common childhood conditions, ear infections are discussed including the management, home care and advice. INCLUDED in this module are patient information handouts that include the above (and more) information WITH references to support Elevate your patient’s PARENTS knowledge #elevatepaediatrics #paediatrics #pediatrics #chiropractic #chiropractor #chiro #chiropractor #chiropracticcare
08.01.2022 Take a moment this weekend to appreciate how many children’s lives you have had an impact on thanks to your career and passion... and just how many more potential lives you could impact in the future Chiropractic for kids Make a difference Elevate your Passion ... #elevatepaediatrics #elevatepediatrics #paediatrics #pediatrics #chiropractic #chiropractor #chiropracticcare #chiropracticforkids
05.01.2022 Read it. And then read it again. Children are not small adults, nor should they be examined, adjusted or managed that way. If you do not have the knowledge, confidence and competence to provide safe and effective care for children presenting to your practice then begin building that knowledge. The Elevate Paediatric programs are more than just the adjustment. Because being a successful chiropractor is more than just providing an adjustment. Throughout the e-books and vide...os, you will learn everything you need to know about seeing kids in practice including pre-consultation procedures, history taking, examination, communication, management, safety, home care and the adjustments for children of all ages. We offer you a comprehensive (and convenient) way to be absolutely certain you are giving children the best possible care. If you are seeing paediatric patients or hope to one day, ensure you have the KNOWLEDGE AND SKILLS to practice it. Don’t walk into a new patient consult believing your exam form, your history taking, your examination process and your adjusting skills will transfer from adult to child. This is not the case. So read it again Children are NOT small adults. Their size, their shape, their anatomy, their strength, their brains, their minds, their compliance, their nervous system, their attitudes, their spinal cords.... they are different to your adult patients. Seeing kids is fun, it’s enjoyable, it’s full of love and laughter and it’s even easier on your body. But it is different! So take that next step, and begin elevating your knowledge around paediatrics. Elevate your knowledge
05.01.2022 Dr Hayley performing her motion palpation of the older child’s lumbar spine and pelvis Here’s a few things to note ... The sacrum in a child can subluxate at the level of the lumbosacral junction (as base posterior sacral subluxation), but it can also subluxate at the SI joints (a rotated sacrum as a P-L or a P-R), or at the individual sacral levels (as a posterior S2 or S3)... A primary subluxation of the sacrum is usually associated with craniosacral dysfunction. (Are you confident in your craniosacral therapy?) Remember, you should always address the sacrum, any upper cervical issues and any cranial problems prior to adjusting other areas of concern that may be present In Module 1: Paediatric Initial Consultation, Dr Glenn discusses the examination of an infant and the older child including the following sections: - neurological examination - orthopaedic examination - cranial examination - spinal examination Elevate your knowledge See more
02.01.2022 At Elevate, we believe in building strong children instead of fixing broken adults. Imagine if all bodies were living at their full potential from childhood? Chiropractic for kids...it just makes sense What is your WHY? What is your PURPOSE? ... Elevate your Passion #elevatepaediatrics #elevatepediatrics #chiropractor #chiropractic #chiropracticcare #chiropracticforkids
01.01.2022 Yep.... we’re still in lockdown down here in Melbourne, Australia but this means we are STILL offering our 10% lockdown special So have you missed out on your seminars because of COVID? Suddenly have some extra time to spend on furthering your knowledge and skills as a chiropractor?... Purchase either of the Elevate Paediatric programs and use the year 2020 to extend your skills, transform your practice and build on your confidence and competence as a paediatric chiropractor. With access to more than 200 instructional videos, multiple interactive e-books PLUS patient forms and handouts... and all 100% online. NOW is the time to take this next step and get involved in Elevate Paediatrics. Students, new grads, established chiropractors... let’s elevate your Knowledge #elevatepaediatrics #elevatepediatrics #paediatricchiro #pediatricchiropractic #chirostudent #chiropractor #chiropractic
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