Elimbah State School in Elimbah, Queensland, Australia | Primary School
Elimbah State School
Locality: Elimbah, Queensland, Australia
Phone: +61 7 5432 1333
Address: School Rd 4516 Elimbah, QLD, Australia
Website: http://www.elimbahss.eq.edu.au/
Likes: 928
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25.01.2022 Here is the link to our week 8 assembly https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0G--KoSeknY
25.01.2022 A vacancy exists for a Crossing Supervisor position at our school. See details below or grab an application pack from the office.
23.01.2022 What a lovely surprise at the front gate this morning! Thank you to our mystery message writer!
22.01.2022 Dont forget tomorrow is Pyjama Day! Voluntary gold coin donation to our Student Council
21.01.2022 Reboot, Rebalance, reconnect. Exercise those resilience muscles. A skill we need to practice .
20.01.2022 We hope you enjoy our very first virtual assembly. Tell your kids to be on the lookout for 'student of the week'!!! https://youtu.be/WHx2BRItpTw
20.01.2022 Yesterday the Premier announced that from Mon 11 May, 2020, our students in Prep and Yr 1 will be able to return to school. For most of our students in Yrs 2 6, the current home-based learning program will remain in place for the next few weeks. If low COVID-19 transmission rates continue, all other students will be able to return to school from Monday 25 May. Confirmation of this will be made by the Premier on 15 May. We have sent an email to parents of prep & yr 1 students with some changes to drop off and pick up routines for next week. This will help keep all members of our community safe and means we can finally start to see our students back at school! We miss them all very much!
19.01.2022 A message from our fabulous teacher aide team, who miss you very much! Where have all the students gone???
19.01.2022 A fantastic morning for our Senior cross country. Thank you, Mr. V! See you Tuesday for the Prep/1 run , and next Thursday for our 2s and 3s race.
19.01.2022 This week’s assembly link https://youtu.be/B6-Y8192Gbg Have a great weekend.
18.01.2022 Some more little legends learning at home. Keep the photos coming, we love to see them!
17.01.2022 More little legends learning at home
17.01.2022 Oh my goodness!!! What a beautiful bunch of flowers and what an amazing school we have! I just received this gorgeous delivery for Primary School Principals day today! How lucky am I to work with such gorgeous souls! Thank you to the very generous people who organised them (students from 3B)
16.01.2022 What a week! Huge thanks again to our wonderful community. Give yourselves a pat on the back....one week down! Well done!
15.01.2022 Come along on Wednesdays to our Elimbah Playgroup that operates on site :) Further information available at our office, or contact Nerissa on 0423 200 287
15.01.2022 Chappy Pancake breakfast is on tomorrow for students. From 8.30am in the under covered area. Bring along a gold coin for students to purchase. All proceeds go towards supporting our Chaplaincy program.......ok they may not look exactly like this.....but they’ll taste just as good!
15.01.2022 Cross Country is commencing at 9:10am for Year 3 (older students), 4, 5 and 6 and will follow the below schedule. The timetable has it concluding by 11:00am. Parents are requested to head straight to the amphitheater and remember to social distance.
14.01.2022 Dont forget this Friday 4 September is a student free day.
14.01.2022 Learning at home legends continue...
14.01.2022 Come along on Wednesdays to our Elimbah Playgroup that operates on site :) Further information available at our office, or contact Nerissa on 0423 200 287
14.01.2022 Last day of school tomorrow and don’t forget we are raising funds for childhood cancer. Come dressed like a pirate, and if you’d like to make a gold coin donation, that would be great!
13.01.2022 This weeks virtual assembly. Be on the lookout for our students of the week! https://youtu.be/Xf1t3y6Gx1w
13.01.2022 This work will commence later this term and should be completed by the commencement of the 2021 school year. Our new preppies will love it!
12.01.2022 Happy last day everyone! Don’t forget school resumes on Tuesday 6th Oct. Happy holidays!
12.01.2022 You may remember Mr Vs frisbee challenge??? Challenge accepted!!! https://youtu.be/WrmnZHwsPHs
12.01.2022 With assemblies still a no go, we are continuing with a weekly virtual assembly. At least now we have lots of students at school to film! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=emTh4d0TSh8
12.01.2022 Yay! The kids are back!
11.01.2022 Happy Mothers Day to all our wonderful Mums. We hope your families are spoiling you rotten today!
11.01.2022 Another great week! Well done everyone. Have a very well deserved, relaxing LOOOONG weekend.
11.01.2022 This weeks assembly link https://youtu.be/B6-Y8192Gbg Have a great weekend.
11.01.2022 Welcome back! Swimming starts today for block 1 classes. Don’t forget your togs!
10.01.2022 This week we celebrate our awesome teacher aides and thank them for everything they do to support our students. We are lucky to have some of the best TAs around but dont tell anyone, or theyll try to poach them!
08.01.2022 Ever wondered what we get up to when were not at school??? https://youtu.be/SKMQoLym488
08.01.2022 It does seem like a long time ago now.....but our Easter raffle still needs to be drawn. Please return and tickets and money (or any unsold tickets) to school no later than Wed next week and the raffle will be drawn late next week.
07.01.2022 Elimbah Learners In Motion Brainstorming... At Home See more
05.01.2022 Happy last day everyone! Don’t forget school resumes on Tuesday 6th Oct. Happy holidays!
05.01.2022 Ladies and gentlemen, here is the final instalment in the frisbee challenge We hope you enjoy! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5nlbkKKt8jU&feature=youtu.be
05.01.2022 Thanks for your feeback. Changes are coming to our home learning program https://youtu.be/fAWBq7OgH4Q
04.01.2022 Elimbah Playgroup each Wed of school term 9-11am Contact Nerissa 0423 200 287
04.01.2022 Don’t forget Mrs Lederhose is running Clean Up Elimbah tomorrow morning (Sunday) from 7.30am. Meet in the bus bay out the front of school. Bring your hat, sunscreen and water bottles. Children must be accompanied by an adult
04.01.2022 This weeks assembly and Students of the Week https://youtu.be/AH_VBDGtppo
03.01.2022 Last day of learning for the week! I think weve all earned a relaxing weekend! (Mums, dads, grandparents, kids and staff!)
03.01.2022 Welcome back to all our students today!!! Please remember to help us out by using parking and drop-off zones correctly. There will be plenty of staff out and about from 8.30am to greet students and ensure they enter safely. This mean parents are able to drop and go and avoid gathering. This will help keep our whole community safe. We are excited about the first day back with all our kids!
03.01.2022 This weeks assembly for your viewing pleasure. Only one day left of home learning! Congratulations parents! You all deserve an award https://youtu.be/fyPZTSbdwwc
02.01.2022 How to stay energised and take productive breaks......a production by Mr V https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fLlgTp55OA0
02.01.2022 Our Senior Concert Band
02.01.2022 Dear parents and caregivers, Many of you may now be aware of a number of locally acquired cases of COVID-19 that were confirmed overnight. As a result, the Premier has today announced that Greater Brisbane will be entering a 3-day lockdown, from 5pm tonight until 5pm Thursday 1 April for residents in the local government areas of Brisbane, Ipswich, Moreton, Logan and Redlands. Our school will therefore be closed for a three-day period from Tuesday 30 March 2021. At present..., the school will reopen after the Easter School holidays on Monday 19 April 2021. During this 3-day period, the school will however remain open for vulnerable children and children of essential workers. We kindly ask all parents who can keep their children at home to do so. During this time all on-site sports and extracurricular activities will also be postponed. Students on-site during this period will not be required to wear face masks. Staff who live within the Greater Brisbane area, will attend on-site as normal to supervise those children of essential workers still attending school and to further plan for their Term 2 lessons. There is no requirement for schools to provide online learning during this 3-day lockdown. However, parents and students at home are able to access a wide range of resources via the department’s Learning@home website. As a reminder, while the school is closed it is important that we all continue to follow state-wide recommended hygiene and physical distancing measures throughout this period and to stay within our homes as much as possible. If you are unwell or develop any COVID-19 symptoms at all, please get tested immediately. Please continue to monitor the Queensland Health website for affected locations. If you have been to any of the listed locations you should refer to the online self-assessment, get tested, isolate immediately. and contact 13 HEALTH (13 43 25 84) if you have any questions. We will continue to provide any further updates as appropriate and would also encourage you to continue to refer to general information as provided on the Queensland Health website. It is important that we all continue to focus on our own wellbeing and mental health and there are some great resources and information tools available on this website. For assistance in languages other than English, please refer to the National Translating and Interpreting Service, and the Translated Australian COVID-19 information and resources. We thank all parents/carers for your support as we embark on this temporary closure. We look forward to bringing our whole school community back together again and resuming our normal school operations in Term 2. See more
02.01.2022 Great learning at home Team Elimbah
02.01.2022 Marina Dunn is no stranger to the classroom, having started out as a volunteer in 1996 when her own children first began school. Now, after a rewarding 20 years... of helping children learn, Marina has been able use her extensive experience supporting children as a teachers aide to gain a qualification in just over three weeks. Read her story here: www.bit.ly/3cneFe
02.01.2022 Don’t forget tomorrow is Pyjama Day! Voluntary gold coin donation to our Student Council
02.01.2022 Our year 6 students are participating in a leadership discussion about bullying and what is real vs the virtual world. Mr Smith is demonstrating the virtual reality tool that helped show the virtual world is not real, but that real friends are far more important.
01.01.2022 Don’t forget this Friday 4 September is a student free day.
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