Elise Gow Designs | Art
Elise Gow Designs
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25.01.2022 Day 5/30 Pattern a Day Challenge. Today’s prompt is Rainbows. What great timing too. There’s many people in Victoria I know who could use a rainbow today. Hang in there folks. #30patternsin30days #rainbow #rainbowillustration #rainbowpattern #rainbowsrule #hanginthereworld #childrensillustration #childrensillustrator @ Sunshine Coast, Queensland
25.01.2022 Day 6/30 Pattern a Day Challenge. I’ve gone off prompt today and chosen to create a pattern from Derek the Dodo I created. Navy, Royal Blue or Light Blue? #30patternsin30days #dodo #dodoillustration #childrensillustrator #childrensillustrations #illustrationsofinstagram #illustrator #illustrationartists #dododrawing #extinctanimals #extinctdodo #poorderek @ Sunshine Coast, Queensland
25.01.2022 Day 7/30 Patterns a Day. Mushrooms. To be perfectly honest- I’m not loving this design. Not one bit. Not happy. However- I’m embracing imperfection and putting it out into the world anyway. Letting it go. We’ve had some bad news today so I’m being kind to myself. Hope you’re being kind to yourself today. #mushrooms #mushroomillustration #mushroomsofinstagram #mushroompattern #mushroomprint #30patternsin30days
24.01.2022 Day 30/30 Patterns A Day Challenge! Woot woot! I’ve completed it and so enjoyed it. Today’s prompt was Halloween so I thought it would be quite fitting to draw my first witch. She’s far from perfect but I can almost hear her cackle. #halloween #halloweenpattern #halloweenprint #halloweenfabric #witch #witchpattern #witchprint #witchfabric #witchillustration #witchdesign #witches #witchesofinstagram #30patternsin30days
24.01.2022 Day 23/30 Patterns A Day Challenge. The prompt was Fall or Autumn as we call it in Australia. I think this has turned out Spring than Autumn but I’m ok with that. I reworked an old pattern for this one as I’m playing catch up. #catchup #fall #autumn #spring #colourfulpattern
24.01.2022 Day 16/30 Pattern a Day Challenge. Don’t mind me, I’m just over here imagining what an all Alpaca pop band would look like. I wonder also... what will their new single be called? Love WOOL find a way? #alpacasofinstagram #alpaca #alpacas #alpacapopband #alpacafabric #alpacadesign #alpacaprint #alpacaillustration #30patternsin30days
23.01.2022 It’s a cocky and pineapple kinda day! #cockysofinstagram #cocky #cockatoo #pineapples #thisisqld #visitqld #childrenswear #kidswear #kidsfashion #kidsprints #kidspatterns #palms
22.01.2022 13/30 Pattern A Day Challenge. Today’s prompt is Sweet Tooth so I thought I’d feature this iconic Aussie biscuit called an Iced Vovo. I haven’t actually eaten one in many years but they look so pretty that I couldn’t help but make them into a pattern. They have a biscuit base, topped with pink marshmallow, jam and sprinkled with coconut. #icedvovo #icedvovos #aussie #australian #aussieicon #aussiesofinstagram #biscuits #sweettooth #30patternsin30days #jam #marshmellow #coconut
20.01.2022 Spring has sprung! And to celebrate here’s a Flowering Gum. Gosh they are pretty flowers. #floweringgum #floweringgums #floweringgumprint #floweringgumpattern #floweringgumart #nativeaustralianflowers #nativeaustralianflora #aussieflora #aussieplant #australianplant #gumtrees #gumtree #australiangumtree
19.01.2022 I'm so incredibly honoured to be featured amongst 100 of Australia's top Surface Design talent. Pattern Pulse has been curated by the lovely @rachaeldoesdesign Including the art of Jocelyn Proust, Pete Cromer, Ellie Whittaker, Edith Rewa, TIff Manuell, Laura Blythman, Kasey Rainbow, Bonnie Ashley and of course myself, just to name a few. I cannot wait to get my hands on this book!! It launches October 14th! #patternpulse #australiansurfacepatterndesigner #australiansurfacepatterndesign #australiandesigner #surfacepatterndesigner #surfacedesign #australianbook #textiledesign #australiandesign #australianbooks #sunshinecoastdesign #sunshinecoastdesigner #sunshinecoastartist #australiansmallbusiness #surfacepatterncommunity #colourlover #patterndesign #aussiesurfacedesigner #patternlove #design
18.01.2022 Anyone feeling as sleepy as me as this week comes to a close?? Im shattered! Busy week. I thought sleepy owls were appropriate as we approach the weekend and maybe I’m hoping to get in a Nanna nap or two... #owls #owlillustration #childrenswear #childrenspattern #childrensprints #childrensbookillustration #kidlitart #kidlitillustration #kidlitartist #artistsoninstagram #cuteowls #sleepyowls #childrenspjs #pajamaprint #pajamaprints
17.01.2022 Day 14/30 Patterns a Day Challenge. Today’s Prompt was Rawrsome Dinos and I had fun creating these little guys. #dinosaurs #childrensillustration #dinosaursofinstagram #dinosaurpattern #dinosaurprint #dino #kidspattern #kidsprints #kidsdesign #childrensbookillustration #childrenswear #colourfulkids #colourfulkidsroom #kidsinterior
17.01.2022 Day 25/30 Patterns A Day Challenge (nearly there!). Today’s prompt is Hands and I couldn’t get the vision of early aboriginal rock art out of my head. This pattern is a nod to this traditional indigenous art- some created an estimated 35,000 years ago. Isn’t that just mind blowing? I’d love to see some in person myself one day. #rockart #indigenous #indigeniousaustralia #australianhistory #rockpainting #hands #30patternsin30days #aboriginalrockart @ Sunshine Coast, Queensland
16.01.2022 Day 29/30 Patterns A Day Challenge. Lemons. What a fun pattern to create. I feel this one totally has Mediterranean vibes and in my mind I’m totally chilling out on a Greek Island right now eating Saganaki (fried cheese) with freshly squeezed lemon juice. Where do these lemons take you to on this Saturday night? #lemons #lemonart #lemonprint #lemonspattern #printandpattern #30patternsin30days #lemonillustration #mediterraneanvibes #mediterraneanpattern #lemon
16.01.2022 Day 20/30 Pattern A Day Challenge. Today’s I’ve gone for Lovebirds. Not sure if it’s because I’m watching both The Bachelor AND Farmer wants a Wife Hands up if you love yourself some rubbish reality tv? #lovebirds #illustratedbirds #weirdos #weirdandproud #kidspatterns #kidsprints #kidsfashionprint #kidsfashion #childrenswear #childrensfashion #childrensbookillustration
16.01.2022 You’re welcome!!!! #wootwoot #christmasiscoming #christmas #100daysuntilchristmas #happyelf #animation #animationart #christmasanimation #thecountdownison
15.01.2022 I’ve just added these Safari Circus Art Prints to my online store. A few different colour options. www.elisegowdesigns.com.au #safaricircus #lionsofinstagram #lions #lionlover #nursery #nurserydecor #nurserydecor #artprint #coloryourwalls #femaleartist #artforkids #kidsart #kidswallart #colorfulhome #color #coloraddict @ Sunshine Coast, Queensland
15.01.2022 Day 10/30 Pattern a Day Challenge. A 3rd of the way through! I’m actually enjoying creating a pattern a day. It’s a push to find the time in my busy day but worth it. Today’s theme is Sisterhood and I created this repeat pattern with some lovely ladies I drew earlier this year. Women of the world come in all shapes and sizes, different colours and religions, different personalities, different talents and different dreams. We all want love, support and friendship. We all ...deserve to be accepted for who we are and treated with respect. Now more than ever women need to be supporting other women. Let’s lift each other up ladies. #womenliftingwomen #positivewomen #sisterhood #womensupportingwomen #riseabove #womenoftheworld #girlpower #womenpower #standingstrong #inspiringwomen #femaleartist #femaleempowerment #sistersquad #sistersaredoingitforthemselves #ladieswhodesign #printandpattern See more
15.01.2022 Happy Thursday! Gosh this week is flying! Here are some sea folk to put a smile on your face. #octopus #octopusart #octopusdesign #octopusofinstagram #octopuspattern #octopusprint #underthesea #seacreatures #childrenswear #childrensfashion #childrensbookillustration
15.01.2022 Day 24/30 Patterns A Day Challenge . Today’s prompt: Rabbits. My instant thought was a handsewn bunny toy. Which colour combo do you like best? #rabbitpattern #toyrabbits #rabbitprint #bunny #bunnies #30patternsin30days #bunnypattern @ Sunshine Coast, Queensland
14.01.2022 Day 26/30 Patters A Day Challenge. Today I’ve gone for Xanthorrhoea or Grass Trees. Such an interesting looking plant and always catches my eye on bush walks. #xanthorrhoea #grasstree #grasstrees #grasstreesaustralia #xanthorreaaustralis #grasstreedesign #grasstreepattern #30patternsin30days
13.01.2022 Day 15/30 Patterns a Day Challenge. Half way! Woot woot! Today’s prompt was Squiggles. Colourful and fun. #30patternsin30days #squiggles #colourfulpattern #kidspattern #patternsforkids #kidswallpaper #childrensrooms #childrensbookillustration #artdirector
12.01.2022 Day 18/30 Pattern a Day Challenge and today’s prompt is Travels Marvels so my mind went straight to vintage retro caravans. #retrocaravan #retrovan #retrovans #retrocaravans #caravan #caravandesign #caravanners #vanlife #hittingtheroad #travelaustralia #caravanillustration #caravanfabric #vintagecaravan #vintagevan #vintagecaravanaustralia #vintageinspired #vintagestyle #retrostyle #30patternsin30days
11.01.2022 Day 27/30 Patterns A Day Challenge and today’s prompt was Weather Forecast. #weather #weatherforecast #weatherillustration #weathertheme #weatherfabric #sunshine #sunpatterns #sunpatternprints #sunillustration #clouds #clouddrawings #cloudillustration #cloudpattern #cloudrepeat #seamlesspattern #fabricdesign #30patternsin30days @ Sunshine Coast, Queensland
10.01.2022 H e l l o!!! Some of my little friends and I thought we’d pop in and say thank you! Thanks for being here and liking the patterns and characters I just adore creating. I’ve so many exciting things coming up and I can’t wait to share them. Stay tuned... #hello #itsme #thankyou #illustrationartists #kidslit #childrensbookillustration #childrenswear #surfacepatterndesign #printandpattern #aussieartist #australianartwork #boxersofinstagram #scrubturkeys #ladybirds #beesofinstagram #bees #alpacasofinstagram #yabbies
10.01.2022 We interrupt this news feed for a very special bulletin.. ITS BOOK WEEK!! A favourite time of year in our house when we bring characters from books to life and have such a fun time doing it. This yeah my son went as Timmy from Timmy the Ticked off Pony and the Poo of Excitement by superstar Author @magda_szubanski and my daughter went as a Slytherin student from Harry Potter. Book Week rocks! #bookweek #bookweekdressup #bookweekdressups #bookweekcostume #bookweekcostumes #bookweekcostumeideas #bookweek2020 #timmythetickedoffpony #timmythetickedoffponyandthepooofexcitement @ Sunshine Coast, Queensland
09.01.2022 Day 21/30 Pattern A Day Challenge: Mystical Creatures. I couldn’t go past Nessie the Loch Ness Monster. I’ve been to Loch Ness and I didn’t spot anything mystical but who know what lurks beneath! Have you been to Loch Ness? #lochnessmonster #nessie #lochness #lochnessscotland #nessiepattern #lochnessart #lochnessillustration @ Sunshine Coast, Queensland
09.01.2022 Day 12/30 Patterns a Day Challenge and today’s prompt is MixTape. Boy did this bring up some great memories for me! I remember listen to Take 40 on a Sunday and taping my favourite tunes onto cassettes. The trick was just hitting pause right before the DJ started speaking- there was a real skill to it. I just had to include an 80s hot pink. Which colourway do you prefer? #80smixtape #mixtape #80smusic #80schild #80sfabric #80sfabricdesign #mixtapeprint #mixtapepattern #30patternsin30days #80sillustrations #80stheme @ Sunshine Coast, Queensland
08.01.2022 Yesterday we said goodbye to our 14-year-old dog Sweep. She followed me home from the shops one day all those years ago and has brought our family so much joy and happiness. Our hearts are heavy but we have wonderful, fond memories to make us smile. I drew this illustration of her doing one of her favourite things- scratching her back against the green grass, wiggling her butt with a huge smile on her face. Rest well my lovely friend. The house is quiet without you. #sayinggoodbye #brokenhearts #dogsarefamily #sad #dogsrule #ourbestfriend #willbemissed #petsofinstagram @ Sunshine Coast, Queensland
07.01.2022 Day 28/30 Patterns A Day Challenge and today’s prompt was Garden Critters and I couldn’t go past Ladybugs. They’re just so pretty! Their colour palette is right up my alley and go with all my favourite bold background colours too- so much so that I couldn’t choose just one! The yellow is a definite standout for me though- do you have a favourite? #ladybug #ladybird #ladybugillustration #ladybirdillustration #ladybugfabric #ladybirdpattern #ladybirdsofinstagram #ladybugsofinstagram #childrensbookillustration #childrensillustration #printsforkids #printsforkidsrooms #childrensdecor @ Sunshine Coast, Queensland
05.01.2022 Day 9/30 Patterns A Day Challenge. Hanging Garden. #hanginggarden #hangingplants #plantaddict #plantlady #plantlover #lovesaplant #plantsofinstagram #planttherapy #plantillustration #plantdrawing #plantprint #plantpattern
05.01.2022 Day 8/30 (playing catch up) Pattern a Day. Today’s prompt was Ring Ring Telephone and I couldn’t get a good ol’ British telephone box out of my mind. An icon and I loved illustrating it. #britishtelephonebox #british #england #londonphonebooth #london #londoncalling #ringring #britishicon #iconic #iconiclondon #phonebox #redphonebox #redphonebooth #printandpattern #repeatpattern
04.01.2022 Day 11/30 Patterns a Day - Prompt is Henny Penny as in Chickens! I cheated slightly on this one and recoloured a previous pattern. #chickens #chooks #chicks #chicksofinstagram #chooksofinstagram #chickensofinstagram #chickenpattern #chickenillustrations #childrensillustration #childrensillustrator #childrensbookillustration #childrensprint #kidsprint #kidspatterndesign #kidspatterndesigner
02.01.2022 Day 19/30 Pattern a Day Challenge. Today I went off prompt and decided to have some fun with these little guys.. the Aussie Yabby! Pink and orange is a combo I can’t go past. What do you think? #yabby #yabbiesofinstagram #yabbiesofaustralia #visitaustralia #australia #aussie #yabbyillustration #yabbypattern #yabbydrawing #yabbyfabric #30patternsin30days #kidsfashion #printsforkids
02.01.2022 Day 17/30 Patterns a Day Challenge. Today I chose to do Hearts over the ‘bread’ prompt as bread is my love and also my nemesis. I could eat it all day everyday but my body does not thank me if I do. So hearts and love it is! #hearts #heartpattern #heartdesign #heartillustration #heartsofinstagram #30patternsin30days #colourfulpattern #colorful
02.01.2022 Done and dusted! Thanks @mabletandesigns - this was fabulous to be a part of. #30patternsin30days #finished #goaltickedoff #nextthingsnext
02.01.2022 Day 22/30 Pattern A Day Challenge. I’ve gone with Wombats! Very colourful Wombats. A bit of Saturday night fun. #wombats #aussiewombat #australianwombat #australianwombats #wombatsofinstagram #australiananimals #wombatpattern #wombatprint #wombatfabric #wombatart #australianartists #30patternsin30days @ Sunshine Coast, Queensland
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