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Elise Peck


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24.01.2022 Feminine: How open is your heart? Masculine: How steady is your presence?

23.01.2022 Morning Ocean & Bieber vibes #grateful Beiber’s habitual

22.01.2022 Ever felt like you were too much? People often talk about not feeling enough, and encouraging affirmations of I am enough But there’s a lot of conditioning that goes on around making sure you’re not too much:... Too loud, too happy, too smart, too powerful, too fat, too thin, too old, too young, too ugly, too pretty, too bold, too outspoken, too sexual, too bossy, too thoughtful, too emotional, too successful... too something, you get the point, right... Well, as much as I LOVE and want basically every insta post to be me screaming from the rooftops about how my online program & coaching will totally & completely transform & revolutionise your life if there’s any part of you craving more love in your life... I am resisting doing that in this post (sort of, except for that last paragraph )... To make a Public Service Announcement that Too Much by @carlyraejepsen is the song for you to make peace with your too muchness... not much beats dancing things out Ok - off to devour pizza after being on calls almost constantly 8.30am - 5.30pm today... what a dream (my kinda dream anyway)... When work feels like play, then a day of work feels like a juicy juicy day of expansion, healing & connection Edit: Instagram told me I had too many hashtags for this post LMFAO #iamjusttherightenoughness #perfectjustthewayyouare #livingmydream #turnedonbylife #coach #relationshipcoach #lovecoach #womenscoach #intimacycoach #Iamenough

21.01.2022 And we’ve officially hit the stage where our eldest daughter is a willing photographer on family outings

20.01.2022 Hey Elise, I’m scared I’ll have less power if I become more feminine. So tell me then... what’s more powerful than a woman who: has an endless flow of creativity flowing through her ... magnetises love & abundance to her trusts herself speaks her truth is her own best friend knows and expresses her boundaries asks for her needs to be met is comfortable receiving love accepts support inspires a man to grow into the best version of himself shows up in the world as her authentic self is flowing with sexual energy has become her own best healer shares her love & light with others inspires others to heal & life their best life gets more results with less effort has a man asking how to help her (instead of her having to nag him or push him) realises her infinite potential & continuously up-levels loves herself believes in herself realise her worth & value accepts all of herself (both her light & shadow) is committed to living her love knows what turns her on in life lives her purpose ... I mean? Powerful, much? This is all yours. Book you free breakthrough call. Link in profile The power in me, sees and honours the power in you

20.01.2022 Hey beautiful, I’ve been sharing a bit about valuing yourself & keeping your Ideal Relationship Vision in mind. Something to consider, to bring a fuller view to this topic... is that there’s a price of admission to be in relationship with anyone.... What does this mean? I was once listening to a Mindvalley podcast featuring @estherperelofficial @dansavage & @marisapeertherapy . This concept was shared by Dan Savage - and it really resonated with me. The concept is basically that no one is perfect, and every single person is going have things about them that frustrate you or trigger you. You’re not going to find someone who you literally think is perfect... (if you do, you’re in the infatuation stage and eventually you’ll come to a more balanced view where you see not only the things you love about them, but also the things that irk you). These things you don’t like about that person are the price of admission to ride the ride that is that person... every person comes with a price. So then you’re question becomes... is the price of admission something I’m willing to pay to enjoy the ride that is being with person? Can I authentically accept this price? Is this price too high for the return: the return being experiencing the feelings of your ideal relationship vision. Or is this price worth it? If the price is too high and it’s going to bug & frustrate you... it’s not worth putting yourself & the other person through that. If the price is something you’re willing to pay... then the sooner you accept & make peace with the price, the sooner you can enjoy the ride that is being in connection with that person. Everyone has light & shade. Are you willing to accept the parts you don’t like, so that you may enjoy the parts you do? Accepting the other where they are will bring you ease. All that’s left is to decide if that is someone you want to be with (if they never changed a thing & kept doing all those things that irk you)... Or if the price of admission to ride the ride that is being with that person is too high... in that case, keep moving forward & let them be free.

20.01.2022 The divine feminine: She loves unconditionally She is compassionate She has inner wisdom ... She has the power to heal She is in the flow of life She is aware of her power & strength She is connected with nature She is intuitive Thanks to @sofiawomenscircle for this incredible list - I love it And I would like to add: She is open She trusts life How to remove all the shells to uncover your inherent truth & power, which is the flame of the divine feminine that burns brightly inside you? GLO-FLO. Tunes: Starving by @haileesteinfeld

18.01.2022 Any Abraham Hicks fans out there? Or anyone remember back in the day when I used to share vids overlooking the cliffs in Vaucluse with a sort of whimsical audio/guided visualisation playing in the background? ... Well, even though I felt the whole Abraham Hicks thing was a bit woo woo, even for me... I loved the words, and some part of me really resonated with: everything you seek is making its way right to you, relax and enjoy the unfolding, and in the absence of resistance, everything you want is making its way right to you Plus, the person who recommended the audios (@thewholedaily ) was completely & utterly smashing all of her goals in record time. Success leaves clues... so I listened to those audios. But I was left thinking ok, I hear you, but far out... how does one actually authentically go about relaxing into flow state? How do you just simply stop resisting? You know, soooo much self development is pretty words and then you’re left with the conundrum of how to actually create that real change & live those pretty images... often you put the book or quote down, and nothing really changes in your life. ...I kept following that curiosity through, and along the way I found the answers to those very questions #sweetrelief I found the tools that actually let you get out of resistance & into alignment... and let me tell you, flow state is pretty freaking juicy Took me years of following my curiosity to find and piece it all together... but now those lucky people that get to work with me, don’t have to go on a long winded search over many years... they get the ultimate shortcut #howdoesitgetanybetterthanthat? #grateful #werisebyliftingothers #lifethough #prettymagical #abrahamhicks #alignment #selfdevelopment #personalgrowth #followyourcuriosity #manifest #abundance

16.01.2022 Testimonial Everyone I work with has different goals... the client leads... it’s about uncovering what’s going to set your soul on fire, and making that happen. So not everyone is open to discussing sexuality, orgasms etc. All good. No need to touch the topic if it’s not your bag. But if it is your bag, please know I’m your woman & will get you results ... Not everyone starts at a rock bottom deep dark place either. Some people are already thriving, but there are areas in their life that they’d like to see improvement.. that aren’t their ideal. Ute started from an already pretty fantastic place... and just wanted to up-level... and why not, there’s ALWAYS another level to go The point is. I meet you where you’re at, and together we uncover your ultimate vision for your life, and make it happen. I will totally up-level your life. Book in your discovery call if you’re at all curious to find out if I can support you to up-level your life to one that FEELS incredible. Link to book your free discovery call in my insta-profile. So thrilled for Ute (and she hasn’t even experienced my most ultimate zone of genius yet... my content on intimate relationships the best is yet to come!) #livingthedream

15.01.2022 New Instagram handle. LOVE With love from your coach in Love

15.01.2022 Life will give you whatever experience is most helpful for the evolution of your consciousness. How do you know this is the experience you need? Because this is the experience you are having at the moment.... - @eckharttolle , A New Earth How to know if a situation, circumstance or person is for you? Because it’s the experience before you. A little more cryptic than some of my other posts. Just let it slowly swirl around your consciousness without thinking on it too deeply. The epiphany of what this truly means will drop in, when it’s meant to drop in for you. Relax, trust, let go.

14.01.2022 I help women draw in the extremely devoted partner they long for, by igniting their magnetic feminine power EVEN if they’ve been single for years or their partner doesn’t seem to have it in him. BOOM. Mic drop. ... When absolute clarity of your soul mission drops in, and you realise that this is in fact the results you’ve been getting for women, and the results women actually truly want from you.... but the words just hadn’t yet surfaced to articulate what it was all about!! Wow - can’t thank @blissunity enough for this absolute breakthrough. Any coaches out there seeking to consistently sign dream clients with certainty, she is your person! Will record an insta-story about my breakthrough experience with her soon. In the meantime, if you’ve ever looked at me and wondered HOW on earth I have kept a partner unconditionally in love with me & devoted to me & our relationship... in a way that up-levels more & more over time, for over 14+ years. Let’s chat, book your call with me, link in insta-profile. Here’s to you finally having the love, adoration & devotion you’ve always longed for

14.01.2022 It’s a fascinating experience, how we learn things in layers, isn’t it? July 2019 I shared this picture on Instagram. I got the meaning on one level... but there’s always another level to go, and yesterday that new layer dropped in. Now today I’m once again seeing life through new eyes. Constant growth & evolution certainly keeps things very interesting.... So - what does find your wound, find your worth really mean? I believe, at this point in time, that if you find your absolute core wound... the one that stings the most... you will find your corresponding highest value. E.g. for me, my highest core wound as a kid was only feeling worthy & loveable if I met a person’s very high expectations & they gave me some validation that I had. This core wound can either dominate me, or I can turn this wound into wisdom and have it fuel me. How? By fully accepting & surrendering to this being my true nature, and finding healthy ways to meet that core value. For me, that looks like working with women with exceptionally high standards & expectations, and getting them results that truly impress them. In this way, my core wound has informed & fuelled my greatest gift to the world - empowering high achieving women. Because this work meets my highest value, I will be compelled, pulled towards it & turned on by it. It will feel like a gift to myself doing this. So, finding your core wound, guides you to find your most fulfilling life path. Find your wound, find your worth. You wounds really do hold the gold. Need help uncovering your core wound & finding what will turn you on most in life? Book your free breakthrough call with me - link in profile. You are perfect, exactly the way you are, wounds and all.

10.01.2022 Always another level to go From chaos, comes clarity. When things seem to be spinning out of control, and everything is crashing down around you... it’s because you’re closer than you’ve ever been before to a breakthrough... ... you’re about to go next level. The next level brings you another step closer to your absolute truth - a step closer to your true self living your purpose. What would loving yourself look like? What would trusting yourself look like? What if you knew you couldn’t get it wrong - that your truth was leading to your best life? What if you trusted yourself & trusted that all of life loves & supports you when you live in alignment with you truth? What if everything you were scared about was an illusion to see if you could choose love over fear? What if you just took 1 tiny step in the direction of your truth? Not a giant leap. Not the entire staircase. Just the next right step? You are stronger than you know. Your truth is divine truth & your truth sets you & any others involved, free. I’m here for you to support you in claiming your truth & your freedom. Book your free breakthrough call, link in profile. OTW, Khalid

10.01.2022 What are you struggling & battling to make happen? What outcome are you white-knuckle gripping onto? Where are you expectations of how your life should be, preventing you from surrendering to the life trying to work its way through you? ... Where are you not surrendering to the truth in your heart? You don’t have to have it all figured out. Trust yourself enough to move from total authentic alignment in small steps.... I’m finally getting those sayings: direction is more important than speed and find your wound, find your worth. If you removed all fear, shame, guilt & judgment of yourself... what are you drawn to? What’s the next aligned step? Alignment first. Trust your truth. Let go of where it’s taking you... surrender to who you truly are. Curiosity led me to an exceptional YouTube vid this morning by Abraham Hicks, uploaded 2 days ago, titled Abraham Hicks - let your ENERGY flow... have put a little extract in my stories. If it grabs your curiosity, the rest can be found over on YouTube.

07.01.2022 The weird shit I get up to in bringing people world-class relationship/love coaching. Did you know by profiling your face, you could know how your DNA is basically wired to be as a person? If you’re going to be more fulfilled by work or home life.... If you’re highly emotional. If you’re tolerant or easygoing. If you’re likely to feel jealousy (and to what degree). If you’re an action taker or a thinker. If you’re a perfectionist/controlling. If you’re a natural born leader, idealistic, intelligent & more. Yep - just by decoding the features on your face, shape of your forehead, length of the sections on your face, space between your eyes etc etc etc. Imagine knowing what your path of least resistance will be in life, what’s best suited to you, what your soul is actually wired for you to find most fulfilling.. and imagine being able to look at a potential partner or existing partner having this deeper understanding of who they are and how to better connect with them, just by looking at their face. Yep - I did yet another course, invested in more growth, and of course will layer this new up-level into GLO-FLO so we can all continue to grow together. Also.. I need to rename GLO-FLO to accurately reflect it’s impact on getting you all the LOVE you’ve ever craved... #entrepreneurlife Open to Ideas! Ultimate Love Breakthrough Come at me with suggestions :) Anyone curious about if my online love breakthrough course (currently named GLO-FLO) is a match for them? Book in a call for a chin-wag with yours truly (link for available times in insta profile) And you too might end up with eerie photos of yourself with lines through it, dissecting your true essence via yo face. I jk... and also I don’t... #eyesarethewindowtoyoursoul #yourfaceisthewindowtoyoursoul #letsgetweirdtogether

05.01.2022 What have you failed at today? In life, business & love, growth comes from new experiences. From putting ourselves out there, from risking vulnerability, embarrassment, rejection & criticism.... Each time we try something new, we learn. The more comfortable with are with failing the more comfortable we are with trying new things the more rapidly we grow & progress. Progress = fulfilment So, if Failure leads to growth & progress... Consider that perhaps then: Failure = short term discomfort but longterm growth, progress & fulfilment. Getting comfortable with failure, gets you to your goals sooner. (The getting comfortable part is much easier when you have my coaching tools that relieve you of the short term discomfort of failing, in around 20mins.. if that) Food for thought

05.01.2022 What a guy This beautiful Man... an actual complete blessing for these lucky daughters of ours (and me ) He loves unconditionally, with his entire being. ... He is the lighthouse, staying steady amongst the chaos. He is the secure base. Happy Father’s Day @jimijames_ We love you SO much & the I feel so so so so so grateful that the girls have you as their Dad. We appreciate all that you do. We love you. We adore you. Thank you

01.01.2022 When I created & launched GLO-FLO, I felt in my heart of hearts that I had finally found the answers I’d been seeking for SO many years (over 14yrs self development & obsession with wellness, health & mindset), because they had finally transformed me & my life beyond anything I could have hoped for, ... and I felt I could truly do the same for others... it’s one thing to feel & dream it, it’s another to actually witness that transformation in another and read their testimonial that confirms it This testimonial came from a check in survey (answers & name shared with permission) upon completion of Week 5. Just 5 weeks, of 12 weeks, and the best is yet to come. The tools are there. They are powerful, they are effective, and Vicki showed up for herself and committed to herself and the tools The current cohort of GLO-FLO-ers still have wk7- wk12 to journey through, and after that I will make new enrolments available. What I have learned though, is that the 1-1 calls throughout the first 5 weeks hold SO much power, so to ensure I can provide every GLO-FLO-er with these calls, I will be keeping enrolments to a very small numbers... perhaps 5. GLO-FLO is not a match for everyone. It’s for women who are ready & seeking change/growth, who are tired of the reoccurring cycles in their life and are ready to commit to actually doing something about it & showing up for them self, to finally start living the life they were born to live. A life that feels good. Anyway... more details to follow in a few weeks, for now, holding so much gratitude for all the tools in GLO-FLO and for the inner spaciousness, clarity & relief being experienced by beautiful Vicki

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