Reiki by Elise in Greater Geelong (C) | Alternative & holistic health service
Reiki by Elise
Locality: Greater Geelong (C)
Phone: +61 411 845 640
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23.01.2022 Supermoon NEW MOON IN LIBRA 16/17 - USE THE FORCE Like many old souls, when I was a girl, the starwars stories of jedi's training towards mastery of the invisible energetic force within and around them was something that spoke deeply to my innate understanding of life - that we are on a journey to understand the internal struggle between darkness and light felt as real for me as much of what I was learning at school. In many ways, the astrology we are in currently is... a real life version of that struggle, and those of us reading this have chosen to incarnate at the specific time when the greatest lessons of self mastery are being offered, and not by accident. This super moon is a clear example, as it is surrounded by astro that could pull us off our paths towards distractions of power dynamics, conflicts and challenges. October is an intense month, where the veil between light and dark, spirit and matter is virtually non-existant and we are being asked to engage in the greatest act of spiritual discipline we have had to date. While new moons are traditionally an opportunity for new beginnings, this one offers something different. You should approach this with an understanding of your sacredness. The new moon aligns with two fixed stars, Spica and Arcturus - which bring capacity to transcend wordly limitations via sacred acknowledgement, following our inner path and embrace hard won truths that transcend fear. libra, a sign of balance, is also about efforts for equality. In the collective we will continue to see social unrest and personally we may be working to find equilibrium. As an arcturus starseed, I am feeling a reflection of my multifaceted self, dark and light. Im grateful to be experiencing this clarifying. I am also creating time to listen to the truth that is being showered upon us. This truth is not coming from outside of us but from listening to quiet still voice of wisdom within. I would encourage you not to be drawn outwards by the new moon being squared by saturn and pluto and in opposition to mars - see more in comments See more
22.01.2022 SAG SZN we are now stepping into Sag Szn like For Nov 22 - Dec 21 Sagittarius energy brings an electric vibe welcoming our free spirited, adventurous and social self forward. Sags like to ask the big questions being natural philosophers and big hearted wisdom keepers. They are restless nature lovers that desire freedom, optimism and spontaneity! The symbol of Sagittarius represents the centaurs arrow and your high vibin aspirations so s...hoot for the stars this solar month it allows us to focus forward with confidence and embrace our inner gypsy soul via astral travel, actual travel (where permitted during a pandemic obvs) and opening our mind to its highest heights! Honesty is important to the Sagittarius energy so remain reflective and authentic this month and you will soar! We celebrate the solar birth month of The Practice Sagittarius Goddesses @reneeenright and @carleyharper and every beautiful Sagittarius soul, bringing their courageous hearts and joyous vibes into our world so happy birthday month beautiful ppl (I always fret I have missed someone plz let me know if so! I’m a hot mess express most days as you know ) may your solar sag month be blessed with celebration, adventure and high spirited fun Practice Babes, your inbox will receive the banging energy update for this szn and it is HUGE! Including an offer from our friends at @oursatellitehearts to align with the higher cosmic mind via Sagittarius szn inspired crystal pendulums and allow your intuition to fly sky high Yayyyyyyyyyyyy for more on the practice follow the link in my bio
22.01.2022 FULL MOON MAGIC WITNESSED LAST NIGHT thank you to all the beautiful souls that attended the Taurus Wild Feminine webinar we held last night! So much validation confirmation and realisation we all shared! And thank you to the many beautiful souls who have written to me and shared the synchronicities coming through from Goddess Cybeles channelled oracle makes all the worth it! I have uploaded both the webinar and oracle to the app and the webinar is also... up on the portal xx for those of you wanting to catch up - go for it! I’ll see you all again for the mystical journey that will be the new moon in Scorpio #astrology #zodiacsigns #spiritualawakening #astrologyposts #tarotlover #oraclereading #oraclecards #energyhealing #energyhealers #distancehealing #spiritualhealing #vibrationalhealing #spiritualenergy #spiritualgrowth #healingvibrations #energywork #reikihealing #energyhealer #spiritualevolution #highvibrations #auracleansing #divineguidance #spiritualguidance #intuitivehealer #energyworker #spiritualhealer #spiritualmentor #healingjourney #collectivehealing #healersofinstagram See more
21.01.2022 Sometimes clients arrive at sessions explaining they have experienced various types of healing before but couldn’t quite tell if anything was happening. It’s exciting when you get to show a client real-time what spiritual healing can achieve through a physiological response in that moment, when they know without doubt their frequency is being upgraded. And it’s been even more exciting for me to demonstrate this to the almost 100 clients who participate in The Practice, wher...e we do monthly co-created quantum healing events online through remote guided healing methods. The last one on the new moon in Libra was undeniably powerful, with several ppl contacting me post session to discuss throat chakra activation that occurred for them during the channelled healing transmission from my master healing guides, through palpable responses within their throat and chest and then days later reporting overt mood improvements, many noticeable positive shifts, life changes, karmic upgrades, and overall feelings of having truly shifted their frequency. Yayyyyyyyyyyyy The intense quality of the healing was all down to our merging with my Arcturian Starbeing guides which has been threaded through the latest upload to the Practice portal and app - the latest upload, a sacred journey, is a healing technology my guides call a resonance healing chamber and their frequency upgrade is a beautiful way to offer sacred space for yourself during this full moon rising energy and beyond. Those of you in The a practice will find it in the Sacred Journey, Scorpio Szn and Latest Medi’s section of the app. If using the Portal, scroll down to to below the yoga nidra section and you will see it too, slide across for its cover image and enjoy a beautiful frequency activation all the way from Arcturus! Plus remember to listen to their life affirming tear jerker of a channelled message in the healing transmission sections of the app and portal all about what it means to be a light bringer in 2020. Blessings to you on this magical night
18.01.2022 We are moving exponentially closer to unprecedented lovelight energetic shifts occurring from now and intensifying towards the end of this year. This is the reason for the abounding experience of vague discomfort. A new collective energy state is dawning and we need to be listening to our body and soul for new ways to manage our energetic needs. Anything we have within the dark, or the shadow self, is coming through the transformation- the divine dark feminine is tr...ansmuting within that which is to be truly seen. That which is being seen now within ourselves and others cannot be unseen any longer. Kind of reminds me of that Maya Angelou quote when someone shows you who they are, believe them! Pay attention to your instinct, be guided not by fear. This does not mean being fearless, for this can sometimes take us to recklessness. Be aware of fear and examine what triggers it: Is it true, and necessary? What happens when you move beyond this fear? Many people are dimming their vibration through exposure to ways of thinking that do not serve humanity. They seperate us, they do not support us. This means different things for different people but your body will be helping you understand what works. Your energy and your health is telling you a story. Take its advice, make changes, transform your life. Consider the truth you are being served in all areas of your life and especially consider how unifying it is. Truth never splits us off from others, it never separates. The age of ascension will be a unique transition to a raised frequency for everybody, but it will be recognised through being unified on the personal and collective level. Embrace those feelings of alignment when they are happening now, be guided by them. If you want tools to help you move with grace through that transition join me and my peaceful tribe on The Practice. Link in bio x @monika_berry #healersofinstagram #collectivehealing #intuitivehealer #healingjourney #energyworker #energyhealers #vibrationalhealing #spiritualhealer #distancehealing #selfhealer #spiritualadvisor #spiritualmentor #energyhealing #reikihealing #chakrabalancing #spiritualhealing See more
16.01.2022 FULL MOON IN TAURUS 1.11.20 SURRENDER SURPRISE This full moon at 9 degrees of Taurus ( rounding up as you do), has had a surge of Uranus energy thanks to its snug alignment with the planet of truth, moving us towards a powerful energy of breaking free of stuckness and stepping out of self made prisons. For me this has included forgetting to post yesterday when the moon was exact because I’ve been so excited in my prep for The Practice webinar on the #wildfeminine tonight ...!! Even though loves stability, it may be at times detrimental to the full expression of Taurus energy, so this moon may be helpful for shaking up things that we need to transform. A rebalancing will be occurring, through this time and the change it brings could put you at odds with an old way of operating, but this imminent change is soul directed. A new meaning or value will be emerging, take note and trust that losing control of this aspect that you are out growing will be of support to your future Venus ruler of #Taurus is in her home sign of libra now joining mercury in retrograde for a mini so this backdrop will bring a balance into the surprising energies, and allow you to have deep conversations and to listen to how change can happen in a balanced way for those you love. Worthiness wounds may come up due to #Chiron in opposition to Venus, so use this moon and self care activities to help you flow through the change don’t get frustrated by a lack of materialisation or results of the change - due to planetary stalemate you’ll see movement in your dreams mid November. This moon is going to give you a sneak peek at what is coming first through feelings, so use this time of stillness toconsider how your energy is being used now, and align with what you value (Taurus) If you are feeling it’s not time yet, trust in that too, the full moon is a mirror that reveals what you need to transform in your life, receive its blessings and surrender all you have outgrown Please come join me at my #fullmoon Healing webinar on zoom tonight where will take sacred healing journey with Goddess Cybele to embrace our wild feminine and inner oracle by following the link in bio
16.01.2022 FULL MOON IN ARIES 1/2 Oct - HOT HOT HEAT This lunation (exact tom am in Melbs) is amplifying the mars retrograde energy of inflamed, overheated activity. Astrology like this can create tension and anxiety in the collective and personal. It can indicate highly charged drama and social unrest. Mars retrograde teaches us to review our energy use, over the next days you will be given clarity about where you may fritter energy away. ... This moon if used to understand the frustration and restrictions in your life, can help you see what supports you to burn off tension and send energy in a more supportive direction. Mars tends to link with heat, tragically back on 9/9 when mars went retrograde, the wildfires occurred in America. Retrogradation deepens how we feel a planets influence. Mars square Saturn is strongly influencing this lunation too, which can create restriction and delay, so patience will be needed over this time. This warrior moon is tightly conjunct Chiron - an astrological influence whose placement is said to create a wound we are challenged to turn into a triumph in this lifetime. Wounds may reopen now, watch for the shadow that rises up. The strong yang energy in the world - what Im calling yangry energy around the 6th is indicative of mars in retro being the closest it will be to the earth for 15 years - hot hot heat is my metaphor for this time. Cool off where poss. Uranus quincunxes the sun, a planet of awakening, truth, galactic issues and rebellion and with the sun in libra there is a continued theme of collective human rights and standing up for these in 2020. Pluto’s influence over the next 12 weeks will be felt deeply as a clean out within our physical life and body, lots of politics and dramatic activity is likely to be happening too. Power and control issues will likely be showing up in the personal. Let the moon bring you a release of tension, utilise all your tools to raise your vibration and those of you in the practice, use the practice movement activations to support your release of tension day to day.
15.01.2022 BREAKIN NOOZ: Just uploaded last nights full moon healing with info on your unique mars natal placements, chakra clearing, ego collapse healing, karmic chakra intel, a sacred journey with goddess Nemetona through a labyrinth to find your sacred space within AND ... my latest PRACTICE MOVEMENT has been uploaded too called PURIFY DEEPLY, a practice to support us through the yangry energy that abounds and the intense ascension vibes of October! No reason to not hav...e to #spiritualgrowth fix with The PRACTICE on demand 24/7! Thank you to all the beautiful souls who’ve joined our tribe recently- if you would like to know what all the lovelight is about, join us on the top link in my bio link tree Now we are off on a mini break up the coast yewwwww! See you next week! #healersofinstagram #collectivehealing #intuitivehealer #healingjourney #energyworker #vibrationalhealing #distancehealing #spiritualmentor #selfhealer #spiritualadvisor #spiritualhealer #energyhealer #naturalhealth #naturalwellness #healyourself #spiritualteacher #lightworker #divineguidance #highvibrations #spiritualguidance #spiritualevolution #auracleansing #meditationteacher #spiritualhealing #energyhealing #energyhealers #chakrabalancing #spiritualenergy #healingvibrations See more
15.01.2022 NEW ON OUR WEBSITE A soothing stone, Amazonite helps support you healing through emotional trauma - alleviating worry and fear. Too many cooks in the ki...tchen? This crystal can help simmer the situation by seeing things from both side. We all need a little calm + perspective, right? There are lots of Amazonite generators to choose from. If you are a member of Reiki by Elise The Practice, you get 20% for the season of Libra! (ends 22nd October) Shop now:
14.01.2022 My new space so much more room for activities I’m enjoying healing from up here in Highton, the atmosphere for connecting in, up in the trees and clouds is definitely high vibes! And the morning light was bliss today - have a light filled day beautiful soul tribe #blessed #healersofinstagram
13.01.2022 DEEP FEELING HEALING mercury retrograde 14/10-3/11 (+plus remember it’s shadow prior and after too) This mercury retrograde in Scorpio is bringing in the feeling healing. Anyone who works with me is used to hearing me bang on about this type of depth being required for true transformation- deep feeling brings deep healing! Welcome to mercury retrograde in Beyond 21/12 we are not taking our baggage with us, we are being encouraged to fly light into the ascen...sion age sans old reality karma and this means a mercury retrograde asking us to collapse the shadow in shame, to release the emotional baggage we’ve held on to for too long, this lifetime and previous. For some that which reveals itself will be deeply unconscious and even uncomfortable to witness, for others an undercurrent for what has been held back will mysteriously emerge but for all feeling healing will occur. Go with it and go within Mercury is bringing a scorpions spear to the origin of our intimate, deep vulnerability - and piercing through the light - this is the healing act of the #darkfeminine to move beyond trust issues, beyond fear, beyond self made barriers to truly living life. Disowned parts of self are coming back to be made whole, for this unique and important time of life. A life you chose to incarnate into for a reason. A life you deserve to truly embrace without trauma, without fear, without insecurities. Let the feeling healing show you what is distracting you from a deeply purposeful way of living, and embrace the healing that will truly set your soul free #scorpiomeme #scorpio #mercuryretrograde #mercuryretrograde2020 #healersofinstagram #collectivehealing #intuitivehealer #healingjourney #energyworker #vibrationalhealing #spiritualhealer #distancehealing #selfhealer #spiritualadvisor #energyhealer #astrology #astrologyposts #spiritualawakening #energyhealing #spiritualhealing #healingvibrations #lightworker #auracleansing #divineguidance #spiritualguidance #spiritualevolution #spiritualgrowth #spiritualteacher #spiritualenergy See more
12.01.2022 NEW UPLOAD! I’ve uploaded a beautiful The Practice Movement just now, TPM #9 is called Sacred Teardrop Yoga Nidra this is a unique practice formulated for these intensely transformative and somewhat yangry times! It’s a fusion of ancient psychic sleep techniques with my signature channelled intuitive healing anchors. ... I have had many shifts and intuitive breakthroughs through this beautiful channelled relaxation this past week, it’s my go to practice Rn and my sense is those of you in the practice tribe will find it supports you deeply in these upgrade energies - can’t wait to hear your feedback beautiful souls! Drop your comments below when you’ve given it a whirl Sacred Teardrop Yoga Nidra a tonic for your mind body soul: Only available on the Practice app and portal. Join in my link in bio #gowithin #innerself #meditation #yoganidra #peacefulmind #peacewithin #stillness #innerwork #energyhealing #energyhealer #chakrabalancing #spiritualhealing #vibrationalhealing #spiritualenergy #spiritualteacher #meditationteacher #spiritualgrowth #healingvibrations #lightworker #spiritualguidance #spiritualevolution #highvibrations #auracleansing #healersofinstagram #intuitivehealer #healingjourney #collectivehealing #spiritualhealer #spiritualmentor See more
12.01.2022 Back in the swing of things, as Saturn stations direct. This can create a capacity to move forward in areas of your life with the plans and progress you’ve been squirrelling away through both lockdowns (if relevant to your geography). In other words, your new beginnings from the reconstruction that has been occurring since February this year are likely to be emerging. And so, as if on cue I’m back with a slightly new set up, but just incase you missed me, here’s an old ...memory for you My New address for appointments will be in your email reminder for appointments and please remember to bring your mask ! But if you can’t wait till next July to see me (I know, I know!! ) don’t worry!!! You can join me on The Practice now for monthly moon doses of healing, sacred journey, wisdom and love light it’s so much fun! link in bio beautiful souls xx @monika_berry #energyhealer #chakrabalancing #vibrationalhealing #spiritualenergy #spiritualteacher #meditationteacher #spiritualgrowth #energywork #healingvibrations #lightworker #spiritualguidance #spiritualevolution #highvibrations #auracleansing #divineguidance #healersofinstagram #intuitivehealer #collectivehealing #healingjourney #selfhealer #distancehealing #spiritualmentor #reikitherapy #selfcare #loveyourself #youareworthy #holisticmedicine #healyourself #astrology #spiritualawakening See more
11.01.2022 BEAUTIFUL PRACTICE SOULS Your personal oracle has been sent to your inbox so have fun reading through the channelled messages your guides chose for you and take note of what resonates for you If for some unfortunate mercury retrograde reason you can’t find it check your junk mail first and then dm me or email me Tonight we’ll be unpacking the divined meanings for this time for your specific oracle and going deeper into the wild feminine energy with the mount...ain mother goddess Cybele After discussing the energies, going deep in our quantum healing and receiving sacred communion in our healing journey with Cybele, a lucky few will receive my psychic healing messages from working with your aura too! So excited to connect with you Practice Souls! Wanna join us?? It’s not too late, go to the link in bio now and become a member of this wonderful expansive group of souls finding magic purpose and peace in the every day xx #soulhealing #energyhealing #psychicsofinstagram #energyhealer #spiritualawakening #distancehealing #chakrabalancing #spiritualhealing #reikihealing #vibrationalhealing #spiritualenergy #spiritualgrowth #healingvibrations #meditationteacher #spiritualteacher #energywork #spiritualguidance #divineguidance #highvibrations #spiritualevolution #auracleansing #healersofinstagram #collectivehealing #healingjourney #intuitivehealer #spiritualhealer #selfhealer #spiritualmentor #spiritualhealing #psychicmessages #oraclereading See more
09.01.2022 ENERGY UPDATE 18-21/11/20 Channelled from my master guides this morning. Those in The Practice will benefit from doing the teardrop tune in, my signature sealing morning and night to keep connected to pure lovelight. If you are healing head pressures or confusion, spacey, disconnected or out of sorts use the energy meditation section and acknowledge whatever comes through for release. Staying connected to your solid soul self will help these next 3 days sending blessings, a river of and of light to all #energyupdate #energyhealer #healersofinstagram
09.01.2022 Deep breaths deep breaths deep breaths deep breaths deep breaths imagine you are here and not in the queue at woolies #astrology #astrologylovers #spiritualawakening #energyhealing #reikihealing #vibrationalhealing #spiritualteacher #meditationteacher #spiritualgrowth #spiritualenergy #spiritualhealing #healingvibrations #lightworker #divineguidance #spiritualevolution #highvibrations
09.01.2022 As we move towards the great awakening transition 21/12 & the beginning of 2021 you are being offered opportunity on opportunity to OWN YOUR LIGHT But what does that actually mean? So day to day it may include: Becoming aware of your inner congruence meter - so moving away from frequencies that hold a facade or feel untrue for you for you... Letting go of karma and limitations by staring down fears and insecurities that no longer align with your purpose and plan Recognising and honouring your increased sensitivity, spiritual awareness and empathy in ways that ultimately support you in more concrete ways than you ever have. Giving up habits/cycles that have lowered your vibration (and perhaps this happens instantaneously without that much effort when previously it may have been a real struggle to do so Becoming unapologetically aligned with what truly matters Experiencing greater levels of gratitude, acceptance, awareness and joy This shift has been working through us collectively since way back when in 2012, and even around the time of the harmonic convergence back in 84 before some of you incarnated and it still has a way to go! Give yourself time and space to make this important frequency upgrade, but never ever apologise for the growth and courage it takes to own your light! Our future bliss depends on it #energyhealing #spiritualhealing #vibrationalhealing #spiritualteacher #spiritualgrowth #healingvibrations #energywork #divineguidance #highvibrations #auracleansing #spiritualevolution #spiritualguidance #chakrabalancing #collectivehealing #healersofinstagram #spiritualadvisor #selfhealer #energyupdate2020
07.01.2022 SOUL DRIVEN - MARS DIRECT - We are ever so slowly moving out of the mars retrograde time of fuelling up as of tomorrow in Australia and now elsewhere, the pitstop and delays that intensely featured in the area of our life since september are incrementally moving forward, but with awareness of what we really desire thanks to the intense seriousness of 2020. Whatever has been on pause since September will have a new maturity and meaning now, note how you are now soul drive...n, not just driven. How you are more harmony and less hustle and applaud your growth. You can now move forward with a clarity on what you want in your life that works with your greater purpose. Not just throwing brute force at something, but working synergistically with your energy and purpose in efficient ways to acheive mastery - as the adage goes, working smarter not harder! The trials and tribulations of this retrograde period has likely shown you ways in which working smarter and investing energy where it is needed while divesting of frustrations that go nowhere supports you. A wiser more mature version of your ego and energy, a higher consciousness self, has now come forth - honour this - with mars still in aries till early next year, the wind is in your sails - use the wisdom you have learnt from the challenges of the last few months (or more) to manage your ego, energy, anger, masculine energy in a truly evolved way that supports your life path. Beyond todays possible ego clash with the discomfort of mars being in a stand still for a wee moment, things will eek forward beyond today This energy is good for moving forward decisively, channeling your get up and go in a spiritually aligned way, focusing your driven energies towards completion and reward, learning to manage overt competition and success with humility, patience and maturity. Also think towards what you learnt during this refueling phase of how best to manage your yangry self, how to fill up your tank so to speak and keep a nice dose of yin and down time fresh in your nervous system in the coming months - we all need a rejuvanation plan through the final moments of 2020 and beyond. Sending love
07.01.2022 This year has shown how all our needs can be heightened in an instant, including those of our healers. Healers are humans that are healing too. This industry is one where burn out and compassion fatigue are common. When I write this I am referring to the energetic realm, not to mention the side of my work that includes holding space for trauma and psychological healing. Burn out is so commonplace in the spiritual healing/psychic world that two of most influential mentors, th...ose who met me at the tender age of 20, helped me recognise my abilities and mould my development psychically, are sadly no longer practicing. It is our responsibility to maintain our boundaries as healers, which ordinarily is not as difficult as it has been in recent unordinary times. This is a year of many intersections of evolution, a human consciousness evolution, a year of various collective traumas that are causing us to examine broken systems and consider equity for so many and so much a year of deep personal growth for all. It has not been easy but it is the age of ascension, the time we have chosen to incarnate for. It is yet to be revealed how crucial these transformations are but it will be in time crystal clear this transition has been well overdue. My life has been positively transformed by this year in so many ways, and one of those ways has been having the gaps in my boundaries exposed to me. Without such a time of need I would never have seen this. Nor taken steps to help myself feel safe and supported. So for this year I am grateful, even in my recovery, which will take time from compassion fatigue which has built up over 10 years of trauma work and 20 years of various forms ofhealing that has seen me work with thousands of souls and continue to. This is something I am immensely proud of, committed to and looking to expand within the next few years, into training that can be offered to other healers. In order to ensure I continue to share my gifts, I share my commitment to myself via these boundaries. Thank you so much for following my account and respecting these. May you be blessed truly with peace at this time of immense transformation upon the planet
05.01.2022 NEW SUPERMOON IN SCORPIO - 15/11/20 4:07pm AEST - RISE UP This New Supermoon in Scorpio is a blast of fresh energy so needed after the year we've had. This new moon supportsus embracing with clarity the passions, desires and feelings that drive us from deep within. Scorpio energy aligns with intimately and courageously knowing ourselves, moving into vulnerability for growth and beyond our fears - use this time to reinvent your life to powerfully flow according to you...r desires. With the personal planets now moving direct there is aconnection between the retrogradation this year and the learning that has emerged, especially related to the key planets of jupiter, pluto and saturn in capricorn. If you take the time to reflect you can recognise the way you have morphed in 2020 and then plot how you can build upon the deeper understanding of yourself that has emerged for 2021 Consider where you are meant to rise from the ashes of 2020 like a pheonix in 2021? what is the higher understanding you have gained from this year? If you'd like to explore this formally head to my link in bio and join the practice to do my magical new moon manifestation webinar ritual now. we are in the last conjunction of jupiter and plutowhich is the perfect time to discover your transformative abundance pathway - look within and see what new desires you now have and move in that direction. Your energy field and consciousness has been truly upgraded - take note of this internally. From a scorpionic perspective, even though this may have been a year of loss for many, scorpio sees change as a constant transformation that can be relied upon to some extent for the purpose of rebirth - where can you bring this perspective to your life for healing? A new purpose and passion will be coming to pass, perhaps its not what you initially thought you'd be focused on after a year of deep change, but it is inspired and spiritually supported. Embrace your inner Pheonix and Rise up!
04.01.2022 a quote on healing Much of your pain is self-chosen. It is the bitter potion by which the physician within you heals your sick self. Therefore trust the physician and drink his remedy in silence and tranquility: ... For his hand, though heavy and hard, is guided by the tender hand of the Unseen. - Kahlil Gibran #healersofinstagram #healingquotes # #energyhealing #energyhealers #distancehealing #reikihealing #chakrabalancing #vibrationalhealing #spiritualenergy #spiritualteacher #meditationteacher #spiritualgrowth #healingvibrations #energywork #lightworker #spiritualguidance #divineguidance #highvibrations #auracleansing #spiritualevolution #healingjourney #spiritualhealer #selfhealer #spiritualadvisor #spiritualmentor #intuitivehealer #kahlilgibran #kahlilgibranquote See more
04.01.2022 LIBRAN NEW SUPERMOON + ARCTURUS CHANNELING UPLOAD COMPLETE on the practice app and portal So much upgrade went down on the webinar last night, I’ve been getting lots and lots of feedback about the shifts you all had - you can even hear me moving s%*^ through my throat chakra, which sometimes happens in intense healing sessions 1:1 but that was the first time I’d ever felt anything like it in The Practice. My guides did prepare me for it, and when I finally just we...nt with it I felt a huge clearing and release and from the feedback I’ve received from my practice tribe, so did you! So given we had 30+ participants last night live and have in excess of 50 more to watch back in our quantum future, I reckon we’ll all be feeling the lightness soon For those of you who have participated feel free to share your insights and the impact of the channelled healing below! To join The Practice see my link in bio. You can watch back many channels healings and activations and enjoy a self led meditation, sacred journey, spiritual ritual and mindful movement smorgasbord at your leisure- ensuring you are totally equipped to #bringthelight in 2020 and beyond xx #starseed #arcturus #starbeing #channelledhealing #chanelledmessages #energyupdate #multidimensionalchannel #energyhealing #lightbringer #vibrationalhealing #spiritualenergy #spiritualteacher #meditationteacher #spiritualgrowth #healingvibrations #spiritualguidance #divineguidance #spiritualevolution #highvibrations #auracleansing #energywork #healingjourney #intuitivehealer #energyworker #spiritualadvisor #spiritualmentor #spiritualhealer #healersofinstagram #collectivehealing See more
02.01.2022 In psychology, the practice of healing the mind, until recently, (and in some cases still to this day), there was an absence of the body that cost us soul. It split us off and meant that many of us feel compartmentalised and not fully healed. In spiritual work, there is also a tendency to at times forget that embodiment is sacred, this is a form of spiritual bypassing. Everything we are, corporeal, mental and emotional, comes from soul, so when we integrate all of who w...e are and work with practitioners who also recognise all three domains, not just as seperate parts of the whole but from an understanding of interconnectedness - incredible lasting healing happens. And huge awareness occurs. If you deny your body, you deny your soul, if you ignore your mind, you ignore your spirit and if you ignore spirit you have no dominion over anything. There’s no need to choose one over the other. Choose a sacred merging of them all. See more
01.01.2022 Three things cannot be long hidden: the sun, the moon and the truth -Buddha ... We are currently moving into a galactic alignment with Arcturus that is showering our hearts with meteoric truth bombs and it’s the time I’ve been waiting for as an Arcturus starseed. In my new moon in libra webinar this Thursday 7.30pm AEST I will be sharing all the wisdom that has been coming through from my master healing guides from Arcturus. If you have seen me for a session or heard about my sessions this is where most of my vibrational guidance comes from, this group of star beings are wise beyond measure and believe deeply in the progress of humanity. In addition we will review why this is the most important time to be communing with spirit and what it really means to shine your light at this time on the planet. If you are interested in multidimensional healing, opportunities that lie within the coming months energies, Arcturus starseeds and the ascension age please join us by clicking my link in bio and looking at various options of joining my beautiful tribe of self healing inspired souls, the practice The frequency my guides will be sharing is so needed Rn and not to be missed x wishing you clarity and peace #healingjourney #5dconsciousness #arcturianstarseed #arcturus #newmooninlibra #astrology #energyhealing #energywork #shifthappens #consciousnessshift #conciousness #consciousawakening #spiritualawakening #spiritualhealing #psychicsofinstagram #healersofinstagram #vibrationalhealing #higherconsciousness #sacredjourney #healingenergy #collectiveconsciousness #souljourney #soulawakening #starseedsofinstagram #starseed #starbeing #multidimensional #channeledmessages
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+61 7 5476 2900
- Hypnobirthing in Hobart
Businesses Medical and health Medical centre Pregnancy care centre
+61 432 075 852
- Dental2you
Businesses Medical and health General dentist Dentist & dental surgery
+61 412 203 817