Business for Creatives in Ashgrove, Queensland | Education
Business for Creatives
Locality: Ashgrove, Queensland
Address: Ashgrove Serviced Offices, 240 Waterworks Road 4060 Ashgrove, QLD, Australia
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25.01.2022 "Come, come, whoever you are. Wonderer, worshipper, lover of leaving. It doesn't matter.... Ours is not a caravan of despair. Come, even if you have broken your vow a thousand times Come, yet again, come, come." - Rumi I am longing for 12th-century Persian poetry today. Who are your favourite poets and which piece of poetry?
24.01.2022 When I read this quote I experienced a warm little tingle in my belly. The Confederate flag represented slavery in a way. Thats my abstract take on what I know about it, right? So I wrote the song New Slaves. So I took the Confederate flag and made it my flag. Its my flag now. Kanye West It is so incredibly inspiring when people take what has held them down and own that shit and make it work for them.... This is why we need artists in the world, to remind us of how to think outside the box. We can use the bones of our past pain and experiences as a platform to create and heal. Flipping it on its head. A long time ago, I had a traumatic experience. The person involved owned me. Even after their death, they owned me because I continued to behave in a disempowered way. When I searched and found the amazing strength this experience gave me. I owned it. Its my flag now!
23.01.2022 Wow! Fascinating clip on what happens inside a highly creative brain. There is even a quiz you can do. It's a short clip. Well worth a watch...and I love The Police. <3...
22.01.2022 Thank you so much for Deidre Spencer Author-Artist. You are a beautiful soul with a heart as big as the universe. You are incredibly lovable. When these messages come in, it reminds me that my work is appreciated, that my mission is worthwhile and that love is vitally important. <3
19.01.2022 My work as a creative mindset coach and trainer leads me to study success psychology and communication. The first and most important communication is with ourselves. Today has been a day of contemplation and reflection on these 6 points for a creative person to be happy and successful You may struggle with all of these at different times. As do I.... Nailing these is the key And here they are 1. Have fun. Create and be spontaneous. When you are playful and can have a laugh, it lights up peoples day. It lights up your day. When you create its like smiling, inside and out. Every day you must find some fun to feel complete. 2. Self-promote. Be charming and take action. Asking for what you want doesnt need to be demanding. It can be done in a charming, authentic and charismatic way. You need to take action on a project every day so you dont get lost in the thoughts or planning of it. 3. Work well and accept imperfections. Nothing is perfect, but in its imperfection it is perfect! You need to get your work out into the world when its done enough, otherwise, you could work all your life without the recognition for it. When you use your logic and have timed and sequential steps your art happens. 4. Care for yourself first. Look after your needs. You cannot rely on anyone else consistently meeting your needs. Its so much more reliable to meet them yourself. Practice saying yes or no when you need to. This is the only way to really receive authentic love. Its all about the love. 5. Have a quiet cause and make a difference. Consider how your creations will make the world a better place. The world would be a very dull place indeed without music, literature and artand you give sound, words and colour to the world. This creates a place where people have a platform to also make our world a better place. Its about morals, values and trust. 6. Take time to contemplate, dream and muse. As a creative person, your imagination is a potent and powerful force. Remember your creative ideas come from you, deep within. They are not separate from you. The only reason they come to you is that they are yours. Give yourself time to daydream and then write them down or create them. Now that you are at the end of this post, Id like to ask Which ones resonate with you the most? Which ones do you find easy? And which ones do you struggle with? Contact me by sending a message if youd like to know more about creative mindset coaching or any of the creative business programs I run. <3
19.01.2022 Thrilled to bits. My friend Mike Justice has just smashed a long-term goal of his. Mike, you are such as hard-working, persistent and just man. You are so very deserving. Love your work. Listen up all you artists. You can do it! You can be successful. Make your goals, focus on them, surround yourself with a great team and do not let go until you have your dream firmly in your grasp. Then do it all again. <3
19.01.2022 For Creative Brisbane people We have secured the best venue for the next free BRANDING FOR CREATIVES event. On this free evening talk, I will be giving you the key to your branding success. This talk is for creative people specifically.... Bookings are essential due to a limited number of seats. I'm looking forward to seeing you there. To book, click on the Meetup link here. If you don't have a meetup account, please send me a DM and we'll put your name on the door.
18.01.2022 STRESS has a bad name... There are different stresses. There is eustress that is beneficial stress. We need a certain amount of eustress to make our life fun and challenging.... Then there the damaging type of stress is when this is too much over too long and becomes distress. Distress puts us in flight, fight or freeze. And is harmful to us over a long period. We cope well with this type of stress if it is short lived. Ive attached the Yerkes-Dodson curve to show this. From all the years of research Ive done, case studies and clients Ive had, there is a thought or thoughts (conscious or non-conscious) that is always the core of the stress. These thoughts are either 1. Conflicted values from our Intelligence 2. Trapped emotions from our imagination 3. Limited beliefs from our instincts. These three areas is a way of putting the work I do in the simplest of terms. And I love simplicity. If we were to take each one of these three areas there would be a number of subcategories under each on
17.01.2022 Ive never seen it but Ive heard so much about Brisbanes Cloudland. In the middle of the night, without the public knowing about it, Cloudland was reduced to rubble. Anyone played there, been an audience member, a roadie? Or like me, would have loved to see this creative arts icon?... See what Dr John Willsteed from the Go-Betweens says about it.
17.01.2022 A couple of months ago a painting sold for over $450 million. Its the most an art piece has ever been sold for. 12 years ago, the same painting was sold for $1,000. What a way to leave a legacy.... Keep working at your art, even if you are before your time. <3
17.01.2022 Have you ever noticed? Something magical occurs when creative people get together.
17.01.2022 I've been working full time as a mindset coach and trainer for 8 years now. And invested in over $50,000 worth of education. Personally, I've come from a pretty fucked up place to a place of healing. Albert Einstein said, The definition of genius is taking the complex and making it simple." I'm not a genius, but if you boil down everything I've learned there are just two things. Just two things that are at the core of all problems and the answer to profound healing.... 1. Self-worth and 2. Self-love. A lack of self-worth and self-love creates problems and healing these same problems is a matter of increasing self-worth and self-love. Quite exciting really :) P.S. I've noticed pictures help my post get seen by you so I've added a completely unrelated picture. Hahahaha!
17.01.2022 "Works of art make rules; rules do not make works of art" -Claude Debussy
16.01.2022 Haha! Here's the proof. I knew it! Check out this NASA study on current SCHOOLING and CREATIVE GENIUS. I have some very close friends who are good teachers. Thank you for making a difference Rhonda Clark and Jason Falcongreen. I am still friends with my grade 3 teacher Jo Buchanan. Miss Buchanan restored me.... The year before, grade 2, I had a (*cough...) teacher. I won't detail the violence, manipulation and putdowns many of the other students and I struggled through. I was so scared and upset before going to school, I would vomit. The first time I was vomiting, mum took me to the doctor. He asked which teacher I had. She told him it was Mrs Gerlach. The doctor told her he had many of her students come to him with similar anxiety based symptoms. The next year with Miss Buchanan healed me. She was young, beautiful and loved my drawing of a shark. She would bring her latest vinyl in and play Cat Stevens to us. "Morning Has Broken" still makes me smile. To this day, I am still incredibly grateful to you Jo. In raising my own daughters, I instilled in them the act of learning as a life-long pursuit. I encouraged them to question everything, to learn to self-educate, to be curious and to follow their passions. A school education does not guarantee success. It's about the attitude. Check out this article and let me know your thoughts. Thank you, Anthony Wallis, for bringing it to my attention.
16.01.2022 Such an honour to be presenting Branding for Creatives at the Sunshine Coast next month. For more info on all the dates and events check out this link:
15.01.2022 I could listen to my friend's stories for hours. Beryl is in her 80s and has a brain sharp as a tack, a sparkle in her eyes and a cheeky grin. When she was a young girl, primary school age, she went to piano lessons once a week. Her teacher was a cranky old lady who would poise a stick above her student's hands. When they play the wrong note she would hit their hands with the stick. This story really touched me because my piano teacher did the same thing to me. Needless to sa...y, I never pursued piano. Before lessons, I used to impro on our family piano and drift into that beautiful creative zone. Mum thought I might enjoy lessons. I did not! And, fortunately, my mother respected my wishes to stop having these lessons. Anyway, I digress. Back to Beryl's story... Beryl had a neighbour, a boy a little younger than her. His lesson was straight after hers. They would cross paths after her lesson and before his. This boy would always ask if the teacher was in a particularly good or bad mood that day. Beryl would give him a thumbs up or thumbs down. One day, right before the school holidays, the boy and Beryl crossed paths as usual between their lessons. The boy looked her dead in the eye and passionately said. "I would do anything not to have to play the piano". The holidays began and the boy went away up north with his family. During the holiday he had an accident and lost most of his fingers. This story reminded me of how powerful we are. Our unconscious (insert your preferred name here...universe, god, soul, the goddess...) listens and creates. Beryl reminded me to be specific with my requests and to ask for what I want rather than what I don't want.
15.01.2022 I dont fit in the box. Never did. Anytime someone said to me Why dont you get a real job?... You cant do that It wont work Youre not smart enough Youve got a D or an F in your test, youre a failure I would grit my teeth and say under my breath, Just you f**king watch me. Little did they know, I never wanted to fit the norm. Im a creative. I dont colour within the lines. To fit the norm a person needs to remain within the four imagined walls of acceptability. According to who? I have no idea. Thats why its imagined. To me creating a life of creativity, learning, social change and love is the only acceptable life. Whos with me?
15.01.2022 You are invited to the Branding for Creatives event. If you are creative and are on the Gold Coast, Sunshine Coast or Brisbane, do yourself a favour and come It's free and I will give you as much gold as I can squeeze into 2 hours. Bookings are essential as spots are filling up fast. Click here to book: Brisbane: Gold Coast: Sunshine Coast: I'm so excited to be able to see those of you who are familiar and to meet new creative folk. <3
15.01.2022 My huge realisation is...
14.01.2022 Do you have a favourite instrument? Have you ever seen a piano being tuned? This tuning comes with the threads of a story...... When my mother and father had just married they were pregnant, dirt poor and living in a tent. The first thing they bought together was this piano. It made sense as mum played and dad was a passionate appreciator of classical music. Every single day mum played this piano. My childhood memories are all woven together by the threads of this piano. This piano birthed my siblings and my love of music, with us all playing in one way or another. Peter played flamenco guitar and bagpipes, Michelle played just about any instrument she touched and became a gold and platinum recording artist, she also played the violin for the Noosa Orchestra, Carl played guitar and flute and I sang with Peace n Choir for quite a while. Over the years, this piano became valuable to me but valueless on paper. When mum died, I couldnt dump it as recommended by the local piano tuner. I found some guys who were crazy enough to bring it from Noosa to me, perched on top of the mountain and up all my winding stairs so it could continue its life with my girls and me. At my place, this piano grieves for my mothers touch and refuses to keep in tune for more than a few months at a time. Silvana plays every day when its in tune. Mum lives through her fingers. Once again the weavings of this piano hold me together. When Silvana plays, the notes send me to deep home place. The piano tuner said its done. Its not worth tuning again. Our hearts are bleeding. It is a raw reminder of my mother. She would weep knowing her piano is coming to the end of its long, beautiful 130-year life. The tapestry is complete.
14.01.2022 Haha! Heres the proof. I knew it! Check out this NASA study on current SCHOOLING and CREATIVE GENIUS. I have some very close friends who are good teachers. Thank you for making a difference Rhonda Clark and Jason Falcongreen. I am still friends with my grade 3 teacher Jo Buchanan. Miss Buchanan restored me.... The year before, grade 2, I had a (*cough...) teacher. I wont detail the violence, manipulation and putdowns many of the other students and I struggled through. I was so scared and upset before going to school, I would vomit. The first time I was vomiting, mum took me to the doctor. He asked which teacher I had. She told him it was Mrs Gerlach. The doctor told her he had many of her students come to him with similar anxiety based symptoms. The next year with Miss Buchanan healed me. She was young, beautiful and loved my drawing of a shark. She would bring her latest vinyl in and play Cat Stevens to us. "Morning Has Broken" still makes me smile. To this day, I am still incredibly grateful to you Jo. In raising my own daughters, I instilled in them the act of learning as a life-long pursuit. I encouraged them to question everything, to learn to self-educate, to be curious and to follow their passions. A school education does not guarantee success. Its about the attitude. Check out this article and let me know your thoughts. Thank you, Anthony Wallis, for bringing it to my attention.
14.01.2022 Just sent off the photos for the book. Smiling! There will be a few colour pages in the middle. Just hope my snaps are high res enough.
13.01.2022 I have such a crush on 12th-century Persian poetry. In your light I learn how to love. In your beauty, how to make poems. You dance inside my chest where no-one sees you, but sometimes I do, and that sight becomes this art. ~ Rumi
13.01.2022 Thank you, Eric Smith, for this fab testimonial. When people send me these, it makes what I do even more worthwhile. It was a pleasure to work with you and I'm... excited to see how it all unfolds for you. You have an amazing creative brain. I know you'll do many more amazing things in the future. <3
12.01.2022 Psychology is not that complicated really. If you boil down, there are only three things that cause dis-ease. And these come from each part of the triune brain. 1. Conflicted values from our Intelligence... 2. Trapped emotions from our imagination 3. Limited beliefs from our instincts. Forget the "chemical imbalance" theory. There is no evidence of it. It is largely believed to be a marketing ploy from pharmaceutical companies.
12.01.2022 Today Im working on the next series of presentations for the creative community. You creative folk nourish my soul. Thank you
11.01.2022 I've never seen it but I've heard so much about Brisbane's Cloudland. In the middle of the night, without the public knowing about it, Cloudland was reduced to rubble. Anyone played there, been an audience member, a roadie? Or like me, would have loved to see this creative arts icon?... See what Dr John Willsteed from the Go-Betweens says about it.
11.01.2022 I could listen to my friends stories for hours. Beryl is in her 80s and has a brain sharp as a tack, a sparkle in her eyes and a cheeky grin. When she was a young girl, primary school age, she went to piano lessons once a week. Her teacher was a cranky old lady who would poise a stick above her students hands. When they play the wrong note she would hit their hands with the stick. This story really touched me because my piano teacher did the same thing to me. Needless to sa...y, I never pursued piano. Before lessons, I used to impro on our family piano and drift into that beautiful creative zone. Mum thought I might enjoy lessons. I did not! And, fortunately, my mother respected my wishes to stop having these lessons. Anyway, I digress. Back to Beryls story... Beryl had a neighbour, a boy a little younger than her. His lesson was straight after hers. They would cross paths after her lesson and before his. This boy would always ask if the teacher was in a particularly good or bad mood that day. Beryl would give him a thumbs up or thumbs down. One day, right before the school holidays, the boy and Beryl crossed paths as usual between their lessons. The boy looked her dead in the eye and passionately said. "I would do anything not to have to play the piano". The holidays began and the boy went away up north with his family. During the holiday he had an accident and lost most of his fingers. This story reminded me of how powerful we are. Our unconscious (insert your preferred name here...universe, god, soul, the goddess...) listens and creates. Beryl reminded me to be specific with my requests and to ask for what I want rather than what I dont want.
11.01.2022 Congratulations Dirk Deh! <3
11.01.2022 NEVER STOP THE TRAIN. This is more of a reminder for me but thought you might enjoy it too. The train is express from where you are now to your most magnificent potential.... Your logic brain, the neocortex is driving. It is focussed and determined to get to the destination. Your lizard brain, the amygdala are the passengers. The passengers are freaking out because they have never been to this destination and it might be dangerous and might even kill you. They figure that if a mediocre life, or a life of disappointment, shame, sadness, ill health or financially inadequacy didnt kill you yesterday, then you should just keep doing that. These passengers have no thought of compounding or the future. They scream, cry, rant, rave, and even whisper destructive things in your ear such as you do not deserve, you are not good enough or its just too hard for you to go to this destination. Yes, the passengers at the back are going to do this. Be aware of this fight and flight going on at the back and keep going, keep your eye on the ball. Even if these passengers become extremely rowdy in protest. Remember one thing: DO NOT STOP THE TRAIN
10.01.2022 Can I ask you something? I'm just curious. What sounds inspires you the most when you are creating? Music? What genre?... Silence? Nature? What in particular? Doesn't matter? Something else? See more
10.01.2022 RIP Candy Royalle I am deeply saddened by the death of Candy. The first and only time I saw her perform was at the Townsville Cultural Festival a few years ago with Summer and Silvana. Candys performance was one of the highlights of the festival. She fully kicked arse!... Thank you to Erfan for organising her to perform at the festival. Speaking with Candy, I found her to be a most humble and real person. And although it was but one conversation, it was memorable.
10.01.2022 Today I'm working on the next series of presentations for the creative community. You creative folk nourish my soul. Thank you
08.01.2022 Can I ask you something? Im just curious. What sounds inspires you the most when you are creating? Music? What genre?... Silence? Nature? What in particular? Doesnt matter? Something else? See more
07.01.2022 A couple of months ago a painting sold for over $450 million. It's the most an art piece has ever been sold for. 12 years ago, the same painting was sold for $1,000. What a way to leave a legacy.... Keep working at your art, even if you are before your time. <3
05.01.2022 Hahahaha! This is hysterical. It's a letter to the editor of The Guardian by Powderfinger's ex-drummer Jon Coghill with all the reasons Powderfinger should be voted as Brisbane's band. It's classic....Continue reading
05.01.2022 Brisbane, Gold Coast and Sunshine we come! Brisbane: Gold Coast: Sunshine Coast:
05.01.2022 A picture is a poem without words. - Horace
03.01.2022 Ive been working full time as a mindset coach and trainer for 8 years now. And invested in over $50,000 worth of education. Personally, Ive come from a pretty fucked up place to a place of healing. Albert Einstein said, The definition of genius is taking the complex and making it simple." Im not a genius, but if you boil down everything Ive learned there are just two things. Just two things that are at the core of all problems and the answer to profound healing.... 1. Self-worth and 2. Self-love. A lack of self-worth and self-love creates problems and healing these same problems is a matter of increasing self-worth and self-love. Quite exciting really :) P.S. Ive noticed pictures help my post get seen by you so Ive added a completely unrelated picture. Hahahaha!
03.01.2022 Saturday night shenanigans. Gotta love being in the middle of two gorgeous, creative and talented men.
03.01.2022 Sending out the new campaign for you beautiful creative folk. <3
03.01.2022 Check out this little vid about Dr Suess. You know, at school, he was voted least likely to succeed! Hahahaha!
02.01.2022 Hahahaha! This is hysterical. Its a letter to the editor of The Guardian by Powderfingers ex-drummer Jon Coghill with all the reasons Powderfinger should be voted as Brisbanes band. Its classic....Continue reading
02.01.2022 The was tightening up some stabilising rods on my house with the big spanner... and it got me thinking... We do maintenance on our house, our cars and our computer but how often do we do maintenance on our mind? So I put together a short video on the topic. ... For those of you who prefer to read, here is the transcription: A house needs maintenance, a car needs maintenance, a computer needs maintenance. And people need maintenance too. The reason a house or car needs maintenance is the same reason you need it, to get optimum performance from it. So you are functioning at your best. So your relationships, your mental capacity, your emotional responses, your psychological needs, your intelligence and your memory are all working well. The way they were meant to work. Personal maintenance is clearing past baggage, removing distress unhelpful beliefs or behaviours, significant events healing those trapped emotions such as sadness, hurt, pain or anger. Its always having a toolkit there with you to use in any situation that life inevitably will throw at you. Sometimes you can do some maintenance yourself. By journaling, learning how others have overcome similar things to you and following in their footsteps, attending lectures, seminars or workshops. And I recommend these. Just like being able to fix some things in your house or on your car or computer yourself. And sometimes you need an expert in an area such as a good coach to properly diagnose the core of the blockage and use the right tools to clear it and for you to have permanent and holistic freedom. Imagine where youd be and what youd do without the limiting beliefs and behaviours in your life. You just need the desire to live the best life you can. The life you deserve to live. A life full of success, love, a meaningful mission, fun, action and time for contemplation Lets tune you up.
01.01.2022 Exciting News for Gold Coast Peeps. We have secured a venue for my presentation BRANDING FOR CREATIVES at the Helensvale Cultural Centre. If you are on the Gold Coast and are creative you must come along. Seating is limited so book now.... Here is the link for more info and for you to book: If you aren't a member of MeetUp, send me a PM and I'll put your name on the door.
01.01.2022 "Come, come, whoever you are. Wonderer, worshipper, lover of leaving. It doesnt matter.... Ours is not a caravan of despair. Come, even if you have broken your vow a thousand times Come, yet again, come, come." - Rumi I am longing for 12th-century Persian poetry today. Who are your favourite poets and which piece of poetry?
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