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Elite Taekwondo Australia in Geelong, Victoria | Martial arts school

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Elite Taekwondo Australia

Locality: Geelong, Victoria

Phone: +61 418 137 144

Address: The Arena Level 2, 110 Victoria street Baxter street entrance nth Geelong 3215 Geelong, VIC, Australia


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25.01.2022 We are still open CLUB TRAINING - CORONAVIRUS ADVICE Dear Elite Taekwondo members... By now you would all be aware of the news around the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. At this point in time the government and health agencies have not advised against sports participation. Accordingly, until otherwise advised, Elite Taekwondo will continue to provide Taekwondo classes at the usual days and times. However, we are very much aware of the precautions that need to be taken to ensure that we continue to provide a training environment that is and remains as safe as possible. The following precautions will therefore apply: 1. With the current risk of spreading COVID-19, anyone who is feeling unwell, has a runny nose, sore throat, cough, shortness of breath, a temperature or fever will not be allowed to attend classes until they have recovered, and 2. Students who have recently travelled overseas, or have been in contact with a person who is known to be infected with COVID-19, or who is otherwise instructed to self-isolate, will not be allowed to attend classes for at least 14 days from the date of notification. This will apply even if they are not feeling sick. 3. All students must wash their hands upon arrival to the dojang. Elite Taekwondo will provide facilities and appropriate disinfectants. 4. In line with advice from government and health agencies, students should not shake hands. Instead, we recommend that you use appropriate Taekwondo etiquette and bow to greet each other. 5. We ask all people attending classes, students or parents, to adopt sensible hygienic practices by: a. Regularly washing your hands. b. Coughing or sneezing in a tissue or your elbow, facing away from others. Please ensure that you wash your hands afterwards, and safely dispose of any tissues. c. Avoiding close contact with people who are sick. d. Familiarising yourself with good hygiene information at the following link: e. Elite Taekwondo are regularly cleaning training equipment prior to each class. Your instructors at Elite Taekwondo are actively monitoring government and health agencies announcements. In addition, Australian Taekwondo is also providing advice from their Medical Committee, the Australian Institute of Sport and the Australian Olympic Committee regarding appropriate measures to ensure the safety and wellbeing of our club members and their loved ones. We appreciate your patience and understanding in these uncertain times, and please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any specific questions or concerns on Cathy on 0418137144.

25.01.2022 ZOOM classes. Hi all, we hope you are being safe and staying healthy during this time. We have organised three zoom online classes for all our members to participate in this week if they wish. These are free trial classes to test out the zoom program so we can continue classes and engaging in activities whilst at home. Below are the details for the classes and there each unique ID in which will be needed to join the session. Zoom is an easy app to work through; please downloa...d it prior to your scheduled class. We ask that you be patient with us, as this is all so new to us too. Everyone is welcome to join the lesson for their respective class (Please see attached timetable and itinerary). We hope to see you all either Monday or Tuesday, in the mean time stay healthy keep kicking. Thanks guys. Head to and sign up, its free or download it from the App Store. Make sure you have access to audio and video (laptops work best) Juniors Monday 2pm: Meeting ID: 604-223-170 Seniors Tuesday 3pm: Meeting ID: 611-151-377 Cho Dan Bos and Black Belts (black belt grading preparation class) Tuesday 6pm: Meeting ID: 139-942-020

25.01.2022 Hi everyone, Just a reminder that we are closed on Monday the 9th of March for Labour Day and will reopen on Tuesday the 10th. We hope you all have a great long weekend!

24.01.2022 Hey Everyone, Starting the Monday the 7th of December until Saturday the 12th, we will be holding a grading week! Students will grade in their booked session, so everyone can achieve their new rank. Grading forms will be sent home this week, please bring them back with a cash payment as soon as possible. If you have any questions please let us know. Thanks ELITE team.

24.01.2022 IMPORTANT!!! Hey guys, as of NEXT WEEK (18th of May) this is the new timetable for the zoom classes! Please see revised times and new classes available. As many of our members will be heading back to school soon, these times seem more appropriate. Here are the dates for the pattern classes with paddy and which pattern(s) will be learnt in those classes!!!... 14th of May- Basic Pattern, Taeguek 1 & 2 15th of May- Taeguek 3, 4 & 5 21st of May- Taeguek 6, 7 & 8 22nd of May- Basic Pattern, Taeguek 1 & 2 28th of May- Taeguek 3, 4 & 5 29th of May- Taeguek 6, 7 & 8 4th of June- Basic Pattern, Taeguek 1 & 2 5th of June- Taeguek 3, 4 & 5 11th of June- Taeguek 6, 7 & 8 12th of June- Basic Pattern, Taeguek 1 & 2 18th of June- Taeguek 3, 4 & 5 19th of June- Taeguek 6, 7 & 8 25th of June- Basic Pattern, Taeguek 1 & 2

23.01.2022 Hi everyone, these are the IDs and times for the zoom sessions today. When joining it may ask you for a password, we have made it easy for you... the password is 1. We hope to see you online this afternoon. If you have any questions please message us

23.01.2022 Starting next week on ZOOM!!! The ID and password for zoom has been sent in an email or you can access it on our members Facebook group!!

23.01.2022 Zoom classes have started not to late to join in Meeting ID: 604-223-170

22.01.2022 Members please see your mail inbox or the members group on Facebook for the ZOOM information!!! It is important you know the ID and Password prior to joining the lessons that start on Monday

20.01.2022 Hi all, In the spate of recent circumstances regarding COVID-19, the ELITE team want to ensure all our members remain happy and healthy throughout this time. This means if you or your child is medically vulnerable, has any underlying health issues or is showing any signs of this virus or any other illnesses, we instruct you to stay home and protect yourself and those around you. We remain open this week! Grading will go ahead as planned, however gradings can happen during cl...asses within the next two weeks of term 1 if preferred. Please read the following notices and will endeavour to keep you all updated frequently. Thank you, The ELITE team

20.01.2022 ZOOM classes this week; here is the timetable!!!! Hope to see you all this week. Please note that this is the indefinite timetable for the time being whilst the club isnt open

20.01.2022 Hey everyone, Exciting news... We are opening up the club TOMORROW - MONDAY the 22nd of JUNE!!!... The reopening of the ELITE taekwondo tomorrow abides by the newly enforced restrictions from 11:59pm tonight. Limits to numbers in our venue will remain strict. Therefore, arrive on time and please do not arrive early, as we do not want you waiting outside. Please be aware the junior (5:15pm) class will now start at 5:00pm-5:45pm. Only pre-booked appointments will be allowed entry into the club. If you have not booked a class please call 0418137144 as you will be refused entry otherwise. You have been emailed your allocated class or classes that you can attend. All information regarding invoices, restrictions, safety precautions and other concerns are listed in the emails being sent out in the coming weeks. If you have booked a class and have not received an email, please email: [email protected] and we can sort any issues out! Thank you for your ongoing support throughout the remote training period. We look forward to seeing you TOMORROW! ELITE TKD

19.01.2022 OPEN Elite members, as Geelong is excluded from Metropolitan Melbourne, we are open as usual!! We thank you for all your hard work staying safe and following the restrictions of our state and our club. See you this week

17.01.2022 All ELITE tkd members, we invite you to join our free zoom classes next week. Last week we had a great turn out and we are excited to see more of our members next week!!! Head to prior to the classes (see post with dates, times and ID) and join your respective class with the unique meeting ID Our aim as a club is to ensure all of our Elite family stays fit and healthy during this time. Stay safe and see you next week (online)!!!! Thanks, ... Elite Taekwondo Australia. See more

17.01.2022 TERM THREE GRADING... happening a little bit differently this term All our students will still have the opportunity to grade to their next stripe or belt this term, however, the gradings will be held for students in their booked classes! This means no big grading day, however several mini grading days for all our students to participate in. All students must wear their full uniform for their grading. ... As per usual, if you have any questions please feel free to message us and come as see us for a grading form!!! See more

17.01.2022 LAST CLASS TONIGHT We look forward to having some fun tonight at the club before transiting to zoom classes for the rest of the term

16.01.2022 See you all soon on ZOOM Also if there are any people with outstanding gradings that would like to grade, please private message us either on Instagram or Facebook and we can organise an online grading for you.

16.01.2022 Hello Elite Members, Please find attached a two minute google form to be completed as soon as possible. This form allows us to know your preferred session time and day(s) to get back into training. ... The expected date to commence training is the 22nd of June 2020 (We will be resuming training during school holidays). Although returning to face to face training we still need to apply restrictions and practices to keep everyone safe. This means that we will be limiting the amount of people training in our classes. This form allows you to preference your specific dates and times. ***Note: The first members to complete this form will have priority of their selected time/day.*** We hope that you are all keeping safe and well. Thank you, Elite Taekwondo.

14.01.2022 SUPER WELL DONE to all the students who joined the zoom class last night!!! We hope you all had fun see you all tonight

13.01.2022 Elite Taekwondo wishes you and your families a very Happy Easter thank you for all the support over the last few weeks. We hope to see you online next week to start the term in a new way!!!! Stay safe and protect those around you keep kicking #happyeaster #taekwondo #tkd #club #elite #fitness #fun #kids #geelong #comp #spar #fight #teamwork #vic #aus

12.01.2022 Just a quick reminder that our Term 1 grading is quickly approaching and will be held at our Geelong club on the 21st of March. It is essential that all grading forms are signed and handed into Cathy at the front desk ASAP. We look forward to seeing you all there! Keep kicking !!

10.01.2022 Hi everyone, Due to the public holiday on Monday, we will not being doing the zoom classes! Enjoy the break and we will resume zooms on Tuesday the 9th. ... Kind Regards, The ELITE team

08.01.2022 We miss training at the club hopefully we can be back soon!! ELITE members make sure youre staying home, staying safe, staying healthy and of course always kicking

08.01.2022 Hi Everyone, Elite Taekwondo has decided to increase our zoom classes each week (2 classes per level). Term 2 is supposed to commence next week and as we are all unable to access the club, we are offering free classes throughout the week (see timetable). We will be running these classes online until the circumstances change and we can teach you in person. Remember these classes are free of charge. We encourage all our members to join these classes as it is our priority that all stay fit and healthy during this time. The meeting ID and password applies to all classes and will not change (see picture). If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us either by phone or private message.

07.01.2022 Dear Elite Families, As per the recent governed restrictions for regional Victoria announced this afternoon, unfortunately, we will have to close our doors to the club on Thursday the 6th of August until further advised. However, classes will still be running MONDAY, TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY this week! If you are coming in to train on these days please be aware that you must wear a mask into the club (excluding children under 12), although students are not required to wear a f...ace covering whilst training. We will continue classes for term 3 via ZOOM as of the 10th of August. More information regarding zoom classes will follow during the week. If you have any questions or queries please either call Cathy on 0418137144 or message us on Facebook or [email protected] Thank you for your ongoing support throughout these challenging times. Be sure to stay safe, healthy and positive keep kicking!!! The ELITE team.

06.01.2022 Hi all, next Monday the 30th of March and Tuesday the 31st of March, we will be running free trial zoom classes for all our ELITE members!!! If you are interested please comment below and we will send you further information regarding access to the zoom app. Please see attached picture with the timetable and session itinerary.

04.01.2022 See you all soon on ZOOM - Also if there are any people with outstanding gradings that would like to grade, please private message us either on Instagram or Facebook and we can organise an online grading for you.

04.01.2022 Hey everyone, Check our Instagram @elitetaekwondoaustralia or visit our website (gallery) for all the poomsae patterns for your next grading!!!

04.01.2022 Taekwondo from home? A perfect way to keep busy and healthy whilst the club is temporarily closed. Keep an eye out on our Facebook and Instagram to find out when we will have classes Hope to see you soon!!!!

04.01.2022 Hey guys, make sure to check out our Instagram @elitetaekwondoaustralia watch out for some at home exercises and drills you can do at home to keep fit and stay healthy

03.01.2022 Dear Elite families, To ensure we follow the new protocols announced by the Prime Minister of immediate closure of gyms and indoor fitness centres. We are saddened to inform you, that ELITE taekwondo is to close today. This means that all our classes are on pause until further advised. As a club we are working on setting up online classes via ZOOM. This will allow all our members to interact with one another and continue to stay fit and healthy throughout this time of uncer...tainty. We will keep you advised with updates regarding this. All your instructors are sure that you will keep kicking whilst on this break and be better then ever when we return. Thank you all for supporting our club during this time, continue to protect yourselves and others around you and we will see you soon. Elite Taekwondo.

03.01.2022 ELITE Taekwondo is a taekwondo, sparring, poomsae, self defence and fitness club in Geelong, Victoria, for ages 3+. Call 0418137144 or message us to book a trial lesson! *video is better quality with 720p

02.01.2022 An awesome start to TERM 2 our Cho Dan Bo and Black Belts working up a sweat last night. Tonight we have two classes (see previous post with timetable) for juniors and seniors!!!!

02.01.2022 Please refer to the following update on COVID-19 and your club.

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