Elite Livestock Auctions in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia | Local service
Elite Livestock Auctions
Locality: Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
Phone: +61 1300 259 742
Address: 123 Eagle Street 4000 Brisbane, QLD, Australia
Website: http://elitelivestockauctions.com.au/
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25.01.2022 Raff Angus Pedigrees with a Difference with Performance on the Hook" Bull Sale LIVE IN-ROOM ONLY AUCTION is set to fire from 1:00pm this coming Monday 21st September. After a five-year absence from the auction sale ring, the RAFF FAMILY return in 2020 with an absolute cracking catalogue of 45 rising two-year-old Angus Sires from their King Island beef and stud breeding operation for what is the 36th Raff Angus Bull Sale. All lots are Sire verified, Genomic tested and have b...een individually selected on Breeding Soundness and Performance Data plus scanned for IMF%, EMA & Fat with actual carcass data on the same group of their steer brothers available....so you know they still back it up on paper and over the hooks. The sale bulls are located at Corowa, NSW and are ready to go straight to the paddock this joining season after having a light preperation and are 100% pasture raised (no grain, supplement or loose lick whatsoever). Head to www.elitelivestockauctions.com.au for the online catalogue and check out some of the sale stars right here https://www.youtube.com/playlist Contact Stud Principal Andrew Raff 0429 691 975 or industry great Michael Glasser 0403 526 702 of GSTM who will conduct proceedings LIVE IN-ROOM from the Ray White Livestock Office in Albury/Wodonga from 1:00pm Monday 21st September via LIVE SIMULCAST. Selling at auction is true price discovery.... Angus Australia GTSM Michael Glasser Ray White Rural & Livestock, Albury Ray White Rural James Brown Grant Daniel Long Elders Costello Rural StockLive
25.01.2022 We are LIVE NOW for Trails West Texas Longhorns - Australia's Classic Texas Longhorn Sale in Roma, Queensland. You can still register to bid LIVE ONLINE via the LIVE SIMULCAST at www.elitelivestockauctions.com.au or contact Selling Agent Andrew Holt 0427 088 996 (Nutrien). THE AUCTION IS TODAY - CLICK TO BID VIA THE LIVE SIMULCAST!!... Texas Longhorns - An Old Breed with an exciting New Future!!! Trails West Texas Longhorns D 7 Spur Texas Longhorns Brigalow Longhorns Texas Longhorn Stud Horseshoe B Longhorns Nutrien Ag Solutions Roma - Mitchell - Injune StockLive
25.01.2022 We are LIVE for the Raff Angus ‘Pedigrees with a Difference with Performance on the Hook" Autumn Bull Sale from Taminick in Victoria (between Wangaratta and Glenrowan). Today sees 50 Raff Angus Sires sell under under the hammer with renowned Stud Stock Auctioneer Michael Glasser conducting proceedings. You can still register to bid at www.elitelivestockauctions.com.au or head over and watch the LIVE SIMULCAST.... Selling at auction is true price discovery...." Raff Angus 'Pedigrees with an Difference with Performance on the Hook' Autumn Bull Sale GTSM Ray White Rural & Livestock, Albury Ray White Rural Elders Stud Stock Costello Rural Angus Australia StockLive
25.01.2022 We are LIVE for the Garrads Redcliffe Yearling Sale Series 14 presented in conjunction with Darren Ebert & Co Auctioneers & Agents, Redcliffe Peninsula Harness Racing & Sporting Club Inc and the Redcliffe Paceway. All graduates from this year's sale are eligible for the 2022 2YO Redcliffe Sale Race Classic & 2023 3YO Classic Race and a guaranteed minimum of $100,000 in prize money. You can still register now to bid online via the LIVE SIMULCAST at www.darrenebertauctioneer....com.au Darren Ebert and Co. Auctioneers Redcliffe Harness Racing Club Redcliffe Paceway Garrard's Horse & Hound 2021 Garrards Redcliffe Yearling Sale Series 14 Racing Queensland StockLive
24.01.2022 Time to head west as the Queensland White Face Sales kick off Monday 7th September at 11:00am for the 18th Annual Roma Poll Hereford Bull Sale at the new Roma Bull Selling Complex. LIVE & ONLINE from the largest selling centre in the Southern Hemisphere, Roma based selling agent & auctioneer Steven Goodhew says "they're in their working gear and the figures back em' up". The select offering of Poll Hereford sires in 2020 are represented by BINARA & KALEM Studs and all lo...ts are online with photos and videos at www.elitelivestockauctions.com.au https://www.youtube.com/watch Contact Steven Goodhew 0428 305 810 PJH Livestock & Property or sale consigners Ivan & Amanda Burcher 0428 761 183 / 0427 132 188 (BINARA) and Trevor & Pearl Saal 0746 935 074 (KALEM). Can't make the sale? Register to bid via the live simulcast or see you ringside Monday 7th September....or online. Herefords Australia Herefords Australia Youth Steven Goodhew Amanda Burcher Hereford Breeder Roma Saleyards PJH Livestock & Property StockLive
24.01.2022 You've been waiting for them, now here they are...and havent they been worth the wait? LIVE & ONLINE the Fahey Family of Bizzy Brahmans and Johnston Family of Jomanda Brahman Stud invite you to Grafton Saleyards, NSW on Saturday 5th September at 11:00am for their 2020 Bizzy Jomanda Brahman Sale. Both Bizzy and Jomanda continue to raise the bar by producing cattle that thrive NORTH and SOUTH of the border, and can withstand the harshest Australian grazing conditions. With ...34 IMPRESSIVE BRAHMAN SIRES and 11 REGISTERED BRAHMAN HEIFERS on offer the pedigrees, photos and individual lot videos speak for themselves To find out more about the BIZZY offering contact Innes Fahey 0448 641 447, Alice & Matt Edwards 0458 698 866 or Michael & Elizabeth Fahey 02 6647 3169 & JOMANDA's draft contact Max Johnson 02 6642 6975 & Colin Johnson 0429 458 014. CLICK TO BID at www.elitelivestockauctions.com.au or contact auctioneers Ray Donovan Stock & Station Agents Mitch Donovan 0428 470 132 or George Fuhrmann-Casino Darren Perkins 0428 660 324 and see you ringside Saturday.....or online!!! Australian Brahman Breeders' Association Limited Abba Brahman Bizzy and Jomanda Brahman Sale Bizzy Brahmans Jomanda Brahman Stud Jeck N Innes Fahey Katrina N Colin Johnson Margaretta Fahey Alice Edwards Matt Edwards StockLive
24.01.2022 The bulls have arrived, they've been washed and fed, are buffed and shiny and now ready for auction day from 10:30am Friday 18th September for the 2020 Pathfinder Angus Annual Roma Bull Sale. Nick & Sara Moyle of Pathfinder Angus invite you to the newly built Roma Saleyard Selling Complex where 86 young PATHFINDER ANGUS SIRES will sell under the auctioneer's hammer LIVE & ONLINE from 10:30am. After seeing these young lads in the flesh earlier today we can guarantee they ar...e eagerly awaiting a date with your lovely ladies this breeding season so be sure to login at www.elitelivestockauctions.com.au and CLICK TO BID via the live simulcast!!! Contact Stud Principal Nick Moyle 0417 802 218 or Selling Agent & Auctioneer Cyril Close 0428 222 308 TopX Australia for an independent, professional and expert honest opinion on the offering and see you ringside. Selling at auction is true price discovery.... Pathfinder Angus TopX Australia TopX Roma Angus Australia Roma Saleyards Sarah Packer StockLive
23.01.2022 Regarded as one of the most significant Dispersals in Holstein history, all roads lead to Judson Park at Moss Vale (NSW) this Wednesday 7th October 2020 for the Murribrook Milking Herd Dispersal Sale. Commencing "ON-FARM plus LIVE ONLINE" 11:00am (AEDT) Murray Sowter of Murribrook Holsteins will present for genuine sale by way of auction 180 milking females for the final time in Australia. You have heard the "legen'dairy auctioneer Brian Leslie say it time and time agai...n...."buy the best and breed 'em better" so here is why you need to get your backside ring side on Wednesday. Murribrook Show results: Premier Breeder at IDW 1996, 1997, 1999 Premier Exhibitor at IDW 1995, 1996, 1997 Premier Breeder at Sydney Royal 1995, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2017 & 2018 Premier Exhibitor at Sydney Royal 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2017 & 2018 Register now to bid online via the live simulcast at www.elitelivestockauctions.com.au or contact Murray Sowter 0419 431 661 & auctioneer Brian Leslie 0418 365 934 for details (photos: Cullen Marketing) Selling at auction is true price discovery..... Murribrook Holsteins Holstein Australia Holstein Youth Australia Dairy Livestock Services Cullen Marketing StockLive
22.01.2022 HUNTER VALLEY ONLINE EQUIPMENT AUCTION CLOSING FROM 4:00pm (TODAY) - CLICK TO BID NOW at www.auctionexchange.com.au MacCallum Inglis Online Equipment Auction "FARMING EQUIPMENT & HEAVY MACHINERY SALE" Hunter Valley, NSW. ... The sale includes trucks, farming equipment, tractors, motor grader, general farm machinery, hay equipment & feed mixers plus feeders, quad 4x4 motorbikes, irrigation equipment and many lots are for unreserved sale. The complete digital catalogue is online now with descriptions & up to 40 photos of each item and ontact Stuart Sheldrake 0403 129 357 MacCallum Inglis www.maccalluminglis.com.au REMEMBER BIDDERS - BID EXTENSION PERIOD APPLIES TO ALL LOTS IN THIS SALE with staggered lot closing times. The first 10 lots of the sale will close at 4:00pm Monday with a 2 minute bid extension period. The second group of 10 lots countdown timer will close at 4:05pm or 5 minutes after the first 10 lots start counting down and so on and so forth. NOTE: INSPECTIONS ARE STRICTLY BY APPOINTMENT and Buyers Premium Applies to all lots in this sale. MacCallum Inglis Chris J. Norris The AuctionExchange.com.au
21.01.2022 Mostly UNRESERVED, UNRESERVED, UNRESERVED & it's FOR SALE, FOR SALE, SALE!!! TIMED ONLINE ONLY AUCTION - CURRAJONG FARMING EQUIPMENT & CLEARING SALE Moonie, QLD 4406 The 200+ lots offered for genuine sale this week include trucks, farming equipment, tractors, vehicles, general farm machinery, feed mixers, field bins, motorbikes and lots more.... The digital catalogue is online now at www.auctionexchange.com.au complete with descriptions and photos so check it out for yourself. BIDDING OPENS 10:00am (QLD) Thursday 17th September 2020 & CLOSES from 10:00am (QLD) Friday 18th September 2020 (staggered closing times & bid extension periods enabled). For details contact Mitch Gillece 0427 826 407 Nutrien Harcourts GDL Toowoomba & remember to head to the online catalogue at www.auctionexchange.com.au to register and simply click to bid. INSPECTIONS ARE STRICTLY BY APPOINTMENT *GST & Buyers Premium applies to all lots in this sale. Nutrien Harcourts GDL Nutrien Harcourts GDL - Toowoomba Nutrien Ag Solutions_Au Grant Daniel & Long Grant Daniel Long The AuctionExchange.com.au Mitch Gillece Chris J. Norris
21.01.2022 Jim Hindmarsh & Son - November Online Equipment Auction (Southern Highlands, NSW) Bidding OPENS 11:00am Wednesday 25th November & CLOSES from 4:00pm 25th November (one day online auction - 5 hours only). 100+ LOTS - Tractors, Vehicles, Farming Equipment, Machinery & General Sundries.... For auction details or to arrange an inspection contact Ben Hindmarsh 0499 450 050 (Jim Hindmarsh & Son) or Pat Cleary 0408 317 786 (ECM Livestock). INSPECTIONS ARE STRICTLY APPOINTMENT - Buyers Premium applies to all lots in this sale. Staggered finish times are enabled with Lots 1-10 closing first then followed by the next 10 lots and so on (with a two minute bid extension for each block of 10 lots). Register now at https://www.auctionexchange.com.au/sales and check out the online catalogue today. Photos, videos and full lot descriptions are all available at the click of a button!!! Here is a sample of what's on offer in November.... Jim Hindmarsh Stock Agents Jim Hindmarsh Livestock Auctions Jim Hindmarsh & Co Pty Ltd rma network Chris J. Norris
21.01.2022 He's regarded as one of the best auctioneers in the country and has topped the sales with his Karrangarra Droughtmasters as a breeder......now Wayne York and his lovely wife Ingrid present for sale 45 absolute thumping SIMMENTAL SIRES at their Karragarra Inaugural Simmental Sale. With 40 years of breeding, Wayne’s parents Cliff and Joy York first introduced Simmental bulls into their operation and from those humble beginnings Billa Park Simmental Stud became one of the most ...recognised Simmental herds in Australia. Now through family succession the Karragarra Brand was born and now operates two thirds of the original Billa Park breeding herd. LIVE & ONLINE from the iconic Ag Grow Selling Complex, Emerald QLD the sale will be simulcast in realtime with live audio, live video and live bidding via the world wide web. Register now to bid online via the live simulcast at www.elitelivestockauctions.com.au & contact Wayne York 0458 823 931 or Selling Agents Jake Passfield 0488 588 044 Hoch & Wilkenson or Bryton Virgo 0477 318 224 Nutrien Emerald for details. Karragarra Simmentals Karragarra Droughtmasters Landmark Central Highlands R.B.V Rural Marketing Nutrien Ag Solutions - Queensland Stud Stock Hoch & Wilkinson Clermont Real Estate Bryton Virgo Wayne Matthew York York Auctioneering Ingrid York Simmental Australia StockLive
21.01.2022 They've been bred for the harsh Australian grazing conditions and when it's tough going, the Valera Vale Droughtmasters are the toughest of the tough!!!! Cattleman Michael Flynn and his family plus the team from Valera Vale Droughtmasters invite you to their annual on-property sale this Friday 11th September at 11:00am at Valera Vale between Charleville and Augathella in Queensland or LIVE ONLINE with Elite Livestock Auctions. All lots have individual videos presented online... now and have all the "Valera Vale Buying Bonus Incentives"....plus they're in their working gear so you can bid and buy with confidence - https://www.youtube.com/playlist For details about the offering or to speak with one of the team at Valera Vale contact Michael Flynn 0427 705 760, Robert Haigh 0418 779 381 and Jessi Flynn 0417 774 263 and see you on Friday. Selling at auction is true price discovery..... Valera Vale Droughtmasters Valera Vale Performance Horses Droughtmaster Australia Elders Nutrien Ag Solutions - Queensland Stud Stock StockLive
21.01.2022 We are LIVE & ONLINE today from Balmattum in Victoria for the 2020 Bellaspur Angus Female Sale commencing 12:00noon (TODAY) 10th October. "It's the length that weighs and the weight that pays" and astute cattleman Brenton Sessions of Bellaspur Angus has assembled an impressive & select offering of 30 high class Angus Matrons (many with calves at foot) set to run through the auction ring with the great Michael Glasser wielding the gavel. Contact Brenton Sessions 0439 8...76 340 or Michael Glasser 0403 536 702 at GSTM for details and simply login at 12:00noon today (ADST) at www.elitelivestockauctions.com.au for the live simulcast. At Bellaspur Angus, the program is based around cow family's that deliver time and time again! "Great cows breed great Bulls, great Bulls breed great calves." Register now to bid online and check out some of the sale stars right here and see you online from 12:00noon today. Selling at auction is true price discovery... Bellaspur Angus Angus Australia GTSM Brenton Sessions Michael Glasser StockLive
21.01.2022 "Buy the best and breed them better" at the Ben Nevis Angus Stud Mature Cow Dispersal LIVE & ONLINE 11:00am (AEDT) Tuesday 13th October 2020. Stu and Erica Halliday invite you to ‘MINGARY’ Walcha, NSW for the genuine dispersal of 118 sensational F, G, H, J,K and L COWS INCLUDING DONORS right from the heart of the Ben Nevis cow herd. They will be sold in two sections Spring Cows and Calves at foot followed by Autumn Cows PTIC. Check them out right here or click the link f...or the individual playlist https://www.youtube.com/watch Register now to bid online via the live simulcast at www.elitelivestockauctions.com.au or contact Stu Halliday 0417 674 412 & Erica Halliday 0427 780 154 for details & John Setree at Nutrien Stud Stock 0408 297 368 for an independent assessment of you favourite lots if you can't make it sale day. Remember...the sale will be broadcast LIVE ONLINE all in REALTIME with LIVE AUDIO, LIVE VIDEO and LIVE BIDDING. Selling at auction is true price discovery..... Ben Nevis Angus Stud Angus Australia Nutrien Livestock NSW and VIC Stud Stock Paul Dooley Pty Ltd John Settree Erica Halliday StockLive
21.01.2022 Martin and Kirsty Harvey of Paxton Stud invite you to their 4th Annual Border Leicester Ram Sale LIVE & ONLINE from Broadview, Western Flat in the South East of South Australia commencing at 4:00pm (ACDT / SA) Thursday 8th October 2020. The Paxton Studs prides itself on structurally sound, easy care paddock reared rams plus maintains a focus on fertile, high growth, well-muscled, quality wool cutting sires with 150 rams catalogued this year. Register to bid online at www....elitelivestockauctions.com.au and click the link for the individual lot videos https://www.youtube.com/playlist or simply head over to the website for the complete digital catalogue and ram information. Contact sale day agents Robin Steen 0428 838 195 & Ray Jaensch 0439 870 682 (PPHS) or Martin & Kirsty Harvey of Paxton 0407 582 079 for sale details. Be sure to login from 4:00pm (SA) and catch all the live auction action complete with live audio, live video & live online bidding via realtime simulcast. Remember "PICK OF THE PEN OPTION" will be enabled on auction day and that means you can simply "CLICK TO BID" quickly and easily at the fall of the hammer online.....take one, take two or take the pen. Selling at auction is true price discovery.... Paxton Stud PPHS Australian Border Leicester Association StockLive
21.01.2022 Gold City Brahman Sale at Charters Towers goes LIVE ONLINE for the very first time with Elite Livestock Auctions in 2020 and with 200+ impressive Grey & Red Brahman Sires on offer be sure to check out the online catalogue now for what is one of the last traditional live Brahman auction sale for the current season. Commencing 9:00am (QLD) Friday 6th November at the Dalrymple Saleyards you can still register to bid online at www.elitelivestockauctions.com.au and CLICK TO BID v...ia the live simulcast. The sale will be broadcast LIVE with online bidding, live video, live audio and all in real time for anyone who can't make it on auction day. For details contact Sale Manager Peter Chiesa 0437 938 908 or Selling Agents Anthony Ball 0428 275 499 (Elders) & Liam Kirkwood 0457 577 747 (Ray White Rural). "Selling at auction is true price discovery....." Gold City Brahman Sale 2020 Australian Brahman Breeders' Association Limited Elders Elders Livestock Ray White Rural - QLD Ray White Rural Townsville & Charters Towers Anthony Ball Liam Kirkwood Charters Towers Regional Council StockLive
21.01.2022 You'll travel far and wide to find a more impressive catalogue in 2020...in any breed! Embarking on 52 years of bull sales Glenlands Droughtmasters at Bouldercombe in Central Queensland always manages to leave us thinking "WOW, what a venue, what a catalogue, what a result, can it be bested?' Well....you bet it can!!!!!! In 2020 the Childs Family and the team at Glenlands have done it again. 180 TROPICALLY ADAPTED FLATBACKS are on offer and the breeding policies are re...latively simple with all sires catalogued for the Glenlands Droughtmaster Genetics Sale - they areEfficientProductiveFertileProfitablePure.......so you can close your catalogue and buy the lots you like on looks alone - everything else comes standard!!!! LIVE ONLINE Friday 25th September at 10:00am you can REGISTER NOW to BID ONLINE via the LIVE SIMULCAST at www.elitelivestockauctions.com.au or for auction details simply contact Studmasters Darren Childs 0427 158 569 & Jason Childs 0427 873 033. The digital catalogue, photos and individual videos are available on our website so head over and check it out. (photos credit: Kent B. Ward) Should you require an independent assessment on the lots in this year's sale, contact Seed Stock Specialist Brad Passfield 0459 160 791 (Hourn & Bishop), Josh Heck 0409 732 676 (SBB) or Jake Passfield 0488 588 044 (Hoch & Wilkinson). "Glenlands....tropically adapted flatbacks." Glenlands Droughtmasters Droughtmaster Australia York Auctioneering Savage Barker & Backhouse - GDL Hourn & Bishop Qld Hoch & Wilkinson Clermont Real Estate Jason Childs Darren Childs Helen Childs Wayne Matthew York Josh Heck Brad Passfield Jake Passfield Kent B Ward StockLive
20.01.2022 INTEGRITY - INNOVATION - INVESTMENT and it's the INAUGURAL BULL SALE for the team at Bonnydale Black Simmentals - Queensland Division. Jake Berghofer & Emma Patterson, Mike & Rob Introvigne along with the experienced team at Elders Keith Crouch & Michael Smith invite you to the Roma Saleyards from 11:00am Friday 25th September where 53 BLACK SIMMENTAL, SIMANGUS & SUPERBLACK BULLS sell under the auctioneer's hammer through the ring and via LIVE ONLINE SIMULCAST. Register ...now to bid online at www.elitelivestockauctions.com.au and simply click the link for all the lot videos https://www.youtube.com/playlist or head over to the website for the complete digital catalogue. For details contact Jake Berghofer 0418 649 666 & Emma Patterson 0429 622 809 or Keith Crouch 0428 745 924 for an independent assessment of your chosen lots if you are bidding online. "BONNYDALE BLACK SIMMENTALS - THE DEPENDABLE BRAND" Bonnydale QLD Black Simmentals Bonnydale Black Simmentals Bonnydale Qld Black Simmentals Inaugural Sale Emma Patterson Jake Berghofer Elders Elders Livestock Elders Simmental Australia StockLive
20.01.2022 It's SHOWTIME for the Combined Forces Show Steer & Heifer Sale Sunday 28th March commencing at 11:00am (QLD). LIVE & ONLINE from the Kalbar Showgrounds in South East Queensland the Sowden and Goetsch families have combined 70+ years of breeding, show-ring knowledge and expert cattle judging by offering 30 home raised top-end show prospects in 2021 for unreserved sale!!! The complete catalogue is available at www.elitelivestockauctions.com.au and register to bid via the LIVE... SIMULCAST as the sale will be presented online featuring LIVE BIDDING, LIVE AUDIO with PRE-RECORDED VIDEO all in real-time. For auction details contact Neil Goetsch 0417 719 671 or Matt Sowden 0473 903 088 and check them out for yourself right here, right now!!!! Video playlist of all lots - click here https://www.youtube.com/playlist Show-ring butts drive us nuts..... Combined Forces Show Steer & Heifer Sale Goetsch & Sons Auctioneers Sowden Speckle Park Five Star Limousins Five Star Creative Promotions Neil Goetsch StockLive
20.01.2022 Emerald Auction Centre - Timed Online October Auction Opens 9:00am Friday 16th October and closes from Monday 9:00am 19th October 2020. On offer this month are 300+ lots on behalf of local government, contractors, hire companies plus various consigners which will all sell to the highest bidder. ... Contact Matthew Beard 0428 765 687, Bryton Virgo 0477 318 224 & Terry Ray 0427 821 177 to arrange an inspection or head over to www.emeraldauctioncentre.com.au for details. NOTE: INSPECTIONS ARE STRICTLY APPOINTMENT and Buyers Premium Applies to all lots in this sale. Click www.auctionexchange.com.au for the online catalogue and remember to simply click the link for all the relevent sale information, lot details and multiple photos. BID EXTENSION PERIOD APPLIES TO ALL LOTS IN THIS SALE with staggered closing lot times will apply. The first 10 lots of the sale will close at 9:00am Monday with a 2 minute bid extension period. The second group of 10 lots countdown timer will close 9:05pm - 5 minutes after the first 10 lot start counting down and so on and so forth. Emerald Auction Centre Landmark Central Highlands R.B.V Rural Marketing The AuctionExchange.com.au Bryton Virgo Chris J. Norris
20.01.2022 Konongwootong Annual Poll Dorset Ram Sale LIVE ONLINE 11:00am (VIC) Thursday 15th September 2020 via LIVE SIMULCAST. On offer are 10 Stud Rams & 200+ Flock Rams from Alistair & Jessica Sutherland at Zig Zag Road, Konongwootong in Victoria...."for the best dressed lamb in town!" Register to bid online at www.elitelivestockauctions.com.au and click the link for the individual lot videos https://www.youtube.com/playlist or simply head over to the website for the complete digit...al catalogue and lot information. Contact Alistair & Jessica Sutherland 0355 750 222 (A) 0407 551 751 (J) 0408 750 222 www.konongwootong.com.au for sale details or see you ringside Thursday. Be sure to login from 11:00am (AEDT) and catch all the live auction action complete with live audio, live video & live online bidding via realtime simulcast. Remember "PICK OF THE PEN OPTION" will be enabled so that means you can simply "CLICK TO BID" quickly and easily at the fall of the hammer online.....take one, take two or take the pen. Selling at auction is true price discovery.... Konongwootong Poll Dorsets Victorian Poll Dorset Association Australian Poll Dorset Association Kerr & Co Livestock J.M Ellis & Co Pty Ltd StockLive
20.01.2022 The countdown is on so get your bids in now for the Santa Cattle Online Sale TIMED ONLINE AUCTION at www.elitelivestockauctions.com.au On offer are 70+ Santa Gertrudis Bulls plus Commercial EU Steers & Heifers and Santa Gertrudis Cow & Calf units with all lots ON THE MARKET FROM THE OPENING BID!!!! The TIMED ONLINE AUCTION is LIVE NOW with bidding closing from 10:00am (QLD) Friday 13th November with a two minute bid extension in place for all lots (all lots will remain op...en for 2 minutes until there are no bids on those lots). IT'S SIMPLE......WATCH THE CLOCK & CLICK TO BID so check them out now and the online catalogue is online complete with photos, individual videos and sale lot data. For details contact Sale Manager Russell Gray 0429 005 013 or simply CLICK TO BID at www.eltelivestockauctionscom.au and remember the sale is LIVE NOW!!!! Santa Cattle Online Santa Gertrudis Australia Spring Creek Santa Gertrudis Stud Benelkay Santas Tookey Creek Santa Gertrudis Jarrah Park Santa Gertrudis Australia Nungar Plain Santa Gertrudis Stud TopX Australia TopX Roma TopX Goondiwindi Elders Livestock Elders Adcock Partners Property & Livestock Russell Gray Cody Scott Lincoln McKinlay Sam Bartlett StockLive
19.01.2022 The catalogue is LIVE & the auction is LIVE!!! LIVE & ONLINE 7:00pm (NSW) Wednesday 7th October we head to Guyra for the Waratah Speckle Park Embryo & Semen Sale. In a first for the Turnham family at Waratah and the team at Ray White Livestock, this sale will be run in-room online via live simulcast. That means you can login, bid live and do it all at a click of button with live video and live audio. On offer are 37 impressive lots comprising 23 semen packages plus ...14 embryo lots from Waratah Speckle Park that include some of the breeds' most influential genetics domestically and internationally. The digital catalogue and lot photos are available online now and REGISTER with us at anytime and then simply CLICK TO BID on the day at www.elitelivestockauctions.com.au For details contact Laiton Turnham 0420 548 299 or Selling Agent Blake O'Reilly 0448 213 668 Ray White Livestock and see you online Wednesday night! NOTE: OPTIONAL PRE-BIDDING for the LIVE AUCTION will be activated from Tuesday so it allows you to "set & forget" your bids & the computer will bid on your behalf during the LIVE SIMULCAST. You can login and watch the LIVE AUCTION and BID LIVE at anytime also. Selling at auction is true price discovery.... Waratah Speckle Park Stud Speckle Park International Ray White Armidale & Guyra Ray White Rural Blake O'Reilly StockLive
18.01.2022 The Super Saturday of Bull Sales continues this weekend at the 2020 BUNYA Droughtmaster Bull Sale LIVE & ONLINE from Coolabunia Selling Complex (via Kingaroy) Saturday 5th September commencing at 11:00am. On offer are 71 Droughtmaster Sires and they are set to go straight to work this coming breeding season...so check them out right here and click the bulls you like. Selling Agents Mark Duthie 0448 016 950 GDL & Midge Thompson 0427 710 018 Aussie Land & Livestock have ins...pected all sale lots and are on hand for remote bidders wanting an expert eveluation should they not be able to make it this weekend. There are bulls in the catalogue to suit every breeding requirements and budget.....they're well bred, with great data, and it will be exceptional value", Midge Thompson. The online catalogue is available now at www.elitelivestockauctions.com.au plus online bidding is available via LIVE SIMULCAST in REALTIME with LIVE AUDIO & LIIVE VIDEO and be sure to REQUEST TO BID now so we can have you approved to bid before the sale starts. Bunya Bull Sale Droughtmaster Australia Grant Daniel Long Aussie Land & Livestock Maleny State High School Araketa Droughtmaster Stud Birch Droughtmasters Jemcar Droughtmasters Caldy Droughtmasters Bryvonlea Droughtmasters Wynwood & Windy Gully Droughtmasters Simto Droughtmasters Nindethana Droughtmasters Nindethana Jem Carnudge Droughtmasters Seymour Droughtmasters By Mingo Droughtmaster Stud RSVP & Sylvan Springs Droughtmasters Brigalow Park Droughtmasters Marylands S Droughtmaster Kiverton Droughtmasters Toogoolawah State High School Vale View Droughtmasters StockLive
18.01.2022 They just might be the BIG BOPPERS you've all been waiting for!!! The Dunlop Santa Gertrudis 8th Annual Sale will be held on-property this coming Saturday 5th September 2020 commencing 12:00 noon LIVE & ONLINE from Jingeri Proston, QLD. The Dunlop Family have once again assembled 100 big, robust & power-packed Santa Gertrudis Sires comprising Classified 'S' Bulls (many of which are Poll/Poll Scur).... To find out more contact Stud Principal's Scott & Rebecca Dunlop 0741 689 158 / 0438 241 159 or Sale Day Agents Colby Ede 0417 265 980 / Jack Fogg 0488 192 107 or Harvey Weyman-Jones 0414 941 788. Thinking of bidding online or want to catch all the sale ring excitement in REAL TIME simply click to bid at www.elitelivestockauctions.com.au and here's the individual video playlist - https://www.youtube.com/watch Photos and individual lot videos are available now on our website so head across and have a look today..... Dunlop Santa Gertrudis Scott Rebecca Dunlop Santa Gertrudis Australia Santa Gertrudis Breeders International Grant Daniel & Long Shepherdson & Boyd (QLD) Pty LTD Nutrien Ag Solutions - Queensland Stud Stock StockLive
17.01.2022 Elite Livestock Auctions and our wonderful sale partners Glasser Total Sales Management are excited to present the 2020 Combined Aberdeen Poll Dorset 56th Annual Sale and Hovell Stud 21st Annual Sale. LIVE & ONLINE from Burrumbuttock (NSW) commencing at 1:00pm ADST on offer are 11 Elite Stud Rams & 89 Poll Dorsets from Aberdeen plus 9 Elite Stud Rams, 91 Poll Dorsets & 80 Border Leicester Ram from Hovell. Check out the online catalogue and sale data at www.elitelivestockau...ctions.com.au and "PICK OF THE PEN OPTION" will be enabled on auction day!!! That means you can simply "CLICK TO BID" quickly and easily at the fall of the hammer online.....take one, take two or take the pen. Contact Sale Manager Michael Glasser 0403 526 702 for details or Rod & Ange Frohling 0428 250 725 www.hovellstud.com.au www.aberdeenpolldorsets.com.au Aberdeen Poll Dorset Stud Hovell Stud GTSM Riverina Livestock Agents Australian Poll Dorset Association Australian Border Leicester Association Michael Glasser Rod Frohling StockLive
17.01.2022 BIMBADEEN Think BEEF, think BRANGUS, think BIMBADEEN!!! We're LIVE & ONLINE from the original home of top quality Red & Black Brangus Genetics this coming Tuesday 22nd September from 10:00am as Mark & Amanda Salisbury invite you to their annual On-Property Bimbadeen Black & Red Brangus Bull Sale from Eidsvold, QLD. With 40 ELITE SIRES catalogued in 2020 you certainly don't want to overlook them this Spring Bull Sale Season https://www.youtube.com/playlist... Pre-Sale inspections happen from 8:00am Tuesday with the LIVE ACTION kicking off 10:00am. The sale will be presented ONLINE via LIVE SIMULCAST with REAL-TIME BIDDING plus pre-recorded video and photos of all sale lots. Contact Mark & Amanda Salisbury 0741 675 141 atwww.bimbadeenbrangus.com or Elders frontman Brian Wedemeyer 0409 694 696 & Brad McInally 0428 780 414 of Monto Cattle & Country. Register now to bid online or see you bright and early at Bimbadeen Tuesday....or online!!! Bimbadeen Brangus Australian Brangus Cattle Association Australian Brangus International Brangus Breeders Association Elders Elders Livestock Monto Cattle & Country Pty Ltd StockLive
17.01.2022 The massive month of QUEENSLAND RED SALES continues at 11:30am Friday 11th September 2020 for the Western Downs Santa Group 4th Annual Bull Sale LIVE & ONLINE from the Dalby Regional Saleyards, QLD. On offer are 85 Classified & Commercial Santa Gertrudis Bulls plus a select offering of Santa Gertrudis females from Burramurra, Denngal, Glen Leigh, Nangaringa, Triple S, Byac, Dundee, Hayleigh, Swan Hill & Warrillee and all lots have had all their shots and ready to head strai...ght to work. This sale always represents wonderful value & the online catalogue is available now complete with photos and videos so register to bid via the LIVE SIMULCAST at www.elitelivestockauctions.com.au Details contact Sale Manager Felicity Shaw 0400 743 244 or Selling Agent Harvey Weyman-Jones 0414 941 788 of GDL Stud Stock www.westerndownssantas.com.au Selling at auction is true price discovery.... Santa Gertrudis Australia Grant Daniel Long Grant Daniel & Long Glen Leigh Santa Gertrudis Boulview Nangaringa Triple S Santas StockLive
17.01.2022 SOLD ONLINE TODAY UNDER THE HAMMER - $3,900,000.00 "Besm" Thargomindah QLD - Rural Property Auction IN-ROOM LIVE ONLINE AUCTION 11:00am (QLD TIME TODAY) Thursday 8th October 2020.... Beneficial Flood out country from both the Bulloo River and local flooding out of Bundilla Creek, 2 flowing bores, servicing 23 tanks and troughs, 2 Permanent Waterholes, 3 dams and a number of water courses spreading out from the Jandel. *50kms North East of Thargomindah, *161kms west of Cunnamulla, * 170km South of Quilpie Fencing in good condition with a combination of hinge joint and barb and plain wire fence with 1 barb. Subdivided into 10 main paddocks, 3 holding paddocks and 2 laneways feeding into the cattle yard at the homestead. Drought resistance with its great balance of low edible Mulga, other timbers include Coolibah, Gidyea, Beefwood, Western Bloodwood, honeysuckle oak leopardwood and Yapunyah. Sweet and productive country with a good selection of natural grasses, herbages, and salines in seasons. Grasses predominately, Mulga Mitchell, Mitchell, Bull Mitchell, Native couch, Queensland Blue grass, Buffel, Flinders, Finger Panic interspersed with Lambs Tail, Lambs Tongue, Pigweed, Daisy Blue, Gidyea Burr and Salt Bushes. Handy set of main yards air operated main cattle yards, centrally located, 3 way draft, crush, loading ramp, laneways leading into yard for easy management. 2nd set of portable cattle yards at the eastern end of Besm, machinery shed / workshop and shearing shed. Solid 4-bedroom home with attached granny flat, 2nd cottage and shearers quarters. Excellent breeding and fattening country, currently experiencing a good winter, providing a positive outlook for spring. Besm, a sound agriculture acquisition due to its plentiful water supply and natural feed reserves. The property a low-cost grazing operation in an area that is still seen as good value buying, considering its productivity and capabilities to continually produce. "Besm" Thargomindah Video https://www.youtube.com/watch Contact Tony Lilburne 0458 562 550 & Andrew McCallum 0427 581 889 Nutrien Harcourts GDL for further details and login to www.elitelivestockauctions.com.au for the live simulcast from the Nutrien Harcourts GDL Head Office in Dalby on the Darling Downs. Nutrien Harcourts GDL Nutrien Harcourts GDL - Toowoomba Nutrien Harcourts National Office Grant Daniel & Long Andrew McCallum StockLive
16.01.2022 MacCallum Inglis Online Equipment Auction "FARMING EQUIPMENT & HEAVY MACHINERY SALE" Hunter Valley, NSW. ONLINE AUCTION OPENS 9:00am Saturday 5th September 2020 & CLOSES from 4:00pm 7th September 2020 (staggered closing times & bid extension periods will be enabled).... The sale includes trucks, farming equipment, tractors, motor grader, general farm machinery, hay equipment & feed mixers plus feeders, quad 4x4 motorbikes, irrigation equipment and lots more. The complete digital catalogue is online now at www.auctionexchange.com.au with descriptions & up to 40 photos of each item. Contact Stuart Sheldrake 0403 129 357 MacCallum Inglis www.maccalluminglis.com.au & Chris J. Norris 0447 711 505 AuctionExchange.com.au for details. REMEMBER BIDDERS - BID EXTENSION PERIOD APPLIES TO ALL LOTS IN THIS SALE with staggered lot closing times. The first 10 lots of the sale will close at 4:00pm Monday with a 2 minute bid extension period. The second group of 10 lots countdown timer will close at 4:05pm or 5 minutes after the first 10 lots start counting down and so on and so forth. NOTE: INSPECTIONS ARE STRICTLY BY APPOINTMENT and Buyers Premium Applies to all lots in this sale. MacCallum Inglis Stuart Sheldrake Jim MacCallum Chris J. Norris The AuctionExchange.com.au Elite Livestock Auctions
16.01.2022 The Brisbane Valley Santa Gertrudis Sale is LIVE & ONLINE from Toogoolawah commencing at 12:30pm Wednesday 16th September 2020 as the BIG RED SALES continue to roll on in Queensland this bull sale season. On offer in 2020 are 64 Classified & Commercial Sires plus a select offering of Santa Gertrudis females and this sale always represents an exceptional opportunity for buyers looking for value for money bulls...so have a look for yourself. The sale will be presented online in... REAL-TIME with LIVE VIDEO, LIVE AUDIO and LIVE SIMULCAST BIDDING and catalogue is LIVE NOW complete with photos and some videos at www.elitelivestockauctions.com.au For details contact: Russell Gray / Arioca (07) 5424 8138 Dave McCabe / Coulsonview 0419 300 329 Rod Wilson / Hayleigh (07) 4127 7239 Malcolm Gadsby / Talgai 0428 689 146 Glen Yeates / Tyndale 0417 795 637 Howard Beutel / Warrillee (07) 5463 4304 Scott Humphreys / Welbatch 0438 169 157 Lance Baker / Woodmillar 0438 079 313 For auction information & lot details contact each stud representitive or Shepherdson & Boyd or Ray White Livestock www.santagertrudis.com.au Brisbane Valley Santa Gertrudis Santa Gertrudis Australia Coulsonview Santa Gertrudis Talgai Santa Gertrudis and Prime Hay Suppliers Tyndale Santa Gertrudis Welbatch Pastoral Pty Ltd Woodmillar Santa Gertrudis Shepherdson & Boyd (QLD) Pty LTD Ray White Livestock Rockhampton StockLive
15.01.2022 Once again, Devon Court Herefords have done an absolute "cracking job on them in 2020". Not only do they look good on paper, but they certainly look the goods in the flesh!!! As the bull selling rolls on in Queensland, the Nixon Family kindly invite you to their Annual Devon Court On-Property Bull & Female Sale at Drillham commencing LIVE & ONLINE at 1:00pm Tuesday 8th September Third Generation Stud Principal Tom Nixon has assembled another impressive draft of White Face Si...res & Elite Devoncourt Females and remember the Nixon Family have been doing it in Australia for years.....thats if you need reassurance!!!! The catalogue, photos and individual lot videos are available at the ELA website so check them out https://www.youtube.com/watch Here is a sample of what's on offer and for details contact Tom Nixon 0427 276 182 and see you at Devoncourt Sale Day!!! REGISTER TO BID ONLINE at Elite Livestock Auctions or log in on sale day to catch all the thrill and excitement ringside in REALTIME!!! Devon Court Herefords Herefords Australia Tom Nixon Robyn Nixon Nutrien Ag Solutions_Au Nutrien Ag Solutions - Queensland Stud Stock Grant Daniel & Long StockLive
15.01.2022 2020 NCHA Select Cutting Horse Sale LIVE ONLINE IN-ROOM ONLY AUCTION - BIDDING IS NOW UNDERWAY for the live simulcast! The auction format may have changed this year but the auction is still LIVE TO THE WORLD and all horses are available at a click of button LIVE ONLINE from 6:00pm (AEDT) this Friday evening 6th November 2020. The catalogue this year comprises - YEARLINGS - TWO YEAR OLDS - BROODMARES - 2021 FUTURITY PROSPECTS - 2016 RIDDEN HORSES - https://www.youtube.com/w...atch so get clicking!!! PRE-BIDDING is OPEN NOW for the LIVE AUCTION which allows all buyers to set and forget your bids and or simply jump in at the opening bid price now - WE ARE HERE TO SELL THEM TO YOU!!! The auction will run with live simulcast bidding, live video (in-room), live audio and pre-recorded video of the lots on offer. Register at www.elitelivestockauctions.com.au & check out some of the impressive lots right here or head to the website for the full digital catalogue. Contact NCHA 02 6765 9356 / [email protected] / www.ncha.com.au and see you online from 6:00pm (AEDT) Friday night!!! NCHA GTSM Michael Glasser Scott Campbell StockLive
15.01.2022 IT'S AUCTION DAY at the Trails West Texas Longhorns - Australia's Classic Texas Longhorn Sale in Roma, Queensland. LIVE & ONLINE from 10:00am (QLD) on offer are cattle from D 7 Spur Texas Longhorns, Horseshoe B Longhorns & Brigalow Longhorns so CHECK THEM OUT plus numerous Texas Longhorn Memorabilia will sell under the hammer. Register now to bid LIVE ONLINE via the LIVE SIMULCAST at www.elitelivestockauctions.com.au or contact Selling Agent Andrew Holt 0427 088 996 (Nutrien...). THE AUCTION IS TODAY - CLICK TO BID VIA THE LIVE SIMULCAST Texas Longhorns - An Old Breed with an exciting New Future!!! Trails West Texas Longhorns D 7 Spur Texas Longhorns Brigalow Longhorns Texas Longhorn Stud Horseshoe B Longhorns Nutrien Ag Solutions_Au Nutrien Ag Solutions Roma - Mitchell - Injune StockLive
15.01.2022 78 Brangus BULLS, 7 Brangus FEMALES & 10 Brangus SEMEN PACKAGES is exactly what's on offer at the 15th Roma Brangus Sale LIVE & ONLINE 10:00am Friday 4th September 2020. The newly constructed state of the art Roma Bull Selling Complex will host The Australian Brangus Association Sponsored Sale with 18 astute Brangus studs represented and we're impressed. Online catalogue is available now at www.elitelivestockauctions.com.au complete with photos and videos of all sale lo...ts or check them out right here.... For auction details contact auctioneer & selling agents Andrew Meara 0427 210 950 (Elders) & Mark Duthie 0448 016 950 (GDL) and see you ringside Friday or online. The sale will be simulcast online with LIVE SALE RING FOOTAGE and it is like being there when you login with Elite Livestock Auctions. Selling at auction is true price discovery.... Boonderoo Brangus Diamond Valley Brangus Echo Valley Farms Elara Brangus Glenoyra Brangus Gunnadoo Park and Parkavenue Brangus Karingal Brangus Kulkyne Brangus Stud Lazy S Brangus Stud Redline Brangus Australian Brangus Australian Brangus Cattle Association International Brangus Breeders Association Elders Elders Livestock Grant Daniel Long Grant Daniel & Long Emily Rabone StockLive
15.01.2022 It's sale day at Bulliac Angus and we're LIVE & ONLINE from "Wandaloo" at Miles QLD for the Hill Family where 80 Angus Sires including 50 low birthweight figure bulls will sell through the sale ring. The auction kicks off at 1:00pm so register now to bid via the LIVE SIMULCAST at www.elitelivestockauctions.com.au or check them out right here - https://www.youtube.com/playlist Contact astute studmaster Ben Hill 0418 250 932 or Joe & Jennie Hill 0746 658 115 for details t...his morning www.bulliacangus.com and see you ringside after lunch...or online from 1:00pm!!! "Bulliac Bulls.....tough as nails" Bulliac Angus Angus Australia Marg Will Elders StockLive Andrew Meara Jack Henshaw
15.01.2022 With a strong emphasis on producing fertile, structurally sound bulls that add growth, softness, plus the ability to fatten progeny in all grazing conditions, you can't go past the 2020 draft of impressive sires at the upcoming Meldon Park Simmental Bull Sale. Kicking off at 11:00am Thursday 24th September LIVE & ONLINE from the Billabong Sale Complex at Moura in Central Queensland, the 68 impressive Simmental sires (including 4 Simbrah Bulls) will back up all the stats on ...paper when you see them in the flesh. The digital catalogue with individual videos & photos are available online now at www.elitelivestockauctions.com.au. For details contact Meldon Park's Lis Skene 0428 717 847 or invited vendors Jason Johnston of Navillus Park 0427 460 161 & Marty Rowlands 0439 208 732 for info' on the KBV Simmentals consigned lots. Be sure to check out the photos, hit the "like" button on the lots you fancy plus leave a comment and share this post with your friends. Selling at auction is true price discovery.... Meldon Park Simmentals Navillus Park Simmentals KBV Simmental Stud Simmental Australia Simmental QLD Grant Daniel & Long Grant Daniel Long Savage Barker & Backhouse - GDL Elisabeth Skene Bec Skene Marty Rowlands StockLive
14.01.2022 We are off to "CATTLE COUNTRY" this week for the 2020 Dangarfield Cattle Company Santa Gertrudis Annual On-Property Bull Sale on Wednesday 23rd September commencing at 12:00noon ringside 'Kingswood' Taroom and live online at www.elitelivestockauctions.com.au. The Adams family will present another impressive lineup of 87 rising two-year-old sires with low birth weights, rapid growth figures, great constitution, exceptional doing ability, high fertility and a sound temperamen...t required by all cattlemen, no matter the grazing conditions and climate! Contact Ben Adams 0427 061 08 at Dangarfield Santa Gertrudis or Selling Agents Landmark, Grant Daniel & Long or TopX Australia for details. REGISTER NOW to bid LIVE online and check out the sale draft https://www.youtube.com/playlist Cattlemen keep coming back time and time again because they are 'packed with performance and backed by fertility'. Dangarfield Cattle Co. - Santa Gertrudis Breeders Jarrah Park Santa Gertrudis Australia Santa Gertrudis Breeder Santa Gertrudis Breeders International BenAmanda Adams Grant Daniel & Long Nutrien Ag Solutions - Queensland Stud Stock TopX Australia StockLive
14.01.2022 The Munro Family invite you to their 53rd Annual Weebollabolla Shorthorns Bull Sale commencing 1:00pm this coming Friday 18th September 2020 LIVE & ONLINE from Weebollabolla" Station Yards, Moree NSW. With 52 powerful and performance recorded Shorthorn bulls on offer they certainly tick all the boxes and everyone knows Weebollabolla genetics go out and perform in all grazing conditions...so why look any further. Contact Sandy Munro 0429700244 & Jen Jeffreys 0427 700 244 o...f Weebollabolla for details or check out the individual lot videos https://www.youtube.com/playlist Can't make the sale? REGISTER TO BID online at www.elitelivestockauctions.com.au or see you ringside this Friday at Weebollabolla. Selling at auction is true price discovery.... Weebollabolla Shorthorns 53rd Annual Shorthorn Bull Sale BJA - Stock and Station Agents Elders Livestock Lincoln McKinlay Lincoln McKinlay StockLive
13.01.2022 "An Elite Catalogue from Elite Studmaster's on Elite Livestock Auctions' Located in Meandarra, on the Western Darling Downs region is Queensland, Elite Charolais & Simmentals Stud principal Glen Waldron and Kim Groner invite you to their Annual On-Property Bull Sale on Thursday 3rd September 2020. Commencing LIVE & ONLINE at 12:00noon (QLD) at "Murwollock" the Elite Charolais & Simmentals team will offer an impressive draft of ELITE SIRES (many polled) comprising of Charola...is, Simmental & Sim-Angus bulls and they certainly tick all the right boxes again in 2020. Check out the individual video playlist or head to www.elitecattleco.com.au for the online catalogue complete with photos plus everything you need to bid online sale day - https://www.youtube.com/playlist For details contact Glen 0438 662 117 & Kim 0433 333 805 and if you can't make the sale register to bid via the live simulcast online at Elite Livestock Auctions and CLICK TO BID!!!! Selling at auction is true price discovery...... Elite Cattle Co - Charolais & Simmentals Glen Waldron Kim Groner Grant Daniel & Long Grant Daniel Long Savage Barker & Backhouse - GDL Charolais Society of Australia Simmental Australia StockLive
13.01.2022 We are LIVE & ONLINE today (24th November) for the "Hillock Australian Whites" Stage 1 Stud Sheep Dispersal from Tallangatta in Victoria commencing at 1:00pm (AEDT). On offer are 150 highly fertile Stud Ewes & 30 Stud / Flock Rams with Michael Glasser wielding the gavel from auction box. For details contact Sale Manager Lach Williams 0428 020 540 or David Benson 0428 275 504 of Ray White Rural or simply register to bid online now at www.elitelivestockauctions.com.au... The online catalogue is available now and check out the individual video playlist and see you online at 1:00pm (AEDT) today..... https://www.youtube.com/playlist Don't forget we are still the only online platform in Australia that has "PICK OF THE PEN OPTION" at the fall of the hammer!!! That means you simply "CLICK TO BUY" quickly and easily when the auctioneer says "SOLD".....take one, take two or take the pen. Hillock Australian Whites Stage 1 Stud Dispersal Hillock Australian White Sheep Breeders Association GTSM Ray White Rural & Livestock, Albury Michael Glasser James Brown David Benson StockLive
13.01.2022 It's SHOWTIME at Abel-Rene Online Show & Auction Sale LIVE from Culcairn, NSW. The show aspect is done and dusted and now it's time for the LIVE AUCTION ACTION commencing at 6:00pm TONIGHT 11th September 2020 where almost 70 outstanding Poll Dorset, White Suffolk & Charollais RAMS & EWES will sell on behalf of Rene & Abelene Sheep Studs. Wielding the gavel for this feature sale will be renowned Purebred Livestock Auctioneer Michael Glasser of GTSM and the sale will be prese...nted online in REAL-TIME with LIVE VIDEO, LIVE AUDIO, LIVE SIMULCAST BIDDING and PRE-RECORDED VIDEO of each sale lot/s. Online catalogue is LIVE NOW complete with photos and individual lot videos at www.elitelivestockauctions.com.au For auction information or lot details contact Scott Mitchell 0407 837 129 (Rene) & Marshall Douglas 0408 961 883 (Aberlene) and see you tonight...online!!! GTSM studstocksales.com CHAROLLAIS SHEEP Australian White Suffolk Association New South Wales Poll Dorset Association Abelene Park Australian Poll Dorset Association Central Western NSW Poll Dorset Associationl NSW White Suffolk Breeders Group Australian Stud Sheep Breeders Association StockLive
13.01.2022 We can all agree the cattle market is great at the moment although a cow only has one calf per year.....sheep (ewes) on the other hand can have up to 3 (or 4 on occassions) off-spring each lambing and the Aussie White's (Meat Sheep) simply stack up on paper. The 2020 Stanthorpe Australian White Ram Sale is LIVE & ONLINE from 1:00pm Friday 4th September with 80+ Rams and impressive bloodlines on offer they all go back to great Tattyteel genetics. Best thing is....for Q...ueenslander's they are available on your doorstep. The sale will be simulcast LIVE & ONLINE from the Stanthorphe Showgrounds with live online bidding and pre-recorded video of all sale lots so be sure to register now and check them out - https://www.youtube.com/playlist For more information contact TopX's George McVeigh Warwick & Ben Johnston 0455 964 487 Ray White Warwick and see you ringside. Selling at auction is true price discovery...... Australian White Sheep Breeders Association TopX Australia TopX Warwick Ray White Livestock Warwick Ray White Rural Ray White Tenterfield StockLive Keilah and Springdale Australian Whites
12.01.2022 JBR - "Yaraanba" Clearing Sale Auction 12772 Oxley Hwy Mullaley, NSW 2379 AUCTION IS THIS WEEKEND - SATURDAY 7th NOVEMBER 2020... EVERYTHING WILL SELL from 10:30am (AEDT) Saturday 7th November (optional pre-bidding for the live auction available from Friday 6th). The digital catalogue is available now at www.auctionexchange.com.au with descriptions & up to 40 photos of each item. Includes harvesters / harvesting equipment, trucks, farming equipment, tractors, machinery, hay equipment & feed mixers plus field bins, motorbikes, irrigation equipment, portable buildings and general day-to-day farming & livestock handling sundries. Contact James Bradford 0427 420 172 or Tim Hollis 0409 227 185 of JBR or simply set up an account today to bid online in REAL TIME during the LIVE AUCTION this coming Saturday 7th November. NOTE: GST & BUYERS PREMIUM APPLIES and download the new Auction Exchange Live bidding app today - it's available on iPhone and iPad. JBR Livestock & Property rma network The AuctionExchange.com.au Chris J. Norris
12.01.2022 We are LIVE NOW for the first Brangus Sale of the 2020 selling season. Charlevue Brangus Cattle Co Genetics Sale LIVE & ONLINE from GDL / SBB Rockhampton, QLD. 23 BLACK BULLS... 8 RED BULLS 2 GREY BULLS 7 FEMALES 5 SEMEN PACKAGES 30 COMMERCIAL STEERS 3 LED STEER PROSPECTS 1 STOCKHORSE GELDING 1 SERVICE FEE TO STALLION Contact Jamie & Jane Saunders 0749 359 105 / 0458 170 330 or Sale Manager Georgie Connor 0428 347 550 at GDL/SBB and you can still regisiter to bid online now!!! Selling at auction is true price discovery.... Charlevue Brangus Cattle Co Australian Brangus Cattle Association International Brangus Breeders Association International Red Brangus Breeders Association Savage Barker & Backhouse - GDL Grant Daniel & Long StockLive
12.01.2022 You can just hear the great Brian Leslie saying "I can remember the Great Great Grand Dam of this cow walking in the show ring way back at International Dairy Week in 1992....and hasn't she left a good one here?".....so as you can imagine that's why we love working with the team at Dairy Livestock Services!!! Today Brian Leslie, Scott Lord, Ben Minogue and all the DLS Team make their way to Girgarre (Victoria) for the Quality Ridge Holsteins Major Dispersal Sale and it a...ll available online at www.elitelivestockauctions.com.au Commencing 11:00am TODAY Thursday 24th September (AEST) 180 Quality Holsteins represented by Jayke and Bec Fisher will sell under Brian Leslie's hammer LIVE & ONLINE via LIVE SIMULCAST. Register now to bid via the live simulcast or contact Brian Leslie 0418 365 934 or Ben Minogue 0438 145 926 for details www.dairylivestockservices.com.au Selling at auction is true price discovery.... Quality Ridge Holsteins Dairy Livestock Services Nutrien Holstein Australia Holstein breeders StockLive
12.01.2022 One thing is for sure Rob Sinnamon and the team at Yulgilbar Santa Gertrudis Stud know how to put the finish on them and they've done it once again in 2020. Whether it's the annual on-property sale, show parade ring or a Paddock to Plate competition, Yulgilbar cattle are bred to impress the toughest of judges, meet domestic and export market requirements and thrive in all grazing conditions. The 2020 Yulgilbar Santa Gertrudis Annual Production Sale is set down for this Fri...day 4th September at 12:00noon LIVE & ONLINE from Baryulgil, NSW via simulcast with REAL-TIME bidding, LIVE video, LIVE audio and PRE-RECORDED videos of all sale lots. On offer are 100 Santa Gertrudis Bulls, 10 Elite Classified Santa Gertrudis Females & 8 Sangus Poll Bulls so check them out - https://www.youtube.com/watch For auction details and enquiries contact astute Studmaster Rob Sinnamon 0428 472 101 / 02 6647 2101 www.yulgilbar.com.au. Can't make it to the sale? Simply CLICK TO BID online with Elite Livestock Auctions and catch all the live action from the impressive Yulgilbar Sale Complex with the Northern Rivers very own former Australian Champion Auctioneer Innes Fahey conducting proceedings. Sellling at auction is true price discovery.... Yulgilbar Yulgilbar Quarter Horse Stud Santa Gertrudis Australia Rob Sinnamon Andrew R J Sinnamon George Fuhrmann-Casino Darren Perkins Jeck N Innes Fahey StockLive
12.01.2022 Right breed. Right brand and Right from Clonlara Droughtmasters. 50 Droughtmaster Sires plus 10 of their Composite brothers make up the Clonlara Droughtmasters 32nd Annual Spring Bull Sale catalogue in 2020 and talk about "looking the goods". Live & Online from 'Dilga" at Glenmorgan in South Western Queensland, cattleman Gus McCormack has the lads absolutely primed and ready for all the LIVE AUCTION ACTION this coming Wednesday 23rd September commencing at 1:00pm.... The sale will be broadcast LIVE ONLINE in REALTIME complete with LIVE VIDEO, LIVE AUDIO, PRE-RECORDED VIDEO and LIVE BIDDING all in one one seamless sale day stream at www.elitelivestockauctions.com.au Forget the "Bing Bing Bing" and jump online with ELA...it's like being there!!! For details contact Gus and Jen McCormack 0746 656 814 / 0429 656 814 www.clonlara.com.au or Russell Jorgensen 0428 880 411 & Glen Waldron 0438 66 2117 at Grant Daniel & Long or see you sale day. Clonlara Droughtmasters Video Playlist https://www.youtube.com/playlist Selling at auction is true price discovery.... Clonlara Droughtmasters Droughtmaster Australia Grant Daniel Long Grant Daniel Long Nutrien Harcourts GDL Glen Waldron Wayne Matthew York York Auctioneering StockLive stocklive.australia
11.01.2022 The pedigrees are right, the data is right and the studs represented are right....so head west this Monday 12th October for one of the last Droughtmaster Bull Sales of the season at the 2020 Artesian Droughtmaster Bull Sale. On offer are 93 impressive Droughtmaster Sires from YARALLA, GLENLANDS, MEDWAY, LOCARNO, CLONLARA & WESTERN RED plus SIMULCAST LIVE ONLINE at www.elitelivestockauctions.com.au for the very first time at the Blackall Saleyards commencing at 1:00pm (QLD...). Photos and individual lot videos are available online so check them out or click the video link & see for yourself - they look even better in the flesh https://www.youtube.com/playlist Register now at www.elitelivestockauctions.com.au and login sale day and bid with ease at the click of a button via the live simulcast or download the App to bid on your mobile complete with live audio and live video. To find out more contact Trent McKinlay 0429 004 737 (McKinlay Cattle & Land - Nutrien Company Agent) & or Sale Manager Dean Allen 0427 962 439 (Western Reds) or see you sale day, ringside or online!!!! Selling at auction is true price discovery.... (Note: Glenlands consignment have been withdrawn due to clearing restrictions). Yaralla Droughtmasters Glenlands Droughtmasters Medway Droughtmasters Locarno Droughtmasters Clonlara Droughtmasters Western Red Droughtmasters Nutrien Ag Solutions - Queensland Stud Stock Nutrien Western Nutrien Droughtmaster Australia StockLive
11.01.2022 The POWER OF RED VI - Red Angus Sale is coming to town again in 2020 and it's all LIVE & ONLINE from the Toowoomba Showgrounds on Saturday 5th September commencing at 11:00am. With a select draft 22 Red Angus Bulls, 6 Red Angus Females and 9 impressive Genetic Lots they are certainly worth a look!!! " This years offering are represented by Boonyouin Red Angus, Clearview Red Angus, GK Livestock, Glencoe Red Angus, Greenwood Park Red Angus, RA Red Angus, Rosemullion Red Angu...s, Ruby Red Angus and Triple M Red Angus....the select offering is sure to impress. Contact Selling Agents Colby Ede 0417 265 980 & Simon Booth 0438 756 245 Landmark Stud Stock for details or auction co-ordinator's Craig Gapes 0418 639 847 & Maryanne Kearney 0458 645 574 Simply CLICK TO BID online via the LIVE SIMULCAST at www.elitelivestockauctions.com.au and the individual lot videos right here https://www.youtube.com/playlist See you there Saturday 5th September.....or online!!! Red Angus Society of Australia Nutrien Ag Solutions - Queensland Stud Stock Boonyouin Red Angus GK Livestock Greenwood Park Red Angus Rosemullion Red Angus Ruby Red Red Angus Triple M Red Angus
11.01.2022 DOUBLE UP on BEEF PERFORMANCE with 96 Simmental and Simbrah Bulls at the Woonallee N Simmental & Gowrie Simbrah 2nd Annual Bull Sale 10:00am Wednesday 23rd September 2020. LIVE & ONLINE from "Inverrio" Duaringa in Central Queensland, astute studmasters Tom Baker and Brett Nobbs have put together an exceptional offering of 66 Simmental & 30 Simbrah Sires. For auction details contact Brett Nobbs 0427 713 471 & Tom Baker 0428 475 066 or Sale Manager Ken McCaffrey (MALM) 0418 ...792 770 & Troy Trevor 0408 502 576 (QR). Check out some of the impressive lots right here or head over to the digital catalogue at the ELA website. Photos: Kent B Ward Register now to BID LIVE online at Elite Livestock Auctions via the live online simulcast and remember to download the new ELA Bidding App for iPhone and iPad. Selling at auction is true price discovery.... Woonallee Simmentals NCC Brahmans McCaffrey's Australian Livestock Marketing Queensland Rural York Auctioneering Simmental Australia Wayne Matthew York studstocksales.com StockLive
11.01.2022 TWO DAYS, 340+ STUD ANGUS FEMALES & STUD SIRES, ONE LOCATION.....and it's all LIVE ONLINE with Elite Livestock Auctions Thursday 26th & Friday 27th November 2020. Ireland Family Trust Court Appointed Receivers’ Angus Herd Dispersal Sale will present for genuine sale the following (approx')...... 24 Autumn cows with calves at foot... 20 PTIC Autumn Q Heifers 30 PTIC Autumn P Heifers 30 PTIC Autumn Cows 40 A.I Spring cows 40 Spring first calf cows with calves at foot 40 Spring cows with calves at foot 60 Yearling Q heifers (unjoined) 6 Stud sires 35 Yearling Q bulls Inspections from 12:00noon Wednesday 25th November lvydell Palmers Rd Kyeamba via Wagga Wagga NSW 2650. Auction Day One - 12:00noon (AEDT) Thursday 26th November 2020 Auction Day Two - 11:00am (AEDT) Friday 27th November 2020 Check out the online catalogue at www.elitelivestockauctions.com.au or simply register today to bid via the LIVE SIMULCAST (Photos: BJS Livestock Photography) For details contact Sale Manager Michael Glasser 0403 526 702 GTSM & James Brown 0419 333 295 Ray White Livestock. Irelands Angus Angus Australia GTSM Ray White Livestock Albany Ray White Rural Ray White Rural Victoria Ray White Rural and Livestock NSW Michael Glasser KPMG Australia StockLive
10.01.2022 Looking for quality breeding females and cows & calves? GUNNEDAH STOCK AND STATION AGENTS SPECIAL FEMALE STORE SALE GUNNEDAH SALEYARDS THURSDAY 24TH SEPTEMBER LIVE & ONLINE COMMENCING 11:00AM. On offer are 3,000+ exceptional breeding females from the Liverpool Plains & Namoi River region of north-eastern New South Wales and all offered for genuine sale via the true price discovery method of traditional saleyard selling.... The sale will be broadcast LIVE in REALTIME from the auctioneers catwalk with ONLINE BIDDING so register to bid at www.elitelivestockauctions.com.au Full online catalogue will be available early AM Thursday with lot descriptions and photos & see you at Gunnedah this coming Thursday....or online. For information contact your prefered Gunnedah Stock & Station Association member or simply login on sale day - be sure to REQUEST TO BID though 24 hours prior. Selling at auction is true price discovery.... (Main Photo: The Land/Davidson Cameron & Co) Gunnedah Stock & Station Agents Association Davidson Cameron & Co - Livestock Nutrien Harcourts Davidson Cameron & Co - Tamworth Scott Cooper - Nutrien Ag Solutions - Gunnedah Livestock and Property JBR Purtle Plevey Agencies P/L Fleming & Ross Pty Ltd Galton & Co Stock & Station Agency Ray White Korff & Co Jacob & Anderson Elders Elders Real Estate Gunnedah
10.01.2022 The first Brangus Sale of the 2020 bull selling season is an absolute cracker and it's all available at a click of a computer button online. Yes...it's 100% online although with a live auctioneer and you can almost still touch and smell the bulldust!!! Jamie & Jane Saunders of Charlevue Brangus Stud invite you to join them for their Charlevue Brangus Cattle Co Genetics Sale LIVE & ONLINE at the newly occupied GDL / SBB Rockhampton office from 1:00pm (QLD) Tuesday 1st S...eptember 2020. All we can say is the photos and videos speak for themselves so check out the all the impressive lots on offer at the Elite Livestock Auctions website..... 23 BLACK BULLS 8 RED BULLS 2 GREY BULLS 7 FEMALES 5 SEMEN PACKAGES 30 COMMERCIAL STEERS 3 LED STEER PROSPECTS 1 STOCKHORSE GELDING 1 SERVICE FEE TO STALLION Optional pre-bidding is enabled online now for remote buyers so you can "set and forget" your bids before the sale start time or simply register to bid via the live simulcast at www.elitelivestockauctions.com.au from 1:00pm (AEST). The sale will be presented online IN-ROOM in REAL-TIME with LIVE VIDEO (of the auctioneers in-room) LIVE AUDIO, LIVE SIMULCAST BIDDING and PRE-RECORDED VIDEO of each sale lot/s. Online catalogue is LIVE NOW complete with photos and individual lot videos https://www.youtube.com/watch For auction information contact Jamie & Jane Saunders 0749 359 105 / 0458 170 330 or Sale Manager Georgie Connor 0428 347 550 at GDL/SBB or regisiter to bid online now!!! Selling at auction is true price discovery.... Charlevue Brangus Cattle Co Australian Brangus Australian Brangus Cattle Association International Brangus Breeders Association International Junior Brangus Breeders Association Savage Barker & Backhouse - GDL StockLive
10.01.2022 SALE O SALE O SALE O at the Clermont Beef Bull Sale LIVE & ONLINE 11:00am Tuesday 22nd September 2020. With an impressive draft of 100 big, powerful & robust sires from VIVA - PALMAL - LEICHARDT - APIS CREEK - the data, pedigrees and each stud's reputation speak for itself with 92 Grey & 8 Red Brahman Bulls on offer. For the first time the 2020 sale will be offered live online with REALTIME BIDDING, LIVE VIDEO, LIVE AUDIO plus PRE-RECORDED VIDEO all in one seamless LIVE SIM...ULCAST. Details contact the Selling Agents Matthew Beard 0428 765 687 Nutrien Emerald & Jake Passfield 0488 588 044 Hoch & Wilkinson or simply REGISTER TO BID ONLINE. Individual lot videos plus photos of every bull are available online at www.elitelivestockauctions.com.au now. Clermont Beef Bull Sale Viva Brahmans Palmal Brahmans & Brangus Leichhardt Holdings Apis Creek Pastoral Company Australian Brahman Breeders' Association Limited North Queensland Branch - Australian Brahman Breeders Assn Nutrien Ag Solutions_Au Nutrien Ag Solutions - Queensland Stud Stock Landmark Central Highlands R.B.V Rural Marketing Hoch & Wilkinson Clermont Real Estate StockLive
10.01.2022 It's SALE O SALE O SALE O for the Vala Holsteins Autumn Feature Sale commencing LIVE & ONLINE 12:00noon (VIC) Monday 29th March on-farm in the Goulburn Valley region of Victoria. On offer are 33 Unique Pedigree Holsteins, all lots are genomic tested with BPI +401 comprising 28 Young Cows & Heifers plus 5 Bulls all semen tested A2 tested and JD 7 Cap and ready to go to work!!! All lots are presented for genuine sale via LIVE SIMULCAST at Elite Livestock Auctions / StockLive w...ith the "Legen'dairy" auctioneer Brian Leslie conducting proceedings. The auction will run with live bidding and live audio in REALTIME and you can still register to bid at www.elitelivestockauctions.com.au so check out some of the impressive lots right here or head to the website for the full digital catalogue. For details contact Angela Varcoe 0407 938 443 at Vala Holsteins or Selling Agents Brian Leslie 0418 365 934, Lee Hamilton 0418 352 366 or Shaun Hamilton 0456 666 724 of Dairy Livestock Services and see you online from 12:00noon (AEDT) Monday morning..... Selling at auction is true price discovery...... Vala Holsteins Holstein Australia Dairy Livestock Services StockLive
09.01.2022 Today's the day so it's time to get clicking for the Parrabel Rockstar Spectacular Sale. LIVE & ONLINE at 11:00am (AEDT) TODAY Saturday 21st November from Cambewarra in the picturesque Kangaroo Valley of New South Wales on offer are 36 World Leading Type Pedigree females from some of the industry's leading dairy breeders . The online catalogue is available now at www.elitelivestockauctions.com.au and optional pre-bidding for the LIVE SIMULCAST AUCTION closes soon!!! Pr...e-bidding allows remote bidders to "set & forget" bids as the computer will bid on your behalf during the live sale so like we said...."get clicking". It's not too late to register and don't forget the sale kicks off at 11:00am with the team at Flanagan Marketing Services conducting proceedings. For details contact Sale Manager Alex Cochrane 0407 689 126 or Selling Agent & Auctioneer Nick Flanagan 0407 689 126. "Selling at auction is true price discovery...." Parrabel Rockstar Spectacular Tag Sale Parrabel Genetics Rockstar Cows Weeksdale Holsteins Brookbora Jerseys Westmuir Holsteins Tandara Brown Swiss and Holsteins B. Pepper O'Meara C. Lucas Whitegold Holsteins & Jerseys Jacasha Holsteins Flanagan Marketing Services Holstein Australia Jersey Australia StockLive
09.01.2022 They're ready to work & their performance data is spot on and they're from Alec & Jo Moore at Weeran Angus Stud at Weerangourt, Byaduk, Victoria. LIVE & ONLINE in 2020 with 61 Performance Driven Angus Bulls all the hard work has been done so all you have to do is arrive on sale day and start bidding. The sale will be simulcast live commencing at 1:00pm Tuesday 8th September so head over and check them out now and don't let these impressive young sires fly under your bull... buying radar this sale season. Photo and and video are available on the ELA website and all lots have videos https://www.youtube.com/watch To find out more contact Alec Moore 0438 787 258 & Jo Moore 0429 787 258 or Tom French 0430 062844 [email protected] Selling at auction is true price discovery..... Weeran Angus Angus Australia Kerr & Co Livestock Nutrien Livestock NSW and VIC Stud Stock Elders StockLive
07.01.2022 We have been witness to some sensational sale catalogues this year and the Heartland Santa Gertrudis Sale Group have assembled an absolute bell ringer in 2020. All the impressive lots have made their way to town and are ready for auction day then set to head straight to the paddock this coming joining season. Be sure login to the LIVE SIMULCAST from 12:00noon Wednesday 9th September and catch all the LIVE SALE ACTION for the 28th Annual Heartland Santa Gertrudis Sale in Rom...a with 84 Santa Gertrudis Sires & 13 impressive Santa Gertrudis Heifers selling through the the sale ring. Here's a snapshot of the impressive sires on offer and all lots have individual photos and videos and are certainly worth an inspection on sale day or at www.elitelivestockauctions.com.au now. Contact Selling Agents Steven Goodhew 0428 305 810 PJH Livestock & Property or Cyril Close 0428 222 308 TopX Australia for details and be sure to like and share this post with your friends. Selling at auction is true price discovery..... Heartland Santa Gertrudis Breeders Group Santa Gertrudis Australia TopX Australia TopX Roma PJH Livestock & Property Steven Goodhew Chris Todd Murgona Cattle Co Carntyne Santa Gertrudis Stud Talgai Santa Gertrudis and Prime Hay Suppliers RED-OAK GLENVIEW Oakdale Santa PINAROO Chilgerrie Hill Santa Stud DUNROBIN WHITALBY Tyndale Santa Gertrudis MURGO SPRING CREEK DARR CREEK CG StockLive
07.01.2022 MacCallum Inglis Online Equipment Auction "BIDDING IS OPEN NOW - CLICK TO BID" FARMING EQUIPMENT & MACHINERY SALE - Hunter Valley, NSW. ... ONLINE AUCTION OPEN NOW and CLOSES from 4:00pm Thursday 19th November 2020 (staggered closing times & bid extension periods will be enabled). The sale includes vehicles, trucks, farming equipment, tractors, track dozer, general farm machinery, hay equipment, quad 4x4 motorbikes, side-by-side buggies, irrigation equipment and lots more. The complete digital catalogue is online now at www.auctionexchange.com.au with descriptions & up to 30 photos of each item. Contact Stuart Sheldrake 0403 129 357 MacCallum Inglis & Chris J. Norris 0447 711 505 www.auctionexchange.com.au for details. REMEMBER - BID EXTENSION PERIOD APPLIES TO ALL LOTS IN THIS SALE with staggered lot closing times. The first 10 lots of the sale will close at 4:00pm Monday with a 2 minute bid extension period. The second group of 10 lots countdown timer will close at 4:05pm or 5 minutes after the first 10 lots start counting down and so on and so forth. NOTE: INSPECTIONS ARE STRICTLY BY APPOINTMENT and Buyers Premium Applies to all lots in this sale. "True price discovery starts here....." MacCallum Inglis MacCallum Inglis Chris J. Norris Stuart Sheldrake The AuctionExchange.com.au
07.01.2022 "EVERY ITEM SELLS TOTALLY UNRESERVED THIS SATURDAY" Emerald Auction Centre - "Clive" Clarke Creek, Central QLD. 100% UNRESERVED - EVERYTHING MUST SELL!!!... LIVE ONLINE from South Clarke Creek School Road, Clarke Creek QLD 4705 from 9:00am (AEST) Saturday 14th November 2020. 300+ lots comprising farming equipment, plant & machinery, workshop tools, general goods & sundries - every lot complete with photos & descriptions are available online now at www.auctionexchange.com.au Optional pre-bidding for the LIVE AUCTION has been activated or simply register today to bid via the live simulcast that will be broadcast online with live audio & real-time online bidding. Contact Matthew Beard 0428 765 687, Bryton Virgo 0477 318 224 or Terry Ray 0427 821 177 at Emerald Auction Centre for details. Download the new Auction Exchange Live App if you are bidding on iPhone or iPad & Buyers Premium applies to all lots in this sale. "IT'S ALL UNRESERVED AND WILL SELL TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER" Emerald Auction Centre Landmark Central Highlands R.B.V Rural Marketing Nutrien Ag Solutions_Au Bryton Virgo Chris J. Norris
07.01.2022 Check out these absolute bell ringers at the Janmac Poll Dorset and White Suffolk Studs 2020 Ram Sale. Commencing 1:00pm (VIC) Wednesday 7th October LIVE & ONLINE from Goroke - on offer are 180 Poll Dorset and 40 White Suffolk Rams that are renowned for being well grown, highly muscled and continue to produce top quality sucker and heavy export lambs. Check out the online catalogue and sale data at www.elitelivestockauctions.com.au and don't forget we are still th...e only online platform in Australia that has "PICK OF THE PEN OPTION" at the fall of the hammer!!! That means you simply "CLICK TO BUY" quickly and easily when the auctioneer says "SOLD".....take one, take two or take the pen. For details contact Grant Hausler 0427 861 013 & Bryce Hausler 0427 861 031 of Janmac or selling agents Nick Heffernan 0439 157 398 (Nutrien) & David Hanel 0428 577 236 (Rodwells) www.janmac.com.au Check out some of the sale stars right here https://www.youtube.com/playlist Register to bid online at www.elitelivestockauctions.com.au and catch all the live action in realtime via live simulcast. Janmac Poll Dorset and White Suffolk Stud Australian Poll Dorset Association Australian White Suffolk Association Nutrien Ag Solutions - Naracoorte Rodwells Edenhope Nutrien Livestock NSW and VIC Stud Stock
07.01.2022 It may be the final Northern Bull Sale for the season but it sure is one of the best in 2020!!!! This Friday 27th November we are LIVE & ONLINE for the Annual Wilangi Invitation Brahman Sale commencing at 9:00am from Charters Towers in far North Queensland. On offer is another power-packed catalogue of 240 impressive Brahman sires from WILANGI VIVA LANES CREEK GLENGARRY RAGLAN WALLACE CAMBIL Stud's and they’ll all sell through the auction ring on the day - plus pi...ck of the pen!!!! For auction details contact Ken McCaffrey 0749 226 311 of McCaffrey's Australian Livestock Marketing or Troy Trevor 0408 502 576 at Queensland Rural or register to bid online at www.elitelivestockauctions.com.au. "PICK OF THE PEN OPTION" is enabled at the fall of the hammer also!!! That means you simply "CLICK TO BUY" quickly and easily when the auctioneer says "SOLD".....take one, take two or take the pen. Wilangi Brahman Sale Viva Brahmans Lanes Creek Brahmans Glengarry Brahmans Raglan Brahmans Cambil Brahmans Australian Brahman Breeders' Association Limited StockLive McCaffrey's Australian Livestock Marketing Queensland Rural
06.01.2022 The heavy hitters are heading for Millah Murrah Angus and when a bull sale catalogue looks like this is it any wonder? Pedigree, raw performance data and the fact that they carry the "MM" brand of distinction is why elite studmasters and industry leading cattlemen make their way to "Goonamurrah" Bathurst, NSW each year for the 32nd Annual On-Property Bull Sale. Commencing 1:00pm Thursday 3rd September LIVE & ONLINE with Elite Livestock Auctions another formidable draft of8...4Angus Sires will sell under the distinguishable sounds of legendary auctioneer Paul Dooley. For information about this year's offering contact Ross & Dimity Thompson 0263 371 157 or 0439 179 269 | Selling Agent Andrew Bickford of Elders Rural Services Bathurst 0427 943 781 & Auctioneer Paul Dooley 0458 662 646 today. Millah Murrah Angus Video Playlist - https://www.youtube.com/playlist Register to bid via the live simulcast (with realtime audio and video) at www.elitelivestockauctions.com.au or see at 1:00pm RINGSIDE and as they say "buy the best and breed 'em better". Millah Murrah Angus Elders (Bathurst) Elders Livestock Angus Australia Paul Dooley Paul Dooley Pty Ltd StockLive
05.01.2022 Jim Hindmarsh & Son - Online Equipment Auction (Southern Highlands, NSW) Bidding OPENS 11:00am Wednesday 23rd September & CLOSES from 4:00pm 23rd September 2020. 200+ LOTS - Tractors, Vehicles, ATV's, Farming Equipment, Machinery & General Sundries.... Online auction details or to arrange an inspection contact Ben Hindmarsh 0499 450 050 (Jim Hindmarsh & Son) or Pat Cleary 0408 317 786 (ECM Livestock). INSPECTIONS ARE STRICTLY APPOINTMENT - GST & Buyers Premium applies to all lots in this sale. Staggered finish times are enabled with Lots 1-10 closing first then followed by the next 10 lots and so on (with a two minute bid extension for each block of 10 lots). Register now at https://www.auctionexchange.com.au/sales and check out the online catalogue today. Photos, videos and full lot dsescriptions are all available at the click of a button on the website. Here is a sample of what's on offer in September.... Jim Hindmarsh Stock Agents Jim Hindmarsh Livestock Auctions Jim Hindmarsh & Co Pty Ltd rma network The AuctionExchange.com.au Chris J. Norris
05.01.2022 It might be an online only auction although the Joyce Family of Tropical Cattle Company are backing their program and the current market by offering the 2020 Tropical Cattle Company Online Brahman Genetics Sale almost completely UNRESERVED - bidding is open now!!! With 60 Brahman Bulls, 16 Commercial Brahman Females, 6 Semen Packages & 1 Flush you can bid with confidence knowing that the lot is "on the market" from the outset!!!! The TIMED ONLINE AUCTION is LIVE NOW with bi...dding closing from 11:00am (QLD) Saturday 7th November with a two minute bid extension in place for all lots and staggered closing times are activated. This means the first 10 lots of the sale will close from 11:00am Saturday with a two minute bid extension period (those 10 lots will remain open for 2 minutes until there are no bids on those lots). IT'S SIMPLE......WATCH THE CLOCK & CLICK TO BID and check them all out right here https://www.youtube.com/playlist For details contact stud principal Jon Joyce 0419 018 655 or Selling Agent Troy Trevor 0408 502 576 QLD Rural or simply CLICK TO BID at www.eltelivestockauctionscom.au and remember the sale is LIVE NOW!!!! Tropical Cattle Brahmans Australian Brahman Breeders' Association Limited Queensland Rural Troy Trevor Shaun Flanagan Cody Sheahan Holly Sheahan StockLive
04.01.2022 Elite Livestock Auctions are back this week LIVE ONLINE from the largest selling centre in the Southern Hemisphere for the 2020 Casa Toro Invitational Simmental Bull Sale. The sale might have had a name change although the quality offering of Simmental & Simbrah Sires still tick the boxes for all perspective bidders. Rapid Weight Gain ... High Carcase Yield High Fertility Calving Ease Excellent Maternal Qualities Quiet Temperament The sale will be SIMULCAST LIVE ONLINE Friday 11th September from the Roma Saleyards in Queensland at 11:00am with 40 Simmental & Simbrah Sires on offer from BILLA PARK & FAIRHAVEN and Studs! For details contact Scott York 0427 274 410 or Claire York 0427 154 336 and Sale Day Agents Mark Duthie 0448 016 950 GDL Stud Stock or Andrew Meara 0427 210 634 Elders. Can't make the sale? Register NOW to BID ONLINE www.elitelivestockauctions.com.au or see you ringside on Friday. Casa Toro Simmentals Fairhaven Simmentals Simmental Australia Grant Daniel & Long Grant Daniel Long Elders Elders Livestock Simmental QLD StockLive Scott Andrew York Claire York
03.01.2022 Chrome Sheep Studs 12th Annual Ram Sale is LIVE ONLINE from "Chrome" Hamilton, VIC commencing 11:30am (ADST) Thursday 8th October 2020. You can always BUY WITH CONFIDENCE at Chrome because all rams are fully guaranteed and with 500+ Coopworths, Chromedales, Perendales, ICON Southies & Poll Dorsets Rams on offer this year stud principals Matt & Tanya Tonissen stand behind every lot presented for sale. This year sees another impressive offering so check out the individua...l lot video here (there are 300+ for your viewing reference) https://www.youtube.com/playlist Contact Matt Tonissen 0417 149 805 or Selling Agent Robert Claffey 0418 625 839 at Kerr & Co for auction details or click www.elitelivestockauctions.com.au now for the online catalogue and ram data. Be sure to login from 11:30am Thursday and catch all the live auction action complete with live audio, live video & live online bidding via realtime simulcast. Remember "PICK OF THE PEN OPTION" will be enabled on auction day and that means you can simply "CLICK TO BID" quickly and easily at the fall of the hammer online.....take one, take two or take the pen. Selling at auction is true price discovery.... Chrome Sheep Studs Chrome Sheep Studs 12th Annual Ram Sale Kerr & Co Livestock Tanya Tonissen StockLive
03.01.2022 We are LIVE LIVE LIVE for the 2020 Waratah Speckle Park Embryo & Semen Sale so head over to www.elitelivestockauctions.com.au and catch the in-room auction action. The sale is streaming online now via live simulcast!!! Waratah Speckle Park Stud Speckle Park International Ray White Livestock Guyra Armidale Blake O'Reilly StockLive
02.01.2022 As the saying goes..."the good ones cost very little in the end." So be sure to get your BACKSIDE RINGSIDE for the 2020 MAGS Droughtmaster Sale at the Charters Towers coming Friday 13th November commencing at 10:00am (QLD). This year will see 124 TOP QUALITY Monty Atkinson Genetics SIRES plus 3 SEMEN PACKAGES sell through the Dalrymple Salyards auction sale ring!!! These superstar lots pictured here are represented by Mungalla, Lamont & Valley Studs and like always...there... will be bulls to suit every buying budget!!!! Be sure to check them out TODAY!!!! For sale details contact the Selling Agents Anthony Ball 0428 275 499 Elders Stud Stock or REGISTER TO BID ONLINE via the LIVE SIMULCAST at www.elitelivestockauctions.com.au MAGS Droughtmasters Mungalla Stud Cantaur Park & Lamont Stud Droughtmasters Valley Droughtmasters Droughtmaster Australia Mac Shann Gayle Shann Kylie Graham Sherri Philp Elders Elders Livestock Anthony Ball StockLive
02.01.2022 Gorbro Golden Opportunity Sale goes LIVE & ONLINE from Majors Road, McMillans (Cohuna) in Victoria this coming Friday 13th November 2020 commencing at 12:00noon (AEDT) In recent times we have seen Gorbro bred animals topping some of the highest profile sales around the country and now you have the opportunity to go straight to the source with incredible maternal lines such Asia, Arrangatang, Saltamacchia, Mudpie and Gypsy Grand, Ambrosia and Pala all set for genuine sale th...is Friday. On offer are 61 Outstanding Dairy Females presented via the traditional auction method through the sale ring along with online bidding for all remote buyers and or those just wanting to watch. Register now to bid via the live online simulcast at www.elitelivestockauctions.com.au with real-time bidding, live sale ring video of all lots and live audio!!! For details contact Glen Gordon 0408 244 812 or Nick Flanagan 0407 689 126 and please note that terms available to approved purchasers. Selling at auction is true price discovery... Gorbro Holsteins Flanagan Marketing Services Holstein Australia StockLive
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