Elixir of Life Therapies in Morningside, Queensland | Spa
Elixir of Life Therapies
Locality: Morningside, Queensland
Phone: +61 410 502 927
Address: Lawson St 4170 Morningside, QLD, Australia
Website: http://jmcdowellnaturopath.com
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25.01.2022 NATURAL HORMONE REPLACEMENT GOOD NEWS FOR MENOPAUSAL WOMEN Oestrogen and progesterone are the main hormones that regulate the menstrual cycle and female reproductive system. After menopause your body does not require progesterone, although natural progesterone has some benefits and oestrogen is needed in small amounts for the maintenance of female characteristics such as keeping the vagina lubricated. Menopause is a transition phase during which time your body has to adapt t...o different levels of hormones. For some women this phase is uneventfully, except you do not menstruate any more. However, for some it is a difficult time when a range of symptoms sometimes occur. Some plants contain plant oestrogens (phyto-oestrogens) which mimic the actions of oestrogen, or favourably affect oestrogen metabolism. They are very weak compared to human hormones, but when used in the diet or in specific natural remedies can alleviate menopausal symptoms. For centuries herbalists, naturopaths and nutritionists have been using foods and herbs to treat endocrine (hormonal gland) problems. This discovery was made when it was noticed that when animals ate certain plants, fertility changes occurred, or milk production increased. Early in the 20th century, farmers noticed that animals grazing on clover became infertile and alfalfa and soy feeds had the same effect. Consequently scientists found that these plants contained hormonal substances similar to animal oestrogens and they named these plant substances phyto-oestrogens (plant oestrogens). The quantity of plant hormones that would be consumed by the average person is much lower than is required for contraception, but they are converted to more active forms in the body and mimic powerful oestrogens. Here are some plant sources with oestrogenic compounds Soya sprouts Soya beans Corn Licorice Linseed Sage Alfalfa Oats Rye Fennel Olive oil Red clover Parsley Barley Buckwheat Celery Sunflower seeds Green beans Chickpeas Apple Millet Black cohosh Garlic Red beans Wholegrains Wheat Rice Beetroot Split peas Olives Split peas Cherries Sesame Amaranth Dried seaweeds Whole legumes Carrots Cabbage Broccoli Rhubarb Potato Squash Peas Hops Aniseed Dong quai Plum Pumpkin Marrow Bakers yeast See more
24.01.2022 FERTILITY The Natural Approach If there is one area of our lives where the natural approach is appropriate, it is that of fertility. ... After all, Mother Nature is fertility! She is reproduction. All other concerns bow to this one, the continuation of the species (us!). Francesca Naish Preconception care is the most loving and responsible choice you and your partner can make together, not only for you and your childs health, but also for future generations. It is imperative you - Prepare your bodies for a successful, healthy pregnancy, as well as a problem-free birth and satisfying breast-feeding experience. In so doing you will enhance your chances of maximising your future childs potential physically, mentally and emotionally. You may have tried unsuccessfully to conceive. With one couple in six having difficulty conceiving, modern issues affecting your fertility may need to be corrected. Addressing preconception and pregnancy health is the ultimate in preventative medicine. What you do for a few months prior to conceiving will have lifelong effects for you and your child.
24.01.2022 Ketogenic diets may inhibit tumour growth An increasing amount of evidence is emerging from in vitro and pre-clinical studies to suggest that a ketogenic diet may be advantageous to cancer patients. Many cancer cells express a mitochondrial defect whereby they are unable to use the abundant acetyl-CoA and citrate formed from the breakdown of fatty acids and ketone bodies, leading to reduced ATP production. It has also been recently demonstrated the glioma cells are unable to ...utilise ketone bodies when starved of glucose, unlike normal neurons which continue to produce energy without the presence of glucose. It is therefore possible that under conditions of low glucose, ketone bodies could serve as a source of fuel for non-cancerous cells, but not be useable by malignant cells. The ketogenic diet is a high fat, adequate protein, low carbohydrate diet. The diet mimics aspects of starvation by forcing the body to burn fats rather than carbohydrates. Normally, the carbohydrates contained in food are converted into glucose, which is then transported around the body and is important in fuelling brain function. If there is very little carbohydrate in the diet, the liver converts fat into fatty acids and ketone bodies. The ketone bodies pass into the brain and replace glucose as an energy source. An elevated level of ketone bodies in the blood is known as ketosis. See more
24.01.2022 One possible explanation for the increase in children suffering from allergies in Australia is the hygiene hypothesis. This states that our childrens immune systems are not being primed as they used to be while very young because of our obsession with cleanliness and germ avoidance. What do you think?
24.01.2022 STRESS Once upon a time a long time ago we had to either fight or run (flight) when we were faced with danger. These options are no longer available to us given the numerous stresses lurking around the complex aspects of our lives and societys expectations. But our body is geared to either fight or run away from the danger it is presented with. What happens when we find ourselves in one of these situations? We cannot respond as we wish as this is socially unacceptable. But o...ur body wants to either fight or take flight it is geared to do just that. Our bodys response to stress involves a complex interaction between the nervous and endocrine systems during which the adrenal glands release extra cortisol into the bodys circulatory system. But this has to be suppressed which leads to problems such as low immune function, mental dullness, chronic fatigue syndrome and cardiovascular diseases. Adaptogen herbs can help. They do not change the stress, but help your body react to stress in a healthy way. They affect many biochemical pathways which reregulate the overstressed body system and have a broad range of benefits. Rhodiola has the ability to ease anxiety, depression, fatigue and physical stress. It helps with mental acuity and physical well-being and mild depression responds well to moderate doses of this herb. Rhodiola influences levels of serotonin, dopamine and norepinephrine in the brain hormone cascade. Withania is great for fatigue, weakness or overwork, and is calming rather than stimulating. Benefits include enhancement of mental, physical and immune functions, anti-inflammatory effects, increased energy and a calming effect that encourages proper sleep. Withania is useful in regulating hormone based organs such as the thyroid, testes and adrenal glands and has a strong effect on the immune system by increasing white blood cell counts. Panax ginseng is the adaptogen with the most stimulating effect. It can be used when there is a strong deficiency state such as depression, exhaustion and insomnia. Panax ginseng helps maintain cognitive function, reduces mental fatigue and enhances physical capacity and performance in cases of physical stress. It also lowers blood sugar levels and cholesterol levels. Siberian ginseng also an adaptogen but is not genetically related to Panax ginseng, is useful when adrenal function is depleted for those with easily identifiable signs of stress such as dark circles under the eyes, feelings of being overwhelmed, poor eating habits, poor sleep habits and lack of exercise. Siberian ginseng helps with regulation of cortisol levels, inflammation and immune function. Consult your health care practitioner before taking any of these herbs as they may interfere with medications and cause serious physiological effects in susceptible people.
23.01.2022 YOUR DIET POSITIVELY INFLUENCES CANCER PROGNOSIS AND TREATMENT Originally discovered by German physiologist, MD and Nobel laureate Otto Warburg in the 1920s, cancer cells use a process called aerobic glycolysis for their energy production. They are reliant on glucose for their growth and metabolic needs, and are unable to make use of fatty acids or ketone bodies as a source of energy. There are various theories as to why cancer cells make this switch, ranging from mutation... of the genes that control energy metabolism, to mitochondrial malfunction and/or hypoxia. One theory that is currently receiving attention from the research community is that cells may preferentially switch to aerobic glycolysis due to constant exposure to insulin, insulin-like growth factor (IGF) and/or low levels of inflammation. These factors are known to activate the P13K/Akt/mTOR pathway. Over-activity of this cellular growth regulating pathway leads to abnormalities in cell cycle regulation and unregulated tissue growth, as well as the switch to aerobic glycolysis. Hyperinsulinaemia (excess levels of insulin circulating in the blood), increased IGF activity and/or low levels of inflammation all occur as a consequence of the over-consumption of highly refined, high glycaemic load, Western-style diet. A change in your diet can positively influence cancer prognosis and treatment by reducing the supply of glucose to cancer cells in essence starving them of energy to fuel their growth and metabolism. If you have a strong history of excessive intake of refined carbohydrates and/or symptoms of hyperinsulinaemia, such as an elevated waist circumference, dyslipidaemia or type 2 diabetes, redefining your lifelong relationship with carbs is very beneficial.
23.01.2022 It doesn't get much better than this - 3 days of sunshine in beautiful Qld. Oh what to do - the options are endless.
22.01.2022 According to the Doctrine of Signatures, the walnut is helpful for brain injuries and mental illness. The thin outer green husk, which is removed before the walnuts are sold, looks like a scalp. The walnuts hard shell looks the same as a skull. The thin casing inside, with its paper like dividers between the two halves of the nut is like the membrane. The intricate nut itself characterizes the human brains two hemispheres. Here are some more examples: Kidney beans heal an...Continue reading
19.01.2022 Wellness and healthy ageing is a balancing act. Its about bringing together all the elements of your life into harmony. Sometimes we need to add a li...
16.01.2022 My soon to be published book - "Your Child's Lunchbox" We all know that children need the healthiest diet possible for optimum growth and development to lay the foundation for a healthy mind and body now and in their future. One of the greatest challenges as mothers is often getting our children to eat. Fussy eaters always have an inadequate intake of macronutrients and micronutrients at a time in their life when good nutrition is vital. Providing your child with a solid nutr...itional start in life provides the foundation for good health and growth in children. Good nutrition during infancy and early childhood will have lasting effects on enhancing health and development throughout childhood, adolescence and well into adult life. Good nutrition helps build a healthy strong body, supporting growth of healthy bones and muscles, a smart brain, a healthy heart and a balanced nervous system. This book aims to provide an understanding of the importance of food as medicine and practical dietary advice and suggestions for packing lunch boxes with foods that will boost your childs ability to master the academic and social demands of school. See more
16.01.2022 The body-mind connection Your mind and body are naturally linked. There is increasing evidence that many mental health ailments do not originate in the brain, but instead have their origin in physiological, biochemical disturbances. Neurobiology and disorderly physiology are intrinsically linked with one feeding the other in a downward spiral to the increasing severity of disease. Hence it is apparent that supporting your mental and emotional health is imperative. A good exam...ple of the body-mind connection is the well-established link between depression and cardiovascular disease (CVD). Research shows that depression tends to precede CVD. Depression is in fact a more significant predictor of death from CVD than cholesterol or any other conventional risk marker. From a holistic prospective, it would appear that both depression and CVD are essentially manifestations both linked to systemic disturbances such as inflammation, oxidative stress, nutrient deficiencies and/or insulin resistance. Inflammation, in particular, is the fundamental driver of both conditions. See more
16.01.2022 Sufficient amounts of habitual sleep and good sleep hygiene may lessen your risk of obesity. Our traditional Australian way of life has changed and not for the best. We all know we are eating dangerously less good nutritional food and leading more sedentary lifestyles, due to increased working hours as has become the norm if we want to keep our jobs and climb the invisible ladder. This changing lifestyle factor has led to most of us carrying around extra kilos and some of u...s becoming obese and even morbidly obese. But are you aware that sleep deprivation is the new risk factor for the development of obesity and its sequelae. Sleep is an important modulator of neuroendocrine function and glucose metabolism and sleep loss has been shown to result in metabolic and endocrine alterations. This includes decreased glucose tolerance and alteration of appetite regulating hormone. Recent studies have found a significant association between short sleep (generally less than 6 hours per night) with the risk of increased obesity. Sleep deprivation leads to dysregulation of appetite, limit of drive for physical activity which further compromises weight maintenance. See more
15.01.2022 Migraines and headaches are very common complaints, so much so that many of consider them a normal part of life. These pain syndromes can be indicativ...
13.01.2022 Malnutrition is generally associated with Third World countries, but malnutrition can occur and is occurring right here in Australia, the land of abundance and prosperity. Despite food being readily available to us in a wide variety, malnutrition is happening right here in our own back yard. Malnutrition is a failure to provide the body with the necessary nutrients for ideal health resulting in undernourishment. It is impossible to maintain normal development and protect aga...inst disease without providing our bodies with balanced nutrition. The quality and type of food and not just the quantity is what we need to focus on. The consequences of malnutrition are devastating. Malnutrition leads to underdeveloped bodies and compromised immunity, making children more susceptible to childhood diseases. Children who are malnourished often suffer with allergies, behavioural problems and learning disabilities. In 2005 the World Health Organisation recognized two causes of the most chronic diseases as being due to an unhealthy diet and excessive energy (food) intake. These two reasons lead to unbalanced nutrition. Obesity is a form of malnutrition as the obese person has excess fat and energy in the body. Their diet generally consists of processed, fast foods, high in carbohydrates and low in good fats, protein, vitamins and minerals. This person is starving for nutrients and trying to satisfy hunger with the wrong foods. They feel hungry all the time. But if they were to consume what their body requires and is crying out for, their hunger would cease. Hence, obesity can also be called under-nutrition. It is also essential that the foods we consume are grown in nutrient rich soil. Otherwise these foods may provide us temporary satisfaction, but over time they will not meet the nutritional needs of our bodies. Soft drinks and refined foods deplete our bodies of nutrients by leaching minerals from our bones and tissues, as these foods generate an acidic environment. It is best to have a diet rich in whole foods as refined food products undergo a process that removes or destroys the nutrient content, and therefore provides a much lower level of nutrition. See more
11.01.2022 New Year, New You! New Years Resolutions... Did you know that according to recent studies, more than half of Australian women and two thirds of Australian men are either overweight or obese? Clearly this is not an uncommon health condition, and many of us will face weight challenges at some point in our lives. Weight gain is not just a symptom, but actually a health condition in its own right. If you had an illness, wouldnt you do something about it to make yourself better? ...Continue reading
10.01.2022 COCONUT OIL IS IT THE MISSING LINK? Coconut oil has been consumed for thousands of years in tropical cultures and the research on its health benefits has existed for a very long time. Lauric acid, for example, has a long history of use in combating pathogens, and this research has been around for more than 50 years. Coconut oil is natures richest source of lauric acid. Lauric acid, a medium-chain fatty acid found mainly in coconut oil, is a prized substance. Pure coconut ...oil contains about 50 percent lauric acid, and is the most abundant natural source of lauric acid available. It is converted into monolaurin, a monoglyceride compound which exhibits anti-viral, antimicrobial, antiprotozoal and antifungal properties. It acts by disrupting the lipid membranes in organisms like fungus, bacteria and viruses, thus destroying them. The compound monolaurin is a great treatment for candida albicans and fungal infections like ringworm and athletes foot. Monolaurin also targets bacterial infections as well as lipid-coated viruses like herpes, the measles, influenza, hepatitis C and HIV. Researchers in the Philippines have even begun studies to prove the effectiveness of lauric acid against HIV/AIDS because of its strong antiviral properties. It is basically non-toxic, which gives it a distinctive advantage over modern pharmaceutical drugs that are used to fight viruses, bacterial infections and fungal infections. Without a plentiful source of lauric acid, the body cannot produce monolaurin. People who regularly consume coconut oil experience less sickness. Breast milk is the only other natural source that contains such a high concentration of lauric acid, which explains the drastic decrease of infections of all types in breast-fed babies.
10.01.2022 Your Childs Lunchbox provides an understanding of the importance of food as medicine. It offers practical dietary advice and suggestions for packing lunchboxes with delicious, attractive foods that will boost your childs ability to master the academic and social demands of school. Your Childs Lunchbox is a must-have resource for parents to make informed choices about their childrens nutritional requirements http://www.amazon.com/Your-Childs-Lunchbox-eb//ref=sr_1_1 $7.99
10.01.2022 What is Bowen Therapy? Bowen therapy is about empowering the bodys own resources to heal itself. Bowen therapy is based on the philosophy that, given the right prompting, the body, in most instances, will return to its natural state of well being. A Bowen therapy treatment involves a series of gentle moves over specific points on the body. It consists of the gentle manipulation of muscles and tissues surrounding your skeletal structure. This has the effect of stimulating nerve transmission and blood flow to the specific area and as a result pain and tension are relieved. The normal healing processes of the body are also stimulated with Bowen, resulting in long-term improvement in overall health and well being.
10.01.2022 MY BRAIN HURTS Migraines and headaches are very common complaints, so much so that many of consider them a normal part of life. These pain syndromes can be indicative of an underlying imbalance, however, and should be investigated especially if they are recurring and severe. Women suffer migraines three times more frequently than men, with up to 70% of women experiencing menstrual migraines at some stage in their lives. Menstrual migraines are primarily caused by excessive ...oestrogenic activity. Management of associated headaches and migraines therefore requires assessment of hormonal balance, as well as management of other driving factors such as diet, nutrition and stress. Headaches and migraines can be crippling for some, but can be relatively easily managed using natural medicines if underlying causes are identified. For example, excessive oestrogenic activity is pro-inflammatory, therefore balancing oestrogen and progesterone levels can go a long way towards alleviating the pain and discomfort experienced by some. Additionally, chronic stress is also inflammatory and can contribute to migraines, which is why stress management is so important. Certain key nutritional deficiencies have also been proven to be associated with recurring headaches and migraines. For example, CoQ10 deficiency has been found in up to 74.6% of migraine sufferers and supplementation with CoQ10 daily for three months has shown a significant reduction in the incidence of migraines in some migraine-prone sufferers. Other substrates required for optimal mitochondrial function such as omega-3 essential fatty acids, magnesium and B vitamins have also been shown to be beneficial in treating migraines. Given the role mitochondria plays in energy production, this suggests a clinically important link between energy levels and recurring headaches or migraines that can be easily addressed with essential nutrients as suggested. So dont go on suffering. Migraines are not a normal part of life and once the underlying cause has been identified are easily eradicated for good. See more
08.01.2022 Higher blood levels of cadmium in females and higher blood levels of lead in males can delay pregnancy in couples trying to become pregnant. Sources of cadmium include cigarette smoke, batteries, pigments, metal coatings and plastics. Airborne particles of cadmium can travel over long distances and also absorbed by fish, plants and animals. Lead is found in ceramics, pipes and batteries and lead based paint in older houses, lead glazed pottery and contaminated soil and water.
07.01.2022 What is Naturopathy? Naturopathic Medicine, or Naturopathy, views the human body in its entirety, considering at all times the working relationship between each organ and system. Treating the body as a whole, naturopathy encourages and supports the bodys efforts to work towards internal harmony and well being.
07.01.2022 Modern epidemics of childhood not just small adults - As a practicing naturopath I see children with conditions such as asthma, allergies, obesity, autism and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in my clinic regularly. I see the effect these ailments have on these children and their families how they deprive children of their energy and enthusiasm for life and put excessive stress on their entire family. Regrettably there has been a disturbingly rapid increase...Continue reading
06.01.2022 Other people are the most ready source of joy for your life
06.01.2022 HOW WELLNESS AND HEALTHY AGEING WORKS Wellness and healthy ageing is a balancing act. Its about bringing together all the elements of your life into harmony. Sometimes we need to add a little more of this or remove a little of that to bring us into balance. Ageing well (and living well) incorporates many factors. To optimise health and longevity you must consider exercise, diet, relaxation, social activities, personal connections, mental stimulation and spirituality. Her...e are some suggestions: 1. Include protein in each meal or snack as protein helps regulate your appetite and keeps you feeling full for longer. Protein protects your muscle tissue and gives you additional energy for exercise. 2. Cut down on starchy carbohydrates as they have a high glycaemic index (GI) and offer less valuable nutrition to the body. 3. Enjoy a minimum of three cups of fresh vegetables every day as they provide nutrients to help your body live youthfully. 4. Eat a minimum of two pieces or one cup of fruit every day as fruit offers us a rainbow of nutrients and it is an important aspect to a healthy ageing lifestyle. 5. Include nuts, seeds and healthy oils. Your body needs essential fats every day for healthy joints, heart, brain and hormonal function. 6. Pure drinking water is essential. Drinking eight glasses or approximately two litres of water will provide your body with optimal hydration throughout the day. 7. Avoid excess alcohol, sugar and salt. Alcohol should not be consumed every day. Adding refined sugar and salt to food is rarely necessary and foods with added sugar and sodium (such as packaged foods) offer little nutritional value and do more harm than good. 8. Its OK to relax. Remember you are what you most consistently eat. That means that once in a while you will go out to dinner or crave your favourite food and it might not be healthy. We eat around 21 meals a week so its OK to allow yourself one or two meals a week to choose whatever foods you like. 9. Exercise regularly. Aim for a minimum of 30 minutes of moderate exercise most days of the week. 10. Keep your mind active. An active mind is one of the keys to healthy ageing. Remember the saying use it or lose it? Stimulating your mind with new information can be extremely powerful for brain health it keeps your brain young. 11. Relax and have fun. Stress strongly affects every system in your body. Long term or poorly managed stress can have serious health consequences. We need to manage stress and our response to stressful situations to ensure balance and health. Take 30 minutes of each day and take pleasure in some relaxing and fun activities, and you will be rewarded with an increased capacity to deal with stress and add enjoyment to your life. Healthy ageing is about achieving balance in all areas of your life. See more
06.01.2022 Some of the more recent research has come from people suffering from Alzheimers disease, with reports of people improving or even reversing the effects of Alzheimers by using it. There have also been some positive results from people with both Type I and Type II diabetes and hypothyroidism, as coconut oil helps boost metabolism and raises body temperatures to promote thyroid health. Candida sufferers have also reported health benefits, as have those suffering from various s...kin diseases. The benefits of coconut oil for healthy hair are well known, and other health benefits include fighting off bacterial infections and viruses. Recently, it has been seen to benefit athletes and fitness trainers, giving them an advantage in sustaining energy levels longer without drugs or stimulants. Coconut water is the fad in the US now and will inevitably become a fad here in the very near future. See more
06.01.2022 Hello to everyone at Brisbane Kids. When you're feeling run ragged as a parent, consider a bowen therapy session. De-stress and realigns your body to heal itself.
05.01.2022 It doesnt get any better than this. Clear blue skies, cool nights, no humidity. I picked up a flier while at the markets last Sunday for Lost World Arts in the Olives arts workshops on mothers day this coming Sunday. There are so many 1/2 day and whole day workshops from stone carving to batik which are all held in an olive grove. Sounds and looks amazing. A new discovery for me www.artsintheolives.com
04.01.2022 As a practicing naturopath I see children with conditions such as asthma, allergies, obesity, autism and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADH...
03.01.2022 I will be at the Balmoral markets Sunday 7-12 noon (Balmoral State High School). Its a really fun market - live music - popcorn - lots of room to run, kick a ball, use up excessive energy. There are stalls selling organic fruit veges and much more. Hope to see you there. Come and say hi - would love to meet you.
03.01.2022 Your Child’s Lunchbox provides an understanding of the importance of food as medicine. It offers practical dietary advice and suggestions for packing lunchboxes with delicious, attractive foods that will boost your child’s ability to master the academic and social demands of school. Your Child’s Lunchbox is a must-have resource for parents to make informed choices about their children’s nutritional requirements http://www.amazon.com/Your-Childs-Lunchbox-eb//ref=sr_1_1 $7.99
02.01.2022 Healthy Gut Healthy Life The Gut Is the Root of Health Have you ever experienced symptoms such as indigestion, reflux, wind, bloating, constipation or diarrhoea? These are among the most common health complaints that people live with every day. In fact, if these symptoms are left untreated, they can lead to more serious problems and affect the health of the whole body. There are four key elements that promote healthy digestive function: maintaining the integrity of the gut li...Continue reading
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