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Elizabeth Rimmington


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24.01.2022 The Burdekin District the birthplace of some amazing talents. Of particular interest to me are the writers from the area. I have been fortunate enough to have met several (in some cases only on the computer screen) on my writing journey. One such author has been Denise Neville writing as Kayla Danoli and as Neive Denis. I recently visited her new website which I found to be peaceful and a joy to spend time exploring. If you only read books on fa...ct, then you will not go past a book written by a daughter of the Burdekin, M. Bevege Ph.D. Behind Barbed Wire: Internment in Australia during World War II, published by the University of Qld 1993. A book to stir all of your emotions. But if you prefer a genre of fiction, M. Bevege has published three enthralling books following the adventures of Detective Ludowski’s Casebook. While I am talking writing, (do I ever talk of anything else these days) (you are not required to answer that question). A big thanks must go to the Burdekin Library and the staff there who do wonders in supporting our writers. Keep safe Keep smiling Keep reading Keep writing Elizabeth Rimmington See more

24.01.2022 2020-5-26 It has been all panic here for the last few days. Why? The TV and DVD player are not coordinating. Don’t even say, It’s her fault; pressing wrong buttons when impatient. This feeling of panic surprises me because I did not think I spent much time in front of the TV; I’m NOT addicted. If asked I would say I only have it on to watch the news. And that is true, to a point. But without the TV I cannot tape my favourite shows so I can fast forward the ads. This isn...’t watching the TV, thinks I; it is watching the taped shows. Hmmmm. Of course, for learning purposes. I’m only watching to analyze how the experts draw out the suspense, build characters and what scenes provoke emotive responses. Hmmmmm. So, you may think I’m perving on the hunks but I am actually thinking how a writer could describe the twitching biceps and rippling abs; oh, and the delicious dimples. Hmmmmmm. Bring on the TV fixer man. Photo: Me Dabs, get out of there. The cattle don’t want to drink your bathwater. Dabs Why not? I have to eat their dust when mustering. Keep safe Elizabeth Facebook: See more

21.01.2022 Research and Seeking Memories Have my nose to the grindstone and working on a re-vamped fourth novel. Can anyone help me? I need to find out what cars +/- utilities might have been on the North Queensland streets in 1933. I find Google not all that helpful or (am I going to admit it) the fault may be in the user. Another question: see below - this photo was taken many years ago from a fishing spot somewhere in North Queensland (I presume). Does anyone recognize this? Keep sa...fe Keep smiling Keep reading Keep writing. Elizabeth Rimmington #antiquecars #fishingqueensland See more

20.01.2022 HAPPY NEW YEAR HOT CHOCOLATE AND MARSHMALLOWS For those, like myself, with a not-to-be-denied urge to scribble down words bubbling alongside desolate moments of aimless dreams, I encourage you to persist. Having received an urgent message for more copies of my just-released third novel from outlet stores, I wallow in a warm feeling of hot chocolate and marshmallows. I may not raise a blip on J.K.Rowlin’s radar but it sure feels good. Thank you and a Happy New Year to everyon...e. Hot chocolate and marshmallows go well on a cool rainy day also. Keep safe, Keep smiling, Keep reading, Keep writing. Wishing you a quick recovery. Elizabeth Rimmington #HappyNewYear2021 See more

19.01.2022 2020-6-18 Photo Phobia Time to update the website photo. I’ve been told I cannot hide behind Dabs-the-dog anymore. My argument: We all have to earn our keep. Her job description is to protect me. Her pay - good meals, health benefits, warm bed, exercise. I have photophobia. (Self-diagnosis; I may have invented that diagnosis).... What is that, you ask? My answer - Fear of Fotos. Cause: Childhood trauma since the day mother began photography classes. Overnight our Happy Snaps became Torture Takes. Photo time: Wash your face, clean your teeth, brush your hair, change your shirt. AND HIDE THOSE FILTHY HANDS. TAKE 1 Stand tall, don’t slouch, don’t pout, don’t frown, don’t grimace. AND DON’T GRIND YOUR TEETH. TAKE 2 Eyes open, face the light, no shadows, head up. AND SMILE. TAKE 3 Have you got ants in your pants? DON’T ANYONE MOVE. TAKE 4 We’ll have to do that again. OOOHHHHH NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Mum loved her kids; she was proud of her kids. LOVE you too Mum BUT to this day I still hate having my photo taken. Dabs-the-dog’s response to all this: Oh, stop whining and SMILE. Photo: Dabs-the-dog’s comment Damn; she’s escaped again. Keep Safe. Take care as we ease out of COVID restrictions. Kind regards from Elizabeth Join the Mailing list while you are there to receive the monthly newsletter. See more

18.01.2022 2020-5-10 HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY To all those mothers out there and the Grands and the Great Grands and all the synonyms in between. What did you get for Mother’s Day? Breakfast in bed: you know the one; awkward positioning, burnt toast, rock-hard eggs, sticks of bacon, cold coffee. Aaah, but the wide, sparkling eyes and the face-splitting smiles of the doer/s makes it all worthwhile. Flowers:- Hmmmm. Lovely when fresh but depressing when sagging.... Chocolates:- My favourites, but frowned upon by others. Surprise cleaning of the bathroom:- Beware of the wet toot seat when you get up. Those kids have a wicked sense of humour did they touch your toothbrush, false teeth or other items you prefer left alone? A load of washing all done and hung:- Work clothes can take a hiding but knotted undies and out-of-shape t-shirts .. not so good. A wild party:- Been there done that. Not so wild now. You can always claim Covid 19 restrictions. A nice hot cup of tea:- That’ll do it. Whatever; enjoy your day. Photo: My family knocked off work to cart rocks for my Mother’s Day (and not the penitentiary kind mind you.) Filled the erosion gutter on creek bank. See more

18.01.2022 2020-8-10 Six Word Story Have you ever read a six-word story? Have you ever tried to write a six-word story? As far as I can see, the essential element is they MUST resonate beyond the reading. For those who are fans of the concept, you will know of the famous six-word short story I believe has been attributed to Hemingway; and I quote ... For Sale Baby Shoes Never worn. After learning of this style of writing I tried a few of my own. Car spins Bloodied body Clanging phone OR Curdled milk Multiplying microbes Toilet trots AND NOW I give you one from Dabs the Dog refer to photo. Dog’s job Chasing steers Or not See more

16.01.2022 THE WRITERS’ COOKBOOK As a child, the best thing about having a Nana who won prizes for her cooking was eating the items that did not make the cut. Lollies, toffees, small cakes, large cakes, plum duffs. Yummm! And as a bonus, my Nana told wonderful stories. Now, here I am me who struggles to boil an egg introducing a recipe book: The Writers’ Cook Book. Recipe 1: A Meal of Drama Ingredients: ... Handsome man, beautiful lady, controversy, tension, betrayal, heartache, scarred childhood, sweet babies, castles, royalty, family fortunes. Spices to taste: Truths, lies, gut-wrenching sob tales, a hint of racism, a hint of murder. As a reader/viewer of such a play as this, your critique might suggest, Intriguing will draw one in but it is a bit over the top. In real life, things like this just do not happen . And yet have you not been watching your TV lately. Keep safe Keep smiling Keep reading Keep writing Elizabeth Rimmington Photo A Baking Trophy. #drama See more

15.01.2022 2020-7-10 ONLY PLACE TO BE IN WINTER Another thing I love about winter. Curled up by the fireplace wrapped in the folds of its warmth sipping hot chocolate and pondering story scenes or a new plot. Goodness me; if I keep going on like this, I’ll convince myself I love winter. No. No. No. The icicles inside my boots as I tramp across the frosted grasses, checking the cattle, are my toes. Somewhere inside the thick knitted gloves are ten frozen fingers trying to perform delic...ate chores. AND this is me in Queensland; not even at the notorious Stanthorpe with its reputation of snowy winters. I have witnessed the snow in that region. Splendid views but not for the faint-hearted. Keep Safe. Kind regards Elizabeth Join the Mailing list to receive the free monthly newsletter with its ‘Pearl for your Enjoyment’. See more

15.01.2022 2020-8-26 UTTERLY GROSS Would I lie to you? Well yes, as the author of two fiction novels, I guess I would. I find it more fun writing fiction tales rather fact. BUT today, I tell you no lies. There is a dead mouse hidden somewhere in my office. The stench is GROSS. How do I know it’s a dead mouse and not a dead body, you say? I lived for eight years on a farm in the grain area of the Darling Downs where mice plagues were not an uncommon occurrence. Where one did not use a mousetrap to catch the little blighters. We used rat traps. Where it was not uncommon to find not one, not two but three mice caught in the trap at once. Where the road literally flowed rivers of the little sods at night when I drove to the local hospital for night duty. Where my olfactory nerve developed the skill of a good dog. Now, it seems, I have lost that skill in nosing out a dead mouse in moments. I have been head-down and butt-up, searching through mountains of files and manuscripts and drawers but to date no dead body; just a foul smell. With my third novel (set in the Burdekin, by the way,) in the process of final drafting, I need to access the office but the stench is overwhelming. Why don’t I have Dabs the dog seek it out for me? Still with the questions? Well, NO. She loves the odour of decaying flesh. Nothing pleases her more than rolling in such revolting remnants. When she discovered the guilty party in my office and I tried to take it from her she would likely remove my arm; at the elbow. Such is Life, I guess. Keep Safe, Keep Strong, Keep Happy. Elizabeth See more

11.01.2022 2020-6-10 Where’s the Pot of Gold I love rainbows; don’t you? Besides being beautiful to look at, rainbows indicate moisture is about and with moisture, the promise of a rain-shower. Yes, I know. Promises, promises, I hear you say. So, I’m a dreamer. Do you believe the legend - there is a pot of gold at the end of the rainbows? As you can see in the photo below, the rainbow definitely ends on the quad bike. Sorry to disillusion you but I have searched the bike, intimately,... and there is no pot of gold there. So much for promises. Keep safe Elizabeth Rimmington Find me on Facebook: Photo: Rainbow lands on the quad bike. See more

08.01.2022 2020-5-18 Reading and Writing. It is good to see many of you are enjoying your locked-up status, reading books. There is nothing like a good yarn to transport you on a pleasant/exciting/terrifying journey. How many out there have spent years promising themselves they’d sit down and write a short story, a novel or an epic adventure if ever they had time. No excuses now; that is unless you are working from home, running several school classrooms in your lounge room, figuring t...he logistics of shopping at a distance of 1.5 meters from other customers and then getting the groceries home safely without bringing any bugs home on one’s hands, bags, purchases or clothes. Maybe you’ve taken it into your head to clean out all the cupboards, nooks and crannies instead. It can be amazing what you find when you do. I have spent months looking for the fly veil for my work hat. The flies have been a real pestilence this autumn. Don’t they know this is cattle country not sheep country? By accident I opened the correct bag and there it was; the fly veil. Now there are hardly any flies outside; wouldn’t that be right? Photo: Does this mean I’m a real farmer when the moon is up before I get home from the paddock? Keep safe Elizabeth Rimmington facebook: See more

08.01.2022 2020-7-18 OUR HEROES The enemy of us all COVID 19. Have a thought and a prayer for those caught up in the ‘Hot Spots’. One cannot imagine the trauma they are going through, unless right there. FULL MARKS for all those on the frontline; the many-faceted frontline. They face this insidious, voracious enemy, this virus, head-on, providing many and varied services to keep our communities safe and provided with necessities. I honour not just those we see in the headlines every d...ay, but those who toil behind the scenes. You are ALL the HEROES of our country. You can be proud. NO Marks for others who have gone out of their way to assist this devious enemy of us all; COVID 19. Photo: Who is this pretty little fluff-ball freezing on the fence? Keep Safe. Keep social distances. Elizabeth Join the Mailing list to receive the free monthly newsletter with its ‘Pearl for your Enjoyment’. See more

08.01.2022 20-7-20 Little People on the Roof. After a long dry, is there anything to tickle the coffles of the heart more than the tinkling of rain on the tin roof. My grandmother would say, Listen to the little people up there, partying. How wonderful to feel the weight of anxiety disperse like a morning fog. At the first rattle on the roof last night I turned off the TV, turned off the lights, opened the curtains and with the fireplace flickering at my back, I peered out into the... darkness and listened. Inside my head, Grandmother spoke again. The wee folk are dancing up a storm tonight. As I sit here now, an hour or more before daylight, I plan to don the winter woollies, including very thick socks and rubber boots and go splashing in the puddles when there is light enough see. Keep Safe. Kind regards Elizabeth Join the Mailing list to receive the free monthly newsletter with its ‘Pearl for your Enjoyment’. If you have been following THE BOY do not miss the August newsletter which has the FINAL INSTALMENT. See more

07.01.2022 2020-9-10 Self-Doubts Swallowed up by self-doubts after signing THE END? Your heart floats like a bird on the thermals. Pride begins to fill the head with hot air. Red biro dripping like blood from the manuscript when returned from the proof reader sends one into a downward spiral. ALL rehabilitation processes begin with one step. ... Start at page one. Gradually the doubts will be muffled. Keep writing. Keep safe. Keep strong. Keep happy. Elizabeth Rimmington Join up to receive a free copy of the monthly newsletter. Photo Red Kite courtesy of D. Vickers. See more

07.01.2022 CHRISTMAS CHEER Thanks to all those who have purchased their copy of Burdekin Heartbeats. Apologies to those in the Burdekin who found empty shelves BUT DO NOT DESPAIR a fresh supply is on its way. The extra books will arrive this afternoon. (Tuesday 22nd December) Get your copy from: HOME HILL Home Hill Newsagency.... AYR Woods Newsagency in Parker Street. MERRY CHRISTMAS Keep reading. Keep writing. Keep smiling. Keep safe. Elizabeth Join the mailing list to receive the free short story each month. #Christmas See more

07.01.2022 2 4 6 8 Bog in don’t wait! How did you enjoy your Christmas and New Year’s Day lunches? My family enjoyed mango salads, green salads, potatoes salads, fresh bread rolls and an unending supply of freshly cooked prawns. We ate until our eyes bulged. Not a lot of grace going on when I used the cattle prod to keep the participants from the table until I took the photo.... Lots of ideas and memories for another novel that’s for sure. BUT then I write historical fiction and my family, historically, ate hot roasted poultry with roasted garden produce and lashings of gravy followed by plum duff and drownings of custard. BUT that was in another country a cold country. Happy New Year to everyone Keep safe, Keep smiling, Keep reading, Keep writing. Wishing you a quick recovery. Elizabeth Rimmington #HappyNewYear2021 See more

07.01.2022 RESPECT AND REVERENCE I was asked what do I enjoy most about writing my novels. The answer is: Telling a yarn of course BUT close on the heels of that is the research involved. My novels are all historical fiction so I get to delve into the lives of our pioneers. As I research the early beginnings of the various towns in our great country of Australia, I am overawed at the living and working conditions in the ‘olden days’ and the strength and resilience required to work and... survive. Apologies to my teachers I never had the mindset to appreciate these things during my school years. Keep safe, Keep smiling, Keep reading, Keep writing. Elizabeth Rimmington. The photo below: Planting sugar cane in the early 20th century. The pioneers planted by hand. Hot, hard, work. See more

06.01.2022 SOMETHING DEAD IN THE SHED. A dead rodent has an odour all of its own. Growing up in a cane growing area I cannot remember mice being a great problem. Every shed had a resident cat earning its keep didn’t it? Later, when living in a grain growing area, I learnt what a mice plague really meant. In the car lights at night, the bitumen ahead writhed with oceans of mice racing from one grain-paddock to the next. The sated fat cat sat on the mat in the corner. Our over it dog... ignored the mice using her nose as a by-way while she slept. Breakfast time: Should I eat the egg, or not? I’d seen the hens throwing mice down their throats. A bit like hopeful lovers tossing oysters down their gullets before heading out on a night of promise. Check the toaster before adding bread and turning on the heat. Lesson learnt: Rat traps catch mice better than mouse traps do. Melt the cheese bait to stop the clever rodents from snatching it without triggering the spring. Don’t be skeptical when told it’s not unusual to catch three mice in the trap at one time. I won that dubious gong on more than one occasion. But I learnt to take it all in my stride. I learnt to love the area and love the people. I quickly developed a SUPER SNIFFER to find the bodies and that’s my job today to find the body in the shed hoping a slithering unwanted reptile doesn’t find me first. Signed SUPER SNIFFER Keep safe Keep smiling Keep reading Keep writing Elizabeth Rimmington #grainisgood See more

05.01.2022 BIT SERIOUS BIT TONGUE IN CHEEK. What does the word HERO mean to you? I had my knickers in a knot when the Racing Car industry referred to their Hero/es in their advertising recently. I huffed and puffed in my belief this was an ‘abuse’, or at best, a ‘misuse’ of a sacred word. Always thought of the word, Hero as a hallowed word to be used for the special of the special - One who risks his own life to save another that kind of thing.... Checked the Australian Oxford dictionary (which I should have done when I first started the war dance saved a lot of hot air and energy) - learnt the word Hero is not up there on any flag pole. Hero: demigod, a man of superhuman qualities: a man admired for great deeds and noble qualities; a chief man in the poem, play or story. (Pretty average really.) I think the Word-Police need to have a very especially special word only to be applied to those who have risked all, to save others. Any believers out there? Oh, and a belated Happy Valentine Day. Keep Safe, Keep Smiling, Keep Reading, Keep Writing. Elizabeth Rimmington #trueheroes #wordpolice See more

03.01.2022 BOXING DAY GREETINGS. Boxing day blues Eyeballs hanging out over the black shadows and onto your cheeks. Every drum in the symphony orchestra practicing in your headspace. Tongue as dry as an Australian drought.... Your breathing is noisier than a tornado wind. Boxing day wishes You wish you (or others) had never bought toys with batteries. You wish you could just find the coffee and maybe a clean cup. You wish for a Christmas fairy to clear up the mess. You wish the garbage bins were twice the size. Boxing Day pleasures To hear, Let me give you a hand, Mum. (Wifey/Nana/Dad whatever). A soaking rain if in a drought. A sunny day if not. A calm sea and the fish biting. A polite crowd at the Boxing Day sales Hmmmm. A cold drink and two Panadol (or safe analgesic of your choice). A good book to read e.g. Burdekin Heartbeats by Elizabeth Rimmington. Keep safe, Keep smiling, Keep reading, Keep writing. Wishing you a quick recovery. Elizabeth Join the mailing list to receive the free short story each month. #boxingday See more

03.01.2022 2020-6-26 NOT A LOVER OF COLD WEATHER; how about you? A thing I do love in winter though, are the sun-rays streaming through the trees dissipating the sparkling mists on the leaves. Dabs and I go running in the not-so-early mornings. I lie. Dabs runs and I ride the quad bike. Despite the balaclava and thick gloves my fingers freeze up. Which reminds me of another thing I love in winter; warming my fingers on the bike’s exhaust near my left knee. Pity it did not have an exhaus...t on both sides; one for each hand. Photo: Dabs comment Do you have to stop to take photos? Keep moving, I’m freezing. Keep Safe. Kind regards Elizabeth Join the Mailing list to receive the free monthly newsletter with its ‘Pearl for your Enjoyment’. See more

03.01.2022 2020-8-18 Clouds and Silver Linings. My Nana always said that every cloud had a silver lining. I wonder how many silver linings she would have found in this pandemic. With my story characters wandering around inside my head and a trusty computer, I have little to complain about when in lock-down due to the COVID virus. Having a paddock outside the door with Dabs and cattle to talk to, life is pretty sweet. But now and then it is nice to communicate with the outside world a...nd the people in it. Come in Zoom. I am in the process of discovering the magic of Zoom and its uses. Keep seeking the silver linings. Keep strong. Keep safe. Keep connected. Elizabeth Rimmington or find me on Facebook, See more

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