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Elle Saunders Marriage Celebrant in Perth, Western Australia | Public figure

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Elle Saunders Marriage Celebrant

Locality: Perth, Western Australia

Phone: +61 434 525 890


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25.01.2022 Oh Heyyyyyyy, I am Elle Saunders, marriage celebrant calling the beautiful Kimberley earth home in Broome, W.A. I am all about bringing real feels to unique moments: from being a love stalker; awful flower pinner aka flower stabber; massive foodie who creates marriage recipes that leave you hungry; to being a wife to Toby; mum to Ruby Rose and twin boys Dusty & Chase which have me managing three under three. Life could be said to be crazy but its fun and chaotic and I wouldn...t change it. If Im not in the kitchen whipping up a crowd pleaser dinner or a fresh cocktail for my friends, you will find me down the beach with the sea breeze in my hair (but not the glamorous model look more the frazzled mother look who thinks a pair of funky earrings can attempt to put me in the semi glamourous model look category). with an epic cheeseboard, G&T and tunes playing with the odd screaming child adding to the atmosphere, I would say #winninglife. Besides having the biggest smile ever, trust me I have been told by a fair few children and lets be honest kids never lie, I truly love being part of couples amazing moments. I talk from the heart and really dont read from a script. Each ceremony is never the same but filled with plenty of love, laughter, real and true words that celebrate two humans who have found the one person they want to love and annoy everyday they possibly can. I am not going to lie, sometimes my marriage recipes can go all sorts of wrong but they will be one to remember and bring plenty of memories filled with laughter. IOL Images of Life by Luna Frankie capturing the moment my Taco Marriage Recipe came to life.

24.01.2022 A little collaboration with the awesome Little Duo team for Merrilee & Kurtiss amazing moment

24.01.2022 This .... Lucky to be part of an awesome tribe

24.01.2022 That Titanic Moment, when you have come to the pinacle point in your getting married journey, shared your vows, signed the legal docs, put a ring on it if you chose to and then sealed the deal with a kiss, high five , fist bump and you are on top of the world like my girl Pia . Your moment = your way, so make it be a celebration of all that you are as a couple. @julia_rau_photography

22.01.2022 A Baileys Easter Recipe Thanks to an accidental blending of the two unlikely liquids, burnt sugar & vanilla the Baileys Irish Cream was born. The perfect marriage of cream, aged whisky & a unique chocolate blend has led to an indulgent drink like no other and when you drink it out of an Easter egg OMG I could almost be willing to sacrifice my husband for another ...just jokes . If you decide to shout yourself one this easter, as you sip on your egg let it remind you tha...t life has a way of giving you opportunities in the most unlikely times and places so embrace the moments. Your marriage is and should be your own unique blend like no other, just like the unique chocolate blend of the Baileys. The creamy texture a reminder of the smoothness that comes after those bumps in the road when you actually communicate and compromise. The taste of the aged whiskey hinting that your marriage will continue to grow deeper and stronger as each grey hair you grow maybe from one another, kids, furr babies or just life but you wouldnt have it any other way. Lastly, infuse all of this with the happiness hormone coming from the chocolate egg. Your Easter Sunday is turning out to be one hell of a day that will hopefully have a happy ending .... with another Baileys egg off course . (Cheers to my spesh humans who introduced this tradition into my life many years ago, wish we could be sharing one together ) Happy Easter

22.01.2022 Oh heyyyy, yeah I know I have been quiet so Im giving myself a kick up the butt by doing a social media #29dayschallenge that will kick start the fuel and fire to nurture, love, challenge and embrace all that comes with marriage & life. Julia Rau Photography capturing the good of yours truly, now shoot your lover a message telling them you love their sexy butt cause I said so

21.01.2022 It is a privilege to be invited to celebrate love, make sure you invite the humans who want and will be there to cheer you on, dance the night away and celebrate the hell out of this awesome thing you are committing to called Marriage. Julia Rau Photography

21.01.2022 How lucky I am to be part of beautiful moments and exciting chapters in couples stories like Jenine & DJ. These two eloped to Broome with their gorgeous kids in tow and made a holiday of it. A perfect moment for them, that celebrated who they are as a couple and as a family . I was lucky enough to witness these two lay eyes on one another prior to heading to the ceremony as well as them giving some special gifts to the kids. Special moments that remind me how lucky we all are to be able to choose to do life with someone through the good, the bad, the ugly, yet share in those golden moments that make the heart just melt. Julia Rau Photography capturing the perfect family selfie shot .

21.01.2022 These red rocks will never get old, they also remind me of how lucky we all are when we find someone who wants to be our rock. Who we can share in something so deep and true. Take your favourite humans hand and tell them you love them, give them a kiss or a squeeze, high five or tap their sexy butt... Whatever youre feeling just do it, let them know they are your rock . Julia Rau Photography capturing our gorgeous Leah & Sam.

20.01.2022 What is tradition? When it comes to your moment what you see as or dont see as tradition is all that matters. Sometimes we can get so caught up in pleasing everyone but ourselves. The key here is you. What do you see as tradition when it comes to your moment? Is it that important to you that you need to make sure it becomes part of your moment? As long as you ask yourself these questions then you are on the right track to taking control of your moment and what you want it t...o be. I constantly get asked, what side do we stand on(honestly whatever side you want, my right side is my best just saying), do I have to walk down the aisle( you can dance, hop, jiggy, walk together or not do this at all), do we have to exchange rings( you can exchange whatever your little hearts desire or you can leave this out completely), this is just the beginning of many conversations I have and my response is simple; It comes down to the two of you, what is comfortable? what is you as a couple? If you removed all those opinions and expectations that get placed on or we feel are placed on us, then ask yourself what is important to us, what will make us smile and know that our ceremony is a representation completely of us. One of my couples met their guests pre-ceremony for drinks, why would we want to miss out on all the fun that happens when its our day- 100% . After some mingling, laughing and just being completely relaxed we then walked over to a spot with the ocean as our backdrop, called everyone over and there they made it official. Screw the pressures and opinions of others, your day = your way and I am there with you, cheering you on as you decide what makes your day, tradition or no tradition simply make your own tradition. Kurtis and Merrilee doing it their way, a ceremony space with guests standing in a circle and they wouldnt change a thing Little Duo Photography capturing the goods.

20.01.2022 Thanks to mutual friends 5years ago these two crossed paths at the Hedland Races, that led to some dancing and drinks at the Pier Hotel, but it wasnt until the walk home that had these two chatting, conversation flowing, a mutual sense of humour and well what was a drunken stroll ended up being a romantic one with the person they would marry one day. Throw in a surprise chapter welcoming baby Hugo into the story (Just delaying the wedding ever so slightly, he obviously didn...t want to miss out on the party) had these two finally marrying the one they want to always eat chicken wings and drink Sangria with, watch repeats of the office on date nights and simply do life with. Surrounded by family and friends, little Hugo sharing in the moment, the roar from the crowd was fierce for their love as I announced them as finally Hitched BJ JERRILEE See more

20.01.2022 http:// WE ARE FAMILY // See all these beautiful smiles , all I can say is that I felt part of the fam bam and was just as stoked as the kids to finally get mum and dad hitched. For Merrilee and Kurtis it was literally a crash, bang, instant spark moment. It was just a usual day in the office until Kurtis walked through the door, lucky Merrilee was sitting as her legs would have given out on her, it was hard enough containing her smile and glimmer in her eyes. For Kurtis he felt ...himself falling in love the moment he laid eyes on Merrilees beautiful face . A love story with many chapters that had these two discovering the deeply rooted love & soul connection they shared was something truly special. From belly laughs to a marriage recipe incorporating Merrilees mums passed down Chilli Mud Crab had everyones ears picking slightly to catch an ingridient they may be missing (off course I wasn t giving too much away ), personal vows that brought tears to the eyes(mine included) and a fierce roar from the crowd when I finally announced these two as MR MRS WILLIAMS, oh what a moment note little man Kurtis Jnr was chasing the little crabs otherwise his adorable little face would have been in this shot also . See more

19.01.2022 Have you checked out Shakey ? Do yourself a favour and check this talented soul out who is also married to an amazing photographer Ange over Rolling Stills. IMAGINE having one of your captures from your wedding day, where you are standing on the stunning Kimberley earth come to life in a whole new creative light. The popping colours of red pindan rocks or turquoise blue ocean that will hang in your home and remind you of the moment when you married your love. Shakey creates artwork that has you wanting to grab a cold one, pull up a chair and just become engrossed in his creation

18.01.2022 I feel like these words need to be shared again as sometimes with all the lead up and planning to your wedding day you need a little reminder of the big picture Your wedding day is one day, one amazing day but one day out of many chapters within your story that will come to hold more meaning, depth, love and real emotions than you could have imagined. Your wedding day will come and go, it will be a wonderful celebration of love and a chapter creating a marriage, so make a p...romise to yourselves to make your marriage even greater than your wedding day. In doing so what you may find is amongst the love, sweat and tears there will be moments that will make your heart explode greater than you could have ever thought possible. Pure Mac Photography capturing a moment in my marriage, one that makes me realise how lucky we are to be gifted with some treasures that take love and happiness to another level.

18.01.2022 ~ Gary & Tahlia~ "To meet you was fate, to be your friend was my personal choice, but to fall so deeply and madly in love with you was beyond my power completely. " ~ a snippet from Tahlia's personal vows . These two souls made it official on the secluded beach at Eco Beach Resort, the love vibes where endless and personal vows shared that made this moment one never to forget.... Julia Rau Photography

18.01.2022 This tall awesome human(aka Kurtis) had already shed a few tears seeing his stunning woman walk down the aisle, but I knew I could squeeze a few more tears out of him . Kurtis & Merrilees day still gives me all the feels , two beautiful souls whos electric love energy could be felt by all. the bombdigity duo @littleduophotography

17.01.2022 VOWS This capture of Jerrilee & BJ sharing personal vows written for one another sums up exactly what they bring to your moment. Real feels and emotions that take it up a notch, where you get to tell your favourite human why you love them to bits. A small piece of the puzzle in your moment that may feel daunting but will be one you remember with a smile. @julia_rau_photography

17.01.2022 Meet my cool, calm, collected slightly serious threatening facial expression. The moment when I explain the ceremony is unplugged and anyone who dares to test me will be tackled to the floor even mid ceremony if I have to. I prep my tackle game with a berocca fueling my energy levels ready to pounce. Guests think I'm joking at first as I laugh after the threat but then you can see the expression cross the faces wondering should we test it and maybe make a killer YouTube video whilst we do so or should we leave it cause maybe she is legit crazy. All I can say is, don't mess with the short stature smiling celebrant , my couples rules are my rules, I have their back no matter what . Julia Rau Photography

17.01.2022 I have been sending a load of virtual hugs lately and I truly look forward to when I can get back to being the slightly stalker hugger I am. I am small but my hugs are like a big cuddly bear. Julia Rau Photography capturing the moment with Ingrid & Zack who have been enjoying plenty of bubba snuggles lately

16.01.2022 A love stalker, awful flower pinner aka flower stabber, massive foodie creating marriage recipes that leave you hungry. The journey from getting to know you, your story, bringing the real feels to creating a unique ceremony like no other where I make sure we do the legal thang in saying the words and signing the papers to high fives all round when we celebrate with your peeps that you sealed the deal and married your fav human. Im a marriage celebrant but your journey with me will be full of fun, laughter, group hugs, food and one hell of a ceremony to remember. @juliarauphotography Capturing my selfie side that also likes to come out and play.

15.01.2022 When you invite me to be part of your story, your moment, I am with you through it all. From being a friend to have a drink and de-stress with, to make you laugh, to stab you as I pin your flowers, paint nails, remind you its your moment not anyone elses, to hold your little humans and look after them like my own. I spent an hour walking around with the gorgeous Lucy whilst her mum and dad had some photos prior to me marrying them. We became best friends and I loved every minute. Julia Rau Photography capturing this sneaky shot of Aunty Elle

15.01.2022 Farewell 2020 ... Hello 2021 I will keep it short and sweet, 2020 has been a year to remember in so many ways, one thing I know is that it has made me stronger and remind me how important it is to live in the moment and enjoy even the smallest things as simply as hugging my little humans, telling my hubby Toby I love him to walking along the beach or watching a sunset from my balcony. Just being present in the moment and doing it with those who are good for my soul. Two : 1. To my 2020 lovers who managed to get hitched, continue to make your marriage as amazing as it can be. Love and laugh, fight and makeup and just simply enjoy being with your favourite human. 2. To my 2021 postponment lovers and those who have said a hell yes to making 2021 your hitching year, make sure your moment encompasses all that you are as a couple, it's yours and no one else's. I look forward to starting the party and celebrating that you have found your human who you can't wait to do life with, annoying and loving along the way. Happy New Year Nik Buttigieg Photography + Film

13.01.2022 After a swipe right, Steve went in with a killer pick up line of "Hi Bridge, you like dogs, beer and kite surfing, will you marry me?". Rather than Bridge thinking stalker alert and trying to swipe Steve left she found him charming, after further chatting a date was organised and well from that moment they have been side by side. These two awesome souls along with cute as a button daughter Lucy, eloped from Victoria with the red pindan of the rocks behind them, the sand between toes, just on sunset reading personal vows filled with love and laughter. A little explore around the tropical gardens of cable beach club prior to I Dos to capture some golden magic with Jules, this was a sweet moment to remember. Steve Bridge Lucy @julia_rau_photography

13.01.2022 LOVE NOTES . . "Having met Elle before, her energy and sincerity was hard to forget and easy to remember when choosing a celebrant for our wedding. Our wedding date was decided by Elles availability we knew it had to be her. ... Elle is the kind of human that we all should aspire to be. She is beautiful, warm, kind and nurturing. She is an attentive listener oh, her patience for all our stories! She has the wedding magic the way she wove our stories together in her wordsmith ways to produce the most wonderful ceremony had us laughing, crying, and smiling goofy smiles. There was so much positive feedback from our family and friends about how wonderful our celebrant was and what a sharp memory she has. We couldnt be happier with Elle. The required legalities were tied into beautiful visits and chats. She was full of sound advice and a pure joy to have around. Thank you, Elle, for your contribution in making our day so special. It actually was one of the best days of our lives and thanks Elle for helping us create such precious memories. You are one of the worlds gems. Love, Alyce & Pam xx " Image Damian Kelly

13.01.2022 Today my screen has been lit up with 8mins of pure magic. Pia Davids was a beautiful soul I was lucky enough to marry back in May and that moment ignited the fire and passion to explore the wedding industry & videography. Pia has captured Pam & Alyce, a story I am once again so honoured to be part off. She has brought to life a moment in their story that captures all the glorious feels and makes you want to watch it again

12.01.2022 Chelsea & Bear These two had an epic party planned with family & friends. Without anyone knowing they decided to elope a few months prior and then suprise everyone with a video captured by the talented Nik Buttigieg Photography + Film that was screened on the Kombi Keg Broome flat screen. With personal vows and their two little boys in tow and close family allowed the stress to be taken away when it came to the big day and when everyone finally realised that Bear & Chelsea... were already hitched the cheer was loud and the drinks flowed celebrating the news . *Your day, your way .... Make your moment one that encompasses all that is you as a couple and what makes you happy.

09.01.2022 Today is massive mix of emotions for me as my little tribe say farewell to our chapter in Broome, putting on the UGG boots as we head to Perth town for new work adventures & to be close to fam bam. The kids are pretty excited even though they dont comprehend what winter is when all they have lived in is shorts and t-shirts . Broome has been a place that captured our hearts, a place we have called home for over 8years. I started my celebrant career in this beautiful seaside where the red pindan has got under my toes and helped me to be the best hitcher I can be. For the remainder of the year and 2021 I will be the FIFO celebrant marrying lovers in Broome & Perth and can only hope that lovers will continue to ask me to marry them back in Broome so I can return to a place I love. The Kimberley will forever be a special place for me, being able to work alongside amazing vendors who have also become friends . So for now I will prepare to freeze only to return next week to defrost and marry more lovers . See more

09.01.2022 Easter Recipe Eat as much chocolate as you need to ignite the happiness hormone. If you love the caramel filled Easter eggs devour them as you look at your lover, tell them one thing you love about them that makes you go all soft and lovey for them.... If you love the popping candy egg, find a way to pop some excitement and fun into your day. How about those Ferrero Rocher eggs ... Mmmmm those nuts mixed with chocolate, go let your hair down, be a little nutty, run naked around the house, cartwheel out the back, rap a loving tune. Make your human smile in some way. Those who love eating a bunny egg, remenise back to when you hopped into oneanothers life, starting the chapter of becoming an item. Whatever the type of chocolate, let it remind you that we are all different in ways, this is all part of the attraction when it comes to the one we love. So whilst eating your eggs in ISO, where being in each others company may cause those differences to become a little annoying, take a moment to remind yourself that you would actually miss those traits & are pretty damn lucky to have one another in this type of shit-uation. Lastly, finish your day with a glass of red and some chocolate , the red wine reminding you of the importance of patience and PASSION in your relationship. Youre welcome

09.01.2022 Dropping the rings like they are hot. There may have been this one time when one of the rings somehow dropped when the best man was passing the precious cargo over. There was grass beneath us but in my head I swear it bounced and possibly went down my dress. For a split second the words of "your rings have been touched by Elle for the last time" were floating around in my head but luckily it was found and I was able to go with" touching the beautiful Kimberley earth where you are creating an epic chapter in your story " instead. Just know that I have got it covered no matter what decides to pop up during your moment @littleduophotography capturing those bling feels when the rings didnt get dropped.

09.01.2022 This is me , excited and pumped to have some down time with family and welcome a new year that is sure to be amazing. 2019 has been one to remember, tough in a way juggling 6month old twin boys, a three year old and marrying lovers whilst trying to keep the balance but I am truly honoured to have been asked to be part of so many awesome humans stories and cant wait to continue to do the same in 2020. I have been and will continue to be a little quiet on the socials front but I hope you have a very merry Christmas and enjoy some down time yourselves. Little Duo Photography capturing those beautiful loved up feels

07.01.2022 When the part of me is not being a love hustler you will find me hanging with these three minions and my man just doing all the things we love, spending time and being present in moments that are making up our story. When it goes all quiet

06.01.2022 BJs reaction in this pic is literally the BOMBDIGITY .... we had joked about the rings and the potential knuckle cracking that may be required in the Broome humidity. These two could not wait to put a ring on it just as much as I couldnt wait to make them MR & MRS. via the ever so talented Julia Rau Photography

06.01.2022 I have no idea what the laughter was specifically all about but one thing I know is that every moment I am lucky to be part of has some good old belly laughs joining the party, well from me in particular that's a promise. @nikbuttigieg capturing the goods

05.01.2022 Hellooooooooo, So the #29daysocialmedia challenge has taken me into the world of podcasting... I know just another way for me to talk, talk and talk. So if you feel like you want my voice to help serenade you to sleep(Im not that bad I hope ) feel free to check it out.

05.01.2022 The glorious day when the beautiful Tanya walked down the aisle to her man of the hour Matt. One of my favourite moments is watching the faces of my couples as they lay eyes on one another. Julia Rau Photography Capturing the goods Mangrove Hotel

04.01.2022 I may crack myself up at times throughout your ceremony but I can also say that you will have had a few good belly laughs also by the time I have finished hitching you. @images_by_luna_frankie

04.01.2022 HOLIDAYZzzzzzzz.... Just a little note to say I am currently slow on emails and socials as my fam bam is having a little vacation enjoying some down time before things get a little crazy. When I take a moment to sip my G&T and the little feet are exhausted in bed I will get back to you I promise, that is if its only one G&T otherwise I will refrain from drinking and working

04.01.2022 Yesterday was a sweaty love fest with heat and humidity in full swing, but that didnt stop these two love birds tying the knot. Thanks to mutual friends & the elephant in the room these two discovered something pretty special. They are the first to admit they are different in so many ways yet they wouldnt have it any other way. They have found their perfect balance, a best friend, someone who loves them completely. After 9years surrounded by family and friends, the roar from the crowd said it all, personal vows that had everyone grabbing for a tissue and a marriage recipe that celebrated Emily & Kurts unique combination. Finshing on some tunes these two were set for a night filled with plenty of love & laughter. MR MRS HAGAN

03.01.2022 If I remember rightly this is where I was sharing all of Joels quirky and annoying habits. When you share your personal gold with me well its game on in my world of creation. As I weave the gold into your story I am to create moments like this, where Claire is enjoying every bit of Joels reaction as loved ones are introduced to things they never knew about this guy . Its those real moments & those real expressions that I am all about making happen. @julia_rau_photography capturing the goods

03.01.2022 It's been a while since I have shared some love. Between moving to Perth, returning to Broome numerous times to hitch lovers , settling my little fam bam into a new home and just everything that comes with the chaos of life I have spent all my spare time away from socials but am ready to reignite and get back to sharing epic love stories and all that comes with love, life, marriage and everything in between. Julia Rau Photography Capturing this sweet elopement with Gary & Tahlia who I was lucky enough to marry before I jumped in the car and headed to our new home ... Perth

03.01.2022 This is what we do after we have literally signed the three legal required documents that you put your signature on with two witnesses over 18, sealing the deal baby. High Fives all round and maybe after a cheeky cold one celebrating with you, I will hip and tail it with your paperwork all the way home and finalise it officially for you. Sebastian Merle Photography - Perth Wedding Photographer

02.01.2022 Today has been a day of pondering, thinking about the sweet elopement I get to be part of tomorrow, thinking about all the things I need to do, want to do and the celebrant I want to continue to be. Lately I have questioned a few things, but one thing I know is that I love what I do, I like to think I am good at what I do and continuing to bring something special to couples amazing moments. Amongst all this I am trying to be good mumma to my kids, partner to my husband, friend and just a human who is trying to bring a little good to the world. our gorgeous Pia captured Julia Rau Photography

01.01.2022 Can these two get any cuter . Finding someone who can make you smile from the inside out is someone to hold onto. Claire & Joel found this a long time ago thanks to a pizza shop igniting a friendship that lead to something so much more . Julia Rau Photography

01.01.2022 You know when you watch TV, some corny movie on Netflix(no judgement Im there with you) or a soap opera show of a couple eloping and its just two humans with the wind in their hair looking into one anothers eyes deeply and lovingly with no one around, just them and the human(celebrant) marrying them. Well LEGALLY you require two additional humans to witness the marriage as well as sign three legal documents. I have been asked lately by lots of my couples is there any speci...fications on who can be a witness and the simple answer = Must be 18+, can be family, friends, stranger. For some couples they are turning the witnesses into a little bit of fun by doing a hat draw like who wants to be a millionaire and the two lucky guests whos name gets pulled out get to sign the documents, Your day = your way. Simply you need two humans over the age of 18 to witness your moment where you share your legal words and then sign legal marriage paperwork where their full legal names will also be recorded above where they sign. No matter how large or small your wedding is going to be, there will need to be two witnesses other than yourself and the celebrant to make it legal & official. Candice & Ryan sealing the deal with best man and brother as witnesses Sebastian Merle Photography - Perth Wedding Photographer

01.01.2022 Happy Love Feast Day Lovers....and why am I calling it Feast? Its your lucky day. My gift to you is a little marriage recipe that will add something a little extra to your day. Whether its whipping up a home cooked meal like me to heading out with your lover. Feel free to add some off my ingredients to make it zing . Add that chilli sauce or jalepino for a little bit of extra spice to your life. Why not get your cheese on, either that sticky mozzarella one or a nice ...hard well adged cheese to remind you that you are stronger together, you got this. Maybe some Asian cuisine is on the menu, add some lime or lemon for that extra zing in your night. Enjoy some chocolate, also known as the happiness hormone, cuddles and kisses all round. Maybe a drop of red or two? They say the key to a good red wine is passion and patience so if your feeling like some extra passion on your love feast night have a bottle or if you need to remind yourselves of patience in your relationship have two . Wine not your thing maybe a cocktail or G&T? To remind you that your differences are what make you unique, but when they come together it a recipe like no other. Want to see how juicy and mouthwatering my marriage recipes can be... Maybe I will marry you and then you shall see . What are you cooking tonight????

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