Ellie Garnham in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia | Alternative & holistic health service
Ellie Garnham
Locality: Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
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25.01.2022 When was the last time you expressed gratitude? Truly felt from the heart, and expressed thanks for all that you have for how far you have come, gratitude for all that you have in your life It doesn’t need to be big grand gestures of thanks, it’s the small pieces of gratitude that make a huge difference in your life. Thanks for summer! Thanks for living by the beach, for being surrounded by nature, thanks for having a roof over my head, for my beautiful babies, for all t...he food and easy access to clean water that I have.... The more you express gratitude (speaking from your HEART centre) the more the Universe will provide for you. Everything is energy, we are all energetic beings. Everything is frequency. What we put out, we get back 10 fold! Heal your past, align your future, answer to your Soul's calling! See link in bio for more information! xoxo #deephealing #healer #heal #energyhealing #quantumhealinghypnosistherapy #quantumhealing #transformation #transformative #pastlife #healyourpast #healyourlife #healyourself #healyoursoul #healyourinnerchild #shadowwork #cuttingchords #innerchildhealing #reiki #healingtrauma #healingenergytools #innerpurpose #spiritualhealing #starseed #lightworker #awakening #spiritualawakening #meditation #spiritual #manifestation #pastliferegression
25.01.2022 Beyond excited #QHHT
25.01.2022 I love this. As a teacher and mentor, I hold space and facilitate healing and your spiritual development. I provide you the tools and the understanding, but it is you who becomes the healer, it is you who fully embraces your gifts to share with the world, and it is you who fulfils your purpose. A true teacher will always guide and be on your level. They will never dictate and tell you there is only one way and their way is the only of doing things. Everyone is unique. That is why every single QHH session is different and why my spiritual development program is tailored to you as an individual.
23.01.2022 Regram @energyhealingjewelry !!! Get your ducks in a line. Prep for your future and start writing down goals. This time is more about planning then action. Start sowing seeds of intent. You will be letting go of a burden you have carried for a long time. Ultimately freeing up space for more prosperities heading into LEO season #newmoonintentions #newmoonincancer #doublenewmoonincancer
22.01.2022 Crystals at the ready for full moon! Sturgeon moon tonight 1.58am AEST. Full moon in Aquarius opposite Leo! #fullmoonritual #fullmoon #fullmooninaquarius
22.01.2022 Guides...tell me again, why did I choose to reincarnate with 2020 in my timeline? Tehehe! I know exactly why. Its more evident than ever before. Just know that Im here for you. The bouts of anxiety, up and down emotions... were feeling it together as a collective going through a global ascension. Try to allow yourself to feel into this period. Be kind to yourself and allow your body to release what no longer serves you for your highest good of love and pure divine light. Please reach out to me if you would like guidance. Im here to serve YOU #ascensionsymptoms #awakening #globalawakening #anxietysupport #2020 #spiritualawakening
21.01.2022 New Moon in Capricorn. Now is the time to reflect on goals you set for the beginning of 2021. How are you working towards these? Do you need to adjust them or add in smaller tasks to help you achieve your main goal? Devise long term plans, and begin to take action toward these today. Capricorn energy assists us with being focused, self disciplined, and precise with our goals of 2021. If you have crystals that need energising after the holidays, placing them under th...e New Moon to charge will work wonders. My favourite, simple New Moon ritual that you can do Write down your goals & aspirations Placing the paper note under a glass of water with an Amethyst in Covering the water with wrap Leaving it outside to charge under the moon light The following morning - Drink it, solidifying your goals Give this a go and see how it works for you #newmoon #pyschic #newmoonincapricorn #capricorn #clairsentience #clairs #innerpurpose #2020 #newmoon #alignment #soulalignment #transformation #transformative #reiki #energy #energyhealing #energyhealersofinstagram #seichem #purpose #spiritualhealing #starseed #5D #shadowwork #innerchild #innerchildhealing #manifestation #pastliferegression #qhht #quantumhealing #lightworker
21.01.2022 3. Power If you found yourself drawn to this card now is the tone to take back what is, always has been and always be - your power. You hold the key, you shape your future. You will not grow using external platforms unless you are operating from the heart. You are unique, you are strength, you are awareness. Connect and tap into nature, draw healing energies from Gaia. Awareness is power, surrender is power, internal peace is power. Do not hide who you are. Call in your Ances...tors for strength and courage. Now is the time for you to manifest what you want. Rutilated Quartz - this crystal opens you up to your power. Envision being completely enveloped in the rutilated quartz, imagine gold white light igniting your body, glowing gold. Imagine being surrounded by your Angels strengthening your connection to the spiritual world and your own power.
21.01.2022 My first offical two stage healer programs are now here! I am taking prebookings for late Aug and Sept. healer stage 1 must be carried out over two days in a row. Inner calling stage 2 can be done in 1 day or across 2. Please visit website for full information. You can call me or send me a message to get booked in! Super exited and looking forward to assisting you all in your journey #energyhealerandreader #shadowwork #energyhealing #energyhealers #energyhealersofinstagram #spiritualawakening #spiritualjourney #spiritualgrowth #psychicreading #pyschic
20.01.2022 Inner Goddess & your Divine Feminine. Its happening collectively, on a global scale... the urge to CREATE! Whether it be through art, movement, design, singing etc... shes coming alive. Have fun with her, try something you have never done before. Candle making, ritual oils, bath bombs... get CREATIVE I encourage you this weekend to get in touch with your feminine. Less thinking... more FEELING #divinefeminine #leolioness #leogoddess #sekhmet #goddessenergy #goddess #feminineenergy
19.01.2022 Please contact me for more information. #reiki #reikihealing #reikipractitioner #energyhealing #energyhealersofinstagram #tarotreadersofinstagram #tarotcards #oraclecards #oraclereadersofinstagram #deephealing #shadowwork #healingtransformation #spritualgrowth #spiritualguidance #spiritualteacher #pyschicdevelopment #quantumhealing #quantum #pastliferegression
19.01.2022 https://linktr.ee/elliegarnham
18.01.2022 It's hard to describe in words, so I am going to provide a vision. In your minds eye, I would invite you to imagine a group of 50 people with you standing in the centre of them. Completely enveloped in all these beautiful human beings. However, there is a difference between you and them. As you progress in your spiritual ascension you become lighter, and brighter. In fact, you are glowing with this huge golden white light, whilst the people around you are grey. They’re ...still trapped in traumas, closed down 3rd eyes, and their psychic abilities lay dormant within them. Your light sparkles, as it dances within and around you. It feels so warm, and tingly and you feel a deep sense of total unconditional love. Look down at your body now in your mind’s eye as you are surrounded by these gray people. You see how bright you sparkle. Now you begin to feel the sensations that come with your light. Yes, there you go, open up and allow those subtle energies come through now. As you glow, as you feel unconditional love for yourself and those around you in the group; you notice your light spreads. Your light reflects and expands as it spreads on to those immediately surrounding you, and then it spreads further into the next group of people, and then the next, and so forth. After a few seconds, you notice how your light has now spread to all 50 people and it feels incredible! Those once gray, sad people are now uplifted, inspired, and excited to be next to you, to heal with you, and learn from you. You see, as you evolve your Soul, as you expand your Spiritual knowledge and form alliances with your Spiritual team and the cosmos, the world around you does so too! It is not thanks to anyone else but Y.O.U. Millions of us Starseeds, Lightworkers, Healers, Psychics, and Mediums of the world are spreading our light and changing the world around us. Together we are assisting our Divine Mother Earth raise her consciousness, moving humanity into embracing our Divine Feminine and breaking free from old outdated patriarchal controlled society. It is my honor to assist you fulfill your individual purpose whilst fulfilling your collective mission. #deephealings #pyschichealers #enlightenment #clairvoyance #goddesspreneur #spiritualdevelopment #lawofattraction #gifted #soulpurpose #alignment #soulalignment #transformation #meditate #reikihealings #spiritualliving #deephealingenergy #channelingspirit #higherconsciousness #purpose #spiritualhealing #starseed #clairaudience #shadowwork #innerchild #channeling #manifestation #pastliferegression #awakening #quantumhealings #lightworkersunite
18.01.2022 Please note these were channeled messages directly from spirit. My team provide a lot of single words - they like to give me riddles too tehehe 2. Self love If you found yourself drawn to this card then now is the time to visit the dark night of your soul. You must dedicate time to yourself to heal your inner shadow. All emotions and thoughts you hide from the world and yourself... look into the root causes of those thoughts and e...motions. Be patient - little by little you will find you become more at peace, more confident, understanding of yourself. You will trust and love more and more as each day goes by. Its not easy, but by far the most honourable act of self love you can offer yourself across all layers of your being. Aragonite Sputnik Lay down in a quiet place, bring your attention to your body. Envision being completely enveloped into the centre of the Aragonite Sputnik. Start to embody its healing energies. Imagine an infinite pouring of white crystalline light coming down from your crown washing away and dark clouds you find as the crystalline light passes down your body. Flushing away emotional pain, passing down out through your toes and into Mother Earth.
18.01.2022 Last week was pretty astonishing. Some pretty striking breakthroughs since activations last week! Clarity and direction
18.01.2022 I cant express enough how valuable feedback is. There is nothing more important and gratifying to me than to know I have helped you all in some way. Thank you
18.01.2022 Were entering a drastic period of change. Things may seem worse than they are. Operate from your heart space, be kind and compassionate to yourself. Stand in your truth and spread your light. Sage the motherF out of your home #fullmooninpisces #fullmoonritual #fullmoon #spiritualawakening #spirituality #witchesofinstagram
17.01.2022 New Moon in Leo YASSSSSS this is the time we have been waiting for!! she is coming out to play!! Invoke your wild side! Think and act from your heart centre and call on your inner child to come out and play! Its been a minute! QUEENS and KINGS are H.E.R.E now #leonewmoon #newmoon #newmooninleo
17.01.2022 Getting out in nature is critical to your wellbeing. Have you noticed the instant calming effect nature has on your stress levels. Spend some time over the weekend, reconnecting with nature and see the difference it makes to your Soul. If you can go one step further, take your shoes off and connect through grounding. The healing effects on spending just a few minutes each day with your bare feet against the Earth is profound. ... It's summer in Australia so you have no excuses not too tehehe Connect, ground, & energise #deephealing #earthing #heal #energyhealing #personalgrowth #transformation #pastlife #healyourself #shadowwork #cuttingchords #innerchildhealing #reiki #healingtrauma #grounding #Innerchild #shadowself #transformation #spiritualhealing #starseed #lightworker #enlightenment #spiritualawakening #higherconsciousness #spiritual #manifestation #pastliferegression #reikimaster #abundance #spiritualgrowth #raiseyourvibration
14.01.2022 Particularly @charlottedepeyer #fullmoonritual #fullmooninsagittarius #fullmoon #lunareclipse #witchesofinstagram #tarotreadersofinstagram #energyhealersofinstagram #energyhealing #bonbeach
13.01.2022 **EXCITING ANOUNCEMENT!** 9am AEST next Easter Saturday and Sunday. Please check your local time conversion so that you don't miss out! I will go live and provide you exercises to connect and channel your higher self for guidance, healing, and activations to assist with aligning you to your purpose. ... I thought to do these videos early for those local so you can be with your families the rest of the day, whilst accomodating those in America and overseas and slotting in times that arent too far into the evening. These will be recorded for you too. Live on FB group: Embodying your higher purpose Join your fellow Starseed & Lightworker tribe today! #deephealing #pyschic #enlightenment #clairvoyance #goddesspreneur #spiritualdevelopment #lawofattraction #gifted #soulpurpose #alignment #soulalignment #transformation #meditate #reiki #spiritualliving #deephealingenergy #mediumship #higherconsciousness #purpose #spiritualhealing #starseed #clairaudience #shadowwork #innerchild #innerchildhealing #manifestation #pastliferegression #awakening #quantumhealing #lightworker
13.01.2022 I have Friday PM, Saturday morning and Sunday morning spaces left for Tarot & Oracle readings. These are intuitively read and not just reading from the cards. I consult my team and ensure the information relayed is precisely for you and you only. Please DM to book #tarotreadersofinstagram #tarotreading #oraclereadersofinstagram #oraclecards #intuitiveguidance
12.01.2022 What card are you drawn to? Dont worry about the wording, just focus on the image. Pick a card and the message is below for you (top left, top right, bottom left, & bottom right) Abundance ... You are in a wonderful time of abundance so take full advantage to all opportunities around you. Possibilities are endless for you at the moment. You are giving thanks to all that is in your life and it's coming back to you. You are open & receiving abundance all around you, and there is plenty for everyone. Change Accept change. Change doesn't mean lack of security, or job ending...we always assume the worst. But we need change to better ourselves & enrich our lives. Change is ALWAYS positive. So take advantage of such a beautiful time of transformation & welcome the energy in. Fruition Wow you have been preparing, planning, working behind the scenes and now all your hard work is paying off. You have been patient and sacrificed a lot to make it happen, but it has been well worth it. Reap the rewards, take a break & celebrate your successes. Attraction Phoar you are a magnet for manifesting at the moment. You are attracting great things into your life. You have the power & strength to say goodbye to who doesn't serve you and due to this, you are attracting opportunity. Make sure to keep yourself in balance, and don't go to extremes, always focusing on your highest good. For a private & in depth reading, you are most welcome to book using the link below. Follow & like for more free readings each week #healer #pyschic #clairaudience #clairvoyance #clairsentience #spiritualdevelopment #lawofattraction #gifted #soulpurpose #alignment #soulalignment #transformation #meditate #reiki #energy #energyhealing #energyhealersofinstagram #higherconsciousness #purpose #spiritualhealing #starseed #5D #shadowwork #innerchild #innerchildhealing #manifestation #pastliferegression #awakening #quantumhealing #lightworker
12.01.2022 Face, Heal & Release old traumas inhibiting your Soul development Step into your higher calling, reach for the stars Clear pastlife energies centered with lacking Bringing in balance with love. Love for yourself, Love for others, love for our Divine Mother Earth... Add a bit of spice with our Aries - STOP worrying about fitting in.... You aren't supposed to fit in Starseed! You were born to lead people into a new world Leading from your Divine Feminine Embrace your gifts and show no fear. Embody Goddess Artemis. Call out and ask her to show you the way. Have your eye on your prize. Revisit those goals you set previously under the New Moon. What is your focus now to become even closer to manifesting these? How to honour Libra? Journaling what is out of balance in your life? Where is there truth and unjust? Speak up - assert your healthy boundaries. How to honour Aries? Have you been putting off Spiritual growth? Healing? Shadow work? Now is the time to take the bull by the horns and step into your power aligning you with success, wealth, and abundance in all areas of your life #newmooninlibra #pyschic #newmooninaries #librabalance #clairsentience #clairs #innerpurpose #lunar #newmoon #alignment #soulalignment #transformation #transformative #reiki #energy #energyhealing #energyhealersofinstagram #seichem #purpose #spiritualhealing #starseed #5D #shadowwork #innerchild #innerchildhealing #manifestation #pastliferegression #qhht #quantumhealing #lightworker
12.01.2022 Many spiritual teachers will tell you that the body is simply a vessel, a vehicle so to speak that you embody to experience the human form However, it is so much more than that. Your body is your connection to Mother Earth, to all around you and within you. "As within so without" Your body helps you connect to your intuition, it helps you ground and anchor in information from higher realms, and it is so powerful that it guides you on what is safe and what isnt ... Its so much more than just a vessel. It is incredibly sacred and the more you nourish it, the more powerful your connection to Spirit becomes. So with this in mind; honour your body by creating self care rituals, nourishing yourself and embracing your Divine Feminine energy Paying attention to the products you use, the food you take, and the water you drink. Celebrating parts of your body you love, having gratitude for how it has helped you, giving thanks to your immune system and how it keeps you healthy. These are all beautiful ways of connecting to your body, emboying your Divine Feminine, and strenthening your connection to Earth & Spirit. #deephealings #pyschichealers #enlightenment #clairvoyance #goddesspreneur #spiritualdevelopment #lawofattraction #gifted #soulpurpose #alignment #soulalignment #transformation #meditate #reikihealings #spiritualliving #deephealingenergy #channelingspirit #higherconsciousness #purpose #spiritualhealing #starseed #clairaudience #shadowwork #innerchild #channeling #manifestation #pastliferegression #awakening #quantumhealings #lightworkersunite
12.01.2022 So much has been packed into these programs for you. Whether you are looking for incredible healing and transformation and/or looking to work with energy in some capacity to help others or even if you just want to expand your spiritual growth - these programs are for you. The beginners guide to the spiritual worlds!! More details will be released shortly so hold tight eeeeeeeek #spiritualawakening #energyhealer #energyhealers #shadowwork #pyschic #mediumship #tarotreadersofinstagram #spiritualgrowth
10.01.2022 Yesterday we discussed how you can begin to tune in and connect with yourself, how you can build a relationship with you! Today, we need to take accountability and take action so what have you done for yourself? Have you taken time out to focus on your body and tune into body? Have you nurtured yourself, maybe taken a nice bubble bath, started reading that book you have had sitting on your table for sooooo long, or maybe you have taken it a step further and done some gui...ded meditations... It's the little things you do to take care of yourself that when done consistently, they begin to program your mind into having self respect & high self worth. In doing this, you transform your relationship you have with yourself and others around you. You begin to attract the right people in your life who will provide the same level of respect...as within, so without! EMBRACE - HONOUR - LOVE HEAL Transform yourself on all levels; mentally, physically, emotionally, and physically. Start your transformation today and begin your healing journey. It all starts when you say YES to YOU! #deephealing #healer #heal #energyhealing #quantumhealinghypnosistherapy #quantumhealing #transformation #transformative #pastlife #healyourpast #healyourlife #healyourself #healyoursoul #healyourinnerchild #shadowwork #cuttingchords #innerchildhealing #reiki #healingtrauma #healingenergytools #innerpurpose #spiritualhealing #starseed #lightworker #awakening #spiritualawakening #meditation #spiritual #manifestation #pastliferegression
09.01.2022 Artsy feminine weekend. #divinefeminine #artsyfartsy #creativity #starseed #leo #andromedan #lyranstarseed
09.01.2022 #symbology practice - butterfly is simple but effective with a universal meaning so is a an easy starting point. See how you go! #spiritguides #spiritualgrowth
09.01.2022 Please feel free to connect with me on here for a consultation into what service would work best for you. Be your own inspiration. When you take the leap out of your comfort zone, you instantaneously create space for a better version of you. Trust in yourself and how much you can achieve when you move out of your own way #energyhealing #energyhealersofinstagram #spiritualgrowth #soulclearing #clearmindclearheart #intuitiveguidance #tarotreadersofinstagram #oraclereadersofinstagram #bonbeach
09.01.2022 #oracle reading for you all today. extremes: I was channeled a visual of someone taking drugs to an extreme where he overdosed. Some of you maybe doing too much of something and its throwing the rest of your life out balance. ... A relationship youve invested and given yourself too but has meant that youve neglected yourself, your career, your family. Some of you maybe consuming too much fear and its causing an imbalance with your own mental health. Assessing: Where have I allowed myself to become consumed by xxxx? What can I do to take back my own power? Evaluate your life...what patterns have been reoccurring that are not serving you? Bring back balance... Operate from your heart centre. Do things based on what feels right for you not what you think you should do. Dont chase someone to fulfil you. Love yourself. Nurture yourself. Only then should you want to invite someone else in. Protection...set yourself boundaries. If you are working around the clock in a job that doesnt recognise your work...set boundaries. Take a break. If the relationship is causing you to break down emotionally...set boundaries and focus on yourself. You are a sovereign being. Step into your power. Recognise who you are and what you are here to do. Realise how special unique and powerful you are. There is NO ONE else in the world like you. #oraclecards #oraclereadersofinstagram #tarotreadersofinstagram #tarot See more
09.01.2022 *Distant energy healing sessions* Normally $90 but currently offering full sessions at $75. Mon-Thurs from 4pm. Fridays from 12.30pm. The next Saturday appointments i have: 5th sept 7am-11am. Hopefully I can offer one on ones soon distant healings can be done anywhere in the world. Energy is infinite and absolute. Its just as powerful online as it is in person. Please enquire within #distantenergyhealing #energyhealer #energyhealersofinstagram #reikipractitioner #spiritualhealer
09.01.2022 Website update yaaaaay!
08.01.2022 I don't usually place my Cathedral Quartz next to me but lastnight I was intuitively drawn to it, so I placed it by my bedside along with Rose Quartz and several Citrines. Now I know why... My guides seem to have the most fun at night, when I am fully relaxed and immersed into the world of Spirit. The information I received was incredible. I have never felt more in my power especially having seen my guides walking next to me showing me where I was needed and why.... You too are never alone Starseed. You have the backing of your own team packed with guides, ascended masters, Gods & Goddesses, Ancestors, higher self, soul tribe, and galactic family. All you need to do is call them in for divine assistance. So much LOVE for you #deephealing #pyschic #enlightenment #clairvoyance #goddesspreneur #spiritualdevelopment #lawofattraction #gifted #soulpurpose #alignment #soulalignment #transformation #meditate #reiki #spiritualliving #deephealingenergy #mediumship #higherconsciousness #purpose #spiritualhealing #starseed #clairaudience #shadowwork #innerchild #innerchildhealing #manifestation #pastliferegression #awakening #quantumhealing #lightworker
07.01.2022 You feel completely drained, you are repeating the same cycles over and over. Whether it be relationships with partners, family, work colleaguesyou feel drained and exhausted. Every time you get into a new relationship you find you experience the same negative patterns. You experience the same emotions, and the relationship ends the same way they always have done. Enough is enoughyou are ready to transform. You are ready to take your power back and live the life you ...deserve. You are ready to say yes to yourself, you are ready to honour yourself on a truly soul level. You are ready to heal deep rooted wounds of the past, you are ready to create an entirely new you. You are ready to surrender into yourself and gain freedom, peace, and prosperity in every area of your life. You are WORTHY. You always have been. You deserve love and you deserve to transform. Book now and say YES to yourself. It all starts with YOU so Choose YOU! Heal your past, align your future, answer to your Soul’s calling. Through my own experiences, acquiring knowledge, studying & learning, that I have put all my teachings into a program to help you heal. Everything I have ever learnt that has helped me remove deep rooted emotion preventing me from living my life is in this program for you. I am currently running a very special offer of just $450. That’s 8 one on one sessions, take home pieces, energy healing, oracle reading as well as life changing transformative work for approx. $50 a week! That’s a takeaway! Well it is if your me (emoji) I now offer payment plans too which is super exciting as I have never offered them before so you are so lucky, I wish I had this! I will be offering this for a just a short time and once this expires, my Deep Healer Transformation Program will be $1000. Take action on your life NOW!" #deephealing #healer #heal #energyhealing #quantumhealinghypnosistherapy #quantumhealing #transformation #transformative #pastlife #healyourpast #healyourlife #healyourself #healyoursoul #healyourinnerchild #shadowwork #cuttingchords #innerchildhealing #reiki #healingtrauma #healingenergytools #innerpurpose #spiritualhealing #starseed #lightworker #awakening #spiritualawakening #meditation #spiritual #manifestation #pastliferegression
06.01.2022 Did you know that ongoing physical pain can be a symptom of unhealed trauma? Suppressed negative emotion sits in your etheric field and if not cleared & healed can not only turn in physical pain but dis-ease. Take action now, take your life back. Release & unblock trapped emotion and transform your life. Deep healing isn’t easy, it involves you facing your past, embracing your shadow, forgiveness, and surrendering to pure unconditional love, leading to total acceptance ...of every aspect of who you truly are on a Soul level. In my programs, together we collapse old structures, break free from limiting beliefs and remove toxic behaviours. Allowing you to break free from your own imprisonment and take your power back. You deserve love, you deserve to heal, and you deserve to TRANSFORM! Heal your past, align your future, answer to your Soul’s calling. Through my own experiences, acquiring knowledge, studying & learning, that I have put all my teachings into a program to help you heal. Everything I have ever learnt that has helped me remove deep rooted emotion preventing me from living my life is in this program for you. I am currently running a very special offer of just $450. That’s 8 one on one sessions take home pieces, energy healing, oracle reading as well as life changing transformative work for approx. $50 a week! That’s a takeaway! Well, it is if your me! I now offer payment plans too which is super exciting as I have never offered them before, so you are so lucky, I wish I had this! I will be offering this for a just a short time and once this expires, my Deep Healer Transformation Program will be $1000. Take action on your life NOW! #deephealing #healer #heal #energyhealing #quantumhealinghypnosistherapy #quantumhealing #transformation #transformative #pastlife #healyourpast #healyourlife #healyourself #healyoursoul #healyourinnerchild #shadowwork #cuttingchords #innerchildhealing #reiki #healingtrauma #healingenergytools #innerpurpose #spiritualhealing #starseed #lightworker #awakening #spiritualawakening #meditation #spiritual #manifestation #pastliferegression
06.01.2022 What is it like to work with me? How will I transform your life? How will you Spiritually evolve & expand your consciousness? From your very first session with me you will receive activations that will open your energy to receiving guidance from Source. If you are a Starseed you will connect with your own Starseed family, learn your lineage & channel the ascended masters here guiding you on your mission.... As your third eye opens, you will see sparkles of light out your physical eyes, you may hear, feel, and smell spirit and higher beings around you as they connect. It is truly the most astonishingly beautiful feeling; I can’t quite describe in words the unconditional love you experience each and every day when you embody this higher frequency and your spiritual gifts. You will be alchemizing your energy to transmute, transform, heal & clear others, and you will become an inspiration to those seeking guidance. Recieve: >In alignment with Source-purpose-destiny >MANIFESTING faster than ever before. This is something to get very excited about! You will be blown away at how much you manifest because you will have open and activated your crown & third eye so that you can receive the frequency of abundance. >Cleared limiting beliefs/brain fog created during your incarnation >Integrating & embodying Spiritual psychic gifts. You will feel powerful >Karmic lessons will be easily recognized as you see the beauty in all that you experience >Enlightening / speeding up your soul’s evolution. With all your learnings, you will be able to take this new wisdom, mold into your own method of teaching & create your new soul aligned business in being of service to others, breaking away from the matrix monetizing your gifts. >Spiritually your perception will have changed as discern who is around you; from your Guides to your Angels, to your Ancestors & passed loved ones. Before you know it Source will guide people to you that need your assistance-people that are aligned to your energy and only you can help them Transform your life with me today Commit to your Soul & awaken to your own power Honour your being. Welcome instant manifesations You deserve this StarSister #deephealings #pyschichealers #enlightenment #clairvoyance #goddesspreneur #spiritualdevelopment #lawofattraction #gifted #soulpurpose #alignment #soulalignment #transformation #meditate #reikihealings #spiritualliving #deephealingenergy #channelingspirit #higherconsciousness #purpose #spiritualhealing #starseed #clairaudience #shadowwork #innerchild #channeling #manifestation #pastliferegression #awakening #quantumhealings #lightworkersunite
06.01.2022 https://g.page/r/CVXxTjqwBGb1EAg/review Thank you everyone!! Super appreciate you taking your time to do this. Means a lot! #smallbusinessowner #smallbusiness #reikihealing #reikipractitioner #tarotreadersofinstagram #shadowwork #deephealing
05.01.2022 Healers often experience trauma, neglect, and some form of abuse abuse throughout their lives in preparation for their purpose of serving others. I used to look back with alot of hurt but now I look back with absolute gratitude and love. Its not easy but all healers must work through their shadow and inner child healing before being able to help others. Topic for this weekend will be shadow work #energyhealers #energyhealersofinstagram #spiritualgrowth #reikihealing #seichem #ashati #psychic
05.01.2022 The power of your dreams. It is through my dreams that I receive the most downloads and information from my higher self. Every single morning I spend at least 30 mins being guided through my dreams and the messages they bring forth. ... This week has been particularly potent with information on my true origins and hidden shadowy aspects of me still needing to explore and integrate before I can receive more knowledge on the Cosmos. My own school of ascension I feel is through my dreams. I realise not everyone is able to remember theirs and so I know my ability is a beautiful gift that I treasure. It’s not always been this easy for me but through my own spiritual development and becoming a master of healing, this new channel has opened up. For several years I have accumulated spiritual teachings, occult knowledge, and wisdom. And have combined it all into different Spiritual and Energy Healing courses to share with you. I have been extremely successful in providing these courses to my beautiful clients and every single one of you have a different, unique and wonderful spiritually soul aligned career out of it now. There is truely nothing more rewarding than seeing each of you progress further living in your purpose. Whether you are looking to heal your entire body and being at soul level from earlier traumas, or awaken and activate your dormant spiritual abilities through psychic, mediumship or being of service to humanity via channeling and Lightworker duties... my programs are tailored to each of you individually. You hear your Soul calling out for you to Do more. Be more. Live more. Now is the time you acknowledge your destiny. Book in with me today. Follow your dreams fellow Divine Spark. Link in bio for more. Or alternatively send me a DM and I will book you in either for a discovery call or to get started with your spiritual awakening today. Celebrate yourself Love yourself Reward yourself And watch the Universe give this back to you 10x fold
04.01.2022 Excited to now offer...
04.01.2022 ** Channeled reading for the week ahead** close your eyes, take a deep breath in and on your exhale open your eyes and select the card your eyes are drawn to. Cards revealed on next page #tarotreadersofinstagram #oraclereadersofinstagram #oraclecards #oracle #oracledeck
03.01.2022 Its very easy to feel disconnected with yourself in our current world, although 2020 has provided each of us the opportunity to go within and get to know how we are on a Soul level more than any other year in history. If however you are feeling discontent, always seeking external gratification and afraid to be alone... Its ultimately because you have neglected your connection to yourself. You don't feel enough, and too afraid to be in your own company for fear of missing ou...t. If you are happy within, if you love yourself unconditionally...you will NEVER feel alone. But you have to take the step and learn how to build a relationship with yourself. Some ways to do this could be: Building self respect - stop neglecting your body, mind, & Soul. Take time to nurture your body, have alone time to sit with your thoughts. Tune into your body, focusing on your head and working your attention down - how does your body feel? Saying kind words to yourself, build yourself up. Focusing on all the good qualities you have. EMBRACE - HONOUR - LOVE HEAL Transform yourself on all levels; mentally, physically, emotionally, and physically. Start your transformation today and begin your healing journey. It all starts when you say YES to YOU! #deephealing #healer #heal #energyhealing #quantumhealinghypnosistherapy #quantumhealing #transformation #transformative #pastlife #healyourpast #healyourlife #healyourself #healyoursoul #healyourinnerchild #shadowwork #cuttingchords #innerchildhealing #reiki #healingtrauma #healingenergytools #innerpurpose #spiritualhealing #starseed #lightworker #awakening #spiritualawakening #meditation #spiritual #manifestation #pastliferegression
03.01.2022 When you have chanelling, DNA activation, clearings and upgrades in one night...still feeling spacey now #spiritualupgrade #clairvoyant #clairaudient next level
02.01.2022 Waking up after a #newmoon ... no sleep after a lifetime of old memories creeping up that needed to be released... #doublenewmoon #newmoonincancer #releasingenergy
01.01.2022 One of my first incarnations was a Lion being within the constellation of Lyra. My twin flame worked on the ships and was quite technologicially advanced. He was working on one of the ships when the Dracos destroyed our planet. I was lucky enough to escape along with my community thanks to my twin. We escaped enroute for the Pleiades but our ship was chased, my twin & I were pulled apart. I came to the Andromedan constellation. My skin began to change, my body took a new form.... Before long The Orion wars erupted I became part of a group called the Black league fighting for our freedoms undercover. I then crossed paths with my Twin Flame instantly remembering our love. From then on incarnation after incarnation we have been inseperable. In this current life we will come into union once we are both balanced in our Divine Feminine & Divine Masculine energies. Today I have Lyran and Andromedan guides working with me. One of my Lyran Guides appears as a Warrior huge white lion being with silver armour. He provides me with special light codes to use & my Andromedan guide is an Ascended Master. I came to know about my origins by accessing the Akashic records. This is your DNA blueprint - your origins past present furture parallel are stored. They are guarded heavily only those with granted access can enter. Mine are guarded by two giant Anubis beings. They have allowed me through to discover many more lifetimes. Working with the Akashic records and helping you to access yours is something I do as part of my Spiritual expansion school-Answer to your Soul's calling. 12 week program dedicated to providing you the activations tools teachings leading to total embodiment of your higher self. Access your Akashic records view into lifetimes discovering your origins. Heal & clear lifetimes & align with your Soul. Master: Astral Travel Spiritual & pyschic abilities Channel & embody divine beings of Light Transform-heal-manipulate energy Money blocks & potent activations Activations to uplevel your DNA Awaken your Spiritual gifts & how to monetize them by creating your own Soul aligned business escaping the Matrix! Discover your origins align with your higher purpose now. #deephealings #pyschichealers #enlightenment #clairvoyance #goddesspreneur #spiritualdevelopment #lawofattraction #gifted #soulpurpose #alignment #soulalignment #transformation #meditate #reikihealings #spiritualliving #deephealingenergy #channelingspirit #higherconsciousness #purpose #spiritualhealing #starseed #clairaudience #shadowwork #innerchild #channeling #manifestation #pastliferegression #awakening #quantumhealings #lightworkersunite
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