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Elton Williams in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia | Political candidate

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Elton Williams

Locality: Brisbane, Queensland, Australia

Address: Ferny Grove 4055 Brisbane, QLD, Australia


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25.01.2022 Senator Malcolm Roberts absolutely says it like it is. Well done.

20.01.2022 Well worth watching. Most people have no idea about this issue.

18.01.2022 So the Prime Minister is under pressure to introduce gender quotas. I think if they do then I am all for it but it has to be with every single job and for both sexes. You can’t have just quotas for one gender can you? What about quotas for people who identify as certain genders? And then soon we need quotas based on the colour of your skin or your political views or any other numbers of criteria as well. The problem with quotas is they start off a good idea and for the righ...t reasons. The issue is you then get things taken to the next level and it gets silly. Once you start giving anyone a job because of anything other than merit you start on a path that does not lead to good outcomes for anyone. People should have all the support they need to do any job they want. But they should always be selected on merit and effort. I know I would prefer to have the best pilot flying my plane, not one chosen just because of their gender or skin tone. See more

16.01.2022 Here is a guide to how your preferences work.

16.01.2022 Thank you everyone for your support so far. It's been amazing. But the journey is not over yet and we urgently need help on polling day. If you are free this Saturday to help hand out "How To Vote" cards or be a scrutineer for the vote count, please urgently reach out.

15.01.2022 One Nation Will Push to scrap University placement fees for Nurses and Teachers! If One Nation holds the balance of power we will be pushing to scrap university placement fees for nursing and teaching courses. Under the current arrangement the Queensland Labor Government gouges up to $12,000 in fees for mandatory placements especially in nursing courses. Under One Nation’s plan we will scrap this saving young Queenslan...ders up to $12,000 each in their course fees to become a nurse or teacher in the state. One Nation really means it when it says it will get QLD working again.

14.01.2022 One Nation is focused on building water infrastructure. Both of the major parties have failed Queensland when it comes to building more water infrastructure. Both the LNP and Labor voted against the new Bradfield scheme when One Nation put it to federal parliament. Do you really trust them to deliver it after the election? They have built no new dams for decades and want to close down dams where they can. All you will get is more feasibility studies and then finally, if it's built - a foreign owned company will be given the rights to build it. Over budget as usual of course!

13.01.2022 After today’s traffic chaos we are all reminded what 4 more years of Labor kowtowing to the extreme greens looks like. Thanks extinction Rebellion for reminding everyone of the chaos caused by you and the state government who need your votes. A vote for Labor and the Greens is a vote for more extinction rebellion and traffic chaos.

11.01.2022 There goes your personal information.

10.01.2022 No surprise here.

10.01.2022 One Nation.....Nation Building!

09.01.2022 Thank you to everyone in the Ferny Grove electorate. I was watching a lot of the votes and whilst we got nearly 3% of the primary vote, i did see a lot of no 2’s for One Nation. Unfortunately when you put a 1 in the box for a major party, the number 2 counts for nothing. But to me it shows that with some more work we could be a major force in Ferny Grove. One Nation has never been represented in Ferny Grove so a 3% gain is a solid result. Thanks to all my volunteers and those that supported me. Watch this space everyone. We have work to do.

08.01.2022 I will be at Dallas Pde, Keperra today for Early Voting. Come and say hi. Remember we need a big swing to One Nation so we can: -Roll back Labor's late term abortions (currently you can abort a baby right up till birth!)... -Build more dams! -Get rid of green tape so farmers can use their land. -Build the Hybrid Bradfield Scheme to drought proof Queensland for generations. -Build more power stations and reduce the cost of living and doing business in Queensland. -Support "Local Business First" on government contracts. Why do we keep giving big construction jobs to foreign owned companies? - Stop Selling our critical infrastructure and farmland to foreign companies. See more

07.01.2022 Restoration or compensation for stolen rights to use our land Our property rights are enshrined in our constitution and ought to give us the security to invest ...and to create livelihoods from our properties. Starting with the Liberal-National, federally in 1996. Successive Labor and LNP state and federal governments have gradually and in calculated ways, bypassed the federal constitution to erode those rights. After decades of stealth, our productive capacity is now gutted. Vegetation Management laws that the Howard government drove and the Beatty government started. And successive governments have tightened the noose around farmers. Farmers rights to use the land, vegetation, the water, the assets, and the stock they bought have been smashed. This overreach means farming is now nationalised and bureaucrats control farm businesses. This is destroying farmer's ability to earn a living. And it's based on lies from government funded academics that drive labor's reef regulations and they impose onerous and unfounded restrictions on farming. The recent Senate Inquiry in Brisbane showed that the science simply does not support these debilitating laws from Labor that the LNP won't repeal it. Across all sectors, farmers are branded as criminals. One Nation will repeal the Vegetation Management and Reef regulations. And similar laws, gutting farming, forestry and fishing. We will fight for an office of scientific integrity and quality assurance to ensure rigorous science for all policies. One Nation will fight to restore farmers' constitutional property rights and restoration or compensation. Farmers will return to productive livelihoods to feed and clothe us all with affordable Australian made products. One Nation will free farming from the onerous and unfounded burdens of successive Labor and LNP governments, because we know that the owner of the land is the best custodian of the land.

07.01.2022 This is so obvious. Maybe we all need to look at things without the lense of the Emotional rubbish being fed to us through MSM, and actually come up with some smart decisions. I have said for years that everybody wants a clean and unpolluted environment. I personally love the environment and it should be treasured and well managed. But you cant just jump into changing the way the World energy works without developing new technology. Stop throwing tax payer dollars at technol...ogy that is limited and start investing in new and exciting technology. Start considering the entire production chain and stop focusing on the end product only. You cannot pollute twice as much or more to create a solar panel and then say its green because once its built it doesn't make smoke :). For all the noise from those yelling "follow the science" , they are most often the once who are not actually following any science and would prefer to indoctrinate everyone with a dogma to satisfy their own agenda. They are the ones shutting down scientific debate and discussion and would prefer us to go back to a time akin to the dark ages and punishments for heresy. See more

06.01.2022 What is happening in the USA is scary for everyone. Irrelevant of your liking or disliking of political leaders you should never be comfortable with silencing them. The slippery slope that is censorship is a difficult one to control. Right now they censor that person for saying that, next minute they censor anyone who agreed with them. A democracy is founded on the ability of every citizen to have an equal voice. The media has weaponised its power. It plants fear and anger everyone’s minds so that we all begin to fear each other and fear free thinking and ideas. Anyone who questions the mainstream media narrative is made out to be a conspiracy theorist or denier. In the past they were called free thinkers. Now anyone who protests against the left is a traitor or insurgent, yet if you burn cities it’s mostly peaceful. I don’t care what your politics is, big tech and the media are the ones out to control you, your life and the way you think. If you disagree you are cancelled. Be careful what you let happen and tolerate. While you might feel that this person or that person is bad and should be silenced, just remember you can still see everything the Gov of Iran posts or China, or most other real threats. Who decides who is a threat. Who got the authorization from the people to censor everyone. And just think.... who do you go to to complain about it? Just be careful and aware of what you are seeing. Conservative version of Twitter has been denied service today by google and Apple. Politicians books are being banned and not published because they support certain politicians. Major social media bans the duly elected leader of a country from communicating with his citizens....because they can. This is their power. Beware of that power. They are taking it from the people and taking it for themselves. We have to be very careful because we may lose our rights all together very soon. Once this model is proven successfulin the USA I can assure they will roll it out here in Australia. The big tech and media already polarize this country in so many ways. Australia is the best country to live in. We have so much to lose if we cannot speak freely. See more

06.01.2022 Standing up for common sense. In Canada a father has gone to jail for calling his daughter she. We can all respect each other and accept and even celebrate our differences. But this legislation puts a stop to a slippery slope that all western countries are struggling with. Pushing gender and race theory on young children is wrong. We need to all stop allowing this terribly destructive stuff to get any type of legitimacy because it destroy society and tries to do what most... have fought for years to end- it tries to segregate us based on skin colour and gender. Divide us along party lines. It says anyone who asks questions is a right wing conspiracy theorist and tells everyone they are guilty of something. This rubbish needs to be stopped and common sense must prevail. I am super proud of One Nation for making this legislation happen. It is a massive block to this awful idea. See more

06.01.2022 Well done One Nation. This bill threatened people’s freedom.

05.01.2022 Big day today. Signs are up. Let’s go Queensland it’s time for change.

03.01.2022 Thanks to everyone for coming to the event tonight. It was great to meet so many locals and have a chat. A big thank you as well to the candidates from the Gold Coast, Ipswich and Deception Bay areas for making the long drive to support me tonight. Senator Malcolm Roberts was a fantastic speaker and Neil Symes was excellent. What a great team. Thanks everyone.

01.01.2022 Great to meet Senator Malcolm Roberts and talk with him.

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