Embellish Your Life in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia | Medical and health
Embellish Your Life
Locality: Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
Phone: +61 400 311 316
Address: Montanus Dr 4070 Brisbane, QLD, Australia
Website: http://embellishyourlife.com.au
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25.01.2022 The theme of my week - is DEATH AND REBIRTH. Namely beginnings so it is with great joy and some sadness that I am letting go of the old, to give birth to the NEW. Over the next few weeks/months I am consolidating and transitioning my business pages into one. Embellish Your Life will become Melanie Jane Hughes.... I will eventually be closing my face and body art page Embellish Face & Body Art and transitioning content to my existing page Embellish Your Life, which will take on the new title of Melanie Jane Hughes so that all of my offerings will be in the one place. I will continue to work with Susan at Sage Sister Society and this page will remain as we continue to evolve in our powerful Creative Connection Moon Circles. It is too much of a juggle and waste of my time and energy managing the existing pages I have so I will eventually merge them, but that means that all content on at Embellish Face and Body Art & Earth Angel Gifts will become obsolete and the new beginning will be at MELANIE JANE HUGHES. I have just decided this in this very moment. It has been brewing for quite some time and NOW is the time. Over the next three months I will transition this phase of moving into the new so as to give myself a window of grace. Thank you for your understanding and for your support. If you choose to continue to follow me and are interested in seeing the content I share, then follow me at Embellish Your Life. With the take over of the new name @MELANIE JANE HUGHES along with the name change there will be new offerings. Offerings that are all aspects of me and what I bring to the world in being of service. Much Love to you all xo
25.01.2022 Resting up is also part of the way to recovery in health. A bit of pain management going on here. I’m having a bit of a spill post op. Ha!! Oozey through the windows of my soul and it’s been a bit bleedy too. I’m listening to some beautiful songbirds to ease and soothe during the healing process. ... For those of you who do not know, I love to work with the Angels. I have felt their presence with me so strongly today. Though I’d love to invoke and call upon Archangel Raphael of the fifth Ray of Green for myself and those who also could use or need healing. I ask AA Raphael to be with me and surround me in his loving wings that envelope me in his embrace and those who wish to join me. Thank you Archangel Raphael . . . . . . . . . . #archangels #archangelraphaelhealing #healingwings #greenray #fifthray #archangelofhealing #raphaelhealer #angelwings #rayofgreen #thankyou #archangels #archangelpower #archangelenergy #archangelmedicine #angelsarewithus #callinthem #prayers #angelprayers #iveseenthem #theywalkamongus #melaniejanehughes #embellishyourlife #health #wellbeing
23.01.2022 The Magical Times share with us today a collective message to dive deep into your Destiny. Its a call to look deep within yourself, understand that you have many unique and encoded gifts to share with the world. To be authentic to you. Stand up for what you truly feel, know, trust and believe. All of the answers are within. This is about aligning with you soul blueprint, your life mission, your destiny and to allow yourself to feel the power of purpose. ... With so many wanting to push their agenda to have influence over this presents as a reminder to be true to you and who you really are. Aligning is also about having balance so as you connect with the intellect of the mind remember the power of the hearts intellect is equally as important. #destiny #heart #mission #alignment #balance #love #passion #soul #soulblueprint #soulmission #purpose #truth #authenticity #gifts #intellect #resonance #gowithin #theheartknows #yin #yang #sacredgeometry #connection #diamondlight #water #dolphin #happiness #dowhatyoulove #melaniejanehughes #embellishyourlife #brisbanesoultherapy
23.01.2022 I have just invested a whole heap of energy into this, as I allowed it to stream through me. I do hope that you are up for a little literature, that could truly expand your mind, shall you actually choose to lean into the edges or what could be an exceptionally resonant post or challenging. I hope you enjoy the read.... http://embellishyourlife.com.au/to-be-or-not-to-be/
22.01.2022 I would love to know how you are moving through and feeling in this moment. Do you care to share because I am. Right here, right now, How do you be?...Continue reading
22.01.2022 Progress is being made, albeit, slow. My moon time came as I was working with her energy. A sign indeed to embrace my heavenly Earthen body.
20.01.2022 A beautiful flow to begin you day https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ebhUGyFfof0
20.01.2022 https://youtu.be/rM0BYahGUD8
18.01.2022 Humanity must prepare the physical body ASAP ... please read! Transmission from Arcturian Collective- Humanity Must Urgently Prepare, Please Read! Transcript of Channelled Messsage... Tatanka Nehweh for Arcturian Collective - 19 September 2020 Starbeing speaks: A galactic collective wish to speak with you regarding some upcoming upgrades to the collective DNA templating. We are a collective of Arcturian starbeings, part of the Galactic Federation of Light, in service to the transition of life forms on the planet to higher dimensional frequencies. We are appreciative of the opportunity to speak with you and request for you to relay this transmission to those with whom this message will resonate. In 3 weeks (around mid October), there will be a cosmic event occurring that humanity must prepare for. Transition into 4th dimensional density is occurring and this will directly affect the stability of the planet. The {human} consciousness must be prepared to experience certain phenomenon that will seem unusual particularly in the sky. You must stay out of fear. It has become necessary for a (galactic) intervention to help humanity and planet Gaia keep pace with the acceleration of other ascension related phenomena occurring throughout the cosmos. The ascension shift occurring on your planet is going to move into hyper speed or overdrive. The time is collapsing much faster towards the point of cosmic neutrality and the human beings must drastically address their alignment to integrate these frequencies. We come to give you notice/warning of preparation. For what is to come will shake to the core life as you know it. (Tatanka is shown many starships beginning to encircle the globe, manifesting/materializing out of nowhere. Theyre parked and observing. Frequency of these crafts is interfacing with the frequencies of the earth. These ships are creating a buffering forcefield/network generated to dissipate any vibrational impact from what is approaching the earth.) Cont in comments
18.01.2022 Today I have something new to share with you on my blog post. It is pretty exciting and I do hope you take the time to have a read. http://embellishyourlife.com.au/inward-journey-expansive-h/
18.01.2022 In times of great change and global uncertainty we are sometimes at a loss to find stability and peace within. Yet, we are supported endlessly by the wisdom of the ages. Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu is a mantra of power that assists us in our spiritual evolution and acts as a blessing for the world. Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu is a Sanskrit mantra which means: May all beings everywhere be happy and free, and may the thoughts, words, and actions of my own life contribu...te in some way to that happiness and to that freedom for all. By chanting this mantra, we move from our personal self and radiate a prayer of love for the world around us. It takes us from the egoic, little self, and its limited world view, and radiates from us global wellbeing. It is a reminder we are a part of the universe and can positively impact all of creation. Though not a traditional Vedic mantra, Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu is a Sanskrit prayer (or sloka). It has been used for many centuries to invoke greater states of compassion and peace. Often said at the end of yoga practices, its an invocation for personal and collective peace. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you may be the closest western equivalent. Yet, the impact of this ancient mantra is far grander than simple human kindness. https://open.spotify.com/track/7vFclyGUtPM4FK9iPkmZRl
16.01.2022 A CALL TO WOMEN OF THE HEART MEDICINE. Journey through the creation of your own sacred drum. Be guided into deeper resonance with life. This workshop is an invitation for you to create an intentional connection with your heart and great spirit as you take this rite of passage and awaken your own inner medicine. ... The drum making process is an opportunity and realisation to the birth of the self. It is an opportunity to deep dive and authenticate your true hearts call, as you unwind and re-weave your deepest of intentions as the medicine of the drum. What you receive:You will make a 13 inch deer hide medicine drum.A drum stick.Information bookletand an incredible experience TIME: 9:30am - 5pm DATE: Sunday, 6 December 2020 VENUE: Soul Space, 23 Parker Street, Newmarket INVESTMENT: $444 per person (all materials supplied)BOOKING: Pay security fee of $150 then Email Melanie at [email protected] Snacks will be provided!WHAT TO BRING: Bring your own lunch.Two old towels Any sacred items for the altar The workshop will be limited on number of participants. Bookings are necessary - http://embellishyourlife.com.au/bookings/ Payment plan available, please inquire with Melanie.Option 1- (full early bird option $150 security fee + $250 before Nov 15th) =(Total $400) Option 2 - (four instalments of - 1 x $150 (security fee) and 3 payments of $90 before Nov 30th) = (Total $444)Option 3 - Pay $150 security fee + remainder in cash on the day of the workshop.All bookings please pay security fee of $150 to: Melanie Jane Hughes BSB 814282Acc 51140268 If you cancel your attendance to this workshop after 15 November 2020, you will forfeit your security fee of $150.00. Please use your name as reference and send email to [email protected] with your name and contact details and receipt number of your deposit payment. You will then be emailed an invoice for the full amount of the workshop, reflecting receipt of security fee payment. Link for booking in BIO.
16.01.2022 This is the beauty I finished birthing today. Mele Lunas new baby. A Medicine Drum. ... I am looking forward to enjoying the potent medicine it brings when I finally have the opportunity to create magic with him. It will be a couple of weeks yet of waiting, as Ill need to exercise patience as it matures (dries). It has already taught me much. Meanwhile....I am creating a beautiful beater to join my drum. Ill share her when she is complete. I will be offering healing sessions in combination with body work. Though, and/or if you so feel. The vibrations that are received through the meditation/medicine of a drum journey is like no other. It has to be experienced to fully comprehend and understand. These sessions are offered in combination woth body work or stand alone sound healing. Please inquire if youd like to learn more or book in.
16.01.2022 I am so Wowed and deeply humbled by receiving so much love and gratitude through this most beautiful heartfelt testimonial by @rellishlife. Thank You so much for your sweet words and authenticity. You were so amazing on the table lady xo xo It’s wonderful humans such as yourself that really speaks to the reasoning of my offerings. . . . .... . . . #humbled #honesty #authenticity #mademyday #pickmeup #loveinapost #sharethelove #feelthove #bethelove #homeoftheheart #authenticheart #shespeakshertruth #heartfelt #testimonial #melaniejanehughes #embellishyourlife #bodyworker #kahunabodywork #medicinewomen #breathe #habreathoflife #habreath #wheresthewhitewitches #sage #cleansing #invocation #ceremony #sacredspace #ritual #prayer See more
15.01.2022 Ka Huna massage and body work can assist you and your wellbeing in all areas of your lifestyle. It helps relax the whole system, detoxify, and brings you back home to your heart. Taking bookings now. Link in Bio. ... Brisbane Soul Practitioner . . . . . #massage #kahunahealing #kahunamassage #bodywork #bodyworkpractitioner #energyiseverything #energyhealing #intuitivehealing #hearthealing #relaxation #endorphines #goodforthesoulandbody #bodymindconnect #consciousbreath #breathwork #kahunabreath #Ha #heartopening #flow #ease #grace #emotionalanatomy #bodyreading #touch #connectionoftheheart #melaniejanehughes #brisbanesoultherapy #aloha #kahunamassagepractitioner #kahunamassagebellbowrie
14.01.2022 Here is a beautiful lightbody meditation to enjoy in joy. https://youtu.be/O9fRFe443lo
13.01.2022 A true healer does not heal you; she simply reflects back to you your innate capacity to heal. She is a reflector or a loving transparency. A true teacher does not teach you; she does not see you as inherently separate from her, or less than her. She simply reflects back your own inner knowing and reminds you of the vastness of your being. She is a mirror, a signpost. And love is the space in which all of this is possible; love heals, and we learn best in a loving field, ...no threat of failure, no punishment. ~ Jeff Foster If you are looking for some love and nurturing, contact me.
12.01.2022 And we have fire
12.01.2022 THE BEAUTY WAY Here I speak to new offerings and there are some beauty to be seen herein, as I speak to working with but witnessing a woman step fully into her beauty way and embodiment of the feminine. http://embellishyourlife.com.au/embellish-empower-esteem/
11.01.2022 The center of the heart. The flower of life blooms within when nurtured, nourished and felt in deep connection with the sacred feminine. We are not separate, we all bleed. Unite with the love frequency. Truly feel the essence of who you are. Remember. You are love. Love transcends all through the power of the heart. A beautiful painting emerges as I have sat in deep honoring with the sacred feminine. Trusting as she unfolds. This piece is almost complete and I love her im...mensely. #womb #sacredfeminine #divinefeminine #magdalene #wombconnection #birthing #creation #creative #creator #marymagdalene #goddess #priestess #heart #heartoftherose #therose #life #love #444 #ascension #ascendedmaster #femininerising #source #vibration #heartfrequency #artist #theartistsway #melaniehughes #embellishyourlife #brisbanesoultherapy #rose
11.01.2022 , . . . . . . . ... - #testimonial #thankyou #gratitude #inservice #service #gratitudeattitude #openheart #givethanks #thoughtfulness #kindness #gratitudedaily #heart #centre #thanks #thankfulness #attitudeofgratitude #gratefulness #peace #serenity #bliss #love #joy #thesethings #itsthelittlethings #brisbanesoultherapy #bodywork #soulwork #change #melaniejanehughes #embellishyourlife
10.01.2022 Mary Magdalene, she is here to remind me of the Divine. The ALL seeing eye, the Sacred Heart and Cosmic Consciousness. Mary, I feel, is an Ascended One, connected through the heart to the Christ Consciousness frequencies. She is the epitome of the sacred feminine. She continually kept coming into my awareness, through visions and in my dreams, messages and her name kept coming in my thoughts and would get stuck in there, as if a song that was on repeat. There was more to it t...Continue reading
10.01.2022 This is for those of you wanting a place to begin a beautiful flow to kick start the day https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AN0fVx8gi8w
10.01.2022 Mary Magdalene in progress, she is almost finished now. I absolutely adore her.
10.01.2022 Shamanic Drum Journey http://embellishyourlife.com.au/a-shamanic-drum-journey/
09.01.2022 Sending LOVE to all the children & inner children whove also experienced child rape & child sexual abuse at this time - myself included. Honour your own souls journey & validate ALL your experiences & feelings. It was NOT your fault!
09.01.2022 I went through this BIG window of finding feathers everywhere at random times and they would always seem to correlate with something that was occurring in my life. Carrying a significant message. You see birds are incredible creatures. If you could see like a bird, you would understand. Have you ever fully tuned into a bird and its energy? They see in dimensions that with our human eyes, we do not, but when we tune into the energies of birds (any sentient being) and other ...Continue reading
08.01.2022 Who loves hugs?? I know I do. Did you know that hugs are good for you?... Well then, allow me to share the power of hugs When we reach out, a chemical called oxytocin also dubbed the love hormone kicks in and makes us feel warm and fuzzy inside. The effects of a warm embrace can linger long after the hug: Oxytocin promotes feelings of trust, nurturing, and calm. A hug can even improve your physiological stability.
08.01.2022 LIONS GATE PORTAL Today I am sharing sacred space in beautiful meditation with 8 powerful and heart centered women http://embellishyourlife.com.au/lions-gate-portal/
07.01.2022 InCrease your service to others and be more loving to yourself and everyone in order to raise your vibrational consciousness. Forgive yourself and others (thus releasing karma). This is changing the vibration of the planet, raising the shared consciousness of humanity, and change humankind one person at a time. Treat your body as a temple, choose higher electro magnetic frequency foods, fresh whole, from nature to assist in raising awareness and chi flow energy. #lovetheskinyourin #love #trust #wholefoods #energy #flow #nature #meditate #highvibe #awareness #electromagnetic #frequency #wholefood #wholeyou #wholebody #nourishyourself #nourishyourbody #temple #bodypositivity #cleanse #fast #detox #chiflow #forgive #loving #vibrationalfrequency #vibrationalhealing #sing #song #sound
06.01.2022 When adversity, opposition, the unkown and when faced with the death of something or someone, this is an opportunity for a new beginning. The inbetween is the Gold. I came across this piece of artwork I did a few years ago and it was so applicable to where I was at yesterday, as I felt a part of myself needing my full attention, to be fully felt to bring me to the this point where I was able to see (once again) it is all but a moment to reflect, feel, peel and heal. ... The metamorphosis - a beginning. "Beginnings - I welcome and nurture the new in my life". By Melanie Hughes
06.01.2022 Aloha dear ones, familia, friends, beloveds and all connected to the web of life. Welcome to the first solstice of the New Earth. Here is a Beautiful song to play/dance/sing to to raise the vibes of this Now moment. Drop deep into your heart, deep into the Earth, deep into the ethers, through your soul Star connecting to all in this vast cosmos. ... Listen here: https://youtu.be/oi6zbPjtO6I
05.01.2022 Kindness is all it takes to create connection. This is a little ATC I did a long while back when I was in a space where I was creating an assemblage of intuitive art pieces on a very small scale. I love that these pieces speak so much but can also fit in your hand. The best part is, I was sending these pieces to all different places on the planet. Unfortunately I do not recall whose forever home this went to, or if it was passed on. Hopefully its living in someones collect...ion somewhere who appreciates all the beautiful individual art pieces from all over the globe. I know I do. ATCs are loads of fun to create and to trade. I received some really cool cards from other artists too. What does this artwork express to you? Is there anything else the painting says to you? #intuitiveguidance #intuitiveart #spiritart #spirit #intuition #softness #kindness #connection #greatspirit #channel #creation #love #life #mixedmedia #mixedmediaart #artistsoninstagram #art #artist #artofinstagram #artoftheday #artwork #artistsofinstagram #colourtherapy #artcollector #atc #artisttradingcards #soulart #sacredsoulpainting #melaniehughes #embellishyourlife
05.01.2022 Beginnings are part of the evolutionary cycle of Life and Death. This week began for me with a BANG which really brought mortality to the fore as it did equally a new Beginning. I received some news yesterday that literally rocked my world, as I was called to surf the waves of the ripple effect. I needed to honour my heart and the pain that arose for me. I was called to be in the sadness and vulnerability and to sit with this pain, to feel it, move through it to clear it. ...There was an outpouring and river of tears as I cleansed and washed away my pain with the tears. I connected with the Earth, sat in communion and danced with her. This connection is one of deep love and honouring of myself in what came up to be met. In the honoring and flowing of this pain, grief, sadness, that I felt, it allowed me to see so much more. Quite imminently it was a calling to my attention of the impermanence in life. Everything changes, evolves and grows. That this is an opportunity to learn and trust that in this experience I will gain a deeper understanding of life itself. Ive been called to see that all meaning, feeling, connection and attachment is impermanence. The metamorphosis, the symphony & orchestration of the deep mystery of life. The form & formless. That in itself was also an end point aspect (death) that come to the point of transformation by giving myself permission to feel all of this energy in motion (emotion). Then comes the still point or zero point. Where the form & formless meet. The opportunity to create a new beginning. The cycle of life. I Even heard the words, Embrace and be ready to die which was so pertinent to the truth of my situation. The circumstance is actually something occurring externally that had the resulting effect of needing to process this in a very internal way as my heart, my love and the relation is connected to my very lifes blood. Its a reminder to connect deeply with my womb. Where the seed of life begins. The inner alchemy to bring to life the power & gift that is birth. New beginnings. This piece of artwork Ive created (quite some time ago) has this message. BEGINNINGS - I welcome & nurture the new in my life. See more
05.01.2022 Dear Woman, our next event is on the 4 August 2020 online, via Zoom at @6:30pm. Our Creative Connection Moon Circle is not too far away as we visit Grandmother Moon in her illuminescent ways. Currently, we are nearing the new moon so be aware that it is time to go into the realms of darkness, with the shadow of the dark moon. Dive deep ladies! https://www.facebook.com/events/3154844707896819
03.01.2022 Full to the brim until the 18th August 2020. If you are interested in making a booking. Contact me via the link on my profile. #connection #vulnerability #brisbanesoultherapy #bodywork #massage #touch #healing #energy #vibration #soundhealing #cleansing #rejuvenation #revitalisethesystem #love #lovebodymindsoul #psychsomatictherapist #emotionalbody #bodymindconnection #free #kala #ka huna #kahuna #kahunamassage #KinoMana #deepbonemassage #awakening #senses #elements #opumassage #voiceandenergyhealing
03.01.2022 Love is a flower . . . .... . . #flower #flowering #gardenlife #ourgarden #gardenlife #earth #earthing #grounding #connection #nature #beautyinnature #springflowers #blooms #daisy #cactusflower #positivevibes See more
01.01.2022 "As affective touch is typically received from a loved one, these findings further highlight how close relationships involve behaviors that may play a crucial role in the construction of a sense of self," said Laura Crucianelli, the researcher who carried out the study. "The next step for our team," concluded Dr. Katerina Fotopoulou, "is to examine whether being deprived of social signals, such as affective touch from a parent during early development, may also lead to abnorm...alities in the formation of a healthy body image and a healthy sense of self, for example in patients with eating disorders such as anorexia nervosa." Boosting interoceptive awareness and an individual's sense of body ownership could be key to developing future treatments for some of these conditions, and the sensation of 'affective touch' could play an important role. Conclusion: Just a little of that human touch. Scientists have confirmed what Bruce Springsteen professed in his classic songeverybody needs just a little of that human touch. We all need human touch and loving affection at every stage of our lives for healthy emotional and neurobiological development. https://www.psychologytoday.com//loving-touch-is-key-healt Touch is crucial to our wellbeing. If you have never experienced a Ka Huna bodywork session, wait no more, especially if you are craving human touch, are feeling down, a little lackluster or just need some nurturing and loving touch. Link in bio.
01.01.2022 Yesterday morning, I had a stream of creativity pour through me by way of a poem. Who else loves poetry? If so, do you have a particular genre or expression that you care to write yourself?... Sometimes I recieve visions, have really vivid and 'out there' dreams. I often wake with words, compilations of sight, vision, words or have an epic dream that I can decipher to unravel or utilise as my guidance system. Especially if I create an intention, and ask specifically for what it is I need or want clarity or guidance on. I hope you enjoy this one. I'd love to hear what you think if you have anything to offer up or share with me on. http://embellishyourlife.com.au/this-is-not-a-love-poem/
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