Embody Health & Fitness in The Ponds | Sport & recreation
Embody Health & Fitness
Locality: The Ponds
Phone: +61 404 803 071
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25.01.2022 Saturday Strength - tomorrow 8am #theponds limited spots still available. Regular weight training can just about benefit everyone in a number of ways. If you are not already incorporating some form of resistance training in your fitness program, you should be! From reducing body fat, increasing lean muscle, to developing strong bones and managing chronic conditions - back pain, obesity, heart disease, depression and diabetes. Strength training will enhance the quality of your... life and improve your ability to perform every day activities. Strength training can be done at home or in the gym using either your own body weight, resistance tubing, free weights or machine weights. You don't need to spend hours and hours in the gym every day lifting weights to benefit from strength training. If you're just starting out you should see significant improvement in your strength with just a few 20 to 30 min weight training sessions per week. It's so important to use correct technique when strength training to avoid injury and get results, so if you're fairly new to weight training try to work with a fitness specialist to begin with to learn correct form ad technique. Happy training! #strengthtraining #theponds #movebetter #thehillsdistrict #femalefitness #fitness #health #embody #strong #health #results #lifestyle #weights #selfimprovement #enhanceyourlife #goodform
25.01.2022 Meet my new coach - Fanny from @lucidhealthcoaching Fanny advised me today that she will incorporating more stretching and mobility in my programming Yikes!! Seriously though, I'm super excited to be working with Fanny and learning more about how to improve the way I move. So stay tuned for my pancake progress. #stretch #strength #movebetter #mobility #flexibility #pancake #movementislife #evencoachesneedcoaches #learning #structuralbalance #howdoyoumove #embodyhealthfitness #health #womenshealth
23.01.2022 I love this quote from @jennakutcher because it’s so simple and yet it has such a strong and powerful message, especially today, as we celebrate International Women’s Day. As a coach, I consider myself extremely lucky to be surrounded and inspired by the most incredible women every day and cheering them on, is what I love to do the most. To each and every one of the ladies that I have had the privilege of coaching YOU ARE TRULY AMAZING! Not only, do you inspire, support ...and encourage each other, you also do that for me. Every one of you has taught me a little bit more about myself, and the kind of coach I aspire to be, so today, I say, ‘THANKYOU’! xx Happy International Women's Day! #internationalwomensday #support #encouragement #strongwomen #empoweringwomen #tilinsiders #health #wellness #womensupportingwomen #thankyou #lifteachother See more
23.01.2022 Big thanks to all the lovely ladies that came to the METAFIT open week this week and worked their butts off. Well done!! #metafit #feeltheburn #openweek #theponds #embodyhealthfitness #hiit #burnfat #fitness #health #intensity #workhard
23.01.2022 Hello Everyone, Next week, Friday 16th March I’ll be trekking 30Ks with 3 friends to raise money for The Fred Hollows Foundation. The trek is from Kirribilli to Bondi Beach. Our team needs to raise a minimum of $2,000 ($500 each individually). If you can spare anything I’d really appreciate it, any donation is welcome it takes as little as $25 to restore the sight to a needlessly blind person. Donating is super easy, all you have to do is click on the link below. ... This is such a great cause and every little bit helps. Thanks so much. Faith x
23.01.2022 It's all in the mind. Your body won't go where your mind doesn't push it. Keep pushing! #mondaymotivation #pushthroughit #health #fitness #startyourjourney #embodyhealthandfitness #mindset #tilinsiders #theinstagramlab #justmove #startsomewhere #train #womenshealth #womenshealthcoach
22.01.2022 Me at my desk trying to work this afternoon. Ain't happening!!! Cookie @ps.ny isn't feeling it either! My kids and I are totally in love with cookie and this Instagram account. Check it out you'll fall in (photo credit @ps.ny ) #sunday #sundayvibes #noworktoday #embodyhealthfitness #timetorelax #timetounwind #health #fitness #cutestdogever #theinstagramlab #tilinsiders #justwantanapnow
21.01.2022 Hell yes!! In fact, studies show that people will actually overeat foods they believe to be healthy by around 30%. For fat loss and body composition goals you still need to create a calorie deficit, so portion control and the size of your meals still count whether you are eating healthy, or not. Don't get fooled by thinking, now that I'm eating healthy I can eat as much as I want. All foods contain energy, which is either used by our bodies to maintain its function, or store...d as fat to be used later. I had a client once that couldn't for the life of her understood why she couldn't lose weight. She ate well (healthy), exercised regularly, but couldn't shift the few kilos that she wanted to get rid of. I asked her to complete a food diary for me and sure enough, she did eat really well - all the food groups were there, lots of fresh fruit and vegetables, good protein sources, good fats the only think that let her down were her portion sizes. When we delved a little deeper we found that she had these huge bowls and plates that she'd eat off and was kind of mindless to how much she was piling on the plate. Her dinnerware was huge, very trendy, but huge and over a period of time her portion sizes just became bigger and bigger without her even realising it. She also loved fruit and by the time we counted up her fruit intake - we found that she was consuming nearly 5 pieces of fruit per day (fruit on breakfast, juice, smoothie, snacks), the recommended portions being 2 per day. After a few minor adjustments to her nutrition, which included changing the amount of food she was piling on her plate and reducing her fruit intake, she lost 3kgs in 10 days. So, although she ate very well and chose nutrient dense whole foods, she was unable to lose weight as she was eating too much of it. If you think your portion sizes may be too big, or your not sure of how much you should be eating, check out the attached infographic, its a great guide for understanding portion sizes without doing crazy things like constantly weighing your food, or counting calories. Don't know about you but that stuff does my head in.
19.01.2022 Anti aging?! Count me in!! More and more evidence supporting the amazing benefits of HIIT.
19.01.2022 Women's health is my passion, so it was a real privilege to spend a few hours in the presence of the very knowledgeable Dr Natasha Andreadis @liftperformancecentre on Sunday afternoon. Dr Andreadis took us through everything concerning the menstrual cycle and more. A big thanks to Fanny @lucidhealthcoaching for organising this seminar. Looking forward to the next one. #ladies #menstrualcycle #period #women #seminar #drtashtv #femalehormones #education #knowyourbody #hormones #training
18.01.2022 Are you strong enough to work on your weaknesses? Understanding your weakness can often turn them into strengths. #strength #workonyourweakness #fitness #health #motivation #training #strongereveryday #dontgiveup #startsomewhere #mindset #embodyhealthfitness
18.01.2022 How many times have you talked yourself out of something by overthinking it? Getting started on your fitness, improving your nutrition, applying for a new job, taking that dream vacation. Stop! Sometimes you gotta quit thinking so much. If it feels right it probably is, so just go with it. #stopoverthinking #getonwithit #training #startnow #ifitfeelsrightjustdoit #fitness #health #healthymind #healthybody #trustyourinstincts
18.01.2022 Whenever you find yourself doubting how far you can go, just remember how far you have come. Remember everything you have faced, all the battles you have won and all the fears you have overcome. - Unknown #mondaymotivation #howfarillgo #womenshealthcoach #womenshealth #fitness #health #strongwomen #dontdoubtyourself #embodyhealthfitness #hillsdistrict #overcomeobstacles #lookhowfaryouvecome #theponds
17.01.2022 "A Sunday well spent brings a week of content" It's amazing what a difference a few hours of planning and preparation can make to your week. #nutritioniskey #planning #preparation #healthlifestyle #healthyfood #fitness #realfood
16.01.2022 Yep, we can all relate! It's that time of the week again METAFIT tonight, 6.30pm at The Ponds Community Hub. Tag a friend that would love to hate Metafit! :) #loveit #hateit #metafit
16.01.2022 Much better reasons to keep you motivated to workout and keep fit!
16.01.2022 Come get AMBUSHED!!! Yikes!! Metafit April workout coming to The Ponds and Kellyville next week. #metafit #theponds #kellyville #hiit #hillsdistrict #embodyhealthfitness #fitness #health #burnfatfast #intervaltraining
16.01.2022 What weekend?! I blinked and missed it...... Anyone else feeling my pain? #weekend #dontgoaway #weekendsover #health #fitness #norest #busylife #busymoms #busymomsstayfit #notreadyformonday #doover
16.01.2022 *****METAFIT CLASS ANNOUNCEMENT***** Metafit classes will be on a break for 2 weeks over the school holidays. Classes will return to The Ponds Community Hub on Monday 9th October 2017 at 6.30pm. Monday night group strength and conditioning will replace these classes over the next 2 weeks. Thanks Faith
15.01.2022 Yep, its that time of the month again! Time for the new Metafit track!! Metafit Matterhorn Matrix launches tomorrow night, 6pm at The Ponds Community Hub. #metafit #hiit #matrix #itstime #fitness #theponds #kellyville #stanhope #rousehill #twentyminutesisallyouneed
15.01.2022 Checked in today with #coachfanny from @lucidhealthcoaching for phase 2 of my strength and mobility program. Feeling stronger every day and even managed a couple of assisted pull-ups. Yay!! Finishing off here with amazing stretch aptly named the Human Cross Bow. #strength #mobility #stretch #coachfanny #embodyhealthfitness #gettingstronger #movingbetter #fitness #alwayslearningsomethingnew
15.01.2022 S T R E T C H C L A S S Join us on Saturday 26th August 2017 for a 90 min Stretch Class and learn the benefits of stretching and how it relates to better performance in your workout, sport and movement in everyday life. This 90 minute stretch class conducted by Coach Fanny from Lucid Health Coaching provides a great introduction to flexibility training. The session itself is designed to improve general flexibility and range of motion in the famously tight muscles around... the hips, lower limbs, shoulders and neck. This type of stretching is based on a contract relax method called PNF (Proprioceptive neuromuscular facuilitation) and is great to do in addition to your normal core strength and stability training to make you move and feel better. You will learn to execute the stretches in a safe and effective manner. We will also touch on how stretching can benefit you beyond increased flexibility by improving body awareness and teach you to relax. Class numbers are strictly limited so book now to reserve your spot. Cost $35.00 per person.
15.01.2022 This sums up my week perfectly -surrounded by women that inspire each other without even realising it. Women that aren't ashamed to share their own stories, struggles and personal battles, and in doing so unknowingly inspire others. Women that realise you don't have to be perfect to inspire others, you just have to be yourself. Thank you ladies! Xx (Photo credit @jennakutcher) #inspiringwomen #health #fitness #nosuchthingasperfect #motivation #inspireothers #shareyourstory #tagsomeonethatinspiresyou #strong #womenshealthandfitness #theponds #thehillsdidtrict #theinstagramlab #tilinsiders
14.01.2022 Monday morning mantra: Repeat after me.... I am strong, I am capable and I have the power to create change in my life. So, what are you waiting for? Go get' em tiger! ... #gogettem #motivation #kickthisweeksass #fitness #health #goals #strength #goalsweek #mindsetiskey #womenshealth
12.01.2022 30 MINS IS ALL IT TAKES METAFIT Open Week - Commencing Monday 8th May 2017 at The Ponds & Kellyville. If you live in and around the Ponds, or Kellyville and have been looking for a new fitness challenge, look no further! Come along to the Metafit open week and give Metafit HIIT class a go. 30 mins is all it takes.... All classes are complimentary during open week, but book in ASAP as spots are limited in each session. Session times and locations are as follows: Monday - 6.15pm & 6.45pm (The Ponds Community Hub) Wednesday - 6pm (The Ponds Community Hub) Thursday - 6.15pm (Wrights Rd, Kellyville) For bookings or to register your interest Contact - 0404803071 or email [email protected]
11.01.2022 The look I get from my clients when they haven't completed their scheduled workout! #workout #fitness #health #mypuppy #thoseeyes #dontlietoyourtrainer #inthedoghouse #results #priorities
10.01.2022 Just don't kill me!!! My sisters first words after asking me to do some training with her. Gotta love family! Fortunately for her it was mostly form, technique and structural balance work this morning. Some mobility issues through the hips and ankles, weakness in the glutes and discrepancies between the right and left side. All my clients, no matter what level of training they are at undertake structural balance testing and assessments. I won't put you under a bar, or give you certain exercises/lifts until you can demonstrate a minimum standard. You need to learn to walk before you can run! So, the next 3 - 4weeks I'll be focusing primarily on addressing these areas ........ and then I'll KILL her!!!
09.01.2022 METAFIT NEVER GETS EASIER, YOU JUST GET STRONGER. Metafit is all about MAX EFFORT. Of course, technique comes first but always aim to add more intensity and power each session to keep on progressing. We're Back Tonight - The ponds Community Hub 6.30pm. #HIIT #METAFIT #nevergetseasier #theponds #thehills #hardworkpaysoff
07.01.2022 Time to get your game face on ladies, it's nearly that time again. Saturday Strength @8am. Bookings now open. #fitness #health #gameface #hillsdistrict #theponds #kellyville #rousehill #strengthandconditioning #fun
07.01.2022 Monday - Oh, hello week! Let's do this!! #monday #workhard #health #fitness #intensity #mindset #justdoit #beawesome #movement #embracelife #embodyhealthfitness #goals #theponds #thehillsdistrict
07.01.2022 What a legend!
05.01.2022 Oops! Look who's back in time for class tonight! Warrior Matrix - 6pm tonight at The Ponds Community Hub. He just keeps coming back for more!! #metafit #warriormatrix #hiit #westernsydney #womenshealth #fastnfurious #intervaltraining #hiitworkout #fitness #burnfatfast #health #feeltheburn
04.01.2022 If you're looking for some inspiration this morning ladies you cant go past this awesome performance by Andrea Hah on Australian Ninja Warrior last night. A big congratulations to Andrea for her phenomenal performance on #NinjawarriorAU What an amazing athlete!
03.01.2022 ......yikes!!! Red Mist - coming soon to Metafit at The Ponds Community Hub. Guys you're not going to want to miss this one, did someone say 'Single arm burpees'! But on the plus side no sign of SKATERS!!!!!!!! Metafit is still on during the school holidays so book your spot via the MINDBODY app. Class is on tonight 6pm sharp! #theponds #metafit #burpees #hiit #fitness #health #feeltheburn #redmist #hillsdistrict #30mins
02.01.2022 Metafit Fight Night Launch - Tonight 6pm - The Ponds Community Hub (Rm 1) 'Fight Night' is a 19 minute HIIT workout. Short, but intense, with a few new moves guaranteed to challenge even the most seasoned Metafitter. Bookings available online through the Mindbody app, or text 0404 803 071.
01.01.2022 METAFIT GUILLOTINE WORKOUT A tough new workout released this week METAFITTERS, so bring your "A" game. If you haven't already tried Metafit feel free to come down to the Ponds Community Hub, or Wrights Rd Kellyville for a complimentary trial session.... Bookings can now be made on the Mind Body App - Embody Health & Fitness. Monday Night - 6.30pm (Ponds Community Hub) Wednesday Night - 6pm (Ponds Community Hub) Thursday Night - 6.15pm (Wrights Rd Community Centre, Kellyville)
01.01.2022 - Desire - Dedication - Determination - Discipline You have to work at it to see change. All things are difficult before they are easy.... #dedication #discipline #determination #desire #womenshealth #hillsdistrict #theponds #fitness #health #strong #strength #women #tilinsiders #overcomeyourlimitations #workhard #womenscoach
01.01.2022 That look of steely determination you get when you're chasing that PB. Ladies chasing PB's all over the place at last weeks S&C class. New Thursday night class starting tomorrow night, bookings essential as spots are limited. #health #fitness #goals #challengeyourself #theponds #embodyhealthfitness #strength #hillsdistrict #femalestrengthtraining #mindsetiseverything #determination #competeagainstyourself #selfimprovement
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