Embody Nutrition Consulting | Alternative & holistic health service
Embody Nutrition Consulting
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25.01.2022 Filming some new videos today and I had to stop half way through (so annoying) because I literally had a rainbow right on my face I also had to stop for the fly buzzing around my head... And the garbage truck (so noisy!!) ... But neither of those were quite as delightful as this rainbow so I took a pic and waited patiently for the clouds to come back over to continue. Hope you've all had a lovely day
25.01.2022 Happy (belated) New Year everyone I am welcoming 2021 with open arms and am feeling positive that this year is going to be a cracker. I think I probably said the same thing last January and we all know how 2020 turned out. But despite all the lows of the last year, upon reflection, there was still some really great things that came out of it!... I think, for myself and for a lot of others, we realised that we are tougher and more resilient than we give ourselves credit for. I love being able to look back and appreciate the things that I was still able to achieve among the chaos that was 2020. I hope you can too. This month (every year) I talk a lot about goal setting and one of the reasons I love doing this, is because it becomes a great tool that you can then reflect on throughout the year. You can see your progress but mapping out your goals can also serve as a little reminder throughout the year (when things get crazy!) of the goals you wanted to achieve. You can check out the article (link below) and also watch the video (which offers much more detail) about this in our free Facebook Group! We also have a FREE 2021 planner for you to download so you can get started ASAP with your goal setting for the year. https://embodynutrition.com.au/goal-setting-for-the-new-year
25.01.2022 This is the advice I give to so many people about their nutrition... just chill! Just in the last week I have had clients mention that they are worried their snacks aren't healthy enough, that their meals don't have enough protein, that they were confused about which type of fruit had the least amount of sugar... These are such small, almost insignificant issues for almost all people when it comes to your diet overall.... We need to stop freaking about the little stuff (all fruit is great by the way) and focus on the bigger things that will actually have a big impact on our health. Do you feel, deep down, that your food is healthy? If you answer yes, then it probably is!! Do you consume some good quality protein with most of your meals throughout the day? If yes, then you are probably getting enough (or close enough!) Don't sweat the small stuff guys. Do your best and if you need help getting past the small stuff, reach out and let me know
25.01.2022 If there's one thing we love, it's sharing our knowledge of nutrition and food with anyone who will listen! This week, Ellie ran an awesome full day workshop for the year 11 students at One School in Sydney. The students got to learn about healthy eating, fueling their bodies, mindfulness, body image and well being strategies PLUS (our favourite bit) there was heaps of cooking!! ... See the pics for a small sample of what these students whipped up in the practical component of the day. Such a privilege to be able to pass on some knowledge to the younger generation and set them up with some new skills for life
23.01.2022 One of my absolute favourite post training snacks is yoghurt - it's delicious, filling, high in protein and a great source of calcium! My go-to yoghurt is the Chobani Greek Whole Milk Plain.... so creamy And I love that a plain yoghurt is like a blank canvas - I will normally add berries, nuts and seeds to mine. Fun fact - I am actually lactose intolerant and even though this yoghurt isn't lactose free (they haven't added any enzyme), it is naturally low in lactose because ...it is a strained yoghurt. Pretty cool huh?! If you are looking for some other post workout meal and snack ideas, we've got a free download for you with our (other) favs! Grab it here https://mailchi.mp/8f9c560846a9/postworkoutnutrition
23.01.2022 Let's talk about adding flavour to your food... This is something that may not necessarily add a lot of 'nutrition' to your meal and it may even add some addition energy, depending on what you use. But I wholeheartedly believe that your enjoyment of food is JUST AS IMPORTANT as the macro or micronutritent content in your foods. ... I want you to look forward to eating the lunch you have prepped for work - not wishing you could could go and buy something tastier. I want to feel satisfied from your dinner so that you're not constantly searching for food later at night. Adding flavour can help with this! A little something extra to make your food go from nutritious (this is a good) - to delicious (this is better) What's your favourite way to add flavour to a meal? Mine would have to be cheese - particularly feta or haloumi (YUM!)
23.01.2022 Did you know that to improve your diet and make changes to your health, you don't necessarily need to go on a diet? You don't need to follow a plan... You don't need to spend a million bucks on new ingredients for your pantry...... You actually don't need to do anything drastic at all... You may need to make a few small changes to your nutrition intake but most of the changes will be around forming new habits. And the biggest hurdles that everyone faces is... (drum roll please)... You have to be consistent with your new habits over a pretty long period of time!!! Check out our latest article now - 3 ways to improve your diet without going on a diet https://embodynutrition.com.au/3-ways-to-improve-your-diet/
22.01.2022 Your supplements and sports nutrition 'extras' (I'll explain this in a minute) are not going to get you to your goal, if your everyday diet is not up to scratch. Your day to day nutrition includes everything you eat on a daily basis *including* the weekends, what you pack for work, the things you eat around your meals and of course your main meals for the day. Everyone's requirements will differ, however, most people (including athletes) will need to be consuming adequate fr...uit and veg, good quality protein and carbohydrates and dairy in their everyday diet. Your sports nutrition 'extras' are all the additional things that you eat in and around your training - pre-training, post training and anything you consume during your training counts here. Sports Nutrition 'extras' are important, but they won't work in isolation so... You are not going to be performing at you best if you consume 3 gels during your 2 hour ride, but don't consume adequate carbohydrates in your everyday diet. You won't be increasing your muscle mass if you consume the most amazing gainer protein, but are not consuming enough energy from food in your everyday diet. You won't be losing body fat if you take a 'fat burner' supplement but are not eating in a calorie deficit in your everyday diet. The food that you consume day in and day out is so important to you reaching your goals - any 'extras' are just icing on the cake.
22.01.2022 We know all too well that weight loss can be a huge struggle for so many people. A lifetime of going on and off diets, attempting to shift weight and failing to do so can be frustrating and incredibly heart breaking. While there are a multitude of reasons and arguments about why this is so common in our society, one emerging trend that is offering a glimmer of hope is the new world of nutrigenetics. We know for sure that your genetics play a huge role in your body composition... and your health in general. But can knowing your specific genotype help you to establish an eating pattern that will help you lose weight? We have put together the latest evidence around how genetics could be influencing weight and weight loss, and if knowing your genotype (an individual’s collection of genes) could in fact help you to lose weight. Check out the full article now https://embodynutrition.com.au/whats-the-link-between-gene/
21.01.2022 We have heard it all. Every single thing that people have tried to change their nutrition and overhaul their diet - we've heard it. Many of the strategies people go to when they are looking to make a change are either complicated or expensive... or both! Has this been you in the past?... Supplements, diet books, shakes, diet pills, injections - the list goes on and on. And my question when people ask about these methods or want to revisit these things they have already tried is - are you doing the easy things? Are you doing the things that seem boring (but are actually really important) when it comes to your nutrition. Because these very non-exciting behaviours around food are most likely the things that will help you achieve your goal when it comes to nutrition and health. In our upcoming 3 Day Nutrition Challenge, we go into depth about some really important factors (that are not ground breaking in any way!) that, if put into practice, will help you improve your nutrition - FOR GOOD! This challenge is all about giving you a refresh on what you can do, right now, to help you feel good with your food. Not complicated, not fancy and not expensive (it's free actually!) We'd love for you to join us next Monday the 8th Feb as we run this challenge together and with support for the very first time. Register here now https://mailchi.mp/c79d9e5ef644/5cwgvl7ksq
20.01.2022 Some of you may or may not know that I also have a kids nutrition business Grub for Kids. Something I talk about a lot over there is the concept of the Division of Responsibility. In a nutshell, this concept outlines who is responsible for the different elements in feeding kids. The parent is responsible for:... What food is served Where the food is served When the food is served Children are responsible for: How much or if they eat at all This framework really help in raising curious, intuitive eaters who can trust their bodies to know how much they want to eat at any given meal. My thought is though, when is this lost? Or where have we gone wrong in the past? I see so many people who really struggle with trusting their bodies. People who have ignored their hunger and fullness cues for such a long time that they can't determine what this feels like anymore. Getting back in tune with these feeling can help enormously in improving our relationship with food, our body and our over all health. Some ways you might start to do this are: Eat a little slower to try and recognise when you are getting full Try not to eat in from of your computer, phone or while driving so you can be more present Don't be too rigid in the times of day you eat your food. Start to eat when you are hungry and play around with what works best for you
20.01.2022 It has been so refreshing to see so many women this year, who have prominent social media profiles, promoting body acceptance and respect. Yes, some of them have weight loss goals but there seems to be a very different vibe this year. Women are doing it for themselves - because they love and respect their body and not because they hate it! They are moving more and eating well to feel good and improve their energy levels. ... It is just so nice that these messages are becoming more and more widespread and impacting more lives for the better!! Of course there are still some terrible messages/products/programs etc being promoted that focus on weight loss above all else (PS your physical and mental health are both equally as important!). But I feel like people are become more aware and are moving away from this a little. Do you agree? Are you feeling this too or is it just me?
19.01.2022 My husband and I went away for the night on Saturday. For 24 hours, I didn't think about work, I didn't post on social media, I didn't take any photos of my food (even though it was the best looking food I've eaten in a while). And it was EVERYTHING. Just to completely switch off for even such a short time was so amazing and I felt so refreshed coming back to reality yesterday - I couldn't wait to get home to see this little man who had his first sleepover. ... I would highly recommend. Even if you can't get away, set some times where you are not on social media and just have some space to disconnect. This can be so beneficial to both your physical and mental health - which is why we have a whole module on 'social media detoxing' in our Signature Nutrition and Lifestyle Program. If you think it might be helpful for you to learn more about this, check it out https://embodynutrition.com.au//signature-nutrition-lifes/
19.01.2022 If you're a female athlete - listen up! Did you know that athletes are at a greater risk of being iron deficient... in particular, female athletes. Studies have shown that more than 1/3 or female athletes are iron deficient. And this doesn't just apply to elite athletes either - there are lots of very active females (and males) who are not elite but are still at a higher risk.... So how would you know if you are iron deficient? You may experience some of the following... tiredness lack of energy shortness of breath poor recovery reduced performance If you think this could be you, check out our latest article on the website now for more information https://embodynutrition.com.au/iron-for-athletes/
18.01.2022 Following on from yesterday's post - here are just a few things that you could actually do to get yourself ready for Summer... Buy yourself a new swimsuit! Especially if you haven't bought one for yourself in a while - nothing better than a new cossie! PSA ladies - do you yourself a favour and check out Marvell Lane if you haven't already Stock up on sunscreen! Sun protection is super important so make sure you slip, slop, slap.... Plan some (Covid friendly) outdoor activities that you wouldn't normally do - think bush walks, hiking, ocean swims, water skiing etc. Use the beautiful weather as an excuse to get out of your comfort zone. Get out there and don't spend even a second worrying about the way you look - enjoy yourself and your time with your family and friends. Life truly is too short
18.01.2022 Just a friendly reminder to drink your water!! It's amazing just how many ways even mild dehydration can effect our bodies. So if you're feeling a bit off, sluggish, have a headache etc, it could be as simple as drinking some water to improve these symptoms. If you have trouble remembering to hydrate throughout the day, try 'coupling' the habit of drinking with something else that you already do. ... For example, drinking a glass of water before every meal and snack. You are (hopefully) already in the habit of eating food so attaching the habit of drinking to this, can make it easier to do! What's your best hack for drinking more water throughout the day?
18.01.2022 Ooooh this Choc Nut Slice is always a winner!! It is really delicious and it is made with some great, nutrient dense ingredients (dates, nuts etc) BUT that doesn't meant that it's not energy dense, just like a normal slice! I find that sometimes people think if a recipe is 'healthy' or healthier than the original version (like a cake or a slice) it means that the energy in it (or the calories) is automatically less. This just isn't true. ... I love baking and I love eating baked goods - regular versions and healthy versions!! These foods are still just a sometimes food though - something to include occasionally when I feel like eating it. This recipe is in our next newsletter which comes out on the 1st of each month. Make sure you subscribe below so you don't miss it! https://mailchi.mp/e180b7b9f6a3/fuellingtothrive
17.01.2022 We were chuffed to be featured in the Local Limelight this week with Jake from Sam Phil Jake MMJ! The interviews covers a little bit about our journey and business, as well as some hot tips about how you can improve your nutrition in an easy and practical way. Check out the full interview https://www.facebook.com/samphiljake/posts/2809926922624103
17.01.2022 Thinking ahead, shopping to a list, prepping food and maybe even doing some batch cooking are all ways that you can set yourself up for a successful week of eating. Meal planning and preparation will look different for everyone but it will absolutely help in both saving you time and effort later on when you get busy/tried/not feeling motivated! What's the one thing you do over the weekend that sets you up for successful week?
16.01.2022 I've said it before and I'll say it again... Healthy eating does not have to be complicated or fancy! Pictured here is the simplest lunch - high fibre wrap, lettuce, tomato, leftover pesto chicken and cheese.... Delicious and nutritious - ready in 2 minutes. Easy as that What your favourite super simple lunch combo?
16.01.2022 Food gives you ENERGY... I know this sounds super obvious but I feel like so many people really overlook this simple fact. People are looking for a supplement or a magic thing that will help them to feel better when food will more than likely do the trick ... When you feel tired throughout the day, having something to eat will give you energy! When you have a hard training session coming up, food will give you energy to smash it out! When you are having trouble concentrating at work, food can give your brain the energy it needs to function! So the next time you are struggling, quickly ask yourself - have I had enough food to fuel me today? It's just might be the super quick, convenient fix you've been looking for
15.01.2022 Could your push for perfection be setting you up to fail? Are you setting yourself some goals that you know deep down, for you, are just not sustainable for more than a week - you would like them to be and you may have good intentions but... when you really dig deep, you know that really they are not. Maybe you've said 'I'm cutting out all chocolate'... ... 'I'm going to the gym every day this week'... 'I'm going to stop snacking after dinner'... But you need to consider where you are at RIGHT NOW - because if the gap between your reality today and your goal is too big, it probably won't happen long term. You gotta build those habits baby!! So if you're feeling like your chocolate intake is getting a little out of control, why not reduce it, so that say... 3 days a week there is no chocolate? I'm guessing you love it if you're eating it in the first place so there's no reason to take something you enjoy completely out of your diet! Life's to short not to eat a bit of choccy. Or maybe you are currently getting to the gym one day (or none?) per week and you want to improve this. Why not aim for 2? Anything above this is a bonus, but if you don't get there every day, you haven't failed either. Or perhaps your evening snacking has been increasing over the last few months. Make sure you try and find out *why* you are snacking after dinner before you just go and cut it out for good. Are you still hungry? Perhaps you're not eating enough throughout the day. Are you just bored? Find another activity to focus on after dinner. Don't just stick a band aid over the issue. Dig deeper and find a way to progress in the right direction.
15.01.2022 Is your gut health holding you back from living your life to the absolute fullest? I know this sounds slightly dramatic but anyone with gut issues will tell you it's true! There are so many things in your day to day life (not to mention your training or sport) that are directly impacted by the state of your gut. Who has had to check to make sure there was a public toilet nearby, before they went out for a run?... Who has had to ditch their trolley at the supermarket to run to the loo? Who has been 'that' person in the office who can't stop farting (nobody wants to be that person )? The things that we know FOR SURE are going to help improve your gut health are... Eating more plants (fruit, veg, wholegrains, nuts, seeds) Eating a wider variety of plants (>30 different types each week) Reducing stress (this is a big one!) To help you address all 3 of these, we have created a full 7 day 'Good Gut' meal plan (with recipes) to help you optimise the health of your gut. This will give you so many ideas of ways you can include more plants, different types of plants and reduce your stress by not having to think about your meals for a change! And the best part.... it's 100% FREE! Just comment below with the words GOOD GUT and we'll get it to you asap!
15.01.2022 Building a nutritious, balanced meal can be so easy with just a few simple considerations... 1. Do I have a good quality protein source? Yes 2. Do I have some quality carbohydrates in the meal? Yes ... 3. Is there plenty of vegetables or salad? Yes 4. Have I added some healthy fats in the mix? Yes 5. Does it taste delicious? (I really hope so!!) Balancing your meals can be one of the easiest things to do to improve your overall nutrition intake - try it today!
15.01.2022 We'll be clocking off for a few days over the long weekend so we're getting in early to wish you all a very happy Easter!
15.01.2022 Hands up if you needed this reminder today #nutritiontips
15.01.2022 What is your absolute, all time favourite cuisine to... 1. Cook 2. Eat out... Mine are... 1. Mexican and 2. Mexican closely followed by Italian
14.01.2022 And that's a wrap for 2020 Thank you to everyone who has been apart of Embody over the last year. Whether you are a client, a subscriber or a follower on our social channels, we appreciate having you around more than you know. We hope you all have a great Christmas and New Year - even though it may not be quite as you had planned. We hope you still take the time to relax and refresh before the new year begins. ... We will be back online and in clinic on the 5th January - see you all then!!
13.01.2022 On Sunday night we had fish and chips for Father's Day dinner... I don't like seafood so I got a hamburger instead. My eldest says to me, "Mum, why don't you eat fish?", I say "I just don't like it very much". He says "you need to try it again mum because your taste bubs change all the time, so things you don't like today, you might like tomorrow!" ... My exact words for the last 5 years coming straight out of his mouth I just got nutrition schooled by my 5 year old.
13.01.2022 So of course we are approaching Spring, which means that Summer is also around the corner. And cue the typical influx of 'get your summer bod ready' type of posts/ads that I have been seeing already flooding my news feed. Please know that your body, right now, is perfect for Summer!! ... If you want to be more active or eat better... cool! I'm all for it! But don't let people freak you out about the upcoming 'Summer' as a way to scare you into doing something crazy - and unsustainable. Just build those habits around nutrition and exercise and stick with it for the long term. This is actually the same advice I would give at any time of the year - would you believe?!
12.01.2022 What's the one thing we get asked about all the time?? SNACKS! Everyone wants to know what they can snack on between meals. Now here’s the thing with snacks similar to your main meals, there is no reason that you need an endless variety of fancy pants, Instagram worthy snacks available in your household 24/7. ... If you love being in the kitchen and whipping up snacks ahead of time, that is absolutely cool with us. But if you’re like most of our clients, you just need a few go-to, nutritious foods that you can consume between meals to help keep you full and satisfied. That’s it! So we've compiled a list with 10 of our fav everyday snacks in our latest article. You can check it out here https://embodynutrition.com.au/10-everyday-snack-ideas/
12.01.2022 Have you ever considered setting yourself the goal to just FEEL GOOD? A goal that has absolutely nothing to do with how you look... How much pressure would that take off?... Goal setting is a big component of our work with all of our clients and in our online programs - so it's definitely not a bad thing to be setting them for yourself. And you would need to consider some behavioural goals in order to make this happen. But perhaps just rethinking your overarching goal and keeping the way you FEEL at a really high priority, could be just the mindset shift that you need. Who's with me on this?
11.01.2022 When it comes to eating well throughout the week, there is likely one thing that makes or breaks your success... meal planning!! Have you thought ahead about what you are going to cook? Have you done some form of preparation (this will be different for everyone) to make your life a little easier when it comes time for food?... Have you shopped to your list and filled your fridge and cupboard with nutritious (but also delicious) food that you actually want to eat? All of these things are key to breaking down the barriers that stop us from eating well, consistently, over time. Which is why, when you sign up to our Signature Nutrition and Lifestyle Program, you receive a BONUS Meal Planning and Recipe Guide eBook, to get you planning like a pro and set up for success. It is honestly one of the best things you can do to support yourself when trying to improve your nutrition. But as with all things nutrition and health, it will be totally individual to you, your household, your social life and your work schedule, as to how you make it work. if you're keen to take the next step in getting your nutrition on track, check out our Signature online program now https://embodynutrition.com.au//signature-nutrition-lifes/
11.01.2022 It's all in the presentation right?! This sorbet is delicious - just put frozen banana and raspberries in the food processor and whiz until smooth. Drop in a few tablespoons and yoghurt, serve with sprinkles (of course) and you're good to go! Put any leftovers into a container in the freezer. When it's time to use it, just pop it back into the food processor for a few seconds to break it up (I think it was possibly better after doing this!)... Have you tried making sorbet before?
10.01.2022 Lots of people struggle with their water intake during the cooler months (myself included!). It's not always the first thing you feel like sipping on when it's freezing outside, but it is still super important to consume enough each day. Your tea or any water based drink absolutely counts towards keeping you hydrated but it may not be covering all your bases. ... Something you can do to improve your water intake is to remove the barriers that are stopping you from drinking it! For example, if you sit at your desk all day with a water bottle but don't drink it, you could remove the lid (sounds pointless but I promise it helps!), have it in a glass instead of bottle or change your lid from a screw on to a pop top! All of these remove the barrier of taking off the lid, what I know sounds small but it *is* an actual barrier for many people! What's your favourite hack for improving your water intake during Winter?
09.01.2022 Gut health is one of the most trendy nutrition topics at the moment - and while there is some really exciting research coming out about how we can improve and optimise our gut health, the hype has REALLY outpaced what we actually know from the science. I've seen so many 'Gut Health' products, foods and supplements for sale but unfortunately, for most of them, there is no guarantee they will work at all. What we do know, is that eating more plant foods in your diet is really... effective in feeding out good gut bacteria. This doesn't mean ONLY consuming plant foods, but just working to include more, and a wider variety, in your every day diet. If you're interested in learning more about gut health, we have 2 great freebies for you! 1. For more reliable info on gut health you can check out our gut health webinar - available in our Facebook group. Join here www.facebook.com/groups/embodynutrition 2. For more food and recipe ideas, check out our Good Gut Meal Plan https://mailchi.mp/992035960baa/goodgutmealplan
09.01.2022 Are you relying on motivation to get you through?? To hit your nutrition goals, to get to training, to get your work done... whatever it is. Are you relying on motivation to make it happen? Because, guess what - motivation is fleeting... at best! It is NOT a great thing to be relying on because it ain't gonna last - I'm sorry... it just won't. ... Today is my work day... I have 1.5 days per week where my kids are looked after and I can just work - OMG I love my work days!! I also work every other day but it all revolves around rest times and working at night (can you see why I love my work days?) Anyway, my motivation to work today is low. In between clients I'm normally pumped to get heaps of other stuff done! Today, not so much. But, I have some really good habits in place (and coffee also helps) that means the things that need to be done, will get done. Am I being super creative? Nope. Am I ticking things off my to-do list like there's no tomorrow? Nope. But I'm doing the things that need doing and it's no thanks to my lacking motivation. It's thanks to many years of forming habits around my work that mean when things go a bit sideways - or I'm tired, like today - the important things still get ticked off. The exact same thing needs to happen when you have nutrition or training goals that are important to you. Form the habits - and when things go wrong or you don't necessarily *feel* like doing them - it will happen anyway
09.01.2022 Today I received the most beautiful care package as a thank you gift and it totally made my day! The Humble Wellbeing Project is a wonderful business, providing resources and care packages for anyone going through a tough time. I was lucky enough to come across Nat online and have been helping to create some nutrition content for her site and products. I felt like a kid at Christmas receiving this - you can see I literally ripped open the package I particularly love the lit...tle well being prompt cards that are included. What small act of self care are you doing today for your well being?
08.01.2022 Registrations are now open for our Signature Nutrition and Lifestyle Program! This program does show you how to improve your nutrition BUT it also looks at ways to improve your mindset and lifestyle as well. This program lets YOU determine your goals and then shows you how to make the changes necessary to achieve them. ... This program focuses on behaviour change and walks you through all the elements you need to consider to make LASTING changes to your health and your life. You will leave this program feeling like you have gained knowledge and skills, but also the confidence to put that into practice. We want you to succeed and we want to make it as easy as possible for you to do that. For more information, click the link below. Registrations close midnight tomorrow. https://embodynutrition.com.au//signature-nutrition-lifes/
08.01.2022 One of the things I have really tried to work on over the last few weeks is how much I am on my phone. It's really tricky because I use social media for work but I am trying really hard to avoid the 'mindless scroll' - who's doing that right now?! My screen time definitely increased when everything was in lock down and while it did come down afterwards, it was still higher than I would like. ... So last week I finally used the time limit feature within Screen Time on my iPhone, which lets me know when I'm at my limit (I've set 2 hours for myself which I try and stay under). I have found that the more tired I am during the day, the more I mindlessly scroll. So today I was feeling particularly tired - I tried to leave my phone in the kitchen rather than in my pocket - a very small shift that helps me not to pick up my phone 50 million times per day There are just so many better things I can be doing with my time than looking at my phone! Do you monitor your screen time? And what are some things you do to try and reduce it?! Share the love and pass those tips around please!!
08.01.2022 How many of you have been to the physio before for a niggle or an injury. You go there, hoping for a nice massage that will fix you right up and get you on your way (am I right?!). But it turns out, that to make a full recovery, you actually have to go home with your new theraband and do a set of specific (usually simple) exercises.... every damn day! With every intention of completing your rehab to your physios satisfaction, how many of you have done your exercises for 2 day...s and then never again until the day before your next appointment? But guess what? Those exercises actually work (who would have thought!) And in just to the same way, the small, sometimes boring nutrition behaviours that you can implement (freely I might add) are also very effective. Our upcoming 3 Day Challenge is all about providing you with these simple but very effective strategies that can help you to become a master when it comes to your nutrition. We'd love for you to join us over the 3 days, kicking off on Monday the 8th of Feb. Register here now for the challenge https://mailchi.mp/c79d9e5ef644/5cwgvl7ksq
07.01.2022 Some of the most common questions that we get asked from athletes are around training nutrition (what to eat before and after training) and what supplements to take. And look... these things can be really important. I get it! BUT if your foundation diet is not solid then your training nutrition and supplements are not going to help you to perform at your absolute best. What you eat every day, outside of training is just as important (if not more) than your training nutrition.... This is what provides you with adequate fuel or energy for training, recovery, adaptation to training, hydrates you, helps you sleep better - the list goes on. IT'S SUPER IMPORTANT! So get the basics right first - build a strong foundation and then look at the extra things you can do around your training to enhance this. If you're an athlete and need to help optimising your nutrition - send us a DM and we can help you out!
07.01.2022 We've just wrapped up our 3 Day Nutrition Challenge over in our Facebook group and it was awesome to run it as group for the first time ever! The biggest thing I wanted the participants to take away from the challenge was... when you want to improve your nutrition, you don't need to 'follow something' or change everything all at once. You need to change your behaviour!!! Bit by bit, day by day. It takes practice and patience but if you stick with it, it will definitely pay o...ff! So in order to get closer to our goals, we need to address the behaviours that are stopping us from achieving them. For example - if your goal is to get your snacking under control, that in itself is not the behaviour, it is a result of what's happening elsewhere in the day. So maybe the thing you are going to work on in balancing out your meals and making them satisfying enough so you don't feel like snacking as much. Behaviour change is so important when looking to change your nutrition!!
07.01.2022 I'm really excited to announce that I have recently taken on the role as Sports Dietitian for the St George Illawarra Dragons! Thank you to the lovely @cheyenneholman for patiently handing over to me while I get my head around everything you do at the club and I hope you have an amazing experience down in Melbourne working in AFL My consulting hours do look a little different for the foreseeable future but I am definitely still here so please don't hesitate to get in touch if you need help with your nutrition!
07.01.2022 One of our goals over the last year has been to help as many people as we can to improve their nutrition in a simple and practical way. With minimal stress and lots of support. People need to know that they DON'T need to spend a million dollars on the latest fad products to help them improve their health... They DON'T need to change their whole lives around and eat a completely new and unfamiliar diet...... And they definitely DON'T need to be cutting out whole food groups without any good reason (argghh can you tell this drives us crazy!!) So the main things we have put into place help us achieve this goal are... A 3 Day Nutrition Challenge - good quality, simple and practical nutrition info that you can implement over 3 days that can help you to make BIG improvements to your nutrition and health, and Our private Facebook Group - a place where you can get all the support, accountability and inspiration you need from both of us and the best bunch of like minded people These are the ways in which we get to help lots of people - not just the ones who we are lucky enough to consult with. They are both completely FREE and we want you to utilise them - and let other people know about them if you think they would benefit from them too!! Links are below for anyone who is interested https://mailchi.mp/3ed983edfa52/3daynutritionchallenge https://facebook.com/groups/embodynutrition
06.01.2022 Behaviour change is really difficult for so many people - the things that we do day in and day out are ingrained in us and changing that is something that can take a lot of time and consistency. This relates to habits in all areas, not just nutrition! So what can you do to make the process of changing a habit a little easier? Well... here's my top 3 tips:... 1. Remove the barriers Want to drink more water - have a bottle available at all times. Maybe even change the lid from a screw on to a pop top to make it easier! Want to eat more fruit - firstly make sure you have it in the house and then make sure it is visible! Want to add veges to your dinner - chop them up on the weekend so there is less of a barrier when you are tired after work! 2. Work on just one thing at a time A classic mistakes when trying to change your behaviour is focusing on multiple things all at once. You are setting yourself up for failure by doing this! Choose just one simple habit to work on. Once that becomes easy and like second nature, move onto the next. 3. Be kind to yourself Behaviour change is something that takes a lot of time and a lot of practice. You will not always be perfect and that is absolutely OK. When things don't go the way the you have planned, reflect, reassess and keep going. What's a new habit that you have formed recently?
06.01.2022 I've been on a bit of a roll lately with making new recipes! At the end of last year/beginning of this year I was definitely stuck in a bit of a cooking rut, making the same things week in and week out. And although I had no formal complaints (lucky!), I was even starting to get sick of my own food So I've been making an effort the last few months to just try one new recipe a week from the collection of cookbooks I have at home (anyone else have beautiful cookbooks on thei...r shelf but always searches online for new recipes? ) And just like any other behavioral change, with a little practice, I'm now in a great habit of checking out the books and making sure I have the ingredients to have some new dishes in the weekly rotation. If you have a habit you'd like to change, or a new habit you'd like to be doing, set a very small and realistic goal and practice it. Consistency is the golden key to change And if you're also needing some inspiration in the kitchen, we have a free 40 page recipe book! Grab it now https://mailchi.mp/e180b7b9f6a3/fuellingtothrive
06.01.2022 Caffeine is one of the most widely consumed supplements in the sporting world (and beyond) and it's for good reason! A new position statement was release this year by the International Society of Sports Nutrition, giving us an update on the research around the best uses, timing and dose of caffeine for exercise performance. We've got a run down available now on our website giving you all the info you need to know! Check it out https://embodynutrition.com.au/caffeine-and-exercise-perfo/
05.01.2022 If you've been here for a while then I'm sure you have caught on with how much I love pasta - it's probably my favourite food! But I know so many people either don't tolerate pasta well (I have written before about the possibility of this being due to potion size), or feel guilty about eating it (which I hate! No one should feel guilty about eating... anything.... full stop). If you love pasta like me, or you are wanting to get back into it - there is a HUGE range of new pas...ta options on the market these days (and lots of Gluten Free for those who are Coeliac or intolerant to gluten). Our latest product review looks at some of the highest fibre and higher protein pasta options that are available in the supermarkets - check it out now! https://embodynutrition.com.au/product-review-pasta/
05.01.2022 How often do you hear absolute rubbish nutrition advice? We hear it all the time in the media but perhaps you also get it from well meaning friends and family?? "oh, your working on your health? Maybe you should try this juice detox I saw!"... "oh, you're interested in food? Me too! I'm doing (insert any diet) and it works by magically making your body fat disappear - you have to do it" "oh, you're drinking water tonight? Why don't you just loosen up a little, one night won't hurt" Sound familiar? If you have started on a journey to improve your health, you may have more knowledge or direction about nutrition than the average Joe. Appreciate that most people are only trying to help BUT... ...here are just a few ways to politely get out a conversation about food, weight, or body image that you have no desire being involved in, in the first place! 1. Change the topic of conversation - steer it towards something you feel happy to chat about with your friends and family. 2. If you feel comfortable, politely explain that you have some goals you are working towards, that they are important to you and that you would appreciate lots of support from those closest to you. 3. Excuse yourself and escape to the bathroom and hope the topic of conversation has changed when you return. Lastly, getting into a heated conversation (especially with family) is often counterproductive and can leave you feeling frustrated and upset. If you want to chat further about your journey, choose a time where everyone is relaxed and you will have the time needed to have a proper conversation. PS. if you've been thinking about starting your journey to better health, we can help you out! Take our free 3 Day Nutrition Challenge today. https://mailchi.mp/3ed983edfa52/3daynutritionchallenge
05.01.2022 What are the things that you *want* to be doing, but you're not? You want to drink more water... You want to snack on fruit instead of biscuits...... You want to move your body daily... If the things you want to do aren't happening... what are the barriers that are stopping you? These could be so small but can make a big difference once they are removed. Take the lid off your water bottle when you have it at your desk so you can drink without thinking... Have fruit cut up in your fridge so that it is easier to access and consume when you're in a hurry... Wear your active wear all day so that at any moment you can jump at the chance to move your body, without having to change... Identify the barriers + removing them = greater chance of success!! PS. if you need help with changing your eating habits, don't miss your chance to grab out Signature Nutrition and Lifestyle program before the price goes up on Sunday https://embodynutrition.com.au//signature-nutrition-lifes/
04.01.2022 Who else is an overnight oats lover? They are so quick to make and amazing if you are short on time in the morning. Plus, they taste so good!! I actually have been eating these Peanut Butter overnight oats for afternoon tea at the moment Our newest module in the Signature Nutrition and Lifestyle Program is a practical one! We walk you through meal planning and meal prep step by step and show you how to prep a week's worth of meals, including these oats. ... This will not only help to increase your skills with nutrition (making it easier to reach your goals) but also increase your confidence in the kitchen!! Registrations close tonight so this is your last chance to get on board before they shut! Click here to register https://embodynutrition.com.au//signature-nutrition-lifes/
03.01.2022 Although you have probably heard otherwise, emotional eating *can* be a completely acceptable thing to do and it can be a legitimate form of self care for some people. You heard me... emotional eating is not always a bad thing! There is only an issue.... when there's an issue! ... If eating is the ONLY way you know how to manage your emotions or the ONLY thing you do for self care, then it may be an issue for you. If emotional eating is getting in the way of your health goals, is making you feel unhappy or you feel that you do not have a good relationship with food, then it may be an issue for you. One important way to manage emotional eating is to identify the things that act as a trigger for you - this will be so different for every person. Is it boredom? Is it watching TV at night? Is it stress after a busy day? Identifying your triggers and looking for some other ways to manage these can be a really great step in conquering your emotional eating! PS. Use our free checklist for more help to identify your emotional eating triggers https://mailchi.mp/8cb3275e2643/emotionaleatingchecklist
03.01.2022 Sometimes, an effective strategy to reach your goals is to take the path of least resistance. Go about achieving them in the easiest way you know how. This way, there is far less chance that barriers are going to pop up that will stop you from doing what it is you have set out to achieve. If it is relatively easy for you, it may take a little longer, but I can assure you, it will be a lot more enjoyable and sustainable. ... 9 times out of 10 you don't need to change your entire lifestyle, or stock a whole new pantry to make positive changes to your health. If you've tried all the hard ways and find you're still stuck at square 1, maybe test out the easy way and see how it goes!! Are you a believer in the path of least resistance?? or
03.01.2022 #prioritize - focus your energy on the most important thing for you right now. This may not always be optimal nutrition or body composition and that it totally fine! You may need to focus on your mental health, managing your time, your relationships or something else all together. ... Don't feel guilty about this! You don't have to be doing things perfectly to still be doing OK and I think nutrition is a prime example of this. You can live a very healthy life without laser focusing in on your nutrition. So if it's not at the very top of your list right now - cool. Do the best you can. If and when there comes a time that you want to go deeper and look a little closer at your food, hit me up if you need some help!
01.01.2022 I had a message over the weekend from one of my awesome clients, just letting me know that it had been 150 days in a row of doing 10000 steps per day.... AMAZING RIGHT!! And what's even more amazing is that sharing and celebrating this achievement makes it even more cool - you should absolutely be celebrating your wins. It doesn't matter how big or small they may seem - if you have put the effort in to consistently work on something, then it is worth shouting it from the ro...of tops. Why?? Because not only is it great to receive positive feedback and reinforcement for your hard work, but it fuels you to continue to stick with those habits. The ones that seems small and like they are not enough but actually they are EVERYTHING! Small, consistent habits are the key to lasting and sustainable change. What wins have you had in the last week?
01.01.2022 A few things about us... Just in case you don't know, this is me - Nicola (brown hair) and Ellie (blonde hair) and we both work at Embody! We met back in 2015 when we were both teaching nutrition at the University of Wollongong (Embody was 2 years old at the time).... We both really like food - Ellie is much more of a foodie than me these days - I am very much in the 'family food' stage of life while Ellie enjoys a few more bunch outings than me (I'm laughing but I'm jealous) We have realised that modelling is definitely not going to be a back up career for either of us - so much awkward going on just to get this snap We are both Accredited Sports Dietitians and really love working in this space. Even though being accredited requires additional study and professional development on top of what's normally required by a dietitian - it is so worth it! Specifically though, we love helping active people to improve their nutrition so they can live and perform at their best. And we strive to make it EASY - because the easier it is, the more likely it is to stick PS. If you're interested in nutrition for your training, we have our 2nd free webinar landing in our FB group this week - Sports Nutrition for the Everyday Athlete! If you'd like to see it, just comment below 'Yes Please' and I'll send you the details.
01.01.2022 Every month, Ellie and I film a group coaching video in our Facebook group, where we chat through a topic and answer questions from members of the group! In this months video (dropping tomorrow), we are chatting about body image - something that we both love to chat about with our clients. For a lot of people, the way they view their body can be a big factor in determining their nutrition goals. Something we often discuss is not only ways to try and improve your body image,... but also ways to set goals that are NOT based on body composition. If you want to join us, we'd love to have you! Join here https://www.facebook.com.au/groups/embodynutrition
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