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Francesca Redden in Hobart, Tasmania | Coach

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Francesca Redden

Locality: Hobart, Tasmania

Phone: +61 400 582 872


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22.01.2022 We all have a part of Self that is whole and untouched by trauma, our . This is the part of us that can witness all the other parts of us and wrap a blanket of around them. Our Compassionate Self can hold the tender parts of us that hold pain.... . We can build our capacity to lean into uncomfortable emotions, sensations and parts of self. We begin by simply starting to name the part, sensation or emotion that is here in the body. Ahhh Grief . Ahh the Shamed One, . For if we are able to name our parts, that means we are in the . And a little bit more spaciousness opens up within to rest in the in the body that this emotion moving through is only , not all of who we are. With each drop, you slowly build the capacity of your nervous system to be with the wave of emotions flowing through your body. You might begin by imagining that Grief, for example, is knocking at the door of your heart. Your Compassionate Self may look through the peep hole, and whisper "I see you". Then, pause to bring in a resource that holds you to allow the energy a soft place to land, like wrapping yourself in a warm blanket, or drinking a warm cup of tea. The next drop may be your opening the door just a crack to Grief, saying "I see you". Then, opening the door and inviting Grief to sit in the hallway. Then over time, inviting Grief to take a seat on the couch with you around the fire, as you listen to what she wishes to share with you. Give yourself permission to , gently. to grow your Compassionate Self. Those drops then become a stream that flows. Holding all parts of you softly in my heart xx

22.01.2022 Some periods of our growth are so confusing that we don’t even recognize that growth is happening. We may feel hostile or angry or weepy.....or we may feel depressed. It would never occur to us, unless we stumbled on a book or a person who explained to us, that we were in fact in the process of change, of actually becoming larger, spiritually, than we were before. Whenever we grow, we tend to feel it, as a young seed must feel the weight and inertia of the earth as it see...ks to break out of its shell on its way to becoming a plant. Often the feeling is anything but pleasant. But what is most unpleasant is the not knowing what is happening. Those long periods when something inside ourselves seems to be waiting, holding its breath, unsure about what the next step should be, eventually become the periods we wait for, for it is in those periods that we realize that we are being prepared for the next phase of our life and that, a new level is about to be revealed. ~Alice Walker Sacred Wild Woman Medicine Artist~Shanna Trumbly

21.01.2022 Beloved hearts, how is your in this moment? Today on my sunrise walk, I took time to breathe in deeply the and to give thanks to the water spirit, mountain spirit and tree spirits that I met. Right now, the energy of Mars Retrograde is calling us into our ’/ where we face our shadow and shed old conditioning to make space for the next evolution of ourselves.... I did a sacred water ritual and earth ritual on my walk this morning as a way of honouring the old identities that I am shedding on this part of my heroine’s journey and as we enter the last weeks of this year. The last few weeks have been a deep time of inner reflection and rebirthing for me. I find sacred ritual practices woven into my day are so essential during this time on earth to create a container for all that is moving through to be metabolized and offered to the earth. What identities are you ready to shed right now? How may you all on the elementals (earth, water, fire and air) to support you to release on your heroine/hero journey? Holding in my heart all those who are not able to be in nature right now in the ways your soul longs to and sending so much love to you all xx

20.01.2022 Sometimes when you least expect it, you may feel a surge of old sorrow well up....sorrow you thought long healed. Like an unseen underground stream bursting through the finest crack of a forgotten cave. There is so much beauty when this happens.. ... Don't dismiss it but allow for these waters to flow freely, without any need for analysis. It might make little sense to the mind when the emotions of an old story resurface for a short moment in time...but the deep waters of our hearts know best. There is such beauty in feeling the rawness of our tender hearts. Don't block the sacred streams. They are the holy elixir clearing the way through the mountain range of our past stories. They keep our human hearts from hardening. ~ Saskia Tara'nahara shared by Sacred Dreams art: Golden Tears by Gustav Klimt

20.01.2022 A beautiful and important article around talking to our kids early about race by my colleague Chantal Harrison at Aunty Ask.

18.01.2022 Underneath the stories of our lives we share with words, are the . It is such powerful medicine to learn to listen to the story our bodies are sharing through the of body sensations and movements. Nervous system healing helps us to integrate our verbal narrative with our somatic narrative.... Embodiment allows us to connect heart and body wisdom with the wisdom of our mind. Our body is always talking to us and showing us the stories seeking to be shared and held, and the places within that are seeking completion through reparative healing experiences. Our is within us always, waiting to be reclaimed. Slowing down to notice the ways that our bodies are always speaking to us opens a portal to - this ancient knowing within.

18.01.2022 One day when you wake up, you will find that you have become a forest. You have grown roots and found strength in them that no one thought you had.... You have become stronger and more beautiful, full of life giving qualities. You have learned to take all the negativity around you and turn it into oxygen for easy breathing. A host of wild creatures live inside you and you call them stories. A variety of beautiful birds rest inside your mind and you call them memories. You have become an incredible self sustaining thing of epic proportions. And you should be so proud of yourself, of how far you have come from the seeds of who you used to be.~ ~Nikita Gill Shared by Sacred Dreams Xx

17.01.2022 We are being invited into an . During these times of uncertainty and dismantling our hearts are our and our . We are being called to allow our hearts to be through the pain and uncertainty. ... To keep our hearts open to ourselves and to each other and to the mystery of life. We soften into more warmth for ourselves, drop by drop, breathing this in by osmosis as we are met with embodied heart presence from another. The medicine I bring into the world is my . It has been such an exquisite and tender journey embracing my medicine. For me, as is true for so many of us, it has taken time to open to seeing and receiving them fully as my soul medicine gifts. They are the gems hidden within our sacred wounds, waiting to be alchemised and transmuted, so that they may be reclaimed and remembered as the soul blueprint they always have been. . I stand for a . For a where we live rooted in our wholehearted selves. My wish is for a world where every heart is open to themselves, to all sentient beings and to life. This morning as I connected to the soul of the container of my heart transmission I am birthing today, she felt exquisite as pure love and heart radiance. I received the image of her birthing as dandelions in my heart being gently kissed with love as they float gently into the hearts ready to receive her heart transmission, lighting up like fairy lights connecting our hearts together in this self compassion revolution. With a heart full of love I share with you Embodied Self Compassion, a 4 week self paced journey guiding you home to your heart through the heart map of embodied heart rituals and practices. Sending love from my heart to yours. xoxo

17.01.2022 Our devotion to our inner exploration of welcoming exiled parts of ourselves home ripples out backwards and forwards in time in the family field and profoundly changes our legacy. I honour all you are doing in acts of devotion of leaning in courageously to parts of you that are ready to be reunited and to return home to remember the truth of who you are, and the gateway to ancestral liberation this opens. I bow in sacred awe each time I have the honour of witnessing a Heart... Warrior leaning in to dance with their shadow and be the light bearer who allows the light of somatic awareness to softly illuminate all that is ready to be acknowledged. We carry the wisdom and resilience of our ancestors within our cells and bones and honour the path they have paved for us and the longings they held. Xx It's important to remember ourselves as the expression and extension of a long line of survivors. Our lives are but a continuation of all those who came before. In that way, their wounds are our own, in that it is up to us to make something of them. It is liberating to consider that when we heal an ancestral pattern, we are healing backwards through time, liberating all those souls who were left unresolved, unforgiven and misunderstood." - Toko-pa Turner Image: Anna Lee

16.01.2022 I you. I you. I'm right . Every part of you . All your emotions are .... As a sacred space holder and somatic trauma therapist, these are the words I say to the beloved hearts I have the honour of walking alongside in individual healing sessions an my online sacred circles. These are the words my body emanates energetically into the field as I hold a sacred space and listen to the . They are the words I wish for every heart to receive and feel in safe spaces. And these are the words that become internalised to transform their to a voice of . The words they begin slowly, drop by drop, to whisper to the young parts of themselves. And then, something profound starts to and in the physiology of the nervous system. I have witnessed the potency of how compassion can be absorbed by osmosis as a in the body, which transforms our inner voice. It fills me with each time I witness the magic of this unfolding. Growing our nurtures the right hemisphere of our brain and helps our bodies return to the safe settled part of the nervous system by releasing the care chemical, . and re-parenting the young parts of us is the medicine Mother Earth needs. She needs us to . Our bodies have an innate capacity to heal and remember our embodied wholeness. In this moment, feel me saying these words to you and notice where they land in your body. Welcoming all parts of you just as they are xx (Edit: My intuition guided me to add another heart presence phrase that I find some vital for healing to the top of the post - I'm right here with you).

16.01.2022 We each have within us an of untapped ancestral knowing waiting for us to open to receive. We can unlock this deep wisdom we carry within our blood and our bones and embody the blueprint of our soul and share the gifts we are here to share. Opening our hearts to harmonise with the heart of the earth. ... Right now, we are being called to turn our gaze deeply within and trust in the we all hold inside us. During this time of crumbling of old outdated dominator culture ways of being, we are being called to open, to deepen and to embody our wisdom Our most trusted inner guide and compass is the wisdom of our . Through our heart, we feel our soul whispering to us, guiding us home. She/they guides us to open to ourselves and to the earth so that we may return home to ourselves and to Mother Earth. Learning to understand the ways our body is talking to us in each moment, and to trust the messages she/they shares with us is integral to us opening to this collective heart awakening that Mother Earth is calling for right now. We need guides that are deeply connected to their awakened hearts that can be a clear and clean channel to hold that sacred space to support us to drop deeper into our wisdom portals, and open to receiving the gifts they hold. This is a sacred reclamation of our sovereignty and our birthright. It is our sacred homecoming. . We must use sacred discernment in who we turn to hold that sacred space as we drop deeper into embodying our heart-body-soul wisdom and come into harmony and deep alignment with the heart of the earth. I invite you to drop into your heart and body wisdom in this moment and notice any messages they are sharing with you through the channel of your sensations. May we anchor in what moves our heart and moves our soul. May we all move towards what opens our hearts to ourselves, to each other and to the earth. If you are feeling called to deepen into your innate wisdom portals, we begin our sacred journey on 15th February. It will be a sacred and intimate soul container of deepening into embodying our Heart-Body-Soul Wisdom. DM me for more details or click here to find out more. Sending so much love from my heart to yours xoxo

15.01.2022 Today I am taking time to honour the profound gift I receive from witnessing women returning home to themselves. So exquisitely magical. ... As I hold a sacred space for the divine souls in my group offerings at the moment, I feel a sacred awe at the ways they are leaning into intimacy and being seen in new ways. It moves me in the deepest part of my Being. The magic of resonance ripples out between hearts in the field woven between us when we hold a sacred witnessing of one another. So moving to co-create spaces where women support each other to rise and shine in the full luminosity of their soul. This year, I have been resting in embodied flow, listening to soul guiding me, and trusting in the organic unfolding of my offerings. My current online offering, DEEPEN Into Heart, Body & Soul Wisdom, was organically birthed from the divine souls in Heart Haven feeling called to journey deeper together. Today I pause to celebrate the ways I have leant into sacred space holding in groups the last year in deeper ways and held the part of me softly that held lifetimes of fears of public speaking. It has been a time of deepening into sacred leadership in new ways and returning home. At the moment I am creating more offerings that are close to being birthed and I will be sharing more about those soon. A special heart note to the beloved hearts who expressed interest to be on the Heart Haven waitlist - I will be sharing more soon here about all the ways to journey with me through my offerings if you feel called. I am listening deeply within to the offerings ready to be birthed. Sending love from my heart to yours xx

14.01.2022 SAVOURING CELEBRATION Celebration has often been banished to the Shadow.... She is the exiled one, who has been fragmented from the whole self, waiting to return home. If you were shamed for expressing joy as a child, this can leave trauma imprints where your body will respond to joy as being unsafe and it feels uncomfortable to let in. And if your body went into freeze responses during childhood, this impacts the capacity to feel all emotions, including joy and celebration. Celebration holds such a portal for healing and beckons to us to return to rest in our embodied pleasure and goodness, which grows our capacity to be with all of our emotions by nurturing the resilience of our nervous system. If you were not met in your expressions of joy and celebration, they can become entangled with shame and get shutdown as a way to find protection. Your capacity for celebration and joy have been shaped by the capacity of your caregivers to be with all their emotions in their own bodies. That means, we internalise the celebration/joy limits of our caregivers. Research shows that by five months old babies have internalised the emotional range of their parents based on their capacity to mirror our emotional expressions and to meet us in them. We feel that capacity, or lack of capacity, even in the womb space and contort our bodies around that. However, it is never too late to grow your capacity to feel celebration and joy. We begin by feeling one drop at a time, just enough for the body to absorb and metabolise it, so it becomes a felt sense in the body. Finding the just right amount that you can let in and stay present with in your body, then pausing to allow space for that to land so it becomes integrated and lights up new pathways inside. Like being at the oceanside and letting your toes just touch the water as the tide comes in, in the same way you can touch the edges of celebration to gently allow your body time to acclimatise and breathe this in. We are ritualistic beings who carry ancestral memories around ceremony and celebration within us. It’s an Ancestral Wisdom and Ancestral Remembering we can learn to reclaim through being held in safe spaces where we are met with warmth and resonance. Slowly leaning in to receive and savour celebration, drop by drop,is such an integral part of healing and returning home to ourselves. Call celebration in softly to allow your body space to metabolise this awakening of your ancestral remembering. As a sacred space holder, I am deeply passionate around helping women reclaim their joy and celebration. Inviting you to notice how you might breathe in and savour even one drop more of celebration today than you normally would, and then pause to allow that to settle within your cells however it does. Welcoming all parts of you right where they are and sending compassion to any tender parts of self that may be here. Xx

13.01.2022 To heal, we have to lift the armor carefully- it saved our lives, after all. You don’t trample on it, you don’t hit it with a sledgehammer. You honor its presence like a warm blanket that has kept you safe during wintry times. Never rush it, never push up against it, never demand it to drop its guard before its time. Because it knows something you don’t. In a still frightening world, armor is no less valid than vulnerability. Let it shed at its own unique pace... Jeff Brown

13.01.2022 I feel so delighted to birth my newest creation into the world today on New Year’s Eve here in Australia. My heart is so full of joy to share my next evolution of my website here with you. My heartfelt gratitude to Nikki Fern at Bliss Inventive for her creative magic and beauty in bringing my vision to life. I will do another post soon sharing my two heart offerings that I’m also launching today as part of my new website unveiling. I am coming to the end of a number 9 numerology personal year which has been all about completions and rebirthing. It feels so poignant to be birthing these projects into the world today on this last of the year as we all slow down to release and honour all the layers of the year that has been. And we pause to reflect on the parts of ourselves we met this year in new ways in this journey of the unknown. Sending love and New Year’s Eve blessings from my heart to yours as we all clear and release and complete 2020 and open to the new year to come. Xxx

13.01.2022 Now more than ever, we are being called to into connection with our innate knowing. Our bodies are the sacred gateway for us to embody our soul.... Are you ready to: into the magic of your , & . Unlock the innate wisdom that you carry within you. Feel your body opening and expanding to the infinite radiance of your soul. If you feel a whole-body yes to embodying your deepest Heart, Body & Soul Wisdom join me for my 8 week journey of soul offering, . In this intimate container for soul, we will expand into a deeper connection with your innate knowing through invoking archetypal wisdom, embodied practices, earth wisdom, somatic meditations and ritual. We will gather together in a haven for soul to support you to live earthed in embodied soul wisdom in the full magnificence of your soul. Each week we will embark on a somatic exploration of activating a new feminine archetypal wisdom aspect that will support you to awaken and embody this strength within you. Our experience includes: Weekly 90 minute Sacred Circle Soul gatherings on zoom with embodied wisdom practices. Weekly 30 minute soul activation calls Intimate soul container on FB private group We begin this intimate journey communing with soul on . There are limited spaces to allow for an intimate soul container. I’m so excited to be birthing this next incarnation of her in this magical potency. If your soul is ready to and co-create magic together find out more here or PM me for more details. Xoxo Ps to all those divine souls who have been waiting for my next round of Heart Haven, I am being guided by soul to share my sacred Deepen container right now and other soul legacy offerings which are landing in me. I invite you to explore the Deepen page and allow your body to guide you around what feels most aligned.

13.01.2022 Hi beloved ones. We have all been in a time of rebirthing and evolution this year with all the changes that have unfolded. As we celebrate the Solstice today, and the auspicious conjunction of Jupiter meeting with Saturn in Aquarius, it is a time of deep heart opening and opening to new possibilities to reimagine a new earth. ... Today I felt called to spend time connecting with the water and air spirits to nourish my heart and listen to the earth’s song. This year has been an initiation for us all into surrendering to the unknown. We are still now being invited into surrendering into the mystery as old outdated systems crumble for us to open into more heart-centred, sustainable and inclusive ways of being with each other and with Mother Earth. My heart is with everyone who is experiencing lockdown increases during this holiday time. Today I called on the air spirit as I breathed in ocean medicine to support me to surrender with a wild and open heart as I take my next leap into the unknown, guided by soul. From the beginning of 2021 I will no longer be working as a trauma therapist or somatic counsellor. My soul has been calling me to focus on sacred leadership through Mentoring and Soul Guidance for womxn to alchemise their wounds into their sacred legacy gifts. I will be weaving in embodiment, nervous system healing, soul retrieval, energy and soul medicine practices to support pain patterns to complete from the body within a different context in mentoring. I will be opening up a limited amount of places for 1:1 Somatic Alchemy Mentorship Packages for a 6-month journey in an intimate and sacred container to support womxn on their soul rebirthing journeys. Holding sacred circle spaces in online group offerings will also be a big part of my focus, including my 8 week DEEPEN online course and my 6-month Immersion for which I will be sharing details soon. Today, I close the door to this incredible chapter of my life with deep awe and sacred gratitude for the honour of walking alongside so many beautiful hearts in this way. My heart is forever changed by the beauty and sacredness of this journey. And I open the door to this new space with soul guiding me to embody my Sacred Leadership as a Mentor and Soul Guide my heart full of love and awe for all that is to come. Beloved one, as you feel into the leaps your soul has been guiding you to make, feel me reaching out my hand to yours as we meet the mystery in even deeper ways and open our hearts to quantum possibilities during this dawning of the Age of Aquarius. Sending solstice blessings to you. My whole heart is with you. xoxo

12.01.2022 We are deeply and . We carry the of ritual and ceremony deep in our bones and our blood. This time on earth is calling us to - . To return home to ourselves even more deeply as we embody our earth medicine and inner Medicine Woman/Man and Wise Woman/Man self.... The earth is calling us back home. Mother Nature beckons us to slow down in reverence and devotion with her. Re-remembering our ancestral wisdom is a sweet and tender journey of resting in the truth of what we already know. There is nothing we need to effort or do, it is more a softening into our body/heart/soul wisdom within. Sacred grief rituals are so essential right now as a way to create a container to support our personal and collective grief to be metabolised. I feel profoundly honoured to witness the re-remembering of rituals by the beautiful souls I walk alongside in personal sessions and my group offerings. I wanted to share a recent grief mandala offering I made to Mother Earth to honour my personal grief around the endings I have experienced trhis year, as well as the collective grief at this time. I made my mandala in my garden and each item from Mother Earth was selected with reverence and asking sacred permission. Each item was chosen symbolically for how it represents parts of my journey. Mother Earth and our ancestors so appreciate us making our grief as an offering of love to them. It is powerful way to tend with reverence to our ancestors and Mother Earth. Inviting you to notice what sensations you feel in your body as you breathe in my grief mandala, and if any parts of you feel a re-remembering within you of what you have always known. Holding you softly in my heart as you honour your grief xx

12.01.2022 During the total Solar Eclipse, New Moon in Cancer and Solstice we are being invited to re-mother ourselves and tend to our hearts. May we remember our heart medicine during this time compassion and warmth.... As we softly welcome all parts of ourselves, making space for them to be here. We can call on the divine Mother Archetype to grow and nurture our inner mother. Imagine your inner mother wrapping a blanket of love and warmth around every part of you, allowing them to return home. Tend lovingly to the inner garden of your heart and nurture a heart haven where these parts of you can rest and be cradled and cherished. This is a time where many emotions are surfacing from our shadows to be met and held with warmth, and when old conditioning is arising to be transmuted as we remember the truth of who we are. Remember compassion is both soft and fierce. We need a soft heart that is anchored in fierce love and healthy boundaries of knowing where we end and where the other person begins. As we birth a new world we need embodied compassion that is rooted in healthy boundaries so that our hearts can stay open as we meet our shadows. Holding you in my heart and sending compassion and love to all parts of you xxx

11.01.2022 Trauma events happen too fast and too quickly for our bodies to process the experience. Fight, Flight and Freeze are the body's response to being overwhelmed.... One of the most foundational parts of healing trauma is learning to notice when our nervous systems are speeding up, into Fight Flight, or disconnecting into Freeze. When we stop to notice and name what state our nervous system is in, we are inviting the in, which creates more space in our bodies to , rather than react. If we can pause and to something that feels good and pleasurable, it helps our nervous systems return to the safe and settled part of us, to our equilibrium. We can bring in resources that hold us and support us, which are what Deb Dana calls . creates a soft place for our nervous systems to land and helps to metabolise the energy moving through the body. Every time we return to this safe settled part after an activation in the nervous system, we build our resilience. We grow our capacity to stay present with the range of emotions that move through our body and to lean into what feels uncomfortable. Feeling little bits at a time, known as , is so essential to creating space and flow in our systems. When body memories get awoken, you can often feel stuck in child parts who are frozen in the eternal present moment of the trauma memory. Inviting our in by noticing sensations and bringing in resources which hold us creates a reparative experience for the child parts to let them know that this time they have a choice. Moving between what feels unpleasant and pleasant, known as , helps our body metabolise energy and to return to what feels safe, or safe enough. We all carry the blueprint for E W within our DNA as an ancestral knowing. Reminding young parts that they can choose to feel little bits at a time creates a reparative experience that supports our bodies to re-remember our blueprint. Sometimes this might mean orienting to a resource that feels one drop less unsafe, neutral or "safe enough". Drop by drop, we can rewire our pathways and remember our blueprint. Invoke and honour that your body is doing the best it can. Survival responses are imprints of what happened to us. When we find safe people to accompany us on our healing journeys, those imprints become portals that guide us back to remember our Embodied Wholeness. Sending compassion to all parts of you xx See more

11.01.2022 During the Solstice I am honouring the importance of the Shadow Work we are all being called to embrace right now. The Eclipse season lifts the veils to reveal the shadow both personally as well as collectively. It is a time on earth where we are being called to be Heart Warriors who meet our shadow and allow the fragmented and exiled parts of self to return home....Continue reading

08.01.2022 Listen to what your . Invite yourself to drop into a deeper kind of listening.... A where you can tap into the information your body is always sharing with you. . Take a . Ask yourself, " , ?" And then listen. Within that space, a possibility opens for you to begin to sense into your ' to move - to feel how . The movement comes from within your deepest knowing and . You might sense an impulse to move your legs or arms, or to turn your head and neck to turn to look around your space. Your body will guide you the more you pause and practice this somatic listening and noticing your sensations. We can practice growing the muscle of following our impulses by noticing when we feel hungry, tired or thirsty and honouring those impulses straight away. Following our body impulses helps us to and is vital part of healing trauma and allowing the body to share its story. Following our body impulses helps us to reconnect with our and . is so vital for nurturing a more and world where we can can connect with our hearts and bodies. What is your body sharing with you right now? Notice if your body is wanting to move in any way, following any that you have. We can start small, , to build the capacity in our and our connection to our body wisdom. Each moment is a portal to . Sending love from my heart to yours xx

05.01.2022 Feeling profoundly moved today connecting to the words of Resmaa Menakem, and a deep soul resonance with all he expresses through his Somatic Abolitioninsm work to nurture a body-based form of liberation and restoration. In a recent interview Resmaa said: "Trauma is not destiny.... And that’s where the is. . And when we heal our trauma, we stop the cycle. ". As Archbishop Desmond Tutu expressed: "My humanity is bound up in yours, for we can only be human together." Tending to our hearts and bodies is integral to cultivating this body-based form of liberation #anti-racism #somaticabolitionism #healingintergenerationaltrauma #traumainformedtherapist #embodiment #blacklivesmatter #unpackyourprivilege

05.01.2022 For thousands of years we have gathered in circle... around fires, around bodies, around altars...because we can't do this alone.... ~Wayne Muller Art | Marianne Millar Resharing from Midwives of the Soul

04.01.2022 Quote by Sacred Dreams

03.01.2022 Our , and live on within each of us, always ready to return home. It is never too late for young parts to receive what was missed through reparative healing experiences.... Even if attachment interruptions happened, the Embryo, Baby and Child within us are always waiting to be accompanied to complete innate impulses. and will seek present-day experiences that support completion and allow us to remember our . When we experience these reparative moments with safe space holders our physiology shifts as neural nets reconnect. Our fascia softens as the body completes movements that got thwarted back then, which ripples out as into the family constellation, forever changing the legacy. This can show up in the most ways. Recently, whilst holding space for a dear heart, a precious impulse arose for a young part of her to be hummed to, and we flowed with honouring the beauty of that need. After our session, her baby son started spontaneously humming for the first time, sensing this shift within her, and they hummed together in a sweet moment of connection. (This divine heart gave her permission for me to share). Often people notice changes in their relationships after a is met in new ways and completes, or loved ones notice they feel different, or their child mirrors back the healing piece that was integrated. When a young part returns home, a profound visceral shift happens as the . Often words cannot capture this experience. It’s a wordless space of being in a new pathway, which my dear teacher Kathy Kain calls . Our bodies have such a potent l and the possibility for young parts to receive healing lives on within us . Sending warmth to all parts of you, especially any young parts of self xx

02.01.2022 What you? ... What people, spaces, practices or presences, both , do you lean into for comfort and support as a ? Is it a friend, an animal friend, trees, forest folk, your special place in nature, music, helping spirits or perhaps your ancestors? ancing at is one of the heart resources that hold me. I use my dance as a - a dancing prayer to and a practice for to connect with my radiant ancestors. As a way to connect to the in the everyday moments and call in support from unseen helpers to access ancestral wisdom. , even a few minutes, is a powerful way to listen to the story our bodies want to express through intuitive movement. to that which holds us is an essential pathway to nurturing our . Right now, is a time to . To lean into those people, spaces, presences - both the seen and unseen helpers. To breathe in the and the goodness that surrounds us on Earth, one drop at a time. Resourcing to moments of beauty nourishes our heart and bodies. This is the sacred path of lovingly as E. It brings us back home to ourselves and lets us rest in the safe and settled part of our nervous systems. We can resource throughout our day. During moments our bodies are in the stress responses of fight, flight, freeze or fawn, we can come back into the warmth of a resource that supports us. Each time we do that we are growing the and in our . Inviting you to notice what holds you today and to breathe that in, noticing the sensations that you feel in your body as you this resource.

02.01.2022 Beloved hearts during this time on earth, our hearts are opening and we are being called to follow our deepest heart knowing and wisdom. I am holding you all in my heart, especially those moving through increased lockdowns over this holiday time.... As a heart gift to you, I am sharing my Embodied Heart Resourcing audio here with you. My wish is for you to breathe this heart resource in as a way to nurture your inner community of resources that are a soft place to land for you. Sending blessings to you from my heart to yours. May you find moments of beauty, stillness, softness, connection, peace, nourishment and nurturing. Sending love xoxo

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