Emerald Awakenings | Alternative & holistic health service
Emerald Awakenings
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25.01.2022 https://www.gaia.com/share/ckf0dh1ir00eh0jqs94nx5htw
24.01.2022 #funny 2020 - we all shining like friggin diamonds Have a great day lovelies
24.01.2022 What event interests you? Please go to our page and click on the events if any of these call to you. Chakra Intensive has been discounted by $111.00 so you can... take this course and start healing your life. 21 Day Reset is $21.00 and at just $1 a day will help you move through these times rejuvenated, realigned and reset. Level 2 Personal Development and Psychic Awareness dives deeper into understanding your body, mind and spirit. What is calling you??? See more
23.01.2022 We will be running our 21 Day Reset again in August. If you are feeling down, lost, discouraged or just out of sorts this 21 Days will help you get yourself together to move on. Contact us for any details or questions you may have.
22.01.2022 I loved when the Wisteria blossomed at the lake house I lived at on the edge of Lake Taupo, NZ. It was such a magical place. #mothernature #laketaupo #healing #magical #energy #soulful #lighthousesouljourneys #emeraldawakenings
21.01.2022 You stand here at a crossroad. At a bridge that goes across a chasm. And the chasm again, is the chasm of known to unknown. -Kryon Circle ...Of Twelve Healing Wednesday September 9, 2020 #kryon #chasm #magneticmaster See more
20.01.2022 A little bit goes a long way
19.01.2022 Great news! We have discounted our Chakra Intensive by $111.00 and are doing it online due to isolation from Covid. If you are ready to dive deep into the Chakras and start to heal your life then this is the perfect time to start. A nine week course built to move you through an understanding of your Chakras. Read the details by clicking the link or contact us for information.... See more
19.01.2022 https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=2582898578407692&id=100000627245797
19.01.2022 We are a contrast of all there is. I'm not all sugar and spice and all things nice. Sometimes I can be all raging and destructive. In the breaking down, in the dismantling, there is a gift, a treasure, an insight into the depths, the core of something. And in this truly is a gift, a new understanding, a new beginning to rise up and create from a different place of being.... ~Tracy~ See more
19.01.2022 In her book Caliban and the Witch, Silvia Federici makes a direct connection between the persecution of women and the rise of capitalism. She explains how the... witch-hunt occurred simultaneously with the colonization and extermination of the populations of the New World, the English enclosures, [and] the beginning of the slave trade. Previously, women had significant economic independence through their trades and practices, as well as power in female community and belonging, but during this gruesome period women were turned into servants of the male work force where women’s bodies, their labor, their sexual and reproductive powers were placed under the control of the state and transformed into economic resources. The casualties of the centuries-long witch hunt were of course physical, turning hundreds of thousands of children into orphans, pitting villagers against each other, evicting peasants from their common lands and livelihoods. But perhaps most devastating to us all is the loss of an ancient feminine legacy. This lost network of feminine systems of knowledge and practices is so vast, you could say we are living only half a life without it. Though this unclaimed legacy has countless iterations, some of which are just recently finding their way back into cultural esteem, like midwifery and natural medicine, at their core they have a common uniting origin: nature. The feminine is in direct conversation with that which joins us to all living beings. It is the mystical path that turns us to our own senses, and to the living world around us for guidance and collaboration. We need no mediating authority to grant us permission or tell us how to heal or bring life into the world, because there is a greater authority, a vital impulse which is flowing through each of us at all times. And it is our network, our combined wisdom and experience, our dedication to belonging to one another, which is our true source of power. Excerpt from Belonging: Remembering Ourselves Home by Toko-pa Turner (belongingbook.com)
19.01.2022 As many of you know, I follow Stoic philosophy and have done for a long time now. I find the tenents of Stoicism very useful in my life and have given me a sens...e of calm and usefulness. It is also find it a very complimentary philosophy to the pagan pathway. So today, I thought I would share a few ideas of Stoicism that you might find useful right now. 1. We have no control over anything but our Selves. This is a biggie and possibly has had the most massive impact on my life. We often think we have control over everything and we go crazy trying to control everything when this is actually an impossibility. You especially have no control over others. Really. Even kids will get around you. So, a good way to get a feel for this is to think of a problem or an issue you have and get a peice of paper and draw a line down the middle. Head up one side with "I have no control over..." and the second "I have control over..." So break down the issue or problem only by these two categories. You will very quickly find that you were worrying about things you cannot control (RIDICULOUS) and not focussing enough on the things you can control (ALSO RIDICULOUS). So leave the stuff you cannot control alone and instead focus your effort, to the best of your ability, on the stuff you can. Believe me, you'll have enough to do and what you'll do will feel like a miracle in the way it moves you towards what you want. Again, focus ONLY on what you have control over. If you are an over thinker or someone with anxiety, this one is for you. 2. We have a duty to be civic minded. The Stoics had a series of virtues or values. One was the idea that to be a person of the highest calibre that taking care of others in your society was a given. In fact, it was a duty of being human. It actually made you human. We know that archeologists often measure the sophistication of a society or even whether the humans were of a higher consciousnes, by whether there is evidence that the people looked after others who were less able to survive. For example: If there were evidence of a badly broken leg that had healed over time in a prehistoric skeleton, we know that someone had to have fed this person and kept them alive. They didn't leave this human to die but helped them, over time, to recover. Not be centred just on oneself but the betterment of all society is a Stoic high virtue that we would well look at now. And let's also not forget the Stoics lived through plague themselves- they knew that all relied on each other to get through. 3. Feel what you feel in real time When I tell people I am a Stoic, they have this stereotype that it means I don't (or Stoics didn't) feel emotion. This is totally incorrect. The Stoics encouraged us to recognise and process (feel) emotions in real time and to not add further drama or craziness to them. Seneca, a famous Stoic, said: "It is better to conquer grief than to decieve it". This means it's better to feel grief fully and move through it thus eventually conquering it, than to pretend it isn't happening and try and bury it. It takes courage to do this. Sitting with our emotions and feeling them, experiencing them, soothing them without acting out, eventually allowing them to transform eventually into other more enjoyable emotions, is a very beautiful and healing thing to do. Big love to all (((radiate calm)))) You are of the highest calibre- act like it.
16.01.2022 It's been a time of having nothing to say, an emptyness, observing, witnessing. Sitting in empty presence after a time of what has felt like the world has been bombarding my very being with its words and images. It felt good to tune out of the outer world and tune into the inner world to reconnect to that quiet space within, to sit in empty presence.... Let yourself rest, Be kind to yourself. Much Love
16.01.2022 An attitude of gratitude
15.01.2022 Natural Gold Crystal with Clear Recordkeeper Markings.(Triangles on Left side) With the simple purpose of ‘The Solar Angel’ in reference to Gold’s ability to a...nchor and link the Soul Star Chakra and all its functions regarding the Soul to the body imagine for a moment the Records we may find in here if we are ready. #KeysToTheUniverse #TheDivineMasculine See more
15.01.2022 Venus Of Love In Dreamy Pisces Venus, the planet of love, is entering its exalted sign Pisces on February 25th, bringing positive, supportive energies for rel...ationships and money-making initiatives. Venus represents the feminine energy of grace, beauty, charm, comforts, luxuries, and art. When Venus is in Pisces, it is at the peak of its strength, making it a very appropriate time to set right relationship, and money matters with the help of the Venusian energy. The power of love invigorates us, brings in a higher intelligence, lightens burdens, and attracts others to you. Romantic Venus finds a very happy home in the dreamy sign of Pisces. Planet of Love first enters the sign of the fish, kicking off a beautiful transit that stretches through March 20th. Venus loves to be in the fluid watery sign, as it will allow your heart to expand and dive into new depths. Love and generosity have no limits, which will make your feelings and confidence feel unconditional. Venus is associated with love, money, dating, relationships, marriages, and even pregnancy. She rules over pleasure, and anything that feels good, including our environment and even home. What you love and how is Venus's territory. If Venus becomes very weak, then life becomes very difficult, particularly in terms of enjoyment of life on the earth plane. You can improve your relationships through the appropriate propitiation So, it is important that we make use of this present time of Venus in Pisces. Pisces is associated with qualities such as forgiveness, compassion, and unconditional love. Pisces teaches us how to conclude cycles and accept the impermanence of life on this plane while inspiring us to become aware of our connection to the timeless and eternal realms, where nothing ever really ends or begins as every ending contains a rebirth. Venus in Pisces invites us to follow our hearts and our intuition. Sexually, emotionally, and spiritually, how deep are you willing to go with your partner? Venus in Pisces encourages you to release any toxic situationships from your past, and instead welcome unconditional love and tantalizing sex that quenches your thirst with ease. The journey of the Sun through Pisces, lasting until March 20th, shines a light on our connection with the collective emotional body and with the Universe itself. Pisces season is about surrender and acceptance. We are now encouraged to trust Divine Intelligence and to consciously apply spiritual principles in our daily lives. Pisces has been associated with the pineal gland- 3rdEye and considered the seat of intuition and psychic abilities in several spiritual and esoteric traditions. The pineal gland produces melatonin, the substance that regulates our sleep and wake cycles: as the Sun travels through the sign of the Fish, the most sensitive people amongst us may notice differences in their circadian rhythms. Venus in Pisces combined with Pisces season will surface many deeply rooted emotional sensitivities and hidden truths. As the twelfth sign of the zodiac, Pisces energy reveals what we need to release in order to completely transform ourselves and embark on new beginnings. Venus in Pisces is here to remind you that you are worthy of the love that you’ve been seeking to manifest. With a little patience and strict emotional boundaries, you’re one step closer to achieving your dreams (yes, including those dreams). Anything is possible this month. Enjoy, love!. Pisces is the best possible place for the Planet of Love. "In this compassionate, intuitive sign, Venus is able to bestow all kinds of gifts our way, not only in love, but for all kinds of relationships," It's a great time to strengthen your bond with romantic partners and platonic friends alike. So, Venus in Pisces means that this transit is going to have us all searching not just for the love that means the most to us, but the one that seems to hold a higher purpose. Venus in Pisces can also tend to be a more emotional transit. Pisces is represented by two fish who are in constant circular motion symbolizing the depth of feelings. Venus in a water sign can also make anything that we’ve been trying not to feel come to the surface as well. Venus in Pisces helps us to end the astrological year well. Aries Season on March 21st in synchronicity with the Vernal Equinox, and Venus's exit from Pisces into Aries. This is the cusp that bridges both endings, beginnings, and the realization that love truly does make everything better as long as it really is love. Venus "holds the unique power of mending, merging, and uniting everything that she touches." So if your love life has gotten off on the wrong foot in 2021, or some other relationship in your life is in need of some extra TLC, this is when you'll want to put really put the work in to see meaningful results. The best thing you can do while Venus is in Pisces is to be open and honest about your true feelings. Best time to tap into your heart chakra. This transit is a positive one. Embrace love, stay true to your feelings and heart. Let love and intuition be your guide. -Comprised From Various Sources-
14.01.2022 We are a beautiful meadow of different wild flowers that make up a wonderful landscape. Each bringing our own uniqueness to the field. Keep on Blooming in your own unique way. #shine #unique #bloom #healing #energy #emeraldawakenings #lighthousesouljourneys #janetpeacefulconnections #chakraintensive
12.01.2022 Absolutely amazing!!!!!
12.01.2022 One for you Leisa
11.01.2022 Throwback Thursday Sunset over Lake Taupo
11.01.2022 Our Chakra Intensive is due to start again on August 17th we would love to journey with you through each of the 7 main chakras and the Earth Star, Soul Star & H...igher Heart Chakras during this 9 week course. Previous participants said this course was "life changing", "they didn't want to miss a week", "activation meditations and exercises were amazing" and "healing was profound". Click on event for more information.
11.01.2022 If you are thinking of doing our Chakra Intensive please note it now starts on Monday 24th August at 7.30pm. FYI - the discounted price is a one off so it’s a great time to do it. Payment plans are available
11.01.2022 Today's crystal is Chrysoprase, the simple purpose is Fearless Movement. Animal totem - Deer. Essential oil - Fennel.... Chemical composition - Silicon Dioxide trace Nickel. Affirmation - "I Fearlessly take action, I am Love, Wisdom and Power" Keywords - Fearless Movement, Action Time, Communication Between Heart, Solar Plexus and Crown Chakras, Spiritual Purpose. Ehwaz . Magnolia Flower. Understanding of Life Cycles, Forgiveness, Acceptance, Uncharted Waters in Life, Master Djwhal Khul. Lord Master Lanto. Body Card Placement - Mainly Heart and Solar Plexus Chakras. Chrysoprase can be placed in the room or under the pillow of a child with nightmares or troubled sleep. Meditation with this card can allow you to see which parts of life you need to take action with. Color Rays - 44% Yellow, 44% Green and 12% White. All information from- The Liquid Crystal Oracle, By Justin Moikeha Asar @blueangelpublishing @llewellynbooks #theliquidcrystals #jmasar #theliquidcrystaloracle #blueangelpublishing #crystalessence #wellbeing #naturehealing #justinmoikehaasar #crystalalchemy #atlantian #atlantianwisdom #newatlantis #childrenofthelight #crystalchild #crystalchildren #emotions #earthhealer #crystals #minerals #crystalmagic #futuremedicine #futurehealth #pleiadian #naturalhealing #naturopathe #naturopathicmedicine #healing #chrysoprase #deer #fearless See more
10.01.2022 ‘Osirian Rise’ -JMA 2020 - AHR Ruby - Neptunite - Aurichalcite what a Trinity. The more you look the clearer it will be. #Asar #JMAsar #JMA #starart #crystalline #crystals #theliquidcrystals #thestarchilddirectives #starchild #starchildren #osiris
09.01.2022 Wisdom right here...
09.01.2022 In the end we all become stories in the memory of those who know us. Each person we know will have their own version of that story based on our experiences together. The important thing is that you choose to live and create your own story, you choose the words, the sentences, the paragraphs, the chapters and when it is time to close the book, smile knowing that you lived your life and wrote your story...
09.01.2022 Notice we are reconfiguring or recalibrating our perception and experience of reality. This is tuning into the developmental spectrum of human consciousness or... awakening to cosmic consciousness. As one realizes one embodies male and female energies, a unification of polarities recalibrates perceived reality. To feel the totality of divine consciousness enables quantum shifts. Different people look at the same cloud or light and see things based on their dominant vibration or state of recalibration. Pay attention to energetic systems being activated or coming on -line. What registers energetically is changing. See more
08.01.2022 It's ok to be angry, it's how you express it that counts...
08.01.2022 We have the power within us. There is a soft clear voice of clarity within, take time each day to sit and listen to what she/he has to say. You maybe surprised at what you hear. Have a blessed day
07.01.2022 From The Liquid Crystals to go with the below post ... A very Good and Important Post from JMA back in 2016. Of course, when working in any Modality including TLC regarding Depression, a holistic approach should always be employed, including all the relevant Counselling services to keep as much personal honesty present as possible. Personal Truth is a Key on the path through any Darker Condition.
06.01.2022 I love how the natural world gives you very clear messages. Yesterday whilst in the gorgeous Cataract Gorge in Launceston there were Peacocks everywhere and their message was loud and clear. As a Liquid Crystal practitioner I always look to see what Liquid Crystal animals are linked to. I have been working through and sitting with grief, and in The Liquid Crystals Peacock is the animal totem for Peach Calcite, which is a great stone for grief. So a perfect message from Peac...ock . Peach Calcite combined with Manganite even better. Peach Calcite's simple purpose is Harmonize. Affirmation;- "Power and Love Unite, I am Harmony, my Sound is Infinite" Keywords - Harmonize, Unconditional Love/Personal Power Balance, Old Emotional Patterns, Stress, Addiction, Unite the Parts, Angelic Messengers, Threefold Flame, Service, Bones, Lord Maitreya. All information from- The Liquid Crystal Oracle, By Justin Moikeha Asar Blue Angel Publishing Llewellyn Worldwide #theliquidcrystals #peachcalcite #grief #peacocks #cataractgorge #Launceston #healing #energy #naturesgifts #nature #emeraldawakenings #janetpeacefulconnections #lighthousesouljourneys
05.01.2022 TO THE WOMAN WHO IS SLOWLY FADING AWAY To the woman who has lost her spark. To the woman whose get up and go, has well and truly gone. This is for you.... This is to remind you whose daughter you are. This is to remind you, that you don’t have to be everything to everyone, every day. You didn’t sign up for that. Remember when you used to laugh? Sing? Throw caution to the wind? Remember when you used to forgive yourself more quickly for not always being perfect. You can get that back again. You really can. And that doesn’t have to mean letting people down or walking away. It just means being kinder to you, feeling brave enough to say no sometimes. Being brave enough to stop sometimes. And rest. It starts the moment you realise that you’re not quite who you used to be. Some of that is good, some of that is not. There are parts of you that need to be brought back. And if anyone in your life is not okay with that they are not your people. Your people will be glad to see that spark starting to light up again. So, if you have been slowly fading away my friend, this is the time to start saying yes to things that bring you joy and no to things that don’t. It’s really pretty simple. ~Donna Ashworth https://ladiespassiton.com/ Nicole Sacred Wild Woman Medicine Photo Credit ~ Unknown
05.01.2022 The difference between fitting in and belonging is that fitting in, by its very definition, is to parcel off our wholeness in exchange for acceptance. Excerpt from Belonging: Remembering Ourselves Home by Toko-pa Turner (belongingbook.com)
05.01.2022 Today's crystal is Bloodstone, the simple purpose is Purification. Animal totem - Hummingbird. Essential oil - Cedarwood (Himalayan). ... Chemical composition - Silicon Dioxide and Iron Dioxide. Affirmation - "I am Pure, spirit is my Guide" Keywords - Purification, Revitalisation, Renewal, Stabilisation, Blood, Boring and Mundane Life. The First Initiation Towards Ascension (Physical Mastery). Magnolia Flower. Heart and Circulatory System, Lady Maat (Egyptian Goddess). Mayan Indian Contact Stone. Body Card Placement - Mainly Heart and Base Chakras. Color Rays - 45% Green, 35% Red, 10% Blue and 10% Black. All information from- The Liquid Crystal Oracle, By Justin Moikeha Asar @blueangelpublishing @llewellynbooks #theliquidcrystals #jmasar #theliquidcrystaloracle #blueangelpublishing #crystalessence #wellbeing #naturehealing #justinmoikehaasar #crystalalchemy #atlantian #atlantianwisdom #newatlantis #childrenofthelight #crystalchild #crystalchildren #emotions #earthhealer #crystals #minerals #crystalmagic #futuremedicine #futurehealth #pleiadian #naturalhealing #naturopathicmedicine #Bloodstone #Hummingbird #Purification #maat See more
04.01.2022 All unique from the same source
04.01.2022 Love this. I love watching clips of cymatics, the sound waves creating sacred geometric shapes.
02.01.2022 For anyone in Sydney, this event may interest you. https://m.facebook.com//1607617/permalink/383094579785207/
01.01.2022 Today's crystal is Sulphur, the simple purpose is Physical Radiance. Animal totem - Lion. Essential oil - Citronella.... Chemical composition - Sulphur. Affirmation;- "I am power, I am the force, I have the strength to let my mind run it's course" Keywords - Physical Radiance, Strength, Power, Fire, Heat, Fire Elementals. Sunflowers. Solar Plexus Energy, Self Love, The Color Yellow, Anger and Rage. Body Card Placement - Sulphur mainly works on the Solar Plexus Chakra, over the Physical Heart or in the Power Hand (the hand you write with). Sulphur will empower candles which are lit for a defined intention. Try carving the Sulphur symbol into them, repeating your intention, before lighting them. Color Rays - 95% Yellow and 5% Orange All information from- The Liquid Crystal Oracle, By Justin Moikeha Asar @blueangelpublishing @llewellynbooks #theliquidcrystals #jmasar #theliquidcrystaloracle #blueangelpublishing #crystalessence #wellbeing #naturehealing #justinmoikehaasar #crystalalchemy #atlantian #atlantianwisdom #newatlantis #childrenofthelight #crystalchild #crystalchildren #emotions #earthhealer #crystals #minerals #crystalmagic #futuremedicine #futurehealth #pleiadian #naturalhealing #naturopathe #naturopathicmedicine #physicalbeauty #radiance #sulphur See more
01.01.2022 What are the quality of your thoughts about yourself? Are they loving? Are they kind? Are they true? Are they compassionate? How do you speak to yourself? How do you treat yourself? Do you treat yourself as you would treat your beloved, your best friend, your child? ... Remember that you deserve to be treated with love, kindness, compassion and to be held in loving embrace and esteem of the beautiful person that you are. Much love
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